Upgrade to v1.4.2

Alexis A. 5 years ago
parent 6199f4cd9c
commit e9dc38f970

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[13],{1040:function(e,t,a){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var n=m(a(41)),r=m(a(0)),l=m(a(1)),i=m(a(11)),s=a(19),o=function(e){if(e&&e.__esModule)return e;var t={};if(null!=e)for(var a in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,a)&&(t[a]=e[a]);return t.default=e,t}(a(516)),u=m(a(5)),p=a(4);function m(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}t.default=(0,i.default)({displayName:"ImportE2eKeysDialog",propTypes:{matrixClient:l.default.instanceOf(s.MatrixClient).isRequired,onFinished:l.default.func.isRequired},getInitialState:function(){return{enableSubmit:!1,phase:1,errStr:null}},componentWillMount:function(){this._unmounted=!1},componentWillUnmount:function(){this._unmounted=!0},_onFormChange:function(e){var t=this.refs.file.files||[];this.setState({enableSubmit:""!==this.refs.passphrase.value&&t.length>0})},_onFormSubmit:function(e){return e.preventDefault(),this._startImport(this.refs.file.files[0],this.refs.passphrase.value),!1},_startImport:function(e,t){var a=this;return this.setState({errStr:null,phase:2}),function(e){return new n.default((function(t,a){var n=new FileReader;n.onload=function(e){t(e.target.result)},n.onerror=a,n.readAsArrayBuffer(e)}))}(e).then((function(e){return o.decryptMegolmKeyFile(e,t)})).then((function(e){return a.props.matrixClient.importRoomKeys(JSON.parse(e))})).then((function(){a.props.onFinished(!0)})).catch((function(e){if(console.error("Error importing e2e keys:",e),!a._unmounted){var t=e.friendlyText||(0,p._t)("Unknown error");a.setState({errStr:t,phase:1})}}))},_onCancelClick:function(e){return e.preventDefault(),this.props.onFinished(!1),!1},render:function(){var e=u.default.getComponent("views.dialogs.BaseDialog"),t=1!==this.state.phase;return r.default.createElement(e,{className:"mx_importE2eKeysDialog",onFinished:this.props.onFinished,title:(0,p._t)("Import room keys")},r.default.createElement("form",{onSubmit:this._onFormSubmit},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_content"},r.default.createElement("p",null,(0,p._t)("This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.")),r.default.createElement("p",null,(0,p._t)("The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.")),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"error"},this.state.errStr),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputTable"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputRow"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputLabel"},r.default.createElement("label",{htmlFor:"importFile"},(0,p._t)("File to import"))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputCell"},r.default.createElement("input",{ref:"file",id:"importFile",type:"file",autoFocus:!0,onChange:this._onFormChange,disabled:t}))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputRow"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputLabel"},r.default.createElement("label",{htmlFor:"passphrase"},(0,p._t)("Enter passphrase"))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputCell"},r.default.createElement("input",{ref:"passphrase",id:"passphrase",size:"64",type:"password",onChange:this._onFormChange,disabled:t}))))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_buttons"},r.default.createElement("input",{className:"mx_Dialog_primary",type:"submit",value:(0,p._t)("Import"),disabled:!this.state.enableSubmit||t}),r.default.createElement("button",{onClick:this._onCancelClick,disabled:t},(0,p._t)("Cancel")))))}}),e.exports=t.default}}]);
//# sourceMappingURL=13.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=15.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=14.js.map //# sourceMappingURL=16.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[5],{520:function(e,t,n){"use strict";var l=a(n(41)),r=a(n(11)),i=a(n(1)),c=n(4);function a(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}var o=n(0),d=n(5),u=n(10);e.exports=(0,r.default)({displayName:"EncryptedEventDialog",propTypes:{event:i.default.object.isRequired,onFinished:i.default.func.isRequired},getInitialState:function(){return{device:null}},componentWillMount:function(){var e=this;this._unmounted=!1;var t=u.get();this.refreshDevice().then((function(n){return n||t.downloadKeys([e.props.event.getSender()],!0).then((function(){return e.refreshDevice()}))})).then((function(n){e._unmounted||(e.setState({device:n}),t.on("deviceVerificationChanged",e.onDeviceVerificationChanged))}),(function(e){console.log("Error downloading devices",e)}))},componentWillUnmount:function(){this._unmounted=!0;var e=u.get();e&&e.removeListener("deviceVerificationChanged",this.onDeviceVerificationChanged)},refreshDevice:function(){return l.default.resolve(u.get().getEventSenderDeviceInfo(this.props.event))},onDeviceVerificationChanged:function(e,t){var n=this;e==this.props.event.getSender()&&this.refreshDevice().then((function(e){n.setState({device:e})}))},onKeyDown:function(e){27===e.keyCode&&(e.stopPropagation(),e.preventDefault(),this.props.onFinished(!1))},_renderDeviceInfo:function(){var e=this.state.device;if(!e)return o.createElement("i",null,(0,c._t)("unknown device"));var t=o.createElement("b",null,(0,c._t)("NOT verified"));return e.isBlocked()?t=o.createElement("b",null,(0,c._t)("Blacklisted")):e.isVerified()&&(t=(0,c._t)("verified")),o.createElement("table",null,o.createElement("tbody",null,o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Name")),o.createElement("td",null,e.getDisplayName())),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Device ID")),o.createElement("td",null,o.createElement("code",null,e.deviceId))),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Verification")),o.createElement("td",null,t)),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Ed25519 fingerprint")),o.createElement("td",null,o.createElement("code",null,e.getFingerprint())))))},_renderEventInfo:function(){var e=this.props.event;return o.createElement("table",null,o.createElement("tbody",null,o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("User ID")),o.createElement("td",null,e.getSender())),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Curve25519 identity key")),o.createElement("td",null,o.createElement("code",null,e.getSenderKey()||o.createElement("i",null,(0,c._t)("none"))))),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key")),o.createElement("td",null,o.createElement("code",null,e.getKeysClaimed().ed25519||o.createElement("i",null,(0,c._t)("none"))))),o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Algorithm")),o.createElement("td",null,e.getWireContent().algorithm||o.createElement("i",null,(0,c._t)("unencrypted")))),"m.bad.encrypted"===e.getContent().msgtype?o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Decryption error")),o.createElement("td",null,e.getContent().body)):null,o.createElement("tr",null,o.createElement("td",null,(0,c._t)("Session ID")),o.createElement("td",null,o.createElement("code",null,e.getWireContent().session_id||o.createElement("i",null,(0,c._t)("none")))))))},render:function(){var e=d.getComponent("elements.DeviceVerifyButtons"),t=null;return this.state.device&&(t=o.createElement(e,{device:this.state.device,userId:this.props.event.getSender()})),o.createElement("div",{className:"mx_EncryptedEventDialog",onKeyDown:this.onKeyDown},o.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_title"},(0,c._t)("End-to-end encryption information")),o.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_content"},o.createElement("h4",null,(0,c._t)("Event information")),this._renderEventInfo(),o.createElement("h4",null,(0,c._t)("Sender device information")),this._renderDeviceInfo()),o.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_buttons"},o.createElement("button",{className:"mx_Dialog_primary",onClick:this.props.onFinished,autoFocus:!0},(0,c._t)("OK")),t))}})}}]);
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@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ github.com style (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>
font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
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/** /**
* Draft v0.11.0-beta2 * Draft v0.11.1
* *
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* *

@ -1 +1 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2389)}({2389:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-dark-custom.js.map

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACE,IAAIA,EAAmB,GAGvB,SAASC,EAAoBC,GAG5B,GAAGF,EAAiBE,GACnB,OAAOF,EAAiBE,GAAUC,QAGnC,IAAIC,EAASJ,EAAiBE,GAAY,CACzCG,EAAGH,EACHI,GAAG,EACHH,QAAS,IAUV,OANAI,EAAQL,GAAUM,KAAKJ,EAAOD,QAASC,EAAQA,EAAOD,QAASF,GAG/DG,EAAOE,GAAI,EAGJF,EAAOD,QAKfF,EAAoBQ,EAAIF,EAGxBN,EAAoBS,EAAIV,EAGxBC,EAAoBU,EAAI,SAASR,EAASS,EAAMC,GAC3CZ,EAAoBa,EAAEX,EAASS,IAClCG,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASS,EAAM,CAAEK,YAAY,EAAMC,IAAKL,KAKhEZ,EAAoBkB,EAAI,SAAShB,GACX,oBAAXiB,QAA0BA,OAAOC,aAC1CN,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASiB,OAAOC,YAAa,CAAEC,MAAO,WAE7DP,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAAS,aAAc,CAAEmB,OAAO,KAQvDrB,EAAoBsB,EAAI,SAASD,EAAOE,GAEvC,GADU,EAAPA,IAAUF,EAAQrB,EAAoBqB,IAC/B,EAAPE,EAAU,OAAOF,EACpB,GAAW,EAAPE,GAA8B,iBAAVF,GAAsBA,GAASA,EAAMG,WAAY,OAAOH,EAChF,IAAII,EAAKX,OAAOY,OAAO,MAGvB,GAFA1B,EAAoBkB,EAAEO,GACtBX,OAAOC,eAAeU,EAAI,UAAW,CAAET,YAAY,EAAMK,MAAOA,IACtD,EAAPE,GAA4B,iBAATF,EAAmB,IAAI,IAAIM,KAAON,EAAOrB,EAAoBU,EAAEe,EAAIE,EAAK,SAASA,GAAO,OAAON,EAAMM,IAAQC,KAAK,KAAMD,IAC9I,OAAOF,GAIRzB,EAAoB6B,EAAI,SAAS1B,GAChC,IAAIS,EAAST,GAAUA,EAAOqB,WAC7B,WAAwB,OAAOrB,EAAgB,SAC/C,WAA8B,OAAOA,GAEtC,OADAH,EAAoBU,EAAEE,EAAQ,IAAKA,GAC5BA,GAIRZ,EAAoBa,EAAI,SAASiB,EAAQC,GAAY,OAAOjB,OAAOkB,UAAUC,eAAe1B,KAAKuB,EAAQC,IAGzG/B,EAAoBkC,EAAI,GAIjBlC,EAAoBA,EAAoBmC,EAAI,M","file":"bundles/a6f8076a857e57b3741a/theme-dark-custom.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2389);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","file":"bundles/e9b8313cd5591059cfdc/theme-dark.css","sourceRoot":""} {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","file":"bundles/a6f8076a857e57b3741a/theme-dark.css","sourceRoot":""}

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2488)}({2488:function(e,t){}}); !function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2387)}({2387:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-dark.js.map //# sourceMappingURL=theme-dark.js.map

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACE,IAAIA,EAAmB,GAGvB,SAASC,EAAoBC,GAG5B,GAAGF,EAAiBE,GACnB,OAAOF,EAAiBE,GAAUC,QAGnC,IAAIC,EAASJ,EAAiBE,GAAY,CACzCG,EAAGH,EACHI,GAAG,EACHH,QAAS,IAUV,OANAI,EAAQL,GAAUM,KAAKJ,EAAOD,QAASC,EAAQA,EAAOD,QAASF,GAG/DG,EAAOE,GAAI,EAGJF,EAAOD,QAKfF,EAAoBQ,EAAIF,EAGxBN,EAAoBS,EAAIV,EAGxBC,EAAoBU,EAAI,SAASR,EAASS,EAAMC,GAC3CZ,EAAoBa,EAAEX,EAASS,IAClCG,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASS,EAAM,CAAEK,YAAY,EAAMC,IAAKL,KAKhEZ,EAAoBkB,EAAI,SAAShB,GACX,oBAAXiB,QAA0BA,OAAOC,aAC1CN,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASiB,OAAOC,YAAa,CAAEC,MAAO,WAE7DP,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAAS,aAAc,CAAEmB,OAAO,KAQvDrB,EAAoBsB,EAAI,SAASD,EAAOE,GAEvC,GADU,EAAPA,IAAUF,EAAQrB,EAAoBqB,IAC/B,EAAPE,EAAU,OAAOF,EACpB,GAAW,EAAPE,GAA8B,iBAAVF,GAAsBA,GAASA,EAAMG,WAAY,OAAOH,EAChF,IAAII,EAAKX,OAAOY,OAAO,MAGvB,GAFA1B,EAAoBkB,EAAEO,GACtBX,OAAOC,eAAeU,EAAI,UAAW,CAAET,YAAY,EAAMK,MAAOA,IACtD,EAAPE,GAA4B,iBAATF,EAAmB,IAAI,IAAIM,KAAON,EAAOrB,EAAoBU,EAAEe,EAAIE,EAAK,SAASA,GAAO,OAAON,EAAMM,IAAQC,KAAK,KAAMD,IAC9I,OAAOF,GAIRzB,EAAoB6B,EAAI,SAAS1B,GAChC,IAAIS,EAAST,GAAUA,EAAOqB,WAC7B,WAAwB,OAAOrB,EAAgB,SAC/C,WAA8B,OAAOA,GAEtC,OADAH,EAAoBU,EAAEE,EAAQ,IAAKA,GAC5BA,GAIRZ,EAAoBa,EAAI,SAASiB,EAAQC,GAAY,OAAOjB,OAAOkB,UAAUC,eAAe1B,KAAKuB,EAAQC,IAGzG/B,EAAoBkC,EAAI,GAIjBlC,EAAoBA,EAAoBmC,EAAI,M","file":"bundles/a6f8076a857e57b3741a/theme-dark.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2387);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2388)}({2388:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-light-custom.js.map

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACE,IAAIA,EAAmB,GAGvB,SAASC,EAAoBC,GAG5B,GAAGF,EAAiBE,GACnB,OAAOF,EAAiBE,GAAUC,QAGnC,IAAIC,EAASJ,EAAiBE,GAAY,CACzCG,EAAGH,EACHI,GAAG,EACHH,QAAS,IAUV,OANAI,EAAQL,GAAUM,KAAKJ,EAAOD,QAASC,EAAQA,EAAOD,QAASF,GAG/DG,EAAOE,GAAI,EAGJF,EAAOD,QAKfF,EAAoBQ,EAAIF,EAGxBN,EAAoBS,EAAIV,EAGxBC,EAAoBU,EAAI,SAASR,EAASS,EAAMC,GAC3CZ,EAAoBa,EAAEX,EAASS,IAClCG,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASS,EAAM,CAAEK,YAAY,EAAMC,IAAKL,KAKhEZ,EAAoBkB,EAAI,SAAShB,GACX,oBAAXiB,QAA0BA,OAAOC,aAC1CN,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAASiB,OAAOC,YAAa,CAAEC,MAAO,WAE7DP,OAAOC,eAAeb,EAAS,aAAc,CAAEmB,OAAO,KAQvDrB,EAAoBsB,EAAI,SAASD,EAAOE,GAEvC,GADU,EAAPA,IAAUF,EAAQrB,EAAoBqB,IAC/B,EAAPE,EAAU,OAAOF,EACpB,GAAW,EAAPE,GAA8B,iBAAVF,GAAsBA,GAASA,EAAMG,WAAY,OAAOH,EAChF,IAAII,EAAKX,OAAOY,OAAO,MAGvB,GAFA1B,EAAoBkB,EAAEO,GACtBX,OAAOC,eAAeU,EAAI,UAAW,CAAET,YAAY,EAAMK,MAAOA,IACtD,EAAPE,GAA4B,iBAATF,EAAmB,IAAI,IAAIM,KAAON,EAAOrB,EAAoBU,EAAEe,EAAIE,EAAK,SAASA,GAAO,OAAON,EAAMM,IAAQC,KAAK,KAAMD,IAC9I,OAAOF,GAIRzB,EAAoB6B,EAAI,SAAS1B,GAChC,IAAIS,EAAST,GAAUA,EAAOqB,WAC7B,WAAwB,OAAOrB,EAAgB,SAC/C,WAA8B,OAAOA,GAEtC,OADAH,EAAoBU,EAAEE,EAAQ,IAAKA,GAC5BA,GAIRZ,EAAoBa,EAAI,SAASiB,EAAQC,GAAY,OAAOjB,OAAOkB,UAAUC,eAAe1B,KAAKuB,EAAQC,IAGzG/B,EAAoBkC,EAAI,GAIjBlC,EAAoBA,EAAoBmC,EAAI,M","file":"bundles/a6f8076a857e57b3741a/theme-light-custom.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2388);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=theme-light.js.map //# sourceMappingURL=theme-light.js.map

@ -0,0 +1 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,EAAA,GAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,GAAA,CACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,QAAA,IAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,EAAA,CAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,YAAA,CAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/e9b8313cd5591059cfdc/theme-dark.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2488);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,EAAA,GAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,GAAA,CACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,QAAA,IAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,EAAA,CAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,YAAA,CAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/e9b8313cd5591059cfdc/theme-light.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2411);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"base_url": "https://vector.im" "base_url": "https://vector.im"
} }
}, },
"disable_identity_server": false,
"disable_custom_urls": false, "disable_custom_urls": false,
"disable_guests": false, "disable_guests": false,
"disable_login_language_selector": false, "disable_login_language_selector": false,
@ -16,15 +15,22 @@
"brand": "Riot", "brand": "Riot",
"integrations_ui_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/", "integrations_ui_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/",
"integrations_rest_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/api", "integrations_rest_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/api",
"integrations_widgets_urls": [
"integrations_jitsi_widget_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/api/widgets/jitsi.html", "integrations_jitsi_widget_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/api/widgets/jitsi.html",
"bug_report_endpoint_url": "https://riot.im/bugreports/submit", "bug_report_endpoint_url": "https://riot.im/bugreports/submit",
"defaultCountryCode": "GB", "defaultCountryCode": "GB",
"showLabsSettings": false, "showLabsSettings": false,
"features": { "features": {
"feature_groups": "labs",
"feature_pinning": "labs", "feature_pinning": "labs",
"feature_reactions": "labs", "feature_custom_status": "labs",
"feature_message_editing": "labs" "feature_custom_tags": "labs",
"feature_state_counters": "labs"
}, },
"default_federate": true, "default_federate": true,
"default_theme": "light", "default_theme": "light",

@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
"All Rooms": "Във всички стаи", "All Rooms": "Във всички стаи",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink> or <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> for the best experience.": "Моля, инсталирайте <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink> или <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> за най-добро преживяване.", "Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink> or <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> for the best experience.": "Моля, инсталирайте <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink> или <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> за най-добро преживяване.",
"Wednesday": "Сряда", "Wednesday": "Сряда",
"Quote": "Цитирай", "Quote": "Цитат",
"Send logs": "Изпращане на логове", "Send logs": "Изпращане на логове",
"All messages": "Всички съобщения", "All messages": "Всички съобщения",
"Call invitation": "Покана за разговор", "Call invitation": "Покана за разговор",
@ -1835,7 +1835,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Ключът за възстановяване дава допълнителна сигурност - може да го използвате за да възстановите достъпа до шифрованите съобщения, в случай че забравите паролата.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Ключът за възстановяване дава допълнителна сигурност - може да го използвате за да възстановите достъпа до шифрованите съобщения, в случай че забравите паролата.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Пазете ключът за възстановяване на много сигурно място, например в password manager програма или сейф", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Пазете ключът за възстановяване на много сигурно място, например в password manager програма или сейф",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Прави се резервно копие на ключовете Ви (първото копие може да отнеме няколко минути).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Прави се резервно копие на ключовете Ви (първото копие може да отнеме няколко минути).",
"Okay": "Добре",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Защитете резервното копие с парола", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Защитете резервното копие с парола",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Потвърдете паролата", "Confirm your passphrase": "Потвърдете паролата",
"Recovery key": "Ключ за възстановяване", "Recovery key": "Ключ за възстановяване",
@ -1864,7 +1863,7 @@
"A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Потребителското име може да съдържа само малки букви, цифри и '=_-./'", "A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Потребителското име може да съдържа само малки букви, цифри и '=_-./'",
"Share Permalink": "Сподели Permalink", "Share Permalink": "Сподели Permalink",
"Sign in to your Matrix account": "Влизане във Вашият Matrix акаунт", "Sign in to your Matrix account": "Влизане във Вашият Matrix акаунт",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Влизане във Вашият %(serverName)s Matrix акаунт", "Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Влизане във Вашия %(serverName)s Matrix акаунт",
"Create your Matrix account": "Създаване на Matrix акаунт", "Create your Matrix account": "Създаване на Matrix акаунт",
"Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Създаване на Matrix акаунт в %(serverName)s", "Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Създаване на Matrix акаунт в %(serverName)s",
"Could not load user profile": "Неуспешно зареждане на потребителския профил", "Could not load user profile": "Неуспешно зареждане на потребителския профил",
@ -2101,6 +2100,186 @@
"other": "%(oneUser)sне направи промени %(count)s пъти", "other": "%(oneUser)sне направи промени %(count)s пъти",
"one": "%(oneUser)sне направи промени" "one": "%(oneUser)sне направи промени"
}, },
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Променя снимката ви във всички стаи",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Моля, кажете ни какво се обърка, или още по-добре - създайте проблем в GitHub обясняващ ситуацията.",
"Removing…": "Премахване…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Изчистване на всички данни от това устройство?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Изчистването на всички данни от устройството е необратимо. Шифрованите съобщения ще бъдат загубени, освен ако не е било направено резервно копие на ключовете.",
"Clear all data": "Изчисти всички данни",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Не изглежда сървърът ви да поддържа тази функция.",
"Resend edit": "Изпрати наново корекцията",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Изпрати наново %(unsentCount)s реакция(и)",
"Resend removal": "Изпрати наново премахването",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Неуспешна повторна автентикация поради проблем със сървъра",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Неуспешна повторна автентикация",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Възвърнете си достъпа до профила и възстановете ключовете за шифроване съхранени на това устройство. Без тях няма да можете да четете защитени съобщения на кое да е устройство.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Въведете паролата си за да влезете и да възстановите достъп до профила.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Забравили сте си паролата?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Влез и възвърни достъп до профила.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Не можете да влезете в профила си. Свържете се с администратора на сървъра за повече информация.",
"You're signed out": "Излязохте от профила",
"Clear personal data": "Изчисти личните данни",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Внимание: личните ви данни (включително ключове за шифроване) все още се съхраняват на това устройство. Изчистете, ако сте приключили с използването на това устройство или искате да влезете в друг профил.",
"Identity Server": "Сървър за самоличност",
"Integrations Manager": "Мениджър на интеграциите",
"Find others by phone or email": "Открийте други по телефон или имейл",
"Be found by phone or email": "Бъдете открит по телефон или имейл",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Използвайте ботове, връзки с други мрежи, приспособления и стикери",
"Terms of Service": "Условия за ползване",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "За да продължите е необходимо да приемете условията за ползване на тази услуга.",
"Service": "Услуга",
"Summary": "Обобщение",
"Terms": "Условия",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Този акаунт е деактивиран.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Неуспешен разговор поради неправилно конфигуриран сървър",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Попитайте администратора на сървъра ви (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) да конфигурира TURN сървър, за да може разговорите да работят надеждно.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Като алтернатива, може да използвате публичния сървър <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, но той не е толкова надежден, а и IP адресът ви ще бъде споделен с него. Може да управлявате това в Настройки.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Опитай turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Неуспешно започване на чат",
"Messages": "Съобщения",
"Actions": "Действия",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Показва списък с команди, начин на използване и описания",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Позволи ползването на помощен сървър turn.matrix.org когато сървъра не предложи собствен (IP адресът ви ще бъде споделен по време на разговор)",
"ID": "Идентификатор",
"Public Name": "Публично име",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Адресът на сървъра за самоличност трябва да бъде HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Невалиден сървър за самоличност (статус код %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Неуспешна връзка със сървъра за самоличност",
"Checking server": "Проверка на сървъра",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Сървъра за самоличност няма условия за ползване",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Избраният от вас сървър за самоличност няма условия за ползване на услугата.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Продължете, само ако вярвате на собственика на сървъра.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Условията за ползване не бяха приети или сървъра за самоличност е невалиден.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "В момента споделяте имейл адреси или телефонни номера със сървър за самоличност <idserver />. Ще трябва да се свържете с <idserver2 /> за да спрете да ги споделяте.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Прекъсване на връзката със сървър за самоличност <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Прекъсване на връзката със сървър за самоличност",
"Disconnect": "Прекъсни",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Сървър за самоличност (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "В момента използвате <server></server> за да откривате и да бъдете открити от познати ваши контакти. Може да промените сървъра за самоличност по-долу.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "В момента не използвате сървър за самоличност. За да откривате и да бъдете открити от познати ваши контакти, добавете такъв по-долу.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Прекъсването на връзката със сървъра ви за самоличност означава че няма да можете да бъдете открити от други потребители или да каните хора по имейл или телефонен номер.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Въведете нов сървър за самоличност",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Неуспешно обновяване на мениджъра на интеграции",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Мениджъра на интеграции не е на линия или не е достъпен.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Не са приети условията за ползване или мениджъра на интеграции е невалиден.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Мениджъра на интеграции няма условия за ползване на услугата",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Избраният от вас мениджър на интеграции няма условия за ползване на услугата.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "В момента използвате <b>%(serverName)s</b> за да управлявате ботове, приспособления и стикери.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Добавете мениджър на интеграции, с който желаете да управлявате ботове, приспособления и стикери.",
"Integration Manager": "Мениджър на интеграции",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Въведете нов мениджър на интеграции",
"Discovery": "Откриване",
"Deactivate account": "Деактивиране на акаунт",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Винаги показвай менютата на прозореца",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Публичното име на устройството е видимо от всички, с които комуникирате",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Неуспешно оттегляне на споделянето на имейл адреса",
"Unable to share email address": "Неуспешно споделяне на имейл адрес",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Проверете пощенската кутия, след което натиснете Продължи",
"Revoke": "Оттегли",
"Share": "Сподели",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Опциите за откриване ще се покажат след като добавите имейл адрес по-горе.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Неуспешно оттегляне на споделянето на телефонен номер",
"Unable to share phone number": "Неуспешно споделяне на телефонен номер",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Въведете кода за потвърждение получен в SMS.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Опциите за откриване ще се покажат след като добавите телефонен номер по-горе.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Премахни %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Премахни %(phone)s?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Беше изпратено SMS съобщение към +%(msisdn)s. Въведете съдържащият се код за потвърждение.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "За да потвърдите, че устройството е доверено, проверете дали ключът в Потребителски Настройки на устройството съвпада с ключа по-долу:",
"Command Help": "Помощ за команди",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Не е конфигуриран сървър за самоличност, така че няма да можете да добавите имейл адрес, който да се използва за възстановяване на парола в бъдеще.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Не е конфигуриран сървър за самоличност: не може да се добавят имейл адреси. Няма да можете да възстановите паролата си.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Не е конфигуриран сървър за самоличност: добавете такъв в настройки за сървъри за да може да възстановите паролата си.",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Нямате необходимите привилегии за да използвате тази команда.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Използвай новия, по-бърз, но все още експериментален редактор за писане на съобщения (необходимо е презареждане на страницата)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Няколко мениджъра на интеграции",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Приемете <policyLink /> за да продължите:",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Ако не искате да използвате <server /> за да откривате и да бъдете откриваеми от познати ваши контакти, въведете друг сървър за самоличност по-долу.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Използването на сървър за самоличност не е задължително. Ако не използвате такъв, няма да бъдете откриваеми от други потребители и няма да можете да ги каните по имейл или телефон.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Не ползвай сървър за самоличност",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Приемете условията за ползване на сървъра за самоличност (%(serverName)s) за да бъдете откриваеми по имейл адрес или телефонен номер.",
"Upgrade the room": "Обновяване на стаята",
"Enable room encryption": "Включете шифроване на стаята",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Изпраща съобщение в чист текст, без да го интерпретира като markdown",
"Use an identity server": "Използвай сървър за самоличност",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Използвайте сървър за самоличност за да каните по имейл. Натиснете продължи за да използвате сървъра за самоличност по подразбиране (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) или го променете в Настройки.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Използвайте сървър за самоличност за да каните по имейл. Управление от Настройки.",
"Error changing power level": "Грешка при промяната на нивото на достъп",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Възникна грешка при промяната на нивото на достъп на потребителя. Уверете се, че имате необходимите привилегии и опитайте пак.",
"Deactivate user?": "Деактивиране на потребителя?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Деактивирането на потребителя ще ги изхвърли от профила и няма да им позволи да влязат пак. Също така, ще напуснат всички стаи, в които са. Действието е необратимо. Сигурните ли сте, че искате да деактивирате този потребител?",
"Deactivate user": "Деактивирай потребителя",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "Възникна грешка (%(errcode)s) при опит да се провери поканата. Може да предадете тази информация на администратор на стаята.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Тази покана за %(roomName)s е била изпратена към адрес %(email)s, който не е асоцииран с профила ви",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Свържете този имейл адрес с профила си от Настройки за да получавате покани директно в Riot.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Тази покана за %(roomName)s беше изпратена към адрес %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Използвайте сървър за самоличност от Настройки за да получавате покани директно в Riot.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Споделете този имейл в Настройки за да получавате покани директно в Riot.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Използвайте сървър за самоличност за да каните по имейл. <default>Използвайте сървъра за самоличност по подразбиране (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> или настройте друг в <settings>Настройки</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Използвайте сървър за самоличност за да каните по имейл. Управлявайте в <settings>Настройки</settings>.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Настройте имейл за възстановяване на профила. По желание, използвайте имейл или телефон за да бъдете откриваеми от сегашните ви контакти.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Настройте имейл за възстановяване на профила. По желание, използвайте имейл за да бъдете откриваеми от сегашните ви контакти.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Въведете собствен адрес на сървър <a>Какво значи това?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Въведете собствен адрес на сървър за самоличност <a>Какво значи това?</a>",
"Change identity server": "Промени сървъра за самоличност",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Прекъсване на връзката със сървър за самоличност <current /> и свързване с <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Прекъсни връзката със сървъра за самоличност",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Все още <b>споделяте лични данни</b> със сървър за самоличност <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Препоръчваме да премахнете имейл адреса и телефонния си номер от сървъра за самоличност преди прекъсване на връзката.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Прекъсни въпреки всичко",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Грешка при промяна на изискванията за ниво на достъп",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Възникна грешка при промяна на изискванията за нива на достъп до стаята. Уверете се, че имате необходимите права и опитайте пак.",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Не са намерени скорошни съобщения от %(user)s",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Опитайте се да проверите по-нагоре в историята за по-ранни.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Премахване на скорошни съобщения от %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "На път сте да премахнете %(count)s съобщения от %(user)s. Това е необратимо. Искате ли да продължите?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Може да отнеме известно време за голям брой съобщения. Моля, не презареждайте страницата междувременно.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Премахни %(count)s съобщения"
"Remove recent messages": "Премахни скорошни съобщения",
"Bold": "Удебелено",
"Italics": "Наклонено",
"Strikethrough": "Задраскано",
"Code block": "Блок с код",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Изпращай потвърждения за прочетени съобщения (изключването изисква сървър поддържащ това)",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Въведете защо докладвате.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Докладвай съдържание до администратора на сървъра",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Докладването на съобщението ще изпрати уникалният номер на събитието (event ID) до администратора на сървъра. Ако съобщенията в стаята са шифровани, администратора няма да може да прочете текста им или да види снимките или файловете.",
"Send report": "Изпрати доклад",
"Report Content": "Докладвай съдържание",
"Filter": "Филтрирай",
"Filter rooms…": "Филтрирай стаите…",
"Preview": "Прегледай",
"View": "Виж",
"Find a room…": "Намери стая…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Намери стая... (напр. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"Explore": "Открий стаи",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Ако не намирате търсената стая, попитайте за покана или <a>Създайте нова стая</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Открий стаи",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Потвърдете линка във вашата пощенска кутия",
"Complete": "Завърши",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Живот на маркера за прочитане (мсек)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Живот на маркера за прочитане извън екрана (мсек)",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Променя снимката на текущата стая",
"Room alias": "Псевдоним на стаята",
"e.g. my-room": "например my-room",
"Please provide a room alias": "Въведете псевдоним на стаята",
"This alias is available to use": "Този псевдоним е свободен за ползване",
"This alias is already in use": "Този псевдоним вече се използва",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Въведете име на стаята",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Въведете псевдоним на стаята за лесно споделяне с други хора.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Това е частна стая и присъединяването става само с покана.",
"Create a public room": "Създай публична стая",
"Create a private room": "Създай частна стая",
"Topic (optional)": "Тема (незадължително)",
"Make this room public": "Направи стаята публична",
"Hide advanced": "Скрий разширени настройки",
"Show advanced": "Покажи разширени настройки",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Блокирай присъединяването на потребители от други Matrix сървъри в тази стая (Тази настройка не може да се промени по-късно!)",
"Close dialog": "Затвори прозореца",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot не поддържа мобилен уеб браузър. Инсталиране на приложението?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot не поддържа мобилен уеб браузър. Инсталиране на приложението?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop под %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop под %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Непознато устройство", "Unknown device": "Непознато устройство",
@ -2137,10 +2316,12 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Може да използвате настройките за собствен сървър за да влезете в друг Matrix сървър, чрез указване на адреса му. Това ви позволява да използвате Riot със съществуващ Matrix акаунт, принадлежащ към друг сървър.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Може да използвате настройките за собствен сървър за да влезете в друг Matrix сървър, чрез указване на адреса му. Това ви позволява да използвате Riot със съществуващ Matrix акаунт, принадлежащ към друг сървър.",
"Create Account": "Създай акаунт", "Create Account": "Създай акаунт",
"Need help?": "Нужда от помощ?", "Need help?": "Нужда от помощ?",
"Explore rooms": "Открий стаи",
"Room Directory": "Директория със стаи", "Room Directory": "Директория със стаи",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочаквана грешка при подготвянето на приложението. Вижте конзолата за подробности.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочаквана грешка при подготвянето на приложението. Вижте конзолата за подробности.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Невалидна конфигурация: може да е указано само едно от: default_server_config, default_server_name, или default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Невалидна конфигурация: може да е указано само едно от: default_server_config, default_server_name, или default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Невалидна конфигурация: не е указан сървър по подразбиране.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Невалидна конфигурация: не е указан сървър по подразбиране.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Тази инсталация на Riot изглежда няма валидна конфигурация за сървър. Ако сте администраторът, моля поправете грешката по-долу" "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Тази инсталация на Riot изглежда няма валидна конфигурация за сървър. Ако сте администраторът, моля поправете грешката по-долу",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot конфигурацията ви съдържа невалиден JSON. Коригирайте проблема и презаредете страницата.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Грешката от парсъра е: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Невалиден JSON"
} }

@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@
"To continue using the %(homeserverDomain)s homeserver you must review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "Chcete-li nadále používat domovský server %(homeserverDomain)s, měli byste si přečíst a odsouhlasit naše smluvní podmínky.", "To continue using the %(homeserverDomain)s homeserver you must review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "Chcete-li nadále používat domovský server %(homeserverDomain)s, měli byste si přečíst a odsouhlasit naše smluvní podmínky.",
"Review terms and conditions": "Přečíst smluvní podmínky", "Review terms and conditions": "Přečíst smluvní podmínky",
"Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!": "Věděli jste, že: práci s Riot.im si můžete zpříjemnit s použitím komunit!", "Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!": "Věděli jste, že: práci s Riot.im si můžete zpříjemnit s použitím komunit!",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Pro nastavení filtru, přetáhněte obrázek komunity na pantel foltrování na leve straně obrazovky. Potom můžete kdykoliv kliknout na obrazek komunity na tomto panelu a Riot.im Vám bude zobrazovat jen místnosti a lidi z dané komunity.", "To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Pro nastavení filtru přetáhněte avatar komunity na panel filtrování na levé straně obrazovky. Potom můžete kdykoliv kliknout na avatar komunity na tomto panelu a Riot Vám bude zobrazovat jen místnosti a lidi z dané komunity.",
"<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Zobrazit zařízení</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>i tak odeslat</sendAnywayText> a nebo <cancelText>zrušit</cancelText>.", "<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Zobrazit zařízení</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>i tak odeslat</sendAnywayText> a nebo <cancelText>zrušit</cancelText>.",
"You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "Dokud si nepřečtete a neodsouhlasíte <consentLink>naše smluvní podmínky</consentLink>, nebudete moci posílat žádné zprávy.", "You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "Dokud si nepřečtete a neodsouhlasíte <consentLink>naše smluvní podmínky</consentLink>, nebudete moci posílat žádné zprávy.",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Vaše zpráva nebyla odeslána, protože tento domácí server dosáhl svého měsíčního limitu pro aktivní uživatele. Prosím <a>kontaktujte Vašeho administratora</a> pro další využívání služby.", "Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Vaše zpráva nebyla odeslána, protože tento domácí server dosáhl svého měsíčního limitu pro aktivní uživatele. Prosím <a>kontaktujte Vašeho administratora</a> pro další využívání služby.",
@ -1346,9 +1346,9 @@
"Set a new password": "Nastavit nové heslo", "Set a new password": "Nastavit nové heslo",
"Room Name": "Jméno místnosti", "Room Name": "Jméno místnosti",
"Room Topic": "Téma místnosti", "Room Topic": "Téma místnosti",
"No room avatar": "Žádná ikona místnosti", "No room avatar": "Žádný avatar místnosti",
"Room avatar": "Ikona místnosti", "Room avatar": "Avatar místnosti",
"Upload room avatar": "Nahrát ikonu místnosti", "Upload room avatar": "Nahrát avatara místnosti",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Změny toho kdo smí číst historické zprávy se aplikují jenom na další zprávy v této místosti. Viditelnost už poslaných zpráv zůstane jaká byla.", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Změny toho kdo smí číst historické zprávy se aplikují jenom na další zprávy v této místosti. Viditelnost už poslaných zpráv zůstane jaká byla.",
"To link to this room, please add an alias.": "K vytvoření odkazu je potřeba vyrobit místnosti alias.", "To link to this room, please add an alias.": "K vytvoření odkazu je potřeba vyrobit místnosti alias.",
"Roles & Permissions": "Funkce & Práva", "Roles & Permissions": "Funkce & Práva",
@ -1664,7 +1664,6 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Uložte ho</b> na bezpečnou USB flash disk nebo zálohovací disk", "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Uložte ho</b> na bezpečnou USB flash disk nebo zálohovací disk",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Zkopírujte si ho</b> na osobní cloudové úložiště", "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Zkopírujte si ho</b> na osobní cloudové úložiště",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Klíče se zálohují (první záloha může trvat pár minut).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Klíče se zálohují (první záloha může trvat pár minut).",
"Okay": "Ok",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Potvrďte heslo", "Confirm your passphrase": "Potvrďte heslo",
"Recovery key": "Obnovovací klíč", "Recovery key": "Obnovovací klíč",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Zabezpečte si zálohu silným heslem", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Zabezpečte si zálohu silným heslem",
@ -1778,7 +1777,7 @@
"Scissors": "Nůžky", "Scissors": "Nůžky",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Zavírací tlačítko má jen minimalizovat okno", "Close button should minimize window to tray": "Zavírací tlačítko má jen minimalizovat okno",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Přijmout všechny pozvánky: %(invitedRooms)s", "Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Přijmout všechny pozvánky: %(invitedRooms)s",
"Change room avatar": "Změnit ikonu místnosti", "Change room avatar": "Změnit avatara místnosti",
"Change room name": "Změnit jméno místnosti", "Change room name": "Změnit jméno místnosti",
"Change main address for the room": "Změnit hlavní adresu místnosti", "Change main address for the room": "Změnit hlavní adresu místnosti",
"Change history visibility": "Změnit viditelnost historie", "Change history visibility": "Změnit viditelnost historie",
@ -1990,6 +1989,100 @@
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete se zaregistrovat, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.", "You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete se zaregistrovat, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete si změnit heslo, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.", "You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete si změnit heslo, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete se přihlásit, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.", "You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Můžete se přihlásit, ale některé funkce nebudou dostupné dokud nezačne server identity fungovat. Pokud se vám toto varování zobrazuje pořád, tak zkontrolujte svojí konfiguraci a nebo kontaktujte administrátora serveru.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Volání selhalo, protože je rozbitá konfigurace serveru",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Zeptejte se administrátora (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) jestli by nemohl nakonfigurovat server TURN, aby začalo fungoval volání.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Případně můžete zkusit použít veřejný server <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, což nemusí fungovat tak spolehlivě a řekne to tomu cizímu serveru vaší IP adresu. Můžete to udělat v Nastavení.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Zkuste použít turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Nepovedlo se začít chat",
"Messages": "Zprávy",
"Actions": "Akce",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Pošle zprávu jako prostý text, neinterpretuje jí jako Markdown",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Na provedení tohoto příkazu nemáte dostatečná oprávnění.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Změní vašeho avatara pro tuto místnost",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Změní vašeho avatara pro všechny místnosti",
"Use an identity server": "Používat server identit",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Použít server identit na odeslání emailové pozvánky. Pokračováním použijete výchozí server identit (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) nebo ho můžete změnit v Nastavení.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Použít server identit na odeslání emailové pozvánky. Můžete spravovat v Nastavení.",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Zobrazuje seznam příkazu s popiskem",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s neudělal žádnou změnu.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Používat nový, rychlejší ale experimentální editor na zprávy (vyžaduje znovunačtení stránky)",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Povolit použití serveru turn.matrix.org na spojení hlasového hovoru pokud váš domovský server tuto služby neposkytuje (sdělí to serveru vaší IP adresu)",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Odesílat potvrzení o přijetí (vypnutá volba vyžaduje kompatibilní domovský server)",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Pro pokračování odsouhlaste <policyLink />:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Veřejné jméno",
"No integrations server configured": "Žádná integrace není nakonfigurovaná",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Tento Riot nemá nakonfigurovaný žádný integrační server.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Připojování k integračnímu serveru...",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Nelze se připojit k integračními serveru",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Nelze se připojit k integračnímu nebo domovskému serveru.",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Adresa serveru identit musí být na HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Toto není validní server identit (stavový kód %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Nepovedlo se připojení k serveru identit",
"Checking server": "Kontrolování serveru",
"Change identity server": "Změnit server identit",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Odpojit se ze serveru <current /> a připojit na <new />?",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Neodsouhlasené podmínky použití a nebo neplatný server identit.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Server identit nemá žádné podmínky použití",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Vybraný server identit nemá žádné podmínky použití.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Pokračujte pouze pokud věříte provozovateli serveru.",
"Disconnect identity server": "Odpojit se ze serveru identit",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Odpojit se ze serveru identit <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Odpojit",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Pořád <b>sdílíte osobní údaje</b> se serverem identit <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Předtím než se odpojíte doporučujeme odstranit emailovou adresu a telefonní číslo ze serveru identit.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Stejně se odpojit",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Server identit (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Aktuálně používáte server <server></server> na hledání existujících kontaktů. Níže můžete server identit změnit.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Pokud nechcete na hledání existujících kontaktů používat server <server />, zvolte si jiný server.",
"Identity Server": "Server identit",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Aktuálně nepoužíváte žádný server identit. Na hledání existujících kontaktů a přidání se do registru kontatů přidejte server identit níže.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Odpojení ze serveru identit znamená, že vás nepůjde najít podle emailové adresy a telefonního čísla and vy taky nebudete moct hledat ostatní.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Použití serveru identit je volitelné. Nemusíte server identit používat, ale nepůjde vás pak najít podle emailové adresy a telefonního čísla a vy také nebudete moct hledat ostatní.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Nepoužívat server identit",
"Enter a new identity server": "Zadejte nový server identit",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Nepovedlo se aktualizovat správce integrací",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Správce integrací není dostupný.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Neodsouhlasené podmínky použití nebo nefunkční správce integrací.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Správce integrací nemá podmínky použití",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Správce integrací který jste si vybrali nemá žádné podmínky použití.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Aktálně používáte <b>%(serverName)s</b> na správu robotů, widgetů, and balíků samolepek.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Zadejte kterého správce integrací chcete používat na správu robotů, widgetů a balíků samolepek.",
"Integration Manager": "Správce integrací",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Přidat nový správce integrací",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Musíte odsouhlasit podmínky použití serveru (%(serverName)s) abyste se mohli zapsat do registru emailových adres a telefonních čísel.",
"Deactivate account": "Deaktivovat účet",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Vždy zobrazovat horní lištu okna",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Odeslat pozvánku pomocí serveru identit. <default>Použít výchozí (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> nebo přenastavit <settings>Nastavení</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Odeslat pozvánku pomocí serveru identit. Přenastavit v <settings>Nastavení</settings>.",
"Close dialog": "Zavřít dialog",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Napište nám prosím co se pokazilo a nebo nám napište issue na GitHub, kde popíšete problém.",
"Removing…": "Odstaňování…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Smazat všechna data na tomto zařízení?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Smazání všech dat na tomto zařízení je nevratné. Zašifrované zprávy nepůjde obnovit, pokud nejsou klíče zazálohované.",
"Clear all data": "Smazat všechna data",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Zadejte prosím jméno místnosti",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Nastavte alias místnosti, abyste mohli místnost snadno sdílet s ostatními.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Tato místnost je neveřejná a lze se připojit pouze s pozvánkou.",
"Create a public room": "Vytvořit veřejnou místnost",
"Create a private room": "Vytvořit neveřejnou místnost",
"Topic (optional)": "Téma (volitelné)",
"Make this room public": "Zveřejnit místnost",
"Hide advanced": "Skrýt pokročilé",
"Show advanced": "Zobrazit pokročilé",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Zamezit uživatelům jiných domovských serverů, aby se připojili do místnosti (Toto nelze později změnit!)",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Abyste ověřili, že je toto zařízení důvěryhodné, zkontrolujte, že klíč v Nastavení na tom zařízení se shoduje s tímto klíčem:",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Váš domovský server asi tuto funkci nepodporuje.",
"Message edits": "Editování zpráv",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Vyplňte prosím co chcete nahlásit.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Nahlásit obsah administrátorovi vašeho domovského serveru",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Nahlášení této zprávy pošle její jedinečné 'event ID' administrátorovi vašeho domovského serveru. Pokud jsou zprávy šifrované, administrátor nebude mít možnost přečíst text zprávy ani se podívat na soubory nebo obrázky.",
"Send report": "Nahlásit",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Upgrade vyžaduje zrušení této místnosti a vyrobení nové, která jí nahradí. Pro usnadnění procesu pro členy místnosti, provedeme:",
"Command Help": "Nápověda příkazu",
"Integrations Manager": "Správce integrací",
"Find others by phone or email": "Hledat ostatní pomocí emailu nebo telefonu",
"Be found by phone or email": "Umožnit ostatním mě nalézt pomocí emailu nebo telefonu",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "Vítá vás Riot.im", "Welcome to Riot.im": "Vítá vás Riot.im",
"Unknown device": "Neznámé zařízení", "Unknown device": "Neznámé zařízení",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot není podporovaný na mobilním webu. Nainstalovat aplikaci?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot není podporovaný na mobilním webu. Nainstalovat aplikaci?",

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
"No rooms to show": "Ingen rum at vise", "No rooms to show": "Ingen rum at vise",
"This email address is already in use": "Denne emailadresse er allerede i brug", "This email address is already in use": "Denne emailadresse er allerede i brug",
"This phone number is already in use": "Dette telefonnummer er allerede i brug", "This phone number is already in use": "Dette telefonnummer er allerede i brug",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Kunne ikke bekræfte emailaddressen: vær sikker på at du klikke på linket i emailen", "Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Kunne ikke bekræfte emailaddressen: vær sikker på at klikke på linket i emailen",
"Call Timeout": "Opkalds Timeout", "Call Timeout": "Opkalds Timeout",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "Den anden side tog den ikke", "The remote side failed to pick up": "Den anden side tog den ikke",
"Unable to capture screen": "Kunne ikke optage skærm", "Unable to capture screen": "Kunne ikke optage skærm",
@ -400,6 +400,10 @@
"View Community": "Vis community", "View Community": "Vis community",
"Notes:": "Noter:", "Notes:": "Noter:",
"Preparing to send logs": "Forbereder afsendelse af logfiler", "Preparing to send logs": "Forbereder afsendelse af logfiler",
"The platform you're on": "Den platform du bruger",
"The version of Riot.im": "Versionen af Riot.im",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Om du er logget på eller ej (vi logger ikke dit brugernavn)",
"Your language of choice": "Dit foretrukne sprog",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot understøtter ikke mobilhjemmesider. Vil du installere app'en?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot understøtter ikke mobilhjemmesider. Vil du installere app'en?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukendt enhed", "Unknown device": "Ukendt enhed",
@ -432,5 +436,19 @@
"Support for those using, running and writing other bridges": "Hjælp til dem der bruger, driver og skriver andre bridges", "Support for those using, running and writing other bridges": "Hjælp til dem der bruger, driver og skriver andre bridges",
"Contributing code to Matrix and Riot": "Biddrag med kode til Matrix og Riot", "Contributing code to Matrix and Riot": "Biddrag med kode til Matrix og Riot",
"Dev chat for the Riot/Web dev team": "Udviklerchat til Riot/Web udviklerholdet", "Dev chat for the Riot/Web dev team": "Udviklerchat til Riot/Web udviklerholdet",
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Udviklerchat til Dendrite udviklerholdet" "Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Udviklerchat til Dendrite udviklerholdet",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Din Riot konfiguration indeholder ugyldig JSON. Venligst korrigér problemet og opdatér siden.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Beskeden fra parseren er: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ugyldig JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Din Riot er fejlkonfigureret",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uventet fejl ved forberedelse af appen. Se konsollen for detaljer.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ugyldig konfiguration: kan kun angive en af default_server_config, default_server_name eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ugyldig konfiguration: ingen standardserver angivet.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan bruge de brugertilpassede serverindstillinger til at logge på andre Matrix servere ved at angive en anden homeserver URL. Dette giver dig mulighed for at bruge Riot med en eksisterende Matrix konto på en anden homeserver.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan også indstille en brugertilpasset identitetsserver, men så vil du ikke kunne invitere brugere pr. e-mail eller selv kunne inviteres pr. e-mail.",
"Sign In": "Log på",
"Create Account": "Opret konto",
"Need help?": "Brug for hjælp?",
"Explore rooms": "Udforsk rum",
"Room Directory": "Rumliste"
} }

@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Um einen Filter zu setzen, siehe einen Community-Bild auf das Filter-Panel ganz links. Du kannst jederzeit auf einen Avatar im Filter-Panel klicken um nur die Räume und Personen aus der Community zu sehen.", "To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Um einen Filter zu setzen, siehe einen Community-Bild auf das Filter-Panel ganz links. Du kannst jederzeit auf einen Avatar im Filter-Panel klicken um nur die Räume und Personen aus der Community zu sehen.",
"Clear filter": "Filter zurücksetzen", "Clear filter": "Filter zurücksetzen",
"Disable Community Filter Panel": "Deaktiviere Community-Filter-Panel", "Disable Community Filter Panel": "Deaktiviere Community-Filter-Panel",
"Your key share request has been sent - please check your other devices for key share requests.": "Deine Schlüssel-Teil-Anfragen wurden gesendet. Bitte prüfe deine anderen Geräte auf die Schlüssel-Teil-Anfragen.", "Your key share request has been sent - please check your other devices for key share requests.": "Die Anfrage den Schlüssel zu teilen wurden gesendet. Bitte sieh auf deinen anderen Geräte nach der Anfrage.",
"Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Schlüssel-Anfragen wurden automatisch zu den anderen Geräten gesendet. Wenn du diese Anfragen auf deinen anderen Geräten abgelehnt oder verpasst hast, klicke hier um die Schlüssel für diese Sitzung erneut anzufragen.", "Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Schlüssel-Anfragen wurden automatisch zu den anderen Geräten gesendet. Wenn du diese Anfragen auf deinen anderen Geräten abgelehnt oder verpasst hast, klicke hier um die Schlüssel für diese Sitzung erneut anzufragen.",
"If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Wenn deine anderen Geräte keine Schlüssel für diese Nachricht haben, wirst du diese nicht entschlüsseln können.", "If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Wenn deine anderen Geräte keine Schlüssel für diese Nachricht haben, wirst du diese nicht entschlüsseln können.",
"Key request sent.": "Schlüssel-Anfragen gesendet.", "Key request sent.": "Schlüssel-Anfragen gesendet.",
@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@
"Always show encryption icons": "Immer Verschlüsselungssymbole zeigen", "Always show encryption icons": "Immer Verschlüsselungssymbole zeigen",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.": "Aktuell ist es nicht möglich mit einer Datei zu antworten, sodass diese gesendet wird ohne eine Antwort zu sein.", "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.": "Aktuell ist es nicht möglich mit einer Datei zu antworten, sodass diese gesendet wird ohne eine Antwort zu sein.",
"Unable to reply": "Antworten nicht möglich", "Unable to reply": "Antworten nicht möglich",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Das Ereignis auf das geantwortet wurde konnte nicht geladen werden. Entweder es existiert nicht oder du hast keine Berechtigung, dieses anzusehen.", "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Das Ereignis, auf das geantwortet wurde, konnte nicht geladen werden. Entweder es existiert nicht oder du hast keine Berechtigung, dieses anzusehen.",
"Riot bugs are tracked on GitHub: <a>create a GitHub issue</a>.": "Riot-Fehler werden auf GitHub festgehalten: <a>Erzeuge ein GitHub-Issue</a>.", "Riot bugs are tracked on GitHub: <a>create a GitHub issue</a>.": "Riot-Fehler werden auf GitHub festgehalten: <a>Erzeuge ein GitHub-Issue</a>.",
"Log out and remove encryption keys?": "Abmelden und alle Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel löschen?", "Log out and remove encryption keys?": "Abmelden und alle Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel löschen?",
"Send Logs": "Sende Protokoll", "Send Logs": "Sende Protokoll",
@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Ungelesene Räume oben an der Raumliste anheften", "Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Ungelesene Räume oben an der Raumliste anheften",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Räume mit Erwähnungen oben an der Raumliste anheften", "Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Räume mit Erwähnungen oben an der Raumliste anheften",
"Joining room...": "Trete Raum bei...", "Joining room...": "Trete Raum bei...",
"Add some now": "Füge jetzt hinzu", "Add some now": "Jemanden jetzt hinzufügen",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Du bist ein Administrator dieser Community. Du wirst nicht erneut hinzutreten können, wenn du nicht von einem anderen Administrator eingeladen wirst.", "You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Du bist ein Administrator dieser Community. Du wirst nicht erneut hinzutreten können, wenn du nicht von einem anderen Administrator eingeladen wirst.",
"Open Devtools": "Öffne Entwickler-Werkzeuge", "Open Devtools": "Öffne Entwickler-Werkzeuge",
"Show developer tools": "Zeige Entwickler-Werkzeuge", "Show developer tools": "Zeige Entwickler-Werkzeuge",
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat den Raum auf eingeladene User beschränkt.", "%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat den Raum auf eingeladene User beschränkt.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte die Zutrittsregel auf '%(rule)s'", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte die Zutrittsregel auf '%(rule)s'",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erlaubte Gäste diesem Raum beizutreten.", "%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erlaubte Gäste diesem Raum beizutreten.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s verbot Gästen diesem Raum beizutreten.", "%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat verboten, dass Gäste diesem Raum beitreten.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte den Gastzugriff auf '%(rule)s'", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte den Gastzugriff auf '%(rule)s'",
"Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Gruppiere & filtere Räume nach eigenen Tags (neu laden um Änderungen zu übernehmen)", "Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Gruppiere & filtere Räume nach eigenen Tags (neu laden um Änderungen zu übernehmen)",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Konnte kein unterstützte Verifikationsmethode finden.", "Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Konnte kein unterstützte Verifikationsmethode finden.",
@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@
"Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Warte auf Bestätigung des Gesprächspartners...", "Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Warte auf Bestätigung des Gesprächspartners...",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Eingehende Verifikationsanfrage", "Incoming Verification Request": "Eingehende Verifikationsanfrage",
"Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Erlaube Peer-to-Peer-Verbindungen für 1:1-Anrufe", "Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Erlaube Peer-to-Peer-Verbindungen für 1:1-Anrufe",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Bist du sicher? Du wirst deine verschlüsselten Nachrichten verlieren wenn deine Schlüssel nicht gesichert sind.", "Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Bist du sicher? Du wirst deine verschlüsselten Nachrichten verlieren, wenn deine Schlüssel nicht gesichert sind.",
"Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Verschlüsselte Nachrichten sind mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung gesichert. Nur du und der/die Empfänger haben die Schlüssel um diese Nachrichten zu lesen.", "Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Verschlüsselte Nachrichten sind mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung gesichert. Nur du und der/die Empfänger haben die Schlüssel um diese Nachrichten zu lesen.",
"Restore from Backup": "Von Sicherung wiederherstellen", "Restore from Backup": "Von Sicherung wiederherstellen",
"This device is backing up your keys. ": "Dieses Gerät sichert deine Schlüssel. ", "This device is backing up your keys. ": "Dieses Gerät sichert deine Schlüssel. ",
@ -1740,7 +1740,6 @@
"Recovery key": "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel", "Recovery key": "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Bestätige deine Passphrase", "Confirm your passphrase": "Bestätige deine Passphrase",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Sichere dein Backup mit einer Passphrase", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Sichere dein Backup mit einer Passphrase",
"Okay": "Okay",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Deine Schlüssel werden gesichert (Das erste Backup könnte ein paar Minuten in Anspruch nehmen).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Deine Schlüssel werden gesichert (Das erste Backup könnte ein paar Minuten in Anspruch nehmen).",
"Voice & Video": "Sprache & Video", "Voice & Video": "Sprache & Video",
"Use Key Backup": "Benutze Schlüssel Backup", "Use Key Backup": "Benutze Schlüssel Backup",
@ -1842,7 +1841,7 @@
"Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Sortiere Räume in der Raumliste nach Wichtigkeit und nicht nach letzter Aktivität", "Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Sortiere Räume in der Raumliste nach Wichtigkeit und nicht nach letzter Aktivität",
"Scissors": "Scheren", "Scissors": "Scheren",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> zu deiner eigenen Domain", "<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> zu deiner eigenen Domain",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Button zum schließen soll Fenster nur minimieren", "Close button should minimize window to tray": "Button zum Schließen sollte Fenster nur minimieren",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Akzeptiere alle %(invitedRooms)s Einladungen", "Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Akzeptiere alle %(invitedRooms)s Einladungen",
"Change room avatar": "Ändere Raumbild", "Change room avatar": "Ändere Raumbild",
"Change room name": "Ändere Raumname", "Change room name": "Ändere Raumname",
@ -1851,7 +1850,7 @@
"Change permissions": "Ändere Berechtigungen", "Change permissions": "Ändere Berechtigungen",
"Change topic": "Ändere das Thema", "Change topic": "Ändere das Thema",
"Modify widgets": "Ändere Widgets", "Modify widgets": "Ändere Widgets",
"Default role": "Standardrolle", "Default role": "Standard Rolle",
"Send messages": "Sende Nachrichten", "Send messages": "Sende Nachrichten",
"Invite users": "Benutzer einladen", "Invite users": "Benutzer einladen",
"Change settings": "Ändere Einstellungen", "Change settings": "Ändere Einstellungen",
@ -1890,8 +1889,8 @@
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-Mail, Name oder Matrix-ID", "Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-Mail, Name oder Matrix-ID",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Name oder Matrix ID", "Name or Matrix ID": "Name oder Matrix ID",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Dein Riot ist falsch konfiguriert", "Your Riot is misconfigured": "Dein Riot ist falsch konfiguriert",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Du kannst in diesem Raum keine Widgets verändern", "You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Du kannst in diesem Raum keine Widgets verändern.",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Ob du die 'Breadcrumbs' Funktion nutzt oder nicht (Avatare oberhalb der Raumliste).", "Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Ob du die \"Breadcrumbs\"-Funktion nutzt oder nicht (Avatare oberhalb der Raumliste)",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Ein Konferenzanruf konnte nicht gestartet werden, da der Integrationsserver nicht verfügbar ist", "A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Ein Konferenzanruf konnte nicht gestartet werden, da der Integrationsserver nicht verfügbar ist",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Der Server unterstützt die angegebene Raumversion nicht.", "The server does not support the room version specified.": "Der Server unterstützt die angegebene Raumversion nicht.",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Raum-Upgradebestätigung", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Raum-Upgradebestätigung",
@ -1929,6 +1928,72 @@
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Zeige versteckte Ereignisse in der Chronik", "Show hidden events in timeline": "Zeige versteckte Ereignisse in der Chronik",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Modus für niedrige Bandbreite", "Low bandwidth mode": "Modus für niedrige Bandbreite",
"No integrations server configured": "Keine Integrations-Server konfiguriert", "No integrations server configured": "Keine Integrations-Server konfiguriert",
"Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Desktop-Benachrichtigungen für dieses Gerät aktivieren",
"Reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"Joining room …": "Raum beitreten…",
"Rejecting invite …": "Einladung ablehnen…",
"Sign Up": "Registrieren",
"Sign In": "Anmelden",
"Reason: %(reason)s": "Grund: %(reason)s",
"Forget this room": "Diesen Raum entfernen",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Möchtest du %(roomName)s betreten?",
"<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> hat dich eingeladen",
"edited": "bearbeitet",
"Edit message": "Nachricht bearbeiten",
"GitHub issue": "GitHub-Issue",
"Upload files": "Dateien hochladen",
"Upload all": "Alle hochladen",
"Upload": "Hochladen",
"Cancel All": "Alle abbrechen",
"Upload Error": "Fehler beim Hochladen",
"Deny": "Ablehnen",
"Enter password": "Passwort eingeben",
"Password is allowed, but unsafe": "Passwort ist erlaubt, aber unsicher",
"Passwords don't match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"Enter username": "Benutzername eingeben",
"Add room": "Raum hinzufügen",
"Your profile": "Dein Profil",
"Registration Successful": "Registrierung erfolgreich",
"Failed to revoke invite": "Einladung zurückziehen fehlgeschlagen",
"Revoke invite": "Einladung zurückziehen",
"Invited by %(sender)s": "Eingeladen von %(sender)s",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Verändert dein Profilbild in allen Räumen",
"This device is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Dieses Gerät <b>speichert deine Schlüssel nicht</b>, aber du hast ein bestehendes Backup, welches du wiederherstellen kannst um fortzufahren.",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this device": "Das Backup hat eine <validity> ungültige </validity> Signatur von diesem Gerät.",
"Failed to start chat": "Chat konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"Messages": "Nachrichten",
"Actions": "Aktionen",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Zeigt eine Liste von Befehlen mit Verwendungen und Beschreibungen an",
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Schließen Sie dieses Gerät an Key Backup an",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Anruf aufgrund eines falsch konfigurierten Servers fehlgeschlagen",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Versuchen Sie es mit turn.matrix.org",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Berechtigungen, um diesen Befehl zu verwenden.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Verwenden Sie den neuen, schnelleren, aber noch experimentellen Composer zum Schreiben von Nachrichten (Aktualisierung erforderlich)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Mehrere Integrationsmanager",
"Public Name": "Öffentlicher Name",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Für diese Riot-Instanz ist kein Integrationsserver konfiguriert.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Verbindung zum Integrationsserver wird hergestellt ...",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Es kann keine Verbindung zum Integrationsserver hergestellt werden",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Der Integrationsserver ist offline oder kann Ihren Homeserver nicht erreichen.",
"Enable audible notifications for this device": "Aktivieren Sie die akustischen Benachrichtigungen für dieses Gerät",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Die Identity Server-URL muss HTTPS sein",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Verbindung zum Identity Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden",
"Checking server": "Server wird überprüft",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Für den Identity Server gelten keine Nutzungsbedingungen",
"Disconnect": "Trennen",
"Identity Server": "Identitätsserver",
"Use an identity server": "Benutze einen Identitätsserver",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Benutze einen Identitätsserver, um andere mittels E-Mail einzuladen. Klicke auf fortfahren, um den Standard-Identitätsserver (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) zu benutzen oder gehe in die Einstellung und gib einen anderen Server an.",
"ID": "ID",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Kein gültiger Identitätsserver (status code %(code)s)",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Die Nutzungsbedingungen wurden nicht akzeptiert oder der Identitätsserver ist ungültig.",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identitätsserver (%(server)s)",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Die Verwendung eines Identitätsserver ist optional. Wenn du dich dazu entschließen solltest, keinen Identitätsserver zu verwenden, wirst du von anderen Nutzern nicht gefunden werden können und du kannst andere nicht mittels E-Mail oder Telefonnummer einladen.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Keinen Identitätsserver verwenden",
"Enter a new identity server": "Gib einen neuen Identitätsserver ein",
"Clear personal data": "Persönliche Daten löschen",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Warnung: Deine persönlichen Daten (inkl. Verschlüsselungsschlüssel) sind noch auf diesem Gerät gespeichert. Lösche diese Daten, wenn du mit der Nutzung auf diesem Gerät fertig bist oder dich in einen anderen Account einloggen möchtest.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Wenn du die Verbindung zu deinem Identitätsserver trennst, heißt das, dass du nicht mehr von anderen Benutzern gefunden werden und auch andere nicht mehr per E-Mail oder Telefonnummer einladen kannst.",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s auf %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s auf %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop auf %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop auf %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot wird im mobilen Web nicht unterstützt. App installieren?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot wird im mobilen Web nicht unterstützt. App installieren?",
@ -1963,7 +2028,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Die benutzerdefinierten Server-Einstellungen kannst du verwenden, um dich auf anderen Matrix-Servern anzumelden, indem du eine abweichende Heimserver-URL eingibst.<br/>Somit ist es möglich, Riot mit einem bereits bestehendem Matrix-Benutzerkonto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu verwenden.<br/><br/>Außerdem kannst du einen benutzerdefinierten Identitätsserver eingeben. Allerdings kannst du in diesem Fall Benutzer nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse einladen und auch selbst nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse eingeladen werden.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Die benutzerdefinierten Server-Einstellungen kannst du verwenden, um dich auf anderen Matrix-Servern anzumelden, indem du eine abweichende Heimserver-URL eingibst.<br/>Somit ist es möglich, Riot mit einem bereits bestehendem Matrix-Benutzerkonto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu verwenden.<br/><br/>Außerdem kannst du einen benutzerdefinierten Identitätsserver eingeben. Allerdings kannst du in diesem Fall Benutzer nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse einladen und auch selbst nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse eingeladen werden.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination für Riot-Übersetzer", "Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination für Riot-Übersetzer",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kannst die erweiterte Serveroption nutzen um dich an einem anderen Matrixserver anzumelden, indem du eine andere Heimserver-URL angibst. Dies erlaubt dir, Riot mit einem existierenden Matrix-Konto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu nutzen.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kannst die erweiterte Serveroption nutzen um dich an einem anderen Matrixserver anzumelden, indem du eine andere Heimserver-URL angibst. Dies erlaubt dir, Riot mit einem existierenden Matrix-Konto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu nutzen.",
"Sign In": "Anmelden",
"Create Account": "Konto erstellen", "Create Account": "Konto erstellen",
"Need help?": "Brauchst du Hilfe?", "Need help?": "Brauchst du Hilfe?",
"Explore rooms": "Räume erkunden", "Explore rooms": "Räume erkunden",
@ -1971,5 +2035,8 @@
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Unerwarteter Fehler bei der Vorbereitung der App. Siehe Konsole für Details.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Unerwarteter Fehler bei der Vorbereitung der App. Siehe Konsole für Details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es kann nur eine der Optionen default_server_config, default_server_name oder default_hs_url angegeben werden.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es kann nur eine der Optionen default_server_config, default_server_name oder default_hs_url angegeben werden.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es wurde kein Standardserver angegeben.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es wurde kein Standardserver angegeben.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Diese Installation von Riot scheint eine ungültige Serverkonfiguration zu haben. Wenn Sie der Administrator sind, korrigieren Sie bitte den folgenden Fehler" "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Diese Installation von Riot scheint eine ungültige Serverkonfiguration zu haben. Wenn Sie der Administrator sind, korrigieren Sie bitte den folgenden Fehler",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Deine Riot Konfiguration enthält ungültiges JSON. Bitte korrigiere das Problem und lade die Seite neu.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Die Nachricht des Parsers ist: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ungültiges JSON"
} }

