
 * @file
 * TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework
 * $Id: TeamSpeak3.php 06/06/2016 22:27:13 scp@Svens-iMac $
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @package   TeamSpeak3
 * @version   1.1.24
 * @author    Sven 'ScP' Paulsen
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 by Planet TeamSpeak. All rights reserved.

 * @class TeamSpeak3
 * @brief Factory class all for TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework objects.
class TeamSpeak3
   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol welcome message.
  const READY = "TS3";

   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol greeting message prefix.
  const GREET = "Welcome";

   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol error message prefix.
  const ERROR = "error";

   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol event message prefix.
  const EVENT = "notify";

   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol server connection handler ID prefix.
  const SCHID = "selected";

   * TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework version.
  const LIB_VERSION = "1.1.24";

   * TeamSpeak 3 protocol separators.
  const SEPARATOR_LINE = "\n"; //!< protocol line separator
  const SEPARATOR_LIST = "|";  //!< protocol list separator
  const SEPARATOR_CELL = " ";  //!< protocol cell separator
  const SEPARATOR_PAIR = "=";  //!< protocol pair separator

   * TeamSpeak 3 log levels.
  const LOGLEVEL_CRITICAL = 0x00; //!< 0: these messages stop the program
  const LOGLEVEL_ERROR    = 0x01; //!< 1: everything that is really bad
  const LOGLEVEL_WARNING  = 0x02; //!< 2: everything that might be bad
  const LOGLEVEL_DEBUG    = 0x03; //!< 3: output that might help find a problem
  const LOGLEVEL_INFO     = 0x04; //!< 4: informational output
  const LOGLEVEL_DEVEL    = 0x05; //!< 5: development output

   * TeamSpeak 3 token types.
  const TOKEN_SERVERGROUP  = 0x00; //!< 0: server group token  (id1={groupID} id2=0)
  const TOKEN_CHANNELGROUP = 0x01; //!< 1: channel group token (id1={groupID} id2={channelID})

   * TeamSpeak 3 codec identifiers.
  const CODEC_SPEEX_NARROWBAND    = 0x00; //!< 0: speex narrowband     (mono, 16bit, 8kHz)
  const CODEC_SPEEX_WIDEBAND      = 0x01; //!< 1: speex wideband       (mono, 16bit, 16kHz)
  const CODEC_SPEEX_ULTRAWIDEBAND = 0x02; //!< 2: speex ultra-wideband (mono, 16bit, 32kHz)
  const CODEC_CELT_MONO           = 0x03; //!< 3: celt mono            (mono, 16bit, 48kHz)
  const CODEC_OPUS_VOICE          = 0x04; //!< 3: opus voice           (interactive)
  const CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC          = 0x05; //!< 3: opus music           (interactive)

   * TeamSpeak 3 codec encryption modes.
  const CODEC_CRYPT_INDIVIDUAL = 0x00; //!< 0: configure per channel
  const CODEC_CRYPT_DISABLED   = 0x01; //!< 1: globally disabled
  const CODEC_CRYPT_ENABLED    = 0x02; //!< 2: globally enabled

   * TeamSpeak 3 kick reason types.
  const KICK_CHANNEL = 0x04; //!< 4: kick client from channel
  const KICK_SERVER  = 0x05; //!< 5: kick client from server

   * TeamSpeak 3 text message target modes.
  const TEXTMSG_CLIENT  = 0x01; //!< 1: target is a client
  const TEXTMSG_CHANNEL = 0x02; //!< 2: target is a channel
  const TEXTMSG_SERVER  = 0x03; //!< 3: target is a virtual server
   * TeamSpeak 3 plugin command target modes.
  const PLUGINCMD_CHANNEL            = 0x01; //!< 1: send plugincmd to all clients in current channel
  const PLUGINCMD_SERVER             = 0x02; //!< 2: send plugincmd to all clients on server
  const PLUGINCMD_CLIENT             = 0x03; //!< 3: send plugincmd to all given client ids
  const PLUGINCMD_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBED = 0x04; //!< 4: send plugincmd to all subscribed clients in current channel

