<?php /** * @file * TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework * * $Id: Client.php 06/06/2016 22:27:13 scp@Svens-iMac $ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @package TeamSpeak3 * @version 1.1.24 * @author Sven 'ScP' Paulsen * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 by Planet TeamSpeak. All rights reserved. */ /** * @class TeamSpeak3_Node_Client * @brief Class describing a TeamSpeak 3 client and all it's parameters. */ class TeamSpeak3_Node_Client extends TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract { /** * The TeamSpeak3_Node_Client constructor. * * @param TeamSpeak3_Node_Server $server * @param array $info * @param string $index * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception * @return TeamSpeak3_Node_Client */ public function __construct(TeamSpeak3_Node_Server $server, array $info, $index = "clid") { $this->parent = $server; $this->nodeInfo = $info; if(!array_key_exists($index, $this->nodeInfo)) { throw new TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception("invalid clientID", 0x200); } $this->nodeId = $this->nodeInfo[$index]; } /** * Changes the clients properties using given properties. * * @param array $properties * @return void */ public function modify(array $properties) { $properties["clid"] = $this->getId(); $this->execute("clientedit", $properties); $this->resetNodeInfo(); } /** * Changes the clients properties using given properties. * * @param array $properties * @return void */ public function modifyDb(array $properties) { $this->getParent()->clientModifyDb($this["client_database_id"], $properties); } /** * Deletes the clients properties from the database. * * @return void */ public function deleteDb() { $this->getParent()->clientDeleteDb($this["client_database_id"]); } /** * Returns a list of properties from the database for the client. * * @return array */ public function infoDb() { return $this->getParent()->clientInfoDb($this["client_database_id"]); } /** * Sends a text message to the client. * * @param string $msg * @return void */ public function message($msg) { $this->execute("sendtextmessage", array("msg" => $msg, "target" => $this->getId(), "targetmode" => TeamSpeak3::TEXTMSG_CLIENT)); } /** * Moves the client to another channel. * * @param integer $cid * @param string $cpw * @return void */ public function move($cid, $cpw = null) { $this->getParent()->clientMove($this->getId(), $cid, $cpw); } /** * Kicks the client from his currently joined channel or from the server. * * @param integer $reasonid * @param string $reasonmsg * @return void */ public function kick($reasonid = TeamSpeak3::KICK_CHANNEL, $reasonmsg = null) { $this->getParent()->clientKick($this->getId(), $reasonid, $reasonmsg); } /** * Sends a poke message to the client. * * @param string $msg * @return void */ public function poke($msg) { $this->getParent()->clientPoke($this->getId(), $msg); } /** * Bans the client from the server. Please note that this will create two separate * ban rules for the targeted clients IP address and his unique identifier. * * @param integer $timeseconds * @param string $reason * @return array */ public function ban($timeseconds = null, $reason = null) { return $this->getParent()->clientBan($this->getId(), $timeseconds, $reason); } /** * Returns a list of custom properties for the client. * * @return array */ public function customInfo() { return $this->getParent()->customInfo($this["client_database_id"]); } /** * Returns an array containing the permission overview of the client. * * @param integer $cid * @return array */ public function permOverview($cid) { return $this->execute("permoverview", array("cldbid" => $this["client_database_id"], "cid" => $cid, "permid" => 0))->toArray(); } /** * Returns a list of permissions defined for the client. * * @param boolean $permsid * @return array */ public function permList($permsid = FALSE) { return $this->getParent()->clientPermList($this["client_database_id"], $permsid); } /** * Adds a set of specified permissions to the client. Multiple permissions can be added by providing * the three parameters of each permission. * * @param integer $permid * @param integer $permvalue * @param integer $permskip * @return void */ public function permAssign($permid, $permvalue, $permskip = FALSE) { $this->getParent()->clientPermAssign($this["client_database_id"], $permid, $permvalue, $permskip); } /** * Alias for permAssign(). * * @deprecated */ public function permAssignByName($permname, $permvalue, $permskip = FALSE) { $this->permAssign($permname, $permvalue, $permskip); } /** * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. * * @param integer $permid * @return void */ public function permRemove($permid) { $this->getParent()->clientPermRemove($this["client_database_id"], $permid); } /** * Alias