
 * @file
 * TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework
 * $Id: Server.php 06/06/2016 22:27:13 scp@Svens-iMac $
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @package   TeamSpeak3
 * @version   1.1.24
 * @author    Sven 'ScP' Paulsen
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 by Planet TeamSpeak. All rights reserved.

 * @class TeamSpeak3_Node_Server
 * @brief Class describing a TeamSpeak 3 virtual server and all it's parameters.
class TeamSpeak3_Node_Server extends TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract
   * @ignore
  protected $channelList = null;

   * @ignore
  protected $clientList = null;

   * @ignore
  protected $sgroupList = null;

   * @ignore
  protected $cgroupList = null;

   * The TeamSpeak3_Node_Server constructor.
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Host $host
   * @param  array  $info
   * @param  string $index
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Server
  public function __construct(TeamSpeak3_Node_Host $host, array $info, $index = "virtualserver_id")
    $this->parent   = $host;
    $this->nodeInfo = $info;

    if(!array_key_exists($index, $this->nodeInfo))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid serverID", 0x400);

    $this->nodeId = $this->nodeInfo[$index];

   * Sends a prepared command to the server and returns the result.
   * @param  string  $cmd
   * @param  boolean $throw
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply
  public function request($cmd, $throw = TRUE)
    if($this->getId() != $this->getParent()->serverSelectedId())

    return $this->getParent()->request($cmd, $throw);

   * Returns an array filled with TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel objects.
   * @param  array $filter
   * @return array
  public function channelList(array $filter = array())
    if($this->channelList === null)
      $channels = $this->request("channellist -topic -flags -voice -limits -icon")->toAssocArray("cid");

      $this->channelList = array();

      foreach($channels as $cid => $channel)
        $this->channelList[$cid] = new TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel($this, $channel);


    return $this->filterList($this->channelList, $filter);

   * Resets the list of channels online.
   * @return void
  public function channelListReset()
    $this->channelList = null;

   * Creates a new channel using given properties and returns the new ID.
   * @param  array $properties
   * @return integer
  public function channelCreate(array $properties)
    $cid = $this->execute("channelcreate", $properties)->toList();

    if(!isset($properties["channel_flag_permanent"]) && !isset($properties["channel_flag_semi_permanent"]))
      $this->getParent()->whoamiSet("client_channel_id", $cid["cid"]);

    return $cid["cid"];

   * Deletes the channel specified by $cid.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  boolean $force
   * @return void
  public function channelDelete($cid, $force = FALSE)
    $this->execute("channeldelete", array("cid" => $cid, "force" => $force));

    if(($cid instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract ? $cid->getId() : $cid) == $this->whoamiGet("client_channel_id"))

   * Moves the channel specified by $cid to the parent channel specified with $pid.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $pid
   * @param  integer $order
   * @return void
  public function channelMove($cid, $pid, $order = null)
    $this->execute("channelmove", array("cid" => $cid, "cpid" => $pid, "order" => $order));

   * Returns TRUE if the given TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel object is a spacer.
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel $channel
   * @return boolean
  public function channelIsSpacer(TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel $channel)
    return (preg_match("/\[[^\]]*spacer[^\]]*\]/", $channel) && $channel["channel_flag_permanent"] && !$channel["pid"]) ? TRUE : FALSE;

   * Creates a new channel spacer and returns the new ID. The first parameter $ident is used to create a
   * unique spacer name on the virtual server.
   * @param  string  $ident
   * @param  mixed   $type
   * @param  integer $align
   * @param  integer $order
   * @param  integer $maxclients
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return integer
  public function channelSpacerCreate($ident, $type = TeamSpeak3::SPACER_SOLIDLINE, $align = TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_REPEAT, $order = null, $maxclients = 0)
    $properties = array(
      "channel_name_phonetic" => "channel spacer",
      "channel_codec" => TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_VOICE,
      "channel_codec_quality" => 0x00,
      "channel_flag_permanent" => TRUE,
      "channel_flag_maxclients_unlimited" => FALSE,
      "channel_flag_maxfamilyclients_unlimited" => FALSE,
      "channel_flag_maxfamilyclients_inherited" => FALSE,
      "channel_maxclients" => $maxclients,
      "channel_order" => $order,

      case TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_REPEAT:
        $properties["channel_name"] = "[*spacer" . strval($ident) . "]";

      case TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_LEFT:
        $properties["channel_name"] = "[lspacer" . strval($ident) . "]";

      case TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_RIGHT:
        $properties["channel_name"] = "[rspacer" . strval($ident) . "]";

      case TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_CENTER:
        $properties["channel_name"] = "[cspacer" . strval($ident) . "]";

        throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("missing required parameter", 0x606);

      case (string) TeamSpeak3::SPACER_SOLIDLINE:
        $properties["channel_name"] .= "___";

      case (string) TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHLINE:
        $properties["channel_name"] .= "---";

      case (string) TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DOTLINE:
        $properties["channel_name"] .= "...";

      case (string) TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHDOTLINE:
        $properties["channel_name"] .= "-.-";

      case (string) TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHDOTDOTLINE:
        $properties["channel_name"] .= "-..";

        $properties["channel_name"] .= strval($type);

    return $this->channelCreate($properties);

   * Returns the possible type of a channel spacer.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return integer
  public function channelSpacerGetType($cid)
    $channel = $this->channelGetById($cid);

      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid channel flags", 0x307);

    switch($channel["channel_name"]->section("]", 1))
      case "___":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_SOLIDLINE;

      case "---":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHLINE;

      case "...":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DOTLINE;

      case "-.-":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHDOTLINE;

      case "-..":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_DASHDOTDOTLINE;

        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_CUSTOM;

   * Returns the possible alignment of a channel spacer.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return integer
  public function channelSpacerGetAlign($cid)
    $channel = $this->channelGetById($cid);

    if(!$this->channelIsSpacer($channel) || !preg_match("/\[(.*)spacer.*\]/", $channel, $matches) || !isset($matches[1]))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid channel flags", 0x307);

      case "*":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_REPEAT;

      case "c":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_CENTER;

      case "r":
        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_RIGHT;

        return TeamSpeak3::SPACER_ALIGN_LEFT;

   * Returns a list of permissions defined for a specific channel.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  boolean $permsid
   * @return array
  public function channelPermList($cid, $permsid = FALSE)
    return $this->execute("channelpermlist", array("cid" => $cid, $permsid ? "-permsid" : null))->toAssocArray($permsid ? "permsid" : "permid");

   * Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel. Multiple permissions can be added by
   * providing the two parameters of each permission.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @param  integer $permvalue
   * @return void
  public function channelPermAssign($cid, $permid, $permvalue)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channeladdperm", array("cid" => $cid, $permident => $permid, "permvalue" => $permvalue));

   * Removes a set of specified permissions from a channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @return void
  public function channelPermRemove($cid, $permid)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channeldelperm", array("cid" => $cid, $permident => $permid));

   * Returns a list of permissions defined for a client in a specific channel.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  boolean $permsid
   * @return array
  public function channelClientPermList($cid, $cldbid, $permsid = FALSE)
    return $this->execute("channelclientpermlist", array("cid" => $cid, "cldbid" => $cldbid, $permsid ? "-permsid" : null))->toAssocArray($permsid ? "permsid" : "permid");

   * Adds a set of specified permissions to a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be added by
   * providing the two parameters of each permission.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @param  integer $permvalue
   * @return void
  public function channelClientPermAssign($cid, $cldbid, $permid, $permvalue)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channelclientaddperm", array("cid" => $cid, "cldbid" => $cldbid, $permident => $permid, "permvalue" => $permvalue));

   * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @return void
  public function channelClientPermRemove($cid, $cldbid, $permid)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channelclientdelperm", array("cid" => $cid, "cldbid" => $cldbid, $permident => $permid));

   * Returns a list of files and directories stored in the specified channels file repository.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  string  $path
   * @param  boolean $recursive
   * @return array
  public function channelFileList($cid, $cpw = "", $path = "/", $recursive = FALSE)
    $files = $this->execute("ftgetfilelist", array("cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw, "path" => $path))->toArray();
    $count = count($files);

    for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
      $files[$i]["sid"]  = $this->getId();
      $files[$i]["cid"]  = $files[0]["cid"];
      $files[$i]["path"] = $files[0]["path"];
      $files[$i]["src"]  = new TeamSpeak3_Helper_String($cid ? $files[$i]["path"] : "/");



      if($recursive && $files[$i]["type"] == TeamSpeak3::FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
        $files = array_merge($files, $this->channelFileList($cid, $cpw, $path . $files[$i]["name"], $recursive));

    uasort($files, array(__CLASS__, "sortFileList"));

    return $files;

   * Returns detailed information about the specified file stored in a channels file repository.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  string  $name
   * @return array
  public function channelFileInfo($cid, $cpw = "", $name = "/")
    $info = $this->execute("ftgetfileinfo", array("cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw, "name" => $name))->toArray();
    return array_pop($info);

   * Renames a file in a channels file repository. If the two parameters $tcid and $tcpw are specified, the file
   * will be moved into another channels file repository.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  string  $oldname
   * @param  string  $newname
   * @param  integer $tcid
   * @param  string  $tcpw
   * @return void
  public function channelFileRename($cid, $cpw = "", $oldname = "/", $newname = "/", $tcid = null, $tcpw = null)
    $this->execute("ftrenamefile", array("cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw, "oldname" => $oldname, "newname" => $newname, "tcid" => $tcid, "tcpw" => $tcpw));

   * Deletes one or more files stored in a channels file repository.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  string  $name
   * @return void
  public function channelFileDelete($cid, $cpw = "", $name = "/")
    $this->execute("ftdeletefile", array("cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw, "name" => $name));

   * Creates new directory in a channels file repository.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  string  $dirname
   * @return void
  public function channelDirCreate($cid, $cpw = "", $dirname = "/")
    $this->execute("ftcreatedir", array("cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw, "dirname" => $dirname));

   * Returns the level of a channel.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @return integer
  public function channelGetLevel($cid)
    $channel = $this->channelGetById($cid);
    $levelno = 0;

      $levelno = $this->channelGetLevel($channel["pid"])+1;

    return $levelno;

   * Returns the pathway of a channel which can be used as a clients default channel.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @return string
  public function channelGetPathway($cid)
    $channel = $this->channelGetById($cid);
    $pathway = $channel["channel_name"];

      $pathway = $this->channelGetPathway($channel["pid"]) . "/" . $channel["channel_name"];

    return $pathway;

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel object matching the given ID.
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel
  public function channelGetById($cid)
    if(!array_key_exists((string) $cid, $this->channelList()))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid channelID", 0x300);

    return $this->channelList[intval((string) $cid)];

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel object matching the given name.
   * @param  string $name
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel
  public function channelGetByName($name)
    foreach($this->channelList() as $channel)
      if($channel["channel_name"] == $name) return $channel;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid channelID", 0x300);

   * Returns an array filled with TeamSpeak3_Node_Client objects.
   * @param  array $filter
   * @return array
  public function clientList(array $filter = array())
    if($this->clientList === null)
      $clients = $this->request("clientlist -uid -away -badges -voice -info -times -groups -icon -country -ip")->toAssocArray("clid");

      $this->clientList = array();

      foreach($clients as $clid => $client)
        if($this->getParent()->getExcludeQueryClients() && $client["client_type"]) continue;

        $this->clientList[$clid] = new TeamSpeak3_Node_Client($this, $client);

      uasort($this->clientList, array(__CLASS__, "sortClientList"));


    return $this->filterList($this->clientList, $filter);

   * Resets the list of clients online.
   * @return void
  public function clientListReset()
    $this->clientList = null;

   * Returns a list of clients matching a given name pattern.
   * @param  string $pattern
   * @return array
  public function clientFind($pattern)
    return $this->execute("clientfind", array("pattern" => $pattern))->toAssocArray("clid");

   * Returns a list of client identities known by the virtual server. By default, the server spits out 25 entries
   * at once.
   * @param  integer $offset
   * @param  integer $limit
   * @return array
  public function clientListDb($offset = null, $limit = null)
    return $this->execute("clientdblist -count", array("start" => $offset, "duration" => $limit))->toAssocArray("cldbid");

   * Returns the number of client identities known by the virtual server.
   * @return integer
  public function clientCountDb()
    return current($this->execute("clientdblist -count", array("duration" => 1))->toList("count"));

   * Returns a list of properties from the database for the client specified by $cldbid.
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @return array
  public function clientInfoDb($cldbid)
    return $this->execute("clientdbinfo", array("cldbid" => $cldbid))->toList();

