<?php /** * @author Pavel Djundik <sourcequery@xpaw.me> * * @link https://xpaw.me * @link https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query * * @license GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 * * @internal */ namespace xPaw\SourceQuery; use xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\AuthenticationException; use xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\TimeoutException; use xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\InvalidPacketException; /** * Class SourceRcon * * @package xPaw\SourceQuery * * @uses xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\AuthenticationException * @uses xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\TimeoutException * @uses xPaw\SourceQuery\Exception\InvalidPacketException */ class SourceRcon { /** * Points to buffer class * * @var Buffer */ private $Buffer; /** * Points to socket class * * @var Socket */ private $Socket; private $RconSocket; private $RconRequestId; public function __construct( $Buffer, $Socket ) { $this->Buffer = $Buffer; $this->Socket = $Socket; } public function Close( ) { if( $this->RconSocket ) { FClose( $this->RconSocket ); $this->RconSocket = null; } $this->RconRequestId = 0; } public function Open( ) { if( !$this->RconSocket ) { $this->RconSocket = @FSockOpen( $this->Socket->Ip, $this->Socket->Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, $this->Socket->Timeout ); if( $ErrNo || !$this->RconSocket ) { throw new TimeoutException( 'Can\'t connect to RCON server: ' . $ErrStr, TimeoutException::TIMEOUT_CONNECT ); } Stream_Set_Timeout( $this->RconSocket, $this->Socket->Timeout ); Stream_Set_Blocking( $this->RconSocket, true ); } } public function Write( $Header, $String = '' ) { // Pack the packet together $Command = Pack( 'VV', ++$this->RconRequestId, $Header ) . $String . "\x00\x00"; // Prepend packet length $Command = Pack( 'V', StrLen( $Command ) ) . $Command; $Length = StrLen( $Command ); return $Length === FWrite( $this->RconSocket, $Command, $Length ); } public function Read( ) { $this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->RconSocket, 4 ) ); if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) < 4 ) { throw new InvalidPacketException( 'Rcon read: Failed to read any data from socket', InvalidPacketException::BUFFER_EMPTY ); } $PacketSize = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->RconSocket, $PacketSize ) ); $Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( ); $Remaining = $PacketSize - StrLen( $Buffer ); while( $Remaining > 0 ) { $Buffer2 = FRead( $this->RconSocket, $Remaining ); $PacketSize = StrLen( $Buffer2 ); if( $PacketSize === 0 ) { throw new InvalidPacketException( 'Read ' . strlen( $Buffer ) . ' bytes from socket, ' . $Remaining . ' remaining', InvalidPacketException::BUFFER_EMPTY ); break; } $Buffer .= $Buffer2; $Remaining -= $PacketSize; } $this->Buffer->Set( $Buffer ); } public function Command( $Command ) { $this->Write( SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, $Command ); $this->Read( ); $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // RequestID $Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); if( $Type === SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE ) { throw new AuthenticationException( 'Bad rcon_password.', AuthenticationException::BAD_PASSWORD ); } else if( $Type !== SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE ) { return false; } $Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( ); // We do this stupid hack to handle split packets // See https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol#Multiple-packet_Responses if( StrLen( $Buffer ) >= 4000 ) { do { $this->Write( SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE ); $this->Read( ); $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // RequestID if( $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) !== SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE ) { break; } $Buffer2 = $this->Buffer->Get( ); if( $Buffer2 === "\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00" ) { break; } $Buffer .= $Buffer2; } while( true ); } return rtrim( $Buffer, "\0" ); } public function Authorize( $Password ) { $this->Write( SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_AUTH, $Password ); $this->Read( ); $RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // If we receive SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE, then we need to read again // More info: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol#Additional_Comments if( $Type === SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE ) { $this->Read( ); $RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $Type = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); } if( $RequestID === -1 || $Type !== SourceQuery::SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE ) { throw new AuthenticationException( 'RCON authorization failed.', AuthenticationException::BAD_PASSWORD ); } return true; } }