@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
"Answer": "Answer", "Answer": "Answer",
"Call Timeout": "Call Timeout", "Call Timeout": "Call Timeout",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "The remote side failed to pick up", "The remote side failed to pick up": "The remote side failed to pick up",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Call failed due to misconfigured server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Try using turn.matrix.org",
"OK": "OK",
"Unable to capture screen": "Unable to capture screen", "Unable to capture screen": "Unable to capture screen",
"Existing Call": "Existing Call", "Existing Call": "Existing Call",
"You are already in a call.": "You are already in a call.", "You are already in a call.": "You are already in a call.",
@ -112,9 +117,8 @@
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, name or Matrix ID", "Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, name or Matrix ID",
"Start Chat": "Start Chat", "Start Chat": "Start Chat",
"Invite new room members": "Invite new room members", "Invite new room members": "Invite new room members",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Who would you like to add to this room?",
"Send Invites": "Send Invites", "Send Invites": "Send Invites",
"Failed to invite user": "Failed to invite user", "Failed to start chat": "Failed to start chat",
"Operation failed": "Operation failed", "Operation failed": "Operation failed",
"Failed to invite": "Failed to invite", "Failed to invite": "Failed to invite",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Failed to invite users to the room:", "Failed to invite users to the room:": "Failed to invite users to the room:",
@ -131,12 +135,18 @@
"Missing room_id in request": "Missing room_id in request", "Missing room_id in request": "Missing room_id in request",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Room %(roomId)s not visible", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Room %(roomId)s not visible",
"Missing user_id in request": "Missing user_id in request", "Missing user_id in request": "Missing user_id in request",
"Messages": "Messages",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Other": "Other",
"Usage": "Usage", "Usage": "Usage",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message", "Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Searches DuckDuckGo for results", "Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Searches DuckDuckGo for results",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg is not a command", "/ddg is not a command": "/ddg is not a command",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.", "To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Upgrades a room to a new version", "Upgrades a room to a new version": "Upgrades a room to a new version",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "You do not have the required permissions to use this command.",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Room upgrade confirmation", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Room upgrade confirmation",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.", "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.", "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.",
@ -146,12 +156,16 @@
"Upgrade": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"Changes your display nickname": "Changes your display nickname", "Changes your display nickname": "Changes your display nickname",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Changes your display nickname in the current room only", "Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Changes your display nickname in the current room only",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Changes the avatar of the current room",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Changes your avatar in this current room only", "Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Changes your avatar in this current room only",
"Changes colour scheme of current room": "Changes colour scheme of current room", "Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Changes your avatar in all rooms",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Gets or sets the room topic", "Gets or sets the room topic": "Gets or sets the room topic",
"This room has no topic.": "This room has no topic.", "This room has no topic.": "This room has no topic.",
"Sets the room name": "Sets the room name", "Sets the room name": "Sets the room name",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Invites user with given id to current room", "Invites user with given id to current room": "Invites user with given id to current room",
"Use an identity server": "Use an identity server",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.",
"Joins room with given alias": "Joins room with given alias", "Joins room with given alias": "Joins room with given alias",
"Leave room": "Leave room", "Leave room": "Leave room",
"Unrecognised room alias:": "Unrecognised room alias:", "Unrecognised room alias:": "Unrecognised room alias:",
@ -181,6 +195,7 @@
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded", "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow", "Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow", "Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions",
"Unrecognised command:": "Unrecognised command:", "Unrecognised command:": "Unrecognised command:",
"Reason": "Reason", "Reason": "Reason",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.", "%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.",
@ -201,8 +216,8 @@
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.", "%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s left the room.", "%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s left the room.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.", "%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.",
@ -250,6 +265,8 @@
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s", "%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s", "%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s", "%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s",
"Light theme": "Light theme",
"Dark theme": "Dark theme",
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s is typing …", "%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s is typing …",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …": { "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …": {
"other": "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …", "other": "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …",
@ -322,8 +339,8 @@
"Custom user status messages": "Custom user status messages", "Custom user status messages": "Custom user status messages",
"Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)", "Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)",
"Render simple counters in room header": "Render simple counters in room header", "Render simple counters in room header": "Render simple counters in room header",
"Edit messages after they have been sent (refresh to apply changes)": "Edit messages after they have been sent (refresh to apply changes)", "Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)",
"React to messages with emoji (refresh to apply changes)": "React to messages with emoji (refresh to apply changes)", "Multiple integration managers": "Multiple integration managers",
"Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing", "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Use compact timeline layout", "Use compact timeline layout": "Use compact timeline layout",
"Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Show a placeholder for removed messages", "Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Show a placeholder for removed messages",
@ -358,6 +375,9 @@
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Show recently visited rooms above the room list", "Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Show recently visited rooms above the room list",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Show hidden events in timeline", "Show hidden events in timeline": "Show hidden events in timeline",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Low bandwidth mode", "Low bandwidth mode": "Low bandwidth mode",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)",
"Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Show previews/thumbnails for images",
"Collecting app version information": "Collecting app version information", "Collecting app version information": "Collecting app version information",
"Collecting logs": "Collecting logs", "Collecting logs": "Collecting logs",
"Uploading report": "Uploading report", "Uploading report": "Uploading report",
@ -381,7 +401,6 @@
"Decline": "Decline", "Decline": "Decline",
"Accept": "Accept", "Accept": "Accept",
"The other party cancelled the verification.": "The other party cancelled the verification.", "The other party cancelled the verification.": "The other party cancelled the verification.",
"OK": "OK",
"Verified!": "Verified!", "Verified!": "Verified!",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "You've successfully verified this user.", "You've successfully verified this user.": "You've successfully verified this user.",
"Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.", "Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.",
@ -455,6 +474,7 @@
"Headphones": "Headphones", "Headphones": "Headphones",
"Folder": "Folder", "Folder": "Folder",
"Pin": "Pin", "Pin": "Pin",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Accept <policyLink /> to continue:",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Failed to upload profile picture!", "Failed to upload profile picture!": "Failed to upload profile picture!",
"Upload new:": "Upload new:", "Upload new:": "Upload new:",
"No display name": "No display name", "No display name": "No display name",
@ -476,23 +496,10 @@
"other": "Delete %(count)s devices", "other": "Delete %(count)s devices",
"one": "Delete device" "one": "Delete device"
}, },
"Device ID": "Device ID", "ID": "ID",
"Device Name": "Device Name", "Public Name": "Public Name",
"Last seen": "Last seen", "Last seen": "Last seen",
"Select devices": "Select devices",
"Failed to set display name": "Failed to set display name", "Failed to set display name": "Failed to set display name",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Unable to remove contact information",
"Are you sure?": "Are you sure?",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Invalid Email Address": "Invalid Email Address",
"This doesn't appear to be a valid email address": "This doesn't appear to be a valid email address",
"Unable to add email address": "Unable to add email address",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Unable to verify email address.",
"Add": "Add",
"We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.": "We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.",
"Email Address": "Email Address",
"Disable Notifications": "Disable Notifications", "Disable Notifications": "Disable Notifications",
"Enable Notifications": "Enable Notifications", "Enable Notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"No integrations server configured": "No integrations server configured", "No integrations server configured": "No integrations server configured",
@ -520,7 +527,6 @@
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>", "Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Backup is not signed by any of your devices", "Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Backup is not signed by any of your devices",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this device": "This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this device", "This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this device": "This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this device",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Backup version: ": "Backup version: ", "Backup version: ": "Backup version: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algorithm: ", "Algorithm: ": "Algorithm: ",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.": "Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.", "Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.": "Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.",
@ -552,33 +558,66 @@
"Off": "Off", "Off": "Off",
"On": "On", "On": "On",
"Noisy": "Noisy", "Noisy": "Noisy",
"Unable to verify phone number.": "Unable to verify phone number.",
"Incorrect verification code": "Incorrect verification code",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains",
"Verification code": "Verification code",
"Phone Number": "Phone Number",
"Profile picture": "Profile picture", "Profile picture": "Profile picture",
"Upload profile picture": "Upload profile picture", "Upload profile picture": "Upload profile picture",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain", "<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain",
"Display Name": "Display Name", "Display Name": "Display Name",
"Save": "Save", "Save": "Save",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Identity Server URL must be HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Could not connect to Identity Server",
"Checking server": "Checking server",
"Change identity server": "Change identity server",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Identity server has no terms of service",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.",
"Disconnect identity server": "Disconnect identity server",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Disconnect anyway",
"Go back": "Go back",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identity Server (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.",
"Identity Server": "Identity Server",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Do not use an identity server",
"Enter a new identity server": "Enter a new identity server",
"Change": "Change",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Failed to update integration manager",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Integration manager offline or not accessible.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Integration manager has no terms of service",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.",
"Integration Manager": "Integration Manager",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Enter a new integration manager",
"Flair": "Flair", "Flair": "Flair",
"Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "Failed to change password. Is your password correct?", "Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "Failed to change password. Is your password correct?",
"Success": "Success", "Success": "Success",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them", "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them",
"Profile": "Profile", "Profile": "Profile",
"Account": "Account",
"Set a new account password...": "Set a new account password...",
"Email addresses": "Email addresses", "Email addresses": "Email addresses",
"Phone numbers": "Phone numbers", "Phone numbers": "Phone numbers",
"Account": "Account",
"Set a new account password...": "Set a new account password...",
"Language and region": "Language and region", "Language and region": "Language and region",
"Theme": "Theme", "Theme": "Theme",
"Light theme": "Light theme", "Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.",
"Dark theme": "Dark theme",
"Account management": "Account management", "Account management": "Account management",
"Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!", "Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!",
"Deactivate Account": "Deactivate Account", "Deactivate Account": "Deactivate Account",
"Warning": "Warning",
"General": "General", "General": "General",
"Discovery": "Discovery",
"Deactivate account": "Deactivate account",
"Legal": "Legal", "Legal": "Legal",
"Credits": "Credits", "Credits": "Credits",
"For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a>.": "For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a>.", "For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a>.": "For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a>.",
@ -589,7 +628,7 @@
"Bug reporting": "Bug reporting", "Bug reporting": "Bug reporting",
"If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.", "If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.",
"Submit debug logs": "Submit debug logs", "Submit debug logs": "Submit debug logs",
"Clear Cache and Reload": "Clear Cache and Reload", "Clear cache and reload": "Clear cache and reload",
"FAQ": "FAQ", "FAQ": "FAQ",
"Versions": "Versions", "Versions": "Versions",
"matrix-react-sdk version:": "matrix-react-sdk version:", "matrix-react-sdk version:": "matrix-react-sdk version:",
@ -602,12 +641,15 @@
"Labs": "Labs", "Labs": "Labs",
"Notifications": "Notifications", "Notifications": "Notifications",
"Start automatically after system login": "Start automatically after system login", "Start automatically after system login": "Start automatically after system login",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Always show the window menu bar",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Close button should minimize window to tray", "Close button should minimize window to tray": "Close button should minimize window to tray",
"Preferences": "Preferences", "Preferences": "Preferences",
"Composer": "Composer", "Composer": "Composer",
"Timeline": "Timeline", "Timeline": "Timeline",
"Room list": "Room list", "Room list": "Room list",
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Autocomplete delay (ms)", "Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Autocomplete delay (ms)",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Read Marker lifetime (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)",
"Unignore": "Unignore", "Unignore": "Unignore",
"<not supported>": "<not supported>", "<not supported>": "<not supported>",
"Import E2E room keys": "Import E2E room keys", "Import E2E room keys": "Import E2E room keys",
@ -621,6 +663,7 @@
"Key backup": "Key backup", "Key backup": "Key backup",
"Security & Privacy": "Security & Privacy", "Security & Privacy": "Security & Privacy",
"Devices": "Devices", "Devices": "Devices",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with",
"Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.",
"Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.", "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.",
"Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Learn more about how we use analytics.", "Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Learn more about how we use analytics.",
@ -661,10 +704,16 @@
"Change history visibility": "Change history visibility", "Change history visibility": "Change history visibility",
"Change permissions": "Change permissions", "Change permissions": "Change permissions",
"Change topic": "Change topic", "Change topic": "Change topic",
"Upgrade the room": "Upgrade the room",
"Enable room encryption": "Enable room encryption",
"Modify widgets": "Modify widgets", "Modify widgets": "Modify widgets",
"Failed to unban": "Failed to unban", "Failed to unban": "Failed to unban",
"Unban": "Unban", "Unban": "Unban",
"Banned by %(displayName)s": "Banned by %(displayName)s", "Banned by %(displayName)s": "Banned by %(displayName)s",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Error changing power level requirement",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.",
"Error changing power level": "Error changing power level",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.",
"Default role": "Default role", "Default role": "Default role",
"Send messages": "Send messages", "Send messages": "Send messages",
"Invite users": "Invite users", "Invite users": "Invite users",
@ -699,6 +748,33 @@
"Encrypted": "Encrypted", "Encrypted": "Encrypted",
"Who can access this room?": "Who can access this room?", "Who can access this room?": "Who can access this room?",
"Who can read history?": "Who can read history?", "Who can read history?": "Who can read history?",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Unable to revoke sharing for email address",
"Unable to share email address": "Unable to share email address",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Unable to verify email address.",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Verify the link in your inbox",
"Complete": "Complete",
"Revoke": "Revoke",
"Share": "Share",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Unable to revoke sharing for phone number",
"Unable to share phone number": "Unable to share phone number",
"Unable to verify phone number.": "Unable to verify phone number.",
"Incorrect verification code": "Incorrect verification code",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Please enter verification code sent via text.",
"Verification code": "Verification code",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Unable to remove contact information",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Remove %(email)s?",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Invalid Email Address": "Invalid Email Address",
"This doesn't appear to be a valid email address": "This doesn't appear to be a valid email address",
"Unable to add email address": "Unable to add email address",
"Add": "Add",
"We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.": "We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.",
"Email Address": "Email Address",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Remove %(phone)s?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.",
"Phone Number": "Phone Number",
"Cannot add any more widgets": "Cannot add any more widgets", "Cannot add any more widgets": "Cannot add any more widgets",
"The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.", "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.",
"Add a widget": "Add a widget", "Add a widget": "Add a widget",
@ -711,6 +787,7 @@
"Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted": "Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted", "Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted": "Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted",
"All devices for this user are trusted": "All devices for this user are trusted", "All devices for this user are trusted": "All devices for this user are trusted",
"All devices in this encrypted room are trusted": "All devices in this encrypted room are trusted", "All devices in this encrypted room are trusted": "All devices in this encrypted room are trusted",
"Edit message": "Edit message",
"This event could not be displayed": "This event could not be displayed", "This event could not be displayed": "This event could not be displayed",
"%(senderName)s sent an image": "%(senderName)s sent an image", "%(senderName)s sent an image": "%(senderName)s sent an image",
"%(senderName)s sent a video": "%(senderName)s sent a video", "%(senderName)s sent a video": "%(senderName)s sent a video",
@ -735,13 +812,27 @@
"Unban this user?": "Unban this user?", "Unban this user?": "Unban this user?",
"Ban this user?": "Ban this user?", "Ban this user?": "Ban this user?",
"Failed to ban user": "Failed to ban user", "Failed to ban user": "Failed to ban user",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "No recent messages by %(user)s found",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Remove recent messages by %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Remove %(count)s messages"
"Demote yourself?": "Demote yourself?", "Demote yourself?": "Demote yourself?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.",
"Demote": "Demote", "Demote": "Demote",
"Failed to mute user": "Failed to mute user", "Failed to mute user": "Failed to mute user",
"Failed to toggle moderator status": "Failed to toggle moderator status", "Failed to toggle moderator status": "Failed to toggle moderator status",
"Deactivate user?": "Deactivate user?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?",
"Deactivate user": "Deactivate user",
"Failed to change power level": "Failed to change power level", "Failed to change power level": "Failed to change power level",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.",
"Are you sure?": "Are you sure?",
"No devices with registered encryption keys": "No devices with registered encryption keys", "No devices with registered encryption keys": "No devices with registered encryption keys",
"Ignore": "Ignore", "Ignore": "Ignore",
"Jump to read receipt": "Jump to read receipt", "Jump to read receipt": "Jump to read receipt",
@ -750,6 +841,7 @@
"Share Link to User": "Share Link to User", "Share Link to User": "Share Link to User",
"User Options": "User Options", "User Options": "User Options",
"Direct chats": "Direct chats", "Direct chats": "Direct chats",
"Remove recent messages": "Remove recent messages",
"Unmute": "Unmute", "Unmute": "Unmute",
"Mute": "Mute", "Mute": "Mute",
"Revoke Moderator": "Revoke Moderator", "Revoke Moderator": "Revoke Moderator",
@ -764,33 +856,28 @@
"Invited": "Invited", "Invited": "Invited",
"Filter room members": "Filter room members", "Filter room members": "Filter room members",
"%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)", "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)",
"bold": "bold",
"italic": "italic",
"deleted": "deleted",
"underlined": "underlined",
"inline-code": "inline-code",
"block-quote": "block-quote",
"bulleted-list": "bulleted-list",
"numbered-list": "numbered-list",
"Voice call": "Voice call", "Voice call": "Voice call",
"Video call": "Video call", "Video call": "Video call",
"Hangup": "Hangup", "Hangup": "Hangup",
"Show Text Formatting Toolbar": "Show Text Formatting Toolbar",
"Upload file": "Upload file", "Upload file": "Upload file",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Send an encrypted reply…", "Send an encrypted reply…": "Send an encrypted reply…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Send a reply (unencrypted)…", "Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Send a reply (unencrypted)…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Send an encrypted message…", "Send an encrypted message…": "Send an encrypted message…",
"Send a message (unencrypted)…": "Send a message (unencrypted)…", "Send a message (unencrypted)…": "Send a message (unencrypted)…",
"Markdown is disabled": "Markdown is disabled",
"Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Hide Text Formatting Toolbar",
"The conversation continues here.": "The conversation continues here.", "The conversation continues here.": "The conversation continues here.",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "This room has been replaced and is no longer active.", "This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "This room has been replaced and is no longer active.",
"You do not have permission to post to this room": "You do not have permission to post to this room", "You do not have permission to post to this room": "You do not have permission to post to this room",
"Bold": "Bold",
"Italics": "Italics",
"Strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"Code block": "Code block",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Server error": "Server error", "Server error": "Server error",
"Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.", "Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.",
"Command error": "Command error", "Command error": "Command error",
"Unable to reply": "Unable to reply", "Unable to reply": "Unable to reply",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote.": "At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote.", "At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote.": "At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote.",
"Markdown is disabled": "Markdown is disabled",
"Markdown is enabled": "Markdown is enabled", "Markdown is enabled": "Markdown is enabled",
"No pinned messages.": "No pinned messages.", "No pinned messages.": "No pinned messages.",
"Loading...": "Loading...", "Loading...": "Loading...",
@ -854,13 +941,17 @@
"Re-join": "Re-join", "Re-join": "Re-join",
"You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s", "You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s",
"Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s", "Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s",
"%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.", "An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.",
"unknown error code": "unknown error code",
"You can only join it with a working invite.": "You can only join it with a working invite.", "You can only join it with a working invite.": "You can only join it with a working invite.",
"Try to join anyway": "Try to join anyway",
"You can still join it because this is a public room.": "You can still join it because this is a public room.", "You can still join it because this is a public room.": "You can still join it because this is a public room.",
"Join the discussion": "Join the discussion", "Join the discussion": "Join the discussion",
"Try to join anyway": "Try to join anyway", "This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account",
"This invite to %(roomName)s wasn't sent to your account": "This invite to %(roomName)s wasn't sent to your account", "Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.",
"Sign in with a different account, ask for another invite, or add the e-mail address %(email)s to this account.": "Sign in with a different account, ask for another invite, or add the e-mail address %(email)s to this account.", "This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.",
"Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Do you want to chat with %(user)s?", "Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Do you want to chat with %(user)s?",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Do you want to join %(roomName)s?", "Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Do you want to join %(roomName)s?",
"<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> invited you", "<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> invited you",
@ -877,6 +968,13 @@
"Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>", "Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>",
"Not now": "Not now", "Not now": "Not now",
"Don't ask me again": "Don't ask me again", "Don't ask me again": "Don't ask me again",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.": {
"other": "%(count)s unread messages including mentions."
"%(count)s unread messages.": {
"other": "%(count)s unread messages."
"Unread mentions.": "Unread mentions.",
"Add a topic": "Add a topic", "Add a topic": "Add a topic",
"Upgrading this room will shut down the current instance of the room and create an upgraded room with the same name.": "Upgrading this room will shut down the current instance of the room and create an upgraded room with the same name.", "Upgrading this room will shut down the current instance of the room and create an upgraded room with the same name.": "Upgrading this room will shut down the current instance of the room and create an upgraded room with the same name.",
"This room has already been upgraded.": "This room has already been upgraded.", "This room has already been upgraded.": "This room has already been upgraded.",
@ -885,6 +983,16 @@
"This Room": "This Room", "This Room": "This Room",
"All Rooms": "All Rooms", "All Rooms": "All Rooms",
"Search…": "Search…", "Search…": "Search…",
"bold": "bold",
"italic": "italic",
"deleted": "deleted",
"underlined": "underlined",
"inline-code": "inline-code",
"block-quote": "block-quote",
"bulleted-list": "bulleted-list",
"numbered-list": "numbered-list",
"Show Text Formatting Toolbar": "Show Text Formatting Toolbar",
"Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Hide Text Formatting Toolbar",
"Failed to connect to integrations server": "Failed to connect to integrations server", "Failed to connect to integrations server": "Failed to connect to integrations server",
"No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with", "No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled", "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled",
@ -940,6 +1048,7 @@
"Saturday": "Saturday", "Saturday": "Saturday",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"View Source": "View Source",
"Error decrypting audio": "Error decrypting audio", "Error decrypting audio": "Error decrypting audio",
"Reply": "Reply", "Reply": "Reply",
"Edit": "Edit", "Edit": "Edit",
@ -950,6 +1059,7 @@
"Download %(text)s": "Download %(text)s", "Download %(text)s": "Download %(text)s",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "Invalid file%(extra)s", "Invalid file%(extra)s": "Invalid file%(extra)s",
"Error decrypting image": "Error decrypting image", "Error decrypting image": "Error decrypting image",
"Show image": "Show image",
"Error decrypting video": "Error decrypting video", "Error decrypting video": "Error decrypting video",
"Agree": "Agree", "Agree": "Agree",
"Disagree": "Disagree", "Disagree": "Disagree",
@ -1013,7 +1123,6 @@
"Checking for an update...": "Checking for an update...", "Checking for an update...": "Checking for an update...",
"No update available.": "No update available.", "No update available.": "No update available.",
"Downloading update...": "Downloading update...", "Downloading update...": "Downloading update...",
"Warning": "Warning",
"Unknown Address": "Unknown Address", "Unknown Address": "Unknown Address",
"NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted": "NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted", "NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted": "NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted",
"Warning: This widget might use cookies.": "Warning: This widget might use cookies.", "Warning: This widget might use cookies.": "Warning: This widget might use cookies.",
@ -1037,6 +1146,9 @@
"Verify...": "Verify...", "Verify...": "Verify...",
"Join": "Join", "Join": "Join",
"No results": "No results", "No results": "No results",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.": "Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.",
"Communities": "Communities", "Communities": "Communities",
"You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)", "You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)",
"Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s", "Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s",
@ -1153,11 +1265,16 @@
}, },
"collapse": "collapse", "collapse": "collapse",
"expand": "expand", "expand": "expand",
"Edit message": "Edit message",
"Power level": "Power level", "Power level": "Power level",
"Custom level": "Custom level", "Custom level": "Custom level",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.", "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.",
"<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>In reply to</a> <pill>", "<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>In reply to</a> <pill>",
"Room alias": "Room alias",
"e.g. my-room": "e.g. my-room",
"Some characters not allowed": "Some characters not allowed",
"Please provide a room alias": "Please provide a room alias",
"This alias is available to use": "This alias is available to use",
"This alias is already in use": "This alias is already in use",
"Room directory": "Room directory", "Room directory": "Room directory",
"And %(count)s more...": { "And %(count)s more...": {
"other": "And %(count)s more..." "other": "And %(count)s more..."
@ -1170,10 +1287,14 @@
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "That doesn't look like a valid email address", "That doesn't look like a valid email address": "That doesn't look like a valid email address",
"You have entered an invalid address.": "You have entered an invalid address.", "You have entered an invalid address.": "You have entered an invalid address.",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.", "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.",
"The following users may not exist": "The following users may not exist", "The following users may not exist": "The following users may not exist",
"Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?", "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?",
"Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Invite anyway and never warn me again", "Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Invite anyway and never warn me again",
"Invite anyway": "Invite anyway", "Invite anyway": "Invite anyway",
"Close dialog": "Close dialog",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.",
"Preparing to send logs": "Preparing to send logs", "Preparing to send logs": "Preparing to send logs",
"Logs sent": "Logs sent", "Logs sent": "Logs sent",
"Thank you!": "Thank you!", "Thank you!": "Thank you!",
@ -1187,14 +1308,13 @@
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s", "Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable", "Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"Changelog": "Changelog", "Changelog": "Changelog",
"Create a new chat or reuse an existing one": "Create a new chat or reuse an existing one", "You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)",
"Start new chat": "Start new chat", "Removing…": "Removing…",
"You already have existing direct chats with this user:": "You already have existing direct chats with this user:",
"Start chatting": "Start chatting",
"Click on the button below to start chatting!": "Click on the button below to start chatting!",
"Start Chatting": "Start Chatting",
"Confirm Removal": "Confirm Removal", "Confirm Removal": "Confirm Removal",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.", "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Clear all data on this device?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.",
"Clear all data": "Clear all data",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Community IDs cannot be empty.", "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Community IDs cannot be empty.",
"Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'",
"Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Something went wrong whilst creating your community", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Something went wrong whilst creating your community",
@ -1204,11 +1324,18 @@
"Community ID": "Community ID", "Community ID": "Community ID",
"example": "example", "example": "example",
"Create": "Create", "Create": "Create",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Please enter a name for the room",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.",
"Create a public room": "Create a public room",
"Create a private room": "Create a private room",
"Name": "Name",
"Topic (optional)": "Topic (optional)",
"Make this room public": "Make this room public",
"Hide advanced": "Hide advanced",
"Show advanced": "Show advanced",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)",
"Create Room": "Create Room", "Create Room": "Create Room",
"Room name (optional)": "Room name (optional)",
"Advanced options": "Advanced options",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room": "Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room",
"This setting cannot be changed later!": "This setting cannot be changed later!",
"Sign out": "Sign out", "Sign out": "Sign out",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this", "To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ", "You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ",
@ -1228,9 +1355,11 @@
"Waiting for partner to accept...": "Waiting for partner to accept...", "Waiting for partner to accept...": "Waiting for partner to accept...",
"Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.": "Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.", "Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.": "Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.",
"Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...", "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...",
"Use two-way text verification": "Use two-way text verification", "To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:", "To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:",
"Use two-way text verification": "Use two-way text verification",
"Device name": "Device name", "Device name": "Device name",
"Device ID": "Device ID",
"Device key": "Device key", "Device key": "Device key",
"If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.", "If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.",
"I verify that the keys match": "I verify that the keys match", "I verify that the keys match": "I verify that the keys match",
@ -1271,11 +1400,15 @@
"Manually export keys": "Manually export keys", "Manually export keys": "Manually export keys",
"You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "You'll lose access to your encrypted messages", "You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "You'll lose access to your encrypted messages",
"Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", "Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.",
"Message edits": "Message edits", "Message edits": "Message edits",
"If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.": "If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.", "If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.": "If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.",
"To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.": "To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.", "To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.": "To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.",
"Report bugs & give feedback": "Report bugs & give feedback", "Report bugs & give feedback": "Report bugs & give feedback",
"Go back": "Go back", "Please fill why you're reporting.": "Please fill why you're reporting.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.",
"Send report": "Send report",
"Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Room Settings - %(roomName)s", "Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Room Settings - %(roomName)s",
"Failed to upgrade room": "Failed to upgrade room", "Failed to upgrade room": "Failed to upgrade room",
"The room upgrade could not be completed": "The room upgrade could not be completed", "The room upgrade could not be completed": "The room upgrade could not be completed",
@ -1322,10 +1455,21 @@
"Share Room Message": "Share Room Message", "Share Room Message": "Share Room Message",
"Link to selected message": "Link to selected message", "Link to selected message": "Link to selected message",
"Command Help": "Command Help",
"To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.": "To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.", "To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.": "To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.",
"Missing session data": "Missing session data", "Missing session data": "Missing session data",
"Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.", "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.",
"Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.", "Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.",
"Integrations Manager": "Integrations Manager",
"Find others by phone or email": "Find others by phone or email",
"Be found by phone or email": "Be found by phone or email",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs",
"Terms of Service": "Terms of Service",
"To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.": "To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.",
"Service": "Service",
"Summary": "Summary",
"Document": "Document",
"Next": "Next",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.", "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.",
"Room contains unknown devices": "Room contains unknown devices", "Room contains unknown devices": "Room contains unknown devices",
@ -1361,7 +1505,6 @@
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Enter Recovery Passphrase", "Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Enter Recovery Passphrase",
"<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.", "<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.", "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.",
"Next": "Next",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>", "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Enter Recovery Key", "Enter Recovery Key": "Enter Recovery Key",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "This looks like a valid recovery key!", "This looks like a valid recovery key!": "This looks like a valid recovery key!",
@ -1375,7 +1518,6 @@
"Reject invitation": "Reject invitation", "Reject invitation": "Reject invitation",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?", "Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?",
"Unable to reject invite": "Unable to reject invite", "Unable to reject invite": "Unable to reject invite",
"You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)",
"Resend": "Resend", "Resend": "Resend",
"Resend edit": "Resend edit", "Resend edit": "Resend edit",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)", "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)",
@ -1383,17 +1525,15 @@
"Cancel Sending": "Cancel Sending", "Cancel Sending": "Cancel Sending",
"Forward Message": "Forward Message", "Forward Message": "Forward Message",
"Pin Message": "Pin Message", "Pin Message": "Pin Message",
"View Source": "View Source",
"View Decrypted Source": "View Decrypted Source", "View Decrypted Source": "View Decrypted Source",
"Unhide Preview": "Unhide Preview", "Unhide Preview": "Unhide Preview",
"Share Permalink": "Share Permalink", "Share Permalink": "Share Permalink",
"Share Message": "Share Message", "Share Message": "Share Message",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Source URL": "Source URL", "Source URL": "Source URL",
"Collapse Reply Thread": "Collapse Reply Thread", "Collapse Reply Thread": "Collapse Reply Thread",
"End-to-end encryption information": "End-to-end encryption information", "End-to-end encryption information": "End-to-end encryption information",
"Report Content": "Report Content",
"Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Failed to set Direct Message status of room", "Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Failed to set Direct Message status of room",
"unknown error code": "unknown error code",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "Failed to forget room %(errCode)s", "Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "Failed to forget room %(errCode)s",
"All messages (noisy)": "All messages (noisy)", "All messages (noisy)": "All messages (noisy)",
"All messages": "All messages", "All messages": "All messages",
@ -1438,11 +1578,9 @@
"Username": "Username", "Username": "Username",
"Phone": "Phone", "Phone": "Phone",
"Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>", "Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />",
"Change": "Change",
"Sign in with": "Sign in with", "Sign in with": "Sign in with",
"If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?": "If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?", "If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?": "If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.",
"Use an email address to recover your account": "Use an email address to recover your account", "Use an email address to recover your account": "Use an email address to recover your account",
"Enter email address (required on this homeserver)": "Enter email address (required on this homeserver)", "Enter email address (required on this homeserver)": "Enter email address (required on this homeserver)",
"Doesn't look like a valid email address": "Doesn't look like a valid email address", "Doesn't look like a valid email address": "Doesn't look like a valid email address",
@ -1456,24 +1594,26 @@
"Doesn't look like a valid phone number": "Doesn't look like a valid phone number", "Doesn't look like a valid phone number": "Doesn't look like a valid phone number",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only",
"Enter username": "Enter username", "Enter username": "Enter username",
"Some characters not allowed": "Some characters not allowed",
"Email (optional)": "Email (optional)", "Email (optional)": "Email (optional)",
"Confirm": "Confirm", "Confirm": "Confirm",
"Phone (optional)": "Phone (optional)", "Phone (optional)": "Phone (optional)",
"Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s", "Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s",
"Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />", "Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />",
"Use an email address to recover your account.": "Use an email address to recover your account.", "Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.",
"Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details.": "Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details.", "Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.",
"Other servers": "Other servers", "No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.",
"Enter custom server URLs <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Enter custom server URLs <a>What does this mean?</a>", "Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>",
"Homeserver URL": "Homeserver URL", "Homeserver URL": "Homeserver URL",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>",
"Identity Server URL": "Identity Server URL", "Identity Server URL": "Identity Server URL",
"Other servers": "Other servers",
"Free": "Free", "Free": "Free",
"Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Join millions for free on the largest public server", "Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Join millions for free on the largest public server",
"Premium": "Premium", "Premium": "Premium",
"Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>", "Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>",
"Other": "Other",
"Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Find other public servers or use a custom server", "Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Find other public servers or use a custom server",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.": "Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.", "Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.": "Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.",
"Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.": "Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.", "Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.": "Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.", "Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.",
@ -1525,7 +1665,9 @@
"Community %(groupId)s not found": "Community %(groupId)s not found", "Community %(groupId)s not found": "Community %(groupId)s not found",
"This homeserver does not support communities": "This homeserver does not support communities", "This homeserver does not support communities": "This homeserver does not support communities",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Failed to load %(groupId)s", "Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Failed to load %(groupId)s",
"Filter room names": "Filter room names", "Explore": "Explore",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter rooms…": "Filter rooms…",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Failed to reject invitation", "Failed to reject invitation": "Failed to reject invitation",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?", "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?",
@ -1562,8 +1704,12 @@
"Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Couldn't find a matching Matrix room", "Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Couldn't find a matching Matrix room",
"Fetching third party location failed": "Fetching third party location failed", "Fetching third party location failed": "Fetching third party location failed",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Unable to look up room ID from server", "Unable to look up room ID from server": "Unable to look up room ID from server",
"Search for a room": "Search for a room", "Preview": "Preview",
"Search for a room like #example": "Search for a room like #example", "View": "View",
"Find a room…": "Find a room…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Explore rooms",
"Message not sent due to unknown devices being present": "Message not sent due to unknown devices being present", "Message not sent due to unknown devices being present": "Message not sent due to unknown devices being present",
"<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.", "<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.",
"You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.", "You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.",
@ -1618,9 +1764,10 @@
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.", "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.",
"Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s", "Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s",
"Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />", "Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.",
"Sign in instead": "Sign in instead",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.", "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.",
"Send Reset Email": "Send Reset Email", "Send Reset Email": "Send Reset Email",
"Sign in instead": "Sign in instead",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.", "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.",
"I have verified my email address": "I have verified my email address", "I have verified my email address": "I have verified my email address",
"Your password has been reset.": "Your password has been reset.", "Your password has been reset.": "Your password has been reset.",
@ -1637,6 +1784,7 @@
"General failure": "General failure", "General failure": "General failure",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "This homeserver does not support login using email address.", "This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "This homeserver does not support login using email address.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.", "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "This account has been deactivated.",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Incorrect username and/or password.", "Incorrect username and/or password.": "Incorrect username and/or password.",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.", "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Failed to perform homeserver discovery", "Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Failed to perform homeserver discovery",
@ -1659,17 +1807,31 @@
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.", "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.",
"Registration Successful": "Registration Successful", "Registration Successful": "Registration Successful",
"Create your account": "Create your account", "Create your account": "Create your account",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Failed to re-authenticate",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Forgotten your password?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Sign in and regain access to your account.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.",
"You're signed out": "You're signed out",
"Clear personal data": "Clear personal data",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.",
"Commands": "Commands", "Commands": "Commands",
"Community Autocomplete": "Community Autocomplete",
"Results from DuckDuckGo": "Results from DuckDuckGo", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Results from DuckDuckGo",
"Emoji": "Emoji", "Emoji": "Emoji",
"Emoji Autocomplete": "Emoji Autocomplete",
"Notify the whole room": "Notify the whole room", "Notify the whole room": "Notify the whole room",
"Room Notification": "Room Notification", "Room Notification": "Room Notification",
"Notification Autocomplete": "Notification Autocomplete",
"Room Autocomplete": "Room Autocomplete",
"Users": "Users", "Users": "Users",
"User Autocomplete": "User Autocomplete",
"unknown device": "unknown device", "unknown device": "unknown device",
"NOT verified": "NOT verified", "NOT verified": "NOT verified",
"Blacklisted": "Blacklisted", "Blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
"verified": "verified", "verified": "verified",
"Name": "Name",
"Verification": "Verification", "Verification": "Verification",
"Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519 fingerprint", "Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519 fingerprint",
"User ID": "User ID", "User ID": "User ID",
@ -1718,7 +1880,6 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive", "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage", "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).",
"Okay": "Okay",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.", "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Set up Secure Message Recovery", "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Set up Secure Message Recovery",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Secure your backup with a passphrase", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Secure your backup with a passphrase",
@ -1762,6 +1923,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]", "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]",
"Create Account": "Create Account", "Create Account": "Create Account",
"Need help?": "Need help?", "Need help?": "Need help?",
"Explore rooms": "Explore rooms",
"Room Directory": "Room Directory" "Room Directory": "Room Directory"
} }

@ -957,6 +957,13 @@
"other": "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …" "other": "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …"
}, },
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Your Riot is misconfigured", "Your Riot is misconfigured": "Your Riot is misconfigured",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Call failed due to misconfigured server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Try using turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Failed to start chat",
"Messages": "Messages",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Other": "Other",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?",

