
172 lines
3.9 KiB

* Class written by xPaw
11 years ago
* Website: http://xpaw.me
* GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class
class SourceQuerySocket
public $Socket;
public $Engine;
public $Ip;
public $Port;
public $Timeout;
* Points to buffer class
* @var SourceQueryBuffer
private $Buffer;
public function __construct( $Buffer )
$this->Buffer = $Buffer;
public function Close( )
if( $this->Socket )
FClose( $this->Socket );
$this->Socket = null;
public function Open( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout, $Engine )
$this->Timeout = $Timeout;
$this->Engine = $Engine;
$this->Port = $Port;
$this->Ip = $Ip;
$this->Socket = @FSockOpen( 'udp://' . $Ip, $Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, $Timeout );
if( $ErrNo || $this->Socket === false )
throw new Exception( 'Could not create socket: ' . $ErrStr );
Stream_Set_Timeout( $this->Socket, $Timeout );
Stream_Set_Blocking( $this->Socket, true );
return true;
public function Write( $Header, $String = '' )
$Command = Pack( 'ccccca*', 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, $Header, $String );
$Length = StrLen( $Command );
return $Length === FWrite( $this->Socket, $Command, $Length );
public function Read( $Length = 1400 )
$this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->Socket, $Length ) );
if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) === 0 )
// TODO: Should we throw an exception here?
$Header = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
if( $Header === -1 ) // Single packet
// We don't have to do anything
else if( $Header === -2 ) // Split packet
$Packets = Array( );
$IsCompressed = false;
$ReadMore = false;
$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
switch( $this->Engine )
case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
$PacketCountAndNumber = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$PacketCount = $PacketCountAndNumber & 0xF;
$PacketNumber = $PacketCountAndNumber >> 4;
case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
$IsCompressed = ( $RequestID & 0x80000000 ) !== 0;
$PacketCount = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
$PacketNumber = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) + 1;
if( $IsCompressed )
$this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // Split size
$PacketChecksum = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( );
$this->Buffer->GetShort( ); // Split size
$Packets[ $PacketNumber ] = $this->Buffer->Get( );
$ReadMore = $PacketCount > sizeof( $Packets );
while( $ReadMore && $this->Sherlock( $Length ) );
$Buffer = Implode( $Packets );
// TODO: Test this
if( $IsCompressed )
// Let's make sure this function exists, it's not included in PHP by default
if( !Function_Exists( 'bzdecompress' ) )
throw new RuntimeException( 'Received compressed packet, PHP doesn\'t have Bzip2 library installed, can\'t decompress.' );
$Data = bzdecompress( $Data );
if( CRC32( $Data ) !== $PacketChecksum )
throw new SourceQueryException( 'CRC32 checksum mismatch of uncompressed packet data.' );
$this->Buffer->Set( SubStr( $Buffer, 4 ) );
throw new SourceQueryException( 'Socket read: Raw packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Header ) . ')' );
private function Sherlock( $Length )
$Data = FRead( $this->Socket, $Length );
if( StrLen( $Data ) < 4 )
return false;
$this->Buffer->Set( $Data );
return $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) === -2;