Upgrade to v0.17.9

root 6 years ago
parent 1a14c5a7c9
commit 3a921df015

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[10],{748:function(e,t,n){"use strict";var l=c(n(61)),r=c(n(1)),i=n(2);function c(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}var a=n(0),o=n(3),d=n(8);e.exports=a.createClass({displayName:"EncryptedEventDialog",propTypes:{event:r.default.object.isRequired,onFinished:r.default.func.isRequired},getInitialState:function(){return{device:null}},componentWillMount:function(){var e=this;this._unmounted=!1;var t=d.get();this.refreshDevice().then(function(n){return n||t.downloadKeys([e.props.event.getSender()],!0).then(function(){return e.refreshDevice()})}).then(function(n){e._unmounted||(e.setState({device:n}),t.on("deviceVerificationChanged",e.onDeviceVerificationChanged))},function(e){console.log("Error downloading devices",e)})},componentWillUnmount:function(){this._unmounted=!0;var e=d.get();e&&e.removeListener("deviceVerificationChanged",this.onDeviceVerificationChanged)},refreshDevice:function(){return l.default.resolve(d.get().getEventSenderDeviceInfo(this.props.event))},onDeviceVerificationChanged:function(e,t){var n=this;e==this.props.event.getSender()&&this.refreshDevice().then(function(e){n.setState({device:e})})},onKeyDown:function(e){27===e.keyCode&&(e.stopPropagation(),e.preventDefault(),this.props.onFinished(!1))},_renderDeviceInfo:function(){var e=this.state.device;if(!e)return a.createElement("i",null,(0,i._t)("unknown device"));var t=a.createElement("b",null,(0,i._t)("NOT verified"));return e.isBlocked()?t=a.createElement("b",null,(0,i._t)("Blacklisted")):e.isVerified()&&(t=(0,i._t)("verified")),a.createElement("table",null,a.createElement("tbody",null,a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Name")),a.createElement("td",null,e.getDisplayName())),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Device ID")),a.createElement("td",null,a.createElement("code",null,e.deviceId))),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Verification")),a.createElement("td",null,t)),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Ed25519 fingerprint")),a.createElement("td",null,a.createElement("code",null,e.getFingerprint())))))},_renderEventInfo:function(){var e=this.props.event;return a.createElement("table",null,a.createElement("tbody",null,a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("User ID")),a.createElement("td",null,e.getSender())),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Curve25519 identity key")),a.createElement("td",null,a.createElement("code",null,e.getSenderKey()||a.createElement("i",null,(0,i._t)("none"))))),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key")),a.createElement("td",null,a.createElement("code",null,e.getKeysClaimed().ed25519||a.createElement("i",null,(0,i._t)("none"))))),a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Algorithm")),a.createElement("td",null,e.getWireContent().algorithm||a.createElement("i",null,(0,i._t)("unencrypted")))),"m.bad.encrypted"===e.getContent().msgtype?a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Decryption error")),a.createElement("td",null,e.getContent().body)):null,a.createElement("tr",null,a.createElement("td",null,(0,i._t)("Session ID")),a.createElement("td",null,a.createElement("code",null,e.getWireContent().session_id||a.createElement("i",null,(0,i._t)("none")))))))},render:function(){var e=o.getComponent("elements.DeviceVerifyButtons"),t=null;return this.state.device&&(t=a.createElement(e,{device:this.state.device,userId:this.props.event.getSender()})),a.createElement("div",{className:"mx_EncryptedEventDialog",onKeyDown:this.onKeyDown},a.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_title"},(0,i._t)("End-to-end encryption information")),a.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_content"},a.createElement("h4",null,(0,i._t)("Event information")),this._renderEventInfo(),a.createElement("h4",null,(0,i._t)("Sender device information")),this._renderDeviceInfo()),a.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_buttons"},a.createElement("button",{className:"mx_Dialog_primary",onClick:this.props.onFinished,autoFocus:!0},(0,i._t)("OK")),t))}})}}]);
//# sourceMappingURL=10.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[11],{747:function(e,t,a){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var n=m(a(61)),r=m(a(0)),l=m(a(1)),i=p(a(20)),s=p(a(493)),o=m(a(3)),u=a(2);function p(e){if(e&&e.__esModule)return e;var t={};if(null!=e)for(var a in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,a)&&(t[a]=e[a]);return t.default=e,t}function m(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}t.default=r.default.createClass({displayName:"ImportE2eKeysDialog",propTypes:{matrixClient:l.default.instanceOf(i.MatrixClient).isRequired,onFinished:l.default.func.isRequired},getInitialState:function(){return{enableSubmit:!1,phase:1,errStr:null}},componentWillMount:function(){this._unmounted=!1},componentWillUnmount:function(){this._unmounted=!0},_onFormChange:function(e){var t=this.refs.file.files||[];this.setState({enableSubmit:""!==this.refs.passphrase.value&&t.length>0})},_onFormSubmit:function(e){return e.preventDefault(),this._startImport(this.refs.file.files[0],this.refs.passphrase.value),!1},_startImport:function(e,t){var a=this;return this.setState({errStr:null,phase:2}),function(e){return new n.default(function(t,a){var n=new FileReader;n.onload=function(e){t(e.target.result)},n.onerror=a,n.readAsArrayBuffer(e)})}(e).then(function(e){return s.decryptMegolmKeyFile(e,t)}).then(function(e){return a.props.matrixClient.importRoomKeys(JSON.parse(e))}).then(function(){a.props.onFinished(!0)}).catch(function(e){if(console.error("Error importing e2e keys:",e),!a._unmounted){var t=e.friendlyText||(0,u._t)("Unknown error");a.setState({errStr:t,phase:1})}})},_onCancelClick:function(e){return e.preventDefault(),this.props.onFinished(!1),!1},render:function(){var e=o.default.getComponent("views.dialogs.BaseDialog"),t=1!