xPaw 13 years ago
commit 53cae06b12

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
PHP SourceQuery
### Description
This class was created to query servers that use 'Source Query' protocol, for games like HL1, HL2, The Ship, SiN 1, Rag Doll Kung Fu and more.
This also works for **Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3**, as it uses Source Query protocol as well.
You can find protocol specifications here: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries
### Usage
You can find easy examples on how to use it in `Test.php` file, or just run `view.php`
### Functions
Open connection to a server: `Connect( $IP, $Port );`
Close connection: `Disconnect( );`
Set rcon password for future use: `SetRconPassword( $RconPassword );`
Execute Rcon command: `Rcon( $Command );`
### License
> *This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.<br>
> To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/*

@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
class SourceQueryException extends Exception
// Exception thrown by SourceQuery class
class SourceQuery
* Class written by xPaw
* Website: http://xpaw.ru
* GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class
* Special thanks to koraktor for his awesome Steam Condenser class,
* I used it as a refference at some points.
// Engines
const GOLDSOURCE = 0;
const SOURCE = 1;
// Packets Ending
const A2S_PING = 0x69;
const A2S_GETCHALLENGE = 0x57; // Doesn't work
const A2S_INFO = 0x54;
const A2S_PLAYER = 0x55;
const A2S_RULES = 0x56;
// Packets Receiving
const S2A_PING = 0x6A;
const S2A_CHALLENGE = 0x41;
const S2A_INFO = 0x49;
const S2A_INFO_OLD = 0x6D; // Old GoldSource, HLTV uses it
const S2A_PLAYER = 0x44;
const S2A_RULES = 0x45;
const S2A_RCON = 0x6C;
// Source Rcon Sending
// Source Rcon Receiving
private $Rcon;
private $Buffer;
private $Socket;
private $Connected;
private $Challenge;
public function __construct( )
$this->Buffer = new SourceQueryBuffer( );
$this->Socket = new SourceQuerySocket( $this->Buffer );
$this->Rcon = new SourceQueryRcon( $this->Buffer, $this->Socket );
public function __destruct( )
$this->Disconnect( );
public function Connect( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout = 3, $Engine = -1 )
$this->Disconnect( );
$this->Buffer->Reset( );
$this->Challenge = 0;
if( $Engine == -1 )
$Engine = self :: SOURCE;
Trigger_Error( 'You should pass $Engine variable to Connect(), defaulting to Source.' );
if( !$this->Socket->Open( $Ip, (int)$Port, (int)$Timeout, (int)$Engine ) )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'Can\'t connect to the server.' );
$this->Connected = true;
public function Disconnect( )
$this->Connected = false;
$this->Socket->Close( );
$this->Rcon->Close( );
public function Ping( )
if( !$this->Connected )
return false;
$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PING );
$this->Socket->Read( );
return $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == self :: S2A_PING;
public function GetInfo( )
if( !$this->Connected )
return false;
$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_INFO, "Source Engine Query\0" );
$this->Socket->Read( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
// Old GoldSource protocol, HLTV still uses it
if( $Type == self :: S2A_INFO_OLD && $this->Socket->Engine == self :: GOLDSOURCE )
// If we try to read data again, and we get the result with type S2A_INFO (0x49)
// That means this server is running dproto,
// Because it sends answer for both protocols
$Server[ 'Address' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'HostName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'Map' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'ModDir' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'ModDesc' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'Players' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'Protocol' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'Dedicated' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
$Server[ 'Os' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
$Server[ 'Password' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
$Server[ 'IsMod' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
if( $Server[ 'IsMod' ] )
$Mod[ 'Url' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Mod[ 'Download' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$this->Buffer->Get( 1 ); // NULL byte
$Mod[ 'Version' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Mod[ 'Size' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Mod[ 'ServerSide' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
$Mod[ 'CustomDLL' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
$Server[ 'Secure' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
$Server[ 'Bots' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
if( isset( $Mod ) )
$Server[ 'Mod' ] = $Mod;
return $Server;
if( $Type != self :: S2A_INFO )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetInfo: Packet header mismatch. (' . $Type . ')' );
$Server[ 'Protocol' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'HostName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'Map' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'ModDir' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'ModDesc' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Server[ 'AppID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
$Server[ 'Players' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'Bots' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'Dedicated' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
$Server[ 'Os' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
$Server[ 'Password' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
$Server[ 'Secure' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
// The Ship
if( $Server[ 'AppID' ] == 2400 )
$Server[ 'GameMode' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'WitnessCount' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'WitnessTime' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$Server[ 'Version' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
// Extra Data Flags
if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
$Flags = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
// The server's game port
if( $Flags & 0x80 )
$Server[ 'GamePort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
// The server's SteamID - does this serve any purpose?