   * Returns a list of client database IDs matching a given pattern. You can either search for a clients
   * last known nickname or his unique identity by using the $uid option.
   * @param  string  $pattern
   * @param  boolean $uid
   * @return array
  public function clientFindDb($pattern, $uid = FALSE)
    return array_keys($this->execute("clientdbfind", array("pattern" => $pattern, ($uid) ? "-uid" : null))->toAssocArray("cldbid"));

   * Returns the number of regular clients online.
   * @return integer
  public function clientCount()
    if($this->isOffline()) return 0;

    return $this["virtualserver_clientsonline"]-$this["virtualserver_queryclientsonline"];

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Client object matching the given ID.
   * @param  integer $clid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Client
  public function clientGetById($clid)
    if(!array_key_exists((string) $clid, $this->clientList()))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid clientID", 0x200);

    return $this->clientList[intval((string) $clid)];

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Client object matching the given name.
   * @param  string $name
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Client
  public function clientGetByName($name)
    foreach($this->clientList() as $client)
      if($client["client_nickname"] == $name) return $client;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid clientID", 0x200);

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Client object matching the given unique identifier.
   * @param  string $uid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Client
  public function clientGetByUid($uid)
    foreach($this->clientList() as $client)
      if($client["client_unique_identifier"] == $uid) return $client;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid clientID", 0x200);
   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Client object matching the given database ID.
   * @param  integer $dbid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Client
  public function clientGetByDbid($dbid)
    foreach($this->clientList() as $client)
      if($client["client_database_id"] == $dbid) return $client;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid clientID", 0x200);

   * Returns an array containing the last known nickname and the database ID of the client matching
   * the unique identifier specified with $cluid.
   * @param  string $cluid
   * @return array
  public function clientGetNameByUid($cluid)
    return $this->execute("clientgetnamefromuid", array("cluid" => $cluid))->toList();

   * Returns an array containing a list of active client connections using the unique identifier
   * specified with $cluid.
   * @param  string $cluid
   * @return array
  public function clientGetIdsByUid($cluid)
    return $this->execute("clientgetids", array("cluid" => $cluid))->toAssocArray("clid");

   * Returns an array containing the last known nickname and the unique identifier of the client
   * matching the database ID specified with $cldbid.
   * @param  string $cldbid
   * @return array
  public function clientGetNameByDbid($cldbid)
    return $this->execute("clientgetnamefromdbid", array("cldbid" => $cldbid))->toList();

   * Returns an array containing the names and IDs of all server groups the client specified with
   * $cldbid is is currently residing in.
   * @param  string $cldbid
   * @return array
  public function clientGetServerGroupsByDbid($cldbid)
    return $this->execute("servergroupsbyclientid", array("cldbid" => $cldbid))->toAssocArray("sgid");

   * Moves a client to another channel.
   * @param  integer $clid
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @return void
  public function clientMove($clid, $cid, $cpw = null)

    $this->execute("clientmove", array("clid" => $clid, "cid" => $cid, "cpw" => $cpw));

    if($clid instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract)
      $clid = $clid->getId();

    if($cid instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract)
      $cid = $cid->getId();

    if(!is_array($clid) && $clid == $this->whoamiGet("client_id"))
      $this->getParent()->whoamiSet("client_channel_id", $cid);

   * Kicks one or more clients from their currently joined channel or from the server.
   * @param  integer $clid
   * @param  integer $reasonid
   * @param  string  $reasonmsg
   * @return void
  public function clientKick($clid, $reasonid = TeamSpeak3::KICK_CHANNEL, $reasonmsg = null)

    $this->execute("clientkick", array("clid" => $clid, "reasonid" => $reasonid, "reasonmsg" => $reasonmsg));

   * Sends a poke message to a client.
   * @param  integer $clid
   * @param  string  $msg
   * @return void
  public function clientPoke($clid, $msg)
    $this->execute("clientpoke", array("clid" => $clid, "msg" => $msg));

   * Bans the client specified with ID $clid from the server. Please note that this will create two separate
   * ban rules for the targeted clients IP address and his unique identifier.
   * @param  integer $clid
   * @param  integer $timeseconds
   * @param  string  $reason
   * @return array
  public function clientBan($clid, $timeseconds = null, $reason = null)

    $bans = $this->execute("banclient", array("clid" => $clid, "time" => $timeseconds, "banreason" => $reason))->toAssocArray("banid");

    return array_keys($bans);

   * Changes the clients properties using given properties.
   * @param  string $cldbid
   * @param  array  $properties
   * @return void
  public function clientModifyDb($cldbid, array $properties)
    $properties["cldbid"] = $cldbid;

    $this->execute("clientdbedit", $properties);

   * Deletes a clients properties from the database.
   * @param  string $cldbid
   * @return void
  public function clientDeleteDb($cldbid)
    $this->execute("clientdbdelete", array("cldbid" => $cldbid));

   * Sets the channel group of a client to the ID specified.
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @return void
  public function clientSetChannelGroup($cldbid, $cid, $cgid)
    $this->execute("setclientchannelgroup", array("cldbid" => $cldbid, "cid" => $cid, "cgid" => $cgid));

   * Returns a list of permissions defined for a client.
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  boolean $permsid
   * @return array
  public function clientPermList($cldbid, $permsid = FALSE)

    return $this->execute("clientpermlist", array("cldbid" => $cldbid, $permsid ? "-permsid" : null))->toAssocArray($permsid ? "permsid" : "permid");

   * Adds a set of specified permissions to a client. Multiple permissions can be added by providing
   * the three parameters of each permission.
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @param  integer $permvalue
   * @param  integer $permskip
   * @return void
  public function clientPermAssign($cldbid, $permid, $permvalue, $permskip = FALSE)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("clientaddperm", array("cldbid" => $cldbid, $permident => $permid, "permvalue" => $permvalue, "permskip" => $permskip));

   * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client. Multiple permissions can be removed at once.
   * @param integer $cldbid
   * @param integer $permid
   * @return void
  public function clientPermRemove($cldbid, $permid)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("clientdelperm", array("cldbid" => $cldbid, $permident => $permid));