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Vi ne povas voki vin mem.", "You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Vi ne povas voki vin mem.",
"Warning!": "Averto!", "Warning!": "Averto!",
"Sign in with CAS": "Saluti per CAS", "Sign in with CAS": "Saluti per CAS",
"Sign in with": "Ensaluti per", "Sign in with": "Saluti per",
"Sign in": "Ensaluti", "Sign in": "Saluti",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Pro sekurecaj kialoj, la seanco finiĝis. Bonvolu reensaluti.", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Pro sekurecaj kialoj, la seanco finiĝis. Bonvolu resaluti.",
"Upload Failed": "Alŝuto malsukcesis", "Upload Failed": "Alŝuto malsukcesis",
"Sun": "Dim", "Sun": "Dim",
"Mon": "Lun", "Mon": "Lun",
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"Operation failed": "Ago malsukcesis", "Operation failed": "Ago malsukcesis",
"Failed to invite": "Invito malsukcesis", "Failed to invite": "Invito malsukcesis",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Malsukcesis inviti la jenajn uzantojn al la ĉambro %(roomName)s:", "Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Malsukcesis inviti la jenajn uzantojn al la ĉambro %(roomName)s:",
"You need to be logged in.": "Vi devas esti ensalutinta.", "You need to be logged in.": "Vi devas esti salutinta.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Vi bezonas permeson inviti uzantojn por tio.", "You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Vi bezonas permeson inviti uzantojn por tio.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Fenestraĵo ne kreeblas.", "Unable to create widget.": "Fenestraĵo ne kreeblas.",
"Failed to send request.": "Malsukcesis sendi peton.", "Failed to send request.": "Malsukcesis sendi peton.",
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s venis en la ĉambro.", "%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s venis en la ĉambro.",
"VoIP conference finished.": "Rettelefona voko finiĝis.", "VoIP conference finished.": "Rettelefona voko finiĝis.",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s rifuzis la inviton.", "%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s rifuzis la inviton.",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s forlasis la ĉambro.", "%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s forlasis la ĉambron.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s malbaris uzanton %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s malbaris uzanton %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s forpelis uzanton %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s forpelis uzanton %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s nuligis inviton por %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s nuligis inviton por %(targetName)s.",
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"Hide read receipts": "Kaŝi legokonfrimojn", "Hide read receipts": "Kaŝi legokonfrimojn",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Montri tempindikojn en 12-hora formo (ekz. 2:30 post.)", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Montri tempindikojn en 12-hora formo (ekz. 2:30 post.)",
"Always show message timestamps": "Ĉiam montri mesaĝajn tempindikojn", "Always show message timestamps": "Ĉiam montri mesaĝajn tempindikojn",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Aŭtomate ludi GIF-bildojn kaj videojn", "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Memfare ludi GIF-bildojn kaj filmojn",
"Call Failed": "Voko malsukcesis", "Call Failed": "Voko malsukcesis",
"There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "En la ĉambro estas nekonataj aparatoj: se vi daŭrigos ne kontrolante ilin, iu povos subaŭskulti vian vokon.", "There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "En la ĉambro estas nekonataj aparatoj: se vi daŭrigos ne kontrolante ilin, iu povos subaŭskulti vian vokon.",
"Review Devices": "Kontroli aparatojn", "Review Devices": "Kontroli aparatojn",
@ -184,12 +184,12 @@
"Answer": "Respondi", "Answer": "Respondi",
"Send anyway": "Tamen sendi", "Send anyway": "Tamen sendi",
"Send": "Sendi", "Send": "Sendi",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Ŝalti aŭtomatan rekonon de lingvo por sintaksa markado", "Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Ŝalti memfaran rekonon de lingvo por sintaksa markado",
"Hide avatars in user and room mentions": "Kaŝi profilbildojn en mencioj de uzantoj kaj babilejoj", "Hide avatars in user and room mentions": "Kaŝi profilbildojn en mencioj de uzantoj kaj babilejoj",
"Disable big emoji in chat": "Malŝalti grandajn mienetojn en babilo", "Disable big emoji in chat": "Malŝalti grandajn mienetojn en babilo",
"Don't send typing notifications": "Ne elsendi sciigojn pri tajpado", "Don't send typing notifications": "Ne elsendi sciigojn pri tajpado",
"Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Aŭtomate anstataŭigi tekstajn mienetojn", "Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Memfare anstataŭigi tekstajn mienetojn",
"Mirror local video feed": "Speguli lokan videon", "Mirror local video feed": "Speguli lokan filmon",
"Disable Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Malŝalti samtavolajn duopajn vokojn", "Disable Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Malŝalti samtavolajn duopajn vokojn",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices from this device": "Neniam sendi neĉifritajn mesaĝojn al nekontrolitaj aparatoj de tiu ĉi aparato", "Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices from this device": "Neniam sendi neĉifritajn mesaĝojn al nekontrolitaj aparatoj de tiu ĉi aparato",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices in this room from this device": "Neniam sendi ĉifritajn mesaĝojn al nekontrolitaj aparatoj en tiu ĉi ĉambro el tiu ĉi aparato", "Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices in this room from this device": "Neniam sendi ĉifritajn mesaĝojn al nekontrolitaj aparatoj en tiu ĉi ĉambro el tiu ĉi aparato",
@ -245,10 +245,10 @@
"Drop File Here": "Demetu dosieron tien ĉi", "Drop File Here": "Demetu dosieron tien ĉi",
"Drop file here to upload": "Demetu dosieron tien ĉi por ĝin alŝuti", "Drop file here to upload": "Demetu dosieron tien ĉi por ĝin alŝuti",
" (unsupported)": " (nesubtenata)", " (unsupported)": " (nesubtenata)",
"Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Aliĝu al voko kun <voiceText>voĉo</voiceText> aŭ <videoText>video</videoText>.", "Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Aliĝu al voko kun <voiceText>voĉo</voiceText> aŭ <videoText>vido</videoText>.",
"Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s.": "Nuntempa grupvoko%(supportedText)s.", "Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s.": "Nuntempa grupvoko%(supportedText)s.",
"%(senderName)s sent an image": "%(senderName)s sendis bildon", "%(senderName)s sent an image": "%(senderName)s sendis bildon",
"%(senderName)s sent a video": "%(senderName)s sendis videon", "%(senderName)s sent a video": "%(senderName)s sendis filmon",
"%(senderName)s uploaded a file": "%(senderName)s alŝutis dosieron", "%(senderName)s uploaded a file": "%(senderName)s alŝutis dosieron",
"Options": "Agordoj", "Options": "Agordoj",
"Undecryptable": "Nemalĉifrebla", "Undecryptable": "Nemalĉifrebla",
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar to <img/>": "%(senderDisplayName)s agordis la ĉambran profilbildon al <img/>", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar to <img/>": "%(senderDisplayName)s agordis la ĉambran profilbildon al <img/>",
"Copied!": "Kopiita!", "Copied!": "Kopiita!",
"Failed to copy": "Malsukcesis kopii", "Failed to copy": "Malsukcesis kopii",
"Add an Integration": "Aldoni integron", "Add an Integration": "Aldoni kunigon",
"Removed or unknown message type": "Forigita aŭ nekonata tipo de mesaĝo", "Removed or unknown message type": "Forigita aŭ nekonata tipo de mesaĝo",
"Message removed by %(userId)s": "Mesaĝo forigita de %(userId)s", "Message removed by %(userId)s": "Mesaĝo forigita de %(userId)s",
"Message removed": "Mesaĝo forigita", "Message removed": "Mesaĝo forigita",
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
"Communities": "Komunumoj", "Communities": "Komunumoj",
"Home": "Hejmo", "Home": "Hejmo",
"Integrations Error": "Integra eraro", "Integrations Error": "Integra eraro",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Malsukcesis konektiĝi al la integra servilo", "Could not connect to the integration server": "Malsukcesis konektiĝi al la kuniga servilo",
"Manage Integrations": "Administri integrojn", "Manage Integrations": "Administri integrojn",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s", "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": { "%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": {
@ -667,10 +667,10 @@
"Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Propra nivelo %(powerLevel)s", "Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Propra nivelo %(powerLevel)s",
"Custom level": "Propra nivelo", "Custom level": "Propra nivelo",
"Room directory": "Ĉambra dosierujo", "Room directory": "Ĉambra dosierujo",
"Username not available": "Uzantnomo ne disponeblas", "Username not available": "Uzantonomo ne disponeblas",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Uzantnomo ne validas: %(errMessage)s", "Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Uzantonomo ne validas: %(errMessage)s",
"Username available": "Uzantnomo disponeblas", "Username available": "Uzantonomo disponeblas",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "Por komenci, bonvolu elekti uzantnomon!", "To get started, please pick a username!": "Por komenci, bonvolu elekti uzantonomon!",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Malĝusta uzantnomo kaj/aŭ pasvorto.", "Incorrect username and/or password.": "Malĝusta uzantnomo kaj/aŭ pasvorto.",
"User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores.": "Salutnomoj enhavu nur literojn, numerojn, punktojn, streketojn, kaj substrekojn.", "User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores.": "Salutnomoj enhavu nur literojn, numerojn, punktojn, streketojn, kaj substrekojn.",
"You need to enter a user name.": "Vi devas enigi salutnomon.", "You need to enter a user name.": "Vi devas enigi salutnomon.",
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@
}, },
"ex. @bob:example.com": "ekz-e @nomo:ekzemplo.net", "ex. @bob:example.com": "ekz-e @nomo:ekzemplo.net",
"Add User": "Aldoni uzanton", "Add User": "Aldoni uzanton",
"Matrix ID": "Identigo en Matrix", "Matrix ID": "Identigilo en Matrix",
"Matrix Room ID": "Ĉambra identigilo en Matrix", "Matrix Room ID": "Ĉambra identigilo en Matrix",
"email address": "retpoŝtadreso", "email address": "retpoŝtadreso",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Provu unu el la sekvaj validaj tipoj de adreso: %(validTypesList)s.", "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Provu unu el la sekvaj validaj tipoj de adreso: %(validTypesList)s.",
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "Tio ĉi estos la nomo de via konto sur la hejmservilo <span></span>, aŭ vi povas elekti <a>alian servilon</a>.", "This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "Tio ĉi estos la nomo de via konto sur la hejmservilo <span></span>, aŭ vi povas elekti <a>alian servilon</a>.",
"Blacklist": "Malpermesi legadon de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj", "Blacklist": "Malpermesi legadon de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj",
"Unverify": "Malkontroli", "Unverify": "Malkontroli",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Se vi jam havas Matrix-konton, vi povas <a>ensaluti</a> anstataŭe.", "If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Se vi jam havas Matrix-konton, vi povas <a>saluti</a> anstataŭe.",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Vi nun malpermesas legadon de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj al nekontrolitaj aparatoj; por sendi mesaĝojn al tiuj, vi devas ilin kontroli.", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Vi nun malpermesas legadon de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj al nekontrolitaj aparatoj; por sendi mesaĝojn al tiuj, vi devas ilin kontroli.",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "Ni rekomendas al vi bone kontroli ĉiun aparaton por certigi, ke ĝi apartenas al la verŝajna posedanto, sed vi povas resendi la mesaĝon sen kontrolo, laŭprefere.", "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "Ni rekomendas al vi bone kontroli ĉiun aparaton por certigi, ke ĝi apartenas al la verŝajna posedanto, sed vi povas resendi la mesaĝon sen kontrolo, laŭprefere.",
"Room contains unknown devices": "Ĉambro enhavas nekonatajn aparatojn", "Room contains unknown devices": "Ĉambro enhavas nekonatajn aparatojn",
@ -795,10 +795,10 @@
"Failed to reject invitation": "Malsukcesis rifuzi la inviton", "Failed to reject invitation": "Malsukcesis rifuzi la inviton",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Ĉu vi certe volas forlasi la ĉambron '%(roomName)s'?", "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Ĉu vi certe volas forlasi la ĉambron '%(roomName)s'?",
"Failed to leave room": "Malsukcesis forlasi la ĉambron", "Failed to leave room": "Malsukcesis forlasi la ĉambron",
"Signed Out": "Elsalutinta", "Signed Out": "Adiaŭinta",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Malnovaj kriptografiaj datumoj troviĝis", "Old cryptography data detected": "Malnovaj kriptografiaj datumoj troviĝis",
"Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Datumoj el malnova versio de Riot troviĝis. Ĉi tio malfunkciigos ĝiscelan ĉifradon en la malnova versio. Ĝiscele ĉifritaj mesaĝoj interŝanĝitaj freŝtempe per la malnova versio eble ne malĉifreblos. Tio povas kaŭzi malsukceson ankaŭ al mesaĝoj interŝanĝitaj kun tiu ĉi versio. Se vin trafos problemoj, elsalutu kaj reensalutu. Por reteni mesaĝan historion, elportu kaj reenportu viajn ŝlosilojn.", "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Datumoj el malnova versio de Riot troviĝis. Ĉi tio malfunkciigos ĝiscelan ĉifradon en la malnova versio. Ĝiscele ĉifritaj mesaĝoj interŝanĝitaj freŝtempe per la malnova versio eble ne malĉifreblos. Tio povas kaŭzi malsukceson ankaŭ al mesaĝoj interŝanĝitaj kun tiu ĉi versio. Se vin trafos problemoj, adiaŭu kaj resalutu. Por reteni mesaĝan historion, elportu kaj reenportu viajn ŝlosilojn.",
"Logout": "Elsaluti", "Logout": "Adiaŭi",
"Your Communities": "Viaj komunumoj", "Your Communities": "Viaj komunumoj",
"Error whilst fetching joined communities": "Akirado de viaj komunumoj eraris", "Error whilst fetching joined communities": "Akirado de viaj komunumoj eraris",
"Create a new community": "Krei novan komunumon", "Create a new community": "Krei novan komunumon",
@ -826,8 +826,8 @@
"Failed to save settings": "Malsukcesis konservi agordojn", "Failed to save settings": "Malsukcesis konservi agordojn",
"Failed to reject invite": "Malsukcesis rifuzi inviton", "Failed to reject invite": "Malsukcesis rifuzi inviton",
"Fill screen": "Plenigi ekranon", "Fill screen": "Plenigi ekranon",
"Click to unmute video": "Klaku por ŝalti videon", "Click to unmute video": "Klaku por ŝalti vidon",
"Click to mute video": "Klaku por malŝalti videon", "Click to mute video": "Klaku por malŝalti vidon",
"Click to unmute audio": "Klaku por ŝalti sonon", "Click to unmute audio": "Klaku por ŝalti sonon",
"Click to mute audio": "Klaku por malŝalti sonon", "Click to mute audio": "Klaku por malŝalti sonon",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Provis enlegi certan parton de ĉi tiu historio, sed vi ne havas permeson vidi ĝin.", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Provis enlegi certan parton de ĉi tiu historio, sed vi ne havas permeson vidi ĝin.",
@ -843,10 +843,10 @@
"Status.im theme": "Temo de status.im", "Status.im theme": "Temo de status.im",
"Can't load user settings": "Agordoj de uzanto ne enlegeblas", "Can't load user settings": "Agordoj de uzanto ne enlegeblas",
"Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Servilo eble estas neatingebla aŭ troŝarĝita", "Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Servilo eble estas neatingebla aŭ troŝarĝita",
"Sign out": "Elsaluti", "Sign out": "Adiaŭi",
"For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Pro sekureco, adiaŭo forigos ĉiujn ĝiscele ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn de tiu ĉi foliumilo. Se vi volas malĉifri vian babilan historion el estontaj seancoj de Riot, bonvolu elporti kaj bone reteni viajn ĉambrojn ŝlosilojn.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Pro sekureco, adiaŭo forigos ĉiujn ĝiscele ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn de tiu ĉi foliumilo. Se vi volas malĉifri vian babilan historion el estontaj seancoj de Riot, bonvolu elporti kaj bone reteni viajn ĉambrojn ŝlosilojn.",
"Success": "Sukceso", "Success": "Sukceso",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Via pasvorto sukcese ŝanĝiĝis. Vi ne ricevos puŝatentigojn je aliaj aparatoj ĝis tiam, kiam vi reensalutas per ili", "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Via pasvorto sukcese ŝanĝiĝis. Vi ne ricevos puŝatentigojn je aliaj aparatoj ĝis tiam, kiam vi resalutos per ili",
"Remove Contact Information?": "Ĉu forigi kontaktajn informojn?", "Remove Contact Information?": "Ĉu forigi kontaktajn informojn?",
"Remove %(threePid)s?": "Ĉu forigi %(threePid)s?", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Ĉu forigi %(threePid)s?",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Kontaktaj informoj ne forigeblas", "Unable to remove contact information": "Kontaktaj informoj ne forigeblas",
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Rifuzi ĉiujn %(invitedRooms)s invitojn", "Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Rifuzi ĉiujn %(invitedRooms)s invitojn",
"Bulk Options": "Amasaj agordoj", "Bulk Options": "Amasaj agordoj",
"Desktop specific": "Specialaj al labortablo", "Desktop specific": "Specialaj al labortablo",
"Start automatically after system login": "Aŭtomate ruli post operaciuma ensaluto", "Start automatically after system login": "Memfare ruli post operaciuma saluto",
"No media permissions": "Neniuj permesoj pri aŭdvidaĵoj", "No media permissions": "Neniuj permesoj pri aŭdvidaĵoj",
"You may need to manually permit Riot to access your microphone/webcam": "Eble vi devos permane permesi al Riot atingon de viaj mikrofono/kamerao", "You may need to manually permit Riot to access your microphone/webcam": "Eble vi devos permane permesi al Riot atingon de viaj mikrofono/kamerao",
"Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "Mankas permesoj pri aŭdvidaĵoj; klaku ĉi tie por peti ilin.", "Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "Mankas permesoj pri aŭdvidaĵoj; klaku ĉi tie por peti ilin.",
@ -907,17 +907,17 @@
"I have verified my email address": "Mi kontrolis mian retpoŝtadreson", "I have verified my email address": "Mi kontrolis mian retpoŝtadreson",
"Your password has been reset": "Via pasvorto restariĝis", "Your password has been reset": "Via pasvorto restariĝis",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Vi aŭtomate adiaŭis ĉiujn aparatojn kaj ne ricevos plu puŝsciigojn. Por reŝalti sciigojn, saluti denove per ĉiu aparato", "You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Vi aŭtomate adiaŭis ĉiujn aparatojn kaj ne ricevos plu puŝsciigojn. Por reŝalti sciigojn, saluti denove per ĉiu aparato",
"Return to login screen": "Reiri al ensaluta paĝo", "Return to login screen": "Reiri al saluta paĝo",
"To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account": "Por restarigi vian pasvorton, enigu la retpoŝtadreson ligitan al via konto", "To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account": "Por restarigi vian pasvorton, enigu la retpoŝtadreson ligitan al via konto",
"New password": "Nova pasvorto", "New password": "Nova pasvorto",
"Confirm your new password": "Konfirmu vian novan pasvorton", "Confirm your new password": "Konfirmu vian novan pasvorton",
"Send Reset Email": "Sendi restarigan retleteron", "Send Reset Email": "Sendi restarigan retleteron",
"Create an account": "Krei konton", "Create an account": "Krei konton",
"This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Tiu ĉi hejma servilo ne subtenas saluton per retpoŝtadreso.", "This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Tiu ĉi hejma servilo ne subtenas saluton per retpoŝtadreso.",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Rimarku ke vi ensalutas al la servilo %(hs)s, ne matrix.org.", "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Rimarku ke vi salutas la servilon %(hs)s, ne matrix.org.",
"Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gasta atingo estas malŝaltita en tiu ĉi hejma servilo.", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gasta atingo estas malŝaltita en tiu ĉi hejma servilo.",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "Tiu ĉi telefona numero ŝajnas malvalida", "The phone number entered looks invalid": "Tiu ĉi telefona numero ŝajnas malvalida",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo ne proponas ensalutajn fluojn subtenatajn de tiu ĉi kliento.", "This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo ne proponas salutajn fluojn subtenatajn de tiu ĉi kliento.",
"Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Eraro: Estas problemo en komunikado kun la hejmservilo.", "Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Eraro: Estas problemo en komunikado kun la hejmservilo.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Hejmservilo ne alkonekteblas per HTTP kun HTTPS URL en via adresbreto. Aŭ uzu HTTPS aŭ <a>ŝaltu malsekurajn skriptojn</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Hejmservilo ne alkonekteblas per HTTP kun HTTPS URL en via adresbreto. Aŭ uzu HTTPS aŭ <a>ŝaltu malsekurajn skriptojn</a>.",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Ne eblas konekti al hejmservilo bonvolu kontroli vian konekton, certigi ke <a>la SSL-atestilo de via hejmservilo</a> estas fidata, kaj ke neniu foliumila kromprogramo baras petojn.", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Ne eblas konekti al hejmservilo bonvolu kontroli vian konekton, certigi ke <a>la SSL-atestilo de via hejmservilo</a> estas fidata, kaj ke neniu foliumila kromprogramo baras petojn.",
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@
"Your homeserver's URL": "URL de via hejmservilo", "Your homeserver's URL": "URL de via hejmservilo",
"Your identity server's URL": "URL de via identiga servilo", "Your identity server's URL": "URL de via identiga servilo",
"The platform you're on": "Via platformo", "The platform you're on": "Via platformo",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Kiun oficiale disponeblan aperon vi uzas, se iun ajn", "Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Kiun oficiale disponeblan nodon vi uzas, se iun ajn",
"Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Ĉu vi uzas la riĉtekstan reĝimon de la riĉteksta redaktilo aŭ ne", "Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Ĉu vi uzas la riĉtekstan reĝimon de la riĉteksta redaktilo aŭ ne",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Kiam ĉi tiu paĝo enhavas identigeblajn informojn, ekzemple ĉambron, uzantan aŭ grupan identigilon, ili estas formetataj antaŭ ol sendado al la servilo.", "Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Kiam ĉi tiu paĝo enhavas identigeblajn informojn, ekzemple ĉambron, uzantan aŭ grupan identigilon, ili estas formetataj antaŭ ol sendado al la servilo.",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@
"Failed to get protocol list from Home Server": "Malsukcesis akiri liston de protokoloj el la hejmservilo", "Failed to get protocol list from Home Server": "Malsukcesis akiri liston de protokoloj el la hejmservilo",
"Collecting app version information": "Kolektanta informon pri versio de la aplikaĵo", "Collecting app version information": "Kolektanta informon pri versio de la aplikaĵo",
"Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Ĉu forigi la ĉambran kromnomon %(alias)s kaj forigi %(name)s de la ujo?", "Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Ĉu forigi la ĉambran kromnomon %(alias)s kaj forigi %(name)s de la ujo?",
"This will allow you to return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Ĉi tio permesos al vi reveni al via konto post elsaluto, kaj ensaluti kun alia aparato.", "This will allow you to return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Ĉi tio permesos al vi reveni al via konto post adiaŭo, kaj saluti kun aliaj aparatoj.",
"Enable notifications for this account": "Ŝalti sciigojn por tiu ĉi konto", "Enable notifications for this account": "Ŝalti sciigojn por tiu ĉi konto",
"Directory": "Dosierujo", "Directory": "Dosierujo",
"Invite to this community": "Inviti al tiu ĉi komunumo", "Invite to this community": "Inviti al tiu ĉi komunumo",
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ne scias aliĝi al ĉambroj en tiu ĉi reto", "Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ne scias aliĝi al ĉambroj en tiu ĉi reto",
"Mentions only": "Nur mencioj", "Mentions only": "Nur mencioj",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Malsukcesis forigi etikedon %(tagName)s el la ĉambro", "Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Malsukcesis forigi etikedon %(tagName)s el la ĉambro",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Vi nun rajtas reveni al via konto post elsaluto, kaj ensaluti per ĝi kun aliaj aparatoj.", "You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Vi nun rajtas reveni al via konto post adiaŭo, kaj saluti per ĝi kun aliaj aparatoj.",
"Enable desktop notifications": "Ŝalti labortablajn sciigojn", "Enable desktop notifications": "Ŝalti labortablajn sciigojn",
"Enable email notifications": "Ŝalti retpoŝtajn sciigojn", "Enable email notifications": "Ŝalti retpoŝtajn sciigojn",
"Event Type": "Tipo de okazo", "Event Type": "Tipo de okazo",
@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here": "Ekzistas specialaj sciigoj, kiuj ne montriĝas ĉi tie", "There are advanced notifications which are not shown here": "Ekzistas specialaj sciigoj, kiuj ne montriĝas ĉi tie",
"Logs sent": "Protokolo sendiĝis", "Logs sent": "Protokolo sendiĝis",
"GitHub issue link:": "Ligilo al raporto ĉe GitHub:", "GitHub issue link:": "Ligilo al raporto ĉe GitHub:",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Sencimigaj protokoloj enhavas informojn pri uzo de aplikaĵo, inkluzive vian uzantnomon, la identigilojn aŭ nomojn de la ĉambroj aŭ grupoj kiujn vi vizitis, kaj la uzantnomojn de aliaj uzantoj. Ili ne enhavas mesaĝojn.", "Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Sencimigaj protokoloj enhavas informojn pri uzo de aplikaĵo, inkluzive vian uzantonomon, la identigilojn aŭ nomojn de la ĉambroj aŭ grupoj kiujn vi vizitis, kaj la uzantonomojn de aliaj uzantoj. Ili ne enhavas mesaĝojn.",
"Failed to send logs: ": "Malsukcesis sendi protokolon: ", "Failed to send logs: ": "Malsukcesis sendi protokolon: ",
"Notes:": "Rimarkoj:", "Notes:": "Rimarkoj:",
"Preparing to send logs": "Pretiganta sendon de protokolo", "Preparing to send logs": "Pretiganta sendon de protokolo",
@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@
"Share Message": "Diskonigi", "Share Message": "Diskonigi",
"Search for a room like #example": "Serĉi ĉambron kiel #example", "Search for a room like #example": "Serĉi ĉambron kiel #example",
"<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Montri aparatojn</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>tamen sendi</sendAnywayText> aŭ <cancelText>nuligi</cancelText>.", "<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Montri aparatojn</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>tamen sendi</sendAnywayText> aŭ <cancelText>nuligi</cancelText>.",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Ĉu vi estas ensalutinta aŭ ne (ni ne registras vian uzantonomon)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Ĉu vi salutis aŭ ne (ni ne registras vian uzantonomon)",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "Ne eblis komenci grupvokon, ĉar la integriga servilo ne disponeblas", "A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "Ne eblis komenci grupvokon, ĉar la integriga servilo ne disponeblas",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Vi ne havas permeson komenci grupvokon en ĉi tiu ĉambro", "You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Vi ne havas permeson komenci grupvokon en ĉi tiu ĉambro",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "La dosiero '%(fileName)s' superas la grandecan limon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "La dosiero '%(fileName)s' superas la grandecan limon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo",
@ -1258,16 +1258,16 @@
"Cat": "Kato", "Cat": "Kato",
"Lion": "Leono", "Lion": "Leono",
"Horse": "Ĉevalo", "Horse": "Ĉevalo",
"Unicorn": "Unikorno", "Unicorn": "Unukorno",
"Pig": "Porko", "Pig": "Porko",
"Elephant": "Elefanto", "Elephant": "Elefanto",
"Rabbit": "Kuniklo", "Rabbit": "Kuniklo",
"Panda": "Pando", "Panda": "Pando",
"Rooster": "Koko", "Rooster": "Koko",
"Penguin": "Pingvino", "Penguin": "Pingveno",
"Turtle": "Testudo", "Turtle": "Testudo",
"Fish": "Fiŝo", "Fish": "Fiŝo",
"Octopus": "Oktopuso", "Octopus": "Polpo",
"Butterfly": "Papilio", "Butterfly": "Papilio",
"Flower": "Floro", "Flower": "Floro",
"Tree": "Arbo", "Tree": "Arbo",
@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@
"Hammer": "Martelo", "Hammer": "Martelo",
"Telephone": "Telefono", "Telephone": "Telefono",
"Flag": "Flago", "Flag": "Flago",
"Train": "Trajno", "Train": "Vagonaro",
"Bicycle": "Biciklo", "Bicycle": "Biciklo",
"Aeroplane": "Aeroplano", "Aeroplane": "Aeroplano",
"Rocket": "Raketo", "Rocket": "Raketo",
@ -1310,8 +1310,8 @@
"Ball": "Pilko", "Ball": "Pilko",
"Guitar": "Gitaro", "Guitar": "Gitaro",
"Trumpet": "Trumpeto", "Trumpet": "Trumpeto",
"Bell": "Sonilo", "Bell": "Sonorilo",
"Anchor": "Ankero", "Anchor": "Ankro",
"Headphones": "Kapaŭdilo", "Headphones": "Kapaŭdilo",
"Folder": "Dosierujo", "Folder": "Dosierujo",
"Yes": "Jes", "Yes": "Jes",
@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@
"Ignored users": "Malatentaj uzantoj", "Ignored users": "Malatentaj uzantoj",
"Key backup": "Sekurkopio de ŝlosilo", "Key backup": "Sekurkopio de ŝlosilo",
"Security & Privacy": "Sekureco & Privateco", "Security & Privacy": "Sekureco & Privateco",
"Voice & Video": "Voĉo & Video", "Voice & Video": "Voĉo k Vido",
"Upgrade room to version %(ver)s": "Ĝisdatigi ĉambron al versio %(ver)s", "Upgrade room to version %(ver)s": "Ĝisdatigi ĉambron al versio %(ver)s",
"Room information": "Ĉambraj informoj", "Room information": "Ĉambraj informoj",
"Internal room ID:": "Ena ĉambra identigilo:", "Internal room ID:": "Ena ĉambra identigilo:",
@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
"Room version:": "Ĉambra versio:", "Room version:": "Ĉambra versio:",
"Developer options": "Verkantaj opcioj", "Developer options": "Verkantaj opcioj",
"Room Addresses": "Ĉambra adresoj", "Room Addresses": "Ĉambra adresoj",
"Change room avatar": "Ŝanĝi avataron de ĉambro", "Change room avatar": "Ŝanĝi profilbildon de ĉambro",
"Change room name": "Ŝanĝi nomon de ĉambro", "Change room name": "Ŝanĝi nomon de ĉambro",
"Change main address for the room": "Ŝanĝi ĉefan adreson de la ĉambro", "Change main address for the room": "Ŝanĝi ĉefan adreson de la ĉambro",
"Change history visibility": "Ŝanĝi videblecon de historio", "Change history visibility": "Ŝanĝi videblecon de historio",
@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@
"Not now": "Ne nun", "Not now": "Ne nun",
"Don't ask me again": "Ne demandu min denove", "Don't ask me again": "Ne demandu min denove",
"Main address": "Ĉefa adreso", "Main address": "Ĉefa adreso",
"Room avatar": "Avataro de ĉambro", "Room avatar": "Profilbildo de ĉambro",
"Upload room avatar": "Alŝuti avataron de ĉambro", "Upload room avatar": "Alŝuti profilbildon de ĉambro",
"No room avatar": "Neniu avataro de ĉambro", "No room avatar": "Neniu profilbildo de ĉambro",
"Room Name": "Nomo de ĉambro", "Room Name": "Nomo de ĉambro",
"Room Topic": "Temo de ĉambro", "Room Topic": "Temo de ĉambro",
"Yes, I want to help!": "Jes. Mi volas helpi!", "Yes, I want to help!": "Jes. Mi volas helpi!",
@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@
"Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Ĉambraj agordoj — %(roomName)s", "Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Ĉambraj agordoj — %(roomName)s",
"Failed to upgrade room": "Malsukcesis gradaltigi ĉambron", "Failed to upgrade room": "Malsukcesis gradaltigi ĉambron",
"Refresh": "Aktualigi", "Refresh": "Aktualigi",
"Checking...": "Kontrolante...", "Checking...": "Kontrolante",
"Share Room": "Kunhavigi ĉambron", "Share Room": "Kunhavigi ĉambron",
"Share User": "Kunhavigi uzanton", "Share User": "Kunhavigi uzanton",
"Share Community": "Kunhavigi komunumon", "Share Community": "Kunhavigi komunumon",
@ -1412,10 +1412,10 @@
"Hide": "Kaŝi", "Hide": "Kaŝi",
"Code": "Kodo", "Code": "Kodo",
"Server Name": "Nomo de servilo", "Server Name": "Nomo de servilo",
"Username": "Uzantnomo", "Username": "Uzantonomo",
"Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Ĉu vi ne certas pri via pasvorto? <a>Agordu novan</a>", "Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Ĉu vi ne certas pri via pasvorto? <a>Agordu novan</a>",
"Sign in to your Matrix account": "Saluti per via Matrix-konto", "Sign in to your Matrix account": "Saluti per via Matrix-konto",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Ensaluti per via Matrix-konto sur %(serverName)s", "Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Saluti per via Matrix-konto sur %(serverName)s",
"Change": "Ŝanĝi", "Change": "Ŝanĝi",
"Create your Matrix account": "Krei vian Matrix-konton", "Create your Matrix account": "Krei vian Matrix-konton",
"Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Krei vian Matrix-konton sur %(serverName)s", "Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Krei vian Matrix-konton sur %(serverName)s",
@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@
"Your Matrix account": "Via Matrix-konto", "Your Matrix account": "Via Matrix-konto",
"Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Via Matrix-konto sur %(serverName)s", "Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Via Matrix-konto sur %(serverName)s",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Kontrola retpoŝtmesaĝo estos sendita al via enirkesto por kontroli agordadon de via nova pasvorto.", "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Kontrola retpoŝtmesaĝo estos sendita al via enirkesto por kontroli agordadon de via nova pasvorto.",
"Sign in instead": "Anstataŭe ensaluti", "Sign in instead": "Anstataŭe saluti",
"Your password has been reset.": "Vi reagordis vian pasvorton.", "Your password has been reset.": "Vi reagordis vian pasvorton.",
"Set a new password": "Agordi novan pasvorton", "Set a new password": "Agordi novan pasvorton",
"General failure": "Ĝenerala fiasko", "General failure": "Ĝenerala fiasko",
@ -1456,12 +1456,11 @@
"Create your account": "Krei vian konton", "Create your account": "Krei vian konton",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Bonege! Ĉi tiu pasfrazo ŝajnas sufiĉe forta.", "Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Bonege! Ĉi tiu pasfrazo ŝajnas sufiĉe forta.",
"Keep going...": "Daŭrigu…", "Keep going...": "Daŭrigu…",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Enigu pasfrazon...", "Enter a passphrase...": "Enigu pasfrazon",
"That matches!": "Tio kongruas!", "That matches!": "Tio kongruas!",
"That doesn't match.": "Tio ne kongruas.", "That doesn't match.": "Tio ne kongruas.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Ripetu vian pasfrazon...", "Repeat your passphrase...": "Ripetu vian pasfrazon...",
"Download": "Elŝuti", "Download": "Elŝuti",
"Okay": "Bone",
"Success!": "Sukceso!", "Success!": "Sukceso!",
"Retry": "Reprovi", "Retry": "Reprovi",
"Set up": "Agordi", "Set up": "Agordi",
@ -1559,7 +1558,7 @@
"Backup version: ": "Versio de savkopio: ", "Backup version: ": "Versio de savkopio: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algoritmo: ", "Algorithm: ": "Algoritmo: ",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.": "Viaj ŝlosiloj <b>ne estas savkopiataj de ĉi tiu aparato</b>.", "Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.": "Viaj ŝlosiloj <b>ne estas savkopiataj de ĉi tiu aparato</b>.",
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Savkopiu viajn ŝlosilojn antaŭ elsaluto, por ilin ne perdi.", "Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Savkopiu viajn ŝlosilojn antaŭ adiaŭo, por ilin ne perdi.",
"Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Aldonu retpoŝtadreson por agordi retpoŝtajn sciigojn", "Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Aldonu retpoŝtadreson por agordi retpoŝtajn sciigojn",
"Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Ŝalti labortablajn sciigojn por ĉi tiu aparato", "Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Ŝalti labortablajn sciigojn por ĉi tiu aparato",
"Enable audible notifications for this device": "Ŝalti sonajn sciigojn por ĉi tiu aparato", "Enable audible notifications for this device": "Ŝalti sonajn sciigojn por ĉi tiu aparato",
@ -1604,8 +1603,8 @@
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie (please see our <PolicyLink>Cookie Policy</PolicyLink>).": "Bonvolu helpi plibonigi projekton Riot.im per sendado de <UsageDataLink>sennomaj datumoj pri uzado</UsageDataLink>. Tio funkciados per kuketo (bonvolu vidi nian <PolicyLink>Politikon pri kuketoj</PolicyLink>).", "Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie (please see our <PolicyLink>Cookie Policy</PolicyLink>).": "Bonvolu helpi plibonigi projekton Riot.im per sendado de <UsageDataLink>sennomaj datumoj pri uzado</UsageDataLink>. Tio funkciados per kuketo (bonvolu vidi nian <PolicyLink>Politikon pri kuketoj</PolicyLink>).",
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie.": "Bonvolu helpi plibonigi projekton Riot.im per sendado de <UsageDataLink>sennomaj datumoj pri uzado</UsageDataLink>. Tio funkciados per kuketo.", "Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie.": "Bonvolu helpi plibonigi projekton Riot.im per sendado de <UsageDataLink>sennomaj datumoj pri uzado</UsageDataLink>. Tio funkciados per kuketo.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to get this limit increased.": "Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian administranton</a> por plialtigi ĉi tiun limon.", "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to get this limit increased.": "Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian administranton</a> por plialtigi ĉi tiun limon.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo atingis sian monatan limon de aktivaj uzantoj, do <b>iuj uzantoj ne povos ensaluti</b>.", "This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Ĉi tiu hejmservilo atingis sian monatan limon de aktivaj uzantoj, do <b>iuj uzantoj ne povos saluti</b>.",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo trapasis unu el siaj risurc-limoj, do <b>iuj uzantoj ne povos ensaluti</b>.", "This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Ĉi tiu hejmservilo pasis trans unu el siaj rimedaj limoj, do <b>iuj uzantoj ne povos saluti</b>.",
"Warning: This widget might use cookies.": "Averto: Tiu ĉi fenestraĵo eble uzos kuketojn.", "Warning: This widget might use cookies.": "Averto: Tiu ĉi fenestraĵo eble uzos kuketojn.",
"An error ocurred whilst trying to remove the widget from the room": "Forigo de la fenestraĵo el la ĉambro eraris", "An error ocurred whilst trying to remove the widget from the room": "Forigo de la fenestraĵo el la ĉambro eraris",
"Minimize apps": "Plejetigi aplikaĵojn", "Minimize apps": "Plejetigi aplikaĵojn",
@ -1628,7 +1627,7 @@
"Rejecting invite …": "Rifuzanta inviton …", "Rejecting invite …": "Rifuzanta inviton …",
"Join the conversation with an account": "Aliĝu al la interparolo per konto", "Join the conversation with an account": "Aliĝu al la interparolo per konto",
"Sign Up": "Registriĝi", "Sign Up": "Registriĝi",
"Sign In": "Ensaluti", "Sign In": "Saluti",
"You were kicked from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "%(memberName)s forpelis vin de %(roomName)s", "You were kicked from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "%(memberName)s forpelis vin de %(roomName)s",
"Reason: %(reason)s": "Kialo: %(reason)s", "Reason: %(reason)s": "Kialo: %(reason)s",
"Forget this room": "Forgesi ĉi tiun ĉambron", "Forget this room": "Forgesi ĉi tiun ĉambron",
@ -1641,7 +1640,7 @@
"Join the discussion": "Aliĝi al la diskuto", "Join the discussion": "Aliĝi al la diskuto",
"Try to join anyway": "Tamen provi aliĝi", "Try to join anyway": "Tamen provi aliĝi",
"This invite to %(roomName)s wasn't sent to your account": "Ĉi tiu invito al %(roomName)s ne sendiĝis al via konto", "This invite to %(roomName)s wasn't sent to your account": "Ĉi tiu invito al %(roomName)s ne sendiĝis al via konto",
"Sign in with a different account, ask for another invite, or add the e-mail address %(email)s to this account.": "Ensalutu per alia konto, petu inviton, aŭ aldonu la retpoŝtadreson %(email)s al tiu ĉi konto.", "Sign in with a different account, ask for another invite, or add the e-mail address %(email)s to this account.": "Salutu per alia konto, petu inviton, aŭ aldonu la retpoŝtadreson %(email)s al tiu ĉi konto.",
"Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Ĉu vi volas babili kun %(user)s?", "Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Ĉu vi volas babili kun %(user)s?",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Ĉu vi volas aliĝi al %(roomName)s?", "Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Ĉu vi volas aliĝi al %(roomName)s?",
"<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> vin invitis", "<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> vin invitis",
@ -1662,7 +1661,7 @@
"Failed to revoke invite": "Malsukcesis senvalidigi inviton", "Failed to revoke invite": "Malsukcesis senvalidigi inviton",
"Could not revoke the invite. The server may be experiencing a temporary problem or you do not have sufficient permissions to revoke the invite.": "Ne povis senvalidigi inviton. Aŭ la servilo nun trairas problemon, aŭ vi ne havas sufiĉajn permesojn.", "Could not revoke the invite. The server may be experiencing a temporary problem or you do not have sufficient permissions to revoke the invite.": "Ne povis senvalidigi inviton. Aŭ la servilo nun trairas problemon, aŭ vi ne havas sufiĉajn permesojn.",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Pluigi sen ĉifrado", "Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Pluigi sen ĉifrado",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>": "Ĉi tio igos vian konton daŭre neuzebla. Vi ne povos ensaluti, kaj neniu povos reregistri la saman identigilon de uzanto. Ĝi foririgos vian konton de ĉiuj enataj ĉambroj, kaj forigos detalojn de via konto de la identiga servilo. <b>Tiun agon ne eblas malfari.</b>", "This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>": "Ĉi tio igos vian konton daŭre neuzebla. Vi ne povos saluti, kaj neniu povos reregistri la saman uzanto-identigilon. Ĝi foririgos vian konton de ĉiuj enataj ĉambroj, kaj forigos detalojn de via konto de la identiga servilo. <b>Tiun agon ne eblas malfari.</b>",
"Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent.</b> If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.": "Malaktivigo de via konto <b>implicite ne forgesigas viajn mesaĝojn al ni.</b> Se vi volas, ke ni ilin forgesu, bonvolu marki la suban markbutonon.", "Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent.</b> If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.": "Malaktivigo de via konto <b>implicite ne forgesigas viajn mesaĝojn al ni.</b> Se vi volas, ke ni ilin forgesu, bonvolu marki la suban markbutonon.",
"Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.": "Videbleco de mesaĝoj en Matrix similas tiun de retpoŝto. Nia forgeso de viaj mesaĝoj signifas, ke ili haviĝos al neniu nova aŭ neregistrita uzanto, sed registritaj uzantoj, kiuj jam havas viajn mesaĝojn, ankoraŭ povos aliri siajn kopiaĵojn.", "Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.": "Videbleco de mesaĝoj en Matrix similas tiun de retpoŝto. Nia forgeso de viaj mesaĝoj signifas, ke ili haviĝos al neniu nova aŭ neregistrita uzanto, sed registritaj uzantoj, kiuj jam havas viajn mesaĝojn, ankoraŭ povos aliri siajn kopiaĵojn.",
"Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (<b>Warning:</b> this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations)": "Bonvolu dum malaktivigo forgesi ĉiujn mesaĝojn, kiujn mi sendis. (<b>Averto:</b> tio vidigos al osaj uzantoj neplenajn interparolojn.)", "Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (<b>Warning:</b> this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations)": "Bonvolu dum malaktivigo forgesi ĉiujn mesaĝojn, kiujn mi sendis. (<b>Averto:</b> tio vidigos al osaj uzantoj neplenajn interparolojn.)",
@ -1685,9 +1684,9 @@
"Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "Religos ĉiujn lokajn kromnomojn al la nova ĉambro", "Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "Religos ĉiujn lokajn kromnomojn al la nova ĉambro",
"Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "Haltigos parolojn al la malnova versio de al ĉambro, kaj konsilos uzantojn pri la nova per mesaĝo", "Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "Haltigos parolojn al la malnova versio de al ĉambro, kaj konsilos uzantojn pri la nova per mesaĝo",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "Metos en la novan ĉambron ligilon al la malnova, por ke homoj povu rigardi la malnovajn mesaĝojn", "Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "Metos en la novan ĉambron ligilon al la malnova, por ke homoj povu rigardi la malnovajn mesaĝojn",
"Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Ĉu elsaluti kaj forigi ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn?", "Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Ĉu adiaŭi kaj forigi ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn?",
"Send Logs": "Sendi protokolon", "Send Logs": "Sendi protokolon",
"A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Uzantnomo povas enhavi nur minusklojn, numerojn, kaj la signojn: =_-./", "A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Uzantonomo povas enhavi nur minusklojn, numerojn, kaj la signojn: =_-./",
"Link to most recent message": "Ligi al plej freŝa mesaĝo", "Link to most recent message": "Ligi al plej freŝa mesaĝo",
"Link to selected message": "Ligi al elektita mesaĝo", "Link to selected message": "Ligi al elektita mesaĝo",
"To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.": "Por malhelpi tion ose, bonvolu <a>sendi al ni protokolon</a>.", "To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.": "Por malhelpi tion ose, bonvolu <a>sendi al ni protokolon</a>.",
@ -1695,7 +1694,7 @@
"Upload files": "Alŝuti dosierojn", "Upload files": "Alŝuti dosierojn",
"Upload all": "Alŝuti ĉiujn", "Upload all": "Alŝuti ĉiujn",
"Upload": "Alŝuti", "Upload": "Alŝuti",
"This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "Tiu ĉi dosiero <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuti. La lamo estas %(limit)s sed la dosiero estas %(sizeOfThisFile)s.", "This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "Ĉi tiu dosiero <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuto. La grandolimo estas %(limit)s sed la dosiero grandas %(sizeOfThisFile)s.",
"These files are <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Ĉi tiuj dosieroj <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuto. La grandolimo estas %(limit)s.", "These files are <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Ĉi tiuj dosieroj <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuto. La grandolimo estas %(limit)s.",
"Some files are <b>too large</b> to be uploaded. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Iuj dosieroj <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuto. La grandolimo estas %(limit)s.", "Some files are <b>too large</b> to be uploaded. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Iuj dosieroj <b>tro grandas</b> por alŝuto. La grandolimo estas %(limit)s.",
"Upload %(count)s other files": { "Upload %(count)s other files": {
@ -1711,16 +1710,16 @@
"Unable to load backup status": "Ne eblas legi staton de savkopio", "Unable to load backup status": "Ne eblas legi staton de savkopio",
"Collapse Reply Thread": "Maletendi respondan fadenon", "Collapse Reply Thread": "Maletendi respondan fadenon",
"This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "Ĉi tiu hejmservilo volas certigi, ke vi ne estas roboto.", "This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "Ĉi tiu hejmservilo volas certigi, ke vi ne estas roboto.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elektojn por ensaluti al aliaj serviloj de Matrix per alia hejmservila URL. Tio ebligos uzi ĉi tiun aplikaĵon kun jama Matrix-konto en alia hejmservilo.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elektojn por saluti aliajn servilojn de Matrix per alia hejmservila URL. Tio ebligos uzi ĉi tiun aplikaĵon kun jama Matrix-konto en alia hejmservilo.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vi povas ankaŭ agordi propran identigan servilon, sed vi ne eblos inviti uzantojn per retpoŝtadresoj, nek tiel invitiĝi.", "You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vi povas ankaŭ agordi propran identigan servilon, sed vi ne eblos inviti uzantojn per retpoŝtadresoj, nek tiel invitiĝi.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Bonvolu tralegi kaj akcepti ĉioman politikon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo", "Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Bonvolu tralegi kaj akcepti ĉioman politikon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Bonvolu tralegi kaj akcepti la politikon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo:", "Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Bonvolu tralegi kaj akcepti la politikon de ĉi tiu hejmservilo:",
"Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Ne povas kontroli hejmservilon aŭ identigan servilon", "Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Ne povas kontroli hejmservilon aŭ identigan servilon",
"The email field must not be blank.": "La kampo de retpoŝtadreso ne estu malplena.", "The email field must not be blank.": "La kampo de retpoŝtadreso ne estu malplena.",
"The username field must not be blank.": "La kampo de uzantnomo devas ne esti malplena.", "The username field must not be blank.": "La kampo de uzantonomo ne estu malplena.",
"The phone number field must not be blank.": "La kampo de telefonnumero ne estu malplena.", "The phone number field must not be blank.": "La kampo de telefonnumero ne estu malplena.",
"The password field must not be blank.": "La kampo de pasvorto ne estu malplena.", "The password field must not be blank.": "La kampo de pasvorto ne estu malplena.",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Ensaluti per via Matrix-konto sur <underlinedServerName />", "Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Saluti per via Matrix-konto sur <underlinedServerName />",
"Use an email address to recover your account": "Uzu retpoŝtadreson por rehavi vian konton", "Use an email address to recover your account": "Uzu retpoŝtadreson por rehavi vian konton",
"Enter email address (required on this homeserver)": "Enigu retpoŝtadreson (ĉi tiu hejmservilo ĝin postulas)", "Enter email address (required on this homeserver)": "Enigu retpoŝtadreson (ĉi tiu hejmservilo ĝin postulas)",
"Doesn't look like a valid email address": "Tio ne ŝajnas esti valida retpoŝtadreso", "Doesn't look like a valid email address": "Tio ne ŝajnas esti valida retpoŝtadreso",
@ -1741,37 +1740,351 @@
"Your profile": "Via profilo", "Your profile": "Via profilo",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Ŝanĝo de pasvorto renovigos tutvoje ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn de ĉiuj viaj aparatoj, igante la historion de ĉifrita babilo nelegebla. Agordu savkopiadon de ŝlosiloj, aŭ elportu ŝlosilojn de viaj ĉambroj el alia aparato, antaŭ ol vi ŝanĝos la pasvorton.", "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Ŝanĝo de pasvorto renovigos tutvoje ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn de ĉiuj viaj aparatoj, igante la historion de ĉifrita babilo nelegebla. Agordu savkopiadon de ŝlosiloj, aŭ elportu ŝlosilojn de viaj ĉambroj el alia aparato, antaŭ ol vi ŝanĝos la pasvorton.",
"Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Via Matrix-konto sur <underlinedServerName />", "Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Via Matrix-konto sur <underlinedServerName />",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo ne subtenas ensaluti per retpoŝtadreso.", "This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Ĉi tiu hejmservilo ne subtenas saluton per retpoŝtadreso.",
"Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Registriĝoj malŝaltiĝis sur ĉi tiu hejmservilo.", "Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Registriĝoj malŝaltiĝis sur ĉi tiu hejmservilo.",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Ne povas peti subtenatajn registrajn metodojn.", "Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Ne povas peti subtenatajn registrajn metodojn.",
"Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Via nova konto (%(newAccountId)s) estas registrita, sed vi jam ensalutis per alia konto (%(loggedInUserId)s).", "Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Via nova konto (%(newAccountId)s) estas registrita, sed vi jam salutis per alia konto (%(loggedInUserId)s).",
"Continue with previous account": "Daŭrigi per antaŭa konto", "Continue with previous account": "Daŭrigi per antaŭa konto",
"<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Ensaluti</a> per via nova konto.", "<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Saluti</a> per via nova konto.",
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Vi nun povas fermi ĉi tiun fenestron, aŭ <a>ensaluti</a> per via nova konto.", "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Vi nun povas fermi ĉi tiun fenestron, aŭ <a>saluti</a> per via nova konto.",
"Registration Successful": "Registro sukcesis", "Registration Successful": "Registro sukcesis",
"We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Protect your backup with a passphrase to keep it secure.": "Ni konservos ĉifritan kopiaĵon de viaj ŝlosiloj sur nia servilo. Protektu vian savkopion per pasfrazo por ĝin sekurigi.", "We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Protect your backup with a passphrase to keep it secure.": "Ni konservos ĉifritan kopiaĵon de viaj ŝlosiloj sur nia servilo. Protektu vian savkopion per pasfrazo por ĝin sekurigi.",
"For maximum security, this should be different from your account password.": "Por plej granda sekureco, ĝi malsamu la pasvorton al via konto.", "For maximum security, this should be different from your account password.": "Por plej granda sekureco, ĝi malsamu la pasvorton al via konto.",
"Please enter your passphrase a second time to confirm.": "Bonvolu vian pasfrazon konfirme enigi duan fojon.", "Please enter your passphrase a second time to confirm.": "Bonvolu vian pasfrazon konfirme enigi duan fojon.",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Ĉu vi uzas la funkcion 'breadcrumbs' (avataroj super la ĉambrolisto)", "Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Ĉu vi uzas la funkcion «spuroj» (profilbildoj super la listo de ĉambroj)",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Aldonas laŭmendan kromprogrameton al la ĉambro per URL", "Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Aldonas propran fenestraĵon al la ĉambro per URL",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Vi ne rajtas modifi kromprogrametojn en tiu ĉi ĉambro.", "You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Vi ne rajtas modifi fenestraĵojn en ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Devigas la aktualan eliran grup-sesion en ĉifrita ĉambro forĵetiĝi", "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Devigas la aktualan eliran grupan kunsidon en ĉifrita ĉambro forĵetiĝi",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ebligis \"flair\" por %(groups)s en tiu ĉi ĉambro.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ŝaltis etikedojn por %(groups)s en ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s malebligis \"flair\" por %(groups)s en tiu ĉi ĉambro.", "%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s malŝaltis etikedojn por %(groups)s en ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ebligis \"flair\" por %(newGroups)s kaj malebligis \"flair\" por %(oldGroups)s en tiu ĉi ĉambro.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ŝaltis etikedojn por %(newGroups)s kaj malŝaltis etikedojn por %(oldGroups)s en ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s nuligis la invitilon por %(targetDisplayName)s aliĝi al la ĉambro.", "%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s nuligis inviton en la ĉambron por %(targetDisplayName)s.",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Ne povas atingi hejmservilon", "Cannot reach homeserver": "Ne povas atingi hejmservilon",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Certiĝu ke vi havas stabilan retkonekton, aŭ kontakti la administranton de la servilo", "Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Certiĝu ke vi havas stabilan retkonekton, aŭ kontaktu la administranton de la servilo",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Petu vian Riot-administranton kontroli <a>vian agordaron</a> por malĝustaj aŭ duoblaj elementoj.", "Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Petu vian Riot-administranton kontroli <a>vian agordaron</a> je malĝustaj aŭ duoblaj eroj.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Ne povas atingi ident-servilon", "Cannot reach identity server": "Ne povas atingi identigan servilon",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian servo-administranton</a> por daŭrigi uzadon de tiu ĉi servo.", "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian servo-administranton</a> por daŭrigi uzadon de tiu ĉi servo.",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Malsukcesis trovi hejmservilon", "Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Malsukcesis trovi hejmservilon",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas registriĝi, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estas denove enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administranton de la servilo.", "You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas registriĝi, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estos ree enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administranton de la servilo.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas restarigi vian pasvorton, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estas denove enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administraton de la servilo.", "You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas restarigi vian pasvorton, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estos ree enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administraton de la servilo.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas ensaluti, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estas denove enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administranton de la servilo.", "You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vi povas saluti, sed kelkaj funkcioj ne disponeblos ĝis tiam, kiam la identiga servilo estas denove enreta. Se vi ripete vidas tiun ĉi avertmesaĝon, kontrolu viajn agordojn aŭ kontaktu la administranton de la servilo.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Neniu hejmservila URL donita", "No homeserver URL provided": "Neniu hejmservila URL donita",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Neatendita eraro eltrovi hejmservilajn agordojn", "Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Neatendita eraro eltrovi hejmservilajn agordojn",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Neatendita eraro eltrovi agordojn de identiga servilo", "Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Neatendita eraro eltrovi agordojn de identiga servilo",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Ŝanĝas vian profilbildon en ĉiuj ĉàmbroj",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s nenion ŝanĝis.",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Rektaj vicoj de klavoj estas facile diveneblaj",
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Mallongaj ripetoj de klavoj estas facile diveneblaj",
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Ŝalti komunume filtran panelon",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Ŝalti bildojn de fenestraĵoj por subtenataj fenestraĵoj",
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Montri freŝe vizititajn ĉambrojn super la listo de ĉambroj",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Montri kaŝitajn okazojn en historio",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Reĝimo de malmulta kapacito",
"No integrations server configured": "Neniu kuniga servilo agordita",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Ĉi tiu rulo de Riot ne havas agorditan kunigan servilon.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Konektiĝante al kuniga servilo…",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Ne povas konektiĝi al kuniga servilo",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "La kuniga servilo aŭ estas eksterreta aŭ ne povas atingi vian hejmservilon.",
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Konekti ĉi tiun aparaton al Savkopiado de ŝlosiloj",
"Start using Key Backup": "Ekuzi Savkopiadon de ŝlosiloj",
"Timeline": "Historio",
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Prokrasto de memfara kompletigo",
"Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Gradaltigi ĉi tiun ĉambron al rekomendata ĉambra versio",
"Open Devtools": "Malfermi programistajn ilojn",
"Uploaded sound": "Alŝutita sono",
"Sounds": "Sonoj",
"Notification sound": "Sono de sciigo",
"Set a new custom sound": "Agordi novan propran sonon",
"Browse": "Foliumi",
"Some devices for this user are not trusted": "Iuj aparatoj de tiu ĉi uzanto ne estas fidataj",
"Failed to connect to integrations server": "Malsukcesis konektiĝi al kuniga servilo",
"No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "Neniu kuniga servilo estas agordita por mastrumi glumarkojn",
"Agree": "Konsenti",
"Disagree": "Malkonsenti",
"Happy": "Kontenta",
"Party Popper": "Festilo",
"Confused": "Konfuza",
"Eyes": "Okuloj",
"Show all": "Montri ĉiujn",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Redaktita je %(date)s. Klaku por vidi redaktojn.",
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "Tio ne ŝajnas esti valida retpoŝtadreso",
"The following users may not exist": "La jenaj uzantoj eble ne ekzistas",
"Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Ne povas trovi profilojn de la ĉi-subaj Matrix-identigilojn ĉu vi tamen volas inviti ilin?",
"Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Tamen inviti kaj neniam min averti ree",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Bonvolu diri al ni kio misokazis, aŭ pli bone raporti problemon per GitHub.",
"Before submitting logs, you must <a>create a GitHub issue</a> to describe your problem.": "Antaŭ ol sendi protokolon, vi devas <a>raporti problemon per GitHub</a> por priskribi la problemon.",
"GitHub issue": "Problemo per GitHub",
"Notes": "Notoj",
"If there is additional context that would help in analysing the issue, such as what you were doing at the time, room IDs, user IDs, etc., please include those things here.": "Se plia kunteksto povus helpi bone analizi la problemon, ekzemple pri tio, kion vi faris, identigiloj de ĉambroj aŭ uzantoj, ktp., bonvolu kunskribi ĝin.",
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Ne povas enlegi detalojn de enmeto: %(msg)s",
"Removing…": "Forigante…",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "Mi ne volas miajn ĉifritajn mesaĝojn",
"No backup found!": "Neniu savkopio troviĝis!",
"Backup Restored": "Savkopio rehavita",
"Resend edit": "Resendi redakton",
"Go to Settings": "Iri al agordoj",
"Flair": "Etikedo",
"No Audio Outputs detected": "Neniu soneligo troviĝis",
"Send %(eventType)s events": "Sendi okazojn de tipo «%(eventType)s»",
"Select the roles required to change various parts of the room": "Elektu la rolojn postulatajn por ŝanĝado de diversaj partoj de la ĉambro",
"Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly. <a>Learn more about encryption.</a>": "Post ŝalto, ĉifrado de ĉambro ne povas esti malŝaltita. Mesaĝoj senditaj al ĉifrata ĉambro ne estas videblaj por la servilo, nur por la partoprenantoj de la ĉambro. Ŝalto de ĉifrado eble malfunkciigos iujn robotojn kaj pontojn. <a>Eksciu plion pri ĉifrado.</a>",
"To link to this room, please add an alias.": "Por ligili al la ĉambro, bonvolu aldoni kromnomon.",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Ŝanĝoj al legebleco de historio nur efektiviĝos por osaj mesaĝoj de ĉi tiu ĉambro. La videbleco de jama historio ne ŝanĝiĝos.",
"Encryption": "Ĉifrado",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Post ŝalto, ne plu eblas malŝalti ĉifradon.",
"Encrypted": "Ĉifrata",
"Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted": "Iuj aparatoj en ĉi tiu ĉifrata ĉambro ne estas fidataj",
"Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Petoj pri kunhavigo de ŝlosiloj sendiĝas al viaj aliaj aparatoj memfare. Se vi rifuzis aŭ forlasis la peton en viaj aliaj aparatoj, klaku ĉi tien por repeti la ŝlosilojn por tiu ĉi kunsido.",
"The conversation continues here.": "La interparolo pluas ĉi tie.",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro estas anstataŭita, kaj ne plu aktivas.",
"Loading room preview": "Preparas antaŭrigardon al la ĉambro",
"Only room administrators will see this warning": "Nur ĉambraj administrantoj vidos ĉi tiun averton",
"Error updating flair": "Eraris ĝisdatigo de etikedo",
"There was an error updating the flair for this room. The server may not allow it or a temporary error occurred.": "Eraris ĝisdatigo de etikedo por ĉi tiu ĉambro. Aŭ la servilo ne permesas ĝin, aŭ dumtempa eraro okazis.",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "Montras etikedojn de la jenaj komunumoj:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro montras etikedojn de neniuj komunumoj",
"Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Montri etikedon de via komunumo en ĉambroj agorditaj por montri ĝin.",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)snenion ŝanĝis je %(count)s fojoj",
"one": "%(severalUsers)snenion ŝanĝis"
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)snenion ŝanĝis je %(count)s fojoj",
"one": "%(oneUser)snenion ŝanĝis"
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Ne povas enlegi la responditan okazon; aŭ ĝi ne ekzistas, aŭ vi ne rajtas vidi ĝin.",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Ĉu vakigi ĉiujn datumojn en tiu ĉi aparato?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Vakigo de ĉiuj datumoj de tiu ĉi aparato estas porĉiama. Ĉifritaj mesaĝoj perdiĝos, malse vi savkopiis iliajn ŝlosilojn.",
"Clear all data": "Vakigi ĉiujn datumojn",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Identigilo de komunumo ne estu malplena.",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Por eviti perdon de via babila historio, vi devas elporti la ŝlosilojn de viaj ĉambroj antaŭ adiaŭo. Por tio vi bezonos reveni al la pli nova versio de Riot",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "Vi antaŭe uzis pli novan version de Riot je %(host)s. Por ree uzi ĉi tiun version kun ĉifrado, vi devos adiaŭi kaj resaluti",
"Incompatible Database": "Nekongrua datumbazo",
"View Servers in Room": "Montri servilojn en ĉambro",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Vi antaŭe uzis Riot-on je %(host)s kun ŝaltita malfrua enlegado de anoj. En ĉi tiu versio, malfrua enlegado estas malŝaltita. Ĉar la loka kaŝmemoro de ambaŭ versioj ne kongruas, Riot bezonas respeguli vian konton.",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Se la alia versio de Riot ankoraŭ estas malfermita en alia langeto, bonvolu tiun fermi, ĉar uzado de Riot je la sama gastiganto, kun malfrua enlegado samtempe ŝaltita kaj malŝaltita, kaŭzos problemojn.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Nekongrua loka kaŝmemoro",
"Clear cache and resync": "Vakigi kaŝmemoron kaj respeguli",
"Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot nun uzas 35-oble malpli da memoro, ĉar ĝi enlegas informojn pri aliaj uzantoj nur tiam, kiam ĝi bezonas. Bonvolu atendi ĝis ni respegulos la servilon!",
"You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "Vi perdos aliron al viaj ĉifritaj mesaĝoj",
"Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Ĉu vi certe volas adiaŭi?",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Via hejmservilo ŝajne ne subtenas ĉi tiun funkcion.",
"Message edits": "Redaktoj de mesaĝoj",
"If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.": "Se vi renkontas problemojn aŭ havas prikomentojn, bonvolu sciigi nin per GitHub.",
"To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.": "Por eviti duoblajn raportojn, bonvolu unue <existingIssuesLink>rigardi jamajn raportojn</existingIssuesLink> (kaj meti +1) aŭ <newIssueLink>raporti novan problemon</newIssueLink> se vi neniun trovos.",
"Report bugs & give feedback": "Raporti erarojn ϗ sendi prikomentojn",
"Clear Storage and Sign Out": "Vakigi memoron kaj adiaŭi",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Ni renkontis eraron provante rehavi vian antaŭan kunsidon.",
"Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "Vakigo de la memoro de via foliumilo eble korektos la problemon, sed adiaŭigos vin, kaj malebligos legadon de historio de ĉifritaj babiloj.",
"Missing session data": "Mankas kunsidaj datumoj",
"Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Iuj kunsidaj datumoj, inkluzive viajn ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn, mankas. Por tion korekti, resalutu, kaj rehavu la ŝlosilojn el savkopio.",
"Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Via foliumilo probable forigos ĉi tiujn datumojn kiam al ĝi mankos spaco sur disko.",
"Recovery Key Mismatch": "Malakordo de rehava ŝlosilo",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.": "Savkopio ne povas esti malĉifrita per ĉi tiu ŝlosilo: bonvolu kontroli, ke vi enigis la ĝustan rehavan ŝlosilon.",
"Incorrect Recovery Passphrase": "Malĝusta rehava pasfrazo",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Savkopio ne sukcesis malĉifriĝi per ĉi tiu pasfrazo: bonvolu kontroli, ĉu vi enigis la ĝustan rehavan pasfrazon.",
"Unable to restore backup": "Ne povas rehavi savkopion",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Malsukcesis malĉifri%(failedCount)s kunsidojn!",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "Rehavis %(sessionCount)s kunsidajn ŝlosilojn",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Enigu rehavan pasfrazon",
"<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Averto</b>: vi agordu ŝlosilan savkopion nur per fidata komputilo.",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Aliru vian sekuran mesaĝan historion kaj agordu sekuran mesaĝadon per enigo de via rehava pasfrazo.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Se vi forgesis vian rehavan pasfrazon, vi povas <button1>uzi viajn rehavan ŝlosilon</button1> aŭ <button2>agordi novajn rehavajn elektojn</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Enigu rehavan ŝlosilon",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Ŝajnas esti valida rehava ŝlosilo!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Ne estas valida rehava ŝlosilo",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Aliru vian sekuran mesaĝan historion kaj agordu sekuran mesaĝadon per enigo de via rehava ŝlosilo.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Se vi forgesis vian rehavan pasfrazon, vi povas <button>agordi novajn rehavajn elektojn</button>",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Resendi %(unsentCount)s reago(j)n",
"Resend removal": "Resendi forigon",
"Share Permalink": "Kunhavi daŭran ligilon",
"Passwords don't match": "Pasvortoj ne kongruas",
"Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details": "Aliaj uzantoj povas inviti vin al ĉambroj per viaj kontaktaj detaloj",
"Enter phone number (required on this homeserver)": "Enigu telefonnumeron (bezonata sur ĉi tiu hejmservilo)",
"Doesn't look like a valid phone number": "Ne ŝajnas esti valida telefonnumero",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Uzu nur malgrandajn leterojn, numerojn, streketojn kaj substrekojn",
"Enter username": "Enigu uzantonomon",
"Some characters not allowed": "Iuj signoj ne estas permesitaj",
"Use an email address to recover your account.": "Uzu retpoŝtadreson por rehavi vian konton.",
"Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details.": "Aliaj uzantoj povas inviti vin al ĉambroj per viaj kontaktaj detaloj.",
"Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Trovi aliajn publikajn servilojn aŭ uzi propran",
"Terms and Conditions": "Uzokondiĉoj",
"To continue using the %(homeserverDomain)s homeserver you must review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "Por daŭre uzadi la hejmservilon %(homeserverDomain)s, vi devas tralegi kaj konsenti niajn uzokondiĉojn.",
"Review terms and conditions": "Tralegi uzokondiĉojn",
"Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!": "Ĉu vi sciis: vi povas uzi komunumojn por filtri vian sperton de Riot.im!",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Por agordi filtrilon, tiru komunuman profilbildon sur la filtran panelon je la maldekstra flanko. Vi povas klaki sur profilbildon en la filtra panelo iam ajn, por vidi nur ĉambrojn kaj homojn ligitaj al ties komunumo.",
"Riot failed to get the protocol list from the homeserver. The homeserver may be too old to support third party networks.": "Riot malsukcesis akiri liston de protokoloj de la hejmservilo. Eble la hejmservilo estas tro malnova por subteni eksterajn retojn.",
"Riot failed to get the public room list.": "Riot malsukcesis akiri la liston de publikaj ĉambroj.",
"The homeserver may be unavailable or overloaded.": "La hejmservilo eble estas neatingebla aŭ troŝarĝita.",
"You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "Vi ne povas sendi mesaĝojn ĝis vi tralegos kaj konsentos <consentLink>niajn uzokondiĉojn</consentLink>.",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Via mesaĝo ne sendiĝis, ĉar tiu ĉi hejmservilo atingis sian monatan limon de aktivaj uzantoj. Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian administranton de servo</a> por plue uzadi la servon.",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has exceeded a resource limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Via mesaĝo ne sendiĝis, ĉar tiu ĉi hejmservilo atingis rimedan limon. Bonvolu <a>kontakti vian administranton de servo</a> por plue uzadi la servon.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.": {
"other": "<resendText>Ĉion resendi</resendText> aŭ <cancelText>ĉion nuligi</cancelText> nun. Vi ankaŭ povas elekti unuopajn mesaĝojn por sendo aŭ nuligo.",
"one": "<resendText>Mesaĝon resendi</resendText> aŭ <cancelText>mesaĝon nuligi</cancelText> nun."
"Forgotten your password?": "Ĉu vi forgesis vian pasvorton?",
"You're signed out": "Vi adiaŭis",
"Clear personal data": "Vakigi personajn datumojn",
"If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.": "Se vi ne volas agordi tion nun, vi povas fari ĝin poste per agordoj.",
"Don't ask again": "Ne demandi ree",
"New Recovery Method": "Nova rehava metodo",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Novaj rehava pasfrazo kaj ŝlosilo por sekuraj mesaĝoj troviĝis.",
"If you didn't set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Se vi ne agordis la novan rehavan metodon, eble atakanto provas aliri vian konton. Vi tuj ŝanĝu la pasvorton de via konto, kaj agordu novan rehavan metodon en la agordoj.",
"This device is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Ĉi tiu aparato ĉifras historion kun la nova rehava metodo.",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Agordi sekurajn mesaĝojn",
"Recovery Method Removed": "Rehava metodo foriĝis",
"This device has detected that your recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Ĉi tiu aparato trovis, ke viaj rehava pasfrazo kaj ŝlosilo por sekuraj mesaĝoj foriĝis.",
"If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this device which will re-encrypt this device's message history with a new recovery method.": "Se vi faris tion akcidente, vi povas agordi sekurajn mesaĝojn per ĉi tiu aparato, reĉifrante la mesaĝan historion de la aparato kun nova rehava metodo.",
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Se vi ne forigis la rehavan metodon, eble atakanto provas aliri vian konton. Vi tuj ŝanĝu la pasvorton de via konto, kaj agordu novan rehavan metodon en la agordoj.",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Uzu pli longan tekston kun plia varieco",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Ne povas enlegi staton de ŝlosila savkopio",
"Connect this device to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this device.": "Konektu ĉi tiun aparaton al ŝlosila savkopiado antaŭ adiaŭo, por eviti perdon de ŝlosiloj de tiu ĉi aparato.",
"Reset": "Reagordi",
"Demote yourself?": "Ĉu malrangaltigi vin mem?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Vi ne povos malfari tiun ŝanĝon, ĉar vi malrangaltigas vin mem; se vi estas la lasta povohava uzanto en la ĉambro, estos neeble vian povon rehavi.",
"Demote": "Malrangaltigi",
"Power level": "Povonivelo",
"Use two-way text verification": "Uzi duflankan tekstan kontrolon",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Gradaltigo de ĉi tiu ĉambro bezonas fermi ĝin, kaj krei novan por anstataŭi ĝin. Por plejbonigi sperton de la ĉambranoj, ni:",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device.": "Vi adiaŭis ĉiujn aparatojn kaj ne plu ricevados sciigojn. Por reŝalti ilin, resalutu per ĉiu el la aparatoj.",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Nevalida eltrova respondo de hejmservilo",
"Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Malsukcesis akiri agordojn de memfara eltrovado de la servilo",
"Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "URL por hejmservilo ŝajne ne ligas al valida hejmservilo de Matrix",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Nevalida eltrova respondo de identiga servilo",
"Identity server URL does not appear to be a valid identity server": "URL por identiga servilo ŝajne ne ligas al valida identiga servilo",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Salutu per ununura saluto",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Malsukcesis reaŭtentigi pro hejmservila problemo",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Malsukcesis reaŭtentigi",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Rehavu aliron al via konto kaj ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn memoratajn de tiu ĉi aparato. Sen ili, vi ne povos legi ĉiujn viajn sekurajn mesaĝojn per iu ajn aparato.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Enigu vian pasvorton por saluti kaj rehavi aliron al via konto.",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Saluti kaj rehavi aliron al via konto.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Vi ne povas saluti per via konto. Bonvolu kontakti administranton de via hejmservilo por akiri pliajn informojn.",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Averto: Tiu ĉi aparato ankoraŭ memoras viajn personajn datumojn (inkluzive ĉifrajn ŝlosilojn). Vakigu ilin, se vi ĉesas uzi ĉi tiun aparaton, aŭ volas saluti per alia konto.",
"Set up with a Recovery Key": "Agordi per rehava ŝlosilo",
"Go back to set it again.": "Reiru por reagordi ĝin.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Asekure vi povas uzi ĝin por rehavi vian historion de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj se vi forgesos vian rehavan pasfrazon.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "Asekure vi povas uzi ĝin por rehavi vian historion de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj.",
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Via rehava ŝlosilo estas asekuro vi povos uzi ĝin por rehavi aliron al viaj ĉifritaj mesaĝoj, se vi forgesos vian pasfrazon.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Konservu vian rehavan ŝlosilon en tre sekura loko, kiel en administrilo de pasvortoj (aŭ sekurŝranko)",
"Your Recovery Key": "Via rehava ŝlosilo",
"Copy to clipboard": "Kopii al tondujo",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Via rehava ŝlosilo <b>kopiiĝis al via tondujo</b>, algluu ĝin al:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Via rehava ŝlosilo estas en via <b>elŝuta</b> dosierujo.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Presu ĝin</b> kaj konservu ĝin en sekura loko",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Konservu ĝin</b> en poŝmemorilo aŭ savkopia disko",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopiu ĝin</b> al via persona enreta konservejo",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Viaj ŝlosiloj estas savkopiataj (la unua savkopio povas daŭri kelkajn minutojn).",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Sen agordo de sekura rehavo de mesaĝoj, vi ne povos rehavi vian historion de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj se vi adiaŭos aŭ uzos alian aparaton.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Agordi sekuran rehavon de mesaĝoj",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Sekurigi vian savkopion per pasfrazo",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Konfirmu vian pasfrazon",
"Recovery key": "Rehava ŝlosilo",
"Keep it safe": "Sekurigu ĝin",
"Starting backup...": "Komencanta savkopion…",
"Create Key Backup": "Krei savkopion de ŝlosiloj",
"Unable to create key backup": "Ne povas krei savkopion de ŝlosiloj",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.": "Sen agordo de Sekura rehavo de mesaĝoj, vi perdos vian sekuran historion de mesaĝoj per adiaŭo.",
"Bulk options": "Amasaj elektebloj",
"Your Modular server": "Via Modular-servilo",
"Enter the location of your Modular homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a>modular.im</a>.": "Enigu la lokon de via Modular-hejmservilo. Ĝi povas uzi vian propran domajnan nomon aŭ esti subdomajno de <a>modular.im</a>.",
"Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "Nevalida base_url por m.homeserver",
"Invalid base_url for m.identity_server": "Nevalida base_url por m.identity_server",
"Identity Server": "Identiga servilo",
"Find others by phone or email": "Trovu aliajn per telefonnumero aŭ retpoŝtadreso",
"Be found by phone or email": "Troviĝu per telefonnumero aŭ retpoŝtadreso",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Uzu robotojn, pontojn, fenestraĵojn, kaj glumarkarojn",
"Terms of Service": "Uzokondiĉoj",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Por pluiĝi, vi devas akcepti la uzokondiĉojn.",
"Service": "Servo",
"Summary": "Resumo",
"Terms": "Kondiĉoj",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Tiu ĉi konto malaktiviĝis.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Voko malsukcesis pro misagordita servilo",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Bonvolu peti la administranton de via hejmservilo (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) agordi TURN-servilon, por ke vokoj funkciu dependeble.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternative, vi povas prove uzi la publikan servilon je <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, sed tio ne estas same dependebla, kaj ĝi havigos vian IP-adreson al tiu servilo. Vi povas administri tion ankaŭ en Agordoj.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Provu uzi servilon turn.matrix.org",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Sendas mesaĝon kiel platan tekston, sen interpreto al MarkDown",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Vi ne havas sufiĉajn permesojn por uzi ĉi tiun komandon.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Ŝanĝas la profilbildon de la nuna ĉambro",
"Use an identity server": "Uzi identigan servilon",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Uzi identigan servilon por inviti retpoŝte. Administru en Agordoj.",
"ID": "Identigilo",
"Public Name": "Publika nomo",
"Do not use an identity server": "Ne uzi identigan servilon",
"Enter a new identity server": "Enigi novan identigan servilon",
"Failed to start chat": "Malsukcesis komenci babilon",
"Messages": "Mesaĝoj",
"Actions": "Agoj",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Uzu identigan servilon por inviti retpoŝte. Klaku al »[…]« por uzi la implicitan identigan servilon (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) aŭ administru tion en Agordoj.",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Montras liston de komandoj kun priskribo de uzo.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Uzi la novan, pli rapidan, sed ankoraŭ eksperimentan komponilon de mesaĝoj (bezonas aktualigon)",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Sendi legokonfirmojn de mesaĝoj (bezonas akordan hejmservilon por malŝalto)",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Akceptu <policyLink /> por daŭrigi:",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL de identiga servilo devas esti HTTPS-a",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Nevalida identiga servilo (statkodo %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Ne povis konektiĝi al identiga servilo",
"Checking server": "Kontrolante servilon",
"Change identity server": "Ŝanĝi identigan servilon",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Ĉu malkonekti de la nuna identiga servilo <current /> kaj konekti anstataŭe al <new />?",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Aŭ uzkondiĉoj ne akceptiĝis, aŭ la identiga servilo estas nevalida.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Identiga servilo havas neniujn uzkondiĉojn",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "La identiga servilo, kiun vi elektis, havas neniujn uzkondiĉojn.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Nur daŭrigu se vi fidas al la posedanto de la servilo.",
"Disconnect identity server": "Malkonekti la identigan servilon",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Ĉu malkonektiĝi de la identiga servilo <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Malkonekti",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Vi ankoraŭ <b>havigas siajn personajn datumojn</b> je la identiga servilo <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Ni rekomendas, ke vi forigu viajn retpoŝtadresojn kaj telefonnumerojn de la identiga servilo, antaŭ ol vi malkonektiĝos.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Tamen malkonekti",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identiga servilo (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Vi nun uzas servilon <server></server> por trovi kontaktojn, kaj troviĝi de ili. Vi povas ŝanĝi vian identigan servilon sube.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Se vi ne volas uzi servilon <server /> por trovi kontaktojn kaj troviĝi mem, enigu alian identigan servilon sube.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Vi nun ne uzas identigan servilon. Por trovi kontaktojn kaj troviĝi de ili mem, aldonu iun sube.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Malkonektiĝo de via identiga servilo signifas, ke vi ne povos troviĝi de aliaj uzantoj, kaj vi ne povos memfare inviti aliajn per retpoŝto aŭ telefono.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Vi ne devas uzi identigan servilon. Se vi tion elektos, vi ne povos troviĝi de aliaj uzantoj, kaj vi ne povos memfare inviti ilin per retpoŝto aŭ telefono.",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Konsentu al uzkondiĉoj de la identiga servilo (%(serverName)s) por esti trovita per retpoŝtadreso aŭ telefonnumero.",
"Discovery": "Trovado",
"Deactivate account": "Malaktivigi konton",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Ĉiam montri la fenestran menubreton",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Publika nomo de aparato estas videbla de homoj, kun kiuj vi komunikas",
"Upgrade the room": "Gradaltigi la ĉambron",
"Enable room encryption": "Ŝalti ĉifradon de la ĉambro",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Eraris ŝanĝo de postulo de potenconivelo",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Eraris ŝanĝo de la postuloj de la ĉambro pri potenconivelo. Certigu, ke vi havas sufiĉajn permesojn, kaj reprovu.",
"Error changing power level": "Eraris ŝanĝo de potenconivelo",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Eraris ŝanĝo de potenconivelo de la uzanto. Certigu, ke vi havas sufiĉajn permesojn, kaj reprovu.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Ĉu forigi %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Ĉu forigi %(phone)s?",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Neniuj freŝaj mesaĝoj de %(user)s troviĝis",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Forigi freŝajn mesaĝojn de %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Vi estas forigonta %(count)s mesaĝojn de %(user)s. Ne eblas tion malfari. Ĉu vi volas pluigi?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Je granda nombro da mesaĝoj, tio povas daŭri iomon da tempo. Bonvolu ne aktualigi vian klienton dume.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Forigi %(count)s mesaĝojn"
"Deactivate user?": "Ĉu malaktivigi uzanton?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Malaktivigo de ĉi tiu uzanto adiaŭigos ĝin, kaj malebligos, ke ĝi resalutu. Plie, ĝi foriros de ĉiuj enataj ĉambroj. Tiu ago ne povas malfariĝi. Ĉu vi certe volas malaktivigi ĉi tiun uzanton?",
"Deactivate user": "Malaktivigi uzanton",
"Remove recent messages": "Forigi freŝajn mesaĝojn",
"Bold": "Grase",
"Italics": "Kursive",
"Strikethrough": "Trastrekite",
"Code block": "Kodujo",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Neniu identiga servilo estas agordita, do vi ne povas aldoni retpoŝtadreson por restarigi ose vian pasvorton.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Agordi retpoŝtadreson por rehavo de konto. Uzu retpoŝton aŭ telefonon por laŭelekte troviĝi de jamaj kontaktoj.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Agordi retpoŝtadreson por rehavo de konto. Uzu retpoŝton por laŭelekte troviĝi de jamaj kontaktoj.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Neniu identiga servilo estas agordita: ne eblas aldoni retpoŝtadresojn. Vi ne povos restarigi vian pasvorton.",
"Explore": "Esplori",
"Filter": "Filtri",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtri ĉambrojn…",
"Preview": "Antaŭrigardo",
"View": "Rigardo",
"Find a room…": "Trovi ĉambron…",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Se vi ne povas travi la serĉatan ĉambron, petu inviton aŭ <a>kreu novan ĉambron</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Esplori ĉambrojn",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Labortablo sur %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Labortablo sur %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot ne estas subtenata sur poŝkomputila reto. Ĉu instali la aplikaĵon?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot ne estas subtenata sur poŝkomputila reto. Ĉu instali la aplikaĵon?",
"Unknown device": "Nekonata aparato", "Unknown device": "Nekonata aparato",
@ -1807,9 +2120,8 @@
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Kunordigo por tradukantoj de Riot", "Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Kunordigo por tradukantoj de Riot",
"Create Account": "Krei konton", "Create Account": "Krei konton",
"Need help?": "Ĉu vi bezonas helpon?", "Need help?": "Ĉu vi bezonas helpon?",
"Explore rooms": "Esplori ĉambrojn",
"Room Directory": "Ĉambra dosierujo", "Room Directory": "Ĉambra dosierujo",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elekteblojn por ensaluti al aliaj serviloj de Matrix per doni alian hejmeservilan URL-on. Tio povigos vin uzi Riot kun jama konto de Matrix en alia hejmservilo.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elekteblojn por saluti al aliaj serviloj de Matrix per doni alian hejmeservilan URL-on. Tio povigos vin uzi Riot kun jama konto de Matrix en alia hejmservilo.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neatendita eraro okazis dum la preparado de la aplikaĵo. Rigardu la konzolon por detaloj.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neatendita eraro okazis dum la preparado de la aplikaĵo. Rigardu la konzolon por detaloj.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nevalida agordo: vi povas specifi nur unu elekteblon el «default_server_config», «default_server_name», aŭ «default_hs_url».", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nevalida agordo: vi povas specifi nur unu elekteblon el «default_server_config», «default_server_name», aŭ «default_hs_url».",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nevalida agordo: neniu implicita servilo estas specifita.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nevalida agordo: neniu implicita servilo estas specifita.",

@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@
"Show avatars in user and room mentions": "Mostrar avatares en menciones a usuarios y salas", "Show avatars in user and room mentions": "Mostrar avatares en menciones a usuarios y salas",
"Enable big emoji in chat": "Habilitar emojis grandes en el chat", "Enable big emoji in chat": "Habilitar emojis grandes en el chat",
"Send typing notifications": "Enviar notificaciones de tecleo", "Send typing notifications": "Enviar notificaciones de tecleo",
"Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Permitir Peer-to-Peer en llamadas 1:1", "Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Permitir conexión de pares en llamadas individuales",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Destacar salas que he mencionado en la parte superior de la lista de salas", "Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Destacar salas que he mencionado en la parte superior de la lista de salas",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Destacar salas con mensajes sin leer en la parte superior de la lista", "Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Destacar salas con mensajes sin leer en la parte superior de la lista",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Pedir confirmación antes de enviar invitaciones a IDs de matrix que parezcan inválidos", "Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Pedir confirmación antes de enviar invitaciones a IDs de matrix que parezcan inválidos",
@ -1613,6 +1613,79 @@
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verifica este usuario confirmando que los siguientes emojis aparecen en su pantalla.", "Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verifica este usuario confirmando que los siguientes emojis aparecen en su pantalla.",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "La copia tiene una firma <validity>válida</validity> de un <device>dispositivo</device> <verify>no verificado</verify>", "Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "La copia tiene una firma <validity>válida</validity> de un <device>dispositivo</device> <verify>no verificado</verify>",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot tiene un error de configuración", "Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot tiene un error de configuración",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Hayas o no iniciado sesión (no guardamos tu nombre de usuario)",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Uses o no los 'breadcrumbs' (iconos sobre la lista de salas)",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "No se puede iniciar la llamada porque no hay servidor de integraciones disponible.",
"Replying With Files": "Respondiendo con archivos",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "En este momento no es posible responder con un archivo. ¿Te gustaría subir el archivo sin responder?",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Falló en subir el archivo '%(fileName)s'.",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "El servidor no soporta la versión de sala especificada.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Nombre o identificador (ID) Matrix ",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Correo, nombre o identificador (ID) Matrix.",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Pone ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ al principio de un mensaje de texto.",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Actualizar una sala podría dañarla y no siempre es necesario.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Se recomienda actualizar una sala cuando su versión es considerada <i>inestable</i>. Las versiones de sala inestables pueden tener bugs, menos funcionalidades o problemas de seguridad.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Las actualizaciones de sala normalmente sólo afectan a la sala en el lado del servidor. Si tienes problema con tu cliente, por favor comunica el problema en <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Aviso</b>: Actualizar una sala <i>no migrará automáticamente a sus miembros a la nueva versión de la sala.</i> Incluiremos un enlace a la nueva sala en la versión antigüa de la misma - los miembros tendrán que seguir ese enlace para unirse a la nueva sala.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Por favor confirma que quieres continuar con la actualización de la sala de <oldVersion /> a <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Actualizar",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Cambia tu apodo sólo en la sala actual",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Cambia tu avatar sólo en la sala actual",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Cambia tu avatar en todas las salas",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Desbloquea el usuario con ese ID",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s no hizo ningún cambio.",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Envía el mensaje coloreado como un arcoiris",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Envía el emoji coloreado como un arcoiris",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha habilitado las insignias para %(groups)s en esta sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha deshabilitado las insignias para %(groups)s en esta sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha habilitado las insignias para %(newGroups)s y las ha deshabilitado para %(oldGroups)s en esta sala.",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s ha revocado la invitación para que %(targetDisplayName)s se una a la sala.",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "No se puede conectar con el servidor",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Asegúrate de tener conexión a internet, o contacta con el administrador del servidor.",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Solicita al administrador de Riot que compruebe tu <i>configuración</i> por si hubiera errores o entradas duplicadas.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "No se puede conectar con el servidor de identidad",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Te puedes registrar, pero algunas funcionalidades no estarán disponibles hasta que se pueda conectar con el servidor de identidad. Si continúas viendo este aviso, comprueba tu configuración o contacta con el administrador del servidor.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Puedes cambiar tu contraseña, pero algunas funcionalidades no estarán disponibles hasta que el servidor de identidad esté disponible. Si continúas viendo este aviso, comprueba tu configuración o contacta con el administrador del servidor.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Puedes iniciar sesión, pero algunas funcionalidades no estarán disponibles hasta que el servidor de identidad esté disponible. Si continúas viendo este mensaje, comprueba tu configuración o contacta con el administrador del servidor.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "No se ha indicado la URL del servidor.",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Error inesperado en la configuración del servidor",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Error inesperado en la configuración del servidor de identidad",
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "El usuario %(userId)s ya está en la sala",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "El usuario debe ser desbloqueado antes de poder ser invitado.",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "El servidor del usuario no soporta la versión de la sala.",
"Edit messages after they have been sent (refresh to apply changes)": "Editar mensajes después de enviados (refrescar para aplicar cambios)",
"React to messages with emoji (refresh to apply changes)": "Reaccionar a mensajes con emojis (refrescar para aplicar cambios)",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Mostrar las confirmaciones de lectura de otros usuarios.",
"Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Ordenar la lista de salas por importancia en vez de por reciente",
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Mostrar salas visitadas recientemente sobre la lista de salas",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Mostrar eventos ocultos en la línea del tiempo.",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Modo de ancho de banda bajo",
"Got It": "Entendido",
"Scissors": "Tijeras",
"No integrations server configured": "No se ha configurado servidor de integraciones",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Esta instancia de Riot no tiene servidor de integraciones configurado.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Conectando al servidor de integraciones...",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Llamada fallida debido a la mala configuración del servidor",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Por favor pídele al administrador de tu servidor doméstico (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) que configure un servidor TURN para que las llamadas funcionen correctamente.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternativamente, puedes tratar de usar el servidor público en <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, pero éste no será igual de confiable, y compartirá tu dirección IP con ese servidor. También puedes administrar esto en Ajustes.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Trata de usar turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Error al iniciar el chat",
"Messages": "Mensajes",
"Actions": "Acciones",
"Other": "Otros",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Envía un mensaje como texto estándar, sin interpretarlo como Markdown",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "No tienes los permisos requeridos para usar este comando.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Cambia el ávatar de la sala actual",
"Use an identity server": "Usar un servidor de identidad",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Usar un servidor de identidad para invitar por correo. Presiona continuar par usar el servidor de identidad por defecto (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) o adminístralo en Ajustes.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Usar un servidor de identidad para invitar por correo. Administrar en Ajustes.",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Añade un widget personalizado por URL a la sala",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Por favor provisiona un URL de widget de http:// o https://",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "No puedes modificar widgets en esta sala.",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Muestra lista de comandos con usos y descripciones",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Usar el compositor nuevo y más rapido para escribir mensajes, pero todavía experimental (requiere que refresques la página)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Administradores de integración múltiples",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Confirmación de actualización de sala",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconocido", "Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconocido",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s en %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s en %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop en %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop en %(platformName)s",
@ -1654,5 +1727,8 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puedes usar la opción de servidor personalizado para iniciar sesión en otros servidores Matrix, especificando la dirección URL del servidor. Esto te permite usar una cuenta Matrix en un servidor diferente.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puedes usar la opción de servidor personalizado para iniciar sesión en otros servidores Matrix, especificando la dirección URL del servidor. Esto te permite usar una cuenta Matrix en un servidor diferente.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Error inesperado preparando la aplicación. Vea la consola para más detalles.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Error inesperado preparando la aplicación. Vea la consola para más detalles.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuración errónea: sólo puede especificar uno de default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuración errónea: sólo puede especificar uno de default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuración errónea: no se ha especificado servidor." "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuración errónea: no se ha especificado servidor.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Tu configuración de Riot contiene JSON inválido. Por favor corrige el error y recarga la página.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "El mensaje del parser es: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON inválido"
} }

@ -868,8 +868,8 @@
"one": "debekua kendu zaio" "one": "debekua kendu zaio"
}, },
"were kicked %(count)s times": { "were kicked %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(count)s aldiz kanporatu zaie", "other": "%(count)s aldiz kanporatuak izan dira",
"one": "(r) kanporatu zaie" "one": "kanporatuak izan dira"
}, },
"was kicked %(count)s times": { "was kicked %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(count)s aldiz kanporatu zaio", "other": "%(count)s aldiz kanporatu zaio",
@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
"Incorrect Recovery Passphrase": "Berreskuratze pasaesaldi okerra", "Incorrect Recovery Passphrase": "Berreskuratze pasaesaldi okerra",
"Premium": "Ordainpekoa", "Premium": "Ordainpekoa",
"Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Elkarteentzako ordainpeko ostatua <a>ikasi gehiago</a>", "Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Elkarteentzako ordainpeko ostatua <a>ikasi gehiago</a>",
"Sign in instead": "Orduan hasi saioa", "Sign in instead": "Hasi saioa horren ordez",
"Your password has been reset.": "Zure pasahitza berrezarri da.", "Your password has been reset.": "Zure pasahitza berrezarri da.",
"Set a new password": "Ezarri pasahitz berria", "Set a new password": "Ezarri pasahitz berria",
"Create account": "Sortu kontua", "Create account": "Sortu kontua",
@ -1817,7 +1817,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Berreskuratze gakoa badaezpadako bat da, zure zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea berreskuratzeko erabili dezakezu pasaesaldia ahaztuz gero.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Berreskuratze gakoa badaezpadako bat da, zure zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea berreskuratzeko erabili dezakezu pasaesaldia ahaztuz gero.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Gorde berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguru batean, pasaesaldi kudeatzaile batean esaterako (edo gordailu kutxa batean)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Gorde berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguru batean, pasaesaldi kudeatzaile batean esaterako (edo gordailu kutxa batean)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Zure gakoen babes-kopia egiten ari da (lehen babes-kopiak minutu batzuk behar ditzake).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Zure gakoen babes-kopia egiten ari da (lehen babes-kopiak minutu batzuk behar ditzake).",
"Okay": "Ados",
"Success!": "Ongi!", "Success!": "Ongi!",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Berreskuratze pasaesaldi eta mezu seguruen gako berriak antzeman dira.", "A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Berreskuratze pasaesaldi eta mezu seguruen gako berriak antzeman dira.",
"This device is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Gailu honek historiala berreskuratze metodo berriarekin zifratzen du.", "This device is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Gailu honek historiala berreskuratze metodo berriarekin zifratzen du.",
@ -2069,6 +2068,111 @@
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Edizio data: %(date)s. Sakatu edizioak ikusteko.", "Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Edizio data: %(date)s. Sakatu edizioak ikusteko.",
"Message edits": "Mezuaren edizioak", "Message edits": "Mezuaren edizioak",
"Show all": "Erakutsi denak", "Show all": "Erakutsi denak",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Aldatu zure abatarra gela guztietan",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak ez du aldaketarik egin.",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaileek ez dute aldaketarik egin %(count)s aldiz",
"one": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaileek ez dute aldaketarik egin"
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s erabiltzaileak ez du aldaketarik egin %(count)s aldiz",
"one": "%(oneUser)s erabiltzaileak ez du aldaketarik egin"
"Removing…": "Kentzen…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Garbitu gailu honi buruzko datu guztiak?",
"Clear all data": "Garbitu datu guztiak",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Antza zure hasiera-zerbitzariak ez du ezaugarri hau onartzen.",
"Resend edit": "Birbidali edizioa",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Birbidali %(unsentCount)s erreakzio",
"Resend removal": "Birbidali kentzeko agindua",
"Forgotten your password?": "Pasahitza ahaztu duzu?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Hasi saioa eta berreskuratu zure kontua.",
"You're signed out": "Saioa amaitu duzu",
"Clear personal data": "Garbitu datu pertsonalak",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Esaguzu zer ez den behar bezala ibili edo, hobe oraindik, sortu GitHub txosten bat zure arazoa deskribatuz.",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Datu guztiak gailu honetatik ezabatzea behin betiko da. Zifratutako mezuak galdu egingo dira ez bada bere gakoen babes-kopia bat egin.",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Berriro autentifikatzean huts egin du hasiera-zerbitzariaren arazo bat dela eta",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Berriro autentifikatzean huts egin du",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Berreskuratu zure kontura sarbidea eta gailu honetan gordetako zifratze gakoak. Hauek gabe, ezin izango dituzu zure mezu seguruak irakurri beste gailuetatik.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Sartu zure pasahitza saioa hasteko eta berreskuratu zure kontura sarbidea.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Ezin duzu zure kontuan saioa hasi. Jarri kontaktuan zure hasiera zerbitzariko administratzailearekin informazio gehiagorako.",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Abisua: Zure datu pertsonalak (zure zifratze gakoak barne) gailu honetan gordeko dira. Garbitu ezazu gailu hau erabiltzen bukatu duzunean edo beste kontu bat erabili nahi duzunean.",
"Identity Server": "Identitate zerbitzaria",
"Integrations Manager": "Integrazio-kudeatzailea",
"Find others by phone or email": "Aurkitu besteak telefonoa edo e-maila erabiliz",
"Be found by phone or email": "Izan telefonoa edo e-maila erabiliz aurkigarria",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Erabili botak, zubiak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak",
"Terms of Service": "Erabilera baldintzak",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Jarraitzeko zerbitzu honen baldintzak onartu behar dituzu.",
"Service": "Zerbitzua",
"Summary": "Laburpena",
"Terms": "Baldintzak",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Deiak huts egin du zerbitzaria gaizki konfiguratuta dagoelako",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Eskatu zure hasiera-zerbitzariaren administratzaileari (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) TURN zerbitzari bat konfiguratu dezala deiek ondo funtzionatzeko.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Bestela, <code>turn.matrix.org</code> zerbitzari publikoa erabili dezakezu, baina hau ez dahorren fidagarria izango, eta zure IP-a partekatuko du zerbitzari horrekin. Hau ezarpenetan ere kudeatu dezakezu.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Saiatu turn.matrix.org erabiltzen",
"Failed to start chat": "Huts egin du txata hastean",
"Messages": "Mezuak",
"Actions": "Ekintzak",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Aginduen zerrenda bistaratzen du, erabilera eta deskripzioekin",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Baimendu turn.matrix.org deien laguntzarako zerbitzaria erabiltzea zure hasiera-zerbitzariak bat eskaintzen ez duenean (Zure IP helbidea partekatuko da deian zehar)",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Identitate zerbitzariaren URL-a HTTPS motakoa izan behar du",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Ez da identitate zerbitzari baliogarria (egoera-mezua %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu",
"Checking server": "Zerbitzaria egiaztatzen",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzen",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Deskonektatu <idserver /> identitate-zerbitzaritik?",
"Disconnect": "Deskonektatu",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identitate-zerbitzaria (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "<server></server> erabiltzen ari zara kontaktua aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko. Zure identitate-zerbitzaria aldatu dezakezu azpian.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk aurkitzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat azpian.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Orain <idserver /> zerbitzariarekin partekatzen dituzu e-mail helbideak edo telefono zenbakiak. <idserver2 /> zerbitzarira konektatu beharko zara partekatzeari uzteko.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Zure identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean ez zara beste erabiltzaileentzat aurkigarria izango eta ezin izango dituzu besteak gonbidatu e-mail helbidea edo telefono zenbakia erabiliz.",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Integrazio kudeatzailea lineaz kanpo edo ez eskuragarri.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Huts egin du integrazio kudeatzailea eguneratzean",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "<b>%(serverName)s</b> erabiltzen ari zara zure botak, trepetak, eta eranskailu multzoak kudeatzeko.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Ezarri zein integrazio-kudeatzailek kudeatuko dituen zure botak, trepetak, eta eranskailu-multzoak.",
"Integration Manager": "Integrazio-kudeatzailea",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Sartu integrazio-kudeatzaile berri bat",
"Discovery": "Aurkitzea",
"Deactivate account": "Desaktibatu kontua",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Erakutsi beti leihoaren menu barra",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Ezin izan da partekatzea indargabetu e-mail helbidearentzat",
"Unable to share email address": "Ezin izan da e-mail helbidea partekatu",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Egiaztatu zure sarrera ontzia, gero sakatu jarraitu",
"Revoke": "Indargabetu",
"Share": "Partekatu",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Aurkitze aukerak behin goian e-mail helbide bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Ezin izan da partekatzea indargabetu telefono zenbakiarentzat",
"Unable to share phone number": "Ezin izan da telefono zenbakia partekatu",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Sartu SMS bidez bidalitako egiaztatze kodea.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Aurkitze aukerak behin goian telefono zenbaki bat bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "SMS mezu bat bidali zaizu +%(msisdn)s zenbakira. Sartu hemen mezu horrek daukan egiaztatze-kodea.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Gailu hau fidagarria dela egiaztatzeko, egiaztatu gailu horretako Erabiltzaile ezarpenetan ikusi dezakezun gakoa beheko hau bera dela:",
"Command Help": "Aginduen laguntza",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu, beraz ezin duzu e-mail helbide bat gehitu zure pasahitza berrezartzeko etorkizunean.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu, ezin da e-mail helbiderik gehitu. Ezin izango duzu zure pasahitza berrezarri.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Eza da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu, gehitu bat zerbitzari-ezarpenetan zure pasahitza berrezartzeko.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Kontu hau desaktibatuta dago.",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Bidali mezu bat test arrunt gisa, markdown balitz aztertu gabe",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Ez duzu agindu hau erabiltzeko baimena.",
"Use an identity server": "Erabili identitate zerbitzari bat",
"Multiple integration managers": "Hainbat integrazio kudeatzaile",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Onartu <policyLink /> jarraitzeko:",
"ID": "ID-a",
"Public Name": "Izen publikoa",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Ez dira erabilera baldintzak onartu edo identitate zerbitzari baliogabea da.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Jarraitu soilik zerbitzariaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Ez erabili identitate-zerbitzaririk",
"Enter a new identity server": "Sartu identitate-zerbitzari berri bat",
"Upgrade the room": "Eguneratu gela",
"Enable room encryption": "Gaitu gelaren zifratzea",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Kendu %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Kendu %(phone)s?",
"Deactivate user?": "Desaktibatu erabiltzailea?",
"Deactivate user": "Desaktibatu erabiltzailea",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Lotu e-mail hau zure kontuarekin gonbidapenak zuzenean Riot-en jasotzeko.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "%(roomName)s gelara gonbidapen hau %(email)s helbidera bidali da",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s bidez %(osName)s ostalarian", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s bidez %(osName)s ostalarian",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop %(platformName)s plataforman", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop %(platformName)s plataforman",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riotek ez du euskarririk mugikorrentzako webean. Instalatu aplikazioa?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riotek ez du euskarririk mugikorrentzako webean. Instalatu aplikazioa?",