==this.state.phase;return r.default.createElement(e,{className:"mx_importE2eKeysDialog",onFinished:this.props.onFinished,title:(0,u._t)("Import room keys")},r.default.createElement("form",{onSubmit:this._onFormSubmit},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_content"},r.default.createElement("p",null,(0,u._t)("This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.")),r.default.createElement("p",null,(0,u._t)("The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.")),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"error"},this.state.errStr),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputTable"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputRow"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputLabel"},r.default.createElement("label",{htmlFor:"importFile"},(0,u._t)("File to import"))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputCell"},r.default.createElement("input",{ref:"file",id:"importFile",type:"file",autoFocus:!0,onChange:this._onFormChange,disabled:t}))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputRow"},r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputLabel"},r.default.createElement("label",{htmlFor:"passphrase"},(0,u._t)("Enter passphrase"))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_E2eKeysDialog_inputCell"},r.default.createElement("input",{ref:"passphrase",id:"passphrase",size:"64",type:"password",onChange:this._onFormChange,disabled:t}))))),r.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_buttons"},r.default.createElement("input",{className:"mx_Dialog_primary",type:"submit",value:(0,u._t)("Import"),disabled:!this.state.enableSubmit||t}),r.default.createElement("button",{onClick:this._onCancelClick,disabled:t},(0,u._t)("Cancel")))))}}),e.exports=t.default}}]);
//# sourceMappingURL=11.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[12],{749:function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var o=p(n(11)),u=p(n(4)),a=p(n(5)),i=p(n(12)),l=p(n(13)),s=p(n(0)),r=p(n(1)),d=p(n(3)),c=n(2);function p(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}var f=function(e){function t(){var e,n,a,l;(0,u.default)(this,t);for(var s=arguments.length,r=Array(s),d=0;d<s;d++)r[d]=arguments[d];return n=a=(0,i.default)(this,(e=t.__proto__||(0,o.default)(t)).call.apply(e,[this].concat(r))),a.onDontAskAgainClick=function(){a.props.onFinished(),a.props.onDontAskAgain()},a.onSetupClick=function(){a.props.onFinished(),a.props.onSetup()},l=n,(0,i.default)(a,l)}return(0,l.default)(t,e),(0,a.default)(t,[{key:"render",value:function(){var e=d.default.getComponent("views.dialogs.BaseDialog"),t=d.default.getComponent("views.elements.DialogButtons");return s.default.createElement(e,{className:"mx_IgnoreRecoveryReminderDialog",onFinished:this.props.onFinished,title:(0,c._t)("Are you sure?")},s.default.createElement("div",null,s.default.createElement("p",null,(0,c._t)("Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.")),s.default.createElement("p",null,(0,c._t)("If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.")),s.default.createElement("div",{className:"mx_Dialog_buttons"},s.default.createElement(t,{primaryButton:(0,c._t)("Set up"),onPrimaryButtonClick:this.onSetupClick,cancelButton:(0,c._t)("Don't ask again"),onCancel:this.onDontAskAgainClick}))))}}]),t}(s.default.PureComponent);f.propTypes={onDontAskAgain:r.default.func.isRequired,onFinished:r.default.func.isRequired,onSetup:r.default.func.isRequired},t.default=f,e.exports=t.default}}]);
//# sourceMappingURL=12.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=13.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1889)}({1889:function(e,t){}});
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1901)}({1901:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-dark.js.map

@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/f5c70ee9a294f6e4590e/theme-dark.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1889);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/c2932262ed6106cd4535/theme-dark.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1901);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1888)}({1888:function(e,t){}});
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1900)}({1900:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-light.js.map

@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/f5c70ee9a294f6e4590e/theme-light.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1888);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/c2932262ed6106cd4535/theme-light.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1900);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1890)}({1890:function(e,t){}});
!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=1902)}({1902:function(e,t){}});
//# sourceMappingURL=theme-status.js.map

@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/f5c70ee9a294f6e4590e/theme-status.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1890);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}
