Upgrade to v1.7.25

Alexis A. 4 years ago
parent b74a1ed892
commit 3dad957c37

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -486,8 +486,8 @@
"one": "%(severalUsers)sopustili"
"%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s krát opustil",
"one": "%(oneUser)sopustil"
"other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s krát opustil(a)",
"one": "%(oneUser)sopustil(a)"
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s %(count)s krát vstoupili a opustili",
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s krát opustil(a) a znovu vstoupil(a)",
"one": "%(oneUser)sopustil a znovu vstoupil"
"one": "%(oneUser)sopustil(a) a znovu vstoupil(a)"
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s %(count)s krát odmítli pozvání",
@ -530,20 +530,20 @@
"one": "byl(a) pozván(a)"
"were banned %(count)s times": {
"other": "mělid %(count)s krát zakázaný vstup",
"one": "měli zakázaný vstup"
"other": "byli %(count)s krát vykázáni",
"one": "byl(a) vykázán(a)"
"was banned %(count)s times": {
"other": "měl %(count)s krát zakázaný vstup",
"one": "měl zakázaný vstup"
"other": "byli %(count)s krát vykázáni",
"one": "byl(a) vykázán(a)"
"were unbanned %(count)s times": {
"other": "měli %(count)s krát povolený vstup",
"one": "měli povolený vstup"
"other": "byli %(count)s přijati zpět",
"one": "byl(a) přijat(a) zpět"
"was unbanned %(count)s times": {
"other": "měl %(count)s krát povolený vstup",
"one": "měl povolený vstup"
"other": "byli %(count)s krát přijati zpět",
"one": "byl(a) přijat(a) zpět"
"were kicked %(count)s times": {
"other": "byli %(count)s krát vyhozeni",
@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@
"Invited by %(sender)s": "Pozván od uživatele %(sender)s",
"Error updating flair": "Nepovedlo se změnit příslušnost ke skupině",
"There was an error updating the flair for this room. The server may not allow it or a temporary error occurred.": "Pro tuto místnost se nepovedlo změnit příslušnost ke skupině. Možná to server neumožňuje, nebo došlo k dočasné chybě.",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagoval(a) s %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagoval(a) %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"edited": "upraveno",
"Maximize apps": "Maximalizovat aplikace",
"Rotate Left": "Otočit doleva",
@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@
"Verify": "Ověřit",
"You have ignored this user, so their message is hidden. <a>Show anyways.</a>": "Tohoto uživatele ignorujete, takže jsou jeho zprávy skryté. <a>Přesto zobrazit.</a>",
"Reactions": "Reakce",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagoval %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagoval(a) %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"Any of the following data may be shared:": "Následující data můžou být sdílena:",
"Your display name": "Vaše zobrazované jméno",
"Your avatar URL": "URL vašeho avataru",
@ -3217,6 +3217,61 @@
"Support": "Podpora",
"Room name": "Název místnosti",
"Finish": "Dokončit",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Toto obvykle ovlivňuje pouze to, jak je místnost zpracována na serveru. Pokud máte problémy s %(brand)s, nahlaste prosím chybu.",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Pro každého z nich vytvoříme místnost. Později můžete přidat další, včetně již existujících.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Vytvořme místnost pro každého z nich. Později můžete přidat i další, včetně již existujících.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Zajistěte přístup pro správné lidi. Další můžete pozvat později.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Soukromý space pro uspořádání vašich místností",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Zajistěte, aby do %(name)s měli přístup správní lidé",
"Go to my first room": "Jít do mé první místnosti",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "V tuto chvíli to jste jen vy, s ostatními to bude ještě lepší.",
"Share %(name)s": "Sdílet %(name)s",
"Private space": "Soukromý space",
"Public space": "Veřejný space",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> vás zve",
"Search names and description": "Prohledat jména a popisy",
"Create room": "Vytvořit místnost",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Možná budete chtít zkusit vyhledat něco jiného nebo zkontrolovat překlepy.",
"No results found": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné výsledky",
"Mark as suggested": "Označit jako doporučené",
"Mark as not suggested": "Označit jako nedoporučené",
"Removing...": "Odebírání...",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Odebrání některých místností se nezdařilo. Zkuste to později znovu",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s místnost a 1 space",
"other": "%(count)s místností a 1 space"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s místnost a %(numSpaces)s space",
"other": "%(count)s místností a %(numSpaces)s spaces"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Pokud nemůžete najít místnost, kterou hledáte, požádejte o pozvánku nebo <a>vytvořte novou místnost</a>.",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Tato místnost je doporučena jako dobrá pro připojení",
"Suggested": "Doporučeno",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s místnost",
"other": "%(count)s místností"
"You don't have permission": "Nemáte povolení",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s zpráva smazána.",
"other": "%(count)s zpráv smazáno."
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Pozvat do %(roomName)s",
"Invite People": "Pozvat lidi",
"Invite with email or username": "Pozvěte e-mailem nebo uživatelským jménem",
"You can change these anytime.": "Tyto údaje můžete kdykoli změnit.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Přidejte několik podrobností, aby to lidé lépe rozpoznali.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Spaces jsou nový způsob, jak seskupovat místnosti a lidi. Chcete-li se připojit ke stávajícímu space, budete potřebovat pozvánku.",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "K vašemu účtu přistupuje nové přihlášení: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) pomocí %(ip)s",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Z %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) pomocí %(ip)s",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Ověřte toto přihlášení, abyste získali přístup k šifrovaným zprávám a dokázali ostatním, že jste to opravdu vy.",
"Verify with another session": "Ověřit pomocí jiné relace",
"Just me": "Jen já",
"Edit devices": "Upravit zařízení",
"Check your devices": "Zkontrolujte svá zařízení",
"You have unverified logins": "Máte neověřená přihlášení",
"Open": "Otevřít",
"Welcome to Element": "Vítá vás Element",
"Unknown device": "Neznámé zařízení",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Pro uskutečnění hovoru se sdílením obrazovky musíte používat HTTPS.",
@ -3232,7 +3287,6 @@
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Vaše konfigurace Elementu obsahuje nesprávná data JSON. Vyřešte prosím problém a načtěte znovu stránku.",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Nepodařilo se načíst konfigurační soubor: abyste to zkusili znovu, načtěte prosím znovu stránku.",
"Download Completed": "Stahování dokončeno",
"Open": "Otevřít",
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "Předchozí/další nedávno navštívená místnost či skupina",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Nepodporovaný prohlížeč",

@ -417,6 +417,7 @@
"Other": "Other",
"Command error": "Command error",
"Usage": "Usage",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Sends the given message as a spoiler",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message",
"Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message": "Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message",
"Prepends ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message": "Prepends ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message",
@ -731,6 +732,8 @@
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Common names and surnames are easy to guess",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess",
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Invite to %(spaceName)s",
"Share your public space": "Share your public space",
"Unknown App": "Unknown App",
"Help us improve %(brand)s": "Help us improve %(brand)s",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.",
@ -791,6 +794,7 @@
"%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s",
"Change notification settings": "Change notification settings",
"Spaces prototype. Incompatible with Communities, Communities v2 and Custom Tags. Requires compatible homeserver for some features.": "Spaces prototype. Incompatible with Communities, Communities v2 and Custom Tags. Requires compatible homeserver for some features.",
"Send and receive voice messages (in development)": "Send and receive voice messages (in development)",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Render LaTeX maths in messages",
"Communities v2 prototypes. Requires compatible homeserver. Highly experimental - use with caution.": "Communities v2 prototypes. Requires compatible homeserver. Highly experimental - use with caution.",
"New spinner design": "New spinner design",
@ -804,6 +808,7 @@
"Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Show message previews for reactions in DMs",
"Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms",
"Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices",
"Share decryption keys for room history when inviting users": "Share decryption keys for room history when inviting users",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Enable advanced debugging for the room list",
"Show info about bridges in room settings": "Show info about bridges in room settings",
"Font size": "Font size",
@ -884,6 +889,8 @@
"sends fireworks": "sends fireworks",
"Sends the given message with snowfall": "Sends the given message with snowfall",
"sends snowfall": "sends snowfall",
"unknown person": "unknown person",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>",
"You held the call <a>Switch</a>": "You held the call <a>Switch</a>",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "You held the call <a>Resume</a>",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s held the call",
@ -1018,13 +1025,12 @@
"Share invite link": "Share invite link",
"Invite people": "Invite people",
"Invite with email or username": "Invite with email or username",
"Invite members": "Invite members",
"Share your public space": "Share your public space",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Leave space": "Leave space",
"New room": "New room",
"Space Home": "Space Home",
"Create new room": "Create new room",
"Add existing room": "Add existing room",
"Members": "Members",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Manage & explore rooms",
"Explore rooms": "Explore rooms",
"Space options": "Space options",
"Remove": "Remove",
@ -1098,6 +1104,7 @@
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.": "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.",
"%(brand)s is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom %(brand)s Desktop with <nativeLink>search components added</nativeLink>.": "%(brand)s is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom %(brand)s Desktop with <nativeLink>search components added</nativeLink>.",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Message search initilisation failed",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "Connecting to integration manager...",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Cannot connect to integration manager",
"The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.",
@ -1301,6 +1308,7 @@
"Room ID or address of ban list": "Room ID or address of ban list",
"Subscribe": "Subscribe",
"Start automatically after system login": "Start automatically after system login",
"Warn before quitting": "Warn before quitting",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Always show the window menu bar",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
@ -1497,6 +1505,7 @@
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.",
"You created this room.": "You created this room.",
"%(displayName)s created this room.": "%(displayName)s created this room.",
"Invite to just this room": "Invite to just this room",
"Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.",
"This is the start of <roomName/>.": "This is the start of <roomName/>.",
"No pinned messages.": "No pinned messages.",
@ -1545,11 +1554,8 @@
"Start chat": "Start chat",
"Rooms": "Rooms",
"Add room": "Add room",
"Create new room": "Create new room",
"You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space": "You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space",
"Add existing room": "Add existing room",
"You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space": "You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space",
"Explore space rooms": "Explore space rooms",
"Explore community rooms": "Explore community rooms",
"Explore public rooms": "Explore public rooms",
"Low priority": "Low priority",
@ -1561,6 +1567,7 @@
"Can't see what youre looking for?": "Can't see what youre looking for?",
"Start a new chat": "Start a new chat",
"Explore all public rooms": "Explore all public rooms",
"Quick actions": "Quick actions",
"Use the + to make a new room or explore existing ones below": "Use the + to make a new room or explore existing ones below",
"%(count)s results": {
"other": "%(count)s results",
@ -1665,6 +1672,8 @@
"Invited by %(sender)s": "Invited by %(sender)s",
"Jump to first unread message.": "Jump to first unread message.",
"Mark all as read": "Mark all as read",
"Record a voice message": "Record a voice message",
"Stop & send recording": "Stop & send recording",
"Error updating main address": "Error updating main address",
"There was an error updating the room's main address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "There was an error updating the room's main address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.",
"There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.",
@ -1947,6 +1956,10 @@
"Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.": "Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.",
"collapse": "collapse",
"expand": "expand",
"%(count)s people you know have already joined": {
"other": "%(count)s people you know have already joined",
"one": "%(count)s person you know has already joined"
"You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)",
"Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s",
"Rotate Left": "Rotate Left",
@ -1955,6 +1968,7 @@
"Rotate clockwise": "Rotate clockwise",
"Download this file": "Download this file",
"Information": "Information",
"View message": "View message",
"Language Dropdown": "Language Dropdown",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": {
@ -2096,14 +2110,13 @@
"%(networkName)s rooms": "%(networkName)s rooms",
"Matrix rooms": "Matrix rooms",
"Space selection": "Space selection",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Add existing spaces/rooms",
"Add existing rooms": "Add existing rooms",
"Filter your rooms and spaces": "Filter your rooms and spaces",
"Spaces": "Spaces",
"Don't want to add an existing room?": "Don't want to add an existing room?",
"Create a new room": "Create a new room",
"Applying...": "Applying...",
"Apply": "Apply",
"Failed to add rooms to space": "Failed to add rooms to space",
"Adding...": "Adding...",
"Matrix ID": "Matrix ID",
"Matrix Room ID": "Matrix Room ID",
"email address": "email address",
@ -2281,7 +2294,7 @@
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Click the button below to confirm your identity.",
"Invite by email": "Invite by email",
"Failed to invite the following users to chat: %(csvUsers)s": "Failed to invite the following users to chat: %(csvUsers)s",
"We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "We couldn't create your DM.",
"Something went wrong trying to invite the users.": "Something went wrong trying to invite the users.",
"We couldn't invite those users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "We couldn't invite those users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "A call can only be transferred to a single user.",
@ -2297,14 +2310,15 @@
"Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).": "Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).",
"This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>": "This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>",
"Go": "Go",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Invite to %(spaceName)s",
"Unnamed Space": "Unnamed Space",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Invite to %(roomName)s",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Invited people will be able to read old messages.",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Consult first": "Consult first",
"a new master key signature": "a new master key signature",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "a new cross-signing key signature",
"a device cross-signing signature": "a device cross-signing signature",
@ -2395,6 +2409,10 @@
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.",
"Learn more": "Learn more",
"About homeservers": "About homeservers",
"Reset event store?": "Reset event store?",
"You most likely do not want to reset your event index store": "You most likely do not want to reset your event index store",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few momentswhilst the index is recreated": "If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few momentswhilst the index is recreated",
"Reset event store": "Reset event store",
"Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Sign out and remove encryption keys?",
"Clear Storage and Sign Out": "Clear Storage and Sign Out",
"Send Logs": "Send Logs",
@ -2529,6 +2547,7 @@
"Revoke permissions": "Revoke permissions",
"Move left": "Move left",
"Move right": "Move right",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"This room is public": "This room is public",
"Away": "Away",
"User Status": "User Status",
@ -2714,7 +2733,6 @@
"other": "You have %(count)s unread notifications in a prior version of this room.",
"one": "You have %(count)s unread notification in a prior version of this room."
"Open": "Open",
"You don't have permission": "You don't have permission",
"%(count)s members": {
"other": "%(count)s members",
@ -2726,7 +2744,6 @@
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "This room is suggested as a good one to join",
"Suggested": "Suggested",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.",
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"other": "%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces",
"one": "%(count)s room and %(numSpaces)s spaces"
@ -2741,16 +2758,14 @@
"Mark as suggested": "Mark as suggested",
"No results found": "No results found",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "You may want to try a different search or check for typos.",
"Create room": "Create room",
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.",
"Search names and description": "Search names and description",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> invites you",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.",
"Create room": "Create room",
"Public space": "Public space",
"Private space": "Private space",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> invites you",
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Add existing rooms & spaces",
"Default Rooms": "Default Rooms",
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.",
"Your public space <name/>": "Your public space <name/>",
"Your private space <name/>": "Your private space <name/>",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Welcome to <name/>",
"Random": "Random",
"Support": "Support",
@ -2772,8 +2787,9 @@
"Invite your teammates": "Invite your teammates",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.",
"Invite by username": "Invite by username",
"What are some things you want to discuss?": "What are some things you want to discuss?",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.",
"What are some things you want to discuss in %(spaceName)s?": "What are some things you want to discuss in %(spaceName)s?",
"Let's create a room for each of them.": "Let's create a room for each of them.",
"You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.",
"What projects are you working on?": "What projects are you working on?",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.",
@ -2805,6 +2821,7 @@
"Failed to send email": "Failed to send email",
"The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "The email address linked to your account must be entered.",
"A new password must be entered.": "A new password must be entered.",
"Please choose a strong password": "Please choose a strong password",
"New passwords must match each other.": "New passwords must match each other.",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password.": "Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password.",
"New Password": "New Password",
@ -3029,6 +3046,7 @@
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.",
"Download Completed": "Download Completed",
"Open": "Open",
"Open user settings": "Open user settings",
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "Previous/next recently visited room or community",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",

