**I am happy to take any programming-related requests, add additional features or modify the code to suit your needs** for a small donation :) I am experienced at Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, server configurations ect. If you are interested or just want to chat about random geek stuff just message me :D
#### Christmas update
[Christmas update](http://i.imgur.com/R0lPz6b.png) introduced on the 01 December 2016 adds a new theme, background and snow effect.
Website checks the user's date on the device and enables the effects throughout the whole December.
If you want to enable this feature, make sure you have ``$config["general"]["christmasmode"]`` set to ``true`` in your config file. Set it to ``false`` will disable this theme forever for everyone.
#### Main Features
- News page, dynamic server status, admin list with status, server viewer, ban list and rules page
- Multiple languages with auto-detection for default language