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s vastasi puheluun.", "%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s vastasi puheluun.",
"An error has occurred.": "Tapahtui virhe.", "An error has occurred.": "Tapahtui virhe.",
"Anyone": "Kaikki", "Anyone": "Kaikki",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Kaikki jotka tietävät huoneen osoitteen, paitsi vieraat", "Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Kaikki joilla on huoneen linkki, paitsi vieraat",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "Kaikki joilla on huoneen linkki, mukaan lukien vieraat", "Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "Kaikki joilla on huoneen linkki, mukaan lukien vieraat",
"Are you sure?": "Oletko varma?", "Are you sure?": "Oletko varma?",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Oletko varma että haluat poistua huoneesta '%(roomName)s'?", "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Oletko varma että haluat poistua huoneesta '%(roomName)s'?",
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Toista GIF-animaatiot ja videot automaattisesti", "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Toista GIF-animaatiot ja videot automaattisesti",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s antoi porttikiellon käyttäjälle %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s antoi porttikiellon käyttäjälle %(targetName)s.",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Kotipalvelimeen ei saada yhteyttä. Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi, varmista että <a>kotipalvelimesi SSL-sertifikaatti</a> on luotettu, ja että mikään selaimen lisäosa ei estä pyyntöjen lähettämistä.", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Kotipalvelimeen ei saada yhteyttä. Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi, varmista että <a>kotipalvelimesi SSL-sertifikaatti</a> on luotettu, ja että mikään selaimen lisäosa ei estä pyyntöjen lähettämistä.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Yhdistäminen kotipalvelimeen HTTP:n avulla ei ole mahdollista, kun selaimen osoitepalkissa on HTTPS-osoite. Käytä joko HTTPS:ää tai <a>salli turvattomat skriptit</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Yhdistäminen kotipalvelimeen HTTP:n avulla ei ole mahdollista, kun selaimen osoitepalkissa on HTTPS-osoite. Käytä joko HTTPS:ää tai <a>salli turvattomat komentosarjat</a>.",
"Can't load user settings": "Käyttäjäasetusten lataaminen epäonnistui", "Can't load user settings": "Käyttäjäasetusten lataaminen epäonnistui",
"Change Password": "Vaihda salasana", "Change Password": "Vaihda salasana",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s vaihtoi profiilikuvansa.", "%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s vaihtoi profiilikuvansa.",
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"device id: ": "laitetunniste: ", "device id: ": "laitetunniste: ",
"Device key:": "Laiteavain:", "Device key:": "Laiteavain:",
"Devices": "Laitteet", "Devices": "Laitteet",
"Direct chats": "Suorat viestittelyt", "Direct chats": "Suorat keskustelut",
"Disable Notifications": "Ota ilmoitukset pois käytöstä", "Disable Notifications": "Ota ilmoitukset pois käytöstä",
"Disinvite": "Peru kutsu", "Disinvite": "Peru kutsu",
"Display name": "Näyttönimi", "Display name": "Näyttönimi",
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
"Failure to create room": "Huoneen luominen epäonnistui", "Failure to create room": "Huoneen luominen epäonnistui",
"Favourites": "Suosikit", "Favourites": "Suosikit",
"Fill screen": "Täytä näyttö", "Fill screen": "Täytä näyttö",
"Filter room members": "Suodata jäsenistä", "Filter room members": "Suodata huoneen jäseniä",
"Forget room": "Unohda huone", "Forget room": "Unohda huone",
"Forgot your password?": "Unohditko salasanasi?", "Forgot your password?": "Unohditko salasanasi?",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Turvallisuussyistä tämä istunto on kirjattu ulos. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu uudestaan.", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Turvallisuussyistä tämä istunto on kirjattu ulos. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu uudestaan.",
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"(warning: cannot be disabled again!)": "(varoitus: ei voida ottaa pois käytöstä enää!)", "(warning: cannot be disabled again!)": "(varoitus: ei voida ottaa pois käytöstä enää!)",
"Warning!": "Varoitus!", "Warning!": "Varoitus!",
"Who can access this room?": "Ketkä pääsevät tähän huoneeseen?", "Who can access this room?": "Ketkä pääsevät tähän huoneeseen?",
"Who can read history?": "Kuka voi lukea historiaa?", "Who can read history?": "Ketkä voivat lukea historiaa?",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Kenet haluaisit lisätä tähän huoneeseen?", "Who would you like to add to this room?": "Kenet haluaisit lisätä tähän huoneeseen?",
"Who would you like to communicate with?": "Kenen kanssa haluaisit kommunikoida?", "Who would you like to communicate with?": "Kenen kanssa haluaisit kommunikoida?",
"Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Haluatko <acceptText>hyväksyä</acceptText> vai <declineText>hylätä</declineText> kutsun?", "Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Haluatko <acceptText>hyväksyä</acceptText> vai <declineText>hylätä</declineText> kutsun?",
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
"Check for update": "Tarkista päivitykset", "Check for update": "Tarkista päivitykset",
"Start chatting": "Aloita keskustelu", "Start chatting": "Aloita keskustelu",
"Start Chatting": "Aloita keskustelu", "Start Chatting": "Aloita keskustelu",
"Click on the button below to start chatting!": "Paina nappia alla aloittaaksesi keskustelu!", "Click on the button below to start chatting!": "Paina nappia alla aloittaaksesi keskustelun!",
"Username available": "Käyttäjätunnus saatavilla", "Username available": "Käyttäjätunnus saatavilla",
"Username not available": "Käyttäjätunnus ei ole saatavissa", "Username not available": "Käyttäjätunnus ei ole saatavissa",
"Something went wrong!": "Jokin meni vikaan!", "Something went wrong!": "Jokin meni vikaan!",
@ -647,13 +647,13 @@
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille huoneen jäsenille, heidän liittymisestään alkaen.", "%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille huoneen jäsenille, heidän liittymisestään alkaen.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille huoneen jäsenille.", "%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille huoneen jäsenille.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to anyone.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille.", "%(senderName)s made future room history visible to anyone.": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi kaikille.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "%(senderName)s teki tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi tuntemattomalle (%(visibility)s).", "%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "%(senderName)s asetti tulevan huonehistorian näkyvyydeksi tuntemattoman arvon (%(visibility)s).",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s vaihtoi huoneen kiinnitettyjä viestejä.", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s vaihtoi huoneen kiinnitettyjä viestejä.",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": { "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": {
"other": "%(names)s ja %(count)s muuta kirjoittavat", "other": "%(names)s ja %(count)s muuta kirjoittavat",
"one": "%(names)s ja yksi muu kirjoittvat" "one": "%(names)s ja yksi muu kirjoittvat"
}, },
"Message Pinning": "Kiinnitetyt viestit", "Message Pinning": "Viestien kiinnittäminen",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Ota pois käytöstä emojiehdotukset kirjoittaessa", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Ota pois käytöstä emojiehdotukset kirjoittaessa",
"Hide avatar changes": "Piilota avatarmuutokset", "Hide avatar changes": "Piilota avatarmuutokset",
"Hide display name changes": "Piilota näyttönimimuutokset", "Hide display name changes": "Piilota näyttönimimuutokset",
@ -703,8 +703,8 @@
"Banned by %(displayName)s": "%(displayName)s antoi porttikiellon", "Banned by %(displayName)s": "%(displayName)s antoi porttikiellon",
"Privileged Users": "Etuoikeutetut käyttäjät", "Privileged Users": "Etuoikeutetut käyttäjät",
"Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "Vain jäsenet (tämän valinnan tekemisestä lähtien)", "Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "Vain jäsenet (tämän valinnan tekemisestä lähtien)",
"Members only (since they were invited)": "Vain jäsenet (heidän kutsumisestaan lähtien)", "Members only (since they were invited)": "Vain jäsenet (kutsumisestaan lähtien)",
"Members only (since they joined)": "Vain jäsenet (heidän liittymisestään lähtien)", "Members only (since they joined)": "Vain jäsenet (liittymisestään lähtien)",
"To send messages, you must be a": "Voidaksesi ähettääksesi viestejä sinun tulee olla", "To send messages, you must be a": "Voidaksesi ähettääksesi viestejä sinun tulee olla",
"To invite users into the room, you must be a": "Voidaksesi kutsua käyttäjiä huoneseen tulee sinun olla", "To invite users into the room, you must be a": "Voidaksesi kutsua käyttäjiä huoneseen tulee sinun olla",
"To configure the room, you must be a": "Voidaksesi muokata huoneen asetuksia sinun tulee olla", "To configure the room, you must be a": "Voidaksesi muokata huoneen asetuksia sinun tulee olla",
@ -748,8 +748,8 @@
"Communities": "Yhteisöt", "Communities": "Yhteisöt",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s", "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"were unbanned %(count)s times": { "were unbanned %(count)s times": {
"other": "porttikiellot poistettiin %(count)s kertaa", "other": "vapautettiin porttikiellosta %(count)s kertaa",
"one": "porttikiellot poistettiin" "one": "vapautettiin porttikiellosta"
}, },
"And %(count)s more...": { "And %(count)s more...": {
"other": "Ja %(count)s muuta..." "other": "Ja %(count)s muuta..."
@ -865,8 +865,8 @@
"To modify widgets in the room, you must be a": "Vaihtaaksesi huoneen pienoisohjelmia, sinun tulee olla", "To modify widgets in the room, you must be a": "Vaihtaaksesi huoneen pienoisohjelmia, sinun tulee olla",
"Addresses": "Osoitteet", "Addresses": "Osoitteet",
"Flair": "Tyyli", "Flair": "Tyyli",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "Yhteisöjen tyypit:", "Showing flair for these communities:": "Tyylit näytetään näille yhteisöille:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "Tälle huoneelle ei ole määritelty minkään yhteisön tyyppiä", "This room is not showing flair for any communities": "Tässä huoneessa ei näytetä minkään yhteisön tyyliä",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-esikatselut on päällä oletusarvoisesti tämän huoneen jäsenillä.", "URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-esikatselut on päällä oletusarvoisesti tämän huoneen jäsenillä.",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-esikatselut ovat oletuksena pois päältä tämän huoneen jäsenillä.", "URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-esikatselut ovat oletuksena pois päältä tämän huoneen jäsenillä.",
"Token incorrect": "Väärä tunniste", "Token incorrect": "Väärä tunniste",
@ -979,7 +979,7 @@
"one": "%(items)s ja yksi muu" "one": "%(items)s ja yksi muu"
}, },
"Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Valinnaiset %(powerLevel)s", "Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Valinnaiset %(powerLevel)s",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Varmistaaksesi, että tähän laitteeseen voidaan luottaa, ole yhteydessä laitteen haltijaan jollain muulla tavalla (esim. henkilökohtaisesti tai puhelimitse) ja pyydä heitä varmistamaan, että hänen käyttäjäasetuksissa näkyy laite, jolla on alla oleva avain:", "To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Varmistaaksesi, että tähän laitteeseen voidaan luottaa, ota yhteyttä laitteen haltijaan jollain muulla tavalla (esim. kasvotusten tai puhelimitse) ja pyydä häntä varmistamaan, että hänen laitteensa käyttäjäasetuksissa näkyy sama avain kuin alla:",
"If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "Jos avain täsmää, valitse painike alla. Jos avain ei täsmää, niin joku muu salakuuntelee laitetta ja haluat todennäköisesti painaa estopainiketta.", "If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "Jos avain täsmää, valitse painike alla. Jos avain ei täsmää, niin joku muu salakuuntelee laitetta ja haluat todennäköisesti painaa estopainiketta.",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Vanhaa salaustietoa havaittu", "Old cryptography data detected": "Vanhaa salaustietoa havaittu",
"Warning": "Varoitus", "Warning": "Varoitus",
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@
"Explore Room State": "Huoneen tila", "Explore Room State": "Huoneen tila",
"Source URL": "Lähdeosoite", "Source URL": "Lähdeosoite",
"Messages sent by bot": "Bottien lähettämät viestit", "Messages sent by bot": "Bottien lähettämät viestit",
"Filter results": "Suodata", "Filter results": "Suodata tuloksia",
"Members": "Jäsenet", "Members": "Jäsenet",
"No update available.": "Ei päivityksiä saatavilla.", "No update available.": "Ei päivityksiä saatavilla.",
"Resend": "Lähetä uudelleen", "Resend": "Lähetä uudelleen",
@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
"Invite to this community": "Kutsu tähän yhteisöön", "Invite to this community": "Kutsu tähän yhteisöön",
"Search for a room": "Hae huonetta", "Search for a room": "Hae huonetta",
"Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "<span>Avainsanoja</span> sisältävät viestit", "Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "<span>Avainsanoja</span> sisältävät viestit",
"View Source": "Näytä lähde", "View Source": "Näytä lähdekoodi",
"Tuesday": "Tiistai", "Tuesday": "Tiistai",
"Enter keywords separated by a comma:": "Anna avainsanat pilkuin eroteltuna:", "Enter keywords separated by a comma:": "Anna avainsanat pilkuin eroteltuna:",
"Search…": "Haku…", "Search…": "Haku…",
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@
"Direct Chat": "Suora keskustelu", "Direct Chat": "Suora keskustelu",
"The server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Palvelin saattaa olla tavoittamattomissa tai ylikuormitettu", "The server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Palvelin saattaa olla tavoittamattomissa tai ylikuormitettu",
"Reject": "Hylkää", "Reject": "Hylkää",
"Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Huoneen suoran viestittelyn tilan asettaminen epäonnistui", "Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Huoneen yksityisviestitilan asettaminen epäonnistui",
"Monday": "Maanantai", "Monday": "Maanantai",
"Remove from Directory": "Poista luettelosta", "Remove from Directory": "Poista luettelosta",
"Enable them now": "Ota käyttöön nyt", "Enable them now": "Ota käyttöön nyt",
@ -1188,8 +1188,8 @@
"The other party cancelled the verification.": "Toinen osapuoli perui varmennuksen.", "The other party cancelled the verification.": "Toinen osapuoli perui varmennuksen.",
"Verified!": "Varmennettu!", "Verified!": "Varmennettu!",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Olet varmentanut tämän käyttäjän.", "You've successfully verified this user.": "Olet varmentanut tämän käyttäjän.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä varmistamalla, että seuraava emoji ilmestyy heidän ruudulleen.", "Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä varmistamalla, että seuraava emoji ilmestyy hänen ruudulleen.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä varmistamalla, että seuraava luku ilmestyy heidän ruudulleen.", "Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä varmistamalla, että seuraava luku ilmestyy hänen ruudulleen.",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Tuettua varmennustapaa ei löydy.", "Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Tuettua varmennustapaa ei löydy.",
"Dog": "Koira", "Dog": "Koira",
"Cat": "Kissa", "Cat": "Kissa",
@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Jatka salaus poistettuna käytöstä", "Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Jatka salaus poistettuna käytöstä",
"Log out and remove encryption keys?": "Kirjaudutaanko ulos ja poistetaan salausavaimet?", "Log out and remove encryption keys?": "Kirjaudutaanko ulos ja poistetaan salausavaimet?",
"Encrypted": "Salattu", "Encrypted": "Salattu",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Muutokset historian lukuoikeuksiin pätevät vain tuleviin viesteihin tässä huoneessa. Nykyisen historian näkyvyys pysyy muuttumattomana.", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Muutokset historian lukuoikeuksiin pätevät vain tuleviin viesteihin tässä huoneessa. Nykyisen historian näkyvyys ei muutu.",
"Open Devtools": "Avaa kehittäjätyökalut", "Open Devtools": "Avaa kehittäjätyökalut",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "Sinulla ei ole tarrapaketteja käytössä", "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "Sinulla ei ole tarrapaketteja käytössä",
"Stickerpack": "Tarrapaketti", "Stickerpack": "Tarrapaketti",
@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Vältä vuosia, jotka voi yhdistää sinuun", "Avoid years that are associated with you": "Vältä vuosia, jotka voi yhdistää sinuun",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Vältä päivämääriä ja vuosia, jotka liittyvät sinuun", "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Vältä päivämääriä ja vuosia, jotka liittyvät sinuun",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Isolla alkukirjaimella aloittaminen ei erityisesti hyödytä", "Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Isolla alkukirjaimella aloittaminen ei erityisesti hyödytä",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Pelkästään isoilla kirjaimilla kirjoitettu on melkein yhtä helppo arvata kuin kokonaan pienellä kirjoitettu", "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Pelkästään isoilla kirjaimilla kirjoitettu on melkein yhtä helppo arvata kuin kokonaan pienillä kirjoitettu",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Takaperin kirjoitetut sanat eivät ole paljoakaan vaikeampia arvata", "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Takaperin kirjoitetut sanat eivät ole paljoakaan vaikeampia arvata",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Arvattavat vaihdot, kuten ”@” ”a”:n sijaan ei auta paljoakaan", "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Arvattavat vaihdot, kuten ”@” ”a”:n sijaan ei auta paljoakaan",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Lisää sana tai kaksi. Epätavalliset sanat ovat parempia.", "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Lisää sana tai kaksi. Epätavalliset sanat ovat parempia.",
@ -1542,9 +1542,9 @@
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s. %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s. %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
"Missing roomId.": "roomId puuttuu.", "Missing roomId.": "roomId puuttuu.",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Pakottaa hylkäämään nykyisen ulospäin suuntautuvan ryhmäistunnon salatussa huoneessa", "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Pakottaa hylkäämään nykyisen ulospäin suuntautuvan ryhmäistunnon salatussa huoneessa",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s otti käyttöön tyylin ryhmille %(groups)s tässä huoneessa.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s otti käyttöön tyylin ryhmälle %(groups)s tässä huoneessa.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s poisti käytöstä tyylin ryhmille %(groups)s tässä huoneessa.", "%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s poisti käytöstä tyylin ryhmältä %(groups)s tässä huoneessa.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s otti käyttöön tyylin ryhmille %(newGroups)s ja poisti käytöstä tyylin ryhmiltä %(oldGroups)s.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s otti käyttöön tyylin ryhmälle %(newGroups)s ja poisti käytöstä tyylin ryhmältä %(oldGroups)s tässä huoneessa.",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Ota sovelmien kuvankaappaukset käyttöön tuetuissa sovelmissa", "Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Ota sovelmien kuvankaappaukset käyttöön tuetuissa sovelmissa",
"Legal": "Lakitekstit", "Legal": "Lakitekstit",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Sulkupainikkeen pitäisi pienentää ikkuna ilmoitusalueelle", "Close button should minimize window to tray": "Sulkupainikkeen pitäisi pienentää ikkuna ilmoitusalueelle",
@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@
"Error removing alias": "Aliaksen poistossa tapahtui virhe", "Error removing alias": "Aliaksen poistossa tapahtui virhe",
"There was an error removing that alias. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Aliaksen poistossa tapahtui virhe. Se ei välttämättä ole enää olemassa tai kyseessä on väliaikainen virhe.", "There was an error removing that alias. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Aliaksen poistossa tapahtui virhe. Se ei välttämättä ole enää olemassa tai kyseessä on väliaikainen virhe.",
"Error updating flair": "Tyylin päivittämisessä tapahtui virhe", "Error updating flair": "Tyylin päivittämisessä tapahtui virhe",
"There was an error updating the flair for this room. The server may not allow it or a temporary error occurred.": "Tyylin päivittämisessä tapahtui virhe. Palveline ei välttämättä salli sitä tai kyseessä on väliaikainen virhe.", "There was an error updating the flair for this room. The server may not allow it or a temporary error occurred.": "Huoneen tyylin päivittämisessä tapahtui virhe. Palvelin ei välttämättä salli sitä tai kyseessä on tilapäinen virhe.",
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "Salatuissa huoneissa, kuten tässä, osoitteiden esikatselut ovat oletuksena pois käytöstä, jotta kotipalvelimesi (missä osoitteiden esikatselut luodaan) ei voi kerätä tietoa siitä, mitä linkkejä näet tässä huoneessa.", "In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "Salatuissa huoneissa, kuten tässä, osoitteiden esikatselut ovat oletuksena pois käytöstä, jotta kotipalvelimesi (missä osoitteiden esikatselut luodaan) ei voi kerätä tietoa siitä, mitä linkkejä näet tässä huoneessa.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to get this limit increased.": "<a>Ota yhteyttä ylläpitäjääsi</a> tämän rajan kasvattamiseksi.", "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to get this limit increased.": "<a>Ota yhteyttä ylläpitäjääsi</a> tämän rajan kasvattamiseksi.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Tämä kotipalvelin on saavuttanut kuukausittaisten aktiivisten käyttäjien rajansa, joten <b>osa käyttäjistä ei pysty kirjautumaan sisään</b>.", "This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Tämä kotipalvelin on saavuttanut kuukausittaisten aktiivisten käyttäjien rajansa, joten <b>osa käyttäjistä ei pysty kirjautumaan sisään</b>.",
@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@
"Change main address for the room": "Vaihda huoneen pääosoite", "Change main address for the room": "Vaihda huoneen pääosoite",
"Change history visibility": "Muuta keskusteluhistorian näkyvyyttä", "Change history visibility": "Muuta keskusteluhistorian näkyvyyttä",
"Change permissions": "Muuta oikeuksia", "Change permissions": "Muuta oikeuksia",
"Change topic": "Vaihda otsikko", "Change topic": "Vaihda aihe",
"Modify widgets": "Muokkaa sovelmia", "Modify widgets": "Muokkaa sovelmia",
"Default role": "Oletusrooli", "Default role": "Oletusrooli",
"Send messages": "Lähetä viestejä", "Send messages": "Lähetä viestejä",
@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@
"Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Odotetaan, että %(userId)s hyväksyy...", "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Odotetaan, että %(userId)s hyväksyy...",
"Use two-way text verification": "Käytä kahdensuuntaista tekstivarmennusta", "Use two-way text verification": "Käytä kahdensuuntaista tekstivarmennusta",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä merkitäksesi hänet luotetuksi. Käyttäjiin luottaminen antaa sinulle ylimääräistä mielenrauhaa käyttäessäsi osapuolten välistä salausta.", "Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Varmenna tämä käyttäjä merkitäksesi hänet luotetuksi. Käyttäjiin luottaminen antaa sinulle ylimääräistä mielenrauhaa käyttäessäsi osapuolten välistä salausta.",
"Verifying this user will mark their device as trusted, and also mark your device as trusted to them.": "Tämän käyttäjän varmentaminen merkitsee heidän laitteensa luotetuiksi, sekä merkitsee sinun laitteesi luotetuiksi tälle käyttäjälle.", "Verifying this user will mark their device as trusted, and also mark your device as trusted to them.": "Tämän käyttäjän varmentaminen merkitsee hänen laitteensa luotetuksi sekä merkitsee sinun laitteesi luotetuksi hänelle.",
"Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Odotetaan, että toinen osapuoli varmistaa...", "Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Odotetaan, että toinen osapuoli varmistaa...",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Saapuva varmennuspyyntö", "Incoming Verification Request": "Saapuva varmennuspyyntö",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Olet aikaisemmin käytttänyt Riotia laitteella %(host)s, jossa oli jäsenten laiska lataus käytössä. Tässä versiossa laiska lataus on pois käytöstä. Koska paikallinen välimuisti ei ole yhteensopiva näiden kahden asetuksen välillä, Riotin täytyy synkronoida tilisi tiedot uudelleen.", "You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Olet aikaisemmin käytttänyt Riotia laitteella %(host)s, jossa oli jäsenten laiska lataus käytössä. Tässä versiossa laiska lataus on pois käytöstä. Koska paikallinen välimuisti ei ole yhteensopiva näiden kahden asetuksen välillä, Riotin täytyy synkronoida tilisi tiedot uudelleen.",
@ -1760,7 +1760,6 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Tallenna se</b> muistitikulle tai varmuuskopiolevylle", "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Tallenna se</b> muistitikulle tai varmuuskopiolevylle",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopioi se</b> henkilökohtaiseen pilvitallennustilaasi", "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopioi se</b> henkilökohtaiseen pilvitallennustilaasi",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Avaimiasi varmuuskopioidaan (ensimmäinen varmuuskopio voi viedä muutaman minuutin).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Avaimiasi varmuuskopioidaan (ensimmäinen varmuuskopio voi viedä muutaman minuutin).",
"Okay": "OK",
"Unable to create key backup": "Avaimen varmuuskopiota ei voi luoda", "Unable to create key backup": "Avaimen varmuuskopiota ei voi luoda",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Ottaaksesi käyttöön uuden salasanasi, seuraa ohjeita sinulle lähetettävässä vahvistussähköpostissa.", "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Ottaaksesi käyttöön uuden salasanasi, seuraa ohjeita sinulle lähetettävässä vahvistussähköpostissa.",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Huoneen päivitysvarmistus", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Huoneen päivitysvarmistus",
@ -1972,7 +1971,7 @@
"Browse": "Selaa", "Browse": "Selaa",
"Failed to connect to integrations server": "Integraatiopalvelimelle yhdistäminen epäonnistui", "Failed to connect to integrations server": "Integraatiopalvelimelle yhdistäminen epäonnistui",
"No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "Tarrojen hallintaa varten ei ole määritetty integraatiopalvelinta", "No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "Tarrojen hallintaa varten ei ole määritetty integraatiopalvelinta",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Käytä ainoastaan pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, ajatusviivoja ja alaviivoja", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Käytä ainoastaan pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, yhdysviivoja ja alaviivoja",
"Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Uusi tilisi (%(newAccountId)s) on rekisteröity, mutta olet jo kirjautuneena toisella tilillä (%(loggedInUserId)s).", "Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Uusi tilisi (%(newAccountId)s) on rekisteröity, mutta olet jo kirjautuneena toisella tilillä (%(loggedInUserId)s).",
"Continue with previous account": "Jatka aiemmalla tilillä", "Continue with previous account": "Jatka aiemmalla tilillä",
"Sign out of previous account": "Kirjaudu ulos aiemmasta tilistä", "Sign out of previous account": "Kirjaudu ulos aiemmasta tilistä",
@ -1991,6 +1990,175 @@
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Tämän huoneen päivittäminen edellyttää huoneen nykyisen instanssin sulkemista ja uuden huoneen luomista sen tilalle. Jotta tämä kävisi huoneen jäsenten kannalta mahdollisimman sujuvasti, teemme seuraavaa:", "Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Tämän huoneen päivittäminen edellyttää huoneen nykyisen instanssin sulkemista ja uuden huoneen luomista sen tilalle. Jotta tämä kävisi huoneen jäsenten kannalta mahdollisimman sujuvasti, teemme seuraavaa:",
"Upload all": "Lataa kaikki palvelimelle", "Upload all": "Lataa kaikki palvelimelle",
"Upload": "Lataa palvelimelle", "Upload": "Lataa palvelimelle",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Vaihtaa kuvasi kaikissa huoneissa",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s ei tehnyt muutoksia.",
"Show all": "Näytä kaikki",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s eivät tehneet muutoksia %(count)s kertaa",
"one": "%(severalUsers)s eivät tehneet muutoksia"
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s ei tehnyt muutoksia %(count)s kertaa",
"one": "%(oneUser)s ei tehnyt muutoksia"
"Clear all data on this device?": "Poista kaikki tiedot tältä laitteelta?",
"Deleting all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Kaikkien tietojen poistaminen tältä laitteelta on peruuttamatonta. Salatut viestit menetetään, ellei niiden avaimia ole varmuuskopioitu.",
"Delete everything": "Poista kaikki",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Kotipalvelimesi ei näytä tukevan tätä ominaisuutta.",
"Resend edit": "Lähetä muokkaus uudelleen",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Lähetä %(unsentCount)s reaktio(ta) uudelleen",
"Resend removal": "Lähetä poistaminen uudelleen",
"You're signed out": "Sinut on kirjattu ulos",
"Your homeserver (%(domainName)s) admin has signed you out of your account %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).": "Kotipalvelimesi (%(domainName)s) ylläpitäjä on kirjannut sinut ulos tililtäsi %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).",
"I don't want to sign in": "En halua kirjautua sisään",
"If this is a shared device, or you don't want to access your account again from it, clear all data stored locally on this device.": "Jos käytät parhaillaan jaettua laitetta tai et halua käyttää tiliäsi tältä laitteelta uudestaan, poista kaikki laitteelle tallennetut tiedot.",
"Clear all data": "Poista kaikki tiedot",
"Sign in again to regain access to your account, or a different one.": "Kirjaudu uudelleen päästäksesi tilillesi (tai toiselle tilille).",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Kerro mikä meni pieleen, tai, mikä parempaa, luo GitHub-issue joka kuvailee ongelman.",
"Removing…": "Poistetaan…",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Kaikkien tietojen poistaminen tältä laitteelta on peruuttamatonta. Salatut viestit menetetään, ellei niiden avaimia ole varmuuskopioitu.",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Uudelleenautentikointi epäonnistui kotipalvelinongelmasta johtuen",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Uudelleenautentikointi epäonnistui",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Pääse takaisin tilillesi ja palauta tälle laitteelle tallennetut salausavaimet. Ilman niitä et voi lukea kaikkia salattuja viestejäsi kaikilla laitteilla.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Syötä salasanasi kirjautuaksesi ja päästäksesi takaisin tilillesi.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Unohditko salasanasi?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Kirjaudu ja pääse takaisin tilillesi.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Et voi kirjautua tilillesi. Ota yhteyttä kotipalvelimesi ylläpitäjään saadaksesi lisätietoja.",
"Clear personal data": "Poista henkilökohtaiset tiedot",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Varoitus: Henkilökohtaisia tietojasi (mukaan lukien salausavaimia) on edelleen tallennettuna tällä laitteella. Poista ne, jos et aio enää käyttää tätä laitetta, tai haluat kirjautua toiselle tilille.",
"Identity Server": "Identiteettipalvelin",
"Integrations Manager": "Integraatioiden hallinta",
"Find others by phone or email": "Löydä muita käyttäjiä puhelimen tai sähköpostin perusteella",
"Be found by phone or email": "Varmista, että sinut löydetään puhelimen tai sähköpostin perusteella",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Käytä botteja, siltoja, sovelmia ja tarrapaketteja",
"Terms of Service": "Käyttöehdot (Terms of Service)",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Jatkaaksesi sinun täytyy hyväksyä palvelun ehdot.",
"Service": "Palvelu",
"Summary": "Yhteenveto",
"Terms": "Ehdot",
"Failed to start chat": "Keskustelun aloittaminen ei onnistunut",
"Messages": "Viestit",
"Actions": "Toiminnot",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Näyttää luettelon komennoista käyttötavoin ja kuvauksin",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Näytä aina ikkunan valikkorivi",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Sähköpostiosoitteen jakamista ei voi perua",
"Unable to share email address": "Sähköpostiosoitetta ei voi jakaa",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Tarkista sähköpostisi ja klikkaa sitten Jatka",
"Share": "Jaa",
"Unable to share phone number": "Puhelinnumeroa ei voi jakaa",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Identiteettipalvelinta ei ole määritetty, joten et voi lisätä sähköpostiosoitetta salasanasi palauttamiseksi vastaisuudessa.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Identiteettipalvelinta ei ole määritetty: sähköpostiosoitetta ei voi lisätä. Et pysty palauttamaan salasanaasi.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Identiteettipalvelinta ei ole määritetty: lisää se palvelinasetuksissa, jotta voi palauttaa salasanasi.",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteettipalvelimen URL-osoitteen täytyy olla HTTPS-alkuinen",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Ei kelvollinen identiteettipalvelin (tilakoodi %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Identiteettipalvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä",
"Checking server": "Tarkistetaan palvelinta",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Katkaise yhteys identiteettipalvelimeen",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Katkaise yhteys identiteettipalvelimeen <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Katkaise yhteys",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identiteettipalvelin (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Käytät palvelinta <server></server> tuntemiesi henkilöiden löytämiseen ja löydetyksi tulemiseen. Voit vaihtaa identiteettipalvelintasi alla.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Et käytä tällä hetkellä identiteettipalvelinta. Lisää identiteettipalvelin alle löytääksesi tuntemiasi henkilöitä ja tullaksesi löydetyksi.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Yhteyden katkaiseminen identiteettipalvelimeesi tarkoittaa, että muut käyttäjät eivät löydä sinua etkä voi kutsua muita sähköpostin tai puhelinnumeron perusteella.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Puhelu epäonnistui palvelimen väärien asetusten takia",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Pyydä kotipalvelimesi (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) ylläpitäjää asentamaan TURN-palvelin, jotta puhelut toimisivat luotettavasti.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Vaihtoehtoisesti voit kokeilla käyttää julkista palvelinta osoitteessa <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, mutta tämä vaihtoehto ei ole yhtä luotettava ja jakaa IP-osoitteesi palvelimen kanssa. Voit myös hallita tätä asiaa asetuksissa.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Kokeile käyttää palvelinta turn.matrix.org",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Salli varalle puhelujen apupalvelin turn.matrix.org kun kotipalvelimesi ei tarjoa sellaista (IP-osoitteesi jaetaan puhelun aikana)",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Jaat tällä hetkellä sähköpostiosoitteita tai puhelinnumeroja identiteettipalvelimella <idserver />. Sinun täytyy yhdistää uudelleen palvelimelle <idserver2 /> lopettaaksesi niiden jakamisen.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Jatka vain, jos luotat palvelimen omistajaan.",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith>reagoi(vat) emojilla %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Hyväksy <policyLink /> jatkaaksesi:",
"Public Name": "Julkinen nimi",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Identiteettipalvelimella ei ole käyttöehtoja",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Valitsemallasi identiteettipalvelimella ei ole käyttöehtoja.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Käyttöehtoja ei ole hyväksytty tai identiteettipalvelin ei ole kelvollinen.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Syötä uusi identiteettipalvelin",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Hyväksy identiteettipalvelimen (%(serverName)s) käyttöehdot (Terms of Service), jotta sinut voi löytää sähköpostiosoitteen tai puhelinnumeron perusteella.",
"Deactivate account": "Deaktivoi tili",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Laitteen julkinen nimi näkyy käyttäjille, joiden kanssa olet yhteydessä",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Poista %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Poista %(phone)s?",
"Command Help": "Komento-ohje",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Tämä tili on deaktivoitu.",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Lähettää viestin pelkkänä tekstinä, tulkitsematta sitä markdownina",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Sinulla ei ole vaadittavia oikeuksia tämän komennon käyttämiseksi.",
"Use an identity server": "Käytä identiteettipalvelinta",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Ellet halua käyttää palvelinta <server /> löytääksesi tuntemiasi ihmisiä ja tullaksesi löydetyksi, syötä toinen identiteettipalvelin alle.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Identiteettipalvelimen käyttäminen on valinnaista. Jos päätät olla käyttämättä identiteettipalvelinta, muut käyttäjät eivät löydä sinua etkä voi kutsua muita sähköpostin tai puhelinnumeron perusteella.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Älä käytä identiteettipalvelinta",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Tämä kutsu huoneeseen %(roomName)s lähetettiin sähköpostiosoitteeseen %(email)s",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Aseta sähköpostiosoite tilin palauttamista varten. Sähköpostiosoitetta tai puhelinnumeroa voi valinnaisesti käyttää siihen, että tuntemasi ihmiset voivat löytää sinut.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Aseta sähköpostiosoite tilin palauttamista varten. Sähköpostiosoitetta voi valinnaisesti käyttää siihen, että tuntemasi ihmiset voivat löytää sinut.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Syötä mukautettu kotipalvelimen URL-osoite <a>Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Syötä mukautettu identiteettipalvelimen URL-osoite <a>Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?</a>",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Lähetä lukukuittaukset viesteistä (käytöstä poistaminen vaatii yhteensopivan kotipalvelimen)",
"Change identity server": "Vaihda identiteettipalvelinta",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Katkaise yhteys identiteettipalvelimeen <current /> ja yhdistä sen sijaan identiteettipalvelimeen <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Katkaise yhteys identiteettipalvelimeen",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "<b>Jaat edelleen henkilökohtaisia tietojasi</b> identiteettipalvelimella <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Suosittelemme, että poistat sähköpostiosoitteesi ja puhelinnumerosi identiteettipalvelimelta ennen yhteyden katkaisemista.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Katkaise yhteys silti",
"Upgrade the room": "Päivitä huone uuteen versioon",
"Enable room encryption": "Ota huoneen salaus käyttöön",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Käyttäjän %(user)s kirjoittamia viimeaikaisia viestejä ei löytynyt",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Kokeile vierittää aikajanaa ylöspäin nähdäksesi, löytyykö aiempia viestejä.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Poista käyttäjän %(user)s viimeaikaiset viestit",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Olet poistamassa %(count)s käyttäjän %(user)s kirjoittamaa viestiä. Tätä toimintoa ei voi kumota. Haluatko jatkaa?"
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Poista %(count)s viestiä"
"Remove recent messages": "Poista viimeaikaiset viestit",
"Bold": "Lihavoitu",
"Italics": "Kursivoitu",
"Strikethrough": "Yliviivattu",
"Code block": "Ohjelmakoodia",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Kutsu huoneeseen %(roomName)s lähetettiin osoitteeseen %(email)s, joka ei ole yhteydessä tiliisi",
"Filter": "Suodata",
"Filter rooms…": "Suodata huoneita…",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Vaihtaa nykyisen huoneen kuvan",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Käytät tällä hetkellä palvelinta <b>%(serverName)s</b> bottiesi, sovelmiesi ja tarrapakettiesi hallitsemiseen.",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Virhe muutettaessa oikeustasovaatimusta",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Huoneen oikeustasovaatimuksia muutettaessa tapahtui virhe. Varmista, että sinulla on riittävät oikeudet ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Error changing power level": "Virhe muutettaessa oikeustasoa",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Käyttäjän oikeustasoa muutettaessa tapahtui virhe. Varmista, että sinulla on riittävät oikeudet ja yritä uudelleen.",
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Suuren viestimäärän tapauksessa toiminto voi kestää jonkin aikaa. Älä lataa asiakasohjelmaasi uudelleen sillä aikaa.",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "Kutsusi validoinnin yrittäminen palautti virheen (%(errcode)s). Voit koettaa välittää tämän tiedon huoneen ylläpitäjälle.",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Aseta identiteettipalvelin asetuksissa saadaksesi kutsuja suoraan Riotissa.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Jaa tämä sähköposti asetuksissa saadaksesi kutsuja suoraan Riotissa.",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Kerro miksi teet ilmoitusta.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Ilmoita sisällöstä kotipalvelimesi ylläpitäjälle",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Tämän viestin ilmoittaminen lähettää sen yksilöllisen tapahtumatunnuksen (event ID) kotipalvelimesi ylläpitäjälle. Jos tämän huoneen viestit on salattu, kotipalvelimesi ylläpitäjä ei voi lukea viestin tekstiä tai nähdä tiedostoja tai kuvia.",
"Send report": "Lähetä ilmoitus",
"Report Content": "Ilmoita sisällöstä",
"Explore": "Selaa",
"Preview": "Esikatsele",
"View": "Näytä",
"Find a room…": "Etsi huonetta…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Etsi huonetta… (esim. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Jos et löydä etsimääsi huonetta, pyydä kutsua tai <a>Luo uusi huone</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Selaa huoneita",
"ID": "Tunnus",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Puhelinnumeron jakamista ei voi kumota",
"Deactivate user?": "Deaktivoi käyttäjä?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Käyttäjän deaktivoiminen kirjaa hänet ulos ja estää häntä kirjautumasta takaisin sisään. Lisäksi hän poistuu kaikista huoneista, joissa hän on. Tätä toimintoa ei voi kumota. Oletko varma, että haluat deaktivoida tämän käyttäjän?",
"Deactivate user": "Deaktivoi käyttäjä",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Linkitä tämä sähköposti tilisi kanssa asetuksissa, jotta voit saada kutsuja suoraan Riotissa.",
"Room alias": "Huoneen alias",
"e.g. my-room": "esim. oma-huone",
"Please provide a room alias": "Anna huoneen alias",
"This alias is available to use": "Alias on käytettävissä",
"This alias is already in use": "Alias on jo käytössä",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Syötä huoneelle nimi",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Aseta huoneelle alias, jotta voit helposti jakaa huoneesi muiden kanssa.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Tämä huone on yksityinen ja siihen voi liittyä vain kutsulla.",
"Create a public room": "Luo julkinen huone",
"Create a private room": "Luo yksityinen huone",
"Topic (optional)": "Aihe (valinnainen)",
"Make this room public": "Tee tästä huoneesta julkinen",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Estä muiden Matrix-kotipalvelimien käyttäjiä liittymästä tähän huoneeseen (Tätä valintaa ei voi muuttaa jälkikäteen!)",
"Unknown device": "Tuntematon laite", "Unknown device": "Tuntematon laite",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "Tervetuloa Riot.im-palveluun", "Welcome to Riot.im": "Tervetuloa Riot.im-palveluun",
"Search the room directory": "Hae luettelosta", "Search the room directory": "Hae luettelosta",
@ -2026,7 +2194,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Voit käyttää mukautettuja palvelinasetuksia kirjautuaksesi muihin Matrix-palvelimiin. Tämä mahdollistaa Riotin käyttämisen toisella kotipalvelimella olevalla Matrix-tilillä.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Voit käyttää mukautettuja palvelinasetuksia kirjautuaksesi muihin Matrix-palvelimiin. Tämä mahdollistaa Riotin käyttämisen toisella kotipalvelimella olevalla Matrix-tilillä.",
"Create Account": "Luo tili", "Create Account": "Luo tili",
"Need help?": "Tarvitsetko apua?", "Need help?": "Tarvitsetko apua?",
"Explore rooms": "Etsi huoneita",
"Room Directory": "Huoneluettelo", "Room Directory": "Huoneluettelo",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Odottamaton virhe sovellusta valmisteltaessa. Katso konsolista lisätietoja.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Odottamaton virhe sovellusta valmisteltaessa. Katso konsolista lisätietoja.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Virheellinen asetus. Vain yhden seuraavista voi määrittää: default_server_config, default_server_name, tai default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Virheellinen asetus. Vain yhden seuraavista voi määrittää: default_server_config, default_server_name, tai default_hs_url.",

@ -1846,7 +1846,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Votre clé de récupération est une mesure de précaution. Vous pouvez lutiliser pour restaurer laccès à vos messages chiffrés si vous oubliez votre phrase de passe.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Votre clé de récupération est une mesure de précaution. Vous pouvez lutiliser pour restaurer laccès à vos messages chiffrés si vous oubliez votre phrase de passe.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Conservez votre clé de récupération dans un endroit très sécurisé, comme un gestionnaire de mots de passe (ou un coffre-fort)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Conservez votre clé de récupération dans un endroit très sécurisé, comme un gestionnaire de mots de passe (ou un coffre-fort)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Vous clés sont en cours de sauvegarde (la première sauvegarde peut prendre quelques minutes).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Vous clés sont en cours de sauvegarde (la première sauvegarde peut prendre quelques minutes).",
"Okay": "OK",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Protégez votre sauvegarde avec une phrase de passe", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Protégez votre sauvegarde avec une phrase de passe",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Confirmez votre phrase de passe", "Confirm your passphrase": "Confirmez votre phrase de passe",
"Recovery key": "Clé de récupération", "Recovery key": "Clé de récupération",
@ -2077,7 +2076,7 @@
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Votre Riot est mal configuré", "Your Riot is misconfigured": "Votre Riot est mal configuré",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Demandez à votre administrateur Riot de vérifier que <a>votre configuration</a> ne contient pas dentrées incorrectes ou en double.", "Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Demandez à votre administrateur Riot de vérifier que <a>votre configuration</a> ne contient pas dentrées incorrectes ou en double.",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Une erreur inattendue est survenue pendant la résolution de la configuration du serveur didentité", "Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Une erreur inattendue est survenue pendant la résolution de la configuration du serveur didentité",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Utiliser uniquement des lettres, chiffres, traits dunion et tirets bas", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Utiliser uniquement des lettres minuscules, chiffres, traits dunion et tirets bas",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Impossible de joindre le serveur didentité", "Cannot reach identity server": "Impossible de joindre le serveur didentité",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vous pouvez vous inscrire, mais certaines fonctionnalités ne seront pas disponibles jusquau retour du serveur didentité. Si vous continuez à voir cet avertissement, vérifiez votre configuration ou contactez un administrateur du serveur.", "You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vous pouvez vous inscrire, mais certaines fonctionnalités ne seront pas disponibles jusquau retour du serveur didentité. Si vous continuez à voir cet avertissement, vérifiez votre configuration ou contactez un administrateur du serveur.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vous pouvez réinitialiser votre mot de passe, mais certaines fonctionnalités ne seront pas disponibles jusquau retour du serveur didentité. Si vous continuez à voir cet avertissement, vérifiez votre configuration ou contactez un administrateur du serveur.", "You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Vous pouvez réinitialiser votre mot de passe, mais certaines fonctionnalités ne seront pas disponibles jusquau retour du serveur didentité. Si vous continuez à voir cet avertissement, vérifiez votre configuration ou contactez un administrateur du serveur.",
@ -2122,6 +2121,193 @@
"Resend edit": "Renvoyer lédition", "Resend edit": "Renvoyer lédition",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Renvoyer %(unsentCount)s réaction(s)", "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Renvoyer %(unsentCount)s réaction(s)",
"Resend removal": "Renvoyer la suppression", "Resend removal": "Renvoyer la suppression",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Il semble que votre serveur daccueil ne prenne pas en charge cette fonctionnalité.",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Change votre avatar dans tous les salons",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Supprimer toutes les données sur cet appareil ?",
"Deleting all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "La suppression de toutes les données sur cet appareil est permanente. Les messages chiffrés seront perdus sauf si les clés ont été sauvegardées.",
"Delete everything": "Tout supprimer",
"You're signed out": "Vous êtes déconnecté(e)",
"Your homeserver (%(domainName)s) admin has signed you out of your account %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).": "Ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil (%(domainName)s) vous a déconnecté(e) de votre compte %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).",
"I don't want to sign in": "Je ne veux pas me connecter",
"If this is a shared device, or you don't want to access your account again from it, clear all data stored locally on this device.": "Sil sagit dun appareil partagé, ou si vous ne voulez pas accéder à nouveau à votre compte depuis cet appareil, supprimez toutes les données enregistrées localement sur cet appareil.",
"Clear all data": "Supprimer toutes les données",
"Sign in again to regain access to your account, or a different one.": "Reconnectez-vous pour accéder à nouveau à votre compte ou à un autre compte.",
"Removing…": "Suppression…",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "La suppression de toutes les données sur cet appareil est permanente. Les messages chiffrés seront perdus à moins que leurs clés naient été sauvegardées.",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Échec de la ré-authentification à cause dun problème du serveur daccueil",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Échec de la ré-authentification",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Saisissez votre mot de passe pour vous connecter et ré-accéder à votre compte.",
"Regain access your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Ré-accédez à votre compte et récupérez les clés de chiffrement stockées sur cet appareil. Sans elles, vous ne pourrez pas lire tous vos messages sécurisés sur nimporte quel appareil.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
"Cannot re-authenticate with your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Impossible de vous ré-authentifier à votre compte. Contactez ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil pour plus dinformations.",
"Your homeserver (<strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1>) admin has signed you out of your account <strong2>%(displayName)s (%(userId)s)</strong2>.": "Ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil (<strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1>) vous a déconnecté de votre compte <strong2>%(displayName)s (%(userId)s)</strong2>.",
"Clear personal data": "Supprimer les données personnelles",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Attention : Vos données personnelles (y compris vos clés de chiffrement) sont toujours stockées sur cet appareil. Supprimez-les si vous nutilisez plus cet appareil ou si vous voulez vous connecter avec un autre compte.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Ré-accédez à votre compte et récupérez les clés de chiffrement stockées sur cet appareil. Sans elles, vous ne pourrez pas lire tous les messages sécurisés sur tous les appareils.",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Connectez-vous et ré-accédez à votre compte.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter à votre compte. Contactez ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil pour plus dinformations.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, a github issue that describes the problem.": "Dites-nous ce qui sest mal passé ou, encore mieux, créez un rapport derreur sur GitHub qui décrit le problème.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Dites-nous ce qui sest mal passé ou, encore mieux, créez un rapport derreur sur GitHub qui décrit le problème.",
"Identity Server": "Serveur didentité",
"Integrations Manager": "Gestionnaire dintégrations",
"Find others by phone or email": "Trouver dautres personnes par téléphone ou e-mail",
"Be found by phone or email": "Être trouvé(e) par téléphone ou e-mail",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Utiliser des robots, des passerelles, des widgets ou des packs de stickers",
"Terms of Service": "Conditions de service",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Pour continuer vous devez accepter les conditions de ce service.",
"Service": "Service",
"Summary": "Résumé",
"Terms": "Conditions",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Ce compte a été désactivé.",
"Failed to start chat": "Échec du démarrage de la discussion",
"Messages": "Messages",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Affiche la liste des commandes avec leurs utilisations et descriptions",
"Discovery": "Découverte",
"Deactivate account": "Désactiver le compte",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Toujours afficher la barre de menu de la fenêtre",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Impossible de révoquer le partage pour ladresse e-mail",
"Unable to share email address": "Impossible de partager ladresse e-mail",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Vérifiez votre boîte de réception puis cliquez sur Continuer",
"Revoke": "Révoquer",
"Share": "Partager",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Les options de découverte apparaîtront quand vous aurez ajouté une adresse e-mail ci-dessus.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Impossible de révoquer le partage pour le numéro de téléphone",
"Unable to share phone number": "Impossible de partager le numéro de téléphone",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Veuillez saisir le code de vérification envoyé par SMS.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Les options de découverte apparaîtront quand vous aurez ajouté un numéro de téléphone ci-dessus.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Un message textuel a été envoyé à +%(msisdn)s. Saisissez le code de vérification quil contient.",
"Command Help": "Aide aux commandes",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Aucun serveur didentité nest configuré donc vous ne pouvez pas ajouter dadresse e-mail pour pouvoir réinitialiser votre mot de passe dans lavenir.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Aucun serveur didentité nest configuré : aucune adresse e-mail ne peut être ajoutée. Vous ne pourrez pas réinitialiser votre mot de passe.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Aucun serveur didentité nest configuré : ajoutez-en un dans les paramètres du serveur pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "LURL du serveur didentité doit être en HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Serveur didentité non valide (code de statut %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur didentité",
"Checking server": "Vérification du serveur",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Déconnecter le serveur didentité",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Se déconnecter du serveur didentité <idserver /> ?",
"Disconnect": "Se déconnecter",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Serveur didentité (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Vous utilisez actuellement <server></server> pour découvrir et être découvert par des contacts existants que vous connaissez. Vous pouvez changer votre serveur didentité ci-dessous.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Vous nutilisez actuellement aucun serveur didentité. Pour découvrir et être découvert par les contacts existants que vous connaissez, ajoutez-en un ci-dessous.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "La déconnexion de votre serveur didentité signifie que vous ne serez plus découvrable par dautres utilisateurs et que vous ne pourrez plus faire dinvitation par e-mail ou téléphone.",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Gestionnaire dintégration hors ligne ou inaccessible.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Échec de la mise à jour du gestionnaire dintégration",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Vous utilisez actuellement <b>%(serverName)s</b> pour gérer vos robots, widgets et packs de stickers.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Ajoutez quel gestionnaire dintégration vous voulez pour gérer vos robots, widgets et packs de stickers.",
"Integration Manager": "Gestionnaire dintégration",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Saisissez un nouveau gestionnaire dintégration",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Pour savoir si vous pouvez faire confiance à cet appareil, vérifiez que la clé que vous voyez dans les paramètres de lutilisateur sur cet appareil correspond à la clé ci-dessous :",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Échec de lappel à cause dun serveur mal configuré",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Demandez à ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) de configurer un serveur TURN afin que les appels fonctionnent de manière fiable.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Sinon, vous pouvez essayer dutiliser le serveur public à <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, mais ça ne sera pas aussi fiable et ça partagera votre adresse IP avec ce serveur. Vous pouvez aussi gérer cela dans les paramètres.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Essayer dutiliser turn.matrix.org",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Autoriser le repli sur le serveur dassistance dappel turn.matrix.org quand votre serveur nen fournit pas (votre adresse IP serait partagée lors dun appel)",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Vous partagez actuellement vos adresses e-mail ou numéros de téléphone sur le serveur didentité <idserver />. Vous devrez vous reconnecter à <idserver2 /> pour arrêter de les partager.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Les conditions de service nont pas été acceptées ou le gestionnaire dintégration nest pas valide.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Le gestionnaire dintégration na pas de conditions de service",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Le gestionnaire dintégration que vous avez choisi na aucune condition de service.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Continuez seulement si vous faites confiance au propriétaire du serveur.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Le serveur didentité na pas de conditions de service",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Le serveur didentité que vous avez choisi na pas de conditions de service.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Les conditions de services nont pas été acceptées ou le serveur didentité nest pas valide.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Saisissez un nouveau serveur didentité",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Supprimer %(email)s ?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Supprimer %(phone)s ?",
"ID": "Identifiant",
"Public Name": "Nom public",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Le nom public dun appareil est visible par les personnes avec qui vous communiquez",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Acceptez <policyLink /> pour continuer :",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Acceptez les conditions de service du serveur didentité (%(serverName)s) pour vous permettre dêtre découvrable par votre adresse e-mail ou votre numéro de téléphone.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Utilisez le nouveau compositeur plus rapide, mais toujours expérimental, pour écrire des messages (nécessite de recharger la page)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Gestionnaires dintégration multiples",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Si vous ne voulez pas utiliser <server /> pour découvrir et être découvrable par les contacts que vous connaissez, saisissez un autre serveur didentité ci-dessous.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Lutilisation dun serveur didentité est optionnelle. Si vous ne choisissez pas dutiliser un serveur didentité, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront pas vous découvrir et vous ne pourrez pas en inviter par e-mail ou par téléphone.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Ne pas utiliser de serveur didentité",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Vous navez pas les permissions nécessaires pour utiliser cette commande.",
"Upgrade the room": "Mettre à niveau le salon",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Renseignez un e-mail pour la récupération de compte. Utilisez un e-mail ou un téléphone pour être éventuellement découvrable par des contacts existants.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Renseignez un e-mail pour la récupération de compte. Utilisez un e-mail pour être éventuellement découvrable par des contacts existants.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Saisissez lURL de votre serveur daccueil personnalisé <a>Quest-ce que ça veut dire ?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Saisissez lURL de votre serveur didentité personnalisé <a>Quest-ce que ça veut dire ?</a>",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Utilisez un serveur didentité pour inviter avec un e-mail. <default>Utilisez le serveur par défaut (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> ou gérez-le dans les <settings>Paramètres</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Utilisez un serveur didentité pour inviter par e-mail. Gérez-le dans les <settings>Paramètres</settings>.",
"Enable room encryption": "Activer le chiffrement du salon",
"Use an identity server": "Utiliser un serveur didentité",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Utilisez un serveur didentité pour inviter par e-mail. Cliquez sur continuer pour utiliser le serveur didentité par défaut (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) ou gérez-le dans les paramètres.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Utilisez un serveur didentité pour inviter par e-mail. Gérez-le dans les paramètres.",
"Deactivate user?": "Désactiver lutilisateur ?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Désactiver cet utilisateur le déconnectera et lempêchera de se reconnecter. De plus, il quittera tous les salons quil a rejoints. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. Voulez-vous vraiment désactiver cet utilisateur ?",
"Deactivate user": "Désactiver lutilisateur",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Envoie un message en texte brut, sans linterpréter en format markdown",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "Une erreur (%(errcode)s) a été retournée en essayant de valider votre invitation. Vous pouvez essayer de transmettre cette information à un administrateur du salon.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Cette invitation à %(roomName)s a été envoyée à %(email)s qui nest pas associé à votre compte",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Liez cet e-mail à votre compte dans les paramètres pour recevoir les invitations directement dans Riot.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Cette invitation à %(roomName)s a été envoyée à %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Utilisez un serveur didentité dans les paramètres pour recevoir une invitation directement dans Riot.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Partagez cet e-mail dans les paramètres pour recevoir les invitations directement dans Riot.",
"Error changing power level": "Erreur de changement de rang",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Une erreur est survenue lors du changement de rang de lutilisateur. Vérifiez que vous avez les permissions nécessaires et réessayez.",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Italics": "Italique",
"Strikethrough": "Barré",
"Code block": "Bloc de code",
"Change identity server": "Changer le serveur didentité",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Se déconnecter du serveur didentité <current /> et se connecter à <new /> à la place ?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Se déconnecter du serveur didentité",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Vous <b>partagez toujours vos données personnelles</b> sur le serveur didentité <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Nous recommandons que vous supprimiez vos adresses e-mail et vos numéros de téléphone du serveur didentité avant de vous déconnecter.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Se déconnecter quand même",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Erreur de changement du critère de rang",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la modification des critères de rang du salon. Vérifiez que vous avez les bonnes permissions et réessayez.",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Aucun message récent de %(user)s na été trouvé",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Essayez de faire défiler lhistorique vers le haut pour voir sil y en a de plus anciens.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Supprimer les messages récents de %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer %(count)s messages de %(user)s. Ça ne peut pas être annulé. Voulez-vous continuer ?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Pour un grand nombre de messages, cela peut prendre du temps. Nactualisez pas votre client pendant ce temps.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Supprimer %(count)s messages"
"Remove recent messages": "Supprimer les messages récents",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Envoyer des accusés de lecture pour les messages (nécessite un serveur daccueil compatible pour le désactiver)",
"Explore": "Explorer",
"Filter": "Filtrer",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtrer les salons…",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"View": "Afficher",
"Find a room…": "Trouver un salon…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Trouver un salon… (par ex. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Si vous ne trouvez pas le salon que vous cherchez, demandez une invitation ou <a>créez un nouveau salon</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Explorer les salons",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Vérifiez le lien dans votre boîte de réception",
"Complete": "Terminer",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Dites-nous pourquoi vous envoyez un signalement.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Signaler le contenu à ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Le signalement de ce message enverra son « event ID » unique à ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil. Si les messages dans ce salon sont chiffrés, ladministrateur ne pourra pas lire le texte du message ou voir les fichiers ou les images.",
"Send report": "Envoyer le signalement",
"Report Content": "Signaler le contenu",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Durée de vie du repère de lecture (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Durée de vie du repère de lecture en dehors de lécran (ms)",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Change lavatar du salon actuel",
"Room alias": "Alias du salon",
"e.g. my-room": "par ex. mon-salon",
"Please provide a room alias": "Veuillez renseigner un alias de salon",
"This alias is available to use": "Cet alias est disponible",
"This alias is already in use": "Cet alias est déjà utilisé",
"Close dialog": "Fermer la boîte de dialogue",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Veuillez renseigner un nom pour le salon",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Définissez un alias de salon pour partager facilement votre salon avec dautres personnes.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Ce salon est privé et ne peut être rejoint que sur invitation.",
"Create a public room": "Créer un salon public",
"Create a private room": "Créer un salon privé",
"Topic (optional)": "Sujet (facultatif)",
"Make this room public": "Rendre ce salon public",
"Hide advanced": "Masquer les informations avancées",
"Show advanced": "Afficher les informations avancées",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Empêcher les utilisateurs dautres serveurs daccueil matrix de rejoindre ce salon (Ce paramètre ne peut pas être modifié plus tard !)",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s dans %(browserName)s sous %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s dans %(browserName)s sous %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Version bureau de Riot sur %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Version bureau de Riot sur %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nest pas disponible en version web mobile. Installer lapplication ?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nest pas disponible en version web mobile. Installer lapplication ?",
@ -2158,7 +2344,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vous pouvez utiliser les options de serveur personnalisé pour vous connecter à d'autres serveurs Matrix en renseignant l'URL d'un autre serveur d'accueil. Cela vous permet d'utiliser Riot avec un compte Matrix existant sur un serveur d'accueil différent.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vous pouvez utiliser les options de serveur personnalisé pour vous connecter à d'autres serveurs Matrix en renseignant l'URL d'un autre serveur d'accueil. Cela vous permet d'utiliser Riot avec un compte Matrix existant sur un serveur d'accueil différent.",
"Create Account": "Créer un compte", "Create Account": "Créer un compte",
"Need help?": "Besoin d'aide ?", "Need help?": "Besoin d'aide ?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorer les salons",
"Room Directory": "Répertoire de salons", "Room Directory": "Répertoire de salons",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Une erreur inattendue est survenue pendant la préparation de lapplication. Consultez la console pour avoir des détails.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Une erreur inattendue est survenue pendant la préparation de lapplication. Consultez la console pour avoir des détails.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuration invalide : il ne faut spécifier quun des trois champs entre default_server_config, default_server_name et default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuration invalide : il ne faut spécifier quun des trois champs entre default_server_config, default_server_name et default_hs_url.",

@ -1846,7 +1846,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "A Visszaállítási Kulcs egy olyan biztonsági elem amivel visszaállíthatod a hozzáférésed a titkosított üzenetekhez még akkor is, ha a jelmondatot elfelejtetted.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "A Visszaállítási Kulcs egy olyan biztonsági elem amivel visszaállíthatod a hozzáférésed a titkosított üzenetekhez még akkor is, ha a jelmondatot elfelejtetted.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "A Visszaállítási Kulcsot nagyon biztonságos helyen tárold, mint pl. egy jelszókezelőben (vagy széfben)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "A Visszaállítási Kulcsot nagyon biztonságos helyen tárold, mint pl. egy jelszókezelőben (vagy széfben)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "A kulcsaid mentése folyamatban van (az első mentés több percig is eltarthat).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "A kulcsaid mentése folyamatban van (az első mentés több percig is eltarthat).",
"Okay": "Rendben",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Védd a mentést egy jelmondattal", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Védd a mentést egy jelmondattal",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Erősítsd meg a jelmondatot", "Confirm your passphrase": "Erősítsd meg a jelmondatot",
"Recovery key": "Visszaállítási Kulcs", "Recovery key": "Visszaállítási Kulcs",
@ -2117,6 +2116,188 @@
"other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s alkalommal nem változtatott semmit", "other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s alkalommal nem változtatott semmit",
"one": "%(oneUser)snem változtatott semmit" "one": "%(oneUser)snem változtatott semmit"
}, },
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "A profilképed megváltozik minden szobában",
"Removing…": "Eltávolítás…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Az eszközön minden adat törlése?",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, a github issue that describes the problem.": "Kérlek mond el nekünk, hogy mi nem működött, vagy még jobb egy github jegy ami leírja a problémát.",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Minden adat végleges törlése az eszközről. A titkosított üzenetek elvesznek hacsak a kulcsok nincsenek elmentve.",
"Clear all data": "Minden adat törlése",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "A matrix szervered úgy tűnik nem támogatja ezt a szolgáltatást.",
"Resend edit": "Szerkesztés újraküldése",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "%(unsentCount)s reakció újraküldése",
"Resend removal": "Törlés újraküldése",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Az újra bejelentkezés a matrix szerver hibájából meghiusúlt",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Újra bejelentkezés sikertelen",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Szerezd vissza a fiókodat és állítsd vissza a titkosítási kulcsokat amiket ezen az eszközön tároltál. Nélkülük nem tudod elolvasni a titkosított üzeneteidet semmilyen eszközön.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Add meg a jelszavadat a belépéshez, hogy visszaszerezd a hozzáférésed a fiókodhoz.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Elfelejtetted a jelszavad?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Jelentkezz be és szerezd vissza a hozzáférésed a fiókodhoz.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "A fiókodba nem tudsz bejelentkezni. További információkért kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a matrix szerver adminisztrátorával.",
"You're signed out": "Kijelentkeztél",
"Your homeserver (<strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1>) admin has signed you out of your account <strong2>%(displayName)s (%(userId)s)</strong2>.": "A <strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1> matrix szerver adminisztrátora kiléptetett téged ebből a fiókból: <strong2>%(displayName)s (%(userId)s)</strong2>.",
"Clear personal data": "Személyes adatok törlése",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Figyelmeztetés: A személyes adataid (beleértve a titkosító kulcsokat is) továbbra is az eszközön vannak tárolva. Ha az eszközt nem használod tovább vagy másik fiókba szeretnél bejelentkezni, töröld őket.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Kérlek mond el nekünk mi az ami nem működött, vagy még jobb, ha egy GitHub jegyben leírod a problémát.",
"Identity Server": "Azonosítási szerver",
"Integrations Manager": "Integrációs menedzser",
"Find others by phone or email": "Keress meg másokat telefonszám vagy e-mail cím alapján",
"Be found by phone or email": "Legyél megtalálható telefonszámmal vagy e-mail címmel",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Használj botokoat, hidakat, kisalkalmazásokat és matricákat",
"Terms of Service": "Felhasználási feltételek",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "A továbblépéshez el kell fogadnod a Felhasználási feltételeket.",
"Service": "Szolgáltatás",
"Summary": "Összefoglaló",
"Terms": "Feltételek",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "A hívás meghiúsult a helytelenül beállított szerver miatt",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Kérd meg a matrix szerver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) adminisztrátorát, hogy a hívások megfelelő működéséhez állítson be egy TURN szervert.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Másik lehetőségként használhatod a nyilvános szervert: <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, de ez nem lesz annyira megbízható és megosztja az IP címedet a szerverrel. A Beállításokban állíthatod be.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Próbáld meg használni a turn.matrix.org-ot",
"Failed to start chat": "A beszélgetést nem lehet elkezdeni",
"Messages": "Üzenetek",
"Actions": "Műveletek",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Parancsok megjelenítése példával és leírással",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Új, gyorsabb de még kísérleti szerkesztő használata üzenetek írásához (újratöltést igényel)",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Tartalék hívás támogatás engedélyezése a turn.matrix.org segítségével ha a matrix szerver nem ajánl fel mást (az IP címed megosztásra kerül a hívás alatt)",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "<policyLink /> elfogadása a továbblépéshez:",
"ID": "Azonosító",
"Public Name": "Nyilvános név",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Az Azonosítási Szerver URL-jének HTTPS-nek kell lennie",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Az Azonosítási Szerver nem érvényes (státusz kód: %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Az Azonosítási Szerverhez nem lehet csatlakozni",
"Checking server": "Szerver ellenőrzése",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "A felhasználási feltételek nincsenek elfogadva vagy az azonosítási szerver nem érvényes.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Az azonosítási szerverhez nincsenek felhasználási feltételek",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Az általad választott azonosítási szerverhez nincsenek felhasználási feltételek.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Csak akkor lépj tovább ha megbízol a szerver tulajdonosában.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Jelenleg e-mail címet vagy telefonszámot osztasz meg ezen az azonosítási szerveren: <idserver />. A megosztás megszüntetéséhez újra kell kapcsolódnod ehhez a szerverhez: <idserver2 />.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Bontod a kapcsolatot ezzel az azonosítási szerverrel: <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Kapcsolat bontása az Azonosítási Szerverrel",
"Disconnect": "Kapcsolat bontása",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Azonosítás Szerver (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "A kapcsolatok kereséséhez és, hogy megtaláljanak ismerősök ezt a szervert használod: <server></server>. A használt azonosítási szervert alább tudod megváltoztatni.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Azonosítási szervert nem használsz jelenleg. Ahhoz, hogy megtalálj ismerősöket vagy téged megtaláljanak ismerősök adj hozzá egyet alább.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Ha az azonosítási szerverrel bontod a kapcsolatot az azt fogja eredményezni, hogy más felhasználók nem találnak rád és nem tudsz másokat meghívni e-mail cím vagy telefonszám alapján.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Új azonosítási szerver hozzáadása",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Az integrációs menedzsert nem sikerült frissíteni",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Az integrációs menedzser nem működik vagy elérhetetlen.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "A felhasználási feltételek nincsenek elfogadva vagy az integrációs menedzser érvénytelen.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Az integrációs menedzserhez nem tartoznak felhasználási feltételek",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Az általad választott integrációs menedzserhez nem tartoznak felhasználási feltételek.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "<b>%(serverName)s</b> integrációs menedzsert használod a botokhoz, kisalkalmazásokhoz és matrica csomagokhoz.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Integrációs menedzser hozzáadása amivel a botokat, kisalkalmazásokat és matrica csomagokat szeretnéd kezelni.",
"Integration Manager": "Integrációs Menedzser",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Új integrációs menedzser megadása",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Azonosítási szerver (%(serverName)s) felhasználási feltételeinek elfogadása, ezáltal megtalálhatóvá válsz e-mail cím vagy telefonszám megadásával.",
"Discovery": "Felkutatás",
"Deactivate account": "Fiók zárolása",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Az ablak menüsávjának folyamatos mutatása",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Az eszközöd nyilvános neve látható azoknál az embereknél akikkel beszélgetsz",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Az e-mail cím megosztását nem sikerült visszavonni",
"Unable to share email address": "Az e-mail címet nem sikerült megosztani",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Ellenőrizd a bejövő leveleidet és kattints a Tovább (Continue) linkre",
"Revoke": "Visszavon",
"Share": "Megosztás",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Felkutatási beállítások megjelennek amint hozzáadtál egy e-mail címet alább.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "A telefonszám megosztást nem sikerült visszavonni",
"Unable to share phone number": "A telefonszámot nem sikerült megosztani",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Kérlek add meg az ellenőrző kódot amit szövegben küldtünk.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Felkutatási beállítások megjelennek amint hozzáadtál egy telefonszámot alább.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s törlése?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s törlése?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "A szöveges üzenetet elküldtük a +%(msisdn)s számra. Kérlek add meg az ellenőrző kódot amit tartalmazott.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Az eszköz megbízhatóságának ellenőrzéséhez kérlek ellenőrizd, hogy amit a Felhasználó Beállításoknál látsz az eszközön kulcsot megegyezik az alábbi kulccsal:",
"Command Help": "Parancs Segítség",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Nincs Azonosítási szerver beállítva, így nem tudsz e-mail címet hozzáadni, hogy később a jelszavadat vissza tudd állítani.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Nincs Azonosítási Szerver beállítva: nem tudsz e-mail címet hozzáadni. A jövőben a jelszavadat nem fogod tudni visszaállítani.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Nincs azonosítási szerver beállítva: adj meg egyet a szerver beállításoknál, hogy a jelszavadat vissza tudd állítani.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Ez a fiók zárolva van.",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "A parancs használatához nincs meg a megfelelő jogosultságod.",
"Multiple integration managers": "Több integrációs menedzser",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Ha felkutatásra és, hogy más ismerősök megtalálhassanak, nem akarod használni ezt a szervert: <server />, akkor adjál meg másik azonosítási szervert alább.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Azonosítási szerver használata nem kötelező. Ha úgy döntesz, hogy az azonosítási szervert nem használod más felhasználók nem találnak rád és másokat sem tudsz e-mail cím vagy telefonszám alapján meghívni.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Az azonosítási szerver mellőzése",
"Upgrade the room": "Szoba frissítése",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "E-mail cím beállítása a fiók visszaállításához. E-mail cím vagy telefonszám, hogy ismerősök megtalálhassanak.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "E-mail cím beállítása a fiók visszaállításához. E-mail cím, hogy ismerősök megtalálhassanak.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Add meg a matrix szervered URL-jét <a>Mit jelent ez?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Add meg az azonosítási szervered URL-jét <a>Mit jelent ez?</a>",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Használj azonosítási szervert e-mail címmel való meghíváshoz. <default> Használd az alapértelmezett szervert (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> vagy adj meg mást a <settings>Beállításokban</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Használj azonosítási szervert e-mail címmel való meghíváshoz. Megadása a <settings>Beállításokban</settings>.",
"Enable room encryption": "Szoba titkosításának bekapcsolása",
"Use an identity server": "Azonosítási szerver használata",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Azonosítási szerver használata e-maillel való meghíváshoz. Kattints a folytatáshoz az alapértelmezett (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) azonosítási szerverrel vagy változtasd meg a Beállításokban.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Az e-maillel való meghíváshoz használj azonosítási szervert. Módosítsd a Beállításokban.",
"Deactivate user?": "Felhasználó felfüggesztése?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "A felhasználó felfüggesztése a felhasználót kijelentkezteti és megakadályozza, hogy vissza tudjon lépni. Továbbá kilép minden szobából aminek tagja volt. Ezt nem lehet visszavonni. Biztos, hogy felfüggeszted ezt a felhasználót?",
"Deactivate user": "Felhasználó felfüggesztése",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Az üzenet elküldése sima szövegként anélkül, hogy „markdown” formázás lenne",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "A meghívód ellenőrzésekor az alábbi hibát kaptuk: %(errcode)s. Ezt az információt megpróbálhatod eljuttatni a szoba gazdájának.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "A meghívó ehhez a szobához: %(roomName)s erre az e-mail címre lett elküldve: %(email)s ami nincs társítva a fiókodhoz",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Kösd össze a Beállításokban ezt az e-mail címet a fiókoddal, hogy közvetlenül a Riotba kaphassa meghívókat.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "A meghívó ehhez a szobához: %(roomName)s ide lett elküldve: %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Állíts be azonosítási szervert a Beállításokban, hogy közvetlen meghívókat kaphass Riotba.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Oszd meg a Beállításokban ezt az e-mail címet, hogy közvetlen meghívókat kaphass Riotba.",
"Error changing power level": "A hozzáférési szint változtatásnál hiba történt",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "A felhasználó hozzáférési szint változtatásakor hiba történt. Ellenőrizd, hogy elegendő jogod van-e hozzá és próbáld újra.",
"Bold": "Félkövér",
"Italics": "Dőlt",
"Strikethrough": "Áthúzott",
"Code block": "Kód blokk",
"Change identity server": "Azonosítási szerver kicserélése",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "<current /> azonosítási szerverről lecsatlakozás és csatlakozás ehhez: <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Az azonosítási szerverről lecsatlakozás",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Az azonosítási szerverrel (<idserver />) továbbra is <b>megosztasz személyes adatokat</b>.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Javasoljuk, hogy mielőtt az azonosítási szerverről lecsatlakozol töröld az e-mail címedet és telefonszámodat.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Mindenképpen lecsatlakozás",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Nincs friss üzenet ettől a felhasználótól: %(user)s",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Az idővonalon próbálj meg felgörgetni, hogy megnézd van-e régebbi üzenet.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Friss üzenetek törlése a felhasználótól: %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "%(count)s db üzenetet törölsz ettől a felhasználótól: %(user)s. Ezt nem lehet visszavonni. Folytatod?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Ez időt vehet igénybe ha sok üzenet érintett. Kérlek közben ne frissíts a kliensben.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "%(count)s db üzenet törlése"
"Remove recent messages": "Friss üzenetek törlése",
"Error changing power level requirement": "A szükséges hozzáférési szint változtatás nem sikerült",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "A szoba szükséges hozzáférési szint változtatásakor hiba történt. Ellenőrizd, hogy megvan hozzá a megfelelő jogosultságod és próbáld újra.",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Olvasás visszajelzés küldése üzenetekhez (a tiltáshoz kompatibilis matrix szerverre van szükség)",
"Explore": "Felderít",
"Filter": "Szűrés",
"Filter rooms…": "Szobák szűrése…",
"Preview": "Előnézet",
"View": "Nézet",
"Find a room…": "Szoba keresése…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Szoba keresése… (pl.: %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Ha nem találod a szobát amit keresel kérj egy meghívót vagy <a>Készíts egy új szobát</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Szobák felderítése",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Ellenőrizd a hivatkozást a bejövő leveleid között",
"Complete": "Kiegészít",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Add meg amiért jelentesz.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Tartalom bejelentése a matrix szervered adminisztrátorának",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Ennek az üzenetnek a jelentése egy egyedi 'esemény azonosítót' küld el a matrix szerver adminisztrátorának. Ha az üzenetek titkosítottak a szobában, akkor a matrix szerver adminisztrátora nem tudja elolvasni az üzenetet vagy megnézni bármely fájlt vagy képet.",
"Send report": "Jelentés küldése",
"Report Content": "Tartalom jelentése",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Olvasás visszajelzés érvényesség (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Olvasás visszajelzés érvényessége képernyőn kívül (ms)",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Profilkép megváltoztatása az adott szobában",
"Room alias": "Szoba álnév",
"e.g. my-room": "pl.: szobam",
"Please provide a room alias": "Kérlek adj meg egy álnevet a szobához",
"This alias is available to use": "Az álnév használható",
"This alias is already in use": "Az álnév már használatban van",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Kérlek adj meg egy nevet a szobához",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "A szoba emberekkel való könnyebb megosztásához állíts be álnevet.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "A szoba zárt, csak meghívóval lehet belépni.",
"Create a public room": "Nyilvános szoba készítése",
"Create a private room": "Zárt szoba készítése",
"Topic (optional)": "Téma (nem kötelező)",
"Make this room public": "A szoba legyen nyilvános",
"Hide advanced": "Haladó elrejtése",
"Show advanced": "Haladó megmutatása",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Felhasználók más matrix szerverekről a szobába való belépésének megakadályozása (Ezt a beállítást később nem lehet megváltoztatni!)",
"Close dialog": "Ablak bezárása",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s alkalmazás %(browserName)s böngészőn %(osName)s rendszeren", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s alkalmazás %(browserName)s böngészőn %(osName)s rendszeren",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop itt: %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop itt: %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "A mobilböngésző nem támogatja a Riotot. Telepíted inkább az alkalmazást?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "A mobilböngésző nem támogatja a Riotot. Telepíted inkább az alkalmazást?",
@ -2153,7 +2334,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Használhatod az egyedi szerver beállítást más Matrix szerverre való belépéshez, azzal, hogy megadod a Matrix szerver URL-jét. Ezzel a Riot-ot használhatod más Matrix szerveren lévő fiókkal.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Használhatod az egyedi szerver beállítást más Matrix szerverre való belépéshez, azzal, hogy megadod a Matrix szerver URL-jét. Ezzel a Riot-ot használhatod más Matrix szerveren lévő fiókkal.",
"Create Account": "Fiók készítés", "Create Account": "Fiók készítés",
"Need help?": "Segíthetünk?", "Need help?": "Segíthetünk?",
"Explore rooms": "Szobák felfedezése",
"Room Directory": "Szoba lista", "Room Directory": "Szoba lista",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Váratlan hiba történt az alkalmazás előkészítésénél. A részletekért nézd meg a konzolt.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Váratlan hiba történt az alkalmazás előkészítésénél. A részletekért nézd meg a konzolt.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Érvénytelen konfiguráció: csak egyet lehet megadni a default_server_config, default_server_name és default_hs_url közül.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Érvénytelen konfiguráció: csak egyet lehet megadni a default_server_config, default_server_name és default_hs_url közül.",