   * Returns a list of server groups available.
   * @param  filter $filter
   * @return array
  public function serverGroupList(array $filter = array())
    if($this->sgroupList === null)
      $this->sgroupList = $this->request("servergrouplist")->toAssocArray("sgid");

      foreach($this->sgroupList as $sgid => $group)
        $this->sgroupList[$sgid] = new TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup($this, $group);

      uasort($this->sgroupList, array(__CLASS__, "sortGroupList"));

    return $this->filterList($this->sgroupList, $filter);

   * Resets the list of server groups.
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupListReset()
    $this->sgroupList = null;

   * Creates a new server group using the name specified with $name and returns its ID.
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $type
   * @return integer
  public function serverGroupCreate($name, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)

    $sgid = $this->execute("servergroupadd", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type))->toList();

    return $sgid["sgid"];

   * Creates a copy of an existing server group specified by $ssgid and returns the new groups ID.
   * @param  integer $ssgid
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $tsgid
   * @param  integer $type
   * @return integer
  public function serverGroupCopy($ssgid, $name = null, $tsgid = 0, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)

    $sgid = $this->execute("servergroupcopy", array("ssgid" => $ssgid, "tsgid" => $tsgid, "name" => $name, "type" => $type))->toList();

    if($tsgid && $name)
      $this->serverGroupRename($tsgid, $name);

    return count($sgid) ? $sgid["sgid"] : intval($tsgid);

   * Renames the server group specified with $sgid.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  string $name
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupRename($sgid, $name)

    $this->execute("servergrouprename", array("sgid" => $sgid, "name" => $name));

   * Deletes the server group specified with $sgid. If $force is set to 1, the server group
   * will be deleted even if there are clients within.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  boolean $force
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupDelete($sgid, $force = FALSE)

    $this->execute("servergroupdel", array("sgid" => $sgid, "force" => $force));

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup object matching the given ID.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup
  public function serverGroupGetById($sgid)
    if(!array_key_exists((string) $sgid, $this->serverGroupList()))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid groupID", 0xA00);

    return $this->sgroupList[intval((string) $sgid)];

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup object matching the given name.
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $type
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup
  public function serverGroupGetByName($name, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)
    foreach($this->serverGroupList() as $group)
      if($group["name"] == $name && $group["type"] == $type) return $group;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid groupID", 0xA00);

   * Returns a list of permissions assigned to the server group specified.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  boolean $permsid
   * @return array
  public function serverGroupPermList($sgid, $permsid = FALSE)
    return $this->execute("servergrouppermlist", array("sgid" => $sgid, $permsid ? "-permsid" : null))->toAssocArray($permsid ? "permsid" : "permid");

   * Adds a set of specified permissions to the server group specified. Multiple permissions
   * can be added by providing the four parameters of each permission in separate arrays.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @param  integer $permvalue
   * @param  integer $permnegated
   * @param  integer $permskip
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupPermAssign($sgid, $permid, $permvalue, $permnegated = FALSE, $permskip = FALSE)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("servergroupaddperm", array("sgid" => $sgid, $permident => $permid, "permvalue" => $permvalue, "permnegated" => $permnegated, "permskip" => $permskip));

   * Removes a set of specified permissions from the server group specified with $sgid. Multiple
   * permissions can be removed at once.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupPermRemove($sgid, $permid)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("servergroupdelperm", array("sgid" => $sgid, $permident => $permid));

   * Returns a list of clients assigned to the server group specified.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @return array
  public function serverGroupClientList($sgid)
    if($this["virtualserver_default_server_group"] == $sgid)
      return array();

    return $this->execute("servergroupclientlist", array("sgid" => $sgid,  "-names"))->toAssocArray("cldbid");

   * Adds a client to the server group specified. Please note that a client cannot be
   * added to default groups or template groups.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupClientAdd($sgid, $cldbid)

    $this->execute("servergroupaddclient", array("sgid" => $sgid, "cldbid" => $cldbid));

   * Removes a client from the server group specified.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @return void
  public function serverGroupClientDel($sgid, $cldbid)
    $this->execute("servergroupdelclient", array("sgid" => $sgid, "cldbid" => $cldbid));

   * Returns an ordered array of regular server groups available based on a pre-defined
   * set of rules.
   * @return array
  public function serverGroupGetProfiles()
    $profiles = array();

    foreach($this->serverGroupList() as $sgid => $sgroup)
      if($sgroup["type"] != TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR) continue;

      $profiles[$sgid] = array(
        "b_permission_modify_power_ignore" => 0,
        "i_group_needed_member_add_power" => 0,
        "i_group_member_add_power" => 0,
        "i_group_needed_member_remove_power" => 0,
        "i_group_member_remove_power" => 0,
        "i_needed_modify_power_count" => 0,
        "i_needed_modify_power_total" => 0,
        "i_permission_modify_power" => 0,
        "i_group_needed_modify_power" => 0,
        "i_group_modify_power" => 0,
        "i_client_needed_modify_power" => 0,
        "i_client_modify_power" => 0,
        "b_virtualserver_servergroup_create" => 0,
        "b_virtualserver_servergroup_delete" => 0,
        "b_client_ignore_bans" => 0,
        "b_client_ignore_antiflood" => 0,
        "b_group_is_permanent" => 0,
        "i_client_needed_ban_power" => 0,
        "i_client_needed_kick_power" => 0,
        "i_client_needed_move_power" => 0,
        "i_client_talk_power" => 0,
        "__sgid" => $sgid,
        "__name" => $sgroup->toString(),
        "__node" => $sgroup,

        $perms = $this->serverGroupPermList($sgid, TRUE);
        $grant = isset($perms["i_permission_modify_power"]) ? $perms["i_permission_modify_power"]["permvalue"] : null;
      catch(TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception $e)
        /* ERROR_database_empty_result */
        if($e->getCode() != 0x501) throw $e;

        $perms = array();
        $grant = null;

      foreach($perms as $permsid => $perm)
        if(in_array($permsid, array_keys($profiles[$sgid])))
          $profiles[$sgid][$permsid] = $perm["permvalue"];
          if(!$grant || $perm["permvalue"] > $grant) continue;

          $profiles[$sgid]["i_needed_modify_power_total"] = $profiles[$sgid]["i_needed_modify_power_total"]+$perm["permvalue"];

    array_multisort($profiles, SORT_DESC);

    return $profiles;

   * Tries to identify the post powerful/weakest server group on the virtual server and returns
   * the ID.
   * @param  integer $mode
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup
  public function serverGroupIdentify($mode = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_IDENTIFIY_STRONGEST)
    $profiles = $this->serverGroupGetProfiles();