if( $Flags & 0x10 )
$Server[ 'ServerID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) | ( $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) << 32 );
// The spectator port and then the spectator server name
if( $Flags & 0x40 )
$Server[ 'SpecPort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
$Server[ 'SpecName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
// The game tag data string for the server
if( $Flags & 0x20 )
$Server[ 'GameTags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
// 0x01 - The server's 64-bit GameID
return $Server;
public function GetPlayers( )
if( !$this->Connected || !$this->GetChallenge( ) )
return false;
$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PLAYER, $this->GetChallenge( ) );
$this->Socket->Read( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
if( $Type != self :: S2A_PLAYER )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetPlayers: Packet header mismatch. (' . $Type . ')' );
$Players = Array( );
$Count = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
$Player[ 'Id' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); // PlayerID, is it just always 0?
$Player[ 'Name' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Player[ 'Frags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Player[ 'Time' ] = (int)$this->Buffer->GetFloat( );
$Player[ 'TimeF' ] = GMDate( ( $Player[ 'Time' ] > 3600 ? "H:i:s" : "i:s" ), $Player[ 'Time' ] );
$Players[ ] = $Player;
return $Players;
public function GetRules( )
if( !$this->Connected || !$this->GetChallenge( ) )
return false;
$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_RULES, $this->GetChallenge( ) );
$this->Socket->Read( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
if( $Type != self :: S2A_RULES )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetRules: Packet header mismatch. (' . $Type . ')' );
$Rules = Array( );
$Count = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
$Rule = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Value = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
if( !Empty( $Rule ) )
$Rules[ $Rule ] = $Value;
return $Rules;
private function GetChallenge( )
if( $this->Challenge )
return $this->Challenge;
// A2S_GETCHALLENGE is broken
$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PLAYER, 0xFFFFFFFF );
$this->Socket->Read( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
if( $Type != self :: S2A_CHALLENGE )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetChallenge: Packet header mismatch. (' . $Type . ')' );
// Let's keep it raw, instead of reading as long
$this->Challenge = $this->Buffer->Get( 4 );
return $this->Challenge;
public function SetRconPassword( $Password )
if( !$this->Connected )
return false;
$this->Rcon->Open( );
return $this->Rcon->Authorize( $Password );
public function Rcon( $Command )
if( !$this->Connected )
return false;
return $this->Rcon->Command( $Command );
class SourceQuerySocket
public $Socket;
public $Engine;
public $Ip;
public $Port;
public $Timeout;
private $Buffer;
public function __construct( $Buffer )
$this->Buffer = $Buffer;
public function Close( )
if( $this->Socket )
FClose( $this->Socket );
$this->Socket = null;
public function Open( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout, $Engine )
$this->Timeout = $Timeout;
$this->Engine = $Engine;
$this->Port = $Port;
$this->Ip = $Ip;
if( !( $this->Socket = FSockOpen( 'udp://' . $Ip, $Port ) ) )
return false;
Socket_Set_TimeOut( $this->Socket, $Timeout );
return true;
public function Write( $Header, $String = '' )
$Command = Pack( 'ccccca*', 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, $Header, $String );
$Length = StrLen( $Command );
return $Length === FWrite( $this->Socket, $Command, $Length );
public function Read( $Length = 1400 )
$this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->Socket, $Length ) );
if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 && $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) == -2 )
$Packets = Array( );
$IsCompressed = false;
$ReadMore = false;
$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
switch( $this->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
$PacketCountAndNumber = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$PacketCount = $PacketCountAndNumber & 0xF;
$PacketNumber = $PacketCountAndNumber >> 4;
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
$IsCompressed = ( $RequestID & 0x80000000 ) != 0;
$PacketCount = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$PacketNumber = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) + 1;
