Buffer = new SourceQueryBuffer( ); $this->Socket = new SourceQuerySocket( $this->Buffer ); } public function __destruct( ) { $this->Disconnect( ); } /** * Opens connection to server * * @param string $Ip Server ip * @param int $Port Server port * @param int $Timeout Timeout period * @param int $Engine Engine the server runs on (goldsource, source) * * @throws SourceQueryException * @throws InvalidArgumentException If timeout is not an integer */ public function Connect( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout = 3, $Engine = self :: SOURCE ) { $this->Disconnect( ); if( !is_int( $Timeout ) || $Timeout < 0 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Timeout must be an integer.' ); } if( !$this->Socket->Open( $Ip, (int)$Port, $Timeout, (int)$Engine ) ) { throw new SourceQueryException( 'Can\'t connect to the server.' ); } $this->Connected = true; switch( $this->Socket->Engine ) { case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE: { $this->Rcon = new SourceQueryGoldSourceRcon( $this->Buffer, $this->Socket ); break; } case SourceQuery :: SOURCE: { $this->Rcon = new SourceQuerySourceRcon( $this->Buffer, $this->Socket ); break; } } } /** * Closes all open connections */ public function Disconnect( ) { $this->Connected = false; $this->Challenge = 0; $this->Buffer->Reset( ); $this->Socket->Close( ); if( $this->Rcon ) { $this->Rcon->Close( ); } } /** * Sends ping packet to the server * NOTE: This may not work on some games (TF2 for example) * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public function Ping( ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } $this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PING ); $this->Socket->Read( ); return $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === self :: S2A_PING; } /** * Get server information * * @throws SourceQueryException * * @return bool|array Returns array with information on success, false on failure */ public function GetInfo( ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } $this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_INFO, "Source Engine Query\0" ); $this->Socket->Read( ); $Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); if( $Type === 0 ) { return false; } // Old GoldSource protocol, HLTV still uses it if( $Type === self :: S2A_INFO_OLD && $this->Socket->Engine === self :: GOLDSOURCE ) { /** * If we try to read data again, and we get the result with type S2A_INFO (0x49) * That means this server is running dproto, * Because it sends answer for both protocols */ $Server[ 'Address' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'HostName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'Map' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'ModDir' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'ModDesc' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'Players' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'Protocol' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'Dedicated' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) ); $Server[ 'Os' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) ); $Server[ 'Password' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; $Server[ 'IsMod' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; if( $Server[ 'IsMod' ] ) { $Mod[ 'Url' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Mod[ 'Download' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $this->Buffer->Get( 1 ); // NULL byte $Mod[ 'Version' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $Mod[ 'Size' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $Mod[ 'ServerSide' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; $Mod[ 'CustomDLL' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; } $Server[ 'Secure' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; $Server[ 'Bots' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); if( isset( $Mod ) ) { $Server[ 'Mod' ] = $Mod; } return $Server; } if( $Type !== self :: S2A_INFO ) { throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetInfo: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' ); } $Server[ 'Protocol' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'HostName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'Map' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'ModDir' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'ModDesc' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Server[ 'AppID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( ); $Server[ 'Players' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'Bots' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'Dedicated' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) ); $Server[ 'Os' ] = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) ); $Server[ 'Password' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; $Server[ 'Secure' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) === 1; // The Ship (they violate query protocol spec by modifying the response) if( $Server[ 'AppID' ] === 2400 ) { $Server[ 'GameMode' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'WitnessCount' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); $Server[ 'WitnessTime' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); } $Server[ 'Version' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); // Extra Data Flags if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 ) { $Server[ 'ExtraDataFlags' ] = $Flags = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); // The server's game port if( $Flags & 0x80 ) { $Server[ 'GamePort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( ); } // The server's SteamID - does this serve any purpose? if( $Flags & 0x10 ) { $Server[ 'ServerID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) | ( $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) << 32 ); // TODO: verify this } // The spectator port and then the spectator server name if( $Flags & 0x40 ) { $Server[ 'SpecPort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( ); $Server[ 'SpecName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); } // The game tag data string for the server if( $Flags & 0x20 ) { $Server[ 'GameTags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); } // GameID -- alternative to AppID? if( $Flags & 0x01 ) { $Server[ 'GameID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) | ( $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) << 32 ); } if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 ) { throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetInfo: unread data? ' . $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) . ' bytes remaining in the buffer. Please report it to the library developer.' ); } } return $Server; } /** * Get players on the server * * @throws SourceQueryException * * @return bool|array Returns array with players on success, false on failure */ public function GetPlayers( ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } switch( $this->GetChallenge( self :: A2S_PLAYER, self :: S2A_PLAYER ) ) { case self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED: { return false; } case self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR: { $this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PLAYER, $this->Challenge ); $this->Socket->Read( 14000 ); // Moronic Arma 3 developers do not split their packets, so we have to read more data // This violates the protocol spec, and they probably should fix it: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries#Protocol $Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); if( $Type === 0 ) { return false; } else if( $Type !== self :: S2A_PLAYER ) { throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetPlayers: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' ); } break; } } $Players = Array( ); $Count = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 ) { $Player[ 'Id' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); // PlayerID, is it just always 0? $Player[ 'Name' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Player[ 'Frags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( ); $Player[ 'Time' ] = (int)$this->Buffer->GetFloat( ); $Player[ 'TimeF' ] = GMDate( ( $Player[ 'Time' ] > 3600 ? "H:i:s" : "i:s" ), $Player[ 'Time' ] ); $Players[ ] = $Player; } return $Players; } /** * Get rules (cvars) from the server * * @throws SourceQueryException * * @return bool|array Returns array with rules on success, false on failure */ public function GetRules( ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } switch( $this->GetChallenge( self :: A2S_RULES, self :: S2A_RULES ) ) { case self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED: { return false; } case self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR: { $this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_RULES, $this->Challenge ); $this->Socket->Read( ); $Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); if( $Type === 0 ) { return false; } else if( $Type !== self :: S2A_RULES ) { throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetRules: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' ); } break; } } $Rules = Array( ); $Count = $this->Buffer->GetShort( ); while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 ) { $Rule = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); $Value = $this->Buffer->GetString( ); if( !Empty( $Rule ) ) { $Rules[ $Rule ] = $Value; } } return $Rules; } /** * Get challenge (used for players/rules packets) * * @return bool True if all went well, false if server uses old GoldSource protocol, and it already contains answer */ private function GetChallenge( $Header, $ExpectedResult ) { if( $this->Challenge ) { return self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR; } $this->Socket->Write( $Header, 0xFFFFFFFF ); $this->Socket->Read( ); $Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); switch( $Type ) { case self :: S2A_CHALLENGE: { $this->Challenge = $this->Buffer->Get( 4 ); return self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR; } case $ExpectedResult: { // Goldsource (HLTV) return self :: GETCHALLENGE_CONTAINS_ANSWER; } case 0: { return self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED; } default: { throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetChallenge: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' ); } } } /** * Sets rcon password, for future use in Rcon() * * @param string $Password Rcon Password * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public function SetRconPassword( $Password ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } $this->Rcon->Open( ); return $this->Rcon->Authorize( $Password ); } /** * Sets rcon password, for future use in Rcon() * * @param string $Command Command to execute on the server * * @return bool|string Answer from server in string, false on failure */ public function Rcon( $Command ) { if( !$this->Connected ) { return false; } return $this->Rcon->Command( $Command ); } }