@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@
"More options": "Pliaj elektebloj",
"Integrations are disabled": "Kunigoj estas malŝaltitaj",
"Integrations not allowed": "Kunigoj ne estas permesitaj",
"Suggestions": "Proponoj",
"Suggestions": "Rekomendoj",
"Automatically invite users": "Memage inviti uzantojn",
"Upgrade private room": "Gradaltigi privatan ĉambron",
"Upgrade public room": "Gradaltigi publikan ĉambron",
@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@
"one": "Forigi salutaĵon"
"Where youre logged in": "Kie vi salutis",
"Manage the names of and sign out of your sessions below or <a>verify them in your User Profile</a>.": "Sube administru la nomojn de viaj salutaĵoj kaj ilin adiaŭu, aŭ <a>kontrolu ilin en via profilo de uzanto</a>.",
"Manage the names of and sign out of your sessions below or <a>verify them in your User Profile</a>.": "Sube administru la nomojn de viaj salutaĵoj kaj ilin adiaŭu, aŭ <a>ilin kontrolu en via profilo de uzanto</a>.",
"Waiting for you to accept on your other session…": "Atendante vian akcepton en via alia salutaĵo…",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Preskaŭ finite! Ĉu via alia salutaĵo montras la saman ŝildon?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Preskaŭ finite! Ĉu %(displayName)s montras la saman ŝildon?",
@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@
"Set a Security Phrase": "Agordi Sekurecan frazon",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Konfirmi Sekurecan frazon",
"Save your Security Key": "Konservi vian Sekurecan ŝlosilon",
"New spinner design": "Nova fasono de la turniĝilo",
"New spinner design": "Nova aspekto de la atendosimbolo",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Montri ĉambrojn kun nelegitaj mesaĝoj kiel unuajn",
"Show previews of messages": "Montri antaŭrigardojn al mesaĝoj",
"This room is public": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro estas publika",
@ -3121,11 +3121,11 @@
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Averte, se vi ne aldonos retpoŝtadreson kaj poste forgesos vian pasvorton, vi eble <b>por ĉiam perdos aliron al via konto</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Daŭrigante sen retpoŝtadreso",
"We recommend you change your password and Security Key in Settings immediately": "Ni rekomendas, ke vi tuj ŝanĝu viajn pasvorton kaj Sekurecan ŝlosilon per la Agordoj",
"Transfer": "Transigi",
"Transfer": "Transdoni",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Invitu iun per ĝia nomo, retpoŝtadreso, uzantonomo (ekz. <userId/>), aŭ <a>konigu ĉi tiun ĉambron</a>.",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "Komencu interparolon kun iu per ĝia nomo, retpoŝtadreso, aŭ uzantonomo (ekz. <userId/>).",
"Failed to transfer call": "Malsukcesis transigi vokon",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Voko povas transiĝi nur al unu uzanto.",
"Failed to transfer call": "Malsukcesis transdoni vokon",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Voko povas transdoniĝi nur al unu uzanto.",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Eksciu plion per niaj <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> kaj <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Malsukcesis konektiĝi al via hejmservilo. Bonvolu fermi ĉi tiun interagujon kaj reprovi.",
"Edit Values": "Redakti valorojn",
@ -3154,6 +3154,159 @@
"Use Command + F to search": "Serĉu per komanda klavo + F",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ŝanĝis la servilblokajn listojn por ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s set the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s agordis la servilblokajn listojn por ĉi tiu ĉambro.",
"Public": "Publika",
"Delete": "Forigi",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "De %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) de %(ip)s",
"Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Salti al subo de historio sendinte mesaĝon",
"Check your devices": "Kontrolu viajn aparatojn",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Nova saluto aliras vian konton: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) de %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Vi havas nekontrolitajn salutojn",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Vi jam vokas ĉi tiun personon.",
"Already in call": "Jam vokanta",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n": "<h1>HTML por la paĝo de via komunumo</h1>\n<p>\n Uzu la longan priskribon por enkonduki novajn anojn en la komunumon, aŭ disdoni\n kelkajn gravajn <a href=\"foo\">ligilojn</a>.\n</p>\n<p>\n Vi povas eĉ aldoni bildojn per Matriks-URL <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n",
"View dev tools": "Montri programistilojn",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Ĉi tiu kutime influas nur traktadon de la ĉambro servil-flanke. Se vi spertas problemojn pri via %(brand)s, bonvolu raporti eraron.",
"Mark as suggested": "Marki rekomendata",
"Mark as not suggested": "Marki nerekomendata",
"Suggested": "Rekomendata",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro estas rekomendata kiel aliĝinda",
"Suggested Rooms": "Rekomendataj ĉambroj",
"Failed to create initial space rooms": "Malsukcesis krei komencajn ĉambrojn de aro",
"Room name": "Nomo de ĉambro",
"Support": "Subteno",
"Random": "Hazarda",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Bonvenu al <name/>",
"Your private space <name/>": "Via privata aro <name/>",
"Your public space <name/>": "Via publika aro <name/>",
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Via servilo ne subtenas montradon de hierarĥioj de aroj.",
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Aldoni jamajn ĉambrojn kaj arojn",
"Private space": "Privata aro",
"Public space": "Publika aro",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> invitas vin",
"Search names and description": "Serĉi nomojn kaj priskribojn",
"No results found": "Neniuj rezultoj troviĝis",
"Removing...": "Forigante…",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Malsukcesis forigi iujn arojn. Reprovu poste",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s ĉambro kaj 1 aro",
"other": "%(count)s ĉambroj kaj 1 aro"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s ĉambro kaj %(numSpaces)s aroj",
"other": "%(count)s ĉambroj kaj %(numSpaces)s aroj"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Se vi ne povas trovi la ĉambron, kiun vi serĉas, petu inviton aŭ <a>kreu novan ĉambron</a>.",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s ĉambro",
"other": "%(count)s ĉambroj"
"%(count)s members": {
"one": "%(count)s ano",
"other": "%(count)s anoj"
"Open": "Malfermi",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s mesaĝo foriĝis.",
"other": "%(count)s mesaĝoj foriĝis."
"Are you sure you want to leave the space '%(spaceName)s'?": "Ĉu vi certe volas forlasi la aron «%(spaceName)s»?",
"This space is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Ĉi tiu aro ne estas publika. Vi ne povos re-aliĝi sen invito.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Gradaltigi al %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Start audio stream": "Komenci sonelsendon",
"Failed to start livestream": "Malsukcesis komenci tujelsendon",
"Unable to start audio streaming.": "Ne povas komenci sonelsendon.",
"Save Changes": "Konservi ŝanĝojn",
"Saving...": "Konservante…",
"Leave Space": "Forlasi aron",
"Make this space private": "Privatigi ĉi tiun aron",
"Edit settings relating to your space.": "Redaktu agordojn pri via aro.",
"Space settings": "Agordoj de aro",
"Failed to save space settings.": "Malsukcesis konservi agordojn de aro.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Invitu iun per ĝia nomo, uzantonomo (kiel <userId/>), aŭ <a>diskonigu ĉi tiun aron</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Invitu iun per ĝia nomo, retpoŝtadreso, uzantonomo (kiel <userId/>), aŭ <a>diskonigu ĉi tiun aron</a>.",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Inviti al %(roomName)s",
"Unnamed Space": "Sennoma aro",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Inviti al %(spaceName)s",
"Abort": "Nuligi",
"Don't want to add an existing room?": "Ĉu vi ne volas aldoni jaman ĉambron?",
"Failed to add rooms to space": "Malsukcesis aldoni ĉambrojn al aro",
"Apply": "Apliki",
"Applying...": "Aplikante…",
"Create a new room": "Krei novan ĉambron",
"Spaces": "Aroj",
"Filter your rooms and spaces": "Filtru viajn ĉambrojn kaj arojn",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Aldoni jamajn arojn/ĉambrojn",
"Space selection": "Elekto de aro",
"Edit devices": "Redakti aparatojn",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the space it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Vi ne povos malfari ĉi tiun ŝanĝon, ĉar vi malrangaltigas vin mem; se vi estas la lasta altranga uzanto de la aro, vi ne plu povos rehavi viajn rajtojn.",
"Invite People": "Inviti personojn",
"Empty room": "Malplena ĉamrbo",
"You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space": "Vi ne havas permeson aldoni ĉambrojn al ĉi tiu aro",
"Explore space rooms": "Esplori ĉambrojn de aro",
"Add existing room": "Aldoni jaman ĉambron",
"You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space": "Vi ne havas permeson krei novajn ĉambrojn en ĉi tiu aro",
"Send message": "Sendi mesaĝon",
"Invite to this space": "Inviti al ĉi tiu aro",
"Your message was sent": "Via mesaĝo sendiĝis",
"Encrypting your message...": "Ĉifrante mesaĝon…",
"Sending your message...": "Sendante mesaĝon…",
"New room": "Nova ĉambro",
"Leave space": "Forlasi aron",
"Share your public space": "Diskonigu vian publikan aron",
"Invite members": "Inviti anojn",
"Invite with email or username": "Inviti per retpoŝtadreso aŭ uzantonomo",
"Invite people": "Inviti personojn",
"Share invite link": "Diskonigi invitan ligilon",
"Click to copy": "Klaku por kopii",
"Collapse space panel": "Maletendi arbreton",
"Expand space panel": "Etendi arbreton",
"Creating...": "Kreante…",
"You can change these anytime.": "Vi povas ŝanĝi ĉi tiujn kiam ajn vi volas.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Aldonu kelkajn detalojn, por ke ĝi estu rekonebla.",
"Your private space": "Via privata aro",
"Your public space": "Via publika aro",
"You can change this later": "Vi povas ŝanĝi ĉi tion poste",
"Invite only, best for yourself or teams": "Nur invita, ideala por vi mem aŭ por skipoj",
"Private": "Privata",
"Open space for anyone, best for communities": "Malferma aro por ĉiu ajn, ideala por komunumoj",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Aroj estas novaj manieroj grupigi ĉambrojn kaj personojn. Por aliĝi al aro, vi bezonas inviton.",
"Create a space": "Krei aron",
"Spaces prototype. Incompatible with Communities, Communities v2 and Custom Tags. Requires compatible homeserver for some features.": "Pratipo de Aroj. Malkonforma kun Komunumoj, Komunumoj v2, kaj Propraj etikedoj. Bezonas konforman hejmservilon por iuj funkcioj.",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Kontrolu ĉi tiun saluton por aliri viajn ĉifritajn mesaĝojn, kaj pruvi al aliuloj, ke la salutanto vere estas vi.",
"Verify with another session": "Knotroli per alia salutaĵo",
"Original event source": "Originala fonto de evento",
"Decrypted event source": "Malĉifrita fonto de evento",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Por ĉiu el ili ni kreos ĉambron. Vi povos aldoni pliajn pli poste, inkluzive jam ekzistantajn.",
"What projects are you working on?": "Kiujn projektojn vi prilaboras?",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Ni kreu ĉambron por ĉiu el ili. Vi povas aldoni pliajn poste, inkluzive jam ekzistantajn.",
"What are some things you want to discuss?": "Pri kio volas vi paroli?",
"Invite by username": "Inviti per uzantonomo",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Certigu, ke la ĝustaj personoj povas aliri. Vi povas inviti pliajn pli poste.",
"Invite your teammates": "Invitu viajn kunulojn",
"Inviting...": "Invitante…",
"Failed to invite the following users to your space: %(csvUsers)s": "Malsukcesis inviti la jenajn uzantojn al via aro: %(csvUsers)s",
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Privata aro por vi kaj viaj kunuloj",
"Me and my teammates": "Mi kaj miaj kunuloj",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Privata aro por organizado de viaj ĉambroj",
"Just me": "Nur mi",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Certigu, ke la ĝustaj personoj povas aliri al %(name)s",
"Who are you working with?": "Kun kiu vi laboras?",
"Go to my first room": "Eniri mian unuan ĉambron",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Nun estas sole vi; estos eĉ pli bone kun aliuloj.",
"Share %(name)s": "Diskonigi %(name)s",
"Creating rooms...": "Kreante ĉambrojn…",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Eble vi provu serĉi alion, aŭ kontroli je mistajpoj.",
"You don't have permission": "Vi ne rajtas",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Valoroj por malimplicitaj niveloj en ĉi tiu ĉambro:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Valoroj por malimplicitaj niveloj:",
"Save setting values": "Konservi valorojn de la agordoj",
"Values at explicit levels in this room": "Valoroj por malimplicitaj niveloj en ĉi tiu ĉambro",
"Values at explicit levels": "Valoroj por malimplicitaj niveloj",
"Spell check dictionaries": "Literumadaj vortaroj",
"Space options": "Agordoj de aro",
"Space Home": "Hejmo de aro",
"with state key %(stateKey)s": "kun statŝlosilo %(stateKey)s",
"with an empty state key": "kun malplena statŝlosilo",
"Unknown device": "Nekonata aparato",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Vi devas uzi HTTPS por ekranvidadi.",
"Welcome to Element": "Bonvenon al Element",
@ -3175,7 +3328,6 @@
"Go to element.io": "Iri al element.io",
"Failed to start": "Malsukcesis starti",
"Download Completed": "Elŝuto finiĝis",
"Open": "Malfermi",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Via Elemento estas misagordita",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Via agordaro de Elemento enhavas nevalidajn datumojn de JSON. Bonvolu korekti la problemon kaj aktualigi la paĝon.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "Via foliumilo ne povas ruli %(brand)s",