if( $IsCompressed )
$this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // Split size
$PacketChecksum = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( );
$this->Buffer->GetShort( ); // Split size
$Packets[ $PacketNumber ] = $this->Buffer->Get( );
$ReadMore = $PacketCount > sizeof( $Packets );
while( $ReadMore && $this->Sherlock( $Length ) );
$Buffer = Implode( $Packets );
// TODO: Test this
if( $IsCompressed )
$Data = bzdecompress( $Data );
if( CRC32( $Data ) != $PacketChecksum )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'CRC32 checksum mismatch of uncompressed packet data.' );
$this->Buffer->Set( SubStr( $Buffer, 4 ) );
private function Sherlock( $Length )
$Data = FRead( $this->Socket, $Length );
if( StrLen( $Data ) < 4 )
return false;
$this->Buffer->Set( $Data );
return $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) == -2;
class SourceQueryRcon
private $Buffer;
private $Socket;
private $RconSocket;
private $RconPassword;
private $RconRequestId;
private $RconChallenge;
public function __construct( $Buffer, $Socket )
$this->Buffer = $Buffer;
$this->Socket = $Socket;
public function Close( )
if( $this->RconSocket )
FClose( $this->RconSocket );
$this->RconSocket = null;
$this->RconChallenge = 0;
$this->RconRequestId = 0;
$this->RconPassword = 0;
public function Open( )
if( !$this->RconSocket && $this->Socket->Engine == SourceQuery :: SOURCE )
if( !( $this->RconSocket = FSockOpen( $this->Socket->Ip, $this->Socket->Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, $this->Socket->Timeout ) ) )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'Can\'t connect to RCON server: ' . $ErrStr );
Socket_Set_TimeOut( $this->RconSocket, $this->Socket->Timeout );
public function Write( $Header, $String = '' )
switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
$Command = Pack( 'cccca*', 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, $String );
$Length = StrLen( $Command );
return $Length === FWrite( $this->Socket->Socket, $Command, $Length );
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
// Pack the packet together
$Command = Pack( 'VV', ++$this->RequestId, $Header ) . $String . "\x00\x00\x00";
// Prepend packet length
$Command = Pack( 'V', StrLen( $Command ) ) . $Command;
$Length = StrLen( $Command );
return $Length === FWrite( $this->RconSocket, $Command, $Length );
public function Read( $Length = 1400 )
switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
// GoldSource RCON has same structure as Query
$this->Socket->Read( );
if( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) != SourceQuery :: S2A_RCON )
return false;
$Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( );
$Trimmed = Trim( $Buffer );
if( $Trimmed == 'Bad rcon_password.'
|| $Trimmed == 'You have been banned from this server.' )
throw new SourceQueryException( $Trimmed );
$ReadMore = false;
// There is no indentifier of the end, so we just need to continue reading
// TODO: Needs to be looked again, it causes timeouts
$this->Socket->Read( );
$ReadMore = $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 && $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == SourceQuery :: S2A_RCON;
if( $ReadMore )
$Packet = $this->Buffer->Get( );
$Buffer .= SubStr( $Packet, 0, -2 );
// Let's assume if this packet is not long enough, there are no more after this one
$ReadMore = StrLen( $Packet ) > 1000; // use 1300?
while( $ReadMore );
$this->Buffer->Set( Trim( $Buffer ) );
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
$this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->RconSocket, $Length ) );
$Buffer = "";
$PacketSize = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Buffer .= $this->Buffer->Get( );
// TODO: multi packet reading
$this->Buffer->Set( $Buffer );
public function Command( $Command )
if( !$this->RconChallenge )
return false;
$Buffer = false;
switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
$this->Write( 0, 'rcon ' . $this->RconChallenge . ' "' . $this->RconPassword . '" ' . $Command . "\0" );
$this->Read( );
$Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( );
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
$this->Write( SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, $Command );
$this->Read( );
$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
if( $Type == SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'Bad rcon_password.' );
else if( $Type != SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE )
return false;
// TODO: It should use GetString, but there are no null bytes at the end, why?
