'<p>Please update your PHP installation and try again.</p>';
showError($title, $text);
showError($title, $text);
if (!function_exists("utf8_encode")) {
if (!function_exists("utf8_encode")) {
$title = 'Required function "utf8_encode" is missing';
$text = '<p>Required PHP extension: <code>mbstring</code> has not been found on the server.</p>
if (!extension_loaded("json")) {
<p>For PHP 7.0 (recommended), install this package: <code>sudo apt-get install php-xml php7.0-xml</code> and <u>restart apache</u>. Otherwise, installation instructions can be found <ahref="https://www.google.com/?q=Call%20to%20undefined%20function%20utf8_encode()">on Google</a> ;)</p>
<p>If you are using Web Hosting service, please contact the Hosting support for instruction on enabling needed packages.</p>';
$text = '<p>Required PHP extension <code>' . $extension_name . '</code> is missing or is not loaded.</p>
<p>Install it and restart your server. Usually running <code>sudo apt-get install php-' . $extension_name . '</code> should be enough.<br>
<p>If you still get this error, try restarting your web server and <code>php-fpm</code> service or just reboot your machine</p>
<p>If you are using Web Hosting service, please contact their support for instructions on enabling <code>' . $extension_name . '</code> extension</p>';