@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@
"User Status": "Estado de usuario",
"This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "A este servidor le gustaría asegurarse de que no eres un robot.",
"Country Dropdown": "Seleccione país",
"Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Confirme su identidad introduciendo la contraseña de su cuenta.",
"Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Confirma tu identidad introduciendo la contraseña de tu cuenta.",
"Missing captcha public key in homeserver configuration. Please report this to your homeserver administrator.": "Falta la clave pública del captcha en la configuración del servidor base. Por favor, informa de esto al administrador de tu servidor base.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Por favor, revisa y acepta todas las políticas del servidor base",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Por favor, revisa y acepta las políticas de este servidor base:",
@ -3180,7 +3180,7 @@
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Este servidor no soporta mostrar jerarquías de espacios.",
"Default Rooms": "Salas por defecto",
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Añadir salas y espacios ya existentes",
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Añadir salas y espacios existentes",
"Accept Invite": "Aceptar invitación",
"Manage rooms": "Gestionar salas",
"Save changes": "Guardar cambios",
@ -3208,11 +3208,11 @@
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Invitar a %(spaceName)s",
"Failed to add rooms to space": "No se han podido añadir las salas al espacio",
"Apply": "Aplicar",
"Create a new room": "Crea una nueva",
"Create a new room": "Crear una nueva sala",
"Don't want to add an existing room?": "¿No quieres añadir una sala que ya exista?",
"Spaces": "Espacios",
"Filter your rooms and spaces": "Filtra tus salas y espacios",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Añadir espacios o salas ya existentes",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Añadir espacios o salas existentes",
"Space selection": "Selección de espacio",
"Empty room": "Sala vacía",
"Suggested Rooms": "Salas sugeridas",
@ -3252,6 +3252,61 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Este servidor base ha sido bloqueado por su administración.",
"This homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator.": "Este servidor base ha sido bloqueado por su administración.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Ya estás en una llamada con esta persona.",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Unirse a esta sala está sugerido",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Esto solo afecta normalmente a cómo el servidor procesa la sala. Si estás teniendo problemas con %(brand)s, por favor, infórmanos del problema.",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Ahora mismo no hay nadie más.",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Verifica este inicio de sesión para acceder a tus mensajes cifrados y probar a otras personas que realmente eres tú quien está iniciando sesión.",
"Verify with another session": "Verificar con otra sesión",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Crearemos salas para cada uno. Puedes añadir más después, incluso salas que ya existan.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Vamos a crear una sala para cada uno. Puedes añadir más después, incluso salas que ya existan.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Vamos a asegurarnos de que solo la gente adecuada tiene acceso. Puedes invitar a más después.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Un espacio privado para organizar tus salas",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Vamos a asegurarnos de que solo la gente adecuada tiene acceso a %(name)s",
"Just me": "Solo yo",
"Go to my first room": "Ir a mi primera sala",
"Share %(name)s": "Compartir %(name)s",
"Private space": "Espacio privado",
"Public space": "Espacio público",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> te ha invitado",
"Search names and description": "Buscar nombres y descripciones",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Prueba con otro término de búsqueda o comprueba que no haya erratas.",
"Create room": "Crear sala",
"No results found": "Ningún resultado",
"Mark as suggested": "Sugerir",
"Mark as not suggested": "No sugerir",
"Removing...": "Quitando...",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "No se han podido quitar algunas salas. Prueba de nuevo más tarde",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s sala y 1 espacio",
"other": "%(count)s salas y 1 espacio"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s sala y %(numSpaces)s espacios",
"other": "%(count)s salas y %(numSpaces)s espacios"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Si no encuentras la sala que estás buscando, pide que te inviten o <a>crea una nueva</a>.",
"Suggested": "Sugerencias",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s sala",
"other": "%(count)s salas"
"You don't have permission": "No tienes permisos",
"Open": "Abrir",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s mensaje eliminado.",
"other": "%(count)s mensajes eliminados."
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Invitar a %(roomName)s",
"Edit devices": "Editar dispositivos",
"Invite People": "Invitar a gente",
"Invite with email or username": "Invitar correos electrónicos o nombres de usuario",
"You can change these anytime.": "Puedes cambiar todo esto en cualquier momento.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Añade algún detalle para ayudar a que la gente lo reconozca.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Los espacios son la nueva manera de agrupar personas y salas. Para unirte a un espacio, necesitarás que te inviten.",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "De %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) en",
"Check your devices": "Comprueba tus dispositivos",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Alguien está iniciando sesión a tu cuenta: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) en %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Tienes inicios de sesión sin verificar",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconocido",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Debes usar HTTPS para hacer una llamada con pantalla compartida.",
"Welcome to Element": "Te damos la bienvenida a Element",
@ -3275,7 +3330,6 @@
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Tu aplicación Element está mal configurada",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Tu configuración de Element contiene JSON inválido. Por favor corrígelo e inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Download Completed": "Descarga completada",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "Tu navegador no es compatible con %(brand)s",
"%(brand)s uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "%(brand)s usa funciones avanzadas que su navegador actual no soporta.",
"Powered by Matrix": "Funciona con Matrix"

@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Tere tulemast suhtlusrakenduse %(appName)s kasutajaks",
"Liberate your communication": "Vabasta oma suhtlus",
"Send a Direct Message": "Saada otsesõnum",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda jututoast '%(roomName)s'?",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda jututoast „%(roomName)s“?",
"Unknown error": "Teadmata viga",
"To continue using the %(homeserverDomain)s homeserver you must review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "Selleks et jätkata koduserveri %(homeserverDomain)s kasutamist sa pead üle vaatama ja nõustuma meie kasutustingimustega.",
"Permissions": "Õigused",
@ -3203,6 +3203,150 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Ligipääs sellele koduserverile on sinu serveri haldaja poolt blokeeritud.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Sinul juba kõne käsil selle osapoolega.",
"Already in call": "Kõne on juba pooleli",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Sinu sõnumit ei saadetud, kuna see koduserver on haldaja poolt blokeeritud. Teenuse kasutamiseks palun <a>võta ühendust serveri haldajaga</a>.",
"Are you sure you want to leave the space '%(spaceName)s'?": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda kogukonnakeskusest „%(spaceName)s“?",
"This space is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "See ei ole avalik kogukonnakeskus. Ilma kutseta sa ei saa uuesti liituda.",
"Start audio stream": "Käivita audiovoog",
"Failed to start livestream": "Videovoo käivitamine ei õnnestu",
"Unable to start audio streaming.": "Audiovoo käivitamine ei õnnestu.",
"Save Changes": "Salvesta muutused",
"Saving...": "Salvestan...",
"View dev tools": "Näita arendaja töövahendeid",
"Leave Space": "Lahku kogukonnakeskusest",
"Make this space private": "Muuda see kogukonnakeskus privaatseks",
"Edit settings relating to your space.": "Muuda oma kogukonnakeskuse seadistusi.",
"Space settings": "Kogukonnakeskuse seadistused",
"Failed to save space settings.": "Kogukonnakeskuse seadistuste salvestamine ei õnnestunud.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Kutsu kedagi tema nime, kasutajanime (nagu <userId/>) alusel või <a>jaga seda kogukonnakeskust</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Kutsu teist osapoolt tema nime, e-posti aadressi, kasutajanime (nagu <userId/>) alusel või <a>jaga seda kogukonnakeskust</a>.",
"Unnamed Space": "Nimetu kogukonnakeskus",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Kutsu kogukonnakeskusesse %(spaceName)s",
"Failed to add rooms to space": "Jututubade lisamine kogukonnakeskusesse ei õnnestunud",
"Apply": "Rakenda",
"Applying...": "Rakendan...",
"Create a new room": "Loo uus jututuba",
"Don't want to add an existing room?": "Kas sa ei soovi lisada olemasolevat jututuba?",
"Spaces": "Kogukonnakeskused",
"Filter your rooms and spaces": "Otsi olemasolevate kogukonnakeskuste ja jututubade seast",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Lisa olemasolevaid kogukonnakeskuseid ja jututube",
"Space selection": "Kogukonnakeskuse valik",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the space it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Kuna sa vähendad enda õigusi, siis sul ei pruugi hiljem olla võimalik seda muutust tagasi pöörata. Kui sa juhtumisi oled viimane haldusõigustega kasutaja kogukonnakeskuses, siis hiljem on võimatu samu õigusi tagasi saada.",
"Empty room": "Tühi jututuba",
"Suggested Rooms": "Soovitatud jututoad",
"Explore space rooms": "Tutvu kogukonnakeskuses leiduvate jututubadega",
"You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space": "Sul pole õigusi siia kogukonnakeskusesse lisada jututubasid",
"Add existing room": "Lisa olemasolev jututuba",
"You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space": "Sul pole õigusi luua siin kogukonnakeskuses uusi jututubasid",
"Send message": "Saada sõnum",
"Invite to this space": "Kutsu siia kogukonnakeskusesse",
"Your message was sent": "Sinu sõnum sai saadetud",
"Encrypting your message...": "Krüptin sinu sõnumit...",
"Sending your message...": "Saadan sinu sõnumit...",
"Spell check dictionaries": "Õigekirja sõnastikud",
"Space options": "Kogukonnakeskus eelistused",
"Space Home": "Kogukonnakeskuse avaleht",
"New room": "Uus jututuba",
"Leave space": "Lahku kogukonnakeskusest",
"Share your public space": "Jaga oma avalikku kogukonnakeskust",
"Invite members": "Kutsu uusi osalejaid",
"Invite people": "Kutsu teisi kasutajaid",
"Share invite link": "Jaga kutse linki",
"Click to copy": "Kopeerimiseks klõpsa",
"Collapse space panel": "Ahenda kogukonnakeskuste paneeli",
"Expand space panel": "Laienda kogukonnakeskuste paneeli",
"Creating...": "Loon...",
"Your private space": "Sinu privaatne kogukonnakeskus",
"Your public space": "Sinu avalik kogukonnakeskus",
"You can change this later": "Sa võid seda hiljem muuta",
"Invite only, best for yourself or teams": "Liitumine vaid kutse alusel, sobib sulle ja sinu lähematele kaaslastele",
"Private": "Privaatne",
"Open space for anyone, best for communities": "Avaliku ligipääsuga kogukonnakeskus",
"Public": "Avalik",
"Create a space": "Loo kogukonnakeskus",
"Delete": "Kustuta",
"Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Sõnumi saatmiseks hüppa ajajoone lõppu",
"Spaces prototype. Incompatible with Communities, Communities v2 and Custom Tags. Requires compatible homeserver for some features.": "Kogukonnakeskuse prototüüp. Ei ühildu varasemate kogukonnalehtedega ega kohandatud siltidega. Mõned funktsionaalsused eeldavad ühilduva koduserveri kasutamist.",
"%(count)s members": {
"other": "%(count)s liiget",
"one": "%(count)s liige"
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Seadmest %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) aadressiga %(ip)s",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Kogukonnakeskused on uus viis inimeste ja jututubade ühendamiseks. Kogukonnakeskusega liitumiseks vajad sa kutset.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Tegemaks teiste jaoks äratundmise lihtsamaks, palun lisa natuke teavet.",
"You can change these anytime.": "Sa võid neid alati muuta.",
"Invite with email or username": "Kutsu e-posti aadressi või kasutajanime alusel",
"Invite People": "Kutsu teisi kasutajaid",
"Edit devices": "Muuda seadmeid",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Kutsu jututuppa %(roomName)s",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "See tavaliselt mõjutab vaid viisi, kuidas server jututuba teenindab. Kui sul tekib %(brand)s kasutamisel vigu, siis palun anna sellest meile teada.",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"other": "%(count)s sõnumit on kustutatud.",
"one": "%(count)s sõnum on kustutatud."
"You don't have permission": "Sul puuduvad selleks õigused",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"other": "%(count)s jututuba",
"one": "%(count)s jututuba"
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Teised kasutajad soovitavad liitumist selle jututoaga",
"Suggested": "Soovitatud",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Kui sa ei leia otsitavat jututuba, siis palu sinna kutset või <a>loo uus jututuba</a>.",
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"other": "%(count)s jututuba ja %(numSpaces)s kogukonnakeskust",
"one": "%(count)s jututuba ja %(numSpaces)s kogukonnakeskust"
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"other": "%(count)s jututuba ja 1 kogukonnakeskus",
"one": "%(count)s jututuba ja 1 kogukonnakeskus"
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Lisa olemasolevaid jututubasid ja kogukonnakeskuseid",
"Default Rooms": "Vaikimisi jututoad",
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Sinu koduserver ei võimalda kuvada kogukonnakeskuste hierarhiat.",
"Your public space <name/>": "Sinu avalik kogukonnakeskus <name/>",
"Your private space <name/>": "Sinu privaatne kogukonnakeskus <name/>",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Tete tulemast <name/> liikmeks",
"Random": "Juhuslik",
"Support": "Toeta",
"Room name": "Jututoa nimi",
"Failed to create initial space rooms": "Algsete jututubade loomine ei õnnestunud",
"Skip for now": "Hetkel jäta vahele",
"Creating rooms...": "Loon jututubasid…",
"Who are you working with?": "Kellega sa koos töötad?",
"Me and my teammates": "Mina ja minu kaasteelised",
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Privaatne kogukonnakeskus sinu ja sinu kaasteeliste jaoks",
"Failed to invite the following users to your space: %(csvUsers)s": "Järgnevate kasutajate kutsumine kogukonnakeskusesse ei õnnestunud: %(csvUsers)s",
"Inviting...": "Kutsun...",
"Invite your teammates": "Kutsu oma kaasteelisi",
"Invite by username": "Kutsu kasutajanime alusel",
"What are some things you want to discuss?": "Mis on need teemad, mida tahaksid arutada?",
"What projects are you working on?": "Mis ettevõtmistega sa tegeled?",
"Decrypted event source": "Sündmuse dekrüptitud lähtekood",
"Original event source": "Algse sündmuse lähtekood",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Mõnede jututubade eemaldamine ei õnnestunud. Proovi hiljem uuesti",
"Removing...": "Eemaldan...",
"Mark as not suggested": "Eemalda soovitus",
"Mark as suggested": "Märgi soovituseks",
"No results found": "Tulemusi ei ole",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Aga proovi muuta otsingusõna või kontrolli ega neis trükivigu polnud.",
"Search names and description": "Otsi nimede ja kirjelduste seast",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> saatis sulle kutse",
"Public space": "Avalik kogukonnakeskus",
"Private space": "Privaatne kogukonnakeskus",
"Share %(name)s": "Jaga %(name)s",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Hetkel oled siin vaid sina, aga aina paremaks läheb, kui teised liituvad.",
"Go to my first room": "Mine minu esimese jututoa juurde",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Palun kontrolli, et vajalikel inimestel oleks ligipääs siia - %(name)s",
"Just me": "Vaid mina",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Privaatne kogukonnakeskus jututubade koondamiseks",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Kontrolli, et vajalikel inimestel oleks siia ligipääs. Teistele võid kutse saata ka hiljem.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Loome nüüd igaühe jaoks jututoa. Sa võid neid ka hiljem lisada, sealhulgas olemasolevaid.",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Ma loome igaühe jaoks jututoa. Sa võid neid ka hiljem lisada, sealhulgas olemasolevaid.",
"Verify with another session": "Verifitseeri teise sessiooniga",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Oma krüptitud sõnumite lugemiseks verifitseeri see sisselogimissessioon. Samaga kinnitad ka teistele, et tegemist on tõesti sinuga.",
"Open": "Ava",
"Check your devices": "Kontrolli oma seadmeid",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Uus sisselogimissessioon kasutab sinu Matrixi kontot: %(name)s %(deviceID)s aadressil %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Sul on verifitseerimata sisselogimissessioone",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Sõnum parserist on: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Vigane JSON",
"Unknown device": "Tundmatu seade",
@ -3224,7 +3368,6 @@
"Go to element.io": "Mine element.io lehele",
"Failed to start": "Käivitamine ei õnnestunud",
"Download Completed": "Allalaadimine on lõpetatud",
"Open": "Ava",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Sinu Element on valesti seadistatud",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Sinu Element'i seadistustes on vigased JSON-vormingus andmed. Palun paranda see viga ja laadi leht uuesti.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "%(brand)s ei toimi sinu brauseris",