{"version":3,"sources":["webpack/bootstrap"],"names":["installedModules","__webpack_require__","moduleId","exports","module","i","l","modules","call","m","c","d","name","getter","o","Object","defineProperty","enumerable","get","r","Symbol","toStringTag","value","t","mode","__esModule","ns","create","key","bind","n","object","property","prototype","hasOwnProperty","p","s"],"mappings":"aACA,IAAAA,KAGA,SAAAC,EAAAC,GAGA,GAAAF,EAAAE,GACA,OAAAF,EAAAE,GAAAC,QAGA,IAAAC,EAAAJ,EAAAE,IACAG,EAAAH,EACAI,GAAA,EACAH,YAUA,OANAI,EAAAL,GAAAM,KAAAJ,EAAAD,QAAAC,IAAAD,QAAAF,GAGAG,EAAAE,GAAA,EAGAF,EAAAD,QAKAF,EAAAQ,EAAAF,EAGAN,EAAAS,EAAAV,EAGAC,EAAAU,EAAA,SAAAR,EAAAS,EAAAC,GACAZ,EAAAa,EAAAX,EAAAS,IACAG,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAS,GAA0CK,YAAA,EAAAC,IAAAL,KAK1CZ,EAAAkB,EAAA,SAAAhB,GACA,oBAAAiB,eAAAC,aACAN,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAAiB,OAAAC,aAAwDC,MAAA,WAExDP,OAAAC,eAAAb,EAAA,cAAiDmB,OAAA,KAQjDrB,EAAAsB,EAAA,SAAAD,EAAAE,GAEA,GADA,EAAAA,IAAAF,EAAArB,EAAAqB,IACA,EAAAE,EAAA,OAAAF,EACA,KAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,QAAAG,WAAA,OAAAH,EACA,IAAAI,EAAAX,OAAAY,OAAA,MAGA,GAFA1B,EAAAkB,EAAAO,GACAX,OAAAC,eAAAU,EAAA,WAAyCT,YAAA,EAAAK,UACzC,EAAAE,GAAA,iBAAAF,EAAA,QAAAM,KAAAN,EAAArB,EAAAU,EAAAe,EAAAE,EAAA,SAAAA,GAAgH,OAAAN,EAAAM,IAAqBC,KAAA,KAAAD,IACrI,OAAAF,GAIAzB,EAAA6B,EAAA,SAAA1B,GACA,IAAAS,EAAAT,KAAAqB,WACA,WAA2B,OAAArB,EAAA,SAC3B,WAAiC,OAAAA,GAEjC,OADAH,EAAAU,EAAAE,EAAA,IAAAA,GACAA,GAIAZ,EAAAa,EAAA,SAAAiB,EAAAC,GAAsD,OAAAjB,OAAAkB,UAAAC,eAAA1B,KAAAuB,EAAAC,IAGtD/B,EAAAkC,EAAA,GAIAlC,IAAAmC,EAAA","file":"bundles/c2932262ed6106cd4535/theme-status.js","sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1902);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=7.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1366,6 +1366,14 @@
"Please accept all of the policies": "Моля, приемете всички политики",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Моля, прегледайте и приемете политиките на този сървър:",
"Add some now": "Добави сега",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Закачане на непрочетени стаи най-отгоре в списъка",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Закачане на споменаващи ме стаи най-отгоре в списъка",
"Joining room...": "Влизане в стая...",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Вие сте администратор на тази общност. Няма да можете да се присъедините пак без покана от друг администратор.",
"Open Devtools": "Отвори инструментите за разработчици",
"Show developer tools": "Покажи инструментите за разработчици",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Ако искате да създадете Matrix акаунт, може да се <a>регистрирате</a> тук.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "В момента използвате Riot анонимно, като гост.",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot не поддържа мобилен уеб браузър. Инсталиране на приложението?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop под %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Непознато устройство",

@ -1366,6 +1366,70 @@
"Clear cache and resync": "Zwischenspeicher löschen und erneut synchronisieren",
"Please accept all of the policies": "Bitte akzeptiere alle Bedingungen",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Bitte sieh dir alle Bedingungen dieses Heimservers an und akzeptiere sie:",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Ungelesene Räume oben an der Raumliste anheften",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Räume mit Erwähnungen oben an der Raumliste anheften",
"Joining room...": "Trete Raum bei...",
"Add some now": "Füge jetzt hinzu",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Du bist ein Administrator dieser Community. Du wirst nicht erneut hinzutreten können, wenn du nicht von einem anderen Administrator eingeladen wirst.",
"Open Devtools": "Öffne Entwickler-Werkzeuge",
"Show developer tools": "Zeige Entwickler-Werkzeuge",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Wenn du ein Matrix-Konto erstellen möchtest, kannst du dich jetzt <a>registrieren</a>.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "Du benutzt aktuell Riot anonym als Gast.",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Konnte nicht geladen werden! Überprüfe deine Netzwerkverbindung und versuche es erneut.",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "Sichern der Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel auf dem Server",
"Delete Backup": "Sicherung löschen",
"Delete backup": "Sicherung löschen",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "Dieses Gerät lädt Schlüssel zu dieser Sicherung hoch",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "Dieses Gerät lädt <b>keine</b> Schlüssel zu dieser Sicherung hoch",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "Sicherung hat eine <validity>valide</validity> Signatur von diesem Gerät",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Sicherung hat eine <validity>invalide</validity> Signatur vom <verify>verifiziertem</verify> Gerät <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Sicherung hat eine <validity>invalide</validity> Signatur vom <verify>unverifiziertem</verify> Gerät <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device>x</device>": "Sicherung hat eine <validity>valide</validity> Signatur vom <verify>verifiziertem</verify> Gerät <device>x</device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Sicherung hat eine <validity>valide</validity> Signatur vom <verify>unverifiziertem</verify> Gerät <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Sicherung wurde von keinem deiner Geräte signiert",
"Backup version: ": "Sicherungsversion: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algorithmus: ",
"Restore backup": "Sicherung wiederherstellen",
"No backup is present": "Keine Sicherung verfügbar",
"Start a new backup": "Starte einen neue Sicherung",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Um deinen Chatverlauf nicht zu verlieren, musst du deine Raum-Schlüssel exportieren, bevor du dich abmeldest. Du musst zurück zu einer neueren Riot-Version gehen, um dies zu tun",