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Non è stata data a Riot l'autorizzazione ad inviare notifiche - riprova", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Non è stata data a Riot l'autorizzazione ad inviare notifiche - riprova",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Impossibile attivare le notifiche", "Unable to enable Notifications": "Impossibile attivare le notifiche",
"This email address was not found": "Indirizzo email non trovato", "This email address was not found": "Indirizzo email non trovato",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Il tuo indirizzo email sembra non essere associato ad un ID Matrix su questo homeserver.", "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Il tuo indirizzo email sembra non essere associato ad un ID Matrix su questo Homeserver.",
"Default": "Predefinito", "Default": "Predefinito",
"Restricted": "Limitato", "Restricted": "Limitato",
"Moderator": "Moderatore", "Moderator": "Moderatore",
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"Failed to invite": "Invito fallito", "Failed to invite": "Invito fallito",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Invito nella stanza %(roomName)s fallito per i seguenti utenti:", "Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Invito nella stanza %(roomName)s fallito per i seguenti utenti:",
"You need to be logged in.": "Devi aver eseguito l'accesso.", "You need to be logged in.": "Devi aver eseguito l'accesso.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Devi potere invitare utenti per completare l'azione.", "You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Devi poter invitare utenti per completare l'azione.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Impossibile creare il widget.", "Unable to create widget.": "Impossibile creare il widget.",
"Failed to send request.": "Invio della richiesta fallito.", "Failed to send request.": "Invio della richiesta fallito.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Stanza non riconosciuta.", "This room is not recognised.": "Stanza non riconosciuta.",
@ -1855,7 +1855,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "La tua chiave di ripristino è una rete di sicurezza - puoi usarla per recuperare l'accesso ai tuoi messaggi cifrati se dimentichi la tua password.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "La tua chiave di ripristino è una rete di sicurezza - puoi usarla per recuperare l'accesso ai tuoi messaggi cifrati se dimentichi la tua password.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Conserva la chiave di ripristino in un luogo molto sicuro, come un password manager (o una cassaforte)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Conserva la chiave di ripristino in un luogo molto sicuro, come un password manager (o una cassaforte)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Il backup delle chiavi è in corso (il primo backup potrebbe richiedere qualche minuto).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Il backup delle chiavi è in corso (il primo backup potrebbe richiedere qualche minuto).",
"Okay": "Okay",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Proteggi il tuo backup con una password", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Proteggi il tuo backup con una password",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Conferma la tua password", "Confirm your passphrase": "Conferma la tua password",
"Recovery key": "Chiave di ripristino", "Recovery key": "Chiave di ripristino",
@ -2076,6 +2075,187 @@
"Resend edit": "Reinvia la modifica", "Resend edit": "Reinvia la modifica",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Reinvia %(unsentCount)s reazione/i", "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Reinvia %(unsentCount)s reazione/i",
"Resend removal": "Reinvia la rimozione", "Resend removal": "Reinvia la rimozione",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Cambia il tuo avatar in tutte le stanze",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Eliminare tutti i dati in questo dispositivo?",
"Deleting all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "L'eliminazione dei dati dal dispositivo è permanente. I messaggi cifrati verranno persi a meno che non si sia fatto un backup delle loro chiavi.",
"Delete everything": "Elimina tutto",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Il tuo homeserver non sembra supportare questa funzione.",
"You're signed out": "Sei disconnesso",
"Your homeserver (%(domainName)s) admin has signed you out of your account %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).": "L'admin del tuo homeserver (%(domainName)s) ti ha disconnesso dal tuo account %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).",
"I don't want to sign in": "Non voglio accedere",
"If this is a shared device, or you don't want to access your account again from it, clear all data stored locally on this device.": "Se questo è un dispositivo condiviso, o non vuoi più accedere al tuo account da questo, elimina tutti i dati memorizzati localmente in esso.",
"Clear all data": "Elimina tutti i dati",
"Sign in again to regain access to your account, or a different one.": "Accedi di nuovo per riavere accesso al tuo account, o ad uno diverso.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Per favore dicci cos'è andato storto, o meglio, crea una segnalazione su GitHub che descriva il problema.",
"Removing…": "Rimozione…",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "L'eliminazione di tutti i dati dal dispositivo è permanente. I messaggi cifrati andranno persi a meno che non si abbia un backup delle loro chiavi.",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Riautenticazione fallita per un problema dell'homeserver",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Riautenticazione fallita",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Ottieni l'accesso al tuo account e ripristina le chiavi di cifratura salvate nel dispositivo. Senza di esse, non potrai leggere tutti i tuoi messaggi sicuri su qualsiasi dispositivo.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Inserisci la tua password per accedere ed ottenere l'accesso al tuo account.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Hai dimenticato la password?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Accedi ed ottieni l'accesso al tuo account.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Non puoi accedere al tuo account. Contatta l'admin del tuo homeserver per maggiori informazioni.",
"Clear personal data": "Elimina dati personali",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Attenzione: i tuoi dati personali (incluse le chiavi di cifratura) sono ancora in questo dispositivo. Eliminali se hai finito di usare il dispositivo o se vuoi accedere ad un altro account.",
"Identity Server": "Server identità",
"Integrations Manager": "Gestore integrazioni",
"Find others by phone or email": "Trova altri per telefono o email",
"Be found by phone or email": "Trovato per telefono o email",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Usa bot, bridge, widget e pacchetti di adesivi",
"Terms of Service": "Condizioni di servizio",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Per continuare devi accettare le Condizioni di questo servizio.",
"Service": "Servizio",
"Summary": "Sommario",
"Terms": "Condizioni",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Chiamata non riuscita a causa di un server non configurato correttamente",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Chiedi all'amministratore del tuo homeserver(<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) per configurare un server TURN affinché le chiamate funzionino in modo affidabile.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "In alternativa, puoi provare a utilizzare il server pubblico all'indirizzo <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, ma questo non sarà così affidabile e condividerà il tuo indirizzo IP con quel server. Puoi anche gestirlo in Impostazioni.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Prova a usare turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Impossibile avviare la chat",
"Messages": "Messaggi",
"Actions": "Azioni",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Visualizza l'elenco dei comandi con usi e descrizioni",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Consenti al server di assistenza alle chiamate di fallback turn.matrix.org quando il tuo homeserver non ne offre uno (il tuo indirizzo IP verrà condiviso durante una chiamata)",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "L'URL di Identita' Server deve essere HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Non è un server di identità valido (codice di stato %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Impossibile connettersi al server di identità",
"Checking server": "Controllo del server",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Stai attualmente condividendo indirizzi email o numeri di telefono sul server di identità <idserver />. Dovrai riconnetterti a <idserver2 /> per annullarne la condivisione.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Disconnettere dal server di identità <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Disconnetti server di identità",
"Disconnect": "Disconnetti",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Server di identità (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Stai attualmente usando <server></server> per trovare ed essere trovabile dai contatti esistenti che conosci. Puoi cambiare il tuo server di identità sotto.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Attualmente non stai usando un server di identità. Per trovare ed essere trovabile dai contatti esistenti che conosci, aggiungine uno sotto.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "La disconnessione dal tuo server di identità significa che non sarai trovabile da altri utenti e non potrai invitare nessuno per email o telefono.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Aggiornamento gestore dell'integrazione fallito",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Gestore dell'integrazione offline o non accessibile.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Condizioni di servizio non accettate o gestore dell'integrazione non valido.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Il gestore dell'integrazione non ha condizioni di servizio",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Il gestore dell'integrazione che hai scelto non ha condizioni di servizio.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Continua solo se ti fidi del proprietario del server.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Stai attualmente usando <b>%(serverName)s</b> per gestire i tuoi bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Aggiungi con quale gestore dell'integrazione vuoi gestire i tuoi bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Integration Manager": "Gestore dell'integrazione",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Inserisci un nuovo gestore dell'integrazione",
"Discovery": "Scopri",
"Deactivate account": "Disattiva account",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Mostra sempre la barra dei menu della finestra",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Impossibile revocare la condivisione dell'indirizzo email",
"Unable to share email address": "Impossibile condividere l'indirizzo email",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Controlla la posta in arrivo, poi clicca Continua",
"Revoke": "Revoca",
"Share": "Condividi",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Le opzioni di scoperta appariranno dopo aver aggiunto un'email sopra.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Impossibile revocare la condivisione del numero di telefono",
"Unable to share phone number": "Impossibile condividere il numero di telefono",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Inserisci il codice di verifica inviato via SMS.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Le opzioni di scoperta appariranno dopo aver aggiunto un numero di telefono sopra.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "È stato inviato un SMS a +%(msisdn)s. Inserisci il codice di verifica contenuto.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Per verificare che questo dispositivo sia affidabile, controlla che la chiave che vedi nelle Impostazioni Utente su quel dispositivo corrisponde alla chiave sotto:",
"Command Help": "Aiuto comando",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Non è configurato alcun server di identità, perciò non puoi aggiungere un indirizzo email per ripristinare la password in futuro.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Nessun server di identità configurato: non possono essere aggiunti indirizzi email. Non potrai ripristinare la password.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Nessun server di identità configurato: aggiungine uno nelle impostazioni server per ripristinare la password.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Questo account è stato disattivato.",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Accetta la <policyLink /> per continuare:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Nome pubblico",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Il server di identità non ha condizioni di servizio",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Il server di identità che hai scelto non ha alcuna condizione di servizio.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Condizioni di servizio non accettate o server di identità non valido.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Inserisci un nuovo server di identità",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Accetta le condizioni di servizio del server di identità (%(serverName)s) per poter essere trovabile tramite indirizzo email o numero di telefono.",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Il nome pubblico di un dispositivo è visibile dalle persone con cui comunichi",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Rimuovere %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Rimuovere %(phone)s?",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Usa nuovo il compositore, più veloce, ma ancora sperimentale per scrivere messaggi (necessario ricaricare)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Gestori di integrazione multipli",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Se non vuoi usare <server /> per trovare ed essere trovato dai contatti esistenti che conosci, inserisci un altro server di identità qua sotto.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Usare un server di identità è facoltativo. Se scegli di non usarne uno, non potrai essere trovato dagli altri utenti e non potrai invitarne altri per email o telefono.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Non usare un server di identità",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Non hai l'autorizzazione necessaria per usare questo comando.",
"Use an identity server": "Usa un server di identità",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. Clicca \"Continua\" per usare quello predefinito (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) o gestiscilo nelle impostazioni.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. Gestisci nelle impostazioni.",
"Upgrade the room": "Aggiorna la stanza",
"Enable room encryption": "Attiva la cifratura della stanza",
"Deactivate user?": "Disattivare l'utente?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Disattivare questo utente lo disconnetterà e ne impedirà nuovi accessi. In aggiunta, abbandonerà tutte le stanze in cui è presente. Questa azione non può essere annullata. Sei sicuro di volere disattivare questo utente?",
"Deactivate user": "Disattiva utente",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. <default>Usa quello predefinito (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> o gestiscilo nelle <settings>impostazioni</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. Gestisci nelle <settings>impostazioni</settings>.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Imposta un'email per il recupero dell'account. Usa l'email o il telefono per essere facoltativamente trovabile dai contatti esistenti.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Imposta un'email per il recupero dell'account. Usa l'email per essere facoltativamente trovabile dai contatti esistenti.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Inserisci l'URL dell'homeserver personalizzato <a>Cosa significa?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Inserisci l'URL del server di identità personalizzato <a>Cosa significa?</a>",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Invia un messaggio in testo semplice, senza interpretarlo come markdown",
"Error changing power level": "Errore cambiando il livello di poteri",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Si è verificato un errore cambiando il livello di poteri dell'utente. Assicurati di averne l'autorizzazione e riprova.",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "Si è verificato un errore (%(errcode)s) tentando di validare il tuo invito. Puoi provare a passare questa informazione ad un admin della stanza.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Questo invito per %(roomName)s è stato inviato a %(email)s , la quale non è associata al tuo account",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Collega questa email al tuo account nelle impostazioni per ricevere inviti direttamente in Riot.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Questo invito per %(roomName)s è stato inviato a %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Usa un server di identià nelle impostazioni per ricevere inviti direttamente in Riot.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Condividi questa email nelle impostazioni per ricevere inviti direttamente in Riot.",
"Change identity server": "Cambia Identity Server",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Disconnettersi dall'Identity Server <current /> e connettesi invece a <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Disconnetti dall'Identity Server",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Stai ancora <b> fornendo le tue informazioni personali </b> sull'Identity Server <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Ti suggeriamo di rimuovere il tuo indirizzo email e numero di telefono dall'Identity Server prima di disconnetterti.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Disconnetti comunque",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Errore nella modifica del livello dei permessi",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "C'é stato un errore nel cambio di libelli dei permessi. Assicurati di avere i permessi necessari e riprova.",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Non sono stati trovati messaggi recenti dell'utente %(user)s",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Prova a scorrere la timeline per vedere se ce ne sono di precedenti.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Rimuovi gli ultimi messaggi di %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Stai per rimuovere %(count)s messaggi di %(user)s. L'azione é irreversibile. Vuoi continuare?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Se i messaggi sono tanti può volerci un po' di tempo. Nel frattempo, per favore, non fare alcun refresh.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Rimuovi %(count)s messaggi"
"Remove recent messages": "Rimuovi i messaggi recenti",
"Bold": "Grassetto",
"Italics": "Corsivo",
"Strikethrough": "Barrato",
"Code block": "Code block",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Cambia l'avatar della stanza attuale",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Invia notifiche di lettura per i messaggi (richiede homeserver compatibile per disattivare)",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Verifica il link nella tua posta in arrivo",
"Complete": "Completa",
"Room alias": "Alias stanza",
"e.g. my-room": "es. mia-stanza",
"Please provide a room alias": "Inserisci un alias per la stanza",
"This alias is available to use": "Questo alias è disponibile",
"This alias is already in use": "Questo alias è già in uso",
"Close dialog": "Chiudi finestra",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Inserisci un nome per la stanza",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Imposta un alias stanza per condividerla facilmente con gli altri.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Questa stanza è privata ed è accessibile solo tramite invito.",
"Create a public room": "Crea una stanza pubblica",
"Create a private room": "Crea una stanza privata",
"Topic (optional)": "Argomento (facoltativo)",
"Make this room public": "Rendi questa stanza pubblica",
"Hide advanced": "Nascondi avanzate",
"Show advanced": "Mostra avanzate",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Impedisci agli utenti di altri homeserver Matrix di unirsi alla stanza (non può essere cambiato successivamente!)",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Inserisci il motivo della segnalazione.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Segnala il contenuto all'amministratore dell'homeserver",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "La segnalazione di questo messaggio invierà il suo 'ID evento' univoco all'amministratore del tuo homeserver. Se i messaggi della stanza sono cifrati, l'amministratore non potrà leggere il messaggio o vedere file e immagini.",
"Send report": "Invia segnalazione",
"Report Content": "Segnala contenuto",
"Explore": "Esplora",
"Filter": "Filtra",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtra stanze…",
"Preview": "Anteprima",
"View": "Vedi",
"Find a room…": "Trova una stanza…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Trova una stanza… (es. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Se non trovi la stanza che stai cercando, chiedi un invito o <a>Crea una stanza nuova</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Esplora stanze",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop su %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop su %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot non è supportato sul web mobile. Installare l'applicazione?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot non è supportato sul web mobile. Installare l'applicazione?",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo sconosciuto", "Unknown device": "Dispositivo sconosciuto",
@ -2112,10 +2292,12 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puoi usare le opzioni di server personalizzato per accedere ad altri server Matrix specificando un URL homeserver diverso. Ciò ti permette di usare Riot con un account Matrix esistente su un homeserver differente.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puoi usare le opzioni di server personalizzato per accedere ad altri server Matrix specificando un URL homeserver diverso. Ciò ti permette di usare Riot con un account Matrix esistente su un homeserver differente.",
"Create Account": "Crea account", "Create Account": "Crea account",
"Need help?": "Serve aiuto?", "Need help?": "Serve aiuto?",
"Explore rooms": "Esplora stanze",
"Room Directory": "Elenco stanze", "Room Directory": "Elenco stanze",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Errore inaspettato preparando l'app. Vedi la console per i dettagli.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Errore inaspettato preparando l'app. Vedi la console per i dettagli.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configurazione non valida: specificare solo uno di default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configurazione non valida: specificare solo uno di default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configurazione non valida: nessun server predefinito specificato.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configurazione non valida: nessun server predefinito specificato.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Questa installazione di Riot sembra avere una configurazione server non valida. Se sei l'amministratore, correggi l'errore sottostante" "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Questa installazione di Riot sembra avere una configurazione server non valida. Se sei l'amministratore, correggi l'errore sottostante",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "La tua configurazione di Riot contiene un JSON non valido. Correggi il problema e ricarica la pagina.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Il messaggio dal parser è: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON non valido"
} }

@ -1374,6 +1374,10 @@
"Recent years are easy to guess": "最近の年号は推測されやすいです", "Recent years are easy to guess": "最近の年号は推測されやすいです",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "たいていの日付は推測されやすいです", "Dates are often easy to guess": "たいていの日付は推測されやすいです",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "ログインしているか否か(私たちはあなたのユーザー名を記録しません)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "ログインしているか否か(私たちはあなたのユーザー名を記録しません)",
"Upgrade": "アップグレード",
"Sets the room name": "部屋名を設定する",
"Change room name": "部屋名を変える",
"Room Name": "部屋名",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riotはスマートフォンでの表示に対応していません。できればアプリをインストールして頂けませんでしょうか?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riotはスマートフォンでの表示に対応していません。できればアプリをインストールして頂けませんでしょうか?",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "Riot.imへようこそ", "Welcome to Riot.im": "Riot.imへようこそ",
"Search the room directory": "部屋一覧を検索", "Search the room directory": "部屋一覧を検索",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"bg": { "bg": {
"fileName": "bg.3c844e0.json", "fileName": "bg.f24e265.json",
"label": "Български" "label": "Български"
}, },
"ca": { "ca": {
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
"label": "Català" "label": "Català"
}, },
"cs": { "cs": {
"fileName": "cs.cdc0837.json", "fileName": "cs.d9e73b7.json",
"label": "čeština" "label": "čeština"
}, },
"da": { "da": {
"fileName": "da.4131a28.json", "fileName": "da.db1ec3e.json",
"label": "Dansk" "label": "Dansk"
}, },
"de": { "de": {
"fileName": "de_DE.4c1349a.json", "fileName": "de_DE.9ab3177.json",
"label": "Deutsch" "label": "Deutsch"
}, },
"el": { "el": {
@ -24,31 +24,31 @@
"label": "Ελληνικά" "label": "Ελληνικά"
}, },
"en": { "en": {
"fileName": "en_EN.ddd98c7.json", "fileName": "en_EN.150db4a.json",
"label": "English" "label": "English"
}, },
"en-us": { "en-us": {
"fileName": "en_US.8d8a41a.json", "fileName": "en_US.d2394d7.json",
"label": "English (US)" "label": "English (US)"
}, },
"eo": { "eo": {
"fileName": "eo.21b2c8a.json", "fileName": "eo.f3723d8.json",
"label": "Esperanto" "label": "Esperanto"
}, },
"es": { "es": {
"fileName": "es.c4af1ae.json", "fileName": "es.4dbfa5f.json",
"label": "Español" "label": "Español"
}, },
"eu": { "eu": {
"fileName": "eu.3753707.json", "fileName": "eu.576e971.json",
"label": "Euskara" "label": "Euskara"
}, },
"fi": { "fi": {
"fileName": "fi.75d17bf.json", "fileName": "fi.9addbb1.json",
"label": "Suomi" "label": "Suomi"
}, },
"fr": { "fr": {
"fileName": "fr.dbb9d23.json", "fileName": "fr.691df16.json",
"label": "Français" "label": "Français"
}, },
"gl": { "gl": {
@ -56,39 +56,39 @@
"label": "Galego" "label": "Galego"
}, },
"hu": { "hu": {
"fileName": "hu.ad17e3b.json", "fileName": "hu.c29a057.json",
"label": "Magyar" "label": "Magyar"
}, },
"it": { "it": {
"fileName": "it.715e328.json", "fileName": "it.c9bcb90.json",
"label": "Italiano" "label": "Italiano"
}, },
"ja": { "ja": {
"fileName": "ja.60463e5.json", "fileName": "ja.66104fa.json",
"label": "日本語" "label": "日本語"
}, },
"ko": { "ko": {
"fileName": "ko.97a7f14.json", "fileName": "ko.fb246f3.json",
"label": "한국어" "label": "한국어"
}, },
"lv": { "lv": {
"fileName": "lv.dc7826e.json", "fileName": "lv.1637930.json",
"label": "Latviešu" "label": "Latviešu"
}, },
"nb-no": { "nb-no": {
"fileName": "nb_NO.9666824.json", "fileName": "nb_NO.63b6354.json",
"label": "Norwegian Bokmål" "label": "Norwegian Bokmål"
}, },
"nl": { "nl": {
"fileName": "nl.5ce72e9.json", "fileName": "nl.1094ec1.json",
"label": "Nederlands" "label": "Nederlands"
}, },
"nn": { "nn": {
"fileName": "nn.2fd86b0.json", "fileName": "nn.c426f99.json",
"label": "Norsk Nynorsk" "label": "Norsk Nynorsk"
}, },
"pl": { "pl": {
"fileName": "pl.dfdbf74.json", "fileName": "pl.587f422.json",
"label": "Polski" "label": "Polski"
}, },
"pt": { "pt": {
@ -96,27 +96,27 @@
"label": "Português" "label": "Português"
}, },
"pt-br": { "pt-br": {
"fileName": "pt_BR.1424043.json", "fileName": "pt_BR.11cf8cd.json",
"label": "Português do Brasil" "label": "Português do Brasil"
}, },
"ru": { "ru": {
"fileName": "ru.e07a558.json", "fileName": "ru.d2cbbdd.json",
"label": "Русский" "label": "Русский"
}, },
"sk": { "sk": {
"fileName": "sk.6d48dbf.json", "fileName": "sk.6a54254.json",
"label": "Slovenčina" "label": "Slovenčina"
}, },
"sq": { "sq": {
"fileName": "sq.1160c08.json", "fileName": "sq.676ec85.json",
"label": "Shqip" "label": "Shqip"
}, },
"sr": { "sr": {
"fileName": "sr.0ec99bc.json", "fileName": "sr.9effbb7.json",
"label": "српски" "label": "српски"
}, },
"sv": { "sv": {
"fileName": "sv.c1c3bb1.json", "fileName": "sv.be74df2.json",
"label": "Svenska" "label": "Svenska"
}, },
"te": { "te": {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
"label": "తెలుగు" "label": "తెలుగు"
}, },
"th": { "th": {
"fileName": "th.bf48177.json", "fileName": "th.612b4cb.json",
"label": "ไทย" "label": "ไทย"
}, },
"tr": { "tr": {
@ -132,15 +132,15 @@
"label": "Türk" "label": "Türk"
}, },
"vls": { "vls": {
"fileName": "vls.2a4b70f.json", "fileName": "vls.243b259.json",
"label": "West-Vlaams" "label": "West-Vlaams"
}, },
"zh-hans": { "zh-hans": {
"fileName": "zh_Hans.6b6386e.json", "fileName": "zh_Hans.a6d5813.json",
"label": "简体中文" "label": "简体中文"
}, },
"zh-hant": { "zh-hant": {
"fileName": "zh_Hant.f34c7e8.json", "fileName": "zh_Hant.9e3dea8.json",
"label": "繁體中文" "label": "繁體中文"
} }
} }

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"bg": { "bg": {
"fileName": "bg.3c844e0.json", "fileName": "bg.f24e265.json",
"label": "Български" "label": "Български"
}, },
"ca": { "ca": {
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
"label": "Català" "label": "Català"
}, },
"cs": { "cs": {
"fileName": "cs.cdc0837.json", "fileName": "cs.d9e73b7.json",
"label": "čeština" "label": "čeština"
}, },
"da": { "da": {
"fileName": "da.4131a28.json", "fileName": "da.db1ec3e.json",
"label": "Dansk" "label": "Dansk"
}, },
"de": { "de": {
"fileName": "de_DE.4c1349a.json", "fileName": "de_DE.9ab3177.json",
"label": "Deutsch" "label": "Deutsch"
}, },
"el": { "el": {
@ -24,31 +24,31 @@
"label": "Ελληνικά" "label": "Ελληνικά"
}, },
"en": { "en": {
"fileName": "en_EN.ddd98c7.json", "fileName": "en_EN.150db4a.json",
"label": "English" "label": "English"
}, },
"en-us": { "en-us": {
"fileName": "en_US.8d8a41a.json", "fileName": "en_US.d2394d7.json",
"label": "English (US)" "label": "English (US)"
}, },
"eo": { "eo": {
"fileName": "eo.21b2c8a.json", "fileName": "eo.f3723d8.json",
"label": "Esperanto" "label": "Esperanto"
}, },
"es": { "es": {
"fileName": "es.c4af1ae.json", "fileName": "es.4dbfa5f.json",
"label": "Español" "label": "Español"
}, },
"eu": { "eu": {
"fileName": "eu.3753707.json", "fileName": "eu.576e971.json",
"label": "Euskara" "label": "Euskara"
}, },
"fi": { "fi": {
"fileName": "fi.75d17bf.json", "fileName": "fi.9addbb1.json",
"label": "Suomi" "label": "Suomi"
}, },
"fr": { "fr": {
"fileName": "fr.dbb9d23.json", "fileName": "fr.691df16.json",
"label": "Français" "label": "Français"
}, },
"gl": { "gl": {
@ -56,39 +56,39 @@
"label": "Galego" "label": "Galego"
}, },
"hu": { "hu": {
"fileName": "hu.ad17e3b.json", "fileName": "hu.c29a057.json",
"label": "Magyar" "label": "Magyar"
}, },
"it": { "it": {
"fileName": "it.715e328.json", "fileName": "it.c9bcb90.json",
"label": "Italiano" "label": "Italiano"
}, },
"ja": { "ja": {
"fileName": "ja.60463e5.json", "fileName": "ja.66104fa.json",
"label": "日本語" "label": "日本語"
}, },
"ko": { "ko": {
"fileName": "ko.97a7f14.json", "fileName": "ko.fb246f3.json",
"label": "한국어" "label": "한국어"
}, },
"lv": { "lv": {
"fileName": "lv.dc7826e.json", "fileName": "lv.1637930.json",
"label": "Latviešu" "label": "Latviešu"
}, },
"nb-no": { "nb-no": {
"fileName": "nb_NO.9666824.json", "fileName": "nb_NO.63b6354.json",
"label": "Norwegian Bokmål" "label": "Norwegian Bokmål"
}, },
"nl": { "nl": {
"fileName": "nl.5ce72e9.json", "fileName": "nl.1094ec1.json",
"label": "Nederlands" "label": "Nederlands"
}, },
"nn": { "nn": {
"fileName": "nn.2fd86b0.json", "fileName": "nn.c426f99.json",
"label": "Norsk Nynorsk" "label": "Norsk Nynorsk"
}, },
"pl": { "pl": {
"fileName": "pl.dfdbf74.json", "fileName": "pl.587f422.json",
"label": "Polski" "label": "Polski"
}, },
"pt": { "pt": {
@ -96,27 +96,27 @@
"label": "Português" "label": "Português"
}, },
"pt-br": { "pt-br": {
"fileName": "pt_BR.1424043.json", "fileName": "pt_BR.11cf8cd.json",
"label": "Português do Brasil" "label": "Português do Brasil"
}, },
"ru": { "ru": {
"fileName": "ru.e07a558.json", "fileName": "ru.d2cbbdd.json",
"label": "Русский" "label": "Русский"
}, },
"sk": { "sk": {
"fileName": "sk.6d48dbf.json", "fileName": "sk.6a54254.json",
"label": "Slovenčina" "label": "Slovenčina"
}, },
"sq": { "sq": {
"fileName": "sq.1160c08.json", "fileName": "sq.676ec85.json",
"label": "Shqip" "label": "Shqip"
}, },
"sr": { "sr": {
"fileName": "sr.0ec99bc.json", "fileName": "sr.9effbb7.json",
"label": "српски" "label": "српски"
}, },
"sv": { "sv": {
"fileName": "sv.c1c3bb1.json", "fileName": "sv.be74df2.json",
"label": "Svenska" "label": "Svenska"
}, },
"te": { "te": {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
"label": "తెలుగు" "label": "తెలుగు"
}, },
"th": { "th": {
"fileName": "th.bf48177.json", "fileName": "th.612b4cb.json",
"label": "ไทย" "label": "ไทย"
}, },
"tr": { "tr": {
@ -132,15 +132,15 @@
"label": "Türk" "label": "Türk"
}, },
"vls": { "vls": {
"fileName": "vls.2a4b70f.json", "fileName": "vls.243b259.json",
"label": "West-Vlaams" "label": "West-Vlaams"
}, },
"zh-hans": { "zh-hans": {
"fileName": "zh_Hans.6b6386e.json", "fileName": "zh_Hans.a6d5813.json",
"label": "简体中文" "label": "简体中文"
}, },
"zh-hant": { "zh-hant": {
"fileName": "zh_Hant.f34c7e8.json", "fileName": "zh_Hant.9e3dea8.json",
"label": "繁體中文" "label": "繁體中文"
} }
} }

@ -1203,6 +1203,18 @@
"Sign In": "Ienākt", "Sign In": "Ienākt",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Varat arī iestatīt pielāgotu identitātes serveri, bet jūs nevarēsiet uzaicināt lietotājus izmantojot e-pasta adresi, kā arī tikt uzaicināts pēc e-pasta adreses.", "You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Varat arī iestatīt pielāgotu identitātes serveri, bet jūs nevarēsiet uzaicināt lietotājus izmantojot e-pasta adresi, kā arī tikt uzaicināts pēc e-pasta adreses.",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Esat vai neesat pieteicies (mēs nesaglabājam jūsu lietotājvārdu)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Esat vai neesat pieteicies (mēs nesaglabājam jūsu lietotājvārdu)",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Neatkarīgi no tā, vai izmantojat funkciju \"breadcrumbs\" (avatari virs istabu saraksta)",
"Every page you use in the app": "Katra lapa, ko lietojat lietotnē",
"Your User Agent": "Jūsu lietotāja aģents",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Konferences zvanu nevarēja sākt, jo integrācijas serveris nav pieejams",
"Call in Progress": "Notiek zvans",
"A call is currently being placed!": "Pašlaik notiek saruna!",
"A call is already in progress!": "Zvans jau notiek!",
"Permission Required": "Nepieciešama atļauja",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Šajā istabā nav atļaujas sākt konferences zvanu",
"Replying With Files": "Atbildot ar failiem",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Šobrīd nav iespējams atbildēt ar failu. Vai vēlaties augšupielādēt šo failu, neatbildot?",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Jūsu Riot ir nepareizi konfigurēts",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s caur %(browserName)s un %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s caur %(browserName)s un %(osName)s",
"Discussion of the Identity Service API": "Diskusija par Identitātes servisa API", "Discussion of the Identity Service API": "Diskusija par Identitātes servisa API",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot darbvirsma %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot darbvirsma %(platformName)s",
@ -1244,5 +1256,8 @@
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Negaidīta kļūda, sagatavojot lietotni. Sīkāku informāciju skatiet konsolē.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Negaidīta kļūda, sagatavojot lietotni. Sīkāku informāciju skatiet konsolē.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Šai Riot instalācijai ir nekorekta servera konfigurācija. Ja esat administrators, lūdzu, izlabojiet tālāk norādīto kļūdu", "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Šai Riot instalācijai ir nekorekta servera konfigurācija. Ja esat administrators, lūdzu, izlabojiet tālāk norādīto kļūdu",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nederīga konfigurācija: var norādīt tikai vienu no default_server_config, default_server_name, vai default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nederīga konfigurācija: var norādīt tikai vienu no default_server_config, default_server_name, vai default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nekorekta konfigurācija: nav norādīts noklusējuma serveris." "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nekorekta konfigurācija: nav norādīts noklusējuma serveris.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Jūsu Riot konfigurācijā ir nederīgs JSON. Lūdzu, izlabojiet problēmu un ielādējiet lapu atkārtoti.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Ziņojums no parsētāja ir: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Nederīgs JSON"
} }

@ -137,22 +137,22 @@
"Call Timeout": "Oppringningen be tidsavbrutt", "Call Timeout": "Oppringningen be tidsavbrutt",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "Den andre svarte ikke", "The remote side failed to pick up": "Den andre svarte ikke",
"Unable to capture screen": "Klarte ikke ta opp skjermen", "Unable to capture screen": "Klarte ikke ta opp skjermen",
"Existing Call": "Samtalen er allerede igang", "Existing Call": "Samtalen er allerede i gang",
"You are already in a call.": "Du er allerede i en samtale.", "You are already in a call.": "Du er allerede i en samtale.",
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP er ikke støttet", "VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP er ikke støttet",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Du kan ikke ringe via VoIP i denne nettleseren.", "You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Du kan ikke ringe via VoIP i denne nettleseren.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Du kan ikke ringe deg selv.", "You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Du kan ikke ringe deg selv.",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Kunne ikke koples til integrasjonstjeneren", "Could not connect to the integration server": "Kunne ikke kople til integrasjons-tjeneren",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "En konferansesamtale kunne ikke startes fordi integrasjonstjeneren ikke er tilgjengelig", "A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "En konferansesamtale kunne ikke startes fordi integrasjonstjeneren ikke er tilgjengelig",
"Call in Progress": "Samtale pågår", "Call in Progress": "Samtale pågår",
"A call is currently being placed!": "En samtale holder allerede på å starte", "A call is currently being placed!": "En samtale holder allerede på å starte",
"A call is already in progress!": "En samtale er allerede igang!", "A call is already in progress!": "En samtale er allerede i gang!",
"Permission Required": "Tillatelse kreves", "Permission Required": "Tillatelse kreves",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å starte en konferansesamtale i dette rommet", "You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å starte en konferansesamtale i dette rommet",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "Filen \"%(fileName)s\" klarte ikke å blir lastet opp", "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "Filen \"%(fileName)s\" klarte ikke å blir lastet opp",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Filen \"%(fileName)s\" er større enn denne hjemmetjenerens grense for opplastninger", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Filen \"%(fileName)s\" er større enn hjemmetjenerens grense for opplastninger",
"Upload Failed": "Opplasting feilet", "Upload Failed": "Opplasting feilet",
"Failure to create room": "Klarte ikke rommet", "Failure to create room": "Klarte ikke å opprette rommet",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Tjeneren kan være utilgjengelig, overbelastet, eller du fant en feil.", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Tjeneren kan være utilgjengelig, overbelastet, eller du fant en feil.",
"Send anyway": "Send likevel", "Send anyway": "Send likevel",
"Send": "Send", "Send": "Send",
@ -181,53 +181,53 @@
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s,%(monthName)s,%(day)s,%(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s,%(monthName)s,%(day)s,%(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "Hvem har du lyst til å legge til i dette samfunnet?", "Who would you like to add to this community?": "Hvem ønsker du å legge til i dette samfunnet?",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Advarsel: Enhver person som du legger til i et samfunn vil bli offentlig synlig til alle som kan samfunns IDen", "Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Advarsel: Enhver person som du legger til i et samfunn vil bli offentlig synlig til alle som kan samfunns IDen",
"Invite new community members": "Inviter nye samfunnsmedlemmer", "Invite new community members": "Inviter nye samfunnsmedlemmer",
"Name or matrix ID": "Navn eller Matrix ID", "Name or matrix ID": "Navn eller Matrix ID",
"Invite to Community": "Inviter til samfunn", "Invite to Community": "Inviter til samfunn",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Hvilke rom vil du legge til i dette samfunnet?", "Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Hvilke rom vil du legge til i dette samfunnet?",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Hvis disse rommene til ikke-medlemmer på samfunn-siden og -romlisten?", "Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Vis disse rommene til ikke-medlemmer på samfunn-siden og i rom-listen?",
"Add rooms to the community": "Legg rom til i samfunnet", "Add rooms to the community": "Legg til rom i samfunnet",
"Room name or alias": "Romnavn eller alias", "Room name or alias": "Rom-navn eller alias",
"Add to community": "Legg til i samfunn", "Add to community": "Legg til i samfunn",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Klarte ikke invitere disse brukerene til %(groupId)s:", "Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Klarte ikke invitere disse brukerne til %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Klarte ikke invitere brukere til samfunnet", "Failed to invite users to community": "Klarte ikke å invitere brukere til samfunnet",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Klarte ikke invitere brukere til %(groupId)s", "Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Klarte ikke å invitere brukere til %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Klarte ikke å legge til de følgende rommene til %(groupId)s:", "Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Klarte ikke å legge til de følgende rommene til %(groupId)s:",
"Unnamed Room": "Navnløst rom", "Unnamed Room": "Navnløst rom",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Klarte ikke laste! Sjekk nettverstilkoplingen din og prøv igjen.", "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Klarte ikke laste! Sjekk nettverstilkoblingen din og prøv igjen.",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot har ikke tillatelse til å sende deg notifikasjoner - vennligst sjekk nettleserinnstillingene", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot har ikke tillatelse til å sende deg varsler - vennligst sjekk nettleserinnstillingene",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot fikk ikke tillatelse til å sende deg notifikasjoner - vennligst prøv igjen", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot fikk ikke tillatelse til å sende deg varsler - vennligst prøv igjen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Klarte ikke skru på notifikasjoner", "Unable to enable Notifications": "Klarte ikke slå på Varslinger",
"This email address was not found": "Denne e-postadressen ble ikke funnet", "This email address was not found": "Denne e-post adressen ble ikke funnet",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "E-postadressen din ser ikke ut til å være koplet til en matrix-ID på denne hjemmetjeneren.", "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "E-post adressen din ser ikke ut til å være koplet til en Matrix-ID på denne hjemmetjeneren.",
"Registration Required": "Registrering påkrevet", "Registration Required": "Registrering påkrevd",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Du må registrere deg for å gjøre dette. Vil du registrere deg nå?", "You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Du må registrere deg for å gjøre dette. Vil du registrere deg nå?",
"Register": "Registrer", "Register": "Registrer",
"Default": "Normalverdi", "Default": "Standard",
"Restricted": "Begrenset", "Restricted": "Begrenset",
"Moderator": "Moderator", "Moderator": "Moderator",
"Admin": "Administrator", "Admin": "Admin",
"Start a chat": "Start en samtale", "Start a chat": "Start en samtale",
"Who would you like to communicate with?": "Hvem vil du prate med?", "Who would you like to communicate with?": "Hvem vil du prate med?",
"Email, name or matrix ID": "E-post, navn, eller matrix-ID", "Email, name or matrix ID": "E-post, navn, eller matrix-ID",
"Start Chat": "Start Samtale", "Start Chat": "Start Samtale",
"Invite new room members": "Inviter nye rommedlemmer", "Invite new room members": "Inviter nye rom-medlemmer",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Hvem vil du legge til i dette rommet?", "Who would you like to add to this room?": "Hvem vil du legge til i dette rommet?",
"Send Invites": "Send invitasjoner", "Send Invites": "Send invitasjoner",
"Failed to invite user": "Klarte ikke invitere bruker", "Failed to invite user": "Klarte ikke invitere bruker",
"Operation failed": "Operasjon mislyktes", "Operation failed": "Operasjon mislyktes",
"Failed to invite": "Klarte ikke invitere", "Failed to invite": "Klarte ikke invitere",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Klarte ikke invitere brukere til rommet:", "Failed to invite users to the room:": "Klarte ikke invitere brukere til rommet:",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Klarte ikke invitere de følgende brukerne til %(roomName)s rommet:", "Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Klarte ikke invitere følgende brukere til %(roomName)s rommet:",
"You need to be logged in.": "Du må være logget inn.", "You need to be logged in.": "Du må være logget inn.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Du må kunne invitere andre brukere for å gjøre det.", "You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Du må kunne invitere andre brukere for å gjøre det.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Klarte ikke lage widgeten.", "Unable to create widget.": "Klarte ikke lage widgeten.",
"Missing roomId.": "Manglende rom-ID.", "Missing roomId.": "Manglende rom-ID.",
"Failed to send request.": "Klarte ikke sende forespørsel.", "Failed to send request.": "Klarte ikke sende forespørsel.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Dette rommet blir ikke gjenkjent.", "This room is not recognised.": "Dette rommet ble ikke gjenkjent.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Maktnivået må være et positivt heltall.", "Power level must be positive integer.": "Effektnivået må være et positivt heltall.",
"You are not in this room.": "Du er ikke i dette rommet.", "You are not in this room.": "Du er ikke i dette rommet.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å gjøre det i dette rommet.", "You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å gjøre det i dette rommet.",
"Missing room_id in request": "Manglende room_id i forespørselen", "Missing room_id in request": "Manglende room_id i forespørselen",
@ -236,17 +236,77 @@
"Usage": "Bruk", "Usage": "Bruk",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Søker DuckDuckGo for resultater", "Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Søker DuckDuckGo for resultater",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg er ikke en kommando", "/ddg is not a command": "/ddg er ikke en kommando",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "For å bruke det, bare vent for autofullfør-resultatetene til å laste, og tab deg gjennom dem.", "To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "For å bruke dette, bare vent til autofullfør-resultatene laster, og tab deg gjennom dem.",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Oppgraderer et rom til en ny versjon", "Upgrades a room to a new version": "Oppgraderer et rom til en ny versjon",
"Changes your display nickname": "Endrer visningsnavnet ditt", "Changes your display nickname": "Endrer visningsnavnet ditt",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat med Riot Bot", "Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat med Riot Bot",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, navn eller Matrix ID", "Email, name or Matrix ID": "Epost, navn eller Matrix ID",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Rom oppgradering konfirmasjon", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Rom oppgradering bekreftelse",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Oppgraderingen av et rom kan være destruktivt, og er ikke alltid nødvendig.", "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Oppgraderingen av et rom kan være destruktivt, og er ikke alltid nødvendig.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Vennligst bekreft at du vil fortsette med oppgraderingen av dette rommet fra <oldVersion /> til <newVersion />.", "Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Vennligst bekreft at du vil fortsette med oppgraderingen av dette rommet fra <oldVersion /> til <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Oppgrader", "Upgrade": "Oppgrader",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Endrer visningsnavnet ditt kun i det nåværende rommet", "Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Endrer visningsnavnet ditt kun i det nåværende rommet",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Endrer avataren din kun i det nåværende rommet", "Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Endrer avataren din kun i det nåværende rommet",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Oppringingen feilet på grunn av feil-konfigurert tjener",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Vennligst be administratoren av din hjemmetjener (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) til å konfigurere en TURN tjener slik at samtaler vil fungere best mulig.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternativt kan du prøve å bruke felles tjeneren <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, men dette vil ikke bli like stabilt. I tillegg vil din IP adresse bli delt med denne tjeneren. Dette kan du endre i Innstillinger.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Prøv å bruke turn.matrix.org",
"OK": "OK",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "En konferansesamtale kunne ikke startes fordi integrasjons-tjeneren er ikke tilgjengelig",
"Replying With Files": "Sender svar som fil",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Det er ikke mulig å svare med en fil akkurat nå. Ønsker du å laste opp denne filen uten å svare?",
"Continue": "Fortsett",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Filen '%(fileName)s' kunne ikke lastes opp.",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Tjeneren støtter ikke rom versjonen som ble spesifisert.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Navn eller Matrix ID",
"Failed to start chat": "Feilet å starte samtale",
"Messages": "Meldinger",
"Actions": "Handlinger",
"Advanced": "Avansert",
"Other": "Andre",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Forbereder ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ til en ren-tekst melding",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Du har ikke de rette tilgangene til å bruke denne kommandoen.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Oppgradering av rom anbefales vanligvis når en rom versjon anses som <i>ustabil</i>. Ustabile rom versjoner kan ha feil, manglende funksjoner eller sikkerhetsproblemer.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Oppgraderinger av rommet påvirker vanligvis bare <i>tjenerside</i> behandlingen av rommet. Hvis du har problemer med Riot-klienten din, kan du sende inn et problem med <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Advarsel</b>: Oppgradering av et rom vil <i>ikke automatisk migrere rom medlemmer til den nye versjonen av rommet.</i> Vi legger ut en lenke til det nye rommet i den gamle versjonen av rommet - rom medlemmer må klikke på denne lenken for å bli med i det nye rommet.",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Endrer avataren din i alle rom",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Henter eller setter rommets overskrift",
"This room has no topic.": "Dette rommet har ingen overskrift.",
"Sets the room name": "Setter rommets navn",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Inviterer brukeren med gitt id til dette rommet",
"Joins room with given alias": "Går inn i rommet med gitt alias",
"Leave room": "Forlate rom",
"Unrecognised room alias:": "Ukjent rom alias:",
"Kicks user with given id": "Sparker ut bruker med gitt id",
"Bans user with given id": "Nekter tilgang til bruker med gitt id",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Gir tilbake tilgang til bruker med gitt ID",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Ignorerer en bruker og skjuler meldingene deres hos deg",
"Ignored user": "Ignorert(e) bruker",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "%(userId)s er nå ignorert",
"Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "Fjerner ignorering av bruker og viser meldingene fra nå av",
"Unignored user": "Ikke ignorert bruker",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "%(userId)s blir ikke lengre ignorert",
"Define the power level of a user": "Definer tilgangnivå til en bruker",
"Deops user with given id": "Fjerner OP nivå til bruker med gitt ID",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Åpner Utviklings Verktøy dialogen",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Legger til en tilpasset widget med URL i rommet",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Oppgi en https: // eller http: // widget-URL",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Du kan ikke endre widgets i dette rommet.",
"Unknown (user, device) pair:": "Ukjent (bruker,enhet) par:",
"Device already verified!": "Enhet allerede verifisert!",
"WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "ADVARSEL: Enheten er allerede verifisert, men nøkler er IKKE LIKE!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "ADVARSEL: Nøkkelverifisering mislyktes! Signeringsnøkkelen for %(userId)s og enhet %(deviceId)s er \"%(fprint)s\" som ikke samsvarer med den oppgitte nøkkelen \"%(fingerprint)s\". Dette kan bety at kommunikasjonene dine blir fanget opp!",
"Verified key": "Verifisert nøkkel",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's device %(deviceId)s. Device marked as verified.": "Signeringsnøkkelen du oppgav stemmer med signeringsnøkkelen du mottok fra %(userId)s enhet %(deviceId)s. Enheten er merket som bekreftet.",
"Displays action": "Viser handling",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Tvinger den gjeldende utgående gruppeøkten i et kryptert rom til å stoppe",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Sender gitte melding i regnbuens farger",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Sender gitte emote i regnbuens farger",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Viser liste over kommandoer med bruks eksempler og beskrivelser",
"Unrecognised command:": "Ukjent kommando:",
"Reason": "Årsak",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s aksepterte invitasjonen til %(displayName)s.",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s aksepterte en invitasjon.",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot er ikke støttet av mobil-nettlesere. Ønsker De å innstalere appen?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot er ikke støttet av mobil-nettlesere. Ønsker De å innstalere appen?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukjent enhet", "Unknown device": "Ukjent enhet",

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar %(topic)s.", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar %(topic)s.",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Veranderingen aan wie de geschiedenis kan lezen worden alleen maar toegepast op toekomstige berichten in deze ruimte", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Veranderingen aan wie de geschiedenis kan lezen worden alleen maar toegepast op toekomstige berichten in deze ruimte",
"Changes your display nickname": "Verandert uw weergavenaam", "Changes your display nickname": "Verandert uw weergavenaam",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Het veranderen van het wachtwoord zal vooralsnog alle sleutels voor eind-tot-eind-versleuteling op alle apparaten opnieuw instellen, waardoor de versleutelde gespreksgeschiedenis onleesbaar wordt, tenzij u eerst uw gesprekssleutels exporteert en achteraf opnieuw importeert. Dit zal in de toekomst verbeterd worden.", "Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Momenteel stellen wachtwoordveranderingen nog alle sleutels voor eind-tot-eind-versleuteling op alle apparaten opnieuw in, waardoor de versleutelde gespreksgeschiedenis onleesbaar wordt, tenzij u eerst uw gesprekssleutels exporteert en na afloop opnieuw importeert. Dit zal in de toekomst verbeterd worden.",
"Clear Cache and Reload": "Cache wissen en herladen", "Clear Cache and Reload": "Cache wissen en herladen",
"Clear Cache": "Cache Legen", "Clear Cache": "Cache Legen",
"Click here to fix": "Klik hier om dit op te lossen", "Click here to fix": "Klik hier om dit op te lossen",
@ -157,18 +157,18 @@
"Thu": "Do", "Thu": "Do",
"Fri": "Vr", "Fri": "Vr",
"Sat": "Za", "Sat": "Za",
"Jan": "Jan", "Jan": "jan",
"Feb": "Feb", "Feb": "feb",
"Mar": "Mrt", "Mar": "mrt",
"Apr": "Apr", "Apr": "apr",
"May": "Mei", "May": "mei",
"Jun": "Jun", "Jun": "jun",
"Jul": "Jul", "Jul": "jul",
"Aug": "Aug", "Aug": "aug",
"Sep": "Sep", "Sep": "sep",
"Oct": "Okt", "Oct": "okt",
"Nov": "Nov", "Nov": "nov",
"Dec": "Dec", "Dec": "dec",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s %(monthName)s, %(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s %(monthName)s, %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s, %(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s, %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(time)s",
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
"You need to enter a user name.": "Je moet een gebruikersnaam invoeren.", "You need to enter a user name.": "Je moet een gebruikersnaam invoeren.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Het lijkt erop dat uw e-mailadres op deze thuisserver niet aan een Matrix-ID gekoppeld is.", "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Het lijkt erop dat uw e-mailadres op deze thuisserver niet aan een Matrix-ID gekoppeld is.",
"Your password has been reset": "Je wachtwoord is gereset", "Your password has been reset": "Je wachtwoord is gereset",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Uw wachtwoord is gewijzigd. U zult op andere apparaten geen pushmeldingen meer ontvangen totdat u zich er opnieuw op aanmeldt", "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Uw wachtwoord is gewijzigd. U zult op andere apparaten pas weer pushmeldingen ontvangen nadat u zich er opnieuw op aangemeld heeft",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat u in gesprek bent, weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?", "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat u in gesprek bent, weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat u bestanden aan het uploaden bent, weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?", "You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat u bestanden aan het uploaden bent, weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten?",
"You should not yet trust it to secure data": "Je moet het nog niet vertrouwen om gegevens te beveiligen", "You should not yet trust it to secure data": "Je moet het nog niet vertrouwen om gegevens te beveiligen",
@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Foutopsporingslogboeken bevatten gebruiksgegevens over de toepassing, inclusief uw gebruikersnaam, de IDs of bijnamen van de gesprekken en groepen die u heeft bezocht, evenals de gebruikersnamen van andere gebruikers. Ze bevatten geen berichten.", "Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Foutopsporingslogboeken bevatten gebruiksgegevens over de toepassing, inclusief uw gebruikersnaam, de IDs of bijnamen van de gesprekken en groepen die u heeft bezocht, evenals de gebruikersnamen van andere gebruikers. Ze bevatten geen berichten.",
"Failed to send logs: ": "Versturen van logboeken mislukt: ", "Failed to send logs: ": "Versturen van logboeken mislukt: ",
"Notes:": "Notities:", "Notes:": "Notities:",
"Preparing to send logs": "Logboeken worden voorbereid voor verzending", "Preparing to send logs": "Logboeken worden voorbereid voor versturen",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "bv. %(exampleValue)s", "e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "bv. %(exampleValue)s",
"Every page you use in the app": "Iedere bladzijde die u in de toepassing gebruikt", "Every page you use in the app": "Iedere bladzijde die u in de toepassing gebruikt",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "bv. <CurrentPageURL>", "e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "bv. <CurrentPageURL>",
@ -1788,7 +1788,6 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Sla hem op</b> op een USB-stick of een back-upschijf", "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Sla hem op</b> op een USB-stick of een back-upschijf",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopieer hem</b> naar uw persoonlijke cloudopslag", "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopieer hem</b> naar uw persoonlijke cloudopslag",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Er wordt een back-up van uw sleutels gemaakt (de eerste back-up kan enkele minuten duren).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Er wordt een back-up van uw sleutels gemaakt (de eerste back-up kan enkele minuten duren).",
"Okay": "Oké",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Zonder veilig berichtherstel in te stellen, zult u uw versleutelde berichtgeschiedenis niet kunnen herstellen indien u zich afmeldt of een ander apparaat gebruikt.", "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Zonder veilig berichtherstel in te stellen, zult u uw versleutelde berichtgeschiedenis niet kunnen herstellen indien u zich afmeldt of een ander apparaat gebruikt.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Veilig berichtherstel instellen", "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Veilig berichtherstel instellen",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Beveilig uw back-up met een wachtwoord", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Beveilig uw back-up met een wachtwoord",
@ -1911,7 +1910,7 @@
"Re-join": "Opnieuw toetreden", "Re-join": "Opnieuw toetreden",
"You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "U bent uit %(roomName)s verbannen door %(memberName)s", "You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "U bent uit %(roomName)s verbannen door %(memberName)s",
"Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "Er is iets misgegaan met uw uitnodiging voor %(roomName)s", "Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "Er is iets misgegaan met uw uitnodiging voor %(roomName)s",
"%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "De foutcode %(errcode)s werd weergegeven bij het valideren van uw uitnodiging. U kunt deze informatie aan een gespreksadministrator doorgeven.", "%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "De foutcode %(errcode)s werd weergegeven bij het valideren van uw uitnodiging. U kunt deze informatie aan een gespreksbeheerder doorgeven.",
"You can only join it with a working invite.": "U kunt het gesprek enkel toetreden met een werkende uitnodiging.", "You can only join it with a working invite.": "U kunt het gesprek enkel toetreden met een werkende uitnodiging.",
"You can still join it because this is a public room.": "U kunt het nog steeds toetreden, aangezien het een openbaar gesprek is.", "You can still join it because this is a public room.": "U kunt het nog steeds toetreden, aangezien het een openbaar gesprek is.",
"Join the discussion": "Neem deel aan het gesprek", "Join the discussion": "Neem deel aan het gesprek",
@ -1981,7 +1980,7 @@
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Gebruik enkel letters, cijfers, streepjes en underscores", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Gebruik enkel letters, cijfers, streepjes en underscores",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Kan identiteitsserver niet bereiken", "Cannot reach identity server": "Kan identiteitsserver niet bereiken",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt zich registreren, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar zijn wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een serverbeheerder.", "You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt zich registreren, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar zijn wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een serverbeheerder.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt uw wachtwoord opnieuw instellen, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar zijn wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een serverbeheerder.", "You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt uw wachtwoord opnieuw instellen, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar komen wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een serverbeheerder.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt zich aanmelden, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar zijn wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een systeembeheerder.", "You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "U kunt zich aanmelden, maar sommige functies zullen pas beschikbaar zijn wanneer de identiteitsserver weer online is. Als u deze waarschuwing blijft zien, controleer dan uw configuratie of neem contact op met een systeembeheerder.",
"<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Meld u aan</a> met uw nieuwe account.", "<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Meld u aan</a> met uw nieuwe account.",
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "U kunt dit venster nu sluiten, of <a>u aanmelden</a> met uw nieuwe account.", "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "U kunt dit venster nu sluiten, of <a>u aanmelden</a> met uw nieuwe account.",
@ -2019,6 +2018,173 @@
"other": "%(oneUser)s heeft %(count)s keer niets gewijzigd", "other": "%(oneUser)s heeft %(count)s keer niets gewijzigd",
"one": "%(oneUser)s heeft niets gewijzigd" "one": "%(oneUser)s heeft niets gewijzigd"
}, },
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Verandert uw avatar in alle gesprekken",
"Removing…": "Bezig met verwijderen…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Alle gegevens op dit apparaat wissen?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Gewiste gegevens kunnen niet teruggehaald worden. Versleutelde berichten zullen verloren gaan, tenzij hun sleutels geback-upt zijn.",
"Clear all data": "Alle gegevens wissen",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Uw thuisserver biedt geen ondersteuning voor deze functie.",
"Resend edit": "Bewerking opnieuw versturen",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "%(unsentCount)s reactie(s) opnieuw versturen",
"Resend removal": "Verwijdering opnieuw versturen",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Opnieuw aanmelden is mislukt wegens een probleem met de thuisserver",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Opnieuw aanmelden is mislukt",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Voer uw wachtwoord in om u aan te melden en opnieuw toegang te verkrijgen tot uw account.",
"Regain access your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Verkrijg opnieuw toegang tot uw account en herstel de versleutelingssleutels opgeslagen op dit apparaat. Zonder deze sleutels zult u niet alle versleutelde berichten op elk apparaat kunnen lezen.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Wachtwoord vergeten?",
"Cannot re-authenticate with your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Kan niet opnieuw aanmelden met uw account. Neem contact op met de beheerder van uw thuisserver voor meer informatie.",
"You're signed out": "U bent afgemeld",
"Your homeserver (<strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1>) admin has signed you out of your account <strong2>%(displayName)s (%(userId)s)</strong2>.": "De beheerder van uw thuisserver (<strong1>%(domainName)s</strong1>) heeft u afgemeld van uw account <strong2>%(displayName)s%(userId)s</strong2>.",
"Clear personal data": "Persoonlijke gegevens wissen",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Let op: uw persoonlijke gegevens (inclusief versleutelingssleutels) worden nog steeds op dit apparaat opgeslagen. Wis deze wanneer u klaar bent met het apparaat te gebruiken, of wanneer u zich wilt aanmelden met een andere account.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Laat ons weten wat er verkeerd is gegaan, of nog beter, maak een foutrapport aan op GitHub, waarin u het probleem beschrijft.",
"Identity Server": "Identiteitsserver",
"Integrations Manager": "Integratiebeheerder",
"Find others by phone or email": "Vind anderen via telefoonnummer of e-mailadres",
"Be found by phone or email": "Word gevonden via telefoonnummer of e-mailadres",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Gebruik robots, bruggen, widgets en stickerpakketten",
"Terms of Service": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Om verder te gaan dient u de gebruiksvoorwaarden van deze dienst te aanvaarden.",
"Service": "Dienst",
"Summary": "Samenvatting",
"Terms": "Voorwaarden",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Verkrijg opnieuw toegang tot uw account en herstel de versleutelingssleutels die opgeslagen zijn op dit apparaat. Zonder deze sleutels zult u uw versleutelde berichten niet kunnen lezen op andere apparaten.",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Meld u aan en verkrijg opnieuw toegang tot uw account.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "U kunt zich niet aanmelden met uw account. Neem contact op met de beheerder van uw thuisserver voor meer informatie.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Deze account is gedeactiveerd.",
"Failed to start chat": "Gesprek beginnen is mislukt",
"Messages": "Berichten",
"Actions": "Acties",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Toont een lijst van beschikbare opdrachten, met hun gebruiken en beschrijvingen",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteitsserver-URL moet HTTPS zijn",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Geen geldige identiteitsserver (statuscode %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Kon geen verbinding maken met de identiteitsserver",
"Checking server": "Server wordt gecontroleerd",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Verbinding met identiteitsserver verbreken",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Wilt u de verbinding met de identiteitsserver <idserver /> verbreken?",
"Disconnect": "Verbinding verbreken",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identiteitsserver (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "U gebruikt momenteel <server></server> om door uw contacten gevonden te kunnen worden, en om hen te kunnen vinden. U kunt hieronder uw identiteitsserver wijzigen.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "U gebruikt momenteel geen identiteitsserver. Voeg er hieronder één toe om door uw contacten gevonden te worden en om hen te kunnen vinden.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "De verbinding met uw identiteitsserver verbreken zal ertoe leiden dat u niet door andere gebruikers gevonden zal kunnen worden, en dat u anderen niet via e-mail of telefoon zal kunnen uitnodigen.",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Integratiebeheerder is offline of onbereikbaar.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Bijwerken van integratiebeheerder is mislukt",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "U gebruikt momenteel <b>%(serverName)s</b> om uw bots, widgets en stickerpakketten te beheren.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Voeg de integratiebeheerder toe die u wilt gebruiken om uw bots, widgets en stickerpakketten te beheren.",
"Integration Manager": "Integratiebeheerder",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Voer een nieuwe integratiebeheerder in",
"Discovery": "Ontdekking",
"Deactivate account": "Account deactiveren",
"Always show the window menu bar": "De venstermenubalk altijd tonen",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Kan delen voor dit e-mailadres niet intrekken",
"Unable to share email address": "Kan e-mailadres niet delen",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Controleer uw postvak IN, en klik op Doorgaan",
"Revoke": "Intrekken",
"Share": "Delen",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Ontdekkingsopties zullen verschijnen wanneer u een e-mailadres hebt toegevoegd.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Kan delen voor dit telefoonnummer niet intrekken",
"Unable to share phone number": "Kan telefoonnummer niet delen",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Voer de verificatiecode in die werd verstuurd via sms.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Ontdekkingsopties zullen verschijnen wanneer u een telefoonnummer hebt toegevoegd.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Er is een sms verstuurd naar +%(msisdn)s. Voor de verificatiecode in die in het bericht staat.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Controleer of de sleutel die u in uw Gebruikersinstellingen op dat apparaat ziet overeenkomt met de sleutel hieronder om te verifiëren dat het apparaat vertrouwd kan worden:",
"Command Help": "Hulp bij opdrachten",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus u kunt geen e-mailadres toevoegen om uw wachtwoord in de toekomst opnieuw in te stellen.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigueerd: e-mailadressen kunnen niet worden toegevoegd. U zult uw wachtwoord niet opnieuw kunnen instellen.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd: voeg er één toe in de serverinstellingen om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Oproep mislukt door verkeerd geconfigureerde server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Vraag de beheerder van uw thuisserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) om een TURN-server te configureren teneinde oproepen betrouwbaar te doen werken.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "U kunt ook de publieke server op <code>turn.matrix.org</code> gebruiken, maar dit zal minder betrouwbaar zijn, en zal uw IP-adres met die server delen. U kunt dit ook beheren in de Instellingen.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Probeer turn.matrix.org te gebruiken",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Sta de terugvalserver voor oproepbijstand turn.matrix.org toe wanneer uw thuisserver er geen aanbiedt (uw IP-adres wordt gedeeld gedurende een oproep)",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "De identiteitsserver heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "De identiteitsserver die u heeft gekozen heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Ga enkel verder indien u de eigenaar van de server vertrouwt.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwaarden niet aanvaard, of de identiteitsserver is ongeldig.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "U deelt momenteel e-mailadressen of telefoonnummers op de identiteitsserver <idserver />. U zult opnieuw verbinding moeten maken met <idserver2 /> om deze niet meer te delen.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwaarden niet aanvaard, of de integratiebeheerder is ongeldig.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Voer een nieuwe identiteitsserver in",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Integratiebeheerder heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "De integratiebeheerder die u heeft gekozen heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s verwijderen?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s verwijderen?",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Verstuurt een bericht als platte tekst, zonder het als markdown te interpreteren",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "U beschikt niet over de vereiste machtigingen om deze opdracht uit te voeren.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Wijzigt de afbeelding van het huidige gesprek",
"Use an identity server": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om uit te nodigen via e-mail. Klik op Doorgaan om de standaardidentiteitsserver (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) te gebruiken, of beheer de server in de instellingen.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om uit te nodigen via e-mail. Beheer de server in de instellingen.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Gebruik het nieuwe, snellere, maar nog experimentele opstelvak voor berichten (vereist herladen van de pagina)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Meerdere integratiebeheerders",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Verstuur leesbevestigingen voor berichten (vereist compatibele thuisserver om uit te schakelen)",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Aanvaard <policyLink /> om verder te gaan:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Openbare naam",
"Change identity server": "Identiteitsserver wisselen",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Verbinding met identiteitsserver <current /> verbreken en in plaats daarvan verbinden met <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Verbinding met identiteitsserver verbreken",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "U deelt nog steeds <b>uw persoonlijke gegevens</b> op de identiteitsserver <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "We raden u aan uw e-mailadressen en telefoonnummers van de identiteitsserver te verwijderen vooraleer u de verbinding verbreekt.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Verbinding toch verbreken",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Indien u <server /> niet wilt gebruiken om door uw contacten gevonden te kunnen worden of om hen te kunnen vinden, voer dan hieronder een andere identiteitsserver in.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Het gebruik van een identiteitsserver is optioneel. Als u ervoor kiest om geen identiteitsserver te gebruiken, zult u niet door uw contacten gevonden kunnen worden en hen niet kunnen vinden, via e-mailadres of telefoonnummer.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Geen identiteitsserver gebruiken",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Aanvaard de gebruiksvoorwaarden van de identiteitsserver (%(serverName)s) om door uw contacten gevonden te kunnen worden of om hen te kunnen vinden via e-mailadres of telefoonnumer.",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Levensduur van leesbevestigingen (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Levensduur van levensbevestigingen, niet op scherm (ms)",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "De openbare naam van een apparaat is zichtbaar aan alle mensen met wie u communiceert",
"Upgrade the room": "Opwaardeer het gesprek",
"Enable room encryption": "Gespreksversleuteling inschakelen",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Fout bij wijzigen van machtsniveauvereiste",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het wijzigen van de machtsniveauvereisten van het gesprek. Zorg ervoor dat u over voldoende machtigingen beschikt en probeer het opnieuw.",
"Error changing power level": "Fout bij wijzigen van machtsniveau",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het wijzigen van het machtsniveau van de gebruiker. Zorg ervoor dat u over voldoende machtigingen beschikt en probeer het opnieuw.",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Verifieer de koppeling in uw postvak",
"Complete": "Voltooien",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Geen recente berichten door %(user)s gevonden",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Probeer omhoog te scrollen in de tijdslijn om te kijken of er eerdere zijn.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Recente berichten door %(user)s verwijderen",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "U staat op het punt %(count)s berichten door %(user)s te verwijderen. Dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Wilt u doorgaan?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Bij een groot aantal berichten kan dit even duren. Herlaad uw cliënt niet gedurende deze tijd.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "%(count)s berichten verwijderen"
"Deactivate user?": "Gebruiker deactiveren?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Deze gebruiker deactiveren zal hem/haar afmelden en verhinderen dat hij/zij zich weer aanmeldt. Bovendien zal hij/zij alle gesprekken waaraan hij/zij deelneemt verlaten. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt deactiveren?",
"Deactivate user": "Gebruiker deactiveren",
"Remove recent messages": "Recente berichten verwijderen",
"Bold": "Vet",
"Italics": "Cursief",
"Strikethrough": "Doorstreept",
"Code block": "Codeblok",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "Er is een fout opgetreden (%(errcode)s) bij het valideren van uw uitnodiging. U kunt deze informatie doorgeven aan een gespreksbeheerder.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Deze uitnodiging tot %(roomName)s was verstuurd naar %(email)s, wat niet aan uw account gekoppeld is",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Koppel dit e-mailadres aan uw account in de instellingen om uitnodigingen automatisch te ontvangen in Riot.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Deze uitnodiging tot %(roomName)s was verstuurd naar %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver in de instellingen om uitnodigingen automatisch te ontvangen in Riot.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Deel dit e-mailadres in de instellingen om uitnodigingen automatisch te ontvangen in Riot.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om uit te nodigen op e-mailadres. <default>Gebruik de standaardserver (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> of beheer de server in de <settings>Instellingen</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om anderen uit te nodigen via e-mail. Beheer de server in de <settings>Instellingen</settings>.",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Gelieve te vermelden waarom u deze melding indient.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Inhoud melden aan de beheerder van uw thuisserver",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Dit bericht melden zal zijn unieke gebeurtenis-ID versturen naar de beheerder van uw thuisserver. Als de berichten in dit gesprek versleuteld zijn, zal de beheerder van uw thuisserver het bericht niet kunnen lezen, noch enige bestanden of afbeeldingen zien.",
"Send report": "Rapport versturen",
"Report Content": "Inhoud melden",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Stel een e-mailadres in voor accountherstel. Gebruik optioneel een e-mailadres of telefoonnummer om vindbaar te zijn voor bestaande contacten.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Stel een e-mailadres in voor accountherstel. Gebruik optioneel een e-mailadres om vindbaar te zijn voor bestaande contacten.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Voer uw aangepaste thuisserver-URL in <a>Wat betekent dit?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Voer uw aangepaste identiteitsserver-URL in <a>Wat betekent dit?</a>",
"Explore": "Ontdekken",
"Filter": "Filteren",
"Filter rooms…": "Filter de gesprekken…",
"Preview": "Voorbeeld",
"View": "Bekijken",
"Find a room…": "Zoek een gesprek…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Zoek een gesprek… (bv. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Als u het gesprek dat u zoekt niet kunt vinden, vraag dan een uitnodiging, of <a>Maak een nieuw gesprek aan</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekken ontdekken",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop op %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop op %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot wordt niet ondersteund op het mobiele web. Wil je de app installeren?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot wordt niet ondersteund op het mobiele web. Wil je de app installeren?",
"Unknown device": "Onbekend apparaat", "Unknown device": "Onbekend apparaat",
@ -2055,7 +2221,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "U kunt de aangepaste serverinstellingen gebruiken om u aan te melden bij andere Matrix-servers, door een andere thuisserver-URL in te voeren. Dit laat u toe Riot te gebruiken met een bestaande Matrix-account bij een andere thuisserver.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "U kunt de aangepaste serverinstellingen gebruiken om u aan te melden bij andere Matrix-servers, door een andere thuisserver-URL in te voeren. Dit laat u toe Riot te gebruiken met een bestaande Matrix-account bij een andere thuisserver.",
"Create Account": "Account aanmaken", "Create Account": "Account aanmaken",
"Need help?": "Hulp nodig?", "Need help?": "Hulp nodig?",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekken ontdekken",
"Room Directory": "Gesprekscatalogus", "Room Directory": "Gesprekscatalogus",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden bij het voorbereiden van de app. Bekijk de console voor details.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden bij het voorbereiden van de app. Bekijk de console voor details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ongeldige configuratie: kan slechts één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url opgeven.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ongeldige configuratie: kan slechts één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url opgeven.",