   * TeamSpeak 3 host message modes.
  const HOSTMSG_NONE      = 0x00; //!< 0: display no message
  const HOSTMSG_LOG       = 0x01; //!< 1: display message in chatlog
  const HOSTMSG_MODAL     = 0x02; //!< 2: display message in modal dialog
  const HOSTMSG_MODALQUIT = 0x03; //!< 3: display message in modal dialog and close connection

   * TeamSpeak 3 host banner modes.
  const HOSTBANNER_NO_ADJUST     = 0x00; //!< 0: do not adjust
  const HOSTBANNER_IGNORE_ASPECT = 0x01; //!< 1: adjust but ignore aspect ratio
  const HOSTBANNER_KEEP_ASPECT   = 0x02; //!< 2: adjust and keep aspect ratio

   * TeamSpeak 3 client identification types.
  const CLIENT_TYPE_REGULAR     = 0x00; //!< 0: regular client
  const CLIENT_TYPE_SERVERQUERY = 0x01; //!< 1: query client

   * TeamSpeak 3 permission group database types.
  const GROUP_DBTYPE_TEMPLATE    = 0x00; //!< 0: template group     (used for new virtual servers)
  const GROUP_DBTYPE_REGULAR     = 0x01; //!< 1: regular group      (used for regular clients)
  const GROUP_DBTYPE_SERVERQUERY = 0x02; //!< 2: global query group (used for ServerQuery clients)

   * TeamSpeak 3 permission group name modes.
  const GROUP_NAMEMODE_HIDDEN = 0x00; //!< 0: display no name
  const GROUP_NAMEMODE_BEFORE = 0x01; //!< 1: display name before client nickname
  const GROUP_NAMEMODE_BEHIND = 0x02; //!< 2: display name after client nickname

   * TeamSpeak 3 permission group identification types.
  const GROUP_IDENTIFIY_STRONGEST = 0x01; //!< 1: identify most powerful group
  const GROUP_IDENTIFIY_WEAKEST   = 0x02; //!< 2: identify weakest group

   * TeamSpeak 3 permission types.
  const PERM_TYPE_SERVERGROUP   = 0x00; //!< 0: server group permission
  const PERM_TYPE_CLIENT        = 0x01; //!< 1: client specific permission
  const PERM_TYPE_CHANNEL       = 0x02; //!< 2: channel specific permission
  const PERM_TYPE_CHANNELGROUP  = 0x03; //!< 3: channel group permission
  const PERM_TYPE_CHANNELCLIENT = 0x04; //!< 4: channel-client specific permission

   * TeamSpeak 3 permission categories.
  const PERM_CAT_GLOBAL              = 0x10; //!< 00010000: global permissions
  const PERM_CAT_GLOBAL_INFORMATION  = 0x11; //!< 00010001: global permissions -> global information
  const PERM_CAT_GLOBAL_SERVER_MGMT  = 0x12; //!< 00010010: global permissions -> virtual server management
  const PERM_CAT_GLOBAL_ADM_ACTIONS  = 0x13; //!< 00010011: global permissions -> global administrative actions
  const PERM_CAT_GLOBAL_SETTINGS     = 0x14; //!< 00010100: global permissions -> global settings
  const PERM_CAT_SERVER              = 0x20; //!< 00100000: virtual server permissions
  const PERM_CAT_SERVER_INFORMATION  = 0x21; //!< 00100001: virtual server permissions -> virtual server information
  const PERM_CAT_SERVER_ADM_ACTIONS  = 0x22; //!< 00100010: virtual server permissions -> virtual server administrative actions
  const PERM_CAT_SERVER_SETTINGS     = 0x23; //!< 00100011: virtual server permissions -> virtual server settings
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL             = 0x30; //!< 00110000: channel permissions
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL_INFORMATION = 0x31; //!< 00110001: channel permissions -> channel information
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL_CREATE      = 0x32; //!< 00110010: channel permissions -> create channels
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL_MODIFY      = 0x33; //!< 00110011: channel permissions -> edit channels
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL_DELETE      = 0x34; //!< 00110100: channel permissions -> delete channels
  const PERM_CAT_CHANNEL_ACCESS      = 0x35; //!< 00110101: channel permissions -> access channels
  const PERM_CAT_GROUP               = 0x40; //!< 01000000: group permissions
  const PERM_CAT_GROUP_INFORMATION   = 0x41; //!< 01000001: group permissions -> group information
  const PERM_CAT_GROUP_CREATE        = 0x42; //!< 01000010: group permissions -> create groups
  const PERM_CAT_GROUP_MODIFY        = 0x43; //!< 01000011: group permissions -> edit groups
  const PERM_CAT_GROUP_DELETE        = 0x44; //!< 01000100: group permissions -> delete groups
  const PERM_CAT_CLIENT              = 0x50; //!< 01010000: client permissions
  const PERM_CAT_CLIENT_INFORMATION  = 0x51; //!< 01010001: client permissions -> client information
  const PERM_CAT_CLIENT_ADM_ACTIONS  = 0x52; //!< 01010010: client permissions -> client administrative actions
  const PERM_CAT_CLIENT_BASICS       = 0x53; //!< 01010011: client permissions -> client basic communication
  const PERM_CAT_CLIENT_MODIFY       = 0x54; //!< 01010100: client permissions -> edit clients
  const PERM_CAT_FILETRANSFER        = 0x60; //!< 01100000: file transfer permissions
  const PERM_CAT_NEEDED_MODIFY_POWER = 0xFF; //!< 11111111: needed permission modify power (grant) permissions