"Incompatible Database": "Inkompatible Datenbanken",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Mit deaktivierter Verschlüsselung fortfahren",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "Du wirst es brauchen, wenn du dich abmeldest oder den Zugang zu diesem Gerät verlierst.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Passphrase eingeben...",
"Next": "Nächstes",
"That matches!": "Das passt!",
"That doesn't match.": "Das passt nicht.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Gehe zurück und setze es erneut.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Wiederhole deine Passphrase...",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Mache eine Kopie dieses Wiederherstellungsschlüssels und verwahre ihn sicher.",
"Your Recovery Key": "Dein Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Copy to clipboard": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Download": "Herunterladen",
"I've made a copy": "Ich habe eine Kopie gemacht",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Drucke ihn aus</b> und lagere ihn, wo er sicher ist",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Speichere ihn</b> auf einem USB-Schlüssel oder Sicherungsslaufwerk",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopiere ihn</b> in deinen persönlichen Cloud-Speicher",
"Got it": "Verstanden",
"Backup created": "Sicherung erstellt",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "Deine Verschlüsselungsschlüssel sind nun auf deinem Heimserver gesichert wurden.",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Erstelle eine Wiederherstellungs-Passphrase",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Bestätige Wiederherstellungs-Passphrase",
"Recovery Key": "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Keep it safe": "Lager ihn sicher",
"Backing up...": "Am sichern...",
"Create Key Backup": "Erzeuge Schlüsselsicherung",
"Unable to create key backup": "Konnte Schlüsselsicherung nicht erstellen",
"Retry": "Erneut probieren",
"Unable to restore backup": "Konnte Sicherung nicht wiederherstellen",
"No backup found!": "Keine Sicherung gefunden!",
"Backup Restored": "Sicherung wiederhergestellt",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Gebe Wiederherstellungs-Passphrase ein",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Gebe Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ein",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Dies sieht nach einem validen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aus",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Kein valider Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Key Backup": "Schlüsselsicherung",
"Cannot find homeserver": "Konnte Heimserver nicht finden",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s auf %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop auf %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot wird im mobilen Web nicht unterstützt. App installieren?",

@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:",
"Unnamed Room": "Unnamed Room",
"Error": "Error",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.",
"Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Unable to enable Notifications",
@ -109,7 +112,10 @@
"Failed to invite user": "Failed to invite user",
"Operation failed": "Operation failed",
"Failed to invite": "Failed to invite",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Failed to invite users to the room:",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:",
"Waiting for %(userId)s to accept...": "Waiting for %(userId)s to accept...",
"Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...": "Waiting for %(userId)s to confirm...",
"You need to be logged in.": "You need to be logged in.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "You need to be able to invite users to do that.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Unable to create widget.",
@ -224,11 +230,46 @@
"Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions",
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Not a valid Riot keyfile",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Authentication check failed: incorrect password?",
"Unrecognised address": "Unrecognised address",
"You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "You do not have permission to invite people to this room.",
"User %(user_id)s does not exist": "User %(user_id)s does not exist",
"User %(user_id)s may or may not exist": "User %(user_id)s may or may not exist",
"Unknown server error": "Unknown server error",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Use a few words, avoid common phrases",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Avoid repeated words and characters",
"Avoid sequences": "Avoid sequences",
"Avoid recent years": "Avoid recent years",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Avoid years that are associated with you",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Capitalization doesn't help very much",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "Recent years are easy to guess",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Dates are often easy to guess",
"This is a top-10 common password": "This is a top-10 common password",
"This is a top-100 common password": "This is a top-100 common password",
"This is a very common password": "This is a very common password",
"This is similar to a commonly used password": "This is similar to a commonly used password",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "A word by itself is easy to guess",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Common names and surnames are easy to guess",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess",
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess",
"There was an error joining the room": "There was an error joining the room",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Please contact your homeserver administrator.",