    $best_guess_profile = ($mode == TeamSpeak3::GROUP_IDENTIFIY_STRONGEST) ? array_shift($profiles) : array_pop($profiles);

    return $this->serverGroupGetById($best_guess_profile["__sgid"]);

   * Returns a list of channel groups available.
   * @param  array $filter
   * @return array
  public function channelGroupList(array $filter = array())
    if($this->cgroupList === null)
      $this->cgroupList = $this->request("channelgrouplist")->toAssocArray("cgid");

      foreach($this->cgroupList as $cgid => $group)
        $this->cgroupList[$cgid] = new TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup($this, $group);

      uasort($this->cgroupList, array(__CLASS__, "sortGroupList"));

    return $this->filterList($this->cgroupList, $filter);

   * Resets the list of channel groups.
   * @return void
  public function channelGroupListReset()
    $this->cgroupList = null;

   * Creates a new channel group using the name specified with $name and returns its ID.
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $type
   * @return integer
  public function channelGroupCreate($name, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)

    $cgid = $this->execute("channelgroupadd", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type))->toList();

    return $cgid["cgid"];

   * Creates a copy of an existing channel group specified by $scgid and returns the new groups ID.
   * @param  integer $scgid
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $tcgid
   * @param  integer $type
   * @return integer
  public function channelGroupCopy($scgid, $name = null, $tcgid = 0, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)

    $cgid = $this->execute("channelgroupcopy", array("scgid" => $scgid, "tcgid" => $tcgid, "name" => $name, "type" => $type))->toList();

    if($tcgid && $name)
      $this->channelGroupRename($tcgid, $name);

    return count($cgid) ? $cgid["cgid"] : intval($tcgid);

   * Renames the channel group specified with $cgid.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @param  string  $name
   * @return void
  public function channelGroupRename($cgid, $name)

    $this->execute("channelgrouprename", array("cgid" => $cgid, "name" => $name));

   * Deletes the channel group specified with $cgid. If $force is set to 1, the channel group
   * will be deleted even if there are clients within.
   * @param  integer $sgid
   * @param  boolean $force
   * @return void
  public function channelGroupDelete($cgid, $force = FALSE)

    $this->execute("channelgroupdel", array("cgid" => $cgid, "force" => $force));

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup object matching the given ID.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup
  public function channelGroupGetById($cgid)
    if(!array_key_exists((string) $cgid, $this->channelGroupList()))
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid groupID", 0xA00);

    return $this->cgroupList[intval((string) $cgid)];

   * Returns the TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup object matching the given name.
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $type
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup
  public function channelGroupGetByName($name, $type = TeamSpeak3::GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR)
    foreach($this->channelGroupList() as $group)
      if($group["name"] == $name && $group["type"] == $type) return $group;

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid groupID", 0xA00);

   * Returns a list of permissions assigned to the channel group specified.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @param  boolean $permsid
   * @return array
  public function channelGroupPermList($cgid, $permsid = FALSE)
    return $this->execute("channelgrouppermlist", array("cgid" => $cgid, $permsid ? "-permsid" : null))->toAssocArray($permsid ? "permsid" : "permid");

   * Adds a set of specified permissions to the channel group specified. Multiple permissions
   * can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission in separate arrays.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @param  integer $permvalue
   * @return void
  public function channelGroupPermAssign($cgid, $permid, $permvalue)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channelgroupaddperm", array("cgid" => $cgid, $permident => $permid, "permvalue" => $permvalue));

   * Removes a set of specified permissions from the channel group specified with $cgid. Multiple
   * permissions can be removed at once.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @return void
  public function channelGroupPermRemove($cgid, $permid)
      $permident = (is_numeric($permid)) ? "permid" : "permsid";
      $permident = (is_numeric(current($permid))) ? "permid" : "permsid";

    $this->execute("channelgroupdelperm", array("cgid" => $cgid, $permident => $permid));

   * Returns all the client and/or channel IDs currently assigned to channel groups. All three
   * parameters are optional so you're free to choose the most suitable combination for your
   * requirements.
   * @param  integer $cgid
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @return array
  public function channelGroupClientList($cgid = null, $cid = null, $cldbid = null)
    if($this["virtualserver_default_channel_group"] == $cgid)
      return array();

    return $this->execute("channelgroupclientlist", array("cgid" => $cgid, "cid" => $cid, "cldbid" => $cldbid))->toArray();

   * Restores the default permission settings on the virtual server and returns a new initial
   * administrator privilege key.
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String
  public function permReset()
    $token = $this->request("permreset")->toList();

    TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("notifyTokencreated", $this, $token["token"]);

    return $token["token"];

   * Removes any assignment of the permission specified with $permid on the selected virtual server
   * and returns the number of removed assignments on success.
   * @param  integer $permid
   * @return integer
  public function permRemoveAny($permid)
    $assignments = $this->permissionFind($permid);

    foreach($assignments as $assignment)
      	case TeamSpeak3::PERM_TYPE_SERVERGROUP:
      		$this->serverGroupPermRemove($assignment["id1"], $assignment["p"]);

        case TeamSpeak3::PERM_TYPE_CLIENT:
          $this->clientPermRemove($assignment["id2"], $assignment["p"]);

        case TeamSpeak3::PERM_TYPE_CHANNEL:
          $this->channelPermRemove($assignment["id2"], $assignment["p"]);

        case TeamSpeak3::PERM_TYPE_CHANNELGROUP:
          $this->channelGroupPermRemove($assignment["id1"], $assignment["p"]);

        case TeamSpeak3::PERM_TYPE_CHANNELCLIENT:
          $this->channelClientPermRemove($assignment["id2"], $assignment["id1"], $assignment["p"]);

      	  throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("convert error", 0x604);

    return count($assignments);

   * Initializes a file transfer upload. $clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side.
   * @param  integer $clientftfid
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  integer $size
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  boolean $overwrite
   * @param  boolean $resume
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return array
  public function transferInitUpload($clientftfid, $cid, $name, $size, $cpw = "", $overwrite = FALSE, $resume = FALSE)
    $upload = $this->execute("ftinitupload", array("clientftfid" => $clientftfid, "cid" => $cid, "name" => $name, "cpw" => $cpw, "size" => $size, "overwrite" => $overwrite, "resume" => $resume))->toList();

    if(array_key_exists("status", $upload) && $upload["status"] != 0x00)
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception($upload["msg"], $upload["status"]);