   * TeamSpeak 3 file types.
  const FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 0x00; //!< 0: file is directory
  const FILE_TYPE_REGULAR   = 0x01; //!< 1: file is regular

   * TeamSpeak 3 server snapshot types.
  const SNAPSHOT_STRING = 0x00; //!< 0: default string
  const SNAPSHOT_BASE64 = 0x01; //!< 1: base64 string
  const SNAPSHOT_HEXDEC = 0x02; //!< 2: hexadecimal string

   * TeamSpeak 3 channel spacer types.
  const SPACER_SOLIDLINE      = 0x00; //!< 0: solid line
  const SPACER_DASHLINE       = 0x01; //!< 1: dash line
  const SPACER_DOTLINE        = 0x02; //!< 2: dot line
  const SPACER_DASHDOTLINE    = 0x03; //!< 3: dash dot line
  const SPACER_DASHDOTDOTLINE = 0x04; //!< 4: dash dot dot line
  const SPACER_CUSTOM         = 0x05; //!< 5: custom format

   * TeamSpeak 3 channel spacer alignments.
  const SPACER_ALIGN_LEFT   = 0x00; //!< 0: alignment left
  const SPACER_ALIGN_RIGHT  = 0x01; //!< 1: alignment right
  const SPACER_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x02; //!< 2: alignment center
  const SPACER_ALIGN_REPEAT = 0x03; //!< 3: repeat until the whole line is filled

   * TeamSpeak 3 reason identifiers.
  const REASON_NONE                = 0x00; //!<  0: no reason
  const REASON_MOVE                = 0x01; //!<  1: channel switched or moved
  const REASON_SUBSCRIPTION        = 0x02; //!<  2: subscription added or removed
  const REASON_TIMEOUT             = 0x03; //!<  3: client connection timed out
  const REASON_CHANNEL_KICK        = 0x04; //!<  4: client kicked from channel
  const REASON_SERVER_KICK         = 0x05; //!<  5: client kicked from server
  const REASON_SERVER_BAN          = 0x06; //!<  6: client banned from server
  const REASON_SERVER_STOP         = 0x07; //!<  7: server stopped
  const REASON_DISCONNECT          = 0x08; //!<  8: client disconnected
  const REASON_CHANNEL_UPDATE      = 0x09; //!<  9: channel information updated
  const REASON_CHANNEL_EDIT        = 0x0A; //!< 10: channel information edited
  const REASON_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN = 0x0B; //!< 11: client disconnected on server shutdown

   * Stores an array containing various chars which need to be escaped while communicating
   * with a TeamSpeak 3 Server.
   * @var array
  protected static $escape_patterns = array(
    "\\" => "\\\\", // backslash
    "/"  => "\\/",  // slash
    " "  => "\\s",  // whitespace
    "|"  => "\\p",  // pipe
    ";"  => "\\;",  // semicolon
    "\a" => "\\a",  // bell
    "\b" => "\\b",  // backspace
    "\f" => "\\f",  // formfeed
    "\n" => "\\n",  // newline
    "\r" => "\\r",  // carriage return
    "\t" => "\\t",  // horizontal tab
    "\v" => "\\v"   // vertical tab