"Failed to join room": "Failed to join room",
"Message Pinning": "Message Pinning",
"Custom user status messages": "Custom user status messages",
"Increase performance by only loading room members on first view": "Increase performance by only loading room members on first view",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "Backup of encryption keys to server",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Use compact timeline layout",
"Hide removed messages": "Hide removed messages",
@ -240,6 +281,7 @@
"Always show message timestamps": "Always show message timestamps",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Autoplay GIFs and videos",
"Always show encryption icons": "Always show encryption icons",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting",
"Hide avatars in user and room mentions": "Hide avatars in user and room mentions",
"Disable big emoji in chat": "Disable big emoji in chat",
@ -255,16 +297,23 @@
"Enable URL previews for this room (only affects you)": "Enable URL previews for this room (only affects you)",
"Enable URL previews by default for participants in this room": "Enable URL previews by default for participants in this room",
"Room Colour": "Room Colour",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets",
"Show empty room list headings": "Show empty room list headings",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs",
"Show developer tools": "Show developer tools",
"Collecting app version information": "Collecting app version information",
"Collecting logs": "Collecting logs",
"Uploading report": "Uploading report",
"Waiting for response from server": "Waiting for response from server",
"Messages containing my display name": "Messages containing my display name",
"Messages containing my user name": "Messages containing my user name",
"Messages containing @room": "Messages containing @room",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Messages in one-to-one chats",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats",
"Messages in group chats": "Messages in group chats",
"Encrypted messages in group chats": "Encrypted messages in group chats",
"When I'm invited to a room": "When I'm invited to a room",
"Call invitation": "Call invitation",
"Messages sent by bot": "Messages sent by bot",
@ -275,7 +324,6 @@
"Incoming call from %(name)s": "Incoming call from %(name)s",
"Decline": "Decline",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Error": "Error",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains",
"Incorrect verification code": "Incorrect verification code",
"Enter Code": "Enter Code",
@ -312,6 +360,24 @@
"Failed to set display name": "Failed to set display name",
"Disable Notifications": "Disable Notifications",
"Enable Notifications": "Enable Notifications",
"Delete Backup": "Delete Backup",
"Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history": "Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history",
"Delete backup": "Delete backup",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Unable to load key backup status",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "This device is uploading keys to this backup",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>",
"Verify...": "Verify...",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Backup is not signed by any of your devices",
"Backup version: ": "Backup version: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algorithm: ",
"Restore backup": "Restore backup",
"No backup is present": "No backup is present",
"Start a new backup": "Start a new backup",
"Error saving email notification preferences": "Error saving email notification preferences",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.",
"Keywords": "Keywords",
@ -339,31 +405,6 @@
"Off": "Off",
"On": "On",
"Noisy": "Noisy",
"Invalid alias format": "Invalid alias format",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an alias": "'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an alias",
"Invalid address format": "Invalid address format",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an address": "'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an address",
"not specified": "not specified",
"not set": "not set",
"Remote addresses for this room:": "Remote addresses for this room:",
"Addresses": "Addresses",
"The main address for this room is": "The main address for this room is",
"Local addresses for this room:": "Local addresses for this room:",
"This room has no local addresses": "This room has no local addresses",
"New address (e.g. #foo:%(localDomain)s)": "New address (e.g. #foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"Invalid community ID": "Invalid community ID",
"'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID": "'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID",
"Flair": "Flair",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "Showing flair for these communities:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "This room is not showing flair for any communities",
"New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)": "New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.",
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.",
"URL Previews": "URL Previews",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.",
"Cannot add any more widgets": "Cannot add any more widgets",
"The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.",
"Add a widget": "Add a widget",
@ -427,6 +468,7 @@
"Make Moderator": "Make Moderator",
"Admin Tools": "Admin Tools",
"Level:": "Level:",
"Close": "Close",
"and %(count)s others...": {
"other": "and %(count)s others...",
"one": "and one other..."