    $upload["cid"]  = $cid;
    $upload["file"] = $name;

    if(!array_key_exists("ip", $upload) || $upload["ip"]->startsWith(""))
      $upload["ip"]   = $this->getParent()->getAdapterHost();
      $upload["host"] = $upload["ip"];
      $upload["ip"]   = $upload["ip"]->section(",");
      $upload["host"] = $upload["ip"];

    TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("filetransferUploadInit", $upload["ftkey"], $upload);

    return $upload;

   * Initializes a file transfer download. $clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side.
   * @param  integer $clientftfid
   * @param  integer $cid
   * @param  string  $name
   * @param  string  $cpw
   * @param  integer $seekpos
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception
   * @return array
  public function transferInitDownload($clientftfid, $cid, $name, $cpw = "", $seekpos = 0)
    $download = $this->execute("ftinitdownload", array("clientftfid" => $clientftfid, "cid" => $cid, "name" => $name, "cpw" => $cpw, "seekpos" => $seekpos))->toList();

    if(array_key_exists("status", $download) && $download["status"] != 0x00)
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception($download["msg"], $download["status"]);

    $download["cid"]  = $cid;
    $download["file"] = $name;

    if(!array_key_exists("ip", $download) || $download["ip"]->startsWith(""))
      $download["ip"]   = $this->getParent()->getAdapterHost();
      $download["host"] = $download["ip"];
      $download["ip"]   = $download["ip"]->section(",");
      $download["host"] = $download["ip"];

    TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("filetransferDownloadInit", $download["ftkey"], $download);

    return $download;

   * Displays a list of running file transfers on the selected virtual server. The output contains the path to
   * which a file is uploaded to, the current transfer rate in bytes per second, etc.
   * @return array
  public function transferList()
    return $this->request("ftlist")->toAssocArray("serverftfid");

   * Stops the running file transfer with server-side ID $serverftfid.
   * @param  integer $serverftfid
   * @param  boolean $delete
   * @return void
  public function transferStop($serverftfid, $delete = FALSE)
    $this->execute("ftstop", array("serverftfid" => $serverftfid, "delete" => $delete));

   * Downloads and returns the servers icon file content.
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String
  public function iconDownload()
    if($this->iconIsLocal("virtualserver_icon_id") || $this["virtualserver_icon_id"] == 0) return;

    $download = $this->transferInitDownload(rand(0x0000, 0xFFFF), 0, $this->iconGetName("virtualserver_icon_id"));
    $transfer = TeamSpeak3::factory("filetransfer://" . (strstr($download["host"], ":") !== FALSE ? "[" . $download["host"] . "]" : $download["host"]) . ":" . $download["port"]);

    return $transfer->download($download["ftkey"], $download["size"]);

   * Uploads a given icon file content to the server and returns the ID of the icon.
   * @param  string $data
   * @return integer
  public function iconUpload($data)
    $crc   = crc32($data);
    $size = strlen($data);

    $upload   = $this->transferInitUpload(rand(0x0000, 0xFFFF), 0, "/icon_" . $crc, $size);
    $transfer = TeamSpeak3::factory("filetransfer://" . (strstr($upload["host"], ":") !== FALSE ? "[" . $upload["host"] . "]" : $upload["host"]) . ":" . $upload["port"]);

    $transfer->upload($upload["ftkey"], $upload["seekpos"], $data);

    return $crc;

   * Changes the virtual server configuration using given properties.
   * @param  array $properties
   * @return void
  public function modify(array $properties)
    $this->execute("serveredit", $properties);

   * Sends a text message to all clients on the virtual server.
   * @param  string $msg
   * @return void
  public function message($msg)
    $this->execute("sendtextmessage", array("msg" => $msg, "target" => $this->getId(), "targetmode" => TeamSpeak3::TEXTMSG_SERVER));

   * Returns a list of offline messages you've received. The output contains the senders unique identifier,
   * the messages subject, etc.
   * @return array
  public function messageList()
    return $this->request("messagelist")->toAssocArray("msgid");

   * Sends an offline message to the client specified by $cluid.
   * @param  string $cluid
   * @param  string $subject
   * @param  string $message
   * @return void
  public function messageCreate($cluid, $subject, $message)
    $this->execute("messageadd", array("cluid" => $cluid, "subject" => $subject, "message" => $message));

   * Deletes an existing offline message with ID $msgid from your inbox.
   * @param  integer $msgid
   * @return void
  public function messageDelete($msgid)
    $this->execute("messagedel", array("msgid" => $msgid));

   * Returns an existing offline message with ID $msgid from your inbox.
   * @param  integer $msgid
   * @param  boolean $flag_read
   * @return array
  public function messageRead($msgid, $flag_read = TRUE)
    $msg = $this->execute("messageget", array("msgid" => $msgid))->toList();

      $this->execute("messageget", array("msgid" => $msgid, "flag" => $flag_read));

    return $msg;

   * Creates and returns snapshot data for the selected virtual server.
   * @param  string $mode
   * @return string
  public function snapshotCreate($mode = TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_STRING)
    $snapshot = $this->request("serversnapshotcreate")->toString(FALSE);

      case TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_BASE64:
        return $snapshot->toBase64();

      case TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_HEXDEC:
        return $snapshot->toHex();

        return (string) $snapshot;

   * Deploys snapshot data on the selected virtual server. If no virtual server is selected (ID 0),
   * the data will be used to create a new virtual server from scratch.
   * @param  string $data
   * @param  string $mode
   * @return array
  public function snapshotDeploy($data, $mode = TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_STRING)
      case TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_BASE64:
        $data = TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::fromBase64($data);

      case TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_HEXDEC:
        $data = TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::fromHex($data);

        $data = TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::factory($data);

    $detail = $this->request("serversnapshotdeploy " . $data)->toList();

    if(array_key_exists("sid", $detail))
      TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("notifyServercreated", $this->getParent(), $detail["sid"]);

    return $detail;

   * Registers for a specified category of events on a virtual server to receive notification
   * messages. Depending on the notifications you've registered for, the server will send you
   * a message on every event.
   * @param  string  $event
   * @param  integer $id
   * @return void
  public function notifyRegister($event, $id = 0)
    $this->execute("servernotifyregister", array("event" => $event, "id" => $id));