@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@
"Invite by email": "Kutsu sähköpostilla",
"Report a bug": "Raportoi virheestä",
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Virheellinen palautusavain",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Vahvista turvalauseke",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Vahvista turvalause",
"Upload a file": "Lähetä tiedosto",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Vahvista salauksen asetukset",
"Verify other session": "Vahvista toinen istunto",
@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@
"Rate %(brand)s": "Arvioi %(brand)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s Desktop",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s Web",
"Security Phrase": "Turvalauseke",
"Security Phrase": "Turvalause",
"Security Key": "Turva-avain",
"Verify session": "Vahvista istunto",
"Hold": "Pidä",
@ -2922,8 +2922,8 @@
"Prepends ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message": "Lisää ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) viestin alkuun",
"Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message": "Lisää (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ viestin alkuun",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Salaisen tallenustilan avaaminen epäonnistui. Varmista, että syötit oikean palautuksen salasanan.",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Kirjoita turvalauseke",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Aseta turvalauseke",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Kirjoita turvalause",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Aseta turvalause",
"Unable to query secret storage status": "Salaisen tallennustilan tilaa ei voi kysellä",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Jos peruutat nyt, voit menettää salattuja viestejä ja tietoja, jos menetät pääsyn kirjautumistietoihisi.",
"You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.": "Voit myös ottaa käyttöön suojatun varmuuskopioinnin ja hallita avaimia asetuksista.",
@ -2973,6 +2973,92 @@
"Cookie Policy": "Evästekäytäntö",
"Recent changes that have not yet been received": "Tuoreet muutokset, joita ei ole vielä otettu vastaan",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Pyysimme selainta muistamaan kirjautumista varten mitä kotipalvelinta käytät, mutta selain on unohtanut sen. Mene kirjautumissivulle ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Search (must be enabled)": "Haku (pitää olla käytössä)",
"Apply": "Käytä",
"Applying...": "Käytetään...",
"Channel: <channelLink/>": "Kanava: <channelLink/>",
"This homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator.": "Tämän kotipalvelimen ylläpitäjä on estänyt sen.",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Tehdään huone jokaiselle. Voit myös lisätä niitä myöhemmin, mukaan lukien olemassa olevia.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Tehdään huone jokaiselle. Voit myös lisätä niitä myöhemmin, mukaan lukien olemassa olevia.",
"What are some things you want to discuss?": "Mistä asioista haluat keskustella?",
"Inviting...": "Kutsutaan...",
"Share %(name)s": "Jaa %(name)s",
"Creating rooms...": "Luodaan huoneita...",
"Skip for now": "Ohita tältä erää",
"Room name": "Huoneen nimi",
"Default Rooms": "Oletushuoneet",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> kutsuu sinut",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Kokeile eri hakua tai tarkista haku kirjoitusvirheiden varalta.",
"No results found": "Tuloksia ei löytynyt",
"Mark as not suggested": "Merkitse ei-ehdotetuksi",
"Mark as suggested": "Merkitse ehdotetuksi",
"Removing...": "Poistetaan...",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Jos et löydä etsimääsi huonetta, pyydä kutsua tai <a>luo uusi huone</a>.",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s huone",
"other": "%(count)s huonetta"
"%(count)s members": {
"one": "%(count)s jäsen",
"other": "%(count)s jäsentä"
"You don't have permission": "Sinulla ei ole lupaa",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s viesti poistettu.",
"other": "%(count)s viestiä poistettu."
"Remember this": "Muista tämä",
"Save Changes": "Tallenna muutokset",
"Saving...": "Tallennetaan...",
"View dev tools": "Näytä kehitystyökalut",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Kutsu huoneeseen %(roomName)s",
"Minimize dialog": "Pienennä ikkuna",
"Maximize dialog": "Suurenna ikkuna",
"Edit Values": "Muokkaa arvoja",
"Value in this room:": "Arvo tässä huoneessa:",
"Value:": "Arvo:",
"Save setting values": "Tallenna asetusarvot",
"Settable at room": "Asetettavissa huoneessa",
"Settable at global": "Asetettavissa globaalisti",
"Level": "Taso",
"Setting definition:": "Asetuksen määritelmä:",
"This UI does NOT check the types of the values. Use at your own risk.": "Tämä käyttöliittymä EI tarkista arvojen tyyppejä. Käytä omalla vastuullasi.",
"Caution:": "Varoitus:",
"Setting:": "Asetus:",
"Value in this room": "Arvo tässä huoneessa",
"Value": "Arvo",
"Failed to save settings": "Asetusten tallentaminen epäonnistui",
"Create a new room": "Luo uusi huone",
"Don't want to add an existing room?": "Etkö halua lisätä olemassa olevaa huonetta?",
"Edit devices": "Muokkaa laitteita",
"Invite People": "Kutsu ihmisiä",
"Empty room": "Tyhjä huone",
"Suggested Rooms": "Ehdotetut huoneet",
"Add existing room": "Lisää olemassa oleva huone",
"Send message": "Lähetä viesti",
"Your message was sent": "Viestisi lähetettiin",
"Encrypting your message...": "Viestiäsi salataan...",
"Sending your message...": "Viestiäsi lähetetään...",
"Spell check dictionaries": "Oikolukusanastot",
"New room": "Uusi huone",
"Invite members": "Kutsu jäseniä",
"Invite people": "Kutsu ihmisiä",
"Share invite link": "Jaa kutsulinkki",
"Click to copy": "Kopioi napsauttamalla",
"Creating...": "Luodaan...",
"You can change these anytime.": "Voit muuttaa näitä koska tahansa.",
"You can change this later": "Voit muuttaa tätä myöhemmin",
"Private": "Yksityinen",
"Public": "Julkinen",
"Delete": "Poista",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Laitteelta %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) osoitteesta %(ip)s",
"Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Näytä keskustelutehosteet (animaatiot, kun saat esim. konfettia)",
"Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Siirry aikajanan pohjalle, kun lähetät viestin",
"Check your devices": "Tarkista laitteesi",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Uusi kirjautuminen tilillesi: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) osoitteesta %(ip)s",
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Tämä kotipalvelin on ylläpitäjänsä estämä.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Olet jo puhelussa tämän henkilön kanssa.",
"Already in call": "Olet jo puhelussa",
"Unknown device": "Tuntematon laite",
"Welcome to Element": "Tervetuloa Element-sovellukseen",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Sinun täytyy käyttää HTTPS-yhteyttä, jotta voit jakaa ruudun puhelussa.",

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s a expulsé %(targetName)s.",
"Kick": "Expulser",
"Kicks user with given id": "Expulse lutilisateur à partir de son identifiant",
"Labs": "Labo",
"Labs": "Expérimental",
"Leave room": "Quitter le salon",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s a quitté le salon.",
"Logout": "Se déconnecter",
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Les identifiants de communauté ne peuvent pas être vides.",
"<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>En réponse à</a> <pill>",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s a modifié son nom daffichage en %(displayName)s.",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Échec de lajout de létiquette discussion directe",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Échec de lajout de létiquette de conversation privée",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Échec de la suppression de létiquette %(tagName)s du salon",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Échec de lajout de létiquette %(tagName)s au salon",
"Clear filter": "Supprimer les filtres",
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
"Noisy": "Sonore",
"Room not found": "Salon non trouvé",
"Messages containing my display name": "Messages contenant mon nom daffichage",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Messages dans les discussions directes",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Messages dans les conversations privées",
"Unavailable": "Indisponible",
"View Decrypted Source": "Voir la source déchiffrée",
"Failed to update keywords": "Échec de la mise à jour des mots-clés",
@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.": "Si vous ne configurez pas la récupération de messages sécurisée, vous perdrez l'historique de vos messages sécurisés quand vous vous déconnectez.",
"If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.": "Si vous ne voulez pas le configurer maintenant, vous pouvez le faire plus tard dans les paramètres.",
"Messages containing @room": "Messages contenant @room",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Messages chiffrés dans les discussions directes",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Messages chiffrés dans les conversations privées",
"Encrypted messages in group chats": "Messages chiffrés dans les discussions de groupe",
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "Cela ne ressemble pas à une adresse e-mail valide",
"Checking...": "Vérification…",
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@
"Composer": "Compositeur",
"Room list": "Liste de salons",
"Timeline": "Fil de discussion",
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Retard pour lautocomplétion (ms)",
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Délai pour lautocomplétion (ms)",
"Chat with %(brand)s Bot": "Discuter avec le bot %(brand)s",
"Roles & Permissions": "Rôles et permissions",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Les modifications concernant l'accès à lhistorique ne s'appliqueront quaux futurs messages de ce salon. La visibilité de lhistorique existant ne sera pas modifiée.",
@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Personnalisé (%(level)s)",
"Trusted": "Fiable",
"Not trusted": "Non fiable",
"Direct message": "Message direct",
"Direct message": "Conversation privée",
"<strong>%(role)s</strong> in %(roomName)s": "<strong>%(role)s</strong> dans %(roomName)s",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.": "Les messages dans ce salon sont chiffrés de bout en bout.",
"Security": "Sécurité",
@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s a passé un appel vidéo.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s a passé un appel vidéo. (non pris en charge par ce navigateur)",
"Clear notifications": "Vider les notifications",
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Personnalisez votre expérience avec des fonctionnalités expérimentales du labo. <a>En savoir plus</a>.",
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Personnalisez votre expérience avec des fonctionnalités expérimentales. <a>En savoir plus</a>.",
"Error upgrading room": "Erreur lors de la mise à niveau du salon",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Vérifiez que votre serveur prend en charge la version de salon choisie et réessayez.",
"This message cannot be decrypted": "Ce message ne peut pas être déchiffré",
@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@
"Help": "Aide",
"Show more": "En voir plus",
"Recent Conversations": "Conversations récentes",
"Direct Messages": "Messages directs",
"Direct Messages": "Conversations privées",
"Go": "Cest parti",
"Show info about bridges in room settings": "Afficher des informations à propos des passerelles dans les paramètres du salon",
"This bridge is managed by <user />.": "Cette passerelle est gérée par <user />.",
@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@
"We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "Impossible de créer votre conversation privée. Vérifiez quels utilisateurs que vous souhaitez inviter et réessayez.",
"Something went wrong trying to invite the users.": "Une erreur est survenue en essayant dinviter les utilisateurs.",
"We couldn't invite those users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "Impossible dinviter ces utilisateurs. Vérifiez quels utilisateurs que vous souhaitez inviter et réessayez.",
"Recently Direct Messaged": "Messages directs récents",
"Recently Direct Messaged": "Conversations privées récentes",
"Start": "Commencer",
"Session verified": "Session vérifiée",
"Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Votre nouvelle session est maintenant vérifiée. Elle a accès à vos messages chiffrés et les autres utilisateurs la verront comme fiable.",
@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@
"Self-verification request": "Demande dauto-vérification",
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Bienvenue sur %(appName)s",
"Liberate your communication": "Libérez votre communication",
"Send a Direct Message": "Envoyez un message direct",
"Send a Direct Message": "Envoyez un message privé",
"Explore Public Rooms": "Explorez les salons publics",
"Create a Group Chat": "Créez une discussion de groupe",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s demande une vérification",
@ -2318,7 +2318,7 @@
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "Une nouvelle version de %(brand)s est disponible !",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Nouvelle version disponible. <a>Faire la mise à niveau maintenant.</a>",
"Emoji picker": "Sélecteur démojis",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Ladministrateur de votre serveur a désactivé le chiffrement de bout en bout par défaut dans les salons privés et les messages directs.",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Ladministrateur de votre serveur a désactivé le chiffrement de bout en bout par défaut dans les salons privés et les conversations privées.",
"People": "Personnes",
"Switch to light mode": "Passer au mode clair",
"Switch to dark mode": "Passer au mode sombre",
@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@
"Use Recovery Key": "Utiliser la clé de récupération",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (actualisera pour appliquer les changements)",
"Use custom size": "Utiliser une taille personnalisée",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Eh vous. Vous êtes les meilleurs !",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hé vous. Vous êtes le meilleur !",
"Message layout": "Mise en page des messages",
"Compact": "Compacte",
"Modern": "Moderne",
@ -2999,7 +2999,7 @@
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "<a>Ajoutez un sujet</a> pour aider les gens à savoir de quoi il est question.",
"Topic: %(topic)s ": "Sujet : %(topic)s ",
"Topic: %(topic)s (<a>edit</a>)": "Sujet : %(topic)s (<a>modifier</a>)",
"This is the beginning of your direct message history with <displayName/>.": "Cest le début de votre historique de messages privés avec <displayName/>.",
"This is the beginning of your direct message history with <displayName/>.": "Cest le début de lhistorique de votre conversation privée avec <displayName/>.",
"Only the two of you are in this conversation, unless either of you invites anyone to join.": "Vous nêtes que tous les deux dans cette conversation, à moins que lun de vous invite quelquun à vous rejoindre.",
"%(name)s on hold": "%(name)s est en attente",
"Return to call": "Revenir à lappel",
@ -3235,7 +3235,7 @@
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Ajouter des espaces/salons existants",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the space it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Vous ne pourrez pas annuler ce changement puisque vous vous rétrogradez. Si vous êtes le dernier utilisateur a privilèges de cet espace, il deviendra impossible den reprendre contrôle.",
"Empty room": "Salon vide",
"Suggested Rooms": "Salons suggérés",
"Suggested Rooms": "Salons recommandés",
"Explore space rooms": "Parcourir les salons de cet espace",
"You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space": "Vous navez pas la permission dajouter des salons à cet espace",
"Add existing room": "Ajouter un salon existant",
@ -3277,6 +3277,61 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Ce serveur daccueil a été banni par ses administrateurs.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Vous êtes déjà en cours dappel avec cette personne.",
"Already in call": "Déjà en cours dappel",
"Space selection": "Sélection dun espace",
"Search names and description": "Rechercher par nom ou description",
"Go to my first room": "Rejoindre mon premier salon",
"Mark as suggested": "Marquer comme recommandé",
"Mark as not suggested": "Marquer comme non recommandé",
"Suggested": "Recommandé",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Ce salon recommandé peut être intéressant à rejoindre",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Vérifiez cette connexion pour accéder à vos messages chiffrés et prouver aux autres quil sagit bien de vous.",
"Verify with another session": "Vérifier avec une autre session",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Nous allons créer un salon pour chaque. Vous pourrez en ajouter plus tard, y compris certains déjà existant.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Créons un salon pour chacun dentre eux. Vous pourrez en ajouter plus tard, y compris certains déjà existant.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Assurez-vous que les accès sont accordés aux bonnes personnes. Vous pourrez en inviter dautres plus tard.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Un espace privé pour organiser vos salons",
"Just me": "Seulement moi",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Assurez-vous que les bonnes personnes ont accès à %(name)s",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Vous êtes seul pour linstant, ce sera plus agréable avec de la compagnie.",
"Share %(name)s": "Partager %(name)s",
"Private space": "Espace privé",
"Public space": "Espace public",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> vous a invité",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Essayez une requête différente, ou vérifiez que vous navez pas fait de faute de frappe.",
"No results found": "Aucun résultat",
"Removing...": "Suppression…",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Échec de la suppression de certains salons. Veuillez réessayez plus tard",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s salon et 1 espace",
"other": "%(count)s salons et 1 espace"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s salon et %(numSpaces)s espaces",
"other": "%(count)s salons et %(numSpaces)s espaces"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Si vous ne trouvez pas le salon que vous cherchez, demandez une invitation ou <a>créez un nouveau salon</a>.",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s salon",
"other": "%(count)s salons"
"You don't have permission": "Vous navez pas lautorisation",
"Open": "Ouvrir",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s message supprimé.",
"other": "%(count)s messages supprimés."
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Cela naffecte généralement que la façon dont le salon est traité sur le serveur. Si vous avez des problèmes avec votre %(brand)s, signalez une anomalie.",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Inviter dans %(roomName)s",
"Edit devices": "Modifier les appareils",
"Invite People": "Inviter des personnes",
"Invite with email or username": "Inviter par e-mail ou nom dutilisateur",
"You can change these anytime.": "Vous pouvez les changer à nimporte quel moment.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Ajoutez des informations pour aider les personnes à lidentifier.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Les espaces permettent de grouper les salons et les personnes. Pour rejoindre un espace existant, il vous faut une invitation.",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Sur %(deviceName)s %(deviceId)s depuis %(ip)s",
"Check your devices": "Vérifiez vos appareils",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Une nouvelle session a accès à votre compte : %(name)s %(deviceID)s depuis %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Vous avez des sessions non-vérifiées",
"Unknown device": "Appareil inconnu",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Vous devez utiliser HTTPS pour effectuer un appel avec partage décran.",
"Welcome to Element": "Bienvenue sur Element",
@ -3298,7 +3353,6 @@
"Failed to start": "Échec au démarrage",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s pour bureau (%(platformName)s)",
"Download Completed": "Téléchargement terminé",
"Open": "Ouvrir",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Votre Element est mal configuré",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "La configuration de votre Element contient du JSON invalide. Veuillez corriger le problème et recharger la page.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "Votre navigateur ne peut pas exécuter %(brand)s",