@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
}, },
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.": { "%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.": {
"other": "<resendText>Send alle på nytt</resendText> eller <cancelText>avbryt alle</cancelText>. Du kan ogso velja enkelte meldingar til sending på nytt eller avbryting.", "other": "<resendText>Send alle på nytt</resendText> eller <cancelText>avbryt alle</cancelText>. Du kan ogso velja enkelte meldingar til sending på nytt eller avbryting.",
"one": "<resendText>Send melding på nytt</resendText> eller <cancelText>bryt av</cancelText>." "one": "<resendText>Send melding på nytt</resendText> eller <cancelText>avbryt</cancelText>."
}, },
"Connectivity to the server has been lost.": "Tilkoplinga til tenaren vart tapt.", "Connectivity to the server has been lost.": "Tilkoplinga til tenaren vart tapt.",
"Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Sende meldingar lagrast ikkje før tilkoplinga di er attende.", "Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Sende meldingar lagrast ikkje før tilkoplinga di er attende.",
@ -1062,28 +1062,28 @@
"Active call": "Pågåande samtale", "Active call": "Pågåande samtale",
"There's no one else here! Would you like to <inviteText>invite others</inviteText> or <nowarnText>stop warning about the empty room</nowarnText>?": "Det er ingen andre her! Vil du <inviteText>byda andre inn</inviteText> eller <nowarnText>enda åtvaringa om det tomme rommet?</nowarnText>?", "There's no one else here! Would you like to <inviteText>invite others</inviteText> or <nowarnText>stop warning about the empty room</nowarnText>?": "Det er ingen andre her! Vil du <inviteText>byda andre inn</inviteText> eller <nowarnText>enda åtvaringa om det tomme rommet?</nowarnText>?",
"more": "meir", "more": "meir",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Det ser ut til at du lastar filer opp, er du sikker på at du vil slutta?", "You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Det ser ut til at du lastar opp filer, er du sikker på at du vil avslutte?",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Det ser ut til at du er i ei samtale, er du sikker på at du vil slutta?", "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Det ser ut til at du er i ein samtale, er du sikker på at du vil avslutte?",
"Failed to upload file": "Fekk ikkje til å lasta fila opp", "Failed to upload file": "Fekk ikkje til å lasta fila opp",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "Tenaren er kanskje utilgjengeleg, overlasta, elles so er fila for stor", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "Tenaren er kanskje utilgjengeleg, overlasta, elles so er fila for stor",
"Search failed": "Søket gjekk gale", "Search failed": "Søket feila",
"No more results": "Ingen fleire resultat", "No more results": "Ingen fleire resultat",
"Unknown room %(roomId)s": "Ukjend rom %(roomId)s", "Unknown room %(roomId)s": "Ukjend rom %(roomId)s",
"Room": "Rom", "Room": "Rom",
"Failed to save settings": "Fekk ikkje til å lagra innstillingar", "Failed to save settings": "Fekk ikkje til å lagra innstillingar",
"Failed to reject invite": "Fekk ikkje til å seia nei til innbydinga", "Failed to reject invite": "Fekk ikkje til å avstå invitasjonen",
"Fill screen": "Fyll skjermen", "Fill screen": "Fyll skjermen",
"Click to unmute video": "Klikk for å avstilna videoen", "Click to unmute video": "Klikk for å avstilna videoen",
"Click to mute video": "Klikk for å stilna videoen", "Click to mute video": "Klikk for å stilna videoen",
"Click to unmute audio": "Klikk for å avstilna ljoden", "Click to unmute audio": "Klikk for å avstilna ljoden",
"Click to mute audio": "Klikk for å stilna ljoden", "Click to mute audio": "Klikk for å dempe lyden",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Freista å lasta eit gjeve punkt i rommet si tidslinje, men du har ikkje lov til å sjå den sistnemnde meldinga.", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Prøvde å laste eit bestemt punkt i rommet si tidslinje, men du har ikkje lov til å sjå den spesifike meldingen.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Freista å lasta eit gjeve punkt i rommet si tidslinje, men klarte ikkje å finna det.", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Prøvde å lasta eit bestemt punkt i rommet si tidslinje, men klarde ikkje å finna det.",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Fekk ikkje til å lasta tidslinjestillinga", "Failed to load timeline position": "Fekk ikkje til å lasta tidslinjestillinga",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others": { "Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others": {
"other": "Lastar %(filename)s og %(count)s til opp", "other": "Lastar opp %(filename)s og %(count)s andre",
"zero": "Lastar %(filename)s opp", "zero": "Lastar opp %(filename)s",
"one": "Lastar %(filename)s og %(count)s til opp" "one": "Lastar opp %(filename)s og %(count)s andre"
}, },
"Light theme": "Ljost preg", "Light theme": "Ljost preg",
"Dark theme": "Dimt preg", "Dark theme": "Dimt preg",
@ -1145,30 +1145,30 @@
"The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "Du må skriva epostadressa som er tilknytta brukaren din inn.", "The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "Du må skriva epostadressa som er tilknytta brukaren din inn.",
"A new password must be entered.": "Du må skriva eit nytt passord inn.", "A new password must be entered.": "Du må skriva eit nytt passord inn.",
"New passwords must match each other.": "Dei nye passorda må vera like.", "New passwords must match each other.": "Dei nye passorda må vera like.",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "Ein epost vart send til %(emailAddress)s. Når du har far fylgd lenkja i den, klikk under.", "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "Ein e-post vart send til %(emailAddress)s. Når du har har følgd linken i den, klikk under.",
"I have verified my email address": "Eg har godkjend epostadressa mi", "I have verified my email address": "Eg har godkjend e-postadressa mi",
"Your password has been reset": "Passordet ditt vart attendesett", "Your password has been reset": "Passordet ditt vart attendesett",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Du vart logga av alle einingar og får ikkje lenger pushvarsel. For å skru varsel på att, logg inn igjen på kvar eining", "You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Du vart logga av alle einingar og får ikkje lenger pushvarsel. For å skru varsel på att, logg inn igjen på kvar eining",
"Return to login screen": "Gå attende til innlogging", "Return to login screen": "Gå attende til innlogging",
"To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account": "For å attendestilla passordet ditt, skriv epostadressa som er lenkja til brukaren din inn", "To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account": "For å attendestilla passordet ditt, skriv epostadressa som er lenkja til brukaren din inn",
"New password": "Nytt passord", "New password": "Nytt passord",
"Confirm your new password": "Stadfest det nye passordet ditt", "Confirm your new password": "Stadfest det nye passordet ditt",
"Send Reset Email": "Send attendestillingsepost", "Send Reset Email": "Send e-post for nullstilling",
"Create an account": "Lag ein brukar", "Create an account": "Lag ein brukar",
"This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Denne Heimtenaren støttar ikkje innlogging med epost.", "This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Denne Heimtenaren støttar ikkje innlogging med epost.",
"Please contact your service administrator to continue using this service.": "Ver venleg og kontakt din tenesteadministrator for å halda fram med å bruka tenesten.", "Please contact your service administrator to continue using this service.": "Ver venleg og kontakt din tenesteadministrator for å halda fram med å bruka tenesten.",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Urett brukarnamn og/eller passord.", "Incorrect username and/or password.": "Feil brukarnamn og/eller passord.",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Merk deg at du loggar inn på %(hs)s-tenaren, ikkje matrix.org.", "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Merk deg at du loggar inn på %(hs)s-tenaren, ikkje matrix.org.",
"Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gjestetilgang er skrudd av på denne Heimtenaren.", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gjestetilgang er skrudd av på denne Heimtenaren.",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "Det innskrivne telefonnummeret ser ugangbart ut", "The phone number entered looks invalid": "Det innskrivne telefonnummeret virkar å vere ugyldig",
"Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Noko gjekk gale: fekk ikkje samband med den gjevne heimtenaren.", "Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Feil: Det gjekk ikkje an å kommunisere med den spesifiserte heimeserveren.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Kan ikkje kopla til heimtenaren gjennom HTTP når ein HTTPS-URL er i nettlesarsøkjafeltet ditt. Bruk anten HTTPS eller <a>skru utrygge skript på</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Kan ikkje koble til heimeserveren via HTTP fordi URL-adressa i nettlesaren er HTTPS. Bruk HTTPS, eller <a>aktiver usikre skript</a>.",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Kan ikkje kopla til heimtenaren - ver venleg og sjekk tilkoplinga di, og sjå til at <a>heimtenaren din sitt CCL-sertifikat</a> er stolt på og at ein nettlesarutviding ikkje hindrar førespurnader.", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Kan ikkje kopla til heimtenaren - ver venleg og sjekk tilkoplinga di, og sjå til at <a>heimtenaren din sitt CCL-sertifikat</a> er stolt på og at ein nettlesartillegg ikkje hindrar førespurnader.",
"Try the app first": "Prøv æppen fyrst", "Try the app first": "Prøv æppen fyrst",
"Sign in to get started": "Logg inn for å koma i gang", "Sign in to get started": "Logg inn for å koma i gang",
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Klarte ikkje å henta avatar-URLen", "Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Klarte ikkje å henta avatar-URLen",
"Set a display name:": "Set eit visingsnamn:", "Set a display name:": "Set eit visingsnamn:",
"Upload an avatar:": "Last ein avatar opp:", "Upload an avatar:": "Last opp ein avatar:",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Denne tenaren støttar ikkje stadfesting gjennom telefonnummer.", "This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Denne tenaren støttar ikkje stadfesting gjennom telefonnummer.",
"Missing password.": "Vantande passord.", "Missing password.": "Vantande passord.",
"Passwords don't match.": "Passorda er ikkje like.", "Passwords don't match.": "Passorda er ikkje like.",
@ -1178,10 +1178,10 @@
"You need to enter a user name.": "Du må skriva eit brukarnamn inn.", "You need to enter a user name.": "Du må skriva eit brukarnamn inn.",
"An unknown error occurred.": "Noko ukjend gjekk gale.", "An unknown error occurred.": "Noko ukjend gjekk gale.",
"I already have an account": "Eg har ein brukar allereie", "I already have an account": "Eg har ein brukar allereie",
"Commands": "Påbod", "Commands": "Kommandoar",
"Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultat frå DuckDuckGo", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultat frå DuckDuckGo",
"Emoji": "Emoji", "Emoji": "Emoji",
"Notify the whole room": "Varsl heile rommet", "Notify the whole room": "Varsle heile rommet",
"Room Notification": "Romvarsel", "Room Notification": "Romvarsel",
"Users": "Brukarar", "Users": "Brukarar",
"unknown device": "ukjend eining", "unknown device": "ukjend eining",
@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@
"Verification": "Godkjenning", "Verification": "Godkjenning",
"Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519-fingeravtrykk", "Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519-fingeravtrykk",
"User ID": "Brukar-ID", "User ID": "Brukar-ID",
"Curve25519 identity key": "Curve25519-identitetsnykel", "Curve25519 identity key": "Curve25519-identitetsnøkkel",
"none": "ingen", "none": "ingen",
"Algorithm": "Algoritme", "Algorithm": "Algoritme",
"unencrypted": "ikkje-kryptert", "unencrypted": "ikkje-kryptert",
@ -1199,10 +1199,10 @@
"End-to-end encryption information": "Ende-til-ende-krypteringsinfo", "End-to-end encryption information": "Ende-til-ende-krypteringsinfo",
"Event information": "Hendingsinfo", "Event information": "Hendingsinfo",
"Sender device information": "Info om avsendareininga", "Sender device information": "Info om avsendareininga",
"Passphrases must match": "Passetningane må vera like", "Passphrases must match": "Passfrasane må vere identiske",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "Passetningsfeltet kan ikkje vera tomt", "Passphrase must not be empty": "Passefrasefeltet kan ikkje vera tomt",
"Enter passphrase": "Skriv passetning inn", "Enter passphrase": "Skriv inn passfrase",
"Confirm passphrase": "Stadfest passetning", "Confirm passphrase": "Stadfest passfrase",
"You must specify an event type!": "Du må oppgje ein handlingssort!", "You must specify an event type!": "Du må oppgje ein handlingssort!",
"Call Timeout": "Tidsavbrot i Samtala", "Call Timeout": "Tidsavbrot i Samtala",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Skru automatisk måloppdaging på for syntax-understreking", "Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Skru automatisk måloppdaging på for syntax-understreking",
@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Du held på å verta teken til ei tredje-partisside so du kan godkjenna brukaren din til bruk med %(integrationsUrl)s. Vil du gå fram?", "You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Du held på å verta teken til ei tredje-partisside so du kan godkjenna brukaren din til bruk med %(integrationsUrl)s. Vil du gå fram?",
"Token incorrect": "Teiknet er gale", "Token incorrect": "Teiknet er gale",
"Filter community members": "Filtrer samfunnsmedlemer", "Filter community members": "Filtrer samfunnsmedlemer",
"Custom Server Options": "Eigentenar-innstillingar", "Custom Server Options": "Tilpassa tenar-innstillingar",
"Filter community rooms": "Filtrer samfunnsrom", "Filter community rooms": "Filtrer samfunnsrom",
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie (please see our <PolicyLink>Cookie Policy</PolicyLink>).": "Ver venleg og hjelp oss å forbetra Riot.im ved å senda <UsageDataLink>anonym brukardata</UsageDataLink>. Dette brukar ei datakake (ver venleg og sjå på <PolicyLink>Datakakeretningslinene våre</PolicyLink>).", "Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie (please see our <PolicyLink>Cookie Policy</PolicyLink>).": "Ver venleg og hjelp oss å forbetra Riot.im ved å senda <UsageDataLink>anonym brukardata</UsageDataLink>. Dette brukar ei datakake (ver venleg og sjå på <PolicyLink>Datakakeretningslinene våre</PolicyLink>).",
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie.": "Ver venleg og hjelp oss å forbetra Riot.im ved å senda <UsageDataLink>anonym brukardata</UsageDataLink>. Dette brukar ei datakake.", "Please help improve Riot.im by sending <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink>. This will use a cookie.": "Ver venleg og hjelp oss å forbetra Riot.im ved å senda <UsageDataLink>anonym brukardata</UsageDataLink>. Dette brukar ei datakake.",
@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
"Hide panel": "Gøym panel", "Hide panel": "Gøym panel",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Klarte ikkje å henta rom-ID frå tenaren", "Unable to look up room ID from server": "Klarte ikkje å henta rom-ID frå tenaren",
"Your message wasnt sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "Meldinga di vart ikkje send fordi heimtenaren har truffe si Månadlege Grense for Aktive Brukarar. Ver venleg og tak kontakt med tenesteadministratoren din for å halda frama med å bruka tenesten.", "Your message wasnt sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "Meldinga di vart ikkje send fordi heimtenaren har truffe si Månadlege Grense for Aktive Brukarar. Ver venleg og tak kontakt med tenesteadministratoren din for å halda frama med å bruka tenesten.",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "Tenaren er kanskje utilgjengeleg, overlasta, elles so vart søket tidsavbroten :(", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "Tenaren er kanskje utilgjengeleg, overlasta, elles så vart søket tidsavbrote :(",
"Expand panel": "Utvid panel", "Expand panel": "Utvid panel",
"Collapse panel": "Slå panel saman", "Collapse panel": "Slå panel saman",
"Filter room names": "Filtrer romnamn", "Filter room names": "Filtrer romnamn",
@ -1269,23 +1269,23 @@
"Access Token:": "Tilgangs-Teikn:", "Access Token:": "Tilgangs-Teikn:",
"Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Å attendestilla passordet vil førebels attendestilla alle ende-til-ende-krypteringsnyklar på alle einingar, slik at krypterte samtaler vert uleselege, med mindre du fyrst hentar romnyklane ut og hentar dei inn att etterpå. Dette vil forbetrast i framtida.", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Å attendestilla passordet vil førebels attendestilla alle ende-til-ende-krypteringsnyklar på alle einingar, slik at krypterte samtaler vert uleselege, med mindre du fyrst hentar romnyklane ut og hentar dei inn att etterpå. Dette vil forbetrast i framtida.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit": "Heimtenaren har truffe den Månadlege Grensa si for Aktive Brukarar", "This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit": "Heimtenaren har truffe den Månadlege Grensa si for Aktive Brukarar",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Heimtenaren tilbyd ingen nye innloggingsstraumar som støttast av denne klienten.", "This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Heimeserveren tilbyr ingen påloggingsmetodar som er støtta av denne klienten.",
"Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key": "Gjorde krav på Ed25519-fingeravtrykksnykel", "Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key": "Gjorde krav på Ed25519-fingeravtrykksnøkkel",
"Export room keys": "Hent romnyklar ut", "Export room keys": "Eksporter romnøklar",
"Bulk Options": "Innverknadsrike Innstillingar", "Bulk Options": "Innverknadsrike Innstillingar",
"Export": "Hent ut", "Export": "Eksporter",
"Import room keys": "Hent romnyklar inn", "Import room keys": "Importer romnøklar",
"File to import": "Fil til innhenting", "File to import": "Fil til import",
"Import": "Hent inn", "Import": "Importer",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Fekk ikkje til å setja direktesamtale-merke", "Failed to set direct chat tag": "Fekk ikkje til å setja direktesamtale-merke",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Fekk ikkje til å fjerna merket %(tagName)s frå rommet", "Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Fekk ikkje til å fjerna merket %(tagName)s frå rommet",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Fekk ikkje til å leggja merket %(tagName)s til i rommet", "Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Fekk ikkje til å leggja merket %(tagName)s til i rommet",
"Hide read receipts": "Gøym lesen-lappar", "Hide read receipts": "Gøym lesen-lappar",
"For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Av sikkerheitsmessige grunnar vil det å logga ut sletta alle ende-til-ende-krypteringsnyklar frå nettlesaren. Viss du vil kunna dekryptera samtalehistoria di på framtidige Riot-øykter, ver venleg og hent ut romnyklande dine og tak vare på dei.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Av sikkerheitsmessige grunnar vil det å logga ut sletta alle ende-til-ende-krypteringsnyklar frå nettlesaren. Viss du vil kunna dekryptera samtalehistoria di på framtidige Riot-øykter, ver venleg og hent ut romnyklande dine og tak vare på dei.",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Dette tillèt deg å henta nyklane for meldingar du har sendt i krypterte rom ut til ei lokal fil. Då kan du henta fila inn til ein annan Matrix-klient i framtida, slik at den klienten òg kan dekryptera meldingane.", "This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Dette tillèt deg å henta nøklane for meldingar du har sendt i krypterte rom ut til ei lokal fil. Då kan du importera fila i ein annan Matrix-klient i framtida, slik at den klienten òg kan dekryptera meldingane.",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Å henta filen ut tillèt kven som helst som kan lesa ho å dekryptera alle krypterte meldingar du kan sjå, so du bør passa på å halda ho trygg. For å hjelpa til med dette bør du skriva ei passetning inn i feltet under, som vil brukast til å kryptere den uthenta dataen. Det vil berre vera mogeleg å henta dataen inn med den same passetninga.", "The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Å henta filen ut tillèt kven som helst som kan lesa ho å dekryptera alle krypterte meldingar du kan sjå, so du bør passa på å halda ho trygg. For å hjelpa til med dette bør du skriva ei passetning inn i feltet under, som vil brukast til å kryptere den uthenta dataen. Det vil berre vera mogeleg å henta dataen inn med den same passetninga.",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Dette tillèt deg å henta krypteringsnyklar som du tidlegare henta ut frå ein annan Matrix-klient inn. Du vil so kunna dekryptera alle meldingane som den andre klienten kunne dekryptera.", "This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Dette tillèt deg å importere krypteringsnøklar som du tidlegare har eksportert frå ein annan Matrix-klient. Du har deretter moglegheit for å dekryptere alle meldingane som den andre klienten kunne dekryptere.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Uthentingsfila vil verta verna med ei passetning. Du bør skriva passetninga inn her for å dekryptera fila.", "The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Den eksporterte fila vil bli verna med ein passfrase. Du bør skriva passfrasen her, for å dekryptere fila.",
"Internal room ID: ": "Indre rom-ID: ", "Internal room ID: ": "Indre rom-ID: ",
"Room version number: ": "Romutgåvenummer: ", "Room version number: ": "Romutgåvenummer: ",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Heimtenaren har truffe si Månadlege Grense for Aktive Brukarar. Ver venleg og <a>tak kontakt med tenesteadministratoren din</a> for å halda fram med å bruka tenesten.", "This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Heimtenaren har truffe si Månadlege Grense for Aktive Brukarar. Ver venleg og <a>tak kontakt med tenesteadministratoren din</a> for å halda fram med å bruka tenesten.",
@ -1300,6 +1300,109 @@
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Om du er innlogga eller ikkje (vi lagrar ikkje brukarnamnet ditt)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Om du er innlogga eller ikkje (vi lagrar ikkje brukarnamnet ditt)",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Fila %(fileName)s er større enn heimetenaren si grense for opplastningar", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Fila %(fileName)s er større enn heimetenaren si grense for opplastningar",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Klarte ikkje lasta! Sjå på nettilkoplinga di og prøv igjen.", "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Klarte ikkje lasta! Sjå på nettilkoplinga di og prøv igjen.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot-klienten din er feilkonfiguert",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Explore rooms": "Utforsk romma",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Meldingen din vart ikkje sent for denne heimeserveren har nådd grensa for maksimalt aktive brukarar pr. månad. Kontakt <a>systemadministratoren</a> for å kunne vidare nytte denne tenesten.",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has exceeded a resource limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Denne meldingen vart ikkje sendt fordi heimeserveren har nådd grensa for tilgjengelege systemressursar. Kontakt <a>systemadministratoren</a> for å vidare nytte denne tenesten.",
"Add room": "Legg til rom",
"You have %(count)s unread notifications in a prior version of this room.": {
"other": "Du har %(count)s uleste varslingar i ein tidligare versjon av dette rommet.",
"one": "Du har %(count)s ulest varsel i ein tidligare versjon av dette rommet."
"Guest": "Gjest",
"Your profile": "Din profil",
"Could not load user profile": "Klarde ikkje å laste brukarprofilen",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Endring av passordet vil nullstille nøklar for ende-til-ende kryptering på alle eningane dine. Alle tidligare meldingar og historikk vil bli ulesbar. Aktiver sikkerheitskopiering for nøklar (Key Backup) eller eksporter romnøklane på ein annan eining før du nullstiller passordet.",
"Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Din Matrix-konto på %(serverName)s",
"Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Din Matrix-konto på <underlinedServerName />",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Ingen identitetsserver er konfigurert: legg til ein i innstillingane for å nullstille passordet ditt.",
"Sign in instead": "Logg inn istaden",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "For å stadfeste tilbakestilling av passordet, vil ein e-post vil bli sendt til din innboks.",
"Your password has been reset.": "Passodet ditt vart nullstilt.",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device.": "Du har blitt logga av frå alle einingane og vil ikkje lengre motta push-varslingar. For a reaktivere slike varsel, logg inn på nytt på kvar separate eining.",
"Set a new password": "Sett nytt passord",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Ugyldig svar frå heimeserveren (discovery response)",
"Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Kladte ikkje å hente automatisk oppsett frå server",
"Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "Ugyldig base_url for m.homeserver",
"Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "URL-adressa virkar ikkje til å vere ein gyldig Matrix-heimeserver",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Ugyldig svar frå identitetsserveren (discovery response)",
"Invalid base_url for m.identity_server": "Ugyldig base_url for m.identity_server",
"Identity server URL does not appear to be a valid identity server": "URL-adressa virkar ikkje til å vere ein gyldig identitetsserver",
"General failure": "Generell feil",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Denne heimeserveren støttar ikkje innloggingar med e-postadresser.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "<a>Kontakt din systemadministrator</a> for å vidare å bruke tenesta.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Denne kontoen har blitt deaktivert.",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Fekk ikkje til å utforske heimeserveren",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Logg på med Single-Sign-On",
"Create account": "Lag konto",
"Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Registrering er deaktivert på denne heimeserveren.",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Klarte ikkje å spørre etter støtta registreringsmetodar.",
"Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Kontoen din %(newAccountId)s er no registrert, men du er frå tidligare logga på med ein annan konto (%(loggedInUserId)s).",
"Continue with previous account": "Fortsett med tidligare konto",
"<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Logg på</a> den nye kontoen din.",
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Du kan lukke dette vindauget eller<a>logge inn</a> med din nye konto.",
"Registration Successful": "Registrering fullført",
"Create your account": "Lag din konto",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Fekk ikkje til å re-authentisere grunna ein feil på heimeserveren",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Fekk ikkje til å re-autentisere",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Ta tilbake tilgang til din konto og gjenopprett krypteringsnøklar lagra på denne eininga. Du kan ikkje lese krypterte meldingar viss du ikkje har desse.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Skriv inn ditt passord for å logge på og ta tilbake tilgang til kontoen din.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Gløymt passord ?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Logg på og ta tilbake tilgang til din konto.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Du har ikkje muligheit til å logge på kontoen din. Kontakt systemadministratoren for meir informasjon.",
"You're signed out": "Du er no avlogga",
"Clear personal data": "Fjern personlege data",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Åtvaring: Dine personelge data (inklusive krypteringsnøklar) er fortsatt lagra på denne eininga. Fjern dette viss du ikkje skal bruke kontoen på denne eininga, eller logge på med ein annan konto.",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Flott! Denne passfrasen virkar til å vere sterk nok.",
"We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Protect your backup with a passphrase to keep it secure.": "Vi vil lagre ein kryptert kopi av nøklane dine på vår server. Vern sikkerheitskopien din med ein passfrase.",
"For maximum security, this should be different from your account password.": "For maksimal sikkerheit, bør dette vere noko anna enn kontopassordet ditt.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Skriv inn ein passfrase...",
"Set up with a Recovery Key": "Sett opp med ein gjenopprettingsnøkkel",
"That matches!": "Dette stemmer!",
"That doesn't match.": "Dette stemmer ikkje.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Gå tilbake for å sette den på nytt.",
"Please enter your passphrase a second time to confirm.": "Skriv inn passfrasen din ein gong til for å stadfeste.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Gjenta din passfrase...",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Som eit sikkerheitsnett, kan du bruke den til å gjenopprette den krypterte meldingshistorikken i tilfelle du gløymer gjennopprettingsnøkkelen.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "Som eit sikkerheitsnett, kan du bruke den til å gjenopprette den krypterte meldingshistorikken.",
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Gjennopprettingsnøkkelen eit sikkerheitsnett, kan du bruke den til å gjenopprette den krypterte meldingshistorikken i tilfelle du gløymer passfrasen.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Ta vare på gjenopprettingsnøkkelen din på ein trygg plass, som for eksempel i eit passordhandteringsprogram (eller ein safe)",
"Your Recovery Key": "Gjenopprettingsnøkkelen din",
"Copy to clipboard": "Kopier til utklippstavle",
"Download": "Last ned",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Gjenopprettingsnøkkelen din har blitt <b>kopiert til utklippstavla</b>, lim den til:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Gjenopprettingsnøkkelen ligg i <b>Nedlastnings</b>-mappa.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Skriv ut</b> og ta vare på den på ein trygg stad",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Lagre</b> til ein USB-pinne eller sikkerheitskopidisk",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopier den</b> til personleg skylagring",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Nøklane dine blir sikkerheitskopiert (den første kopieringa kan ta nokre minutt).",
"Okay": "Ok",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Loggar du av eller brukar ein annan einheit, vil du ikkje ha mulegheit til å hente fram historikk for krypterte meldingar med mindre sikker gjenoppretting for meldingar (Secure Message Recovery) er satt opp.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Sett opp sikker gjenoppretting for meldingar",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Gjer sikkerheitskopien trygg med ein passfrase",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Stadfest passfrasen din",
"Recovery key": "Gjenopprettingsnøkkel",
"Keep it safe": "Lagre den trygt",
"Starting backup...": "Startar sikkerheitskopiering...",
"Success!": "Suksess!",
"Create Key Backup": "Lag sikkerheitskopi av nøkkel",
"Unable to create key backup": "Klarte ikkje å lage sikkerheitskopi av nøkkelen",
"Retry": "Prøv om att",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.": "Utan å sette opp sikker gjenoppretting for meldingar (Secure Message Recovery) vil meldingshistorikken gå tapt når du loggar av.",
"If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.": "Ønskjer du ikkje å sette opp dette no, kan du gjere det seinare i innstillingane.",
"Set up": "Sett opp",
"Don't ask again": "Ikkje spør igjen",
"New Recovery Method": "Ny gjenopprettingsmetode",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Ein ny gjenopprettingspassfrase og nøkkel for sikre meldingar vart funne.",
"If you didn't set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Har du ikkje satt opp den nye gjenopprettingsmetoden, kan ein angripar prøve å bryte seg inn på kontoen din. Endre ditt kontopassord og sett opp gjenoppretting umiddelbart under instillingane.",
"This device is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Denne eininga krypterer meldingshistorikken med den nye gjenopprettingsmetoden.",
"Go to Settings": "Gå til innstillingar",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Sett opp sikre meldingar (Secure Messages)",
"Recovery Method Removed": "Gjenopprettingsmetode fjerna",
"This device has detected that your recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Denne eininga har oppdaga at gjenopprettingspassfrasen og nøkkelen for sikre meldingar er fjerna.",
"If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this device which will re-encrypt this device's message history with a new recovery method.": "Gjorde du dette ved eit uhell, kan du sette opp sikre meldingar på denne eininga. Dette vil kryptere all meldingshistorikk med ein ny gjenopprettingsmetode.",
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Viss du ikkje fjerna gjenopprettingsmetoden, kan ein angripar prøve å bryte seg inn på kontoen din. Endre kontopassordet ditt og sett ein opp ein ny gjenopprettingsmetode umidellbart under Innstillingar.",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot er ikkja støtta på mobilnettlesare. Last æppen inn?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot er ikkja støtta på mobilnettlesare. Last æppen inn?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot på Skrivebord for %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot på Skrivebord for %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukjend eining", "Unknown device": "Ukjend eining",
@ -1335,9 +1438,13 @@
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Samordning for Riot-omsetjare", "Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Samordning for Riot-omsetjare",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan bruka eigentenarinnstillingar til å logga inn på andre Matrixtenarar ved å oppgje ein annan Heimtenar-URL. <br/>Dette gjer at du kan bruka Riot med ein Matrixbrukar som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.<br/><br/>Du kan òg setja ein eigen identitetstenar men du kjem i so fall ikkje til å kunna byda brukare inn med epost, eller å sjølv verta boden inn med epost.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan bruka eigentenarinnstillingar til å logga inn på andre Matrixtenarar ved å oppgje ein annan Heimtenar-URL. <br/>Dette gjer at du kan bruka Riot med ein Matrixbrukar som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.<br/><br/>Du kan òg setja ein eigen identitetstenar men du kjem i so fall ikkje til å kunna byda brukare inn med epost, eller å sjølv verta boden inn med epost.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan nytta dei eigendefinerte tenarinstillingane for å logga inn på andre Matrix-tenarar ved å uppgje ein annan heimtenar-URL. Dette lèt deg bruka Riot med ein Matrix-konto som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan nytta dei eigendefinerte tenarinstillingane for å logga inn på andre Matrix-tenarar ved å uppgje ein annan heimtenar-URL. Dette lèt deg bruka Riot med ein Matrix-konto som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Create Account": "Lag brukar", "Create Account": "Lag brukar",
"Need help?": "Treng du hjelp?", "Need help?": "Treng du hjelp?",
"Explore rooms": "Vert kjend med romma", "Room Directory": "Romkatalog",
"Room Directory": "Romutval" "Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot-konfigurasjonen din har invalid JSON-kode. Korriger dette og last inn sida på nytt.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Meldingen frå kodetolkaren er: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ugyldig JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uforventa feil under lasting av programmet. Sjå konsollet for detaljar.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ugyldig konfigurasjon berre muleg å berre spesifiere ein av default_server_config, default_server_name eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ugyldig konfigurasjon: \"default server\" er uspesifisert."
} }

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"Devices": "Urządzenia", "Devices": "Urządzenia",
"Error": "Błąd", "Error": "Błąd",
"Notifications": "Powiadomienia", "Notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"Operation failed": "Operacja nieudana", "Operation failed": "Operacja nie udała się",
"Remove": "Usuń", "Remove": "Usuń",
"Search": "Szukaj", "Search": "Szukaj",
"Settings": "Ustawienia", "Settings": "Ustawienia",
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"one": "i jeden inny..." "one": "i jeden inny..."
}, },
"Bulk Options": "Masowe opcje", "Bulk Options": "Masowe opcje",
"Call Timeout": "Upłynął limit czasu połączenia", "Call Timeout": "Upłynął limit czasu łączenia",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem - proszę sprawdź twoje połączenie, upewnij się, że <a>certyfikat SSL serwera</a> jest zaufany, i że dodatki przeglądarki nie blokują żądania.", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem - proszę sprawdź twoje połączenie, upewnij się, że <a>certyfikat SSL serwera</a> jest zaufany, i że dodatki przeglądarki nie blokują żądania.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem przy użyciu HTTP podczas korzystania z HTTPS dla bieżącej strony. Użyj HTTPS lub <a>włącz niebezpieczne skrypty</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem przy użyciu HTTP podczas korzystania z HTTPS dla bieżącej strony. Użyj HTTPS lub <a>włącz niebezpieczne skrypty</a>.",
"Can't load user settings": "Nie można załadować ustawień użytkownika", "Can't load user settings": "Nie można załadować ustawień użytkownika",
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s usunął(-ęła) nazwę pokoju.", "%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s usunął(-ęła) nazwę pokoju.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmienił(a) temat na \"%(topic)s\".", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmienił(a) temat na \"%(topic)s\".",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Zmiany w dostępie do historii będą dotyczyć tylko przyszłych wiadomości w tym pokoju", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Zmiany w dostępie do historii będą dotyczyć tylko przyszłych wiadomości w tym pokoju",
"Changes your display nickname": "Zmienia twój wyświetlany pseudonim", "Changes your display nickname": "Zmienia Twój wyświetlany pseudonim",
"Changes colour scheme of current room": "Zmień schemat kolorystyczny bieżącego pokoju", "Changes colour scheme of current room": "Zmień schemat kolorystyczny bieżącego pokoju",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Zmiana hasła zresetuje klucze szyfrowania end-to-end na wszystkich urządzeniach, co spowoduje, że nie będzie się dało odczytać zaszyfrowanej historii czatu, chyba że najpierw wyeksportujesz swoje klucze i ponownie je zaimportujesz. W przyszłości będzie to poprawione.", "Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Zmiana hasła zresetuje klucze szyfrowania end-to-end na wszystkich urządzeniach, co spowoduje, że nie będzie się dało odczytać zaszyfrowanej historii czatu, chyba że najpierw wyeksportujesz swoje klucze i ponownie je zaimportujesz. W przyszłości będzie to poprawione.",
"Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key": "Zażądano odcisk klucza Ed25519", "Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key": "Zażądano odcisk klucza Ed25519",
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
"Decryption error": "Błąd odszyfrowywania", "Decryption error": "Błąd odszyfrowywania",
"Delete widget": "Usuń widżet", "Delete widget": "Usuń widżet",
"Default": "Domyślny", "Default": "Domyślny",
"Define the power level of a user": "Zdefiniuj poziom mocy użytkownika", "Define the power level of a user": "Określ poziom uprawnień użytkownika",
"Device already verified!": "Urządzenie jest już zweryfikowane!", "Device already verified!": "Urządzenie jest już zweryfikowane!",
"Device ID": "Identyfikator urządzenia", "Device ID": "Identyfikator urządzenia",
"Device ID:": "Identyfikator urządzenia:", "Device ID:": "Identyfikator urządzenia:",
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
"Phone": "Telefon", "Phone": "Telefon",
"%(senderName)s placed a %(callType)s call.": "%(senderName)s rozpoczął połączenie %(callType)s.", "%(senderName)s placed a %(callType)s call.": "%(senderName)s rozpoczął połączenie %(callType)s.",
"Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Sprawdź swój e-mail i kliknij link w nim zawarty. Kiedy już to zrobisz, kliknij \"kontynuuj\".", "Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Sprawdź swój e-mail i kliknij link w nim zawarty. Kiedy już to zrobisz, kliknij \"kontynuuj\".",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Poziom uprawnień musi być liczbą dodatnią.", "Power level must be positive integer.": "Poziom uprawnień musi być liczbą dodatnią.",
"Press <StartChatButton> to start a chat with someone": "Naciśnij <StartChatButton>, by rozpocząć rozmowę z kimś", "Press <StartChatButton> to start a chat with someone": "Naciśnij <StartChatButton>, by rozpocząć rozmowę z kimś",
"Privacy warning": "Ostrzeżenie o prywatności", "Privacy warning": "Ostrzeżenie o prywatności",
"Private Chat": "Rozmowa prywatna", "Private Chat": "Rozmowa prywatna",
@ -378,12 +378,12 @@
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s zażądał(a) grupowego połączenia głosowego VoIP.", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s zażądał(a) grupowego połączenia głosowego VoIP.",
"Results from DuckDuckGo": "Wyniki z DuckDuckGo", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Wyniki z DuckDuckGo",
"Return to login screen": "Wróć do ekranu logowania", "Return to login screen": "Wróć do ekranu logowania",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot nie ma uprawnień, by wysyłać ci powiadomienia - sprawdź ustawienia swojej przeglądarki", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot nie ma uprawnień, by wysyłać Ci powiadomienia - sprawdź ustawienia swojej przeglądarki",
"Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Ukryj wiadomości o dołączeniu/opuszczeniu (nie obejmuje zaproszeń/wyrzuceń/banów)", "Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Ukryj wiadomości o dołączeniu/opuszczeniu (nie obejmuje zaproszeń/wyrzuceń/banów)",
"Hide read receipts": "Ukryj potwierdzenia odczytu", "Hide read receipts": "Ukryj potwierdzenia odczytu",
"Historical": "Historyczne", "Historical": "Historyczne",
"Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Resetowanie hasła zresetuje klucze szyfrowania end-to-end na wszystkich urządzeniach, co spowoduje, że nie będzie się dało odczytać zaszyfrowanej historii czatu, chyba że najpierw wyeksportujesz swoje klucze i ponownie je zaimportujesz. W przyszłości będzie to poprawione.", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Resetowanie hasła zresetuje klucze szyfrowania end-to-end na wszystkich urządzeniach, co spowoduje, że nie będzie się dało odczytać zaszyfrowanej historii czatu, chyba że najpierw wyeksportujesz swoje klucze i ponownie je zaimportujesz. W przyszłości będzie to poprawione.",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot nie otrzymał uprawnień do wysyłania powiadomień - proszę spróbuj ponownie", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot nie otrzymał uprawnień do wysyłania powiadomień - spróbuj ponownie",
"riot-web version:": "wersja riot-web:", "riot-web version:": "wersja riot-web:",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Pokój %(roomId)s nie jest widoczny", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Pokój %(roomId)s nie jest widoczny",
"Room Colour": "Kolor pokoju", "Room Colour": "Kolor pokoju",
@ -396,11 +396,11 @@
"Scroll to bottom of page": "Przewiń do końca strony", "Scroll to bottom of page": "Przewiń do końca strony",
"Scroll to unread messages": "Przewiń do nieprzeczytanych wiadomości", "Scroll to unread messages": "Przewiń do nieprzeczytanych wiadomości",
"Search failed": "Wyszukiwanie nie powiodło się", "Search failed": "Wyszukiwanie nie powiodło się",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Przeszukaj DuckDuckGo dla wyników", "Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "Używa DuckDuckGo dla wyników",
"Seen by %(userName)s at %(dateTime)s": "Widziane przez %(userName)s o %(dateTime)s", "Seen by %(userName)s at %(dateTime)s": "Widziane przez %(userName)s o %(dateTime)s",
"Send anyway": "Wyślij mimo to", "Send anyway": "Wyślij mimo to",
"Sender device information": "Informacja o urządzeniu nadawcy", "Sender device information": "Informacja o urządzeniu nadawcy",
"Send Invites": "Wyślij zaproszenie", "Send Invites": "Wyślij zaproszenia",
"Send Reset Email": "Wyślij e-mail resetujący hasło", "Send Reset Email": "Wyślij e-mail resetujący hasło",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s wysłał obraz.", "%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s wysłał obraz.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s wysłał zaproszenie do %(targetDisplayName)s do dołączenia do pokoju.", "%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s wysłał zaproszenie do %(targetDisplayName)s do dołączenia do pokoju.",
@ -425,9 +425,9 @@
"one": "Twoja wiadomość nie została wysłana." "one": "Twoja wiadomość nie została wysłana."
}, },
"Someone": "Ktoś", "Someone": "Ktoś",
"Start a chat": "Rozpocznij rozmowę", "Start a chat": "Rozpocznij chat",
"Start authentication": "Rozpocznij uwierzytelnienie", "Start authentication": "Rozpocznij uwierzytelnienie",
"Start Chat": "Rozpocznij rozmowę", "Start Chat": "Rozpocznij chat",
"Submit": "Wyślij", "Submit": "Wyślij",
"Success": "Sukces", "Success": "Sukces",
"Tagged as: ": "Oznaczone jako: ", "Tagged as: ": "Oznaczone jako: ",
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
"The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "Musisz wpisać adres e-mail połączony z twoim kontem.", "The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "Musisz wpisać adres e-mail połączony z twoim kontem.",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this home server's size limit for uploads": "Rozmiar pliku '%(fileName)s' przekracza możliwy limit do przesłania na serwer domowy", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this home server's size limit for uploads": "Rozmiar pliku '%(fileName)s' przekracza możliwy limit do przesłania na serwer domowy",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "Przesyłanie pliku '%(fileName)s' nie powiodło się", "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "Przesyłanie pliku '%(fileName)s' nie powiodło się",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "Strona zdalna nie odebrała", "The remote side failed to pick up": "Druga strona nie odebrała",
"This room has no local addresses": "Ten pokój nie ma lokalnych adresów", "This room has no local addresses": "Ten pokój nie ma lokalnych adresów",
"This room is not recognised.": "Ten pokój nie został rozpoznany.", "This room is not recognised.": "Ten pokój nie został rozpoznany.",
"These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways": "Te funkcje są eksperymentalne i może wystąpić błąd", "These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways": "Te funkcje są eksperymentalne i może wystąpić błąd",
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
"Unencrypted room": "Pokój nieszyfrowany", "Unencrypted room": "Pokój nieszyfrowany",
"This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Ten serwer domowy nie obsługuje logowania się poprzez adres e-mail.", "This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Ten serwer domowy nie obsługuje logowania się poprzez adres e-mail.",
"This invitation was sent to an email address which is not associated with this account:": "To zaproszenie zostało wysłane na adres e-mail, który nie jest połączony z tym kontem:", "This invitation was sent to an email address which is not associated with this account:": "To zaproszenie zostało wysłane na adres e-mail, który nie jest połączony z tym kontem:",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Żeby z niego skorzystać, należy poczekać na załadowanie się wyników autouzupełnienia i naciskać przycisk \"Tab\", by je przewijać.", "To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Żeby tego użyć, należy poczekać na załadowanie się autouzupełnienia i naciskać przycisk \"Tab\", by wybierać.",
"Unencrypted message": "Niezaszyfrowana wiadomość", "Unencrypted message": "Niezaszyfrowana wiadomość",
"unknown caller": "nieznany dzwoniący", "unknown caller": "nieznany dzwoniący",
"unknown device": "nieznane urządzenie", "unknown device": "nieznane urządzenie",
@ -508,8 +508,8 @@
"WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "OSTRZEŻENIE: Urządzenie już zweryfikowane, ale klucze NIE PASUJĄ DO SIEBIE!", "WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "OSTRZEŻENIE: Urządzenie już zweryfikowane, ale klucze NIE PASUJĄ DO SIEBIE!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "OSTRZEŻENIE: BŁĄD WERYFIKACJI KLUCZA! Klucz podpisujący dla %(userId)s i urządzenia %(deviceId)s to \"%(fprint)s\", który nie pasuje do dostarczonego klucza \"%(fingerprint)s\". To może oznaczać, że twoje komunikaty są przejmowane!", "WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "OSTRZEŻENIE: BŁĄD WERYFIKACJI KLUCZA! Klucz podpisujący dla %(userId)s i urządzenia %(deviceId)s to \"%(fprint)s\", który nie pasuje do dostarczonego klucza \"%(fingerprint)s\". To może oznaczać, że twoje komunikaty są przejmowane!",
"Who can access this room?": "Kto może uzyskać dostęp do tego pokoju?", "Who can access this room?": "Kto może uzyskać dostęp do tego pokoju?",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Kogo chciał(a)byś dodać do tego pokoju?", "Who would you like to add to this room?": "Kogo chcesz dodać do tego pokoju?",
"Who would you like to communicate with?": "Z kim chciał(a)byś się komunikować?", "Who would you like to communicate with?": "Z kim chcesz się komunikować?",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s wycofał(a) zaproszenie %(targetName)s.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s wycofał(a) zaproszenie %(targetName)s.",
"Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Czy chcesz <acceptText>zaakceptować</acceptText> czy <declineText>odrzucić</declineText> to zaproszenie?", "Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Czy chcesz <acceptText>zaakceptować</acceptText> czy <declineText>odrzucić</declineText> to zaproszenie?",
"You already have existing direct chats with this user:": "Masz już istniejącą bezpośrednią konwersację z tym użytkownikiem:", "You already have existing direct chats with this user:": "Masz już istniejącą bezpośrednią konwersację z tym użytkownikiem:",
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Aby to zrobić musisz mieć możliwość zapraszania użytkowników.", "You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Aby to zrobić musisz mieć możliwość zapraszania użytkowników.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Musisz być zalogowany.", "You need to be logged in.": "Musisz być zalogowany.",
"You need to enter a user name.": "Musisz wpisać nazwę użytkownika.", "You need to enter a user name.": "Musisz wpisać nazwę użytkownika.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Twój adres e-mail zdaje się nie być powiązany z żadnym Matrix ID na tym serwerze domowym.", "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Twój adres e-mail zdaje się nie być powiązany z żadnym Matrix ID na tym serwerze.",
"Your password has been reset": "Twoje hasło zostało zresetowane", "Your password has been reset": "Twoje hasło zostało zresetowane",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Zmiana Twojego hasła powiodła się. Nie będziesz otrzymywał powiadomień push na inne urządzenia aż do momentu ponownego zalogowania się na nich", "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Zmiana Twojego hasła powiodła się. Nie będziesz otrzymywał powiadomień push na inne urządzenia aż do momentu ponownego zalogowania się na nich",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Wygląda na to, że prowadzisz z kimś rozmowę; jesteś pewien że chcesz wyjść?", "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Wygląda na to, że prowadzisz z kimś rozmowę; jesteś pewien że chcesz wyjść?",
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Jeśli wcześniej używałeś/aś nowszej wersji Riot, Twoja sesja może być niekompatybilna z tą wersją. Zamknij to okno i powróć do nowszej wersji.", "If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Jeśli wcześniej używałeś/aś nowszej wersji Riot, Twoja sesja może być niekompatybilna z tą wersją. Zamknij to okno i powróć do nowszej wersji.",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Aktualnie wpisujesz niezweryfikowane urządzenia na czarną listę; aby wysłać wiadomość do tych urządzeń musisz je zweryfikować.", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Aktualnie wpisujesz niezweryfikowane urządzenia na czarną listę; aby wysłać wiadomość do tych urządzeń musisz je zweryfikować.",
"Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot zbiera anonimowe dane analityczne, aby umożliwić nam rozwijanie aplikacji.", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot zbiera anonimowe dane analityczne, aby umożliwić nam rozwijanie aplikacji.",
"Verifies a user, device, and pubkey tuple": "Weryfikuje użytkownika, urządzenie i krotkę kluczy publicznych", "Verifies a user, device, and pubkey tuple": "Weryfikuje krotkę(tuple) użytkownika, urządzenia i klucza publicznego",
"\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "\"%(RoomName)s\" zawiera niewidziane przez Ciebie wcześniej urządzenia.", "\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "\"%(RoomName)s\" zawiera niewidziane przez Ciebie wcześniej urządzenia.",
"ex. @bob:example.com": "np. @jan:example.com", "ex. @bob:example.com": "np. @jan:example.com",
"This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot": "Ten serwer domowy chciałby się upewnić, że nie jesteś robotem", "This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot": "Ten serwer domowy chciałby się upewnić, że nie jesteś robotem",
@ -681,18 +681,18 @@
"Robot check is currently unavailable on desktop - please use a <a>web browser</a>": "Sprawdzanie człowieczeństwa jest obecnie niedostępne na aplikacji klienckiej desktop - proszę użyć <a>przeglądarki internetowej</a>", "Robot check is currently unavailable on desktop - please use a <a>web browser</a>": "Sprawdzanie człowieczeństwa jest obecnie niedostępne na aplikacji klienckiej desktop - proszę użyć <a>przeglądarki internetowej</a>",
"Unpin Message": "Odepnij Wiadomość", "Unpin Message": "Odepnij Wiadomość",
"Add rooms to this community": "Dodaj pokoje do tej społeczności", "Add rooms to this community": "Dodaj pokoje do tej społeczności",
"Invite to Community": "Zaproszenie do Społeczności", "Invite to Community": "Zaproś do Społeczności",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Które pokoje chcesz dodać do tej społeczności?", "Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Które pokoje chcesz dodać do tej społeczności?",
"Room name or alias": "Nazwa pokoju lub alias", "Room name or alias": "Nazwa pokoju lub alias",
"Add to community": "Dodaj do społeczności", "Add to community": "Dodaj do społeczności",
"Call": "Połącz", "Call": "Zadzwoń",
"Submit debug logs": "Wyślij dzienniki błędów", "Submit debug logs": "Wyślij dzienniki błędów",
"The version of Riot.im": "Wersja Riot.im", "The version of Riot.im": "Wersja Riot.im",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your user name)": "Czy jesteś zalogowany, czy nie (nie zapisujemy twojej nazwy użytkownika)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your user name)": "Czy jesteś zalogowany, czy nie (nie zapisujemy twojej nazwy użytkownika)",
"Your language of choice": "Twój wybrany język", "Your language of choice": "Twój wybrany język",
"Your homeserver's URL": "Adres URL twojego serwera domowego", "Your homeserver's URL": "Adres URL Twojego serwera domowego",
"Your identity server's URL": "Adres URL twojego serwera tożsamości", "Your identity server's URL": "Adres URL Twojego Serwera Tożsamości",
"The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:": "Oto informacje przesyłane do nas, służące do poprawy Riot.im:", "The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:": "Informacje przesyłane do nas, by poprawić Riot.im zawierają:",
"The platform you're on": "Platforma na której jesteś", "The platform you're on": "Platforma na której jesteś",
"There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "W tym pokoju są nieznane urządzenia: jeżeli będziesz kontynuować bez ich weryfikacji, możliwe będzie podsłuchiwanie Twojego połączenia.", "There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "W tym pokoju są nieznane urządzenia: jeżeli będziesz kontynuować bez ich weryfikacji, możliwe będzie podsłuchiwanie Twojego połączenia.",
"Answer": "Odbierz", "Answer": "Odbierz",
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Nie udało się zaprosić użytkowników do %(groupId)s", "Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Nie udało się zaprosić użytkowników do %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Nie udało się dodać poniższych pokoi do %(groupId)s:", "Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Nie udało się dodać poniższych pokoi do %(groupId)s:",
"Restricted": "Ograniczony", "Restricted": "Ograniczony",
"Ignored user": "Użytkownik ignorowany", "Ignored user": "Ignorowany użytkownik",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Ignorujesz teraz %(userId)s", "You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Ignorujesz teraz %(userId)s",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "Nie ignorujesz już %(userId)s", "You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "Nie ignorujesz już %(userId)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s zmienił(a) swoją wyświetlaną nazwę na %(displayName)s.", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s zmienił(a) swoją wyświetlaną nazwę na %(displayName)s.",
@ -976,13 +976,13 @@
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Jakiej oficjalnej instancji używasz, jeżeli w ogóle", "Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Jakiej oficjalnej instancji używasz, jeżeli w ogóle",
"Every page you use in the app": "Każda strona, której używasz w aplikacji", "Every page you use in the app": "Każda strona, której używasz w aplikacji",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "np. <CurrentPageURL>", "e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "np. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your User Agent": "Identyfikator Twojej przeglądarki", "Your User Agent": "Identyfikator Twojej przeglądarki (User Agent)",
"Your device resolution": "Twoja rozdzielczość ekranu", "Your device resolution": "Twoja rozdzielczość ekranu",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Dane identyfikujące, takie jak: pokój, identyfikator użytkownika lub grupy, są usuwane przed wysłaniem na serwer.", "Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Dane identyfikujące, takie jak: pokój, identyfikator użytkownika lub grupy, są usuwane przed wysłaniem na serwer.",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "Kogo chcesz dodać do tej społeczności?", "Who would you like to add to this community?": "Kogo chcesz dodać do tej społeczności?",
"Missing roomId.": "Brak identyfikatora pokoju (roomId).", "Missing roomId.": "Brak identyfikatora pokoju (roomID).",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Ignoruje użytkownika ukrywając jego wiadomości przed Tobą", "Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Ignoruje użytkownika ukrywając jego wiadomości przed Tobą",
"Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "Przestaje ignorować użytkownika, zaczynaj pokazywać jego wiadomości od tego momentu", "Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "Przestaje ignorować użytkownika, pokazując jego wiadomości od tego momentu",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Otwiera narzędzia deweloperskie", "Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Otwiera narzędzia deweloperskie",
"Encrypting": "Szyfrowanie", "Encrypting": "Szyfrowanie",
"Encrypted, not sent": "Zaszyfrowane, nie wysłane", "Encrypted, not sent": "Zaszyfrowane, nie wysłane",
@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
}, },
"Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Niezależnie od tego, czy używasz trybu Richtext edytora tekstu w formacie RTF", "Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Niezależnie od tego, czy używasz trybu Richtext edytora tekstu w formacie RTF",
"Call in Progress": "Łączenie w toku", "Call in Progress": "Łączenie w toku",
"Permission Required": "Wymagane Pozwolenie", "Permission Required": "Wymagane Uprawnienia",
"Registration Required": "Wymagana Rejestracja", "Registration Required": "Wymagana Rejestracja",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Musisz się zarejestrować, aby to zrobić. Czy chcesz się teraz zarejestrować?", "You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Musisz się zarejestrować, aby to zrobić. Czy chcesz się teraz zarejestrować?",
"underlined": "podkreślenie", "underlined": "podkreślenie",
@ -1187,8 +1187,8 @@
"block-quote": "blok cytowany", "block-quote": "blok cytowany",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "Połączenie grupowe nie może zostać rozpoczęte, ponieważ serwer jest niedostępny", "A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "Połączenie grupowe nie może zostać rozpoczęte, ponieważ serwer jest niedostępny",
"A call is currently being placed!": "W tej chwili trwa rozmowa!", "A call is currently being placed!": "W tej chwili trwa rozmowa!",
"A call is already in progress!": "W tej chwili trwa połączenie!", "A call is already in progress!": "Połączenie już trwa!",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Nie posiadasz permisji do rozpoczęcia rozmowy grupowej w tym pokoju", "You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do rozpoczęcia rozmowy grupowej w tym pokoju",
"Unignored user": "Nieignorowany użytkownik", "Unignored user": "Nieignorowany użytkownik",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Wymusza odrzucenie bieżącej sesji grupy wychodzącej w zaszyfrowanym pokoju", "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Wymusza odrzucenie bieżącej sesji grupy wychodzącej w zaszyfrowanym pokoju",
"%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": { "%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
@ -1403,7 +1403,8 @@
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s pisze…", "%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s pisze…",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s i %(lastPerson)s piszą…", "%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s i %(lastPerson)s piszą…",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …": { "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …": {
"other": "%(names)s i %(count)s innych piszą…" "other": "%(names)s i %(count)s innych piszą…",
"one": "%(names)s i jedna osoba pisze."
}, },
"Unrecognised address": "Nierozpoznany adres", "Unrecognised address": "Nierozpoznany adres",
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Krótkie wzory klawiszowe są łatwe do odgadnięcia", "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Krótkie wzory klawiszowe są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
@ -1490,7 +1491,7 @@
"Room Addresses": "Adresy pokoju", "Room Addresses": "Adresy pokoju",
"Change room avatar": "Zmień awatar pokoju", "Change room avatar": "Zmień awatar pokoju",
"Change room name": "Zmień nazwę pokoju", "Change room name": "Zmień nazwę pokoju",
"Change permissions": "Zmieniać uprawnienia", "Change permissions": "Zmienianie uprawnień",
"Change topic": "Zmienianie tematu", "Change topic": "Zmienianie tematu",
"Default role": "Domyślna rola", "Default role": "Domyślna rola",
"Send messages": "Wysyłanie wiadomości", "Send messages": "Wysyłanie wiadomości",
@ -1525,9 +1526,9 @@
"React to messages with emoji (refresh to apply changes)": "Reaguj na wiadomości za pomocą emoji (odśwież, aby zastosować zmiany)", "React to messages with emoji (refresh to apply changes)": "Reaguj na wiadomości za pomocą emoji (odśwież, aby zastosować zmiany)",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Poprzedza ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ do wiadomości tekstowej", "Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Poprzedza ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ do wiadomości tekstowej",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Aktualizuje pokój do nowej wersji", "Upgrades a room to a new version": "Aktualizuje pokój do nowej wersji",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Zmienia twój wyświetlany pseudonim tylko dla bieżącego pokoju", "Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Zmienia Twój wyświetlany pseudonim tylko dla bieżącego pokoju",
"Sets the room name": "Ustawia nazwę pokoju", "Sets the room name": "Ustawia nazwę pokoju",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Dodaje niestandardowy widżet według adresu URL do pokoju", "Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Dodaje niestandardowy widżet o danym adresie URL do pokoju",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Wysyła podaną wiadomość w kolorach tęczy", "Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Wysyła podaną wiadomość w kolorach tęczy",
"Restore from Backup": "Przywróć z kopii zapasowej", "Restore from Backup": "Przywróć z kopii zapasowej",
"Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "Dezaktywacja konta jest czynnością nieodwracalną — uważaj!", "Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "Dezaktywacja konta jest czynnością nieodwracalną — uważaj!",
@ -1544,6 +1545,185 @@
"Joining room …": "Dołączanie do pokoju…", "Joining room …": "Dołączanie do pokoju…",
"edited": "edytowane", "edited": "edytowane",
"Edit message": "Edytuj wiadomość", "Edit message": "Edytuj wiadomość",
"Replying With Files": "Odpowiadanie plikami",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "W tej chwili odpowiadanie plikiem nie jest możliwe. Czy chcesz przesłać ten plik bez odpowiadania?",
"Help & About": "Pomoc i o aplikacji",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Zapisz</b> w pamięci USB lub na dysku kopii zapasowej",
"Eyes": "Oczy",
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Pokaż ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje nad listą pokoi",
"General": "Ogólne",
"Sounds": "Dźwięki",
"Notification sound": "Dźwięk powiadomień",
"Set a new custom sound": "Ustaw nowy niestandardowy dźwięk",
"Browse": "Przeglądaj",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Po włączeniu szyfrowanie nie może zostać wyłączone.",
"To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.": "Aby uniknąć duplikowania problemów, prosimy najpierw <existingIssuesLink>przejrzeć istniejące problemy</existingIssuesLink> (i dodać +1) lub <newIssueLink>utworzyć nowy problem</newIssueLink>, jeżeli nie możesz go znaleźć.",
"Go back": "Wróć",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś zalogowany (nie zapisujemy Twojej nazwy użytkownika)",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Niezależnie od tego, czy korzystasz z funkcji \"okruchy\" (awatary nad listą pokoi)",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Połączenie nie udało się przez błędną konfigurację serwera",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Spróbuj użyć serwera turn.matrix.org",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Połączenie konferencyjne nie może zostać rozpoczęte ponieważ serwer integracji jest niedostępny",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Nie udało się przesłać pliku '%(fileName)s'.",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Plik '%(fileName)s' przekracza limit rozmiaru dla tego serwera głównego",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Poproś swojego administratora Riot by sprawdzić <a>Twoją konfigurację</a> względem niewłaściwych lub zduplikowanych elementów.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Nie można połączyć się z Serwerem Tożsamości",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Możesz się zarejestrować, lecz niektóre funkcje nie będą dostępne dopóki Serwer Tożsamości nie będzie znów online. Jeśli ciągle widzisz to ostrzeżenie, sprawdź swoją konfigurację lub skontaktuj się z administratorem serwera.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Możesz zresetować hasło, lecz niektóre funkcje nie będą dostępne dopóki Serwer Tożsamości nie będzie znów online. Jeśli ciągle widzisz to ostrzeżenie, sprawdź swoją konfigurację lub skontaktuj się z administratorem serwera.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Możesz się zalogować, lecz niektóre funkcje nie będą dostępne dopóki Serwer Tożsamości nie będzie znów online. Jeśli ciągle widzisz to ostrzeżenie, sprawdź swoją konfigurację lub skontaktuj się z administratorem serwera.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Nie podano URL serwera głównego.",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Serwer nie wspiera tej wersji pokoju.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Imię lub identyfikator Matrix",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-mail, imię lub Matrix ID",
"Failed to start chat": "Nie udało się rozpocząć chatu",
"Messages": "Wiadomości",
"Actions": "Akcje",
"Other": "Inne",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Potwierdzenie aktualizacji pokoju",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Aktualizacja pokoju może mieć negatywne skutki a nie zawsze jest wymagana.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Aktualizacje pokoi są zazwyczaj rekomendowane, gdy wersja pokoju jest <i>niestabilna</i>. Niestabilne pokoje mogą mieć błędy, luki bezpieczeństwa lub nie mieć wszystkich funkcjonalności.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Aktualizacje pokoi zazwyczaj mają wpływ tylko na <i>serwer</i> obsługujący pokój. Jeśli masz problemy ze swoim klientem Riot, proszę zgłoś błąd: <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Uwaga!</b>: Aktualizacja pokoju <i>nie przeniesie członków do nowej wersji pokoju automatycznie.</i> Użytkownicy muszą kliknąć link w starym, nieaktywnym pokoju by dołączyć do nowej wersji pokoju.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Potwierdź, że chcesz zaktualizować pokój z <oldVersion /> do <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Aktualizacja",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Zmienia Twój awatar w bieżącym pokoju",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Zmienia Twój awatar we wszystkich pokojach",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Wyświetla lub ustawia temat pokoju",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Odblokowuje użytkownika o danym ID",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Podaj adres URL widżeta, zaczynający się od http:// lub https://",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Nie możesz modyfikować widżetów w tym pokoju.",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Poproś administratora swojego serwera głównego (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) by skonfigurował serwer TURN aby rozmowy działały bardziej niezawodnie.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Możesz również spróbować skorzystać z publicznego serwera <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, lecz nie będzie aż tak niezawodny i Twój adres IP zostanie przesłany temu serwerowi. Możesz zarządzać tym w Ustawieniach.",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Wysyła podaną emotkę w kolorach tęczy",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Wyświetla listę komend z przykładami i opisami",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s nic nie zmienił(a).",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room public to whoever knows the link.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ustawił(a) pokój jako publiczny dla każdego znającego link.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ustawił(a) pokój jako tylko dla zaproszonych.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmienił(a) zasadę dołączania na %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s pozwolił(a) by goście dołączali do pokoju.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s zabronił(a) gościom dołączać do pokoju.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmienił dostęp gościnny dla %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s aktywował Flair dla %(groups)s w tym pokoju.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s dezaktywował Flair dla %(groups)s w tym pokoju.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s aktywował Flair dla %(newGroups)s i dezaktywował Flair dla %(oldGroups)s w tym pokoju.",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s odwołał zaproszednie dla %(targetDisplayName)s aby dołączył do pokoju.",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Błąd połączenia z serwerem domowym",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Upewnij się, że posiadasz stabilne połączenie internetowe lub skontaktuj się z administratorem serwera",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Twój Riot jest źle skonfigurowany",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Nieoczekiwany błąd przy ustalaniu konfiguracji serwera domowego",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Nieoczekiwany błąd przy ustalaniu konfiguracji serwera tożsamości",
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "Użytkownik %(userId)s jest już w pokoju",
"User %(user_id)s may or may not exist": "Użytkownik %(user_id)s może, ale nie musi istnieć",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Użytkownik musi być odbanowany, zanim będzie mógł być zaproszony.",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "Serwer domowy użytkownika nie wspiera tej wersji pokoju.",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Nie są wymagane symbole, cyfry lub wielkie litery",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Same wielkie litery w haśle powodują, iż są one łatwe do zgadnięcia, podobnie jak w przypadku samych małych",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Proste rzędy klawiszy są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"Custom user status messages": "Niestandardowe wiadomości statusu użytkownika",
"Render simple counters in room header": "Wyświetl proste liczniki w nagłówku pokoju",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Użyj nowego, szybszego, lecz wciąż eksperymetalnego kompozytora dla pisania wiadomości (wymaga odświeżenia)",
"Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Pokaż symbol zastępczy dla usuniętych wiadomości",
"Show join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Pokaż powiadomienia o dołączeniu/opuszczeniu (bez wpływu na zaproszenia/wyrzucenia/bany)",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Pokaż potwierdzenia odczytania wysyłane przez innych użytkowników",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Pokaż przypomnienie o aktywowaniu Odzyskiwania Bezpiecznych Wiadomości w pokojach zaszyfrowanych",
"Show avatars in user and room mentions": "Pokaż awatary we wzmiankach o użytkowniku lub pokoju",
"Enable big emoji in chat": "Aktywuj duże emoji na czacie",
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Aktywuj Panel Filtrów Społeczności",
"Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Pozwól na połączenia 1:1 w technologii Peer-to-Peer",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Powiadamiaj przed wysłaniem zaproszenia do potencjalnie nieprawidłowych ID matrix",
"Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Kolejkuj pokoje na liście pokojów od najważniejszych niż od najnowszych",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Pokaż ukryte wydarzenia na linii czasowej",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Tryb wolnej przepustowości",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Powzól na awaryjny serwer wspomagania połączeń turn.matrix.org, gdy Twój serwer domowy takiego nie oferuje (Twój adres IP będzie udostępniony podczas połączenia)",
"Messages containing my username": "Wiadomości zawierające moją nazwę użytkownika",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Zaszyforwane wiadomości w rozmowach jeden-do-jednego",
"Encrypted messages in group chats": "Zaszyfrowane wiadomości w rozmowach grupowych",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Kiedy pokoje są uaktualniane",
"The other party cancelled the verification.": "Druga strona anulowała weryfikację.",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Pomyślnie zweryfikowałeś tego użytkownika.",
"Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Bezpieczne wiadomości z tym użytkownikiem są szyfrowane metodą end-to-end i nie mogą zostać odczytane przez osoby trzecie.",
"Got It": "Zrobione",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Sprawdź tego użytkownika potwierdzając, że następujące emotikony pojawiają się na ekranie rozmówcy.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Sprawdź tego użytkownika potwierdzając, że następujące liczby pojawiają się na ekranie rozmówcy.",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Nie można znaleźć wspieranej metody weryfikacji.",
"Thumbs up": "Kciuk w górę",
"Ball": "Piłka",
"Pin": "Pinezka",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Zaakceptuj <policyLink /> aby kontynuować:",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Twój serwer domowy nie wspiera zarządzania urządzeniami.",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Nazwa publiczna",
"No integrations server configured": "Brak skonfigurowanych serwerów integracji",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Ta instancja Riot nie posiada skonfigurowanego serwera integracji.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Łączenie z serwerem integracji...",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Nie można połączyć z serwerem integracji",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Serwer integracji jest nieaktywny lub nie można uzyskać połączenia z serwerem domowym.",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Czy jesteś pewien? Stracisz dostęp do wszystkich swoich zaszyfrowanych wiadomości, jeżeli nie utworzyłeś poprawnej kopii zapasowej kluczy.",
"Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Zaszyfrowane wiadomości są zabezpieczone przy użyciu szyfrowania end-to-end. Tylko Ty oraz ich adresaci posiadają klucze do ich rozszyfrowania.",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Nie można załadować stanu kopii zapasowej klucza",
"This device is backing up your keys. ": "Kopia zapasowa twoich kluczy jest tworzona. ",
"This device is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "To urządzenie <b>nie tworzy kopii zapasowej twoich kluczy</b>, ale jest dostępna kopia zapasowa którą można przywrócić i dodać do dalszego działania.",
"Connect this device to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this device.": "Podłącz to urządzenie do kopii zapasowej kluczy przed wylogowaniem, aby zapobiec utracie kluczy, które mogą być jedyne na tym urządzeniu.",
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Podłącz to urządzenie do kopii zapasowej kluczy",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej %(sessionsRemaining)s kluczy...",
"All keys backed up": "Utworzono kopię zapasową wszystkich kluczy",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> device with ID %(deviceId)s.": "Kopia zapasowa posiada sygnaturę z <verify>nieznanego</verify> urządzenia z ID %(deviceId)s.",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>prawidłową</validity> sygnaturę z tego urządzenia",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this device": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>nieprawidłową</validity> sygnaturę z tego urządzenia",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>prawidłową</validity> sygnaturę ze <verify>zweryfikowanego</verify> urządzenia <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>prawidłową</validity> sygnaturę z <verify>niezweryfikowanego</verify> urządzenia <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>nieprawidłową</validity> sygnaturę ze <verify>zweryfikowanego</verify> urządzenia <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Kopia zapasowa posiada <validity>nieprawidłową</validity> sygnaturę z <verify>niezweryfikowanego</verify> urządzenia <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Kopia zapasowa nie jest podpisana przez jakiekolwiek z twoich urządzeń",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this device": "Kopia zapasowa jest zaufana, ponieważ może być przywrócona na tym urządzeniu",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this device</b>.": "Twoje klucze <b>nie są zapisane na tym urządzeniu</b>.",
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Utwórz kopię zapasową kluczy przed wylogowaniem, aby ich nie utracić.",
"Start using Key Backup": "Rozpocznij z użyciem klucza kopii zapasowej",
"Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Dodaj adres poczty elektronicznej, aby skonfigurować powiadomienia pocztowe",
"Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Włącz powiadomienia na pulpicie dla tego urządzenia",
"Enable audible notifications for this device": "Włącz dźwiękowe powiadomienia dla tego urządzenia",
"Profile picture": "Obraz profilowy",
"Upload profile picture": "Wgraj obraz profilowy",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL serwera tożsamości musi być HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Nieprawidłowy serwer tożsamości (kod statusu %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Nie można połączyć z Serwerem Tożsamości",
"Checking server": "Sprawdzanie serwera",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Warunki użytkowania nieakceptowane lub serwer tożsamości jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Serwer tożsamości nie posiada warunków użytkowania",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Serwer tożsamości który został wybrany nie posiada warunków użytkowania.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Kontynuj tylko wtedy, gdy ufasz właścicielowi serwera.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Udostępniasz adres poczty elektronicznej lub numer telefonu na serwerze tożsamości <idserver />. Będziesz musieć połączyć się z <idserver2 /> aby ich nie udostępniać.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Odłączyć od serwera tożsamości <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Odłącz Serwer Tożsamości",
"Disconnect": "Odłącz",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Serwer tożsamości (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Używasz <server></server> aby odkrywać i być odkrywanym przez isteniejące kontakty, które znasz. Możesz zmienić serwer tożsamości poniżej.",
"Identity Server": "Serwer Tożsamości",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Nie używasz serwera tożsamości. Aby odkrywać i być odkrywanym przez istniejące kontakty które znasz, dodaj jeden poniżej.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Odłączenie się od serwera tożsamości oznacza, że nie będzie możliwości wykrycia przez innych użytkowników oraz nie będzie możliwości zaproszenia innych e-mailem lub za pomocą telefonu.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Wprowadź nowy serwer tożsamości",
"Change": "Zmień",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Błąd przy aktualizacji menedżera integracji",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Menedżer integracji nieaktywny lub niedostępny.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Warunki użytkowania nieakceptowane lub menedżer integracji jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Menedżer integracji nie posiada warunków użytkowania",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Zaktualizuj</a> do swojej własnej domeny",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Menedżer integracji który został wybrany, nie posiada warunków użytkowania.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Aktualnie używasz <b>%(serverName)s</b> aby zarządzać swoimi botami, widżetami oraz paczkami naklejek.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Wybierz, którego menedżera paczek chcesz wybrać aby zarządzać twoimi botami, widżetami i paczkami naklejek.",
"Integration Manager": "Menedżer Integracji",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Wprowadź nowego menedżera integracji",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Wyrażasz zgodę na warunki użytkowania serwera%(serverName)s aby pozwolić na odkrywanie Ciebie za pomocą adresu e-mail oraz numeru telefonu.",
"Discovery": "Odkrywanie",
"Deactivate account": "Dezaktywuj konto",
"Legal": "Warunki prawne",
"Credits": "Podziękowania",
"For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a>.": "Aby uzyskać pomoc w używaniu Riot, naciśnij <a>tutaj</a>.",
"For help with using Riot, click <a>here</a> or start a chat with our bot using the button below.": "Aby uzyskać pomoc w używaniu Riot, naciśnij <a>tutaj</a> lub uruchom rozmowę z naszym botem, za pomocą odnośnika poniżej.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Rozmowa z Botem Riota",
"FAQ": "Najczęściej zadawane pytania",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Zawsze pokazuj pasek menu okna",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Przycisk zamknięcia minimalizuje okno do zasobnika",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s przez %(browserName)s na %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s przez %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nie jest obsługiwany przez przeglądarki mobilne. Zainstaluj aplikację?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nie jest obsługiwany przez przeglądarki mobilne. Zainstaluj aplikację?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop na %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop na %(platformName)s",
@ -1552,7 +1732,6 @@
"Welcome to Riot.im": "Witamy w Riot.im", "Welcome to Riot.im": "Witamy w Riot.im",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Zdecentralizowany, szyfrowany czat &amp; współpraca oparta na [matrix]", "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Zdecentralizowany, szyfrowany czat &amp; współpraca oparta na [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Przeszukaj katalog pokojów", "Search the room directory": "Przeszukaj katalog pokojów",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Rozmowa z Botem Riota",
"Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Rozpocznij z wskazówkami Riot Bota!", "Get started with some tips from Riot Bot!": "Rozpocznij z wskazówkami Riot Bota!",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Ogólna rozmowa o Matrix i Riot", "General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "Ogólna rozmowa o Matrix i Riot",
"Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Rozmowa o wszystkich sprawach Matrixowych!", "Discussion of all things Matrix!": "Rozmowa o wszystkich sprawach Matrixowych!",
@ -1582,5 +1761,13 @@
"Sign In": "Zaloguj", "Sign In": "Zaloguj",
"Need help?": "Potrzebujesz pomocy?", "Need help?": "Potrzebujesz pomocy?",
"Room Directory": "Katalog pokojów", "Room Directory": "Katalog pokojów",
"Explore rooms": "Przeglądaj pokoje" "Explore rooms": "Przeglądaj pokoje",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Konfiguracja Twojego Riot zawiera błędny plik JSON. Popraw swoją konfigurację i odśwież stronę.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Wiadomość od parsera to: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Błędny JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Niespodziewany błąd podczas przygotowywania aplikacji. Otwórz konsolę po szczegóły.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Błędna konfiguracja. Można sprecyzować tylko jedno z: default_server_config, default_server_name, lub default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Błędna konfiguracja: nie wybrano domyślnego serwera.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Możesz użyć Niestandardowych Opcji Serwera by zalogować się do innych serwerów Matrix poprzez podanie URL innego serwera głównego. Dzięki temu możesz używać Riot z istniejącym kontem z innego serwera głównego.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Możesz również ustawić niestandardowy serwer tożsamości, lecz nie będziesz móc zapraszać użytkowników i otrzymywać zaproszeń poprzez podanie adresu email."
} }