@ -444,8 +486,9 @@
"numbered-list": "numbered-list",
"Attachment": "Attachment",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.": "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.",
"Upload Files": "Upload Files",
"Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?",
"The following files cannot be uploaded:": "The following files cannot be uploaded:",
"Upload Files": "Upload Files",
"Encrypted room": "Encrypted room",
"Unencrypted room": "Unencrypted room",
"Hangup": "Hangup",
@ -543,6 +586,11 @@
"You are trying to access a room.": "You are trying to access a room.",
"<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion!": "<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion!",
"This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled": "This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled",
"To view your secure message history and ensure you can view new messages on future devices, set up Secure Message Recovery.": "To view your secure message history and ensure you can view new messages on future devices, set up Secure Message Recovery.",
"If you log out or use another device, you'll lose your secure message history. To prevent this, set up Secure Message Recovery.": "If you log out or use another device, you'll lose your secure message history. To prevent this, set up Secure Message Recovery.",
"Secure Message Recovery": "Secure Message Recovery",
"Don't ask again": "Don't ask again",
"Set up": "Set up",
"To change the room's avatar, you must be a": "To change the room's avatar, you must be a",
"To change the room's name, you must be a": "To change the room's name, you must be a",
"To change the room's main address, you must be a": "To change the room's main address, you must be a",
@ -587,6 +635,7 @@
"Click here to fix": "Click here to fix",
"To send events of type <eventType/>, you must be a": "To send events of type <eventType/>, you must be a",
"Upgrade room to version %(ver)s": "Upgrade room to version %(ver)s",
"Open Devtools": "Open Devtools",
"Who can access this room?": "Who can access this room?",
"Only people who have been invited": "Only people who have been invited",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests",
@ -611,13 +660,37 @@
"All Rooms": "All Rooms",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled",
"Add a stickerpack": "Add a stickerpack",
"Add some now": "Add some now",
"Stickerpack": "Stickerpack",
"Hide Stickers": "Hide Stickers",
"Show Stickers": "Show Stickers",
"Scroll to unread messages": "Scroll to unread messages",
"Jump to first unread message.": "Jump to first unread message.",
"Close": "Close",
"Invalid alias format": "Invalid alias format",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an alias": "'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an alias",
"Invalid address format": "Invalid address format",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an address": "'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an address",
"not specified": "not specified",
"not set": "not set",
"Remote addresses for this room:": "Remote addresses for this room:",
"Addresses": "Addresses",
"The main address for this room is": "The main address for this room is",
"Local addresses for this room:": "Local addresses for this room:",
"This room has no local addresses": "This room has no local addresses",
"New address (e.g. #foo:%(localDomain)s)": "New address (e.g. #foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"Invalid community ID": "Invalid community ID",
"'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID": "'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID",
"Flair": "Flair",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "Showing flair for these communities:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "This room is not showing flair for any communities",
"New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)": "New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.",
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.",
"URL Previews": "URL Previews",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.",
"Sunday": "Sunday",
"Monday": "Monday",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
@ -648,15 +721,13 @@
"Message removed": "Message removed",
"Robot check is currently unavailable on desktop - please use a <a>web browser</a>": "Robot check is currently unavailable on desktop - please use a <a>web browser</a>",
"This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot": "This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot",
"Sign in with CAS": "Sign in with CAS",
"Custom Server Options": "Custom Server Options",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.": "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.",
"This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.": "This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.",
"You can also set a custom identity server but this will typically prevent interaction with users based on email address.": "You can also set a custom identity server but this will typically prevent interaction with users based on email address.",
"Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"To continue, please enter your password.": "To continue, please enter your password.",
"Password:": "Password:",
"Please accept all of the policies": "Please accept all of the policies",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Please check your email to continue registration.",
@ -674,6 +745,7 @@
"User name": "User name",
"Mobile phone number": "Mobile phone number",
"Forgot your password?": "Forgot your password?",
"Matrix ID": "Matrix ID",
"%(serverName)s Matrix ID": "%(serverName)s Matrix ID",
"Sign in with": "Sign in with",
"Email address": "Email address",
@ -692,6 +764,7 @@
"Remove this user from community?": "Remove this user from community?",
"Failed to withdraw invitation": "Failed to withdraw invitation",
"Failed to remove user from community": "Failed to remove user from community",
"Failed to load group members": "Failed to load group members",
"Filter community members": "Filter community members",
"Flair will appear if enabled in room settings": "Flair will appear if enabled in room settings",
"Flair will not appear": "Flair will not appear",
@ -748,7 +821,6 @@
"Unblacklist": "Unblacklist",
"Blacklist": "Blacklist",
"Unverify": "Unverify",
"Verify...": "Verify...",
"No results": "No results",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Communities": "Communities",
@ -873,11 +945,15 @@
"ex. @bob:example.com": "ex. @bob:example.com",
"Add User": "Add User",
"Matrix ID": "Matrix ID",
"Matrix Room ID": "Matrix Room ID",
"email address": "email address",
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "That doesn't look like a valid email address",
"You have entered an invalid address.": "You have entered an invalid address.",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.",
"The following users may not exist": "The following users may not exist",
"Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?",
"Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Invite anyway and never warn me again",
"Invite anyway": "Invite anyway",
"Preparing to send logs": "Preparing to send logs",
"Logs sent": "Logs sent",
"Thank you!": "Thank you!",
@ -888,6 +964,7 @@
"What GitHub issue are these logs for?": "What GitHub issue are these logs for?",
"Notes:": "Notes:",