@ -3066,7 +3066,7 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións do servidor para poder conectarte a outros servidores Matrix indicando o URL dese servidor. Esto permíteche usar Element cunha conta Matrix existente noutro servidor.",
"Server Options": "Opcións do servidor",
"Reason (optional)": "Razón (optativa)",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Ós lugares onde podes ter unha conta chamámoslle 'servidores de inicio'.",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Chamámoslle 'servidores de inicio' aos lugares onde podes ter unha conta.",
"Invalid URL": "URL non válido",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Non se puido validar o servidor de inicio",
"sends confetti": "envía confetti",
@ -3315,6 +3315,60 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "O servidor de inicio foi bloqueado pola súa administración.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Xa estás nunha conversa con esta persoa.",
"Already in call": "Xa estás nunha chamada",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Verifica esta conexión para acceder ás túas mensaxes cifradas e demostrarlle a outras persoas que es ti realmente.",
"Verify with another session": "Verificar con outra sesión",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Crearemos salas para cada un. Podes engadir outras máis tarde, incluíndo as xa existentes.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Crea unha sala para cada un. Podes engadir outras máis tarde, incluíndo as xa existentes.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Asegúrate de que as persoas axeitadas teñen acceso. Podes convidar a outras máis tarde.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Un espazo privado para organizar as túas salas",
"Just me": "Só eu",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Asegúrate de que as persoas axeitadas teñen acceso a %(name)s",
"Go to my first room": "Ir á miña primeira sala",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Por agora só estás ti, será incluso mellor con outras persoas.",
"Share %(name)s": "Compartir %(name)s",
"Private space": "Espazo privado",
"Public space": "Espazo público",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> convídate",
"Search names and description": "Busca por nomes e descrición",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Podes intentar unha busca diferente ou comprobar o escrito.",
"No results found": "Sen resultados",
"Mark as suggested": "Marcar como suxerida",
"Mark as not suggested": "Marcar como non suxerida",
"Removing...": "Eliminando...",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Fallou a eliminación de algunhas salas. Inténtao máis tarde",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s sala e 1 espazo",
"other": "%(count)s salas e 1 espazo"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s sala e %(numSpaces)s espazos",
"other": "%(count)s salas e %(numSpaces)s espazos"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Se non atopas a sala que buscas, pide un convite ou <a>crea unha nova sala</a>.",
"Suggested": "Recomendada",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Esta sala é recomendada como apropiada para unirse",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s sala",
"other": "%(count)s salas"
"You don't have permission": "Non tes permiso",
"Open": "Abrir",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s mensaxe eliminada.",
"other": "%(count)s mensaxes eliminadas."
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Normalmente esto só afecta a como se xestiona a sala no servidor. Se tes problemas co teu %(brand)s, informa do fallo.",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Convidar a %(roomName)s",
"Edit devices": "Editar dispositivos",
"Invite People": "Convida a persoas",
"Invite with email or username": "Convida con email ou nome de usuaria",
"You can change these anytime.": "Poderás cambialo en calquera momento.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Espazos é un novo xeito de agrupar salas e persoas. Para unirte a un espazo existente precisarás un convite.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Engade algún detalle para que sexa recoñecible.",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Desde %(deviceName)s%(deviceId)s en %(ip)s",
"Check your devices": "Comproba os teus dispositivos",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Hai unha nova conexión á túa conta: %(name)s %(deviceID)s desde %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Tes conexións sen verificar",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo descoñecido",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Precisa utilizar HTTPS para establecer unha chamada de pantalla compartida.",
"Welcome to Element": "Benvida/o a Element",
@ -3336,7 +3390,6 @@
"Go to element.io": "Ir a element.io",
"Failed to start": "Fallou o inicio",
"Download Completed": "Descarga realizada",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Element non está ben configurado",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "A configuración de Element contén JSON non válido. Corrixe o problema e recarga a páxina.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "O teu navegador non pode executar %(brand)s",

@ -3308,6 +3308,60 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Ezt a matrix szervert az adminisztrátor lezárta.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Már hívásban van ezzel a személlyel.",
"Already in call": "A hívás már folyamatban van",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Ellenőrizze ezt a bejelentkezést, hogy hozzáférjen a titkosított üzeneteihez, valamint be tudja bizonyítani másoknak, hogy ez bejelentkezés önhöz tartozik.",
"Verify with another session": "Ellenőrizze egy másik munkamenettel",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Készítünk mindegyik szobához egyet. Később is hozzáadhat újakat vagy akár meglévőket.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Készítsünk mindegyik szobához egyet. Később is hozzáadhat újakat vagy akár meglévőket.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Ellenőrizze, hogy a megfelelő személyeknek van hozzáférése. Később meghívhat másokat is.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Privát tér a szobái csoportosításához",
"Just me": "Csak én",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Ellenőrizze, hogy a megfelelő személyeknek hozzáférése van ehhez: %(name)s",
"Go to my first room": "Ugrás az első szobámra",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Egyenlőre csak ön, még jobb lehet másokkal együtt.",
"Share %(name)s": "Megosztás: %(name)s",
"Private space": "Privát tér",
"Public space": "Nyilvános tér",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> meghívta",
"Search names and description": "Nevek és leírás keresése",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Esetleg próbáljon ki egy másik keresést vagy nézze át elgépelések után.",
"No results found": "Nincs találat",
"Mark as suggested": "Javasoltnak jelölés",
"Mark as not suggested": "Nem javasoltnak jelölés",
"Removing...": "Törlés...",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Néhány szoba törlése sikertelen. Próbálja később",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s szoba és 1 tér",
"other": "%(count)s szoba és 1 tér"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s szoba és %(numSpaces)s tér",
"other": "%(count)s szoba és %(numSpaces)s tér"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Ha nem található a szoba amit keresett kérjen egy meghívót vagy <a>Készítsen egy új szobát</a>.",
"Suggested": "Javaslat",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Ez egy javasolt szoba csatlakozáshoz",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s szoba",
"other": "%(count)s szoba"
"You don't have permission": "Nincs jogosultsága",
"Open": "Megnyitás",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s üzenet törölve.",
"other": "%(count)s üzenet törölve."
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Ez általában a szoba szerver oldali kezelésében jelent változást. Ha probléma van itt: %(brand)s, kérjük küldjön hibajelentést.",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Meghívás ide: %(roomName)s",
"Edit devices": "Eszközök szerkesztése",
"Invite People": "Személyek meghívása",
"Invite with email or username": "Meghívás e-mail címmel vagy felhasználói névvel",
"You can change these anytime.": "Bármikor megváltoztatható.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Információ hozzáadása, hogy könnyebben felismerhető legyen.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "A terek egy új lehetőség a szobák és emberek csoportosításához. Létező térhez meghívóval lehet csatlakozni.",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Innen: %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s), %(ip)s",
"Check your devices": "Ellenőrizze az eszközeit",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Új bejelentkezéssel hozzáférés történik a fiókjához: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s), %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Ellenőrizetlen bejelentkezései vannak",
"Unknown device": "Ismeretlen eszköz",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Képernyőmegosztás indításához HTTPS-t kell használnia.",
"Welcome to Element": "Üdvözli az Element",
@ -3329,7 +3383,6 @@
"Go to element.io": "Irány a element.io",
"Failed to start": "Az indítás sikertelen",
"Download Completed": "A letöltés befejeződött",
"Open": "Megnyitás",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Az Element hibásan van beállítva",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Az Element érvénytelen JSON-t tartalmazó konfigurációval rendelkezik. Javítsa és töltse újra az oldalt.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "A böngészője nem tudja futtatni ezt: %(brand)s",

@ -3303,6 +3303,60 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Questo homeserver è stato bloccato dal suo amministratore.",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Sei già in una chiamata con questa persona.",
"Already in call": "Già in una chiamata",
"Verify this login to access your encrypted messages and prove to others that this login is really you.": "Verifica questa sessione per accedere ai tuoi messaggi cifrati e provare agli altri che questo sei veramente tu.",
"Verify with another session": "Verifica con un'altra sessione",
"We'll create rooms for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Creeremo stanze per ognuno di essi. Puoi aggiungerne altri dopo, inclusi quelli già esistenti.",
"Let's create a room for each of them. You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Inizia a creare una stanza per ognuno di essi. Puoi aggiungerne altri dopo, inclusi quelli già esistenti.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Assicurati che le persone giuste abbiano accesso. Puoi invitarne altre dopo.",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Uno spazio privato per organizzare le tue stanze",
"Just me": "Solo io",
"Make sure the right people have access to %(name)s": "Assicurati che le persone giuste abbiano accesso a %(name)s",
"Go to my first room": "Vai alla mia prima stanza",
"It's just you at the moment, it will be even better with others.": "Ci sei solo tu al momento, sarà ancora meglio con gli altri.",
"Share %(name)s": "Condividi %(name)s",
"Private space": "Spazio privato",
"Public space": "Spazio pubblico",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> ti ha invitato",
"Search names and description": "Cerca nomi e descrizioni",
"You may want to try a different search or check for typos.": "Prova a fare una ricerca diversa o controllare errori di battitura.",
"No results found": "Nessun risultato trovato",
"Mark as suggested": "Segna come consigliato",
"Mark as not suggested": "Segna come non consigliato",
"Removing...": "Rimozione...",
"Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Rimozione di alcune stanze fallita. Riprova più tardi",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s stanza e 1 spazio",
"other": "%(count)s stanze e 1 spazio"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s stanza e %(numSpaces)s spazi",
"other": "%(count)s stanze e %(numSpaces)s spazi"
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>create a new room</a>.": "Se non trovi la stanza che stai cercando, chiedi un invito o <a>crea una stanza nuova</a>.",
"Suggested": "Consigliato",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Questa è una buona stanza in cui entrare",
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s stanza",
"other": "%(count)s stanze"
"You don't have permission": "Non hai il permesso",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s messaggio eliminato.",
"other": "%(count)s messaggi eliminati."
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Solitamente ciò influisce solo su come la stanza viene elaborata sul server. Se stai riscontrando problemi con il tuo %(brand)s, segnala un errore.",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Invita in %(roomName)s",
"Edit devices": "Modifica dispositivi",
"Invite People": "Invita persone",
"Invite with email or username": "Invita con email o nome utente",
"You can change these anytime.": "Puoi cambiarli in qualsiasi momento.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Aggiungi qualche dettaglio per aiutare le persone a riconoscerlo.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Gli spazi sono nuovi modi di raggruppare stanze e persone. Per entrare in uno spazio esistente ti serve un invito.",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Da %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) al %(ip)s",
"Check your devices": "Controlla i tuoi dispositivi",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "Una nuova sessione sta accedendo al tuo account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) al %(ip)s",
"You have unverified logins": "Hai accessi non verificati",
"Open": "Apri",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo sconosciuto",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Devi usare HTTPS per effettuare una chiamata con la condivisione dello schermo.",
"Welcome to Element": "Benvenuti su Element",
@ -3324,7 +3378,6 @@
"Go to element.io": "Vai su element.io",
"Failed to start": "Avvio fallito",
"Download Completed": "Scaricamento completato",
"Open": "Apri",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Il tuo elemento è configurato male",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "La configurazione del tuo elemento contiene un JSON non valido. Correggi il problema e ricarica la pagina.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "Il tuo browser non può eseguire %(brand)s",

@ -2543,6 +2543,12 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "このホームサーバーは管理者によりブロックされています。",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "あなたは既にこの人と通話中です。",
"Already in call": "既に電話中です",
"Invite People": "ユーザーを招待",
"Edit devices": "デバイスを編集",
"%(count)s messages deleted.": {
"one": "%(count)s 件のメッセージが削除されました。",
"other": "%(count)s 件のメッセージが削除されました。"
"Welcome to Element": "Element へようこそ",
"Unknown device": "不明な端末",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "画面共有通話を行うにはHTTPS通信を使う必要があります。",

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"label": "Català"
"cs": {
"fileName": "cs.5b9a287.json",
"fileName": "cs.25b6516.json",
"label": "čeština"
"da": {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"label": "Dansk"
"de": {
"fileName": "de_DE.2c92398.json",
"fileName": "de_DE.4fc5d80.json",
"label": "Deutsch"
"el": {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"label": "Ελληνικά"
"en": {
"fileName": "en_EN.2c456c7.json",
"fileName": "en_EN.52d6909.json",
"label": "English"
"en-us": {
@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
"label": "English (US)"
"eo": {
"fileName": "eo.bd784bc.json",
"fileName": "eo.40c919c.json",
"label": "Esperanto"
"es": {
"fileName": "es.dae2148.json",
"fileName": "es.fb532f8.json",
"label": "Español"
"et": {
"fileName": "et.3f31fbd.json",
"fileName": "et.d86fe32.json",
"label": "Eesti"
"eu": {
@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
"label": "Euskara"
"fi": {
"fileName": "fi.e03cdff.json",
"fileName": "fi.2467c82.json",
"label": "Suomi"
"fr": {
"fileName": "fr.d2bd4a9.json",
"fileName": "fr.e4a8c35.json",
"label": "Français"
"gl": {
"fileName": "gl.d31d7ab.json",
"fileName": "gl.9d581da.json",
"label": "Galego"
"he": {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"label": "हिन्दी"
"hu": {
"fileName": "hu.fab063c.json",
"fileName": "hu.8859dad.json",
"label": "Magyar"
"is": {
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
"label": "íslenska"
"it": {
"fileName": "it.1aaa9de.json",
"fileName": "it.e2e9b10.json",
"label": "Italiano"
"ja": {
"fileName": "ja.0133c50.json",
"fileName": "ja.39f9f4f.json",
"label": "日本語"
"jbo": {
@ -100,15 +100,15 @@
"label": "Lietuvių"
"lv": {
"fileName": "lv.e97d376.json",
"fileName": "lv.85b41f1.json",
"label": "Latviešu"
"nb-no": {
"fileName": "nb_NO.d7cc5ab.json",
"fileName": "nb_NO.dbf49bb.json",
"label": "Norwegian Bokmål"
"nl": {
"fileName": "nl.b24ae61.json",
"fileName": "nl.36bde5e.json",
"label": "Nederlands"
"nn": {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"label": "Norsk Nynorsk"
"pl": {
"fileName": "pl.6a6a284.json",
"fileName": "pl.544ab87.json",
"label": "Polski"
"pt": {
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"label": "Português do Brasil"
"ru": {
"fileName": "ru.bc6d0ea.json",
"fileName": "ru.56d6bbe.json",
"label": "Русский"
"sk": {
@ -136,15 +136,15 @@
"label": "Slovenčina"
"sq": {
"fileName": "sq.9e969e3.json",
"fileName": "sq.6cda884.json",
"label": "Shqip"
"sr": {
"fileName": "sr.6201d7c.json",
"fileName": "sr.f26c281.json",
"label": "српски"
"sv": {
"fileName": "sv.d834ea4.json",
"fileName": "sv.0fe3ecd.json",
"label": "Svenska"
"te": {
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"label": "Türkçe"
"uk": {
"fileName": "uk.d2cdce3.json",
"fileName": "uk.3f47195.json",
"label": "українська мова"
"vls": {
@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
"label": "West-Vlaams"
"zh-hans": {
"fileName": "zh_Hans.0794055.json",
"fileName": "zh_Hans.b829f02.json",
"label": "简体中文"
"zh-hant": {
"fileName": "zh_Hant.f4a7b5f.json",
"fileName": "zh_Hant.bfaca44.json",
"label": "繁體中文"