   * Unregisters all events previously registered with servernotifyregister so you will no
   * longer receive notification messages.
   * @return void
  public function notifyUnregister()

   * Alias for privilegeKeyList().
   * @deprecated
  public function tokenList($translate = FALSE)
    return $this->privilegeKeyList();

   * Returns a list of privilege keys (tokens) available. If $resolve is set to TRUE the values
   * of token_id1 and token_id2 will be translated into the appropriate group and/or channel
   * names.
   * @param  boolean $resolve
   * @return array
  public function privilegeKeyList($resolve = FALSE)
    $tokens = $this->request("privilegekeylist")->toAssocArray("token");

      foreach($tokens as $token => $array)
        $func = $array["token_type"] ? "channelGroupGetById" : "serverGroupGetById";

          $tokens[$token]["token_id1"] = $this->$func($array["token_id1"])->name;
        catch(Exception $e)
          /* ERROR_channel_invalid_id */
          if($e->getCode() != 0xA00) throw $e;

          if($array["token_type"]) $tokens[$token]["token_id2"] = $this->channelGetById($array["token_id2"])->getPathway();
        catch(Exception $e)
          /* ERROR_permission_invalid_group_id */
          if($e->getCode() != 0x300) throw $e;

    return $tokens;

   * Alias for privilegeKeyCreate().
   * @deprecated
  public function tokenCreate($type = TeamSpeak3::TOKEN_SERVERGROUP, $id1, $id2 = 0, $description = null, $customset = null)
    return $this->privilegeKeyCreate($type, $id1, $id2, $description, $customset);

   * Creates a new privilege key (token) and returns the key.
   * @param  integer $type
   * @param  integer $id1
   * @param  integer $id2
   * @param  string  $description
   * @param  string  $customset
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String
  public function privilegeKeyCreate($type = TeamSpeak3::TOKEN_SERVERGROUP, $id1, $id2 = 0, $description = null, $customset = null)
    $token = $this->execute("privilegekeyadd", array("tokentype" => $type, "tokenid1" => $id1, "tokenid2" => $id2, "tokendescription" => $description, "tokencustomset" => $customset))->toList();

    TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("notifyTokencreated", $this, $token["token"]);

    return $token["token"];

   * Alias for privilegeKeyDelete().
   * @deprecated
  public function tokenDelete($token)

   * Deletes a token specified by key $token.
   * @param  string $token
   * @return void
  public function privilegeKeyDelete($token)
    $this->execute("privilegekeydelete", array("token" => $token));

   * Alias for privilegeKeyUse().
   * @deprecated
  public function tokenUse($token)

   * Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. Please note that the server will
   * automatically delete the token after it has been used.
   * @param  string $token
   * @return void
  public function privilegeKeyUse($token)
    $this->execute("privilegekeyuse", array("token" => $token));

   * Returns a list of custom client properties specified by $ident.
   * @param  string $ident
   * @param  string $pattern
   * @return array
  public function customSearch($ident, $pattern = "%")
    return $this->execute("customsearch", array("ident" => $ident, "pattern" => $pattern))->toArray();

   * Returns a list of custom properties for the client specified by $cldbid.
   * @param  integer $cldbid
   * @return array
  public function customInfo($cldbid)
    return $this->execute("custominfo", array("cldbid" => $cldbid))->toArray();

   * Returns a list of active bans on the selected virtual server.
   * @return array
  public function banList()
    return $this->request("banlist")->toAssocArray("banid");

   * Deletes all active ban rules from the server.
   * @return void
  public function banListClear()

   * Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. All parameters are optional but at least one
   * of the following rules must be set: ip, name, or uid.
   * @param  array   $rules
   * @param  integer $timeseconds
   * @param  string  $reason
   * @return integer
  public function banCreate(array $rules, $timeseconds = null, $reason = null)
    $rules["time"] = $timeseconds;
    $rules["banreason"] = $reason;

    $banid = $this->execute("banadd", $rules)->toList();

    return $banid["banid"];

   * Deletes the specified ban rule from the server.
   * @param  integer $banid
   * @return void
  public function banDelete($banid)
    $this->execute("bandel", array("banid" => $banid));

   * Returns a list of complaints on the selected virtual server. If $tcldbid is specified, only
   * complaints about the targeted client will be shown.
   * @param  integer $tcldbid
   * @return array
  public function complaintList($tcldbid = null)
    return $this->execute("complainlist", array("tcldbid" => $tcldbid))->toArray();

   * Deletes all active complaints about the client with database ID $tcldbid from the server.
   * @param  integer $tcldbid
   * @return void
  public function complaintListClear($tcldbid)
    $this->execute("complaindelall", array("tcldbid" => $tcldbid));

   * Submits a complaint about the client with database ID $tcldbid to the server.
   * @param  integer $tcldbid
   * @param  string  $message
   * @return void
  public function complaintCreate($tcldbid, $message)
    $this->execute("complainadd", array("tcldbid" => $tcldbid, "message" => $message));

   * Deletes the complaint about the client with ID $tcldbid submitted by the client with ID $fcldbid from the server.
   * @param  integer $tcldbid
   * @param  integer $fcldbid
   * @return void
  public function complaintDelete($tcldbid, $fcldbid)
    $this->execute("complaindel", array("tcldbid" => $tcldbid, "fcldbid" => $fcldbid));
   * Returns a list of temporary server passwords.
   * @param  boolean $resolve
   * @return array
  public function tempPasswordList($resolve = FALSE)
    $passwords = $this->request("servertemppasswordlist")->toAssocArray("pw_clear");
      foreach($passwords as $password => $array)
          $channel = $this->channelGetById($array["tcid"]);
          $passwords[$password]["tcname"] = $channel->toString();
          $passwords[$password]["tcpath"] = $channel->getPathway();
        catch(Exception $e)
          /* ERROR_channel_invalid_id */
          if($e->getCode() != 0xA00) throw $e;
    return $passwords;
   * Sets a new temporary server password specified with $pw. The temporary password will be 
   * valid for the number of seconds specified with $duration. The client connecting with this 
   * password will automatically join the channel specified with $tcid. If tcid is set to 0, 
   * the client will join the default channel.
   * @param  string  $pw
   * @param  integer $duration
   * @param  integer $tcid
   * @param  string  $tcpw
   * @param  string  $desc
   * @return void
  public function tempPasswordCreate($pw, $duration, $tcid = 0, $tcpw = "", $desc = "")
    $this->execute("servertemppasswordadd", array("pw" => $pw, "duration" => $duration, "tcid" => $tcid, "tcpw" => $tcpw, "desc" => $desc));
   * Deletes the temporary server password specified with $pw.
   * @param  string $pw
   * @return void
  public function tempPasswordDelete($pw)
    $this->execute("servertemppassworddel", array("pw" => $pw));