@ -1745,5 +1745,12 @@
"Create Account": "Criar Conta", "Create Account": "Criar Conta",
"Need help?": "Precisa de ajuda?", "Need help?": "Precisa de ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explore as salas", "Explore rooms": "Explore as salas",
"Room Directory": "Diretório de salas" "Room Directory": "Diretório de salas",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Sua configuração do Riot contém JSON inválido. Por favor corrija o erro e atualize a página.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "A mensagem do parser é: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON inválido",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot possui um erro de configuração",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Erro inesperado preparando o aplicativo. Veja o console para mais detalhes.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuração inválida: somente se pode especificar um valor entre default_server_config, default_server_name, ou default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuração inválida: servidor padrão não especificado."
} }

@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Независимо от того, вошли вы или нет (мы не записываем ваше имя пользователя)", "Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Независимо от того, вошли вы или нет (мы не записываем ваше имя пользователя)",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Не удалось загрузить! Проверьте подключение к сети и попробуйте снова.", "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Не удалось загрузить! Проверьте подключение к сети и попробуйте снова.",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Не удалось пригласить пользователей в комнату:", "Failed to invite users to the room:": "Не удалось пригласить пользователей в комнату:",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Обновляет комнату до новой версии", "Upgrades a room to a new version": "Модернизирует комнату до новой версии",
"Sets the room name": "Устанавливает название комнаты", "Sets the room name": "Устанавливает название комнаты",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Принудительно отбрасывает текущий сеанс исходящей группы в зашифрованной комнате", "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Принудительно отбрасывает текущий сеанс исходящей группы в зашифрованной комнате",
"%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s модернизировал эту комнату.", "%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s модернизировал эту комнату.",
@ -1680,13 +1680,13 @@
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Сервер не поддерживает указанную версию комнаты.", "The server does not support the room version specified.": "Сервер не поддерживает указанную версию комнаты.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Имя или Matrix ID", "Name or Matrix ID": "Имя или Matrix ID",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Эл. почта, имя или Matrix ID", "Email, name or Matrix ID": "Эл. почта, имя или Matrix ID",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Подтверждение обновления комнаты", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Подтверждение модернизации комнаты",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Модернизация комнаты может быть разрушительной и не всегда необходимой.", "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Модернизация комнаты может быть разрушительной и не всегда необходимой.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Обновления комнат обычно рекомендуются, если версия номера считается <i> нестабильной</i>. Нестабильные версии комнат могут содержать ошибки, отсутствующие функции или уязвимости безопасности.", "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Модернизация версий комнат обычно рекомендуются, если номер версии комнаты считается <i> нестабильным</i>. Нестабильные версии комнат могут содержать ошибки, отсутствующие функции или уязвимости безопасности.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Модернизация комнаты обычно влияет только на обработку <i>серверной стороны</i> комнаты. Если у вас возникли проблемы с вашим Riot-клиентом , пожалуйста, отправьте запрос в <issueLink />.", "Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Модернизация комнаты обычно влияет только на обработку <i>серверной стороны</i> комнаты. Если у вас возникли проблемы с вашим Riot-клиентом , пожалуйста, отправьте запрос в <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Предупреждение</b>: Обновление номера <i>не приведет к автоматическому переходу участников комнаты на новую версию комнаты.</i> Мы разместим ссылку на новую комнату в старой версии комнаты - участники комнаты должны будут нажать эту ссылку для присоединения к новой комнате.", "<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Предупреждение</b>: Обновление номера <i>не приведет к автоматическому переходу участников комнаты на новую версию комнаты.</i> Мы разместим ссылку на новую комнату в старой версии комнаты - участники комнаты должны будут нажать эту ссылку для присоединения к новой комнате.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Пожалуйста, подтвердите, что вы хотите перейти к обновлению этой комнаты с <oldVersion /> на <newVersion />.", "Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Пожалуйста, подтвердите, что вы хотите перейти к обновлению этой комнаты с <oldVersion /> на <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Обновление", "Upgrade": "Модернизация",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Меняет ваш аватар только в этой комнате", "Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Меняет ваш аватар только в этой комнате",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Разблокирует пользователя с заданным ID", "Unbans user with given ID": "Разблокирует пользователя с заданным ID",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Добавляет пользовательский виджет по URL-адресу в комнате", "Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Добавляет пользовательский виджет по URL-адресу в комнате",
@ -1962,7 +1962,6 @@
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Ваш ключ восстановления <b>скопирован в буфер обмена</b>, вставьте его в:", "Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Ваш ключ восстановления <b>скопирован в буфер обмена</b>, вставьте его в:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Ваш ключ восстановления находится в папке <b>Загрузки</b>.", "Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Ваш ключ восстановления находится в папке <b>Загрузки</b>.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Распечатайте его</b> и храните в безопасном месте", "<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Распечатайте его</b> и храните в безопасном месте",
"Okay": "ОК",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Без настройки безопасного восстановления сообщений вы не сможете восстановить историю зашифрованных сообщений, если выйдете из системы или используете другое устройство.", "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Без настройки безопасного восстановления сообщений вы не сможете восстановить историю зашифрованных сообщений, если выйдете из системы или используете другое устройство.",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Защитите вашу резервную копию паролем", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Защитите вашу резервную копию паролем",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Подтвердите свой пароль", "Confirm your passphrase": "Подтвердите свой пароль",
@ -1988,6 +1987,107 @@
"<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Войти</a> в вашу новую учётную запись.", "<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Войти</a> в вашу новую учётную запись.",
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Вы можете закрыть это окно или <a>войти</a> в вашу новую учётную запись.", "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Вы можете закрыть это окно или <a>войти</a> в вашу новую учётную запись.",
"Registration Successful": "Регистрация успешно завершена", "Registration Successful": "Регистрация успешно завершена",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Изменить Ваш аватар во всех комнатах",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s не внёс изменений.",
"No integrations server configured": "Серверы интеграций не настроены",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Этот экземпляр Riot не имеет настроенных серверов интеграций.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Соединение с сервером интеграций...",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Ошибка соединения с сервером интеграций",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Сервер интеграций недоступен или не может связаться с вашим сервером.",
"Loading room preview": "Загрузка предпросмотра комнаты",
"Failed to connect to integrations server": "Ошибка соединения с сервером интеграций",
"No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "Нет серверов интеграций, настроенных для управления стикерами",
"Agree": "Согласен",
"Disagree": "Не согласен",
"Happy": "Радует",
"Party Popper": "Хлопушка",
"Confused": "Смушён",
"Eyes": "Глаза",
"Show all": "Показать все",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Отредактировано в %(date)s. Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть историю редактирования.",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)sне внёс изменений %(count)s раз",
"one": "%(severalUsers)sне внёс изменений"
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)sне внёс изменений %(count)s раз",
"one": "%(oneUser)sне внёс изменений"
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Пожалуйста, расскажите нам что пошло не так, либо, ещё лучше, создайте отчёт в GitHub с описанием проблемы.",
"Removing…": "Удаление…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Очистить все данные на этом устройстве?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Очистка данных на этом устройстве необратима. Шифрованные сообщения будут утеряны, если не было сделано резервной копии их ключей шифрования.",
"Clear all data": "Очистить все данные",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Ваш сервер похоже не поддерживает эту возможность.",
"Message edits": "Правки сообщения",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Модернизация этой комнаты требует закрытие комнаты в текущем состояние и создания новой комнаты вместо неё. Чтобы упростить процесс для участников, будет сделано:",
"Identity Server": "Сервер идентификаций",
"Integrations Manager": "Менеджер интеграций",
"Find others by phone or email": "Найти других по номеру телефона или email",
"Be found by phone or email": "Будут найдены по номеру телефона или email",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Использовать боты, мосты, виджеты и наборы стикеров",
"Terms of Service": "Условия использования",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Для продолжения вы должны принять Условия использования.",
"Service": "Сервис",
"Summary": "Сводка",
"Terms": "Условия",
"Upload all": "Загрузить всё",
"Resend edit": "Отправить исправление повторно",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Отправить повторно %(unsentCount)s реакций",
"Resend removal": "Отправить удаление повторно",
"Your new account (%(newAccountId)s) is registered, but you're already logged into a different account (%(loggedInUserId)s).": "Ваша новая учётная запись (%(newAccountId)s) зарегистрирована, но Вы уже вошли в другую учётную запись (%(loggedInUserId)s).",
"Continue with previous account": "Продолжить с предыдущей учётной записью",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Ошибка повторной аутентификации из-за проблем на сервере",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Ошибка повторной аутентификации",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Восстановить доступ к Вашей учётной записи и восстановить ключи шифрования, сохранённые на этом устройстве. Без них Вы не сможете читать все ваши зашифрованные сообщения на любом устройстве.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Введите Ваш пароль для входа и восстановления доступа к Вашей учётной записи.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Забыли Ваш пароль?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Войти и восстановить доступ к Вашей учётной записи.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Вы не можете войти в Вашу учётную запись. Пожалуйста свяжитесь с администратором вашего сервера для более подробной информации.",
"You're signed out": "Вы вышли из учётной записи",
"Clear personal data": "Очистить персональные данные",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Внимание: Ваши персональные данные (включая ключи шифрования) всё ещё хранятся на этом устройстви. Очистите их, если Вы закончили использовать это устройство, либо хотите войти в другую учётную запись.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Этот аккаунт был деактивирован.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Вызов не состоялся из-за неправильно настроенного сервера",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Попробуйте использовать turn.matrix.org",
"Failed to start chat": "Не удалось начать чат",
"Messages": "Сообщения",
"Actions": "Действия",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Отображает список команд с описанием и использованием",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Использовать нового, более быстрого, но все еще экспериментального composer для написания сообщений (требует обновления)",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Попросите администратора вашего домашнего сервера (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) настроить сервер TURN для надежной работы звонков.",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "У вас нет необходимых разрешений для использования этой команды.",
"Multiple integration managers": "Несколько менеджеров интеграции",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Примите <policyLink /> для продолжения:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Публичное имя",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL-адрес сервера идентификации должен быть HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Неправильный Сервер идентификации (код статуса %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Не смог подключиться к серверу идентификации",
"Checking server": "Проверка сервера",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Условия использования не приняты или сервер идентификации недействителен.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Сервер идентификации не имеет условий предоставления услуг",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Сервер идентификации, который вы выбрали, не имеет никаких условий обслуживания.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Продолжайте, только если доверяете владельцу сервера.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "В настоящее время вы обмениваетесь адресами электронной почты или номерами телефонов на сервере идентификации <idserver />. Вам нужно будет переподключиться к <idserver2 />, чтобы прекратить их совместное использование.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Отсоединиться от сервера идентификации <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Отключить сервер идентификации",
"Disconnect": "Отключить",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Сервер идентификации (%(server)s)",
"Do not use an identity server": "Не используйте сервер идентификации",
"Enter a new identity server": "Введите новый идентификационный сервер",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Не удалось обновить менеджер по интеграции",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Менеджер интеграции работает в автономном режиме или недоступен.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Условия использования не приняты или менеджер по интеграции недействителен.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "У менеджера по интеграции нет условий предоставления услуг",
"Integration Manager": "Менеджер интеграции",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Введите новый менеджера интеграции",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Кроме того, вы можете попытаться использовать общедоступный сервер по адресу <code> turn.matrix.org </code>, но это не будет настолько надежным, и он предоставит ваш IP-адрес этому серверу. Вы также можете управлять этим в настройках.",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Посылает сообщение в виде простого текста, не интерпретируя его как разметку",
"Use an identity server": "Используйте сервер идентификации",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Используйте идентификационный сервер для приглашения по электронной почте. Нажмите «Продолжить», чтобы использовать сервер идентификации по умолчанию (% (defaultIdentityServerName)s) или измените его в настройках.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Используйте идентификационный сервер для приглашения по электронной почте. Управление в меню Настройки.",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Разрешить резервный вызов поддержки сервера turn.matrix.org, когда ваш домашний сервер не предлагает такой поддержки (ваш IP-адрес будет использоваться во время вызова)",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s с %(browserName)s на %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s с %(browserName)s на %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop на %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop на %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Веб-сайт Riot не адаптирован для мобильных устройств. Установить приложение?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Веб-сайт Riot не адаптирован для мобильных устройств. Установить приложение?",
@ -2029,5 +2129,8 @@
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неожиданная ошибка при подготовке приложения. Подробности см. в консоли.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неожиданная ошибка при подготовке приложения. Подробности см. в консоли.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Неверная конфигурация: может указывать только один из следующих параметров: default_server_config, default_server_name или default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Неверная конфигурация: может указывать только один из следующих параметров: default_server_config, default_server_name или default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Неверная конфигурация: сервер по умолчанию не указан.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Неверная конфигурация: сервер по умолчанию не указан.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Эта установка Riot, кажется, имеет неверную конфигурацию сервера. Если вы являетесь администратором, пожалуйста, исправьте ошибку ниже" "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "Эта установка Riot, кажется, имеет неверную конфигурацию сервера. Если вы являетесь администратором, пожалуйста, исправьте ошибку ниже",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Ваша конфигурация Riot содержит нерабочий JSON. Пожалуйста исправьте проблему и перезагрузите страницу.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Сообщение из парсера: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Нерабочий JSON"
} }

@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@
"Panda": "Panda", "Panda": "Panda",
"Rooster": "Kohút", "Rooster": "Kohút",
"Penguin": "Tučniak", "Penguin": "Tučniak",
"Turtle": "Koritnačka", "Turtle": "Korytnačka",
"Fish": "Ryba", "Fish": "Ryba",
"Octopus": "Chobotnica", "Octopus": "Chobotnica",
"Butterfly": "Motýľ", "Butterfly": "Motýľ",
@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@
"Santa": "Mikuláš", "Santa": "Mikuláš",
"Thumbs up": "palec nahor", "Thumbs up": "palec nahor",
"Umbrella": "Dáždnik", "Umbrella": "Dáždnik",
"Hourglass": "Presípacie hodiny", "Hourglass": "Presýpacie hodiny",
"Clock": "Hodiny", "Clock": "Hodiny",
"Gift": "Darček", "Gift": "Darček",
"Light bulb": "Žiarovka", "Light bulb": "Žiarovka",
@ -1849,7 +1849,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Kľúč obnovenia je bezpečnostný mechanizmus - môžete ho použiť na prístup k šifrovacím kľúčom v prípade, ak zabudnete vaše heslo obnovenia.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Kľúč obnovenia je bezpečnostný mechanizmus - môžete ho použiť na prístup k šifrovacím kľúčom v prípade, ak zabudnete vaše heslo obnovenia.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Kľúč obnovenia si bezpečne uchovajte, použite napr. správcu hesiel (alebo ho schovajte v trezore)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Kľúč obnovenia si bezpečne uchovajte, použite napr. správcu hesiel (alebo ho schovajte v trezore)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Zálohovanie kľúčov máte aktívne (prvé zálohovanie môže trvať niekoľko minút).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Zálohovanie kľúčov máte aktívne (prvé zálohovanie môže trvať niekoľko minút).",
"Okay": "OK",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Zabezpečte si zálohu zadaním hesla obnovenia", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Zabezpečte si zálohu zadaním hesla obnovenia",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Potvrdiť heslo obnovenia", "Confirm your passphrase": "Potvrdiť heslo obnovenia",
"Recovery key": "Kľúč obnovenia", "Recovery key": "Kľúč obnovenia",
@ -1861,6 +1860,79 @@
"This device has detected that your recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Na tomto zariadení bolo zistené, že heslo a kľúč obnovenia šifrovacích kľúčov zo zálohy boli odstránené.", "This device has detected that your recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Na tomto zariadení bolo zistené, že heslo a kľúč obnovenia šifrovacích kľúčov zo zálohy boli odstránené.",
"If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this device which will re-encrypt this device's message history with a new recovery method.": "Ak ste ich odstránili omylom, môžete si obnovenie nastaviť znovu, čo zašifruje zálohy použitím novej metódy.", "If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this device which will re-encrypt this device's message history with a new recovery method.": "Ak ste ich odstránili omylom, môžete si obnovenie nastaviť znovu, čo zašifruje zálohy použitím novej metódy.",
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Ak ste spôsob obnovenia neodstránili vy, útočník sa pravdepodobne usiluje dostať k vašemu účtu. Zmente si prosím heslo na prihlásenie do Matrix účtu a znovu si ihneď nastavte možnosti obnovenia.", "If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Ak ste spôsob obnovenia neodstránili vy, útočník sa pravdepodobne usiluje dostať k vašemu účtu. Zmente si prosím heslo na prihlásenie do Matrix účtu a znovu si ihneď nastavte možnosti obnovenia.",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Či používate alebo nie funkcionalitu známu ako „omrvinky“ (obrázky nad zoznamom miestností)",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Hovor zlyhal kvôli nesprávne nakonfigurovanému serveru",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Prosím, požiadajte správcu vášho domovského servera (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) aby nakonfiguroval Turn server, čo zlepší spoľahlivosť audio / video hovorov.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Ako náhradu môžete použiť verejný server s adresou <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, čo nemusí byť úplne spoľahlivé a tiež odošle vašu adresu IP na spomínaný server. Toto môžete kedykoľvek opätovne zmeniť v časti Nastavenia.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Skúsiť používať turn.matrix.org",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Nie je možné začať konferenčný hovor, pretože integračný server nie je dostupný",
"Replying With Files": "Odpoveď so súbormi",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Zatiaľ nie je možné odpovedať s priloženými súbormi. Chcete nahrať tento súbor bez odpovedania?",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Nepodarilo sa nahrať súbor „%(fileName)s“.",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Server nepodporuje zadanú verziu miestnosti.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Meno alebo Matrix ID",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, meno alebo Matrix ID",
"Failed to start chat": "Nepodarilo sa spustiť konverzáciu",
"Messages": "Správy",
"Actions": "Akcie",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Potvrdenie aktualizácii miestnosti",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Aktualizácia miestnosti nemusí byť bez následkov a nie je vždy nevyhnutná.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Aktualizácie miestnosti sú obyčajne odporúčané, keď je konkrétna verzia považovaná za <i>nestabilnú</i>. Nestabilné verzie miestností môžu obsahovať chyby, chýbajúce vlastnosti, alebo bezpečnostné zraniteľnosti.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Aktualizácie miestnosti majú vplyv len na spracovanie miestnosti <i>na servery</i>. Ak máte problémy s programom Riot, prosím nahláste chybu <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Pozor</b>: Aktualizáciou miestnosti do novej verzii <i>neprenesiete členov miestnosti</i>. Konverzácia v starej verzii miestnosti bude ukončená odkazom do novej verzii miestnosti - členovia budú môcť vstúpiť do novej verzii miestnosti kliknutím na tento odkaz.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Prosím, potvrďte, či naozaj chcete aktualizovať túto miestnosť z <oldVersion /> na <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Aktualizovať",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Zmení váš obrázok len pre túto miestnosť",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Zmení váš obrázok vo všetkých miestnostiach",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Zruší zákaz vstúpiť používateľovi so zadaným ID",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Pridá do miestnosti vlastný widget so zadanou adresou URL",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Zadajte https:// alebo http:// URL adresu widgetu",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Nemôžete meniť widgety v tejto miestnosti.",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Odošle zadanú dúhovú správu",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Odošle zadaný dúhový pocit",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Zobrazí zoznam príkazov s popisom a príkladmi použitia",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s neurobil žiadne zmeny.",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s odvolal pozvanie vstúpiť do miestnosti pre %(targetDisplayName)s.",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Nie je možné pripojiť sa k domovskému serveru",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Uistite sa, že máte stabilné pripojenie na internet, alebo kontaktujte správcu servera",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Váš Riot nie je nastavený správne",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Požiadajte správcu, aby skontroloval <a>vaše nastavenia</a> na nesprávne alebo viacnásobne uvedené voľby.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Nie je možné pripojiť sa k serveru totožností",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Môžete sa zaregistrovať, ale niektoré vlastnosti nebudú dostupné, kým server totožností nebude opäť v prevádzke. Ak sa toto upozornenie zobrazuje neustále, skontrolujte správnosť nastavení alebo kontaktujte správcu servera.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Môžete si obnoviť heslo, ale niektoré vlastnosti nebudú dostupné, kým server totožností nebude opäť v prevádzke. Ak sa toto upozornenie zobrazuje neustále, skontrolujte správnosť nastavení alebo kontaktujte správcu servera.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Môžete sa prihlásiť, ale niektoré vlastnosti nebudú dostupné, kým server totožností nebude opäť v prevádzke. Ak sa toto upozornenie zobrazuje neustále, skontrolujte správnosť nastavení alebo kontaktujte správcu servera.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Nie je zadaná adresa domovského servera",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Neočakávaná chyba pri zisťovaní nastavení domovského servera",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Neočakávaná chyba pri zisťovaní nastavení servera totožností",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "Používateľov domovský server nepodporuje verziu miestnosti.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Používať nový, rýchlejší, no stále experimentálny editor správ (vyžaduje obnoviť stránku)",
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Zobrazovať naposledy otvorené miestnosti nad zoznamom miestností",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Zobrazovať skryté udalosti v histórii obsahu miestností",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Režim šetrenia údajov",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Ak váš domovský server neposkytuje pomocný server pri uskutočňovaní hovorov, povoliť použitie záložného servera turn.matrix.org (týmto počas hovoru zdieľate svoju adresu IP)",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Keď sú miestnosti aktualizované",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Ak chcete pokračovať, musíte prijať <policyLink />:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Verejný názov",
"No integrations server configured": "Nie sú nastavené žiadne integračné servery",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "V tejto inštalácii Riot nie je nastavený integračný server.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Pripájanie k integračnému serveru…",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Nie je možné pripojiť sa k integračnému serveru",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Integračný server momentálne nie je v prevádzke, alebo naň nefunguje pripojenie z vašeho domovského servera.",
"This device is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Toto zariadenie <b>nezálohuje vaše šifrovacie kľúče</b>, ale máte existujúcu zálohu, z ktorej môžete kľúče obnoviť a pokračovať v zálohovaní.",
"Connect this device to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this device.": "Nastavte zálohu šifrovacích kľúčov pred odhlásením, aby ste neprišli o kľúče, ktoré máte uložené len v tomto zariadení.",
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Nastaviť zálohovanie kľúčov",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this device": "Podpis zálohy z tohoto zariadenia <validity>nie je platný</validity>",
"Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Povoliť oznámenia na pracovnej ploche pre toto zariadenie",
"Enable audible notifications for this device": "Povoliť zvukové oznámenia pre toto zariadenie",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL adresa servera totožností musí začínať HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Toto nie je funkčný server totožností (kód stavu %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Nie je možné sa pripojiť k serveru totožností",
"Checking server": "Kontrola servera",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Neprijali ste Podmienky poskytovania služby alebo to nie je správny server.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Server totožností nemá žiadne podmienky poskytovania služieb",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Zadaný server totožností nezverejňuje žiadne podmienky poskytovania služieb.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Pokračujte len v prípade, že dôverujete prevádzkovateľovi servera.",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nie je podporovaný na mobilných zariadeniach. Želáte si nainštalovať aplikáciu?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nie je podporovaný na mobilných zariadeniach. Želáte si nainštalovať aplikáciu?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop pre %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop pre %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Neznáme zariadenie", "Unknown device": "Neznáme zariadenie",

@ -1812,7 +1812,6 @@
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Kyçi juaj i rikthimeve është një rrjet sigurie - mund ta përdorni për rikthim hyrjeje te mesazhet tuaj të fshehtëzuar, nëse harroni frazëkalimin tuaj.", "Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.": "Kyçi juaj i rikthimeve është një rrjet sigurie - mund ta përdorni për rikthim hyrjeje te mesazhet tuaj të fshehtëzuar, nëse harroni frazëkalimin tuaj.",
"Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Mbajeni kyçin tuaj të rikthimeve diku në një vend shumë të sigurt, bie fjala, nën një përgjegjës fjalëkalimesh (ose në një kasafortë)", "Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)": "Mbajeni kyçin tuaj të rikthimeve diku në një vend shumë të sigurt, bie fjala, nën një përgjegjës fjalëkalimesh (ose në një kasafortë)",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Kyçet tuaj po kopjeruhen (kopjeruajtja e parë mund të hajë disa minuta).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Kyçet tuaj po kopjeruhen (kopjeruajtja e parë mund të hajë disa minuta).",
"Okay": "Në rregull",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Sigurojeni kopjeruajtjen tuaj me një frazëkalim", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Sigurojeni kopjeruajtjen tuaj me një frazëkalim",
"Confirm your passphrase": "Ripohoni frazëkalimin tuaj", "Confirm your passphrase": "Ripohoni frazëkalimin tuaj",
"Recovery key": "Kyç rikthimesh", "Recovery key": "Kyç rikthimesh",
@ -2079,6 +2078,193 @@
"Resend edit": "Ridërgoje përpunimin", "Resend edit": "Ridërgoje përpunimin",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Ridërgo %(unsentCount)s reagim(e)", "Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Ridërgo %(unsentCount)s reagim(e)",
"Resend removal": "Ridërgo heqjen", "Resend removal": "Ridërgo heqjen",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Ndryshon avatarin tuaj në krejt dhomat",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Të spastrohen krejt të dhënat në këtë pajisje?",
"Deleting all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Fshirja e krejt të dhënave prej kësaj pajisje është e përhershme. Mesazhet e fshehtëzuar do të humbin, veç në mos qofshin kopjeruajtur kyçet e tyre.",
"Delete everything": "Fshi gjithçka",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Shërbyesi juaj Home nuk duket se e mbulon këtë veçori.",
"You're signed out": "Keni bërë dalje",
"Your homeserver (%(domainName)s) admin has signed you out of your account %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).": "Përgjegjësi i shërbyesit tuaj Home (%(domainName)s) ka bërë daljen tuaj nga llogaria juaj %(displayName)s (%(userId)s).",
"I don't want to sign in": "Sdua të bëj hyrjen",
"If this is a shared device, or you don't want to access your account again from it, clear all data stored locally on this device.": "Nëse kjo është një pajisje e përbashkët me të tjerë, ose nëse sdoni të hyni në llogarinë tuaj që prej saj, spastroni krejt të dhënat e depozituara lokalisht në këtë pajisje.",
"Clear all data": "Spastro krejt të dhënat",
"Sign in again to regain access to your account, or a different one.": "Ribëni hyrjen që të mund të ripërdorni llogarinë tuaj, ose një tjetër.",
"Failed to start chat": "Su arrit të nisej fjalosje",
"Messages": "Mesazhe",
"Actions": "Veprime",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "E dërgon emote-n e dhënë të ngjyrosur si ylber",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Shfaq listë urdhrash me shembuj përdorimesh dhe përshkrime",
"Deactivate account": "Çaktivizoje llogarinë",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Shfaqe përherë shtyllën e menusë së dritares",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Sarrihet të shfuqizohet ndarja për këtë adresë email",
"Unable to share email address": "Sarrihet të ndahet adresë email",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Kontrolloni email-et tuaj, mandej klikoni mbi Vazhdo",
"Revoke": "Shfuqizoje",
"Share": "Ndaje me të tjerë",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Sarrihet të shfuqizohet ndarja për numrin e telefonit",
"Unable to share phone number": "Sarrihet të ndahet numër telefoni",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Ju lutemi, jepni kod verifikimi të dërguar përmes teksti.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Te +%(msisdn)s u dërgua një mesazh tekst. Ju lutemi, jepni kodin e verifikimit që përmban.",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Ju lutemi, na tregoni çshkoi keq ose, akoma më mirë, krijoni në GitHub një çështje që përshkruan problemin.",
"Removing…": "Po hiqet…",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Spastrimi i krejt të dhënave prej kësaj pajisjeje është përfundimtar. Mesazhet e fshehtëzuar do të humbin, veç në qofshin kopjeruajtur kyçet e tyre.",
"Share User": "Ndani Përdorues",
"Command Help": "Ndihmë Urdhri",
"Identity Server": "Shërbyes Identitetesh",
"Integrations Manager": "Përgjegjës Integrimesh",
"Find others by phone or email": "Gjeni të tjerë përmes telefoni ose email-i",
"Be found by phone or email": "Bëhuni i gjetshëm përmes telefoni ose email-i",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Përdorni robotë, ura, widget-e dhe paketa ngjitësish",
"Terms of Service": "Kushte Shërbimi",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Që të vazhdohet, lypset të pranoni Kushtet e këtij shërbimi.",
"Service": "Shërbim",
"Summary": "Përmbledhje",
"Terms": "Kushte",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Ska të formësuar Shërbyes Identitetesh, ndaj smund të shtoni një adresë email që të mund të ricaktoni fjalëkalimin tuaj në të ardhmen.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Ska të formësuar Shërbyes Identitetesh: smund të shtohet ndonjë adresë email. Sdo të jeni në gjendje të ricaktoni fjalëkalimin tuaj.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Ska të formësuar shërbyes identitetesh: shtoni një të tillë te rregullimet e shërbyesit që të ricaktoni fjalëkalimin tuaj.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Kjo llogari është çaktivizuar.",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "Su arrit të ribëhej mirëfilltësimi, për shkak të një problemi me shërbyesin Home",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "Su arrit të ribëhej mirëfilltësimi",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Rifitoni hyrjen te llogaria juaj dhe rimerrni kyçe fshehtëzimi të depozituar në këtë pajisje. Pa ta, sdo të jeni në gjendje të lexoni krejt mesazhet tuaj të siguruar në çfarëdo pajisje.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Jepni fjalëkalimin tuaj që të bëhet hyrja dhe të rifitoni hyrje në llogarinë tuaj.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Harruat fjalëkalimin tuaj?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Bëni hyrjen dhe rifitoni hyrje në llogarinë tuaj.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Smund të bëni hyrjen në llogarinë tuaj. Ju lutemi, për më tepër hollësi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin e shërbyesit tuaj Home.",
"Clear personal data": "Spastro të dhëna personale",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Kujdes: Të dhënat tuaja personale (përfshi kyçe fshehtëzimi) janë ende të depozituara në këtë pajisje. Spastrojini, nëse keni përfunduar së përdoruri këtë pajisje, ose dëshironi të bëni hyrjen në një tjetër llogari.",
"Spanner": "Çelës",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL-ja e Shërbyesit të Identiteteve duhet të jetë HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Shërbyes Identitetesh i pavlefshëm (kod gjendjeje %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Su lidh dot me Shërbyes Identitetesh",
"Checking server": "Po kontrollohet shërbyesi",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Shkëpute Shërbyesin e Identiteteve",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Të shkëputet prej shërbyesit të identiteteve <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Shkëputu",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Shërbyes Identitetesh (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Jeni duke përdorur <server></server> për të zbuluar dhe për tu zbuluar nga kontakte ekzistues që njihni. Shërbyesin tuaj të identiteteve mund ta ndryshoni më poshtë.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Spo përdorni ndonjë shërbyes identitetesh. Që të zbuloni dhe të jeni i zbulueshëm nga kontakte ekzistues që njihni, shtoni një të tillë më poshtë.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Shkëputja prej shërbyesit tuaj të identiteteve do të thotë se sdo të jeni i zbulueshëm nga përdorues të tjerë dhe sdo të jeni në gjendje të ftoni të tjerë përmes email-i apo telefoni.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Mundësitë e zbulimit do të shfaqen sapo të keni shtuar më sipër një email.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Mundësitë e zbulimit do të shfaqen sapo të keni shtuar më sipër një numër telefoni.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Thirrja dështoi për shkak shërbyesi të keqformësuar",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Që thirrjet të funksionojnë pa probleme, ju lutemi, kërkojini përgjegjësit të shërbyesit tuaj Home (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) të formësojë një shërbyes TURN.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Ndryshe, mund të provoni të përdorni shërbyesin publik te <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, por kjo sdo të jetë edhe aq e qëndrueshme, dhe adresa juaj IP do ti bëhet e njohur atij shërbyesi.Këtë mund ta bëni edhe që nga Rregullimet.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Provo të përdorësh turn.matrix.org",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Lejoni shërbyes rrugëzgjidhje asistimi thirrjesh turn.matrix.org kur shërbyesi juaj Home nuk ofron një të tillë (gjatë thirrjes, adresa juaj IP do ti bëhet e ditur)",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Emër Publik",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Shërbyesi i identiteteve ska kushte shërbimi",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Shërbyesi i identiteteve që keni zgjedhur nuk ka ndonjë kusht shërbimi.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Vazhdoni vetëm nëse i besoni të zotit të shërbyesit.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Sjanë pranuar kushtet e shërbimit ose shërbyesi i identiteteve është i pavlefshëm.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Jeni duke ndarë me të tjerë në shërbyesin e identiteteve <idserver /> adresa tuajat email ose numra telefonash. Do tju duhet të rilidheni me <idserver2 /> që të ndalet ndarja e tyre me të tjerët.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Jepni një shërbyes të ri identitetesh",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Su arrit të përditësohej përgjegjës integrimesh",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Përgjegjësi i integrimeve sështë në linjë ose sështë e mundur hyrja në të.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Kushte shërbimesh jo të pranuara ose përgjegjësi i integrimeve është i pavlefshëm.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Përgjegjësi i integrimeve nuk ka kushte shërbimi",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Përgjegjësi i integrimeve që keni zgjedhur nuk ka ndonjë term shërbimi.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Po përdorni <b>%(serverName)s</b> për administrim të robotëve, widget-ëve dhe paketave tuaja të ngjitësve.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Zgjidhni cilin përgjegjës integrimesh doni të administrojë robotët, widget-ët, dhe paketat tuaja të ngjitësve.",
"Integration Manager": "Përgjegjës Integrimesh",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Jepni një përgjegjës të ri integrimesh",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Emri publik i një pajisjeje është i dukshëm për personat me të cilët komunikoni",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Të hiqet %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Të hiqet %(phone)s?",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Që të verifikohet se kjo pajisje mund të besohet, ju lutemi, kontrolloni që kyçi që shihni te Rregullime Përdoruesi në atë pajisje të përputhet me kyçin më poshtë:",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Skeni lejet e domosdoshme për përdorimin e këtij urdhri.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Përdorni për shkrim mesazhesh hartuesin e ri, më të shpejtë, por ende eksperimental (lyp rifreskim)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Përgjegjës të shumtë integrimesh",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Që të vazhdohet, pranoni <policyLink />:",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Nëse sdoni të përdoret <server /> për të zbuluar dhe për të qenë i zbulueshëm nga kontakte ekzistuese që njihni, jepni më poshtë një tjetër shërbyes identitetesh.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Përdorimi i një shërbyesi identitetesh është opsional. Nëse zgjidhni të mos përdoret një shërbyes identitetesh, sdo të jeni i zbulueshëm nga përdorues të tjerë dhe sdo të jeni në gjendje të ftoni të tjerë me anë email-esh apo telefoni.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Mos përdor shërbyes identitetesh",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Pajtohuni me Kushtet e Shërbimit të shërbyesit të identiteteve (%(serverName)s) që të lejoni veten të jetë e zbulueshme me anë adrese email ose numri telefoni.",
"Discovery": "Zbulueshmëri",
"Upgrade the room": "Përmirësoni dhomën",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Caktoni një email për rimarrje llogarie. Përdorni email ose telefon që të jeni, në daçi, i zbulueshëm nga kontakte ekzistues.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Caktoni një email për rimarrje llogarie. Përdorni email që të jeni, në daçi, i zbulueshëm nga kontakte ekzistues.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Jepni URL-në e shërbyesit tuaj vetjak Home <a>Çdo të thotë kjo?</a>",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Jepni URL-në e shërbyesit tuaj vetjak të identiteteve <a>Çdo të thotë kjo?</a>",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Përdorni një shërbyes identitetesh për të ftuar me email. <default>Përdorni parazgjedhjen (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> ose administrojeni që nga <settings>Rregullimet</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Përdorni një shërbyes identitetesh për të ftuar me email. Administrojeni që nga <settings>Rregullimet</settings>.",
"Enable room encryption": "Aktivizoni fshehtëzim dhome",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "E dërgon një mesazh si tekst të thjeshtë, pa interpretuar elementët Markdown",
"Use an identity server": "Përdor një shërbyes identiteti",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Përdor një shërbyes identiteti për ftesa me email. Klikoni që të vazhdohet të përdoret shërbyesi parazgjedhje i identiteteve (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) ose administrojeni te Rregullimet.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Përdorni një shërbyes identitetesh për ftesa me email. Administrojeni te Rregullimet.",
"Deactivate user?": "Të çaktivizohet përdoruesi?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Çaktivizimi i këtij përdoruesi do të sjellë nxjerrjen e tij nga llogaria përkatëse dhe do të pengojë rihyrjen e tij. Veç kësaj, do të braktisë krejt dhomat ku ndodhet. Ky veprim smund të prapësohet. Jeni i sigurt se doni të çaktivizohet ky përdorues?",
"Deactivate user": "Çaktivizoje përdoruesin",
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "U shkaktua një gabim (%(errcode)s) teksa provohej të vleftësohej ftesa juaj. Mund të provonit tia jepni një përgjegjësi dhome këtë informacion.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Kjo ftesë për %(roomName)s u dërgua te %(email)s që sështë i përshoqëruar me llogarinë tuaj",
"Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Që të merrni ftesa drejt e në Riot, lidheni këtë email me llogarinë tuaj, te Rregullimet.",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Kjo ftesë për %(roomName)s u dërgua te %(email)s",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Që të merrni ftesa drejt e në Riot, përdorni një shërbyes identitetesh, te Rregullimet.",
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Riot.": "Që të merrni ftesa drejt e te Riot, ndajeni me të tjerët këtë email, te Rregullimet.",
"Error changing power level": "Gabim në ndryshimin e shkallës së pushtetit",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ndryshimit të shkallës së pushtetit të përdoruesit. Sigurohuni se keni leje të mjaftueshme dhe riprovoni.",
"Bold": "Të trasha",
"Italics": "Të pjerrëta",
"Strikethrough": "Hequrvije",
"Code block": "Bllok kodi",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Dërgo dëftesa leximi për mesazhe (lyp shërbyes Home të përputhshëm për çaktivizim)",
"Change identity server": "Ndryshoni shërbyes identitetesh",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Të shkëputet më mirë nga shërbyesi i identiteteve <current /> dhe të lidhet me <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Shkëpute shërbyesin e identiteteve",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Ende <b>ndani të dhëna tuajat personale</b> në shërbyesin e identiteteve <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Këshillojmë që të hiqni prej shërbyesit të identiteteve adresat tuaj email dhe numrat tuaj të telefonave përpara se të bëni shkëputjen.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Shkëputu, sido qoftë",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Gabim në ndryshimin e domosdoshmërisë për shkallë pushteti",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ndryshimit të domosdoshmërive për shkallë pushteti në dhomë. Sigurohuni se keni leje të mjaftueshme dhe riprovoni.",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Su gjetën mesazhe së fundi nga %(user)s",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Provoni të ngjiteni sipër në rrjedhën kohore, që të shihni nëse ka patur të tillë më herët.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Hiq mesazhe së fundi nga %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Ju ndan një hap nga heqja e %(count)s mesazheve nga %(user)s. Kjo smund të zhbëhet. Doni të vazhdohet?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Për një sasi të madhe mesazhesh, kjo mund të dojë ca kohë. Ju lutemi, mos e rifreskoni klientin tuaj gjatë kësaj kohe.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Hiq %(count)s mesazhe"
"Remove recent messages": "Hiq mesazhe së fundi",
"Explore": "Eksploroni",
"Filter": "Filtër",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtroni dhoma…",
"Preview": "Paraparje",
"View": "Shihni",
"Find a room…": "Gjeni një dhomë…",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "Gjeni një dhomë… (p.sh. %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "Nëse sgjeni dot dhomën që po kërkoni, kërkoni një ftesë ose <a>Krijoni një dhomë të re</a>.",
"Explore rooms": "Eksploroni dhoma",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Ndryshon avatarin e dhomës së atëçastshme",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Kohëzgjatje e Shenjës së Leximit (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Kohëzgjatje Shenje Leximi jashtë ekrani (ms)",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Verifikoni lidhjen te mesazhet tuaj",
"Room alias": "Alias dhome",
"e.g. my-room": "p.sh., dhoma-ime",
"Please provide a room alias": "Ju lutemi, jepni një alias dhome",
"This alias is available to use": "Ky alias është i lirë të përdoret",
"This alias is already in use": "Ky alias është i përdorur tashmë",
"Close dialog": "Mbylle dialogun",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Ju lutemi, jepni një emër për dhomën",
"Set a room alias to easily share your room with other people.": "Caktoni një alias dhome për tua dhënë lehtësisht dhomën tuaj personave të tjerë.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Kjo dhomë është private dhe në të mund të hyhet vetëm me ftesë.",
"Create a public room": "Krijoni një dhomë publike",
"Create a private room": "Krijoni një dhomë private",
"Topic (optional)": "Temë (në daçi)",
"Make this room public": "Bëje publike këtë dhomë",
"Hide advanced": "Fshihi të mëtejshmet",
"Show advanced": "Shfaqi të mëtejshmet",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Bllokojua hyrjen në këtë dhomë përdoruesve prej shërbyesish Matrix të tjerë Home (Ky rregullim smund të ndryshohet më vonë!)",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Ju lutemi, plotësoni arsyen pse po raportoni.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Raportoni Lëndë te Përgjegjësi i Shërbyesit Tuaj Home",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Raportimi i këtij mesazhi do të shkaktojë dërgimin e 'ID-së së aktit' unike te përgjegjësi i shërbyesit tuaj Home. Nëse mesazhet në këtë dhomë fshehtëzohen, përgjegjësi i shërbyesit tuaj Home sdo të jetë në gjendje të lexojë tekstin e mesazhit apo të shohë çfarëdo kartelë apo figurë.",
"Send report": "Dërgoje raportin",
"To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.": "Që të vazhdohet, lypset të pranoni kushtet e këtij shërbimi.",
"Document": "Dokument",
"Report Content": "Raportoni Lëndë",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot-i nuk mbulohet në web për celularë. Të instalohet aplikacioni?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot-i nuk mbulohet në web për celularë. Të instalohet aplikacioni?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop në %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop në %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Pajisje e panjohur", "Unknown device": "Pajisje e panjohur",
@ -2115,7 +2301,6 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësitë mbi shërbyes vetjak, për të bërë hyrjen në shërbyes të tjerë Matrix, duke dhënë një tjetër URL shërbyesi Home. Kjo ju lejon ta përdorni këtë aplikacion në një tjetër shërbyes Home, me një llogari ekzistuese Matrix.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësitë mbi shërbyes vetjak, për të bërë hyrjen në shërbyes të tjerë Matrix, duke dhënë një tjetër URL shërbyesi Home. Kjo ju lejon ta përdorni këtë aplikacion në një tjetër shërbyes Home, me një llogari ekzistuese Matrix.",
"Create Account": "Krijoni Llogari", "Create Account": "Krijoni Llogari",
"Need help?": "Ju duhet ndihmë?", "Need help?": "Ju duhet ndihmë?",
"Explore rooms": "Eksploroni dhoma",
"Room Directory": "Listë Dhomash", "Room Directory": "Listë Dhomash",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Gabim i papritur gjatë përgatitjes së aplikacionit. Për hollësi, shihni konsolën.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Gabim i papritur gjatë përgatitjes së aplikacionit. Për hollësi, shihni konsolën.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Formësim i pavlefshëm: mund të caktohet vetëm një prej default_server_config, default_server_name, ose default_hs_url.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Formësim i pavlefshëm: mund të caktohet vetëm një prej default_server_config, default_server_name, ose default_hs_url.",

@ -1327,6 +1327,11 @@
"You need to enter a username.": "Морате унети корисничко име.", "You need to enter a username.": "Морате унети корисничко име.",
"Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Не сећате се лозинке? <a>Поставите нову</a>", "Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Не сећате се лозинке? <a>Поставите нову</a>",
"Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Да ли сте сигурни да се желите одјавити?", "Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Да ли сте сигурни да се желите одјавити?",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Позив није успео због погрешно подешеног сервера",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Замолите администратора вашег сервера (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) да подеси TURN сервер како би позиви радили поуздано.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Или, можете покушати да користите јавни сервер на <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, али ово неће бити толико поуздано, и поделиће вашу IP адресу са тим сервером. Ово такође можете мењати у Подешавањима.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Покушајте да користите turn.matrix.org",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Конференцијски позив није могао бити започет јер интеграциони сервер није расположив",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "RIot не ради на мобилном вебу. Инсталирати апликацију?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "RIot не ради на мобилном вебу. Инсталирати апликацију?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot стони програм за %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot стони програм за %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Непознати уређај", "Unknown device": "Непознати уређај",
@ -1366,5 +1371,12 @@
"Need help?": "Потребна помоћ?", "Need help?": "Потребна помоћ?",
"Explore rooms": "Истражи собе", "Explore rooms": "Истражи собе",
"Room Directory": "Фасцикла са собама", "Room Directory": "Фасцикла са собама",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Можете користити опције прилагођеног сервера да бисте се пријавили на друге Матрикс сервере тако што ћете навести другачију адресу кућног сервера. Ово вам омогућава да користите Riot са постојећим Матрикс налогом на другом кућном серверу." "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Можете користити опције прилагођеног сервера да бисте се пријавили на друге Матрикс сервере тако што ћете навести другачију адресу кућног сервера. Ово вам омогућава да користите Riot са постојећим Матрикс налогом на другом кућном серверу.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Ваш Riot није добро подешен",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Погрешно подешавање: подразумевани сервер није наведен.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Ваша Riot конфигурација садржи погрешан JSON. Молим исправите проблем и поново учитајте страну.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Порука из парсера: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Погрешан JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочекивана грешка приликом припреме апликације. Погледајте конзолу за више детаља.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Погрешно подешавање: можете навести само један вредност од default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url."
} }

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"Ban": "Banna", "Ban": "Banna",
"Attachment": "Bilaga", "Attachment": "Bilaga",
"Call Timeout": "Samtalstimeout", "Call Timeout": "Samtalstimeout",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Det går inte att ansluta till en hemserver via HTTP då adressen i webbläsaren är HTTPS. Använd HTTPS, eller <a>sätt på osäkra skript</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Det går inte att ansluta till en hemserver via HTTP då adressen i webbläsaren är HTTPS. Använd HTTPS, eller <a>aktivera osäkra skript</a>.",
"Can't load user settings": "Det gick inte att ladda användarinställningar", "Can't load user settings": "Det gick inte att ladda användarinställningar",
"Change Password": "Byt lösenord", "Change Password": "Byt lösenord",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s bytte sin profilbild.", "%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s bytte sin profilbild.",
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
"Decline": "Avvisa", "Decline": "Avvisa",
"Disable Notifications": "Slå av aviseringar", "Disable Notifications": "Slå av aviseringar",
"Drop File Here": "Dra filen hit", "Drop File Here": "Dra filen hit",
"Enable Notifications": "Slå på aviseringar", "Enable Notifications": "Aktivera aviseringar",
"Encrypted by a verified device": "Krypterat av en verifierad enhet", "Encrypted by a verified device": "Krypterat av en verifierad enhet",
"Encrypted by an unverified device": "Krypterat av en overifierad enhet", "Encrypted by an unverified device": "Krypterat av en overifierad enhet",
"Encryption is enabled in this room": "Kryptering är aktiverat i det här rummet", "Encryption is enabled in this room": "Kryptering är aktiverat i det här rummet",
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
"Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Radera rumsadressen %(alias)s och ta bort %(name)s från katalogen?", "Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Radera rumsadressen %(alias)s och ta bort %(name)s från katalogen?",
"This will allow you to return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Detta kommer tillåta dig att återgå till ditt konto efter att ha loggat ut, och logga in på andra enheter.", "This will allow you to return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Detta kommer tillåta dig att återgå till ditt konto efter att ha loggat ut, och logga in på andra enheter.",
"Keywords": "Nyckelord", "Keywords": "Nyckelord",
"Enable notifications for this account": "Sätt på aviseringar för det här kontot", "Enable notifications for this account": "Aktivera aviseringar för det här kontot",
"Directory": "Katalog", "Directory": "Katalog",
"Failed to get public room list": "Det gick inte att hämta listan över offentliga rum", "Failed to get public room list": "Det gick inte att hämta listan över offentliga rum",
"Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "Meddelanden som innehåller <span>nyckelord</span>", "Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "Meddelanden som innehåller <span>nyckelord</span>",
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
"Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Det gick inte att ställa in direktmeddelandestatus för rummet", "Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Det gick inte att ställa in direktmeddelandestatus för rummet",
"Monday": "måndag", "Monday": "måndag",
"Remove from Directory": "Ta bort från katalogen", "Remove from Directory": "Ta bort från katalogen",
"Enable them now": "Sätt på nu", "Enable them now": "Aktivera nu",
"Messages containing my user name": "Meddelanden som innehåller mitt användarnamn", "Messages containing my user name": "Meddelanden som innehåller mitt användarnamn",
"Collecting logs": "Samlar in loggar", "Collecting logs": "Samlar in loggar",
"more": "mera", "more": "mera",
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
"Mentions only": "Endast omnämnande", "Mentions only": "Endast omnämnande",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Det gick inte att radera taggen %(tagName)s från rummet", "Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Det gick inte att radera taggen %(tagName)s från rummet",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Du kan nu återgå till ditt konto efter att ha loggat ut och logga in på andra enheter.", "You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Du kan nu återgå till ditt konto efter att ha loggat ut och logga in på andra enheter.",
"Enable email notifications": "Sätt på epostaviseringar", "Enable email notifications": "Aktivera epostaviseringar",
"Login": "Logga in", "Login": "Logga in",
"Download this file": "Ladda ner filen", "Download this file": "Ladda ner filen",
"Failed to change settings": "Det gick inte att spara inställningarna", "Failed to change settings": "Det gick inte att spara inställningarna",
@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Bekräfta rumsuppgradering", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Bekräfta rumsuppgradering",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Uppgradering av ett rum kan vara destruktivt och är inte alltid nödvändigt.", "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "Uppgradering av ett rum kan vara destruktivt och är inte alltid nödvändigt.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Rumsuppgraderingar rekommenderas vanligtvis när en rumversion anses vara <i>instabil</i>. Instabila rumsversioner kan ha fel, sakna funktioner eller ha säkerhetsproblem.", "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Rumsuppgraderingar rekommenderas vanligtvis när en rumversion anses vara <i>instabil</i>. Instabila rumsversioner kan ha fel, sakna funktioner eller ha säkerhetsproblem.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "", "Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Rumuppgraderingar påverkar vanligtvis bara bearbetningen av rummet på <i>serversidan</i>. Om du har problem med din Riot-klient, vänligen anmäl ett ärende på <issueLink />.",
"Upgrade": "Uppgradera", "Upgrade": "Uppgradera",
"Close button should minimize window to tray": "Stängknappen ska minimera fönstret till systemfältet", "Close button should minimize window to tray": "Stängknappen ska minimera fönstret till systemfältet",
"Composer": "Meddelandefält", "Composer": "Meddelandefält",
@ -1740,6 +1740,161 @@
}, },
"Cancel All": "Avbryt alla", "Cancel All": "Avbryt alla",
"Upload Error": "Uppladdningsfel", "Upload Error": "Uppladdningsfel",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Namn eller Martix-ID",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, namn, eller Matrix-ID",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot är felkonfigurerat",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Anrop misslyckades på grund av felkonfigurerad server",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Prova att använda turn.matrix.org",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Ett konferenssamtal kunde inte startas eftersom integrationsservern inte är tillgänglig",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Servern stöder inte den angivna rumsversionen.",
"Failed to start chat": "Det gick inte att starta chatten",
"Messages": "Meddelanden",
"Actions": "Åtgärder",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Skickar ett meddelande som vanlig text, utan att tolka det som markdown",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Du har inte de behörigheter som krävs för att använda det här kommandot.",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Ändrar din avatar endast i det aktuella rummet",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Ändrar din avatar i alla rum",
"Use an identity server": "Använd en identitetsserver",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Avbannar användare med givet id",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Skickar angivet meddelandet färgat som en regnbåge",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Skickar angiven emoji färgad som en regnbåge",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Visar lista över kommandon med beskrivningar",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s gjorde ingen ändring.",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Kan inte nå hemservern",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Se till att du har en stabil internetanslutning, eller kontakta serveradministratören",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Be din Riot-administratör att kontrollera <a>din konfiguration</a> efter felaktiga eller duplicerade poster.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Kan inte nå identitetsservern",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Du kan registrera dig, men vissa funktioner kommer inte att vara tillgängliga förrän identitetsservern är online igen. Om du fortsätter att se den här varningen, kontrollera din konfiguration eller kontakta en serveradministratör.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Du kan återställa ditt lösenord, men vissa funktioner kommer inte att vara tillgängliga förrän identitetsservern är online igen. Om du fortsätter att se den här varningen, kontrollera din konfiguration eller kontakta en serveradministratör.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Du kan logga in, men vissa funktioner kommer inte att vara tillgängliga förrän identitetsservern är online igen. Om du fortsätter att se den här varningen, kontrollera din konfiguration eller kontakta en serveradministratör.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Ingen hemserver-URL angiven",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "Användarens hemserver stöder inte versionen av rummet.",
"Use the new, faster, but still experimental composer for writing messages (requires refresh)": "Använd den nya, snabbare, men fortfarande experimentella meddelandefältet för att skriva meddelanden (kräver omladdning)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Flera integrationshanterare",
"Show recently visited rooms above the room list": "Visa nyligen besökta rum ovanför rumslistan",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Visa dolda händelser i tidslinjen",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Läge för låg bandbredd",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Skicka läskvitton för meddelanden (kräver kompatibel hemserver för att inaktivera)",
"When rooms are upgraded": "När rum uppgraderas",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Acceptera <policyLink /> för att fortsätta:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Offentligt namn",
"No integrations server configured": "Ingen konfigurationsserver konfigurerad",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Denna Riot-instans har inte någon integrationsserver konfigurerad.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Ansluter till integrationsservern...",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Det går inte att ansluta till integrationsservern",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Integrationsservern är offline eller så kan den inte nå din hemserver.",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "URL för identitetsserver måste vara HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Inte en giltig identitetsserver (statuskod %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Det gick inte att ansluta till identitetsserver",
"Checking server": "Kontrollerar server",
"Change identity server": "Byt identitetsserver",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Koppla från identitetsservern <current /> och ansluta till <new /> istället?",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Fortsätt endast om du litar på serverns ägare.",
"Disconnect identity server": "Koppla från identitetsserver",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Koppla från identitetsserver <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Koppla från",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Du delar fortfarande <b>dina personuppgifter</b> på identitetsserver <idserver />.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Vi rekommenderar att du tar bort dina e-postadresser och telefonnummer från identitetsservern innan du kopplar från.",
"Disconnect anyway": "Koppla från ändå",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identitetsserver (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Du använder för närvarande <server></server> för att upptäcka och upptäckas av befintliga kontakter som du känner. Du kan ändra din identitetsserver nedan.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Om du inte vill använda <server /> för att upptäcka och upptäckas av befintliga kontakter som du känner, ange en annan identitetsserver nedan.",
"Identity Server": "Identitetsserver",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Du använder för närvarande inte en identitetsserver. Lägg till en nedan om du vill upptäcka och bli upptäckbar av befintliga kontakter som du känner.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Att koppla från din identitetsserver betyder att du inte kan upptäckas av andra användare och att du inte kommer att kunna bjuda in andra via e-post eller telefon.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Att använda en identitetsserver är valfritt. Om du väljer att inte använda en identitetsserver kan du inte upptäckas av andra användare och inte heller bjuda in andra via e-post eller telefon.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Använd inte en identitetsserver",
"Enter a new identity server": "Ange en ny identitetsserver",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Det gick inte att uppdatera integrationshanterare",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Integrationshanteraren är offline eller otillgänglig.",
"Integration Manager": "Integrationshanterare",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Ange en ny integrationshanterare",
"Discovery": "Upptäckt",
"Deactivate account": "Inaktivera konto",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Visa alltid fönstermenyn",
"A device's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "En enhets offentliga namn är synligt för personer du kommunicerar med",
"this room": "detta rum",
"View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Visa äldre meddelanden i %(roomName)s.",
"Uploaded sound": "Uppladdat ljud",
"Sounds": "Ljud",
"Notification sound": "Notifikationsljud",
"Reset": "Återställ",
"Set a new custom sound": "Ställ in ett nytt anpassat ljud",
"Upgrade the room": "Uppgradera rummet",
"Enable room encryption": "Aktivera rumskryptering",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Kontrollera din inkorg och klicka sedan på Fortsätt",
"Revoke": "Återkalla",
"Share": "Dela",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Upptäcktsalternativ visas när du har lagt till en e-postadress ovan.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Ta bort %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Ta bort %(phone)s?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Ett textmeddelande har skickats till +%(msisdn)s. Ange verifieringskoden som det innehåller.",
"Edit message": "Redigera meddelande",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Inga nyliga meddelanden av %(user)s hittades",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Pröva att scrolla upp i tidslinjen för att se om det finns några tidigare.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Ta bort nyliga meddelanden av %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"other": "Du håller på att ta bort %(count)s meddelanden av %(user)s. Detta kan inte ångras. Vill du fortsätta?"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "För en stor mängd meddelanden kan det ta lite tid. Vänligen uppdatera inte din klient under tiden.",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"other": "Ta bort %(count)s meddelanden"
"Deactivate user?": "Inaktivera användare?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Vid inaktivering av användare loggas den ut och förhindras från att logga in igen. Den kommer dessutom att lämna alla rum den befinner sig i. Den här åtgärden kan inte ångras. Är du säker på att du vill inaktivera den här användaren?",
"Deactivate user": "Inaktivera användaren",
"Remove recent messages": "Ta bort nyliga meddelanden",
"Bold": "Fet",
"Italics": "Kursiv",
"Strikethrough": "Genomstruken",
"Code block": "Kodblock",
"Joining room …": "Gå med i rum …",
"Loading …": "Laddar …",
"Rejecting invite …": "Avvisar inbjudan …",
"Join the conversation with an account": "Gå med i konversationen med ett konto",
"Sign Up": "Registrera dig",
"Sign In": "Logga in",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Fråga innan inbjudningar skickas till potentiellt ogiltiga matrix-IDn",
"Enable desktop notifications for this device": "Aktivera skrivbordsaviseringar för denna enhet",
"Enable audible notifications for this device": "Aktivera ljudaviseringar för denna enhet",
"Agree": "Håller med",
"Disagree": "Håller inte med",
"Happy": "Lycklig",
"Party Popper": "Partypopper",
"Confused": "Förvirrad",
"Eyes": "Ögon",
"Show all": "Visa alla",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith>reagerade med %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Ändrad %(date)s. Klicka för att visa ändringar.",
"edited": "ändrad",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Logga in med ditt Matrix-konto på <underlinedServerName />",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Installera <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, eller <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> för den bästa upplevelsen.",
"Couldn't load page": "Det gick inte att ladda sidan",
"Want more than a community? <a>Get your own server</a>": "Vill du ha mer än en community? <a>Skaffa din egen server</a>",
"This homeserver does not support communities": "Denna hemserver stöder inte communityn",
"Explore": "Utforska",
"Filter": "Filtrera",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtrera rum…",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Be administratören för din hemserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) att konfigurera en TURN-server för att samtal ska fungera pålitligt.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternativt kan du testa att använda den offentliga servern <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, men det är inte lika pålitligt och det kommer att dela din IP-adress med den servern. Du kan också hantera detta under Inställningar.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Varning</b>: Uppgradering av ett rum <i>flyttar inte automatiskt rumsmedlemmar till den nya versionen av rummet.</i> Vi lägger ut en länk till det nya rummet i den gamla versionen av rummet - rumsmedlemmar måste klicka på den här länken för att gå med i det nya rummet.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Bekräfta att du vill gå vidare med att uppgradera detta rum från <oldVersion /> till <newVersion />.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Ändrar avataren i det aktuella rummet",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Använd en identitetsserver för att bjuda in via epost. Klicka på Fortsätt för att använda standardidentitetsservern (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) eller hantera det i Inställningar.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Använd en identitetsserver för att bjuda in via epost. Hantera det i inställningar.",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Oväntat fel vid inläsning av hemserverkonfiguration",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Oväntat fel vid inläsning av identitetsserverkonfiguration",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Tillåt samtalsserver turn.matrix.org som reserv när din hemserver inte erbjuder en (din IP-adress delades under ett samtal)",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Det går inte att ladda status för nyckelsäkerhetskopiering",
"Restore from Backup": "Återställ från säkerhetskopiering",
"This device is backing up your keys. ": "Den här enheten säkerhetskopierar dina nycklar. ",
"This device is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Den här enheten <b>säkerhetskopierar inte dina nycklar</b>, men du har en befintlig säkerhetskopia som du kan återställa från och lägga till i framöver.",
"Connect this device to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this device.": "Anslut denna enhet till säkerhetskopiering innan du loggar ut för att undvika att förlora några nycklar som kanske bara finns på den här enheten.",
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Anslut den här enheten till nyckelsäkerhetskopiering",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Säkerhetskopierar %(sessionsRemaining)s nycklar...",
"All keys backed up": "Alla nycklar säkerhetskopierade",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> device with ID %(deviceId)s.": "Säkerhetskopian har en signatur från <verify>okänd</verify> enhet med ID %(deviceId)s.",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot stöds inte på mobil-webb. Installera appen?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot stöds inte på mobil-webb. Installera appen?",
@ -1774,9 +1929,14 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan använda anpassade serverinställningar för att logga in på andra Matrix-servrar genom att ange en annan hemserver-URL.<BR/>Du kan då använda Riot med ett befintligt Matrix-konto på en annan hemserver.<br/><br/>Du kan också ange en anpassad identitetsserver men kommer då inte kunna bjuda in användare med epostadress, eller själv bli inbjuden med epostadress.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan använda anpassade serverinställningar för att logga in på andra Matrix-servrar genom att ange en annan hemserver-URL.<BR/>Du kan då använda Riot med ett befintligt Matrix-konto på en annan hemserver.<br/><br/>Du kan också ange en anpassad identitetsserver men kommer då inte kunna bjuda in användare med epostadress, eller själv bli inbjuden med epostadress.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination för Riot-översättare", "Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination för Riot-översättare",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Under anpassade serverinställningar kan du logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att ange en egen hemserveradress. På så sätt kan du använda Riot med ett Matrixkonto du redan har på en annan hemserver.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Under anpassade serverinställningar kan du logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att ange en egen hemserveradress. På så sätt kan du använda Riot med ett Matrixkonto du redan har på en annan hemserver.",
"Sign In": "Logga in",
"Create Account": "Skapa konto", "Create Account": "Skapa konto",
"Need help?": "Behöver du hjälp?", "Need help?": "Behöver du hjälp?",
"Explore rooms": "Utforska rum", "Explore rooms": "Utforska rum",
"Room Directory": "Rumslista" "Room Directory": "Rumslista",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Dina Riot-inställningar innhåller ogiltig JSON. Vänligen uppdatera inställningarna och ladda om sidan.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Medelandet från parsern är: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ogiltig JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Oväntat fel vid appstart. Se konsollen för mer information.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ogilitiga inställningar: enbart möjligt att specificera en default_config, default_server, eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ogilitiga inställningar: ingen standardserver specificerad."
} }

@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s ผ่านทาง %(browserName)s บน %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s ผ่านทาง %(browserName)s บน %(osName)s",
"Unknown device": "อุปกรณ์ที่ไม่รู้จัก", "Unknown device": "อุปกรณ์ที่ไม่รู้จัก",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "คุณต้องใช้ HTTPS เพื่อเริ่มติดต่อแบบแบ่งปันหน้าจอ", "You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "คุณต้องใช้ HTTPS เพื่อเริ่มติดต่อแบบแบ่งปันหน้าจอ",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot เดสก์ทอปบน %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop บน %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot ไม่รองรับเว็บบนอุปกรณ์พกพา ติดตั้งแอป?", "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot ไม่รองรับเว็บบนอุปกรณ์พกพา ติดตั้งแอป?",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Riot.im", "Welcome to Riot.im": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Riot.im",
"Search the room directory": "ค้นหาในไดเรกทอรีห้อง", "Search the room directory": "ค้นหาในไดเรกทอรีห้อง",
@ -598,5 +598,13 @@
"Design and implementation of E2E in Matrix": "การออกแบบและใช้งาน E2E ใน Matrix", "Design and implementation of E2E in Matrix": "การออกแบบและใช้งาน E2E ใน Matrix",
"Discussion of the Identity Service API": "พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับ Identity Service API", "Discussion of the Identity Service API": "พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับ Identity Service API",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "ระบบแชทและประสานงาน ไร้ศูนย์กลางและเข้ารหัสได้ โดยใช้เทคโนโลยีจาก [matrix]", "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "ระบบแชทและประสานงาน ไร้ศูนย์กลางและเข้ารหัสได้ โดยใช้เทคโนโลยีจาก [matrix]",
"General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "พูดคุยเรื่องทั่วไป ทั้ง Matrix และ Riot" "General discussion about Matrix and Riot": "พูดคุยเรื่องทั่วไป ทั้ง Matrix และ Riot",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "การตั้งค่า Riot ของคุณมี JSON ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดแก้ปัญหาและโหลดเพจอีกครั้ง",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "ข้อความจากparserคือ:%(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riotของคุณตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Sign In": "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
"Create Account": "สร้างบัญชี",
"Need help?": "ต้องการความช่วยเหลือ?",
"Explore rooms": "สำรวจห้อง"
} }