for permRemove(). * * @deprecated */ public function permRemoveByName($permname) { $this->permRemove($permname); } /** * Sets the channel group of a client to the ID specified. * * @param integer $cid * @param integer $cgid * @return void */ public function setChannelGroup($cid, $cgid) { $this->getParent()->clientSetChannelGroup($this["client_database_id"], $cid, $cgid); } /** * Adds the client to the server group specified with $sgid. * * @param integer $sgid * @return void */ public function addServerGroup($sgid) { $this->getParent()->serverGroupClientAdd($sgid, $this["client_database_id"]); } /** * Removes the client from the server group specified with $sgid. * * @param integer $sgid * @return void */ public function remServerGroup($sgid) { $this->getParent()->serverGroupClientDel($sgid, $this["client_database_id"]); } /** * Returns the possible name of the clients avatar. * * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String */ public function avatarGetName() { return new TeamSpeak3_Helper_String("/avatar_" . $this["client_base64HashClientUID"]); } /** * Downloads and returns the clients avatar file content. * * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String */ public function avatarDownload() { if($this["client_flag_avatar"] == NULL) return; $download = $this->getParent()->transferInitDownload(rand(0x0000, 0xFFFF), 0, $this->avatarGetName()); $transfer = TeamSpeak3::factory("filetransfer://" . (strstr($download["host"], ":") !== FALSE ? "[" . $download["host"] . "]" : $download["host"]) . ":" . $download["port"]); return $transfer->download($download["ftkey"], $download["size"]); } /** * Returns a list of client connections using the same identity as this client. * * @return array */ public function getClones() { return $this->execute("clientgetids", array("cluid" => $this["client_unique_identifier"]))->toAssocArray("clid"); } /** * Returns the revision/build number from the clients version string. * * @return integer */ public function getRev() { return $this["client_type"] ? null : $this["client_version"]->section("[", 1)->filterDigits(); } /** * Returns all server and channel groups the client is currently residing in. * * @return array */ public function memberOf() { $groups = array($this->getParent()->channelGroupGetById($this["client_channel_group_id"])); foreach(explode(",", $this["client_servergroups"]) as $sgid) { $groups[] = $this->getParent()->serverGroupGetById($sgid); } return $groups; } /** * Downloads and returns the clients icon file content. * * @return TeamSpeak3_Helper_String */ public function iconDownload() { if($this->iconIsLocal("client_icon_id") || $this["client_icon_id"] == 0) return; $download = $this->getParent()->transferInitDownload(rand(0x0000, 0xFFFF), 0, $this->iconGetName("client_icon_id")); $transfer = TeamSpeak3::factory("filetransfer://" . (strstr($download["host"], ":") !== FALSE ? "[" . $download["host"] . "]" : $download["host"]) . ":" . $download["port"]); return $transfer->download($download["ftkey"], $download["size"]); } /** * Sends a plugin command to the client. * * @param string $plugin * @param string $data * @return void */ public function sendPluginCmd($plugin, $data) { $this->execute("plugincmd", array("name" => $plugin, "data" => $data, "targetmode" => TeamSpeak3::PLUGINCMD_CLIENT, "target" => $this->getId())); } /** * @ignore */ protected function fetchNodeInfo() { if($this->offsetExists("client_type") && $this["client_type"] == 1) return; $this->nodeInfo = array_merge($this->nodeInfo, $this->execute("clientinfo", array("clid" => $this->getId()))->toList()); } /** * Returns a unique identifier for the node which can be used as a HTML property. * * @return string */ public function getUniqueId() { return $this->getParent()->getUniqueId() . "_cl" . $this->getId(); } /** * Returns the name of a possible icon to display the node object. * * @return string */ public function getIcon() { if($this["client_type"]) { return "client_query"; } elseif($this["client_away"]) { return "client_away"; } elseif(!$this["client_output_hardware"]) { return "client_snd_disabled"; } elseif($this["client_output_muted"]) { return "client_snd_muted"; } elseif(!$this["client_input_hardware"]) { return "client_mic_disabled"; } elseif($this["client_input_muted"]) { return "client_mic_muted"; } elseif($this["client_is_channel_commander"]) { return $this["client_flag_talking"] ? "client_cc_talk" : "client_cc_idle"; } else { return $this["client_flag_talking"] ? "client_talk" : "client_idle"; } } /** * Returns a symbol representing the node. * * @return string */ public function getSymbol() { return "@"; } /** * Returns a string representation of this node. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this["client_nickname"]; } }