"Send logs": "Send logs",
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
"Create a new chat or reuse an existing one": "Create a new chat or reuse an existing one",
@ -912,7 +989,11 @@
"Advanced options": "Advanced options",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room": "Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room",
"This setting cannot be changed later!": "This setting cannot be changed later!",
"Failed to indicate account erasure": "Failed to indicate account erasure",
"Sign out": "Sign out",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ",
"Incompatible Database": "Incompatible Database",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Continue With Encryption Disabled",
"Unknown error": "Unknown error",
"Incorrect password": "Incorrect password",
"Deactivate Account": "Deactivate Account",
@ -951,6 +1032,10 @@
"Ignore request": "Ignore request",
"Loading device info...": "Loading device info...",
"Encryption key request": "Encryption key request",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Incompatible local cache",
"Clear cache and resync": "Clear cache and resync",
"Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!",
"Updating Riot": "Updating Riot",
"Failed to upgrade room": "Failed to upgrade room",
@ -962,7 +1047,6 @@
"Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "Update any local room aliases to point to the new room",
"Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages",
"Sign out": "Sign out",
"Log out and remove encryption keys?": "Log out and remove encryption keys?",
"Clear Storage and Sign Out": "Clear Storage and Sign Out",
"Send Logs": "Send Logs",
@ -979,16 +1063,15 @@
"Unable to verify email address.": "Unable to verify email address.",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.",
"Skip": "Skip",
"User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores.": "User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores.",
"Only use lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Only use lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'",
"Username not available": "Username not available",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Username invalid: %(errMessage)s",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "An error occurred: %(error_string)s",
"Checking...": "Checking...",
"Username available": "Username available",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "To get started, please pick a username!",
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.",
"You have successfully set a password!": "You have successfully set a password!",
"You have successfully set a password and an email address!": "You have successfully set a password and an email address!",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.",
@ -1009,6 +1092,21 @@
"Room contains unknown devices": "Room contains unknown devices",
"\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.",
"Unknown devices": "Unknown devices",
"Unable to load backup status": "Unable to load backup status",
"Unable to restore backup": "Unable to restore backup",
"No backup found!": "No backup found!",
"Backup Restored": "Backup Restored",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Enter Recovery Passphrase",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.",
"Next": "Next",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Enter Recovery Key",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "This looks like a valid recovery key!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Not a valid recovery key",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>",
"Private Chat": "Private Chat",
"Public Chat": "Public Chat",
"Custom": "Custom",
@ -1038,6 +1136,8 @@
"Forget": "Forget",
"Low Priority": "Low Priority",
"Direct Chat": "Direct Chat",
"Set a new status...": "Set a new status...",
"Clear status": "Clear status",
"View Community": "View Community",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.": "Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run Riot.",
"Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.": "Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.",
@ -1053,7 +1153,7 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality",
"You must join the room to see its files": "You must join the room to see its files",
"There are no visible files in this room": "There are no visible files in this room",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\r\n<p>\r\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\r\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n You can even use 'img' tags\r\n</p>\r\n": "<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\r\n<p>\r\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\r\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n You can even use 'img' tags\r\n</p>\r\n",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even use 'img' tags\n</p>\n": "<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even use 'img' tags\n</p>\n",
"Add rooms to the community summary": "Add rooms to the community summary",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this summary?": "Which rooms would you like to add to this summary?",
"Add to summary": "Add to summary",
@ -1071,6 +1171,7 @@
"Failed to update community": "Failed to update community",
"Unable to accept invite": "Unable to accept invite",
"Unable to join community": "Unable to join community",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.",
"Leave Community": "Leave Community",
"Leave %(groupName)s?": "Leave %(groupName)s?",
"Unable to leave community": "Unable to leave community",
@ -1094,7 +1195,10 @@
"This Home server does not support communities": "This Home server does not support communities",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Failed to load %(groupId)s",
"Couldn't load home page": "Couldn't load home page",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.",
"Login": "Login",
"Invalid configuration: Cannot supply a default homeserver URL and a default server name": "Invalid configuration: Cannot supply a default homeserver URL and a default server name",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Failed to reject invitation",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?",
@ -1108,6 +1212,7 @@
"Review terms and conditions": "Review terms and conditions",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Old cryptography data detected",
"Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.",
"Unknown error discovering homeserver": "Unknown error discovering homeserver",
"Logout": "Logout",
"Your Communities": "Your Communities",
"Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!": "Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!",
@ -1122,6 +1227,10 @@
"one": "%(count)s Member"
"Invite to this room": "Invite to this room",
"%(count)s Notifications": {
"other": "%(count)s Notifications",
"one": "%(count)s Notification"
"Files": "Files",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Hide panel": "Hide panel",
@ -1169,6 +1278,7 @@
"more": "more",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?",
"File is too big. Maximum file size is %(fileSize)s": "File is too big. Maximum file size is %(fileSize)s",
"Failed to upload file": "Failed to upload file",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big",
"Search failed": "Search failed",
@ -1212,6 +1322,7 @@