   * Factory for TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Abstract classes. $uri must be formatted as
   * "<adapter>://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port>/<options>#<flags>". All parameters
   * except adapter, host and port are optional.
   * === Supported Options ===
   *   - timeout
   *   - blocking
   *   - nickname
   *   - no_query_clients
   *   - use_offline_as_virtual
   *   - clients_before_channels
   *   - server_id|server_uid|server_port|server_name|server_tsdns
   *   - channel_id|channel_name
   *   - client_id|client_uid|client_name
   * === Supported Flags (only one per $uri) ===
   *   - no_query_clients
   *   - use_offline_as_virtual
   *   - clients_before_channels
   * === URI Examples ===
   *   - serverquery://
   *   - serverquery://
   *   - serverquery://
   *   - serverquery://
   *   - filetransfer://
   *   - blacklist
   *   - update
   * @param  string $uri
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Abstract
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Host
   * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Server
  public static function factory($uri)

    $uri = new TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri($uri);

    $adapter = self::getAdapterName($uri->getScheme());
    $options = array("host" => $uri->getHost(), "port" => $uri->getPort(), "timeout" => (int) $uri->getQueryVar("timeout", 10), "blocking" => (int) $uri->getQueryVar("blocking", 1));


    $object = new $adapter($options);

    if($object instanceof TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery)
      $node = $object->getHost();

      if($uri->hasUser() && $uri->hasPass())
        $node->login($uri->getUser(), $uri->getPass());


      if($uri->getFragment() == "use_offline_as_virtual")
        $node->setUseOfflineAsVirtual($uri->getQueryVar("use_offline_as_virtual") ? TRUE : FALSE);

      if($uri->getFragment() == "clients_before_channels")
        $node->setLoadClientlistFirst($uri->getQueryVar("clients_before_channels") ? TRUE : FALSE);

      if($uri->getFragment() == "no_query_clients")
        $node->setExcludeQueryClients($uri->getQueryVar("no_query_clients") ? TRUE : FALSE);

        $node = $node->serverGetById($uri->getQueryVar("server_id"));
        $node = $node->serverGetByUid($uri->getQueryVar("server_uid"));
        $node = $node->serverGetByPort($uri->getQueryVar("server_port"));
        $node = $node->serverGetByName($uri->getQueryVar("server_name"));
        $node = $node->serverGetByTSDNS($uri->getQueryVar("server_tsdns"));

      if($node instanceof TeamSpeak3_Node_Server)
          $node = $node->channelGetById($uri->getQueryVar("channel_id"));
          $node = $node->channelGetByName($uri->getQueryVar("channel_name"));

          $node = $node->clientGetById($uri->getQueryVar("client_id"));
          $node = $node->clientGetByUid($uri->getQueryVar("client_uid"));
          $node = $node->clientGetByName($uri->getQueryVar("client_name"));

      return $node;

    return $object;

   * Loads a class from a PHP file. The filename must be formatted as "$class.php".
   * include() is not prefixed with the @ operator because if the file is loaded and
   * contains a parse error, execution will halt silently and this is difficult to debug.
   * @param  string $class
   * @throws LogicException
   * @return boolean
  protected static function loadClass($class)
    if(class_exists($class, FALSE) || interface_exists($class, FALSE))

    if(preg_match("/[^a-z0-9\\/\\\\_.-]/i", $class))
      throw new LogicException("illegal characters in classname '" . $class . "'");

    $file = self::getFilePath($class) . ".php";

    if(!file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file))
      throw new LogicException("file '" . $file . "' does not exist or is not readable");

    if(class_exists($class, FALSE) || interface_exists($class, FALSE))
      throw new LogicException("class '" . $class . "' does not exist");

    return include_once($file);

   * Generates a possible file path for $name.
   * @param  string $name
   * @return string
  protected static function getFilePath($name)
    $path = str_replace("_", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $name);
    $path = str_replace(__CLASS__, dirname(__FILE__), $path);

    return $path;