   * Displays a specified number of entries (1-100) from the servers log.
   * @param  integer $lines
   * @param  integer $begin_pos
   * @param  boolean $reverse
   * @param  boolean $instance
   * @return array
  public function logView($lines = 30, $begin_pos = null, $reverse = null, $instance = null)
    return $this->execute("logview", array("lines" => $lines, "begin_pos" => $begin_pos, "instance" => $instance, "reverse" => $reverse))->toArray();

   * Writes a custom entry into the virtual server log.
   * @param  string  $logmsg
   * @param  integer $loglevel
   * @return void
  public function logAdd($logmsg, $loglevel = TeamSpeak3::LOGLEVEL_INFO)
    $this->execute("logadd", array("logmsg" => $logmsg, "loglevel" => $loglevel));

   * Returns detailed connection information of the virtual server.
   * @return array
  public function connectionInfo()
    return $this->request("serverrequestconnectioninfo")->toList();

   * Deletes the virtual server.
   * @return void
  public function delete()

   * Starts the virtual server.
   * @return void
  public function start()

   * Stops the virtual server.
   * @return void
  public function stop()
   * Sends a plugin command to all clients connected to the server.
   * @param  string $plugin
   * @param  string $data
   * @return void
  public function sendPluginCmd($plugin, $data)
    $this->execute("plugincmd", array("name" => $plugin, "data" => $data, "targetmode" => TeamSpeak3::PLUGINCMD_SERVER));

   * Changes the properties of your own client connection.
   * @param  array $properties
   * @return void
  public function selfUpdate(array $properties)
    $this->execute("clientupdate", $properties);

    foreach($properties as $ident => $value)
      $this->whoamiSet($ident, $value);

   * Updates your own ServerQuery login credentials using a specified username. The password
   * will be auto-generated.
   * @param  string $username
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String
  public function selfUpdateLogin($username)
    $password = $this->execute("clientsetserverquerylogin", array("client_login_name" => $username))->toList();

    return $password["client_login_password"];

   * Returns an array containing the permission overview of your own client.
   * @return array
  public function selfPermOverview()
    return $this->execute("permoverview", array("cldbid" => $this->whoamiGet("client_database_id"), "cid" => $this->whoamiGet("client_channel_id"), "permid" => 0))->toArray();

   * @ignore
  protected function fetchNodeList()
    $this->nodeList = array();

    foreach($this->channelList() as $channel)
      if($channel["pid"] == 0)
        $this->nodeList[] = $channel;

   * @ignore
  protected function fetchNodeInfo()
    $this->nodeInfo = array_merge($this->nodeInfo, $this->request("serverinfo")->toList());

   * Internal callback funtion for sorting of client objects.
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Client $a
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Client $b
   * @return integer
  protected static function sortClientList(TeamSpeak3_Node_Client $a, TeamSpeak3_Node_Client $b)
    if(get_class($a) != get_class($b))
      return 0;

      /* workaround for PHP bug #50688 */
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid parameter", 0x602);

    if(!$a instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Client)
      return 0;

      /* workaround for PHP bug #50688 */
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("convert error", 0x604);

    if($a->getProperty("client_talk_power", 0) != $b->getProperty("client_talk_power", 0))
      return ($a->getProperty("client_talk_power", 0) > $b->getProperty("client_talk_power", 0)) ? -1 : 1;

    if($a->getProperty("client_is_talker", 0) != $b->getProperty("client_is_talker", 0))
      return ($a->getProperty("client_is_talker", 0) > $b->getProperty("client_is_talker", 0)) ? -1 : 1;

    return strcmp(strtolower($a["client_nickname"]), strtolower($b["client_nickname"]));

   * Internal callback funtion for sorting of group objects.
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract $a
   * @param  TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract $b
   * @return integer
  protected static function sortGroupList(TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract $a, TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract $b)
    if(get_class($a) != get_class($b))
      return 0;

      /* workaround for PHP bug #50688 */
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid parameter", 0x602);

    if(!$a instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup && !$a instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup)
      return 0;

      /* workaround for PHP bug #50688 */
      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("convert error", 0x604);

    if($a->getProperty("sortid", 0) != $b->getProperty("sortid", 0) && $a->getProperty("sortid", 0) != 0 && $b->getProperty("sortid", 0) != 0)
      return ($a->getProperty("sortid", 0) < $b->getProperty("sortid", 0)) ? -1 : 1;

    return ($a->getId() < $b->getId()) ? -1 : 1;

   * Internal callback funtion for sorting of file list items.
   * @param  array $a
   * @param  array $b
   * @return integer
  protected static function sortFileList(array $a, array $b)
    if(!array_key_exists("src", $a) || !array_key_exists("src", $b) || !array_key_exists("type", $a) || !array_key_exists("type", $b))
      return 0;

      throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid parameter", 0x602);
    if($a["type"] != $b["type"])
      return ($a["type"] < $b["type"]) ? -1 : 1;

    return strcmp(strtolower($a["src"]), strtolower($b["src"]));

   * Returns TRUE if the virtual server is online.
   * @return boolean
  public function isOnline()
    return ($this["virtualserver_status"] == "online") ? TRUE : FALSE;

   * Returns TRUE if the virtual server is offline.
   * @return boolean
  public function isOffline()
    return ($this["virtualserver_status"] == "offline") ? TRUE : FALSE;

   * Returns a unique identifier for the node which can be used as a HTML property.
   * @return string
  public function getUniqueId()
    return $this->getParent()->getUniqueId() . "_s" . $this->getId();

   * Returns the name of a possible icon to display the node object.
   * @return string
  public function getIcon()
    if($this["virtualserver_clientsonline"]-$this["virtualserver_queryclientsonline"] >= $this["virtualserver_maxclients"])
      return "server_full";
      return "server_pass";
      return "server_open";

   * Returns a symbol representing the node.
   * @return string
  public function getSymbol()
    return "$";

   * Returns a string representation of this node.
   * @return string
  public function __toString()
    return (string) $this["virtualserver_name"];