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"label": "Català"
"cs": {
"fileName": "cs.5b9a287.json",
"fileName": "cs.25b6516.json",
"label": "čeština"
"da": {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"label": "Dansk"
"de": {
"fileName": "de_DE.2c92398.json",
"fileName": "de_DE.4fc5d80.json",
"label": "Deutsch"
"el": {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"label": "Ελληνικά"
"en": {
"fileName": "en_EN.2c456c7.json",
"fileName": "en_EN.52d6909.json",
"label": "English"
"en-us": {
@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
"label": "English (US)"
"eo": {
"fileName": "eo.bd784bc.json",
"fileName": "eo.40c919c.json",
"label": "Esperanto"
"es": {
"fileName": "es.dae2148.json",
"fileName": "es.fb532f8.json",
"label": "Español"
"et": {
"fileName": "et.3f31fbd.json",
"fileName": "et.d86fe32.json",
"label": "Eesti"
"eu": {
@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
"label": "Euskara"
"fi": {
"fileName": "fi.e03cdff.json",
"fileName": "fi.2467c82.json",
"label": "Suomi"
"fr": {
"fileName": "fr.d2bd4a9.json",
"fileName": "fr.e4a8c35.json",
"label": "Français"
"gl": {
"fileName": "gl.d31d7ab.json",
"fileName": "gl.9d581da.json",
"label": "Galego"
"he": {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"label": "हिन्दी"
"hu": {
"fileName": "hu.fab063c.json",
"fileName": "hu.8859dad.json",
"label": "Magyar"
"is": {
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
"label": "íslenska"
"it": {
"fileName": "it.1aaa9de.json",
"fileName": "it.e2e9b10.json",
"label": "Italiano"
"ja": {
"fileName": "ja.0133c50.json",
"fileName": "ja.39f9f4f.json",
"label": "日本語"
"jbo": {
@ -100,15 +100,15 @@
"label": "Lietuvių"
"lv": {
"fileName": "lv.e97d376.json",
"fileName": "lv.85b41f1.json",
"label": "Latviešu"
"nb-no": {
"fileName": "nb_NO.d7cc5ab.json",
"fileName": "nb_NO.dbf49bb.json",
"label": "Norwegian Bokmål"
"nl": {
"fileName": "nl.b24ae61.json",
"fileName": "nl.36bde5e.json",
"label": "Nederlands"
"nn": {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"label": "Norsk Nynorsk"
"pl": {
"fileName": "pl.6a6a284.json",
"fileName": "pl.544ab87.json",
"label": "Polski"
"pt": {
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"label": "Português do Brasil"
"ru": {
"fileName": "ru.bc6d0ea.json",
"fileName": "ru.56d6bbe.json",
"label": "Русский"
"sk": {
@ -136,15 +136,15 @@
"label": "Slovenčina"
"sq": {
"fileName": "sq.9e969e3.json",
"fileName": "sq.6cda884.json",
"label": "Shqip"
"sr": {
"fileName": "sr.6201d7c.json",
"fileName": "sr.f26c281.json",
"label": "српски"
"sv": {
"fileName": "sv.d834ea4.json",
"fileName": "sv.0fe3ecd.json",
"label": "Svenska"
"te": {
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"label": "Türkçe"
"uk": {
"fileName": "uk.d2cdce3.json",
"fileName": "uk.3f47195.json",
"label": "українська мова"
"vls": {
@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
"label": "West-Vlaams"
"zh-hans": {
"fileName": "zh_Hans.0794055.json",
"fileName": "zh_Hans.b829f02.json",
"label": "简体中文"
"zh-hant": {
"fileName": "zh_Hant.f4a7b5f.json",
"fileName": "zh_Hant.bfaca44.json",
"label": "繁體中文"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"Accept": "Pieņemt",
"Accept": "Akceptēt",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s pieņēma uzaicinājumu.",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s pieņēma uzaicinājumu no %(displayName)s.",
"Account": "Konts",
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Ikviens, kurš zina adreses saiti uz istabu, izņemot viesus",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "Ikviens, kurš zina adreses saiti uz istabu, tai skaitā arī viesi",
"Are you sure?": "Vai tiešām to vēlaties?",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Vai tiešām vēlies pamest istabu: '%(roomName)s'?",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Vai tiešām vēlies noraidīt šo uzaicinājumu?",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest istabu: '%(roomName)s'?",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Vai tiešām vēlaties noraidīt šo uzaicinājumu?",
"Attachment": "Pielikums",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Automātiski rādīt GIF animācijas un video",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s liedza pieeju %(targetName)s.",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"Cryptography": "Kriptogrāfija",
"Current password": "Pašreizējā parole",
"Custom": "Pielāgots",
"Custom level": "Īpašais līmenis",
"Custom level": "Pielāgots līmenis",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg nav komanda",
"Deactivate Account": "Deaktivizēt kontu",
"Decline": "Noraidīt",
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"Email": "Epasts",
"Email address": "Epasta adrese",
"Emoji": "Emocijzīmes",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s pārtrauca zvanu.",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s pabeidza zvanu.",
"Enter passphrase": "Ievadiet frāzveida paroli",
"Error": "Kļūda",
"Error decrypting attachment": "Kļūda atšifrējot pielikumu",
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
"Register": "Reģistrēties",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s noraidīja uzaicinājumu.",
"Reject invitation": "Noraidīt uzaicinājumu",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s dzēsa attēlojamo/redzamo vārdu (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s dzēsa parādāmo vārdu (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s dzēsa profila attēlu.",
"Remove": "Dzēst",
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s vēlas VoIP konferenci.",
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s nav atļauts nosūtīt jums paziņojumus. Lūdzu pārbaudi sava pārlūka iestatījumus",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s nav piešķirta atļauja nosūtīt paziņojumus. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s versija:",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Nav iespējams iespējot paziņojumus",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Neizdevās iespējot paziņojumus",
"You have no visible notifications": "Tev nav redzamo paziņojumu",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Tas atļaus Tev atiestatīt paroli un saņemt paziņojumus.",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Istaba %(roomId)s nav redzama",
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s nosūtīja attēlu.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s nosūtīja uzaicinājumu %(targetDisplayName)s pievienoties istabai.",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s uzstādīja profila attēlu.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s nomainīja attēlojamo/redzamo vārdu uz: %(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s nomainīja parādāmo vārdu uz: %(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s atcēla pieejas liegumu %(targetName)s.",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others": {
"zero": "Tiek augšupielādēts %(filename)s",
@ -265,9 +265,9 @@
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Lai to izmantotu, vienkārši gaidi, kamēr ielādējas automātiski ieteiktie rezultāti, un pārvietojies caur tiem.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Notika mēģinājums ielādēt šīs istabas specifisku laikpaziņojumu sadaļu, bet Tev nav atļaujas skatīt šo ziņu.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Mēģinājums ielādēt šīs istabas čata vēstures izvēlēto posmu neizdevās, jo tas netika atrasts.",
"Unable to add email address": "Nav iespējams pievienot epasta adresi",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Nav iespējams dzēst kontaktinformāciju",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Nav iespējams apstiprināt epasta adresi.",
"Unable to add email address": "Neizdevās pievienot epasta adresi",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Neizdevās dzēst kontaktinformāciju",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Neizdevās apstiprināt epasta adresi.",
"Unban": "Atcelt pieejas liegumu",
"Unable to capture screen": "Neizdevās uzņemt ekrānattēlu",
"unknown caller": "nezināms zvanītājs",
@ -357,10 +357,10 @@
"You must join the room to see its files": "Tev ir jāpievienojas istabai, lai redzētu tās failus",
"Failed to invite": "Neizdevās uzaicināt",
"Confirm Removal": "Apstipriniet dzēšanu",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst šo notikumu? Ņem vērā, ka istabas nosaukuma vai tēmas nosaukuma maiņa var ietekmēt (atsaukt) izmaiņas.",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo notikumu? Ņemiet vērā, ka istabas nosaukuma dzēšana vai temata maiņa var atcelt izmaiņas.",
"Unknown error": "Nezināma kļūda",
"Incorrect password": "Nepareiza parole",
"Unable to restore session": "Nav iespējams atjaunot sesiju",
"Unable to restore session": "Neizdevās atjaunot sesiju",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of %(brand)s, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Ja iepriekš izmantojāt jaunāku %(brand)s versiju, jūsu sesija var nebūt saderīga ar šo versiju. Aizveriet šo logu un atgriezieties jaunākajā versijā.",
"Unknown Address": "Nezināma adrese",
"ex. @bob:example.com": "piemēram, @valters:smaidu.lv",
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
"PM": "PM",
"The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "Maksimāli atļautais vidžetu skaits šai istabai jau sasniegts.",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "Lai sāktu, lūdzu izvēlies lietotājvārdu!",
"Unable to create widget.": "Nav iespējams izveidot widžetu.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Neizdevās izveidot widžetu.",
"You are not in this room.": "Tu neatrodies šajā istabā.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Tev nav atļaujas šai darbībai šajā istabā.",
"Example": "Piemērs",
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
"Invite to Community": "Uzaicināt kopienā",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Kuras istabas vēlies pievienot šai kopienai?",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Vai ne-biedriem rādīt kopienas lapā un istabu sarakstā šīs istabas?",
"Add rooms to the community": "Istabu pievienošana kopienai",
"Add rooms to the community": "Pievienot istabas kopienai",
"Add to community": "Pievienot kopienai",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Neizdevās uzaicināt sekojošus lietotājus grupā %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Neizdevās uzaicināt lietotājus komūnā",
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Tagad Tu ignorē %(userId)s",
"Unignored user": "Atignorēts lietotājs",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "Tu vairāk neignorē %(userId)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s nomainīja savu attēlojamo/redzamo vārdu uz %(displayName)s.",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s nomainīja savu parādāmo vārdu uz %(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s nomainīja šajā istabā piespraustās ziņas.",
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s vidžets, kuru mainīja %(senderName)s",
"Message Pinning": "Ziņu piespraušana",
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
"%(senderName)s uploaded a file": "%(senderName)s augšupielādēja failu",
"Disinvite this user?": "Atsaukt uzaicinājumu šim lietotājam?",
"Kick this user?": "Padzīt šo lietotāju?",
"Unban this user?": "Atbanot/atbloķēt šo lietotāju (atcelt liegumu šim lietotājam)?",
"Unban this user?": "Atcelt liegumu šim lietotājam?",
"Ban this user?": "Nobanot/bloķēt šo lietotāju (uzlikt liegumu šim lietotājam)?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Jūs nevarēsiet atcelt šīs izmaiņas pēc sava statusa pazemināšanas. Gadījumā, ja esat pēdējais priviliģētais lietotājs istabā, būs neiespējami atgūt šīs privilēģijas.",
"Unignore": "Atcelt ignorēšanu",
@ -511,13 +511,13 @@
"Failed to copy": "Nokopēt neizdevās",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Vēstule tika nosūtīta uz %(emailAddress)s",
"A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "Teksta ziņa tika nosūtīta uz %(msisdn)s",
"Remove from community": "Izdzēst no kopienas",
"Remove from community": "Dzēst no kopienas",
"Disinvite this user from community?": "Atcelt šim lietotājam nosūtīto uzaicinājumu pievienoties kopienai?",
"Remove this user from community?": "Izdzēst šo lietotāju no kopienas?",
"Failed to withdraw invitation": "Neizdevās atcelt uzaicinājumu",
"Failed to remove user from community": "Neizdevās izdzēst lietotāju no kopienas",
"Filter community members": "Kopienas biedru filtrs",
"Are you sure you want to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s?": "Vai tiešām vēlies izdzēst '%(roomName)s' no %(groupId)s?",
"Are you sure you want to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s?": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst '%(roomName)s' no %(groupId)s?",
"Removing a room from the community will also remove it from the community page.": "Dzēšot istabu no kopienas tā tiks dzēsta arī no kopienas lapas.",
"Failed to remove room from community": "Neizdevās dzēst istabu no kopienas",
"Failed to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s": "Neizdevās dzēst '%(roomName)s' no %(groupId)s",
@ -543,24 +543,24 @@
"one": "%(oneUser)spievienojās"
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s izgāja %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)s izgāja"
"other": "%(severalUsers)spameta %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)spameta"
"%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s izgāja %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)s izgāja"
"other": "%(oneUser)spameta %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)spameta"
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s pievienojās un izgāja %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)s pievienojās un izgāja"
"other": "%(severalUsers)spievienojās un pameta %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)spievienojās un pameta"
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s pievienojās un izgāja %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)s pievienojās un izgāja"
"other": "%(oneUser)spievienojās un pameta %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)spievienojās un pameta"
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s izgāja un atkal pievienojās %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)s aizgājuši un atgriezušies"
"other": "%(severalUsers)spameta un atkal pievienojās %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(severalUsers)spameta un atkal pievienojās"
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s noraidīja uzaicinājumus %(count)s reizes",
@ -605,8 +605,8 @@
"Community ID": "Kopienas ID",
"example": "piemērs",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s aizgājis un atgriezies %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)s aizgājis un atgriezies"
"other": "%(oneUser)spameta un atkal pievienojās %(count)s reizes",
"one": "%(oneUser)spameta un atkal pievienojās"
"were invited %(count)s times": {
"one": "tika uzaicināti",
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
"These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Šīs istabas tiek rādītas kopienas dalībniekiem šīs kopienas lapā. Kopienas dalībnieki var pievienoties istabām, uzklikšķinot uz tām.",
"Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.<br />Click here to open settings and give it one!": "Jūsu kopienai nav plašāka HTML-lapas apraksta ko parādīt dalībniekiem.<br />Klikšķini šeit, lai atvērtu iestatījumus un to pievienotu!",
"Description": "Apraksts",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Neizdevās ielādēt %(groupId)s",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "%(groupId)s ielādes kļūda",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Šī istaba nav publiska un jūs nevarēsiet atkārtoti pievienoties bez uzaicinājuma.",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Tika uzieti novecojuši šifrēšanas dati",
"Data from an older version of %(brand)s has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Uzieti dati no vecākas %(brand)s versijas. Tas novedīs pie \"end-to-end\" šifrēšanas problēmām vecākajā versijā. Šajā versijā nevar tikt atšifrēti ziņojumi, kuri radīti izmantojot vecākajā versijā \"end-to-end\" šifrētas ziņas. Tas var arī novest pie ziņapmaiņas, kas veikta ar šo versiju, neizdošanās. Ja rodas ķibeles, izraksties un par jaunu pieraksties sistēmā. Lai saglabātu ziņu vēsturi, eksportē un tad importē savas šifrēšanas atslēgas.",
@ -693,10 +693,10 @@
"Failed to remove a user from the summary of %(groupId)s": "Neizdevās dzēst lietotāju no %(groupId)s kopsavilkuma",
"The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "Lietotājs '%(displayName)s' nevarēja tikt dzēsts no kopsavilkuma.",
"Failed to update community": "Neizdevās atjaunināt kopienu",
"Unable to accept invite": "Nav iespējams pieņemt uzaicinājumu",
"Unable to reject invite": "Nav iespējams noraidīt uzaicinājumu",
"Unable to accept invite": "Neizdevās pieņemt uzaicinājumu",
"Unable to reject invite": "Neizdevās noraidīt uzaicinājumu",
"Leave %(groupName)s?": "Pamest %(groupName)s?",
"%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s uzaicina Tevi pievienoties šai kopienai",
"%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s uzaicināja jūs pievienoties šai kopienai",
"You are an administrator of this community": "Tu esi šīs kopienas administrators",
"You are a member of this community": "Tu esi šīs kopienas biedrs",
"Long Description (HTML)": "Garais apraksts (HTML)",
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
"Advanced notification settings": "Paziņojumu papildu iestatījumi",
"Failed to send logs: ": "Neizdevās nosūtīt logfailus: ",
"Forget": "Aizmirst",
"You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "Šo attēlu nevar izdzēst (%(code)s)",
"You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "Jūs nevarat dzēst šo attēlu. (%(code)s)",
"Cancel Sending": "Atcelt sūtīšanu",
"This Room": "Šajā istabā",
"Noisy": "Ar skaņu",
@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
"When I'm invited to a room": "Kad esmu uzaicināts/a istabā",
"Can't update user notification settings": "Neizdodas atjaunināt lietotāja paziņojumu iestatījumus",
"Notify for all other messages/rooms": "Paziņot par visām citām ziņām/istabām",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Nav iespējams no servera iegūt istabas Id",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Neizdevās no servera iegūt istabas ID",
"Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Atbilstoša Matrix istaba netika atrasta",
"Invite to this room": "Uzaicināt uz šo istabu",
"Thursday": "Ceturtdiena",
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
"Show message in desktop notification": "Parādīt ziņu darbvirsmas paziņojumos",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Atutošanas logfaili satur programmas datus, ieskaitot Tavu lietotājvārdu, istabu/grupu ID vai aliases, kuras esi apmeklējis un citu lietotāju lietotājvārdus. Tie nesatur pašas ziņas.",
"Unhide Preview": "Rādīt priekšskatījumu",
"Unable to join network": "Nav iespējams pievienoties tīklam",
"Unable to join network": "Neizdodas pievienoties tīklam",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run %(brand)s.": "Atvaino, diemžēl tavs tīmekļa pārlūks <b>nespēj</b> darbināt %(brand)s.",
"Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "Augšuplādēja %(user)s %(date)s",
"Messages in group chats": "Ziņas grupas čatos",
@ -847,10 +847,10 @@
"Replying With Files": "Atbildot ar failiem",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Šobrīd nav iespējams atbildēt ar failu. Vai vēlaties augšupielādēt šo failu, neatbildot?",
"Your %(brand)s is misconfigured": "Jūsu %(brand)s ir nepareizi konfigurēts",
"Add Email Address": "Pievienot e-pasta adresi",
"Add Email Address": "Pievienot epasta adresi",
"Add Phone Number": "Pievienot tālruņa numuru",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Zvans neizdevās nekorekti nokonfigurēta servera dēļ",