   * Returns the name of an adapter class by $name.
   * @param  string $name
   * @param  string $namespace
   * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Exception
   * @return string
  protected static function getAdapterName($name, $namespace = "TeamSpeak3_Adapter_")
    $path = self::getFilePath($namespace);
    $scan = scandir($path);

    foreach($scan as $node)
      $file = TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::factory($node)->toLower();

      if($file->startsWith($name) && $file->endsWith(".php"))
        return $namespace . str_replace(".php", "", $node);

    throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Exception("adapter '" . $name . "' does not exist");

   * spl_autoload() suitable implementation for supporting class autoloading.
   * @param  string $class
   * @return boolean
  public static function autoload($class)
    if(substr($class, 0, strlen(__CLASS__)) != __CLASS__) return;


      return TRUE;
    catch(Exception $e)
      return FALSE;

   * Checks for required PHP features, enables autoloading and starts a default profiler.
   * @throws LogicException
   * @return void
  public static function init()
    if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.1") == -1)
      throw new LogicException("this particular software cannot be used with the installed version of PHP");

      throw new LogicException("network functions are not available in this PHP installation");

      throw new LogicException("autoload functions are not available in this PHP installation");

      spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, "autoload"));


   * Returns an assoc array containing all escape patterns available on a TeamSpeak 3
   * Server.
   * @return array
  public static function getEscapePatterns()
    return self::$escape_patterns;

   * Debug helper function. This is a wrapper for var_dump() that adds the pre-format tags,
   * cleans up newlines and indents, and runs htmlentities() before output.
   * @param  mixed  $var
   * @param  bool   $echo
   * @return string
  public static function dump($var, $echo = TRUE)

    $output = preg_replace("/\]\=\>\n(\s+)/m", "] => ", ob_get_clean());

    if(PHP_SAPI == "cli")
      $output = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $output . PHP_EOL;
      $output = "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . "</pre>";

    if($echo) echo($output);

    return $output;