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ {
"This email address is already in use": "Dit e-mailadresse es al in gebruuk", "This email address is already in use": "Dat e-mailadresse hier es al in gebruuk",
"This phone number is already in use": "Dezen telefongnumero es al in gebruuk", "This phone number is already in use": "Dezen telefongnumero es al in gebruuk",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Kostege t e-mailadresse nie verifieern: zorgt dervoor da je de koppelienge in den e-mail èt angeklikt", "Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Kostege t e-mailadresse nie verifieern: zorgt dervoor da je de koppelienge in den e-mail èt angeklikt",
"The platform you're on": "t Platform wuk da je gebruukt", "The platform you're on": "t Platform wuk da je gebruukt",
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
"Your User Agent": "Je gebruukersagent", "Your User Agent": "Je gebruukersagent",
"Your device resolution": "De resolutie van je toestel", "Your device resolution": "De resolutie van je toestel",
"Analytics": "Statistische gegeevns", "Analytics": "Statistische gegeevns",
"The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:": "Dinformatie da noar uus wor verstuurd vo Riot.im te verbetern betreft:", "The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:": "Dinformoasje da noar uus wor verstuurd vo Riot.im te verbetern betreft:",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Woar da dit blad identificeerboare informatie bevat, gelyk e gespreks-, gebruukers- of groeps-ID, goan deze gegevens verwyderd wordn voorda ze noa de server gestuurd wordn.", "Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Woar da da blad hier identificeerboare informoasje bevat, gelyk e gespreks-, gebruukers- of groeps-ID, goan deze gegevens verwyderd wordn voorda ze noa de server gestuurd wordn.",
"Call Failed": "Iproep mislukt", "Call Failed": "Iproep mislukt",
"There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "t Zyn ounbekende toestelln in dit gesprek: a je deuregoat zounder ze te verifieern goa t meuglik zyn dan t er etwien jen iproep afluustert.", "There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "t Zyn ounbekende toestelln in da gesprek hier: a je deuregoat zounder ze te verifieern goa t meuglik zyn da t er etwien jen iproep afluustert.",
"Review Devices": "Toestelln noakykn", "Review Devices": "Toestelln noakykn",
"Call Anyway": "Algelyk belln", "Call Anyway": "Algelyk belln",
"Answer Anyway": "Algelyk beantwoordn", "Answer Anyway": "Algelyk beantwoordn",
@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP wor nie oundersteund", "VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP wor nie oundersteund",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Jen kut in deezn browser gin VoIP-iproepen pleegn.", "You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Jen kut in deezn browser gin VoIP-iproepen pleegn.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Jen ku jezelve nie belln.", "You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Jen ku jezelve nie belln.",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Verbindienge me dintegroatieserver es mislukt", "Could not connect to the integration server": "Verbindienge me dintegroasjeserver es mislukt",
"A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Me da dintegroatieserver ounbereikboar is kostege t groepsaudiogesprek nie gestart wordn", "A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available": "Me da dintegroasjeserver ounbereikboar is kostege t groepsaudiogesprek nie gestart wordn",
"Call in Progress": "Loopnd gesprek", "Call in Progress": "Loopnd gesprek",
"A call is currently being placed!": "t Wordt al een iproep gemakt!", "A call is currently being placed!": "t Wordt al een iproep gemakt!",
"A call is already in progress!": "t Es al e gesprek actief!", "A call is already in progress!": "t Es al e gesprek actief!",
"Permission Required": "Toestemmienge vereist", "Permission Required": "Toestemmienge vereist",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Jen èt geen toestemmienge voor in dit groepsgesprek e vergoaderiengsgesprek te begunn", "You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Jen èt geen toestemmienge voor in da groepsgesprek hier e vergoaderiengsgesprek te begunn",
"Replying With Files": "Beantwoordn me bestandn", "Replying With Files": "Beantwoordn me bestandn",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Vo de moment es t nie meuglik van met e bestand te antwoordn. Wil je dit bestand iploadn zounder te antwoordn?", "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Vo de moment es t nie meuglik van met e bestand te antwoordn. Wil je da bestand hier iploadn zounder te antwoordn?",
"Continue": "Deuregoan", "Continue": "Verdergoan",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "t Bestand %(fileName)s kostege nie gipload wordn.", "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "t Bestand %(fileName)s kostege nie gipload wordn.",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "t Bestand %(fileName)s es groter of den iploadlimiet van den thuusserver", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "t Bestand %(fileName)s es groter of den iploadlimiet van den thuusserver",
"Upload Failed": "Iploadn mislukt", "Upload Failed": "Iploadn mislukt",
@ -59,18 +59,18 @@
"Thu": "Dun", "Thu": "Dun",
"Fri": "Vry", "Fri": "Vry",
"Sat": "Zoa", "Sat": "Zoa",
"Jan": "Jan", "Jan": "jan",
"Feb": "Feb", "Feb": "feb",
"Mar": "Mrt", "Mar": "mrt",
"Apr": "Apr", "Apr": "apr",
"May": "Mei", "May": "mei",
"Jun": "Jun", "Jun": "jun",
"Jul": "Jul", "Jul": "jul",
"Aug": "Ogu", "Aug": "ogu",
"Sep": "Sep", "Sep": "sep",
"Oct": "Okt", "Oct": "okt",
"Nov": "Nov", "Nov": "nov",
"Dec": "Dec", "Dec": "dec",
"PM": "PM", "PM": "PM",
"AM": "AM", "AM": "AM",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(time)s", "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(time)s",
@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot èt geen toestemmienge vo je meldiengn te verstuurn - controleert je browserinstelliengn", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot èt geen toestemmienge vo je meldiengn te verstuurn - controleert je browserinstelliengn",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot èt geen toestemmienge gekreegn ghed vo joun meldiengn te verstuurn - herprobeer t e ki", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot èt geen toestemmienge gekreegn ghed vo joun meldiengn te verstuurn - herprobeer t e ki",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Kostege meldiengn nie inschoakeln", "Unable to enable Notifications": "Kostege meldiengn nie inschoakeln",
"This email address was not found": "Dit e-mailadresse es nie gevoundn", "This email address was not found": "Dat e-mailadresse hier es nie gevoundn",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "t Ziet ernoar uut da jen e-mailadresse ip dezen thuusserver nie an e Matrix-ID es gekoppeld.", "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "t Ziet ernoar uut da jen e-mailadresse ip dezen thuusserver nie an e Matrix-ID es gekoppeld.",
"Registration Required": "Registroatie vereist", "Registration Required": "Registroasje vereist",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Hiervoorn moe je je registreern. Wil je da nu doen?", "You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Hiervoorn moe je je registreern. Wil je da nu doen?",
"Register": "Registreern", "Register": "Registreern",
"Default": "Standoard", "Default": "Standoard",
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-mailadresse, noame, of matrix-ID", "Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-mailadresse, noame, of matrix-ID",
"Start Chat": "Gesprek beginn", "Start Chat": "Gesprek beginn",
"Invite new room members": "Nieuwe gespreksleedn uutnodign", "Invite new room members": "Nieuwe gespreksleedn uutnodign",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Wien wil je an dit gesprek toevoegn?", "Who would you like to add to this room?": "Wien wil je an da gesprek hier toevoegn?",
"Send Invites": "Uutnodigiengn verstuurn", "Send Invites": "Uutnodigiengn verstuurn",
"Failed to invite user": "Uutnodign van gebruuker es mislukt", "Failed to invite user": "Uutnodign van gebruuker es mislukt",
"Operation failed": "Handelienge es mislukt", "Operation failed": "Handelienge es mislukt",
@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Unable to create widget.": "Kostege de widget nie anmoakn.", "Unable to create widget.": "Kostege de widget nie anmoakn.",
"Missing roomId.": "roomId ountbreekt.", "Missing roomId.": "roomId ountbreekt.",
"Failed to send request.": "Verstuurn van verzoek es mislukt.", "Failed to send request.": "Verstuurn van verzoek es mislukt.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Dit gesprek wor nie herkend.", "This room is not recognised.": "Da gesprek wordt hier nie herkend.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Machtsniveau moet e positief geheel getal zyn.", "Power level must be positive integer.": "Machtsniveau moet e positief geheel getal zyn.",
"You are not in this room.": "Jen zit nie in dit gesprek.", "You are not in this room.": "Jen zit nie in t gesprek hier.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Jen èt geen toestemmienge vo dat in dit gesprek te doen.", "You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Jen èt geen toestemmienge vo dat in da gesprek hier te doen.",
"Missing room_id in request": "room_id ountbrikt in verzoek", "Missing room_id in request": "room_id ountbrikt in verzoek",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Gesprek %(roomId)s es nie zichtboar", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Gesprek %(roomId)s es nie zichtboar",
"Missing user_id in request": "user_id ountbrikt in verzoek", "Missing user_id in request": "user_id ountbrikt in verzoek",
@ -140,16 +140,16 @@
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Bevestigienge vo t gesprek te actualiseern", "Room upgrade confirmation": "Bevestigienge vo t gesprek te actualiseern",
"Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "t Ipwoardeern van e gesprek es meuglik destructief en is nie assan noodzoakelik.", "Upgrading a room can be destructive and isn't always necessary.": "t Ipwoardeern van e gesprek es meuglik destructief en is nie assan noodzoakelik.",
"Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Gespreksipwoarderiengn wordn meestal anbevooln wanneer da der e bepoalde groepsgespreksversie als <i>ounstabiel</i> wor beschouwd. Ounstabiele groepsgespreksversies bevattn meuglik fouten of beveiligiengsprobleemn, of beschikkn nie over alle functies.", "Room upgrades are usually recommended when a room version is considered <i>unstable</i>. Unstable room versions might have bugs, missing features, or security vulnerabilities.": "Gespreksipwoarderiengn wordn meestal anbevooln wanneer da der e bepoalde groepsgespreksversie als <i>ounstabiel</i> wor beschouwd. Ounstabiele groepsgespreksversies bevattn meuglik fouten of beveiligiengsprobleemn, of beschikkn nie over alle functies.",
"Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Gespreksipwoarderiengn beïnvloedn meestal enkel de verwerkienge van t gesprek <i>an serverzyde</i>. Indien da je probleemn zoudt ounderviendn me je Riot-cliënt, gelieve dit ton te meldn ip <issueLink />.", "Room upgrades usually only affect <i>server-side</i> processing of the room. If you're having problems with your Riot client, please file an issue with <issueLink />.": "Gespreksipwoarderiengn beïnvloedn meestal enkel de verwerkienge van t gesprek <i>an serverzyde</i>. Indien da je probleemn zoudt ounderviendn me je Riot-cliënt, gelieve da ton te meldn ip <issueLink />.",
"<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Let ip</b>: t ipwoardeern van e gesprek goa <i>gespreksleedn nie automatisch verplatsn noa de nieuwe versie van t gesprek</i>. We goan e koppelienge noa t nieuw gesprek in doude versie van t gesprek platsn - gespreksleedn goan ton ip deze koppeliengen moetn klikkn vo t nieuw gesprek toe te treedn.", "<b>Warning</b>: Upgrading a room will <i>not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room.</i> We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "<b>Let ip</b>: t ipwoardeern van e gesprek goa <i>gespreksleedn nie automatisch verplatsn noa de nieuwe versie van t gesprek</i>. We goan e koppelienge noa t nieuw gesprek in doude versie van t gesprek platsn - gespreksleedn goan ton ip deze koppeliengen moetn klikkn vo t nieuw gesprek toe te treedn.",
"Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Bevestigt da je dit gesprek van <oldVersion /> wilt ipwoardeern noa <newVersion />.", "Please confirm that you'd like to go forward with upgrading this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Bevestigt da je da gesprek hier van <oldVersion /> wilt ipwoardeern noa <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Actualiseern", "Upgrade": "Actualiseern",
"Changes your display nickname": "Verandert je weergavenoame", "Changes your display nickname": "Verandert je weergavenoame",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Stelt je weergavenoame alleene moa in t huudig gesprek in", "Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Stelt je weergavenoame alleene moa in t huudig gesprek in",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Verandert jen avatar alleene moa in t huudig gesprek", "Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Verandert jen avatar alleene moa in t huudig gesprek",
"Changes colour scheme of current room": "Verandert t kleurenschema van t huudig gesprek", "Changes colour scheme of current room": "Verandert t kleurenschema van t huudig gesprek",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Verkrygt t ounderwerp van t gesprek of stelt t in", "Gets or sets the room topic": "Verkrygt t ounderwerp van t gesprek of stelt t in",
"This room has no topic.": "Dit gesprek èt geen ounderwerp.", "This room has no topic.": "Da gesprek hier èt geen ounderwerp.",
"Sets the room name": "Stelt de gespreksnoame in", "Sets the room name": "Stelt de gespreksnoame in",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Nodigt de gebruuker me de gegeevn ID uut in t huudig gesprek", "Invites user with given id to current room": "Nodigt de gebruuker me de gegeevn ID uut in t huudig gesprek",
"Joins room with given alias": "Treedt tout t gesprek toe me de gegeevn bynoame", "Joins room with given alias": "Treedt tout t gesprek toe me de gegeevn bynoame",
@ -169,12 +169,12 @@
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Opent de dialoogveinster me t ountwikkeloarsgereedschap", "Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Opent de dialoogveinster me t ountwikkeloarsgereedschap",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Voegt met een URL een angepaste widget toe an t gesprek", "Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Voegt met een URL een angepaste widget toe an t gesprek",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Gift een https://- of http://-widget-URL in", "Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Gift een https://- of http://-widget-URL in",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Jen kut de widgets in dit gesprek nie anpassn.", "You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Jen kut de widgets in t gesprek hier nie anpassn.",
"Verifies a user, device, and pubkey tuple": "Verifieert e combinoatie van gebruuker, toestel en publieke sleuter", "Verifies a user, device, and pubkey tuple": "Verifieert e combinoasje van gebruuker, toestel en publieke sleuter",
"Unknown (user, device) pair:": "Ounbekend poar (gebruuker, toestel):", "Unknown (user, device) pair:": "Ounbekend poar (gebruuker, toestel):",
"Device already verified!": "Toestel es al geverifieerd gewist!", "Device already verified!": "Toestel es al geverifieerd gewist!",
"WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "LET IP: toestel es al geverifieerd gewist, moa de sleuters KOMMN NIE OVEREEN!", "WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "LET IP: toestel es al geverifieerd gewist, moa de sleuters KOMMN NIE OVEREEN!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "LET IP: SLEUTERVERIFICOATIE ES MISLUKT! Den oundertekende sleuter vo %(userId)s en toestel %(deviceId)s is %(fprint)s, wuk da nie overeenkomt me de verschafte sleuter %(fingerprint)s. Dit zou kunn betekenn da je communicoatie ounderschept wordt!", "WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "LET IP: SLEUTERVERIFICOASJE ES MISLUKT! Den oundertekende sleuter vo %(userId)s en toestel %(deviceId)s is %(fprint)s, wuk da nie overeenkomt me de verschafte sleuter %(fingerprint)s. Da zoudt hier kunn betekenn da je communicoasje ounderschept wordt!",
"Verified key": "Geverifieerde sleuter", "Verified key": "Geverifieerde sleuter",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's device %(deviceId)s. Device marked as verified.": "De versleuteriengssleuter da jè verstrekt komt overeen me de versleuteriengssleuter da jountvangen èt van t toestel %(deviceId)s van %(userId)s. t Toestel es gemarkeerd als geverifieerd.", "The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's device %(deviceId)s. Device marked as verified.": "De versleuteriengssleuter da jè verstrekt komt overeen me de versleuteriengssleuter da jountvangen èt van t toestel %(deviceId)s van %(userId)s. t Toestel es gemarkeerd als geverifieerd.",
"Displays action": "Toogt actie", "Displays action": "Toogt actie",
@ -205,19 +205,19 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t ounderwerp gewyzigd noa %(topic)s.", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t ounderwerp gewyzigd noa %(topic)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de gespreksnoame verwyderd.", "%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de gespreksnoame verwyderd.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de gespreksnoame gewyzigd noa %(roomName)s.", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de gespreksnoame gewyzigd noa %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt dit gesprek geactualiseerd.", "%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt da gesprek hier geactualiseerd.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room public to whoever knows the link.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t gesprek toegankelik gemakt voor iedereen da de verwyzienge kent.", "%(senderDisplayName)s made the room public to whoever knows the link.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t gesprek toegankelik gemakt voor iedereen da de verwyzienge kent.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t gesprek alleene moa ip uutnodigienge toegankelik gemakt.", "%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt t gesprek alleene moa ip uutnodigienge toegankelik gemakt.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de toegangsregel veranderd noa %(rule)s", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de toegangsregel veranderd noa %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt gastn toegeloatn van t gesprek te betreedn.", "%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt gastn toegeloatn van t gesprek te betreedn.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt gastn den toegank tout t gesprek ountzeid.", "%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt gastn den toegank tout t gesprek ountzeid.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de toegangsregel vo gastn ip %(rule)s ingesteld", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt de toegangsregel vo gastn ip %(rule)s ingesteld",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges vo %(groups)s in dit gesprek ingeschoakeld.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges vo %(groups)s in da gesprek hier ingeschoakeld.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges vo %(groups)s in dit gesprek uutgeschoakeld.", "%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges vo %(groups)s in da gesprek hier uutgeschoakeld.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges in dit gesprek vo %(newGroups)s in-, en vo %(oldGroups)s uutgeschoakeld.", "%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt badges in da gesprek hier vo %(newGroups)s in-, en vo %(oldGroups)s uutgeschoakeld.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt e fotootje gestuurd.", "%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s èt e fotootje gestuurd.",
"%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": { "%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
"other": "%(senderName)s èt de adressn %(addedAddresses)s an dit gesprek toegekend.", "other": "%(senderName)s èt de adressn %(addedAddresses)s an da gesprek hier toegekend.",
"one": "%(senderName)s èt %(addedAddresses)s als gespreksadresse toegevoegd." "one": "%(senderName)s èt %(addedAddresses)s als gespreksadresse toegevoegd."
}, },
"%(senderName)s removed %(count)s %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": { "%(senderName)s removed %(count)s %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
}, },
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s en %(lastPerson)s zyn an t typn…", "%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s en %(lastPerson)s zyn an t typn…",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Geen thuusserver-URL ingegeevn", "No homeserver URL provided": "Geen thuusserver-URL ingegeevn",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Ounverwachte foute by t controleern van de thuusserverconfiguroatie", "Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Ounverwachte foute by t controleern van de thuusserverconfiguroasje",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "Dezen thuusserver èt zn limiet vo moandeliks actieve gebruukers bereikt.", "This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "Dezen thuusserver èt zn limiet vo moandeliks actieve gebruukers bereikt.",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Dezen thuusserver èt één van zn systeembronlimietn overschreedn.", "This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Dezen thuusserver èt één van zn systeembronlimietn overschreedn.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Gelieve <a>contact ip te neemn me je systeembeheerder</a> vo deze dienst te bluuvn gebruukn.", "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Gelieve <a>contact ip te neemn me je systeembeheerder</a> vo deze dienst te bluuvn gebruukn.",
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
"Unknown server error": "Ounbekende serverfoute", "Unknown server error": "Ounbekende serverfoute",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Gebruukt een antal woordn - moa geen gekende uutdrukkiengn", "Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Gebruukt een antal woordn - moa geen gekende uutdrukkiengn",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Hoofdletters, cyfers of specioale tekens moetn nie, moa meugn wel", "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Hoofdletters, cyfers of specioale tekens moetn nie, moa meugn wel",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Gebruukt e langer patroon me meer varioatie", "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Gebruukt e langer patroon me meer varioasje",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Vermydt herhoaliengn van woordn of tekens", "Avoid repeated words and characters": "Vermydt herhoaliengn van woordn of tekens",
"Avoid sequences": "Vermydt riksjes", "Avoid sequences": "Vermydt riksjes",
"Avoid recent years": "Vermydt recente joarn", "Avoid recent years": "Vermydt recente joarn",
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
"Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Gesprekkn in de gesprekslyste sorteern ip belang in plekke van latste gebruuk", "Order rooms in the room list by most important first instead of most recent": "Gesprekkn in de gesprekslyste sorteern ip belang in plekke van latste gebruuk",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Verborgn gebeurtenissn ip de tydslyn weregeevn", "Show hidden events in timeline": "Verborgn gebeurtenissn ip de tydslyn weregeevn",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Lagebandbreedtemodus", "Low bandwidth mode": "Lagebandbreedtemodus",
"Collecting app version information": "App-versieinformoatie wor verzoameld", "Collecting app version information": "App-versieinformoasje wor verzoameld",
"Collecting logs": "Logboekn worden verzoameld", "Collecting logs": "Logboekn worden verzoameld",
"Uploading report": "Rapport wordt ipgeloaden", "Uploading report": "Rapport wordt ipgeloaden",
"Waiting for response from server": "Wachtn ip antwoord van de server", "Waiting for response from server": "Wachtn ip antwoord van de server",
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
"Incoming call from %(name)s": "Inkommenden iproep van %(name)s", "Incoming call from %(name)s": "Inkommenden iproep van %(name)s",
"Decline": "Weigern", "Decline": "Weigern",
"Accept": "Anveirdn", "Accept": "Anveirdn",
"The other party cancelled the verification.": "De tegenparty èt de verificoatie geannuleerd.", "The other party cancelled the verification.": "De tegenparty èt de verificoasje geannuleerd.",
"Cancel": "Annuleern", "Cancel": "Annuleern",
"Verified!": "Geverifieerd!", "Verified!": "Geverifieerd!",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Jèt deze gebruuker geverifieerd.", "You've successfully verified this user.": "Jèt deze gebruuker geverifieerd.",
@ -378,8 +378,8 @@
"Got It": "k Snappen t", "Got It": "k Snappen t",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker deur te bevestign da zyn/heur scherm de volgende emoji toogt.", "Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker deur te bevestign da zyn/heur scherm de volgende emoji toogt.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker deur te bevestign da zyn/heur scherm t volgend getal toogt.", "Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker deur te bevestign da zyn/heur scherm t volgend getal toogt.",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Kan geen oundersteunde verificoatiemethode viendn.", "Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Kan geen oundersteunde verificoasjemethode viendn.",
"For maximum security, we recommend you do this in person or use another trusted means of communication.": "Vo maximoale veiligheid ku je dit best ounder vier oogn, of via een ander vertrouwd communicoatiemedium, doen.", "For maximum security, we recommend you do this in person or use another trusted means of communication.": "Vo maximoale veiligheid ku je dit best ounder vier oogn, of via een ander vertrouwd communicoasjemedium, doen.",
"Dog": "Hound", "Dog": "Hound",
"Cat": "Katte", "Cat": "Katte",
"Lion": "Leeuw", "Lion": "Leeuw",
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
"Change Password": "Paswoord verandern", "Change Password": "Paswoord verandern",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Je thuusserver oundersteunt geen toestelbeheer.", "Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Je thuusserver oundersteunt geen toestelbeheer.",
"Unable to load device list": "Kan de lyste van toestelln nie loadn", "Unable to load device list": "Kan de lyste van toestelln nie loadn",
"Authentication": "Authenticoatie", "Authentication": "Authenticoasje",
"Delete %(count)s devices": { "Delete %(count)s devices": {
"other": "%(count)s toestelln verwydern", "other": "%(count)s toestelln verwydern",
"one": "Toestel verwydern" "one": "Toestel verwydern"
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
"Last seen": "Latst gezien", "Last seen": "Latst gezien",
"Select devices": "Selecteert toestelln", "Select devices": "Selecteert toestelln",
"Failed to set display name": "Instelln van weergavenoame es mislukt", "Failed to set display name": "Instelln van weergavenoame es mislukt",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Kan contactinformoatie nie verwydern", "Unable to remove contact information": "Kan contactinformoasje nie verwydern",
"Are you sure?": "Zy je zeker?", "Are you sure?": "Zy je zeker?",
"Yes": "Joak", "Yes": "Joak",
"No": "Neink", "No": "Neink",
@ -538,9 +538,9 @@
"On": "An", "On": "An",
"Noisy": "Lawoaierig", "Noisy": "Lawoaierig",
"Unable to verify phone number.": "Kostege de telefongnumero nie verifieern.", "Unable to verify phone number.": "Kostege de telefongnumero nie verifieern.",
"Incorrect verification code": "Onjuste verificoatiecode", "Incorrect verification code": "Onjuste verificoasjecode",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "t Es een smse verstuurd gewist noa +%(msisdn)s. Gift de verificoatiecode dervan hier in", "A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "t Es een smse verstuurd gewist noa +%(msisdn)s. Gift de verificoatiecode dervan hier in",
"Verification code": "Verificoatiecode", "Verification code": "Verificoasjecode",
"Phone Number": "Telefongnumero", "Phone Number": "Telefongnumero",
"Profile picture": "Profielfoto", "Profile picture": "Profielfoto",
"Upload profile picture": "Profielfoto iploaden", "Upload profile picture": "Profielfoto iploaden",
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
"Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Actualiseert dit gesprek noar danbevooln gespreksversie", "Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Actualiseert dit gesprek noar danbevooln gespreksversie",
"this room": "dit gesprek", "this room": "dit gesprek",
"View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Bekykt oudere berichtn in %(roomName)s.", "View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Bekykt oudere berichtn in %(roomName)s.",
"Room information": "Gespreksinformatie", "Room information": "Gespreksinformoasje",
"Internal room ID:": "Interne gespreks-ID:", "Internal room ID:": "Interne gespreks-ID:",
"Room version": "Gespreksversie", "Room version": "Gespreksversie",
"Room version:": "Gespreksversie:", "Room version:": "Gespreksversie:",
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
"Send an encrypted message…": "Verstuurt e versleuterd bericht…", "Send an encrypted message…": "Verstuurt e versleuterd bericht…",
"Send a message (unencrypted)…": "Verstuurt een bericht (ounversleuterd)…", "Send a message (unencrypted)…": "Verstuurt een bericht (ounversleuterd)…",
"Markdown is disabled": "Markdown is uutgeschoakeld", "Markdown is disabled": "Markdown is uutgeschoakeld",
"Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Tekstipmoakwerkbalk verbergn", "Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Tekstipmoakwerkbalk wegsteekn",
"The conversation continues here.": "t Gesprek goat hier verder.", "The conversation continues here.": "t Gesprek goat hier verder.",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "Dit gesprek is vervangn gewist en is nie langer actief.", "This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "Dit gesprek is vervangn gewist en is nie langer actief.",
"You do not have permission to post to this room": "Jèt geen toestemmienge voor in dit gesprek te postn", "You do not have permission to post to this room": "Jèt geen toestemmienge voor in dit gesprek te postn",
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
"Re-join": "Were toetreedn", "Re-join": "Were toetreedn",
"You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "Je zyt uut %(roomName)s verbann gewist deur %(memberName)s", "You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "Je zyt uut %(roomName)s verbann gewist deur %(memberName)s",
"Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "t Es etwa misgegoan me jen uutnodigienge voor %(roomName)s", "Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "t Es etwa misgegoan me jen uutnodigienge voor %(roomName)s",
"%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "De foutcode %(errcode)s wier weergegeevn by t valideern van jen uutnodigienge. Je kut deze informoatie an e gespreksadministrator deuregeevn.", "%(errcode)s was returned while trying to valide your invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.": "De foutcode %(errcode)s wier weergegeevn by t valideern van jen uutnodigienge. Je kut deze informoasje an e gespreksbeheerder deuregeevn.",
"You can only join it with a working invite.": "Je kut t gesprek alleene moa toetreedn met e werkende uutnodigienge.", "You can only join it with a working invite.": "Je kut t gesprek alleene moa toetreedn met e werkende uutnodigienge.",
"You can still join it because this is a public room.": "Je kut t nog assan toetreedn, me da t een openboar gesprek es.", "You can still join it because this is a public room.": "Je kut t nog assan toetreedn, me da t een openboar gesprek es.",
"Join the discussion": "Neemt deel an t gesprek", "Join the discussion": "Neemt deel an t gesprek",
@ -903,8 +903,8 @@
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "Jèt URL-voorvertoniengn standoard <a>uutgeschoakeld</a>.", "You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "Jèt URL-voorvertoniengn standoard <a>uutgeschoakeld</a>.",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-voorvertoniengn zyn vo leedn van dit gesprek standoard ingeschoakeld.", "URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-voorvertoniengn zyn vo leedn van dit gesprek standoard ingeschoakeld.",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-voorvertoniengn zyn vo leedn van dit gesprek standoard uutgeschoakeld.", "URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL-voorvertoniengn zyn vo leedn van dit gesprek standoard uutgeschoakeld.",
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "In versleuterde gesprekkn lyk dat hier zyn URL-voorvertoniengn standoard uutgeschoakeld, vo te voorkommn da je thuusserver (woa da de voorvertoniengn wordn gemakt) informoatie ku verzoameln over de koppeliengn da jhiere ziet.", "In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "In versleuterde gesprekkn lyk dat hier zyn URL-voorvertoniengn standoard uutgeschoakeld, vo te voorkommn da je thuusserver (woa da de voorvertoniengn wordn gemakt) informoasje ku verzoameln over de koppeliengn da jhiere ziet.",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "A t er etwien een URL in e bericht invoegt, kut er een URL-voorvertonienge getoogd wordn me meer informoatie over de koppelienge, gelyk den titel, omschryvienge en e fotootje van de website.", "When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "A t er etwien een URL in e bericht invoegt, kut er een URL-voorvertonienge getoogd wordn me meer informoasje over de koppelienge, gelyk den titel, omschryvienge en e fotootje van de website.",
"Members": "Leedn", "Members": "Leedn",
"Files": "Bestandn", "Files": "Bestandn",
"Sunday": "Zundag", "Sunday": "Zundag",
@ -937,7 +937,7 @@
"Click here to see older messages.": "Klikt hier voor oudere berichtn te bekykn.", "Click here to see older messages.": "Klikt hier voor oudere berichtn te bekykn.",
"Copied!": "Gekopieerd!", "Copied!": "Gekopieerd!",
"Failed to copy": "Kopieern mislukt", "Failed to copy": "Kopieern mislukt",
"Add an Integration": "Voegt een integroatie toe", "Add an Integration": "Voegt een integroasje toe",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Je goa sebiet noar en derdepartywebsite gebracht wordn zoda je den account ku legitimeern vo gebruuk me %(integrationsUrl)s. Wil je verdergoan?", "You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Je goa sebiet noar en derdepartywebsite gebracht wordn zoda je den account ku legitimeern vo gebruuk me %(integrationsUrl)s. Wil je verdergoan?",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Bewerkt om %(date)s", "Edited at %(date)s": "Bewerkt om %(date)s",
"edited": "bewerkt", "edited": "bewerkt",
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
"Rotate clockwise": "Me de klok mee droain", "Rotate clockwise": "Me de klok mee droain",
"Download this file": "Dit bestand downloadn", "Download this file": "Dit bestand downloadn",
"Integrations Error": "Integroatiesfoute", "Integrations Error": "Integroatiesfoute",
"Manage Integrations": "Integroaties beheern", "Manage Integrations": "Integroasjes beheern",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s", "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": { "%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s zyn %(count)s kis toegetreedn", "other": "%(severalUsers)s zyn %(count)s kis toegetreedn",
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@
"Edit message": "Bericht bewerkn", "Edit message": "Bericht bewerkn",
"Power level": "Machtsniveau", "Power level": "Machtsniveau",
"Custom level": "Angepast niveau", "Custom level": "Angepast niveau",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Kostege de gebeurtenisse woarip da der gereageerd gewist was nie loadn. Wellicht bestoa ze nie, of è je geen toeloatienge vo ze te bekykn.", "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Kostege de gebeurtenisse woarip da der gereageerd gewist was nie loadn. Allichte bestoa ze nie, of è je geen toeloatienge vo ze te bekykn.",
"<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>As antwoord ip</a> <pill>", "<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>As antwoord ip</a> <pill>",
"Room directory": "Gesprekscataloog", "Room directory": "Gesprekscataloog",
"And %(count)s more...": { "And %(count)s more...": {
@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
"Before submitting logs, you must <a>create a GitHub issue</a> to describe your problem.": "Vooraleer da je logboekn indient, moe je <a>meldienge openn ip GitHub</a> woarin da je je probleem beschryft.", "Before submitting logs, you must <a>create a GitHub issue</a> to describe your problem.": "Vooraleer da je logboekn indient, moe je <a>meldienge openn ip GitHub</a> woarin da je je probleem beschryft.",
"GitHub issue": "GitHub-meldienge", "GitHub issue": "GitHub-meldienge",
"Notes": "Ipmerkiengn", "Notes": "Ipmerkiengn",
"If there is additional context that would help in analysing the issue, such as what you were doing at the time, room IDs, user IDs, etc., please include those things here.": "Indien da t er bykomende context zou kunn helpn vo t probleem tanalyseern, lyk wyk dan je juste an t doen woart, relevante gespreks-IDs, gebruukers-IDs, enz., gelieve deze informoatie ton hier mee te geevn.", "If there is additional context that would help in analysing the issue, such as what you were doing at the time, room IDs, user IDs, etc., please include those things here.": "Indien da t er bykomende context zou kunn helpn vo t probleem tanalyseern, lyk wyk dan je juste an t doen woart, relevante gespreks-IDs, gebruukers-IDs, enz., gelieve deze informoasje ton hier mee te geevn.",
"Send logs": "Logboekn verstuurn", "Send logs": "Logboekn verstuurn",
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Kostege t commitdetail nie loadn: %(msg)s", "Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Kostege t commitdetail nie loadn: %(msg)s",
"Unavailable": "Nie beschikboar", "Unavailable": "Nie beschikboar",
@ -1187,13 +1187,13 @@
"To continue, please enter your password:": "Gif je paswoord in vo verder te goan:", "To continue, please enter your password:": "Gif je paswoord in vo verder te goan:",
"password": "paswoord", "password": "paswoord",
"Verify device": "Toestel verifieern", "Verify device": "Toestel verifieern",
"Use Legacy Verification (for older clients)": "Verouderde verificoatie gebruukn (voor oudere cliëntn)", "Use Legacy Verification (for older clients)": "Verouderde verificoasje gebruukn (voor oudere cliëntn)",
"Verify by comparing a short text string.": "Verifieert deur e korte tekenreekse te vergelykn.", "Verify by comparing a short text string.": "Verifieert deur e korte tekenreekse te vergelykn.",
"Begin Verifying": "Verificoatie beginn", "Begin Verifying": "Verificoasje beginn",
"Waiting for partner to accept...": "An t wachtn ip de partner…", "Waiting for partner to accept...": "An t wachtn ip de partner…",
"Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.": "Verschynt er nietent? Nog nie alle cliëntn biedn oundersteunienge voor interactieve verificoatie. <button>Gebruukt verouderde verificoatie</button>.", "Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. <button>Use legacy verification</button>.": "Verschynt er nietent? Nog nie alle cliëntn biedn oundersteunienge voor interactieve verificoasje. <button>Gebruukt verouderde verificoasje</button>.",
"Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Wachtn ip bevestigienge van %(userId)s…", "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Wachtn ip bevestigienge van %(userId)s…",
"Use two-way text verification": "Twirichtiengstekstverificoatie gebruukn", "Use two-way text verification": "Twirichtiengstekstverificoasje gebruukn",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Neemt ip een andere manier (bv. ounder vier oogn of telefonisch) contact op me den eigenoar vo te controleern of da dit toestel vertrouwd ku wordn, en vroagt of da de sleuter vo dit toestel in hunder Gebruukersinstelliengn gelyk is an ounderstoande sleuter:", "To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Neemt ip een andere manier (bv. ounder vier oogn of telefonisch) contact op me den eigenoar vo te controleern of da dit toestel vertrouwd ku wordn, en vroagt of da de sleuter vo dit toestel in hunder Gebruukersinstelliengn gelyk is an ounderstoande sleuter:",
"Device name": "Toestelnoame", "Device name": "Toestelnoame",
"Device key": "Toestelsleuter", "Device key": "Toestelsleuter",
@ -1218,19 +1218,19 @@
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker vo nhem/heur als vertrouwd te markeern. Gebruukers vertrouwn gift je extra gemoedsrust by t gebruuk van eind-tout-eind-versleuterde berichtn.", "Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Verifieert deze gebruuker vo nhem/heur als vertrouwd te markeern. Gebruukers vertrouwn gift je extra gemoedsrust by t gebruuk van eind-tout-eind-versleuterde berichtn.",
"Verifying this user will mark their device as trusted, and also mark your device as trusted to them.": "Deze gebruuker verifieern goat hunder toestel als vertrouwd markeern, en ook joun toestel voor hunder als vertrouwd markeern.", "Verifying this user will mark their device as trusted, and also mark your device as trusted to them.": "Deze gebruuker verifieern goat hunder toestel als vertrouwd markeern, en ook joun toestel voor hunder als vertrouwd markeern.",
"Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Wachtn ip bevestigienge van partner…", "Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Wachtn ip bevestigienge van partner…",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Inkomend verificoatieverzoek", "Incoming Verification Request": "Inkomend verificoasjeverzoek",
"You added a new device '%(displayName)s', which is requesting encryption keys.": "Jèt e nieuw toestel %(displayName)s toegevoegd, dat achter versleuteriengssleuters vroagt.", "You added a new device '%(displayName)s', which is requesting encryption keys.": "Jèt e nieuw toestel %(displayName)s toegevoegd, dat achter versleuteriengssleuters vroagt.",
"Your unverified device '%(displayName)s' is requesting encryption keys.": "Jen oungeverifieerd toestel %(displayName)s vroagt achter versleuteriengssleuters.", "Your unverified device '%(displayName)s' is requesting encryption keys.": "Jen oungeverifieerd toestel %(displayName)s vroagt achter versleuteriengssleuters.",
"Start verification": "Verificoatie beginn", "Start verification": "Verificoasje beginn",
"Share without verifying": "Deeln zounder verificoatie", "Share without verifying": "Deeln zounder verificoasje",
"Ignore request": "Verzoek negeern", "Ignore request": "Verzoek negeern",
"Loading device info...": "Toestelinformoatie wor geloadn…", "Loading device info...": "Toestelinformoasje wor geloadn…",
"Encryption key request": "Verzoek vo versleuteriengssleuter", "Encryption key request": "Verzoek vo versleuteriengssleuter",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Jèt al e ki Riot ip %(host)s gebruukt me lui loadn van leedn ingeschoakeld. In deze versie is lui laden uutgeschoakeld. Me da de lokoale cache nie compatibel is tusschn deze twi instelliengn, moe Riot jen account hersynchroniseern.", "You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Jèt al e ki Riot ip %(host)s gebruukt me lui loadn van leedn ingeschoakeld. In deze versie is lui laden uutgeschoakeld. Me da de lokoale cache nie compatibel is tusschn deze twi instelliengn, moe Riot jen account hersynchroniseern.",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Indien dat dandere versie van Riot nog in een ander tabblad is geopend, sluut je da best, want Riot ip dezelfsten host tegelykertyd me lui loadn ingeschoakeld en uutgeschoakeld gebruukn goa vo probleemn zorgn.", "If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Indien dat dandere versie van Riot nog in een ander tabblad is geopend, sluut je da best, want Riot ip dezelfsten host tegelykertyd me lui loadn ingeschoakeld en uutgeschoakeld gebruukn goa vo probleemn zorgn.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Incompatibele lokoale cache", "Incompatible local cache": "Incompatibele lokoale cache",
"Clear cache and resync": "Cache wissn en hersynchroniseern", "Clear cache and resync": "Cache wissn en hersynchroniseern",
"Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot verbruukt nu 3-5x minder geheugn, deur informoatie over andere gebruukers alleene moa te loadn wanneer dan t nodig is. Eftjes geduld, we zyn an t hersynchroniseern me de server!", "Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot verbruukt nu 3-5x minder geheugn, deur informoasje over andere gebruukers alleene moa te loadn wanneer dan t nodig is. Eftjes geduld, we zyn an t hersynchroniseern me de server!",
"Updating Riot": "Riot wor bygewerkt", "Updating Riot": "Riot wor bygewerkt",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "k En willn ik myn versleuterde berichtn nie", "I don't want my encrypted messages": "k En willn ik myn versleuterde berichtn nie",
"Manually export keys": "Sleuters handmatig exporteern", "Manually export keys": "Sleuters handmatig exporteern",
@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "t Is e foute ipgetreedn by t herstelln van je vorige sessie.", "We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "t Is e foute ipgetreedn by t herstelln van je vorige sessie.",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "A jal e ki gebruuk gemakt èt van e recentere versie van Riot, is je sessie meugliks ounverenigboar me deze versie. Sluut deze veinster en goa were noa de recentere versie.", "If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "A jal e ki gebruuk gemakt èt van e recentere versie van Riot, is je sessie meugliks ounverenigboar me deze versie. Sluut deze veinster en goa were noa de recentere versie.",
"Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "t Legen van den ipslag van je browser goa t probleem misschiens verhelpn, mo goa joun ook afmeldn en gans je versleuterde gespreksgeschiedenisse ounleesboar moakn.", "Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "t Legen van den ipslag van je browser goa t probleem misschiens verhelpn, mo goa joun ook afmeldn en gans je versleuterde gespreksgeschiedenisse ounleesboar moakn.",
"Verification Pending": "Verificoatie in afwachtienge", "Verification Pending": "Verificoasje in afwachtienge",
"Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Bekyk jen e-mails en klikt ip de koppelienge derin. Klikt van zodra da je da gedoan èt ip Verdergoan.", "Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Bekyk jen e-mails en klikt ip de koppelienge derin. Klikt van zodra da je da gedoan èt ip Verdergoan.",
"Email address": "E-mailadresse", "Email address": "E-mailadresse",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Hierdoor goa je je paswoord kunn herinstell en meldiengn ountvangn.", "This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Hierdoor goa je je paswoord kunn herinstell en meldiengn ountvangn.",
@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@
"Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Sommige sessiegegeevns, inclusief sleuters vo versleuterde berichtn, ountbreekn. Meldt jen af en were an vo dit ip te lossn, en herstelt de sleuters uut den back-up.", "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Sommige sessiegegeevns, inclusief sleuters vo versleuterde berichtn, ountbreekn. Meldt jen af en were an vo dit ip te lossn, en herstelt de sleuters uut den back-up.",
"Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Je browser èt deze gegeevns meugliks verwyderd toen da de beschikboare ipslagruumte vul was.", "Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Je browser èt deze gegeevns meugliks verwyderd toen da de beschikboare ipslagruumte vul was.",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Vo de moment sluut je oungeverifieerde toestelln uut; vo berichtn noa deze toestelln te verstuurn moe je ze verifieern.", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Vo de moment sluut je oungeverifieerde toestelln uut; vo berichtn noa deze toestelln te verstuurn moe je ze verifieern.",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "We roadn je an van ieder toestel te verifieern vo te kunn vastestelln of da ze tout de rechtmatigen eigenoar behoorn, moa je kut t bericht ook zounder verificoatie verstuurn.", "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "We roadn je an van ieder toestel te verifieern vo te kunn vastestelln of da ze tout de rechtmatigen eigenoar behoorn, moa je kut t bericht ook zounder verificoasje verstuurn.",
"Room contains unknown devices": "t Gesprek bevat ounbekende toestelln", "Room contains unknown devices": "t Gesprek bevat ounbekende toestelln",
"\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "%(RoomName)s bevat toestelln da je nog nie gezien ghed èt.", "\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "%(RoomName)s bevat toestelln da je nog nie gezien ghed èt.",
"Unknown devices": "Ounbekende toestelln", "Unknown devices": "Ounbekende toestelln",
@ -1380,16 +1380,16 @@
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Gelieve t beleid van de thuusserver te leezn en anveirdn", "Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Gelieve t beleid van de thuusserver te leezn en anveirdn",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Gelieve t beleid van deze thuusserver te leezn en tanveirdn:", "Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Gelieve t beleid van deze thuusserver te leezn en tanveirdn:",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "t Is een e-mail noa %(emailAddress)s verstuurd gewist", "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "t Is een e-mail noa %(emailAddress)s verstuurd gewist",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Bekyk jen e-mails vo verder te goan me de registroatie.", "Please check your email to continue registration.": "Bekyk jen e-mails vo verder te goan me de registroasje.",
"Token incorrect": "Verkeerd bewys", "Token incorrect": "Verkeerd bewys",
"A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "t Is een smse noa %(msisdn)s verstuurd gewist", "A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "t Is een smse noa %(msisdn)s verstuurd gewist",
"Please enter the code it contains:": "Gift de code in da t er in stoat:", "Please enter the code it contains:": "Gift de code in da t er in stoat:",
"Code": "Code", "Code": "Code",
"Submit": "Bevestign", "Submit": "Bevestign",
"Start authentication": "Authenticoatie beginn", "Start authentication": "Authenticoasje beginn",
"Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Kostege de thuus-/identiteitsserver nie valideern", "Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Kostege de thuus-/identiteitsserver nie valideern",
"Your Modular server": "Joun Modular-server", "Your Modular server": "Joun Modular-server",
"Enter the location of your Modular homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a>modular.im</a>.": "Gift de locoatie van je Modular-thuusserver in. Deze kan jen eigen domeinnoame gebruukn, of e subdomein van <a>modular.im</a> zyn.", "Enter the location of your Modular homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a>modular.im</a>.": "Gift de locoasje van je Modular-thuusserver in. Deze kan jen eigen domeinnoame gebruukn, of e subdomein van <a>modular.im</a> zyn.",
"Server Name": "Servernoame", "Server Name": "Servernoame",
"The email field must not be blank.": "t E-mailveld meug nie leeg zyn.", "The email field must not be blank.": "t E-mailveld meug nie leeg zyn.",
"The username field must not be blank.": "t Gebruukersnoamveld meug nie leeg zyn.", "The username field must not be blank.": "t Gebruukersnoamveld meug nie leeg zyn.",
@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@
"Free": "Gratis", "Free": "Gratis",
"Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Doe mee me miljoenen anderen ip de grotste publieke server", "Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Doe mee me miljoenen anderen ip de grotste publieke server",
"Premium": "Premium", "Premium": "Premium",
"Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Premium hosting voor organisoaties <a>Leest meer</a>", "Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Premium hosting voor organisoasjes <a>Leest meer</a>",
"Other": "Overige", "Other": "Overige",
"Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Zoekt achter andere publieke servers, of gebruukt een angepaste server", "Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Zoekt achter andere publieke servers, of gebruukt een angepaste server",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.": "Sorry, je browser werkt <b>nie</b> me Riot.", "Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.": "Sorry, je browser werkt <b>nie</b> me Riot.",
@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot weet nie hoe da t moet deelneemn an e gesprek ip dit netwerk", "Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot weet nie hoe da t moet deelneemn an e gesprek ip dit netwerk",
"Room not found": "Gesprek nie gevoundn", "Room not found": "Gesprek nie gevoundn",
"Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Kostege geen byhoornd Matrix-gesprek viendn", "Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Kostege geen byhoornd Matrix-gesprek viendn",
"Fetching third party location failed": "t Iphoaln van de locoatie van de derde party is mislukt", "Fetching third party location failed": "t Iphoaln van de locoasje van de derde party is mislukt",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Kostege de gesprek-ID nie van de server iphoaln", "Unable to look up room ID from server": "Kostege de gesprek-ID nie van de server iphoaln",
"Search for a room": "Zoekt achter e gesprek", "Search for a room": "Zoekt achter e gesprek",
"Search for a room like #example": "Zoekt achter e gesprek lyk #voorbeeld", "Search for a room like #example": "Zoekt achter e gesprek lyk #voorbeeld",
@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@
"Click to unmute audio": "Klikt vo t geluud were an te zettn", "Click to unmute audio": "Klikt vo t geluud were an te zettn",
"Click to mute audio": "Klikt vo t geluud uut te zettn", "Click to mute audio": "Klikt vo t geluud uut te zettn",
"Clear filter": "Filter wissn", "Clear filter": "Filter wissn",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Jè geprobeerd e gegeven punt in de tydslyn van dit gesprek te loadn, moa jè geen toeloatienge vo t desbetreffend bericht te zien.", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Jè geprobeerd van e gegeven punt in de tydslyn van dit gesprek te loadn, moa jè geen toeloatienge vo t desbetreffend bericht te zien.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Geprobeerd voor e gegeven punt in de tydslyn van dit gesprek te loadn, moar kostege dit nie viendn.", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Geprobeerd voor e gegeven punt in de tydslyn van dit gesprek te loadn, moar kostege dit nie viendn.",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Loadn van tydslynpositie is mislukt", "Failed to load timeline position": "Loadn van tydslynpositie is mislukt",
"Guest": "Gast", "Guest": "Gast",
@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Je paswoord herinstelln goat alle sleuters voor eind-tout-eind-versleuterienge ip al je toestelln herinstelln, woadeure da je versleuterde gesprekgeschiedenisse ounleesboar wordt. Stelt de sleuterback-up in of exporteer je gesprekssleuters van ip een ander toestel vooraleer da je je paswoord herinstelt.", "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another device before resetting your password.": "Je paswoord herinstelln goat alle sleuters voor eind-tout-eind-versleuterienge ip al je toestelln herinstelln, woadeure da je versleuterde gesprekgeschiedenisse ounleesboar wordt. Stelt de sleuterback-up in of exporteer je gesprekssleuters van ip een ander toestel vooraleer da je je paswoord herinstelt.",
"Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Je Matrix-account ip %(serverName)s", "Your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Je Matrix-account ip %(serverName)s",
"Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Je Matrix-account ip <underlinedServerName />", "Your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Je Matrix-account ip <underlinedServerName />",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "t Is e verificoatie-e-mail noa joun gestuurd gewist vo t instelln van je nieuw paswoord te bevestign.", "A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "t Is e verificoasje-e-mail noa joun gestuurd gewist vo t instelln van je nieuw paswoord te bevestign.",
"Send Reset Email": "E-mail voor herinstelln verstuurn", "Send Reset Email": "E-mail voor herinstelln verstuurn",
"Sign in instead": "Anmeldn", "Sign in instead": "Anmeldn",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "t Is een e-mail noar %(emailAddress)s verstuurd gewist. Klikt hieroundern van zodra da je de koppelienge derin gevolgd ghed èt.", "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "t Is een e-mail noar %(emailAddress)s verstuurd gewist. Klikt hieroundern van zodra da je de koppelienge derin gevolgd ghed èt.",
@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@
"Return to login screen": "Were noa t anmeldiengsscherm", "Return to login screen": "Were noa t anmeldiengsscherm",
"Set a new password": "Stelt e nieuw paswoord in", "Set a new password": "Stelt e nieuw paswoord in",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Oungeldig thuusserverountdekkiengsantwoord", "Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Oungeldig thuusserverountdekkiengsantwoord",
"Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Iphoaln van auto-ountdekkiengsconfiguroatie van server is mislukt", "Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Iphoaln van auto-ountdekkiengsconfiguroasje van server is mislukt",
"Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "Oungeldige base_url vo m.homeserver", "Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "Oungeldige base_url vo m.homeserver",
"Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "De thuusserver-URL lykt geen geldige Matrix-thuusserver te zyn", "Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "De thuusserver-URL lykt geen geldige Matrix-thuusserver te zyn",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Oungeldig identiteitsserverountdekkiengsantwoord", "Invalid identity server discovery response": "Oungeldig identiteitsserverountdekkiengsantwoord",
@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Ountdekkn van thuusserver is mislukt", "Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Ountdekkn van thuusserver is mislukt",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "Den ingegeevn telefongnumero ziet er oungeldig uut", "The phone number entered looks invalid": "Den ingegeevn telefongnumero ziet er oungeldig uut",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Deze thuusserver è geen anmeldiengsmethodes da door deze cliënt wordn oundersteund.", "This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Deze thuusserver è geen anmeldiengsmethodes da door deze cliënt wordn oundersteund.",
"Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Foute: probleem by communicoatie me de gegeevn thuusserver.", "Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Foute: probleem by communicoasje me de gegeevn thuusserver.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Je ku geen verbindienge moakn me de thuusserver via HTTP wanneer dat der een HTTPS-URL in je browserbalk stoat. Gebruukt HTTPS of <a>schoakelt ounveilige scripts in</a>.", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Je ku geen verbindienge moakn me de thuusserver via HTTP wanneer dat der een HTTPS-URL in je browserbalk stoat. Gebruukt HTTPS of <a>schoakelt ounveilige scripts in</a>.",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Geen verbindienge met de thuusserver - controleer je verbindienge, zorgt dervoorn dan t <a>SSL-certificoat van de thuusserver</a> vertrouwd is en dat der geen browserextensies verzoekn blokkeern.", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Geen verbindienge met de thuusserver - controleer je verbindienge, zorgt dervoorn dan t <a>SSL-certificoat van de thuusserver</a> vertrouwd is en dat der geen browserextensies verzoekn blokkeern.",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Anmeldn met enkele anmeldienge", "Sign in with single sign-on": "Anmeldn met enkele anmeldienge",
@ -1615,9 +1615,9 @@
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Iphoaln van avatar-URL is mislukt", "Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Iphoaln van avatar-URL is mislukt",
"Set a display name:": "Stelt e weergavenoame in:", "Set a display name:": "Stelt e weergavenoame in:",
"Upload an avatar:": "Loadt een avatar ip:", "Upload an avatar:": "Loadt een avatar ip:",
"Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Registroatie is uutgeschoakeld ip deze thuusserver.", "Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Registroasje is uutgeschoakeld ip deze thuusserver.",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Kostege doundersteunde registroatiemethodes nie ipvroagn.", "Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Kostege doundersteunde registroasjemethodes nie ipvroagn.",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Deze server biedt geen oundersteunienge voor authenticoatie met e telefongnumero.", "This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Deze server biedt geen oundersteunienge voor authenticoasje met e telefongnumero.",
"Create your account": "Mak jen account an", "Create your account": "Mak jen account an",
"Commands": "Ipdrachtn", "Commands": "Ipdrachtn",
"Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultoatn van DuckDuckGo", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultoatn van DuckDuckGo",
@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@
"Blacklisted": "Geblokkeerd", "Blacklisted": "Geblokkeerd",
"verified": "geverifieerd", "verified": "geverifieerd",
"Name": "Noame", "Name": "Noame",
"Verification": "Verificoatie", "Verification": "Verificoasje",
"Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519-viengerafdruk", "Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519-viengerafdruk",
"User ID": "Gebruukers-ID", "User ID": "Gebruukers-ID",
"Curve25519 identity key": "Curve25519-identiteitssleuter", "Curve25519 identity key": "Curve25519-identiteitssleuter",
@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@
"unencrypted": "ounversleuterd", "unencrypted": "ounversleuterd",
"Decryption error": "Ountsleuteriengsfoute", "Decryption error": "Ountsleuteriengsfoute",
"Session ID": "Sessie-ID", "Session ID": "Sessie-ID",
"Event information": "Gebeurtenisinformoatie", "Event information": "Gebeurtenisinformoasje",
"Sender device information": "Info over toestel van afzender", "Sender device information": "Info over toestel van afzender",
"Passphrases must match": "Paswoordn moetn overeenkommn", "Passphrases must match": "Paswoordn moetn overeenkommn",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "Paswoord meug nie leeg zyn", "Passphrase must not be empty": "Paswoord meug nie leeg zyn",
@ -1678,7 +1678,6 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Sloat hem ip</b> ip een USB-stick of e back-upschyf", "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Sloat hem ip</b> ip een USB-stick of e back-upschyf",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopieert hem</b> noa je persoonlike cloudipslag", "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopieert hem</b> noa je persoonlike cloudipslag",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "t Wordt e back-up van je sleuters gemakt (den eesten back-up kut e poar minuutn deurn).", "Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "t Wordt e back-up van je sleuters gemakt (den eesten back-up kut e poar minuutn deurn).",
"Okay": "Oké",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Zounder veilig berichtherstel in te stelln, goa je je versleuterde berichtgeschiedenisse nie kunn herstelln indien da je jen afmeldt of een ander toestel gebruukt.", "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Zounder veilig berichtherstel in te stelln, goa je je versleuterde berichtgeschiedenisse nie kunn herstelln indien da je jen afmeldt of een ander toestel gebruukt.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Veilig berichtherstel instelln", "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Veilig berichtherstel instelln",
"Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Beveilig je back-up met e paswoord", "Secure your backup with a passphrase": "Beveilig je back-up met e paswoord",
@ -1718,24 +1717,24 @@
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Kostege de thuusserver nie bereikn", "Cannot reach homeserver": "Kostege de thuusserver nie bereikn",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Zorgt da je stabiele internetverbiendienge èt, of neem contact op met de systeembeheerder", "Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Zorgt da je stabiele internetverbiendienge èt, of neem contact op met de systeembeheerder",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Je Riot is verkeerd geconfigureerd gewist", "Your Riot is misconfigured": "Je Riot is verkeerd geconfigureerd gewist",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Vroagt an je Riot-beheerder van <a>je configuroatie</a> noa te kykn ip verkeerde of duplicoate items.", "Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Vroagt an je Riot-beheerder van <a>je configuroasje</a> noa te kykn ip verkeerde of duplicoate items.",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Ounverwachte foute by t iplossn van didentiteitsserverconfiguroatie", "Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Ounverwachte foute by t iplossn van didentiteitsserverconfiguroasje",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Gebruukt alleene moa letters, cyfers, streeptjes en underscores", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Gebruukt alleene moa letters, cyfers, streeptjes en underscores",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Kostege den identiteitsserver nie bereikn", "Cannot reach identity server": "Kostege den identiteitsserver nie bereikn",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku je registreern, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroatie of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.", "You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku je registreern, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroasje of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku je paswoord herinstelln, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroatie of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.", "You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku je paswoord herinstelln, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroasje of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku jen anmeldn, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroatie of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.", "You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Je ku jen anmeldn, moa sommige functies goan pas beschikboar zyn wanneer da den identiteitsserver were online is. A je deze woarschuwienge te zien bluft krygn, controleert tan je configuroasje of nimt contact ip met e serverbeheerder.",
"<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Meldt jen eigen an</a> me je nieuwen account.", "<a>Log in</a> to your new account.": "<a>Meldt jen eigen an</a> me je nieuwen account.",
"You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Je kut deze veinster nu sluutn, of <a>jen eigen anmeldn</a> me je nieuwen account.", "You can now close this window or <a>log in</a> to your new account.": "Je kut deze veinster nu sluutn, of <a>jen eigen anmeldn</a> me je nieuwen account.",
"Registration Successful": "Registroatie gesloagd", "Registration Successful": "Registroasje gesloagd",
"No integrations server configured": "Geen integroatieserver geconfigureerd", "No integrations server configured": "Geen integroasjeserver geconfigureerd",
"This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Deze Riot-instantie è geen integroatieserver geconfigureerd ghed.", "This Riot instance does not have an integrations server configured.": "Deze Riot-instantie è geen integroasjeserver geconfigureerd ghed.",
"Connecting to integrations server...": "Verbiendn me den integroatieserver…", "Connecting to integrations server...": "Verbiendn me den integroasjeserver…",
"Cannot connect to integrations server": "Kostege geen verbiendienge moakn me den integroatieserver", "Cannot connect to integrations server": "Kostege geen verbiendienge moakn me den integroasjeserver",
"The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Den integroatieserver is offline of kost je thuusserver nie bereikn.", "The integrations server is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Den integroasjeserver is offline of kost je thuusserver nie bereikn.",
"Loading room preview": "Gespreksweergoave wor geloadn", "Loading room preview": "Gespreksweergoave wor geloadn",
"Failed to connect to integrations server": "Verbiendn me den integroatieserver is mislukt", "Failed to connect to integrations server": "Verbiendn me den integroasjeserver is mislukt",
"No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "t Is geen integroatieserver geconfigureerd gewist vo stickers mee te beheern", "No integrations server is configured to manage stickers with": "t Is geen integroasjeserver geconfigureerd gewist vo stickers mee te beheern",
"Agree": "t Akkoord", "Agree": "t Akkoord",
"Disagree": "Nie t akkoord", "Disagree": "Nie t akkoord",
"Happy": "Blye", "Happy": "Blye",
@ -1758,22 +1757,109 @@
"other": "%(oneUser)s èt %(count)s kis nietent gewyzigd", "other": "%(oneUser)s èt %(count)s kis nietent gewyzigd",
"one": "%(oneUser)s è nietent gewyzigd" "one": "%(oneUser)s è nietent gewyzigd"
}, },
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Verandert jen avatar in alle gesprekkn",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Vertelt uus wuk dat der verkeerd is geloopn, of nog beter, makt e foutmeldienge an ip GitHub woarin da je 't probleem beschryft.",
"Removing…": "Bezig me te verwydern…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Alle gegeevns ip dit toestel wissn?",
"Clearing all data from this device is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Gewiste gegeevns kunn nie weregehoald wirdn. Versleuterde berichtn goan verloorn goan, tenzy dad hunder sleuters geback-upt gewist zyn.",
"Clear all data": "Alle gegeevns wissn",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Je thuusserver biedt geen oundersteunienge vo deze functie.",
"Resend edit": "Bewerkienge herverstuurn",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "%(unsentCount)s reactie(s) herverstuurn",
"Resend removal": "Verwyderienge herverstuurn",
"Failed to re-authenticate due to a homeserver problem": "t Heranmeldn is mislukt omwille van e probleem me de thuusserver",
"Failed to re-authenticate": "t Heranmeldn is mislukt",
"Identity Server": "Identiteitsserver",
"Integrations Manager": "Integroasjebeheerder",
"Find others by phone or email": "Viendt andere menschn via hunder telefongnumero of e-mailadresse",
"Be found by phone or email": "Wor gevoundn via je telefongnumero of e-mailadresse",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Gebruukt robottn, bruggn, widgets en stickerpakkettn",
"Terms of Service": "Gebruuksvoorwoardn",
"To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.": "Vo voort te goan moe je de gebruuksvoorwoardn van deezn dienst anveirdn.",
"Service": "Dienst",
"Summary": "Soamnvattienge",
"Terms": "Voorwoardn",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Deezn account is gedeactiveerd gewist.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored on this device. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages on any device.": "Herkrygt den toegank tou jen account en herstelt de versleuteriengssleuters dan ip dit toestel ipgesloagn gewist zyn. Zounder deze sleuters goa je je versleuterde berichtn nie kunn leezn ip andere toestelln.",
"Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Voert je paswoord in vo jen an te meldn en den toegank tou jen account te herkrygn.",
"Forgotten your password?": "Paswoord vergeetn?",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Meldt jen heran en herkrygt den toegank tou jen account.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Je ku je nie anmeldn me jen account. Nimt contact ip me de beheerder van je thuusserver vo meer informoasje.",
"You're signed out": "Je zyt afgemeld",
"Clear personal data": "Persoonlike gegeevns wissn",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device. Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.": "Let ip: je persoonlike gegeevns (inclusief versleuteriengssleuters) wordn nog alsan ip dit toestel ipgesloagn. Wist ze a je gereed zyt me t toestel te gebruukn, of a je je wilt anmeldn me nen andern account.",
"Failed to start chat": "Gesprek beginn is mislukt",
"Messages": "Berichtn",
"Actions": "Acties",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Toogt e lyste van beschikboare ipdrachtn, met hunder gebruukn en beschryviengn",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Den identiteitsserver-URL moet HTTPS zyn",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Geen geldigen identiteitsserver (statuscode %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Kostege geen verbindienge moakn me den identiteitsserver",
"Checking server": "Server wor gecontroleerd",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Verbindienge me den identiteitsserver verbreekn",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Wil je de verbindienge me den identiteitsserver <idserver /> verbreekn?",
"Disconnect": "Verbindienge verbreekn",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Identiteitsserver (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Je makt vo de moment gebruuk van <server></server> vo deur je contactn gevoundn te kunn wordn, en von hunder te kunn viendn. Je kut hierounder jen identiteitsserver wyzign.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Je makt vo de moment geen gebruuk van een identiteitsserver. Voegt der hierounder één toe vo deur je contactn gevoundn te kunn wordn en von hunder te kunn viendn.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "De verbindienge me jen identiteitsserver verbreekn goat dervoorn zorgn da je nie mi deur andere gebruukers gevoundn goa kunn wordn, en dat andere menschn je nie via e-mail of telefong goan kunn uutnodign.",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Dintegroasjebeheerder is offline of ounbereikboar.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "t Bywerkn van dintegroasjebeheerder is mislukt",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Je makt vo de moment gebruuk van <b>%(serverName)s</b> vo je bots, widgets en stickerpakketn te beheern.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Voegt eender welken integroasjebeheerder toe vo je bots, widgets en stickerpakketn te beheern.",
"Integration Manager": "Integroasjebeheerder",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Voert e nieuwen integroasjebeheerder in",
"Discovery": "Ountdekkienge",
"Deactivate account": "Account deactiveern",
"Always show the window menu bar": "De veinstermenubalk alsan toogn",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Kostege t deeln vo dat e-mailadresse hier nie intrekkn",
"Unable to share email address": "Kostege t e-mailadresse nie deeln",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Controleert je postvak IN, en klikt ip Verdergoan",
"Revoke": "Intrekkn",
"Share": "Deeln",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Ountdekkiengsopties goan verschynn a jeen e-mailadresse toegevoegd ghed èt.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Kostege t deeln vo dien telefongnumero hier nie intrekkn",
"Unable to share phone number": "Kostege den telefongnumero nie deeln",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Gift de verificoasjecode in da je in een smse gekreegn ghed èt.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Ountdekkiengsopties goan verschynn a je telefongnumero toegevoegd ghed èt.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "t Is een smse versteur noa +%(msisdn)s. Gift de verificoasjecode in da derin stoat.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Controleert of da de sleuter da jin je Gebruukersinstelliengn ip da toestel ziet overeenkomt me de sleuter hierounder vo te verifieern da t toestel ku vertrouwd wordn:",
"Command Help": "Hulp by ipdrachtn",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus je ku geen e-mailadresse toevoegn vo je paswoord in den toekomst herin te stelln.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: e-mailadressn kunn nie toegevoegd wordn. Je goa je paswoord nie kunn herinstelln.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: voegt der één toe in de serverinstelliengn vo je paswoord herin te stelln.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Iproep mislukt door verkeerd gecounfigureerde server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Vroagt an den beheerder van je thuusserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) vo e TURN-server te counfigureern tenende jen iproepn betrouwboar te doen werkn.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code>turn.matrix.org</code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Je kut ook de publieke server ip <code>turn.matrix.org</code> gebruukn, mo da goa minder betrouwboar zyn, en goa jen IP-adresse me die server deeln. Je kut dit ook beheern in dInstelliengn.",
"Try using turn.matrix.org": "Probeert van turn.matrix.org te gebruukn",
"Allow fallback call assist server turn.matrix.org when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Lat den terugvalserver vo iproepsbystand turn.matrix.org toe o je thuusserver der geen anbiedt (jen IP-adresse wor gedeeld binst een iproep)",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Den identiteitsserver èt geen dienstvoorwoardn",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Den identiteitsserver da je gekozen ghed èt, èt geen dienstvoorwoardn.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Goat alleene mo verder o je den eigenoar van de server betrouwt.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwoardn nie anveird, of den identiteitsserver is oungeldig.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Je deelt vo de moment e-mailadressn of telefongnumeros ip den identiteitsserver <idserver />. Je goa moen herverbiendn me <idserver2 /> vo ze nie mi te deeln.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Gift e nieuwen identiteitsserver in",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwoardn nie anveird, of den integroasjebeheerder is oungeldig.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Den integroasjebeheerder èt geen dienstvoorwoardn",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Den integroasjebeheerder da je gekozen ghed èt, èt geen dienstvoorwoardn.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s verwydern?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s verwydern?",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "t Is een onverwachte foute ipgetreedn by t voorbereidn van den app. Bekykt de console vo details.", "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "t Is een onverwachte foute ipgetreedn by t voorbereidn van den app. Bekykt de console vo details.",
"This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "De serverconfiguroatie van deze Riot-instantie lykt oungeldig. A je gy den beheerder zyt, gelieve ton de foute hierounder te corrigeern", "This installation of Riot seems to have an invalid server configuration. If you are the administrator, please correct the error below": "De serverconfiguroatie van deze Riot-instantie lykt oungeldig. A je gy den beheerder zyt, gelieve ton de foute hierounder te corrigeern",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Oungeldige configuroatie: ku moar één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url ipgeevn.", "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Oungeldige configuroasje: ku moar één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url ingeevn.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Oungeldige configuroatie: geen standoardserver ipgegeevn.", "Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Oungeldige configuroasje: geen standoardserver ingegeevn.",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop ip %(platformName)s", "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop ip %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ounbekend toestel", "Unknown device": "Ounbekend toestel",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s ip %(osName)s", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s ip %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Je moet HTTPS gebruukn vo een iproep me schermdeeln te kunn startn.", "You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Je moet HTTPS gebruukn vo een iproep me schermdeeln te kunn startn.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Je kut dangepaste serverinstelliengn gebruukn vo jen eigen an te melden by andere Matrix-servers, deur een andere thuusserver-URL in te geevn. Dit lat je toe van Riot te gebruukn met e bestoande Matrix-account by een andere thuusserver.", "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Je kut dangepaste serverinstelliengn gebruukn vo jen eigen an te meldn by andere Matrix-servers, deur een andere thuusserver-URL in te geevn. Da lat je toe van Riot te gebruukn met e bestoande Matrix-account by een andere thuusserver.",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "Welgekommn by Riot.im", "Welcome to Riot.im": "Welgekommn by Riot.im",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Gedecentraliseerd en versleuteld chattn &amp; soamenwerkn meuglik gemakt deur [matrix]", "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Gedecentraliseerd en versleuteld chattn &amp; soamenwerkn meuglik gemakt deur [matrix]",
"Create Account": "Account anmoakn", "Create Account": "Account anmoakn",
"Need help?": "Hulp nodig?", "Need help?": "Hulp nodig?",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekkn ountdekkn", "Explore rooms": "Gesprekkn ountdekkn",
"Room Directory": "Gesprekscataloog", "Room Directory": "Gesprekscataloog",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Je Riot-configuroatie bevat oungeldigen JSON. Corrigeer t probleem en herload t blad.", "Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Je Riot-configuroasje bevat oungeldigen JSON. Corrigeer t probleem en herload t blad.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "t Bericht van de verwerker is: %(message)s", "The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "t Bericht van de verwerker is: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Oungeldigen JSON" "Invalid JSON": "Oungeldigen JSON"
} }

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