"Verify this login": "Verificējiet šo sesiju",
"Verify this login": "Verificēt šo pierakstīšanos",
"You sent a verification request": "Jūs nosūtījāt verifikācijas pieprasījumu",
"Start Verification": "Uzsākt verifikāciju",
"Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Jaunā sesija ir verificēta un ir dota piekļuve jūsu šifrētajām ziņām, kā arī citi lietotāji redzēs, ka šī sesija ir uzticama.",
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@
"other": "%(count)s verificētas sesijas"
"Encrypted by an unverified session": "Šifrēts ar neverificētu sesiju",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Teik gaidīts uz verificēšanu no citas jūsu sesijas…",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Tiek gaidīts uz verificēšanu no citas jūsu sesijas…",
"Waiting for your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s), to verify…": "Tiek gaidīts uz citu jūsu sesiju, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s), lai verificētu…",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Verificējiet citas jūsu sesijas, izmantojot kādu no iespējām zemāk.",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …": {
@ -1042,14 +1042,14 @@
"Set a new password": "Iestati jaunu paroli",
"Set a new account password...": "Iestatiet jaunu konta paroli...",
"Sign in instead": "Pierakstīties",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Apstiprinājuma vēstule tiks nosūtīta uz tavu epasta adresi, lai apstiprinātu paroles nomaiņu.",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Apstiprinājuma vēstule tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu epasta adresi, lai apstiprinātu paroles nomaiņu.",
"Forgot password?": "Aizmirsi paroli?",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Nav iestatīts bāzes servera URL",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Neizdodas savienoties ar bāzes serveri",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Fails '%(fileName)s pārsniedz augšupielādējama faila izmēra limitu šajā bāzes serverī",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Lūdzu, jautājiet sava bāzes servera administratoram (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) sakonfigurēt TURN serveri, lai zvani strādātu stabili.",
"Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Pievienojieties bez maksas miljoniem lietotāju lielākajā publiskajā serverī",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Jūs varat pielāgot servera parametrus, lai pierakstītos citos Matrix bāzes serveros, norādot atbilstošu bāzes servera URL. Tas ļauj jums izmantot Element ar eksistējošu Matrix kontu uz cita bāzes servera.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Jūs varat pielāgot servera parametrus, lai pierakstītos citos Matrix bāzes serveros, norādot atbilstošu bāzes servera URL. Tas ļauj jums izmantot Element ar uz cita bāzes servera izveidotu Matrix kontu.",
"Server Options": "Servera parametri",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s vai %(usernamePassword)s",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Šis lietotājvārds jau eksistē, mēģiniet citu.",
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@
"People you know on %(brand)s": "Cilvēki %(brand)s, kurus jūs pazīstat",
"Smileys & People": "Smaidiņi & cilvēki",
"%(count)s people": {
"one": "%(count)s cilvēki",
"one": "%(count)s cilvēks",
"other": "%(count)s cilvēki"
"People": "Cilvēki",
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
"Show display name changes": "Rādīt parādāmā vārda izmaiņas",
"%(displayName)s cancelled verification.": "%(displayName)s atcēla verificēšanu.",
"Your display name": "Jūsu parādāmais vārds",
"Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Pievienojiet e-pasta adresi, lai konfigurētu e-pasta paziņojumus",
"Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Pievienojiet epasta adresi, lai konfigurētu epasta paziņojumus",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Iespējot dzirdamus paziņojumus šai sesijai",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Iespējot darbvirsmas paziņojumus šai sesijai",
"Enable 'Manage Integrations' in Settings to do this.": "Iespējojiet 'Pārvaldīt integrācijas' iestatījumos, lai to izdarītu.",
@ -1252,8 +1252,8 @@
"Your server requires encryption to be enabled in private rooms.": "Jūsu serveris pieprasa iespējotu šifrēšānu privātās istabās.",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Iespējot pilnīgu šifrēšanu",
"Make this room public": "Padarīt istabu publiski pieejamu",
"Create a private room": "Privātas istabas izveidošana",
"Create a public room": "Publiskas istabas izveidošana",
"Create a private room": "Izveidot privātu istabu",
"Create a public room": "Izveidot publisku istabu",
"Add a new server...": "Pievienot jaunu serveri...",
"Add a new server": "Pievienot jaunu serveri",
"Your homeserver": "Jūsu bāzes serveris",
@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@
"Show files": "Rādīt failus",
"Help & About": "Palīdzība un par lietotni",
"About homeservers": "Par bāzes serveriem",
"About": "Detaļas",
"About": "Par",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s uzsāka balss zvanu. (Netiek atbalstīts šajā pārlūkā)",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s uzsāka balss zvanu.",
"Incoming voice call": "Ienākošais balss zvans",
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Jau ir konts? <a>Pierakstieties šeit</a>",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Turpināt ar %(ssoButtons)s",
"Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "Šajā bāzes serverī reģistrācija ir atspējota.",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Nevar pieprasīt atbalstītās reģistrācijas metodes.",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods.": "Neizdevās pieprasīt atbalstītās reģistrācijas metodes.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Pirmā reize? <a>Izveidojiet kontu</a>",
"If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "Ja esat pievienojies daudzām istabām, tas var aizņemt kādu laiku",
"Signing In...": "Pierakstīšanās…",
@ -1389,9 +1389,9 @@
"Who can join this community?": "Kas var pievienoties šai kopienai?",
"Leave this community": "Pamest šo kopienu",
"Join this community": "Pievienoties šai kopienai",
"Unable to leave community": "Neizdodas pamest kopienu",
"Unable to leave community": "Neizdevās pamest kopienu",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Jūs esat šīs kopienas administrators. Jūs nevarēsit atkārtoti pievienoties bez cita administratora ielūguma.",
"Unable to join community": "Neizdodas pievienoties kopienai",
"Unable to join community": "Neizdevās pievienoties kopienai",
"Create community": "Izveidot kopienu",
"Couldn't load page": "Neizdevās ielādēt lapu",
"Sign in with SSO": "Pierakstieties, izmantojot SSO",
@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@
"Enter password": "Ievadiet paroli",
"Something went wrong in confirming your identity. Cancel and try again.": "Kaut kas nogāja greizi, mēģinot apstiprināt jūsu identitāti. Atceliet un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"Session key": "Sesijas atslēga",
"Secure Backup": "Droša reze",
"Secure Backup": "Droša rezerves kopija",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Pieņemt visus %(invitedRooms)s uzaicinājumus",
"Bulk options": "Lielapjoma opcijas",
"Clear cache and reload": "Notīrīt kešatmiņu un pārlādēt",
@ -1477,6 +1477,191 @@
"Luxembourg": "Luksemburga",
"Lithuania": "Lietuva",
"Latvia": "Latvija",
"Link to selected message": "Saite uz izvēlēto ziņu",
"Share Room Message": "Dalīties ar istabas ziņu",
"Share Message": "Dalīties ar ziņu",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Ielāde neizdevās! Pārbaudiet interneta savienojumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"Open": "Atvērt",
"Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Vai tiešām vēlaties izrakstīties?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Gandrīz galā! Vai %(displayName)s tiek parādīts tas pats vairogs?",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Gandrīz galā! Vai jūsu otrā sesijā tiek parādīts tas pats vairogs?",
"Verify by emoji": "Verificēt ar emocijzīmēm",
"Verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Verificēt, salīdzinot unikālās emocijzīmes.",
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Ja nevarat noskenēt kodu, veiciet verifkāciju, salīdzinot unikālās emocijzīmes.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verificēt šo lietotāju, apstiprinot, ka sekojošās emocijzīmes pārādās lietotāja ekrānā.",
"Ask %(displayName)s to scan your code:": "Aiciniet %(displayName)s noskenēt jūsu kodu:",
"Verify by scanning": "Verificēt noskenējot",
"%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s vēlas veikt verifikāciju",
"Decline All": "Noraidīt visu",
"%(name)s declined": "%(name)s noraidīja",
"You declined": "Jūs noraidījāt",
"Decline (%(counter)s)": "Noraidīt (%(counter)s)",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Ienākošais veifikācijas pieprasījums",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s pieprasa verifikāciju",
"Self-verification request": "Pašverifikācijas pieprasījums",
"Verification Requests": "Verifikācijas pieprasījumi",
"Verification Request": "Verifikācijas pieprasījums",
"Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your Security Phrase.": "Jūsu drošības atslēga ir drošības tīkls - jūs to var izmantot, lai atjaunotu piekļuvi šifrētām ziņām, ja esat aizmirsis savu slepeno frāzi.",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as its used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Glabājiet drošības atslēgu kaut kur drošā vietā, piemēram, paroļu pārvaldniekā vai seifā, jo tā tiek izmantota jūsu šifrēto datu aizsardzībai.",
"Download": "Lejupielādēt",
"Copy": "Kopēt",
"Activate selected button": "Aktivizēt izvēlēto pogu",
"Currently indexing: %(currentRoom)s": "Pašlaik indeksē: %(currentRoom)s",
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Privāta vieta jums un jūsu komandas dalībniekiem",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Privāta vieta, kur organizēt jūsu istabas",
"Default Rooms": "Noklusējuma istabas",
"Add existing rooms & spaces": "Pievienot eksistējošas istabas un vietas",
"<inviter/> invites you": "<inviter/> uzaicina jūs",
"%(count)s rooms and 1 space": {
"one": "%(count)s istaba un viena vieta",
"other": "%(count)s istabas un 1 vieta"
"%(count)s rooms and %(numSpaces)s spaces": {
"one": "%(count)s istaba un %(numSpaces)s vietas",
"other": "%(count)s istabas un %(numSpaces)s vietas"
"%(count)s rooms": {
"one": "%(count)s istaba",
"other": "%(count)s istabas"
"Are you sure you want to leave the space '%(spaceName)s'?": "Vai tiešām vēlaties pamest vietu '%(spaceName)s'?",
"Create a Group Chat": "Izveidot grupas čatu",
"Missing session data": "Trūkst sesijas datu",
"Create a new room with the same name, description and avatar": "Izveidot istabu ar to pašu nosaukumu, aprakstu un avataru",
"Email (optional)": "Epasts (izvēles)",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Uzaicināt uz %(roomName)s",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Uzaicināt uz %(spaceName)s",
"Abort": "Pārtraukt",
"Add comment": "Pievienot komentāru",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Turpināt ar atspējotu šifrēšanu",
"Create a room in %(communityName)s": "Izveidot istabu kopienā %(communityName)s",
"Add image (optional)": "Pievienot attēlu (izvēles)",
"Add another email": "Pievienot citu epasta adresi",
"Create a new room": "Izveidot jaunu istabu",
"Add existing spaces/rooms": "Pievienot eksistējošas vietas/istabas",
"Are you sure you want to remove <b>%(serverName)s</b>": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst <b>%(serverName)s</b>",
"All rooms": "Visas istabas",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Turpināt ar %(provider)s",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"one": "%(oneUser)sneveica nekādas izmaiņas",
"other": "%(oneUser)sneveica nekādas izmaiņas %(count)s reizes"
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times": {
"one": "%(severalUsers)sneveica nekādas izmaiņas",
"other": "%(severalUsers)sneveica nekādas izmaiņas %(count)s reizes"
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reaģēja ar %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"Declining …": "Noraida …",
"Accepting …": "Akceptē …",
"%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s atcēla",
"%(name)s cancelled verifying": "%(name)s atcēla verifikāciju",
"Deactivate user": "Deaktivizēt lietotāju",
"Deactivate user?": "Deaktivizēt lietotāju?",
"Demote": "Pazemināt",
"Demote yourself?": "Pazemināt sevi?",
"Accepting…": "Akceptē…",
"%(count)s unread messages.": {
"one": "1 nelasīta ziņa.",
"other": "%(count)s nelasītas ziņas."
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.": {
"one": "1 neslasīts pieminējums.",
"other": "%(count)s nelasītas ziņas ieskaitot pieminējumus."
"A-Z": "A-Ž",
"%(roomName)s can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?": "%(roomName)s priekšskatījums nav pieejams. Vai vēlaties tai pievienoties?",
"%(count)s results": {
"one": "%(count)s rezultāts",
"other": "%(count)s rezultāti"
"Empty room": "Tukša istaba",
"Add existing room": "Pievienot eksistējošu istabu",
"Add room": "Pievienot istabu",
"Invite to this space": "Uzaicināt uz šo vietu",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "Teksta ziņa tika nosūtīta uz +%(msisdn)s. Lūdzu, ievadiet tajā esošo verifikācijas kodu.",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Vienmēr parādīt loga izvēlnes joslu",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Piekrītiet identitāšu servera (%(serverName)s) pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumiem, lai padarītu sevi atrodamu citiem, izmantojot epasta adresi vai tālruņa numuru.",
"Add theme": "Pievienot tēmu",
"Algorithm:": "Algoritms:",
"Display Name": "Parādāmais vārds",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Pievienojiet aprakstu, lai palīdzētu cilvēkiem to atpazīt.",
"Create a space": "Izveidot vietu",
"Delete": "Dzēst",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Akceptēt <policyLink />, lai turpinātu:",
"Anchor": "Enkurs",
"Aeroplane": "Aeroplāns",
"%(senderName)s ended the call": "%(senderName)s pabeidza zvanu",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Vārds pats par sevi ir viegli uzminams",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Papildiniet ar vēl kādiem vārdiem. Netipiski vārdi ir labāk.",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Visus lielos burtus ir gandrīz tikpat viegli uzminēt kā visus mazos",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)",
"%(num)s days from now": "%(num)s dienas kopš šī brīža",
"about a day from now": "aptuveni dienu kopš šī brīža",
"%(num)s hours from now": "%(num)s stundas kopš šī brīža",
"about an hour from now": "aptuveni stundu kopš šī brīža",
"%(num)s minutes from now": "%(num)s minūtes kopš šī brīža",
"about a minute from now": "aptuveni minūti kopš šī brīža",
"a few seconds from now": "dažas sekundes kopš šī brīža",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s (%(userId)s) pierakstījās jaunā sesijā, neveicot tās verifikāciju:",
"(an error occurred)": "(notika kļūda)",
"Actions": "Darbības",
"Denmark": "Dānija",
"American Samoa": "Amerikāņu Samoa",
"Algeria": "Alžīrija",
"Verify with another session": "Verificēt ar citu sesiju",
"Original event source": "Oriģinālais notikuma pirmkods",
"Decrypted event source": "Atšifrēt notikuma pirmkods",
"Removing...": "Dzēš…",
"You don't have permission": "Jums nav atļaujas",
"You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Jums nav atļaujas veidot istabas šajā kopienā.",
"Attach files from chat or just drag and drop them anywhere in a room.": "Pievienojiet failus no čata vai vienkārši velciet un nometiet tos jebkur istabā.",
"No files visible in this room": "Šajā istabā nav redzamu failu",
"Remove for everyone": "Dzēst visiem",
"Verify other session": "Verificēt citu sesiju",
"Share User": "Dalīties ar lietotāja kontaktdatiem",
"Verify session": "Verificēt sesiju",
"Verifying this device will mark it as trusted, and users who have verified with you will trust this device.": "Verificējot šo ierīci, tā tiks atzīmēta kā uzticama, un ierīci verificējušie lietotāji tai uzticēsies.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Verificējot šo lietotāju, tā sesija tiks atzīmēta kā uzticama, kā arī jūsu sesija viņiem tiks atzīmēta kā uzticama.",
"Removing…": "Dzēš…",
"Remove server": "Dzēst serveri",
"Homeserver": "Bāzes serveris",
"Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Lietojiet <a>Desktop lietotni</a>, lai apskatītu visus šifrētos failus",
"Room ID": "Istabas ID",
"edited": "rediģēts",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Rediģēts %(date)s. Noklikšķiniet, lai skatītu redakcijas.",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Rediģēts %(date)s",
"You cancelled": "Jūs atcēlāt",
"You cancelled verifying %(name)s": "Jūs atvēlāt %(name)s verifikāciju",
"You cancelled verification.": "Jūs atcēlāt verifikāciju.",
"You cancelled verification on your other session.": "Jūs atcēlāt verifikāciju citā savā sesijā.",
"Edit devices": "Rediģēt ierīces",
"Remove %(count)s messages": {
"one": "Dzēst 1 ziņu",
"other": "Dzēst %(count)s ziņas"
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Lielam ziņu apjomam tas var aizņemt kādu laiku. Lūdzu, tikmēr neatsvaidziniet klientu.",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": {
"one": "Tiks neatgriezeniski dzēsta 1 ziņa no %(user)s. Vai vēlaties turpināt?",
"other": "Tiks neatgriezeniski dzēsta %(count)s ziņas no %(user)s. Vai vēlaties turpināt?"
"You don't have permission to delete the address.": "Jums nav atļaujas dzēst adresi.",
"Add some now": "Pievienot kādu tagad",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "Neviena uzlīmju paka nav iespējota",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s": "Šis uzaicinājums uz %(roomName)s tika nosūtīts %(email)s",
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not associated with your account": "Šis uzaicinājums uz %(roomName)s tika nosūtīts %(email)s, kas nav saistīts ar jūsu kontu",
"Your message was sent": "Jūsu ziņa ir nosūtīta",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Dzēst %(phone)s?",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Dēst %(email)s?",
"Waiting for %(displayName)s to verify…": "Gaida uz %(displayName)s, lai verificētu…",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Verificēt šo lietotāju, apstiprinot, ka šāds numurs pārādās lietotāja ekrānā.",
"Verify this session by confirming the following number appears on its screen.": "Verificējiet šo sesiju, apstiprinot, ka tās ekrānā parādās šāds numurs.",
"You ended the call": "Jūs pabeidzāt zvanu",
"Other users may not trust it": "Citi lietotāji var neuzskatīt to par uzticamu",
"Verify": "Verificēt",
"Verify this session": "Verificēt šo sesiju",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Jūs pierakstījāties jaunā sesijā, neveicot tās verifikāciju:",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Jums jau notiek zvans ar šo personu.",
"Already in call": "Notiek zvans",
"Unknown device": "Nezināma ierīce",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Lai veiktu ekrāna kopīgošanas zvanu, nepieciešams izmantot HTTPS savienojumu.",
"Welcome to Element": "Esiet laipni gaidīti Element",
@ -1499,7 +1684,6 @@
"%(brand)s uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "%(brand)s izmanto pārlūku papildus funkcijas, kas netiek atbalstītas šajā pārlūkā.",
"Your browser can't run %(brand)s": "Jūsu pārlūks nevar palaist %(brand)s",
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Trūkst indexeddb worker skripta!",
"Open": "Atvērt",
"Download Completed": "Lejupielāde pabeigta",
"Your Element configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Jūsu Element konfigurācija satur kļūdainu JSON. Lūdzu, salabojiet problēmu un pārlādējiet lapu.",
"Your Element is misconfigured": "Jūsu Element ir nokonfigurēts kļūdaini",