 * \mainpage API Documentation
 * \section welcome_sec Introduction
 * \subsection welcome1 What is the TS3 PHP Framework?
 * Initially released in January 2010, the TS3 PHP Framework is a powerful, open source, object-oriented framework
 * implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the GNU General Public License. It's based on simplicity and a rigorously
 * tested agile codebase. Extend the functionality of your servers with scripts or create powerful web applications
 * to manage all features of your TeamSpeak 3 Server instances.
 * Tested. Thoroughly. Enterprise-ready and built with agile methods, the TS3 PHP Framework has been unit-tested from
 * the start to ensure that all code remains stable and easy for you to extend, re-test with your extensions, and
 * further maintain.
 * \subsection welcome2 Why should I use the TS3 PHP Framework rather than other PHP libraries?
 * The TS3 PHP Framework is a is a modern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to communicate
 * with the TeamSpeak 3 Server.
 * There are lots of arguments for the TS3 PHP Framework in comparison with other PHP based libraries. It is the most
 * dynamic and feature-rich piece of software in its class. In addition, it's always up-to-date and 100% compatible to 
 * almost any TeamSpeak 3 Server version available.
 * \section sysreqs_sec Requirements
 * The TS3 PHP Framework currently supports PHP 5.2.1 or later, but we strongly recommend the most current release of
 * PHP for critical security and performance enhancements. If you want to create a web application using the TS3 PHP
 * Framework, you need a PHP 5 interpreter with a web server configured to handle PHP scripts correctly.
 * Note that the majority of TS3 PHP Framework development and deployment is done on nginx, so there is more community
 * experience and testing performed on nginx than on other web servers.
 * \section feature_sec Features
 * Features of the TS3 PHP Framework include:
 *   - Fully object-oriented PHP 5 and E_STRICT compliant components
 *   - Access to all TeamSpeak 3 Server features via ServerQuery
 *   - Integrated full featured and customizable TSViewer interfaces
 *   - Full support for file transfers to up- and /or download custom icons and other stuff
 *   - Powerful error handling capablities using exceptions and customizable error messages
 *   - Query mechanisms for several official services such as the blacklist and auto-update servers
 *   - Dynamic signal slots for event based scripting
 *   - ...
 * \section example_sec Usage Examples
 * \subsection example1 1. Kick a single Client from a Virtual Server
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // kick the client with ID 123 from the server
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->clientKick(123, TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
 *   // spawn an object for the client by unique identifier and do the kick
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByUid("FPMPSC6MXqXq751dX7BKV0JniSo=")->kick(TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
 *   // spawn an object for the client by current nickname and do the kick
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByName("ScP")->kick(TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example2 2. Kick all Clients from a Virtual Server
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // query clientlist from virtual server
 *   $arr_ClientList = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientList();
 *   // kick all clients online with a single command
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->clientKick($arr_ClientList, TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example3 3. Print the Nicknames of connected Android Clients
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // query clientlist from virtual server and filter by platform
 *   $arr_ClientList = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientList(array("client_platform" => "Android"));
 *   // walk through list of clients
 *   foreach($arr_ClientList as $ts3_Client)
 *   {
 *     echo $ts3_Client . " is using " . $ts3_Client["client_platform"] . "<br />\n";
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example4 4. Modify the Settings of each Virtual Server
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
 *   $ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // walk through list of virtual servers
 *   foreach($ts3_ServerInstance as $ts3_VirtualServer)
 *   {
 *     // modify the virtual servers hostbanner URL only using the ArrayAccess interface
 *     $ts3_VirtualServer["virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url"] = "http://www.example.com/banners/banner01_468x60.jpg";
 *     // modify the virtual servers hostbanner URL only using property overloading
 *     $ts3_VirtualServer->virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url = "http://www.example.com/banners/banner01_468x60.jpg";
 *     // modify multiple virtual server properties at once
 *     $ts3_VirtualServer->modify(array(
 *       "virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip" => "My Company",
 *       "virtualserver_hostbutton_url"     => "http://www.example.com",
 *       "virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url" => "http://www.example.com/buttons/button01_24x24.jpg",
 *     ));
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example5 5. Create a Privilege Key for a Server Group
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // spawn an object for the group using a specified name
 *   $arr_ServerGroup = $ts3_VirtualServer->serverGroupGetByName("Admins");
 *   // create the privilege key
 *   $ts3_PrivilegeKey = $arr_ServerGroup->privilegeKeyCreate();
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example6 6. Modify the Permissions of Admins on each Virtual Server
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
 *   $ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // walk through list of virtual servers
 *   foreach($ts3_ServerInstance as $ts3_VirtualServer)
 *   {
 *     // identify the most powerful group on the virtual server
 *     $ts3_ServerGroup = $ts3_VirtualServer->serverGroupIdentify();
 *     // assign a new permission
 *     $ts3_ServerGroup->permAssign("b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner", TRUE);
 *     // revoke an existing permission
 *     $ts3_ServerGroup->permRemove("b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients");
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example7 7. Create a new Virtual Server
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
 *   $ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // create a virtual server and get its ID
 *   $new_sid = $ts3_ServerInstance->serverCreate(array(
 *     "virtualserver_name"               => "My TeamSpeak 3 Server",
 *     "virtualserver_maxclients"         => 64,
 *     "virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip" => "My Company",
 *     "virtualserver_hostbutton_url"     => "http://www.example.com",
 *     "virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url" => "http://www.example.com/buttons/button01_24x24.jpg",
 *   ));
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example8 8. Create a hierarchical Channel Stucture