// $Buffer = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
$Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( );
return $Buffer;
public function Authorize( $Password )
$this->RconPassword = $Password;
switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
$this->Write( 0, 'challenge rcon' );
$this->Socket->Read( );
if( $this->Buffer->Get( 14 ) != 'challenge rcon' )
return false;
$this->RconChallenge = Trim( $this->Buffer->Get( ) );
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
$this->Write( SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH, $Password );
$this->Read( );
$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
// If we receive SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE, then we need to read again
// More info: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol#Additional_Comments
if( $Type == SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE )
$this->Read( );
$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
$Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
if( $RequestID == -1 || $Type != SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'RCON authorization failed.' );
$this->RconChallenge = 1;
return true;
class SourceQueryBuffer
private $Buffer;
private $Length;
private $Position;
public function Set( $Buffer )
$this->Buffer = $Buffer;
$this->Length = StrLen( $Buffer );
$this->Position = 0;
return true;
public function Reset( )
$this->Buffer = "";
$this->Length = 0;
$this->Position = 0;
public function Remaining( )
return $this->Length - $this->Position;
public function Get( $Length = -1 )
if( $Length == 0 )
// Why even bother
return "";
$Remaining = $this->Remaining( );
if( $Length == -1 )
$Length = $Remaining;
else if( $Length > $Remaining )
return false;
$Data = SubStr( $this->Buffer, $this->Position, $Length );
$this->Position += $Length;
return $Data;
public function GetByte( )
return Ord( $this->Get( 1 ) );
public function GetShort( )
$Data = UnPack( 'v', $this->Get( 2 ) );
return $Data[ 1 ];
public function GetLong( )
$Data = UnPack( 'l', $this->Get( 4 ) );
return $Data[ 1 ];
public function GetFloat( )
$Data = UnPack( 'f', $this->Get( 4 ) );
return $Data[ 1 ];
public function GetUnsignedLong( )
$Data = UnPack( 'V', $this->Get( 4 ) );
return $Data[ 1 ];
public function GetString( )
$ZeroBytePosition = StrPos( $this->Buffer, "\0", $this->Position );
if( $ZeroBytePosition === false )
$String = "";
$String = $this->Get( $ZeroBytePosition - $this->Position );
return $String;

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
require __DIR__ . '/SourceQuery.class.php';
// Edit this ->
define( 'SQ_SERVER_ADDR', 'tf.animuservers.ru' );
define( 'SQ_SERVER_PORT', 27015 );
define( 'SQ_TIMEOUT', 1 );
define( 'SQ_ENGINE', SourceQuery :: SOURCE );
// Edit this <-
$Timer = MicroTime( True );
$Query = new SourceQuery( );
$Info = Array( );
$Rules = Array( );
$Players = Array( );
$Info = $Query->GetInfo( );
$Players = $Query->GetPlayers( );
$Rules = $Query->GetRules( );
catch( SourceQueryException $e )
$Error = $e->getMessage( );
$Query->Disconnect( );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Source Query PHP Class</title>
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<style type="text/css">
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<div class="page-header">
<h1>Source Query PHP Class</h1>
<?php if( isset( $Error ) ): ?>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<h4 class="alert-heading">Exception:</h4>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $Error ); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="span6">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th colspan="2">Server info</th>
<?php foreach( $Info as $InfoKey => $InfoValue ): ?>
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $InfoKey ); ?></td>
if( Is_Array( $InfoValue ) )
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $InfoValue );
echo "</pre>";
echo htmlspecialchars( $InfoValue );
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="span6">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<?php if( !Empty( $Players ) ): ?>
<?php foreach( $Players as $Player ): ?>
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $Player[ 'Name' ] ); ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<td>No players in da house!</td>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
<th colspan="2">Rules</th>
<?php foreach( $Rules as $Rule => $Value ): ?>
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $Rule ); ?></td>
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $Value ); ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<p class="pull-right">Generated in <span class="badge badge-success"><?php echo Number_Format( ( MicroTime( True ) - $Timer ), 4, '.', '' ); ?>s</span></p>
<p>Written by <a href="http://xpaw.ru" target="_blank">xPaw</a></p>
<p>Code licensed under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-SA 3.0</a></p>
<p>Sourcecode available on <a href="https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class" target="_blank">GitHub</a></p>