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"Yesterday": "I går",
"Low Priority": "Lav Prioritet",
"%(brand)s does not know how to join a room on this network": "%(brand)s vet ikke hvordan man kan komme inn på et rom på dette nettverket",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "En feil oppsto i forbindelse med lagring av epost varsel innstillinger.",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "En feil oppsto i forbindelse med lagring av innstillinger for e-postvarsel.",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "fjern %(name)s fra katalogen.",
"Off": "Av",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Kunne ikke fjerne tagg %(tagName)s fra rommet",
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Du kan ikke ringe via VoIP i denne nettleseren.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Du kan ikke ringe deg selv.",
"Call in Progress": "Samtale pågår",
"A call is currently being placed!": "En samtale holder allerede på å starte",
"A call is currently being placed!": "En samtale holder på å starte!",
"A call is already in progress!": "En samtale er allerede i gang!",
"Permission Required": "Tillatelse kreves",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å starte en konferansesamtale i dette rommet",
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
"Change identity server": "Bytt ut identitetstjener",
"You should:": "Du burde:",
"Identity Server": "Identitetstjener",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Å bruke en identitetstjener er valgfritt. Dersom du velger å ikke en identitetstjener, vil du ikke kunne oppdages av andre brukere, og du vil ikke kunne invitere andre ut i fra E-postadresse eller telefonnummer.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Å bruke en identitetstjener er valgfritt. Dersom du velger å ikke bruke en identitetstjener, vil du ikke kunne oppdages av andre brukere, og du vil ikke kunne invitere andre ut i fra E-postadresse eller telefonnummer.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Ikke bruk en identitetstjener",
"Use an Integration Manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Bruk en integreringsbehandler <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> til å behandle botter, moduler, og klistremerkepakker.",
"Use an Integration Manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Bruk en integreringsbehandler til å behandle botter, moduler, og klistremerkepakker.",
@ -1081,10 +1081,11 @@
"Kick this user?": "Vil du sparke ut denne brukeren?",
"No pinned messages.": "Ingen klistrede meldinger.",
"Pinned Messages": "Klistrede meldinger",
"Unpin Message": "Avklistre meldingen",
"Unpin Message": "Løsne meldingen",
"Try to join anyway": "Forsøk å bli med likevel",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.": {
"one": "1 ulest nevnelse."
"one": "1 ulest nevnelse.",
"other": "%(count)s uleste meldinger inkludert der du nevnes."
"Add a topic": "Legg til et emne",
"Command error": "Kommandofeil",
@ -1504,6 +1505,73 @@
"Use Recovery Key": "Bruk gjenopprettingsnøkkel",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s Android": "%(brand)s Android",
"Add image (optional)": "Legg til bilde (valgfritt)",
"Enter name": "Skriv navn",
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Vennligst velg mottagerrom for denne meldingen",
"Your message was sent": "Meldingen ble sendt",
"Encrypting your message...": "Krypterer meldingen...",
"Sending your message...": "Sender meldingen...",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "Autentisiteten av denne krypterte meldingen kan ikke garanteres på denne enheten.",
"Encrypted by a deleted session": "Kryptert av en slettet sesjon",
"Jordan": "Jordan",
"Jersey": "Jersey",
"Japan": "Japan",
"Italy": "Italia",
"Israel": "Israel",
"Ireland": "Irland",
"Iraq": "Irak",
"Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"Iran": "Iran",
"India": "India",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this Security Key: please verify that you entered the correct Security Key.": "Sikkerhetskopien kunne ikke dekrypteres med denne sikkerhetsnøkkelen: Vennligst verifiser at du tastet korrekt sikkerhetsnøkkel.",
"Security Key mismatch": "Sikkerhetsnøkkel uoverensstemmelse",
"Unable to load backup status": "Klarte ikke å laste sikkerhetskopi-status",
"%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s av %(total)s nøkler gjenopprettet",
"Revoke permissions": "Trekk tilbake rettigheter",
"Could not revoke the invite. The server may be experiencing a temporary problem or you do not have sufficient permissions to revoke the invite.": "Klarte ikke å trekke tilbake invitasjonen. Tjener kan ha et forbigående problem, eller det kan hende at du ikke har tilstrekkelige rettigheter for å trekke tilbake invitasjonen.",
"Failed to revoke invite": "Klarte ikke å trekke tilbake invitasjon",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Klarte ikke trekke tilbake deling for telefonnummer",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Klarte ikke å trekke tilbake deling for denne e-postadressen",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s trakk tilbake invitasjonen dette rommet for %(targetDisplayName)s.",
"Unpin a widget to view it in this panel": "Løsne en widget for å se den i dette panelet",
"Unpin": "Løsne",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Der du nevnes & nøkkelord",
"Great, that'll help people know it's you": "Flott, det vil hjelp folk å ha tillit til at det er deg",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "Legg inn en lenke tilbake til det gamle rommet i starten av det nye rommet slik at folk kan finne eldre meldinger",
"People you know on %(brand)s": "Folk du kjenner i %(brand)s",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their avatar.": "Meldinger i dette rommer er ende-til-ende-kryptert. Når folk kommer med kan du verifisere dem ved klikke på avataren i profilen deres.",
"%(count)s people": {
"one": "%(count)s person",
"other": "%(count)s personer"
"Invite People": "Inviter Personer",
"Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "Legg til et bilde så folk lettere kan finne rommet ditt.",
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "<a>Legg til et tema</a> for hjelpe folk å forstå hva dette handler om.",
"Invite people": "Inviter personer",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Legg til mer detaljer for å gjøre det letter å gjenkjenne.",
"You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Du har ikke tilgang til å invitere personer til dette rommet.",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Klikk på knappen under for å bekrefte at du vil legge til denne e-postadressen.",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hei der. Du er fantastisk!",
"Use custom size": "Bruk tilpasset størrelse",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Bruk Single Sign On for å fortsette",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Stilendringer gjelder kun i denne %(brand)s sesjonen.",
"Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message": "Bruk Ctrl + Enter for å sende en melding",
"Use Ctrl + F to search": "Bruk Ctrl + F for å søke",
"Creating...": "Oppretter...",
"User settings": "Brukerinnstillinger",
"Open": "Åpne",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Prøv å bruke en av følgende gyldige adresser: %(validTypesList)s.",
"The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "Brukeren '%(displayName)s' kunne ikke fjernes fra oversikten.",
"Belgium": "Belgia",
"American Samoa": "Amerikansk Samoa",
"United States": "USA",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s ber om verifisering",
"Try again": "Prøv igjen",
"We couldn't log you in": "Vi kunne ikke logge deg inn",
"This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Dette vil avslutte konferansen for alle. Fortsett?",
"End conference": "Avslutt konferanse",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Du er allerede i en samtale med denne personen.",
"Already in call": "Allerede i en samtale",
"Unknown device": "Ukjent enhet",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du er nødt til å bruke HTTPS for å ha en samtale med skjermdeling.",
"Welcome to Element": "Velkommen til Element",
@ -1530,6 +1598,5 @@
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Vennligst installer <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, eller <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for den beste opplevelsen.",
"%(brand)s uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "%(brand)s bruker avanserte nettleserfunksjoner som ikke støttes av din nåværende nettleser.",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Skrivebord (%(platformName)s)",
"Open": "Åpne"
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Skrivebord (%(platformName)s)"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