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // create a top-level channel and get its ID
 *   $top_cid = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelCreate(array(
 *     "channel_name"           => "My Channel",
 *     "channel_topic"          => "This is a top-level channel",
 *     "channel_codec"          => TeamSpeak3::CODEC_SPEEX_WIDEBAND,
 *     "channel_flag_permanent" => TRUE,
 *   ));
 *   // create a sub-level channel and get its ID
 *   $sub_cid = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelCreate(array(
 *     "channel_name"           => "My Sub-Channel",
 *     "channel_topic"          => "This is a sub-level channel",
 *     "channel_codec"          => TeamSpeak3::CODEC_SPEEX_NARROWBAND,
 *     "channel_flag_permanent" => TRUE,
 *     "cpid"                   => $top_cid,
 *   ));
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example9 9. Send a Text Message to outdated Clients
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // connect to default update server
 *   $ts3_UpdateServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("update");
 *   // walk through list of clients on virtual server
 *   foreach($ts3_VirtualServer->clientList() as $ts3_Client)
 *   {
 *     // skip query clients
 *     if($ts3_Client["client_type"]) continue;
 *     // send test message if client build is outdated
 *     if($ts3_Client->getRev() < $ts3_UpdateServer->getClientRev())
 *     {
 *       $ts3_Client->message("[COLOR=red]your client is [B]outdated[/B]... update to [U]" . $ts3_UpdateServer->getClientVersion() . "[/U] now![/COLOR]");
 *     }
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example10 10. Check if the Server Instance is Outdated or Blacklisted
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
 *   $ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // connect to default update server
 *   $ts3_UpdateServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("update");
 *   // send global text message if the server is outdated
 *   if($ts3_ServerInstance->version("build") < $ts3_UpdateServer->getServerRev())
 *   {
 *     $ts3_ServerInstance->message("[COLOR=red]your server is [B]outdated[/B]... update to [U]" . $ts3_UpdateServer->getServerVersion() . "[/U]  now![/COLOR]");
 *   }
 *   // connect to default blacklist server
 *   $ts3_BlacklistServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("blacklist");
 *   // send global text message if the server is blacklisted
 *   if($ts3_BlacklistServer->isBlacklisted($ts3_ServerInstance))
 *   {
 *     $ts3_ServerInstance->message("[COLOR=red]your server is [B]blacklisted[/B]... disconnect now![/COLOR]");
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example11 11. Create a simple TSViewer for your Website
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // build and display HTML treeview using custom image paths (remote icons will be embedded using data URI sheme)
 *   echo $ts3_VirtualServer->getViewer(new TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html("images/viewericons/", "images/countryflags/", "data:image"));
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example12 12. Update all outdated Audio Codecs to their Opus equivalent
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // walk through list of chanels
 *   foreach($ts3_VirtualServer->channelList() as $ts3_Channel)
 *   {
 *     if($ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] == TeamSpeak3::CODEC_CELT_MONO)
 *     {
 *       $ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] = TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC;
 *     }
 *     elseif($ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] != TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC)
 *     {
 *       $ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] = TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_VOICE;
 *     }
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example13 13. Display the Avatar of a connected User
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // spawn an object for the client using a specified nickname
 *   $ts3_Client = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByName("John Doe");
 *   // download the clients avatar file
 *   $avatar = $ts3_Client->avatarDownload();
 *   // send header and display image
 *   header("Content-Type: " . TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::imageMimeType($avatar));
 *   echo $avatar;
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example14 14. Create a Simple Bot waiting for Events
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // connect to local server in non-blocking mode, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // get notified on incoming private messages
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->notifyRegister("textprivate");
 *   // register a callback for notifyTextmessage events 
 *   TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->subscribe("notifyTextmessage", "onTextmessage");
 *   // wait for events
 *   while(1) $ts3_VirtualServer->getAdapter()->wait();
 *   // define a callback function
 *   function onTextmessage(TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Event $event, TeamSpeak3_Node_Host $host)
 *   {
 *     echo "Client " . $event["invokername"] . " sent textmessage: " . $event["msg"];
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example15 15. Handle Errors using Exceptions and Custom Error Messages
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // register custom error message (supported placeholders are: %file, %line, %code and %mesg)
 *   TeamSpeak3_Exception::registerCustomMessage(0x300, "The specified channel does not exist; server said: %mesg");
 *   try
 *   {
 *     // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *     $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *     // spawn an object for the channel using a specified name
 *     $ts3_Channel = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelGetByName("I do not exist");
 *   }
 *   catch(TeamSpeak3_Exception $e)
 *   {
 *     // print the error message returned by the server
 *     echo "Error " . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage();
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example16 16. Save Connection State in Persistent Session Variable
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // start a PHP session
 *   session_start();
 *   // connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
 *   // save connection state (including login and selected virtual server)
 *   $_SESSION["_TS3"] = serialize($ts3_VirtualServer);
 * @endcode
 * \subsection example17 17. Restore Connection State from Persistent Session Variable
 * @code
 *   // load framework files
 *   require_once("libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php");
 *   // start a PHP session
 *   session_start();
 *   // restore connection state
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer = unserialize($_SESSION["_TS3"]);
 *   // send a text message to the server
 *   $ts3_VirtualServer->message("Hello World!");
 * @endcode
 * Speed up new development and reduce maintenance costs by using the TS3 PHP Framework!