"Autocomplete Delay (ms):": "Autocomplete Delay (ms):",
"<not supported>": "<not supported>",
"Import E2E room keys": "Import E2E room keys",
"Key Backup": "Key Backup",
"Cryptography": "Cryptography",
"Device ID:": "Device ID:",
"Device key:": "Device key:",
@ -1276,16 +1387,22 @@
"Confirm your new password": "Confirm your new password",
"Send Reset Email": "Send Reset Email",
"Create an account": "Create an account",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Invalid homeserver discovery response",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Invalid identity server discovery response",
"General failure": "General failure",
"This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "This Home Server does not support login using email address.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Incorrect username and/or password.",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.",
"Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Failed to perform homeserver discovery",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "The phone number entered looks invalid",
"Unknown failure discovering homeserver": "Unknown failure discovering homeserver",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.",
"Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Sign in with single sign-on",
"Try the app first": "Try the app first",
"Sign in to get started": "Sign in to get started",
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Failed to fetch avatar URL",
@ -1338,14 +1455,53 @@
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.",
"File to import": "File to import",
"Import": "Import",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.",
"Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Enter a passphrase...",
"If you don't want encrypted message history to be available on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "If you don't want encrypted message history to be available on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.",
"Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.",
"That matches!": "That matches!",
"That doesn't match.": "That doesn't match.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Go back to set it again.",
"Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Repeat your passphrase...",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.",
"Your Recovery Key": "Your Recovery Key",
"Copy to clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"Download": "Download",
"I've made a copy": "I've made a copy",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage",
"Got it": "Got it",
"Backup created": "Backup created",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Set up Secure Message Recovery",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Create a Recovery Passphrase",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Confirm Recovery Passphrase",
"Recovery Key": "Recovery Key",
"Keep it safe": "Keep it safe",
"Backing up...": "Backing up...",
"Create Key Backup": "Create Key Backup",
"Unable to create key backup": "Unable to create key backup",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.": "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.",
"If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.": "If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.",
"New Recovery Method": "New Recovery Method",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages has been detected.": "A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages has been detected.",
"Setting up Secure Messages on this device will re-encrypt this device's message history with the new recovery method.": "Setting up Secure Messages on this device will re-encrypt this device's message history with the new recovery method.",
"If you didn't set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "If you didn't set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Set up Secure Messages",
"Go to Settings": "Go to Settings",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Failed to set direct chat tag",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Incompatible local cache",
"Clear cache and resync": "Clear cache and resync",
"Add some now": "Add some now",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Unknown device",

@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
"Failed to join room": "Failed to join room",
"Failed to kick": "Failed to kick",
"Failed to leave room": "Failed to leave room",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Failed to load %(groupId)s",
"Failed to load group members": "Failed to load group members",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Failed to load timeline position",
"Failed to mute user": "Failed to mute user",
"Failed to reject invite": "Failed to reject invite",
@ -851,6 +853,46 @@
"Your identity server's URL": "Your identity server's URL",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "e.g. %(exampleValue)s",
"Every page you use in the app": "Every page you use in the app",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "e.g. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your User Agent": "Your User Agent",
"Your device resolution": "Your device resolution",
"The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:": "The information being sent to us to help make Riot.im better includes:",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.",
"Call Failed": "Call Failed",
"There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.",
"Review Devices": "Review Devices",
"Call Anyway": "Call Anyway",
"Answer Anyway": "Answer Anyway",
"Call": "Call",
"Answer": "Answer",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "A conference call could not be started because the integrations server is not available",
"Call in Progress": "Call in Progress",
"A call is currently being placed!": "A call is currently being placed!",
"A call is already in progress!": "A call is already in progress!",
"Permission Required": "Permission Required",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "Who would you like to add to this community?",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID",
"Invite new community members": "Invite new community members",
"Name or matrix ID": "Name or matrix ID",
"Invite to Community": "Invite to Community",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Which rooms would you like to add to this community?",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?",
"Add rooms to the community": "Add rooms to the community",
"Room name or alias": "Room name or alias",
"Add to community": "Add to community",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Failed to invite users to community",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:",
"Registration Required": "Registration Required",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
"Missing roomId.": "Missing roomId.",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Opens the Developer Tools dialog",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?",

@ -1177,6 +1177,24 @@
"Encrypting": "Ĉifranta",
"Encrypted, not sent": "Ĉifrita, ne sendita",
"If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Se viaj aliaj aparatoj ne havas la ŝlosilon por ĉi tiu mesaĝo, vi ne povos malĉifri ĝin.",
"Permission Required": "Necesas permeso",
"Registration Required": "Necesas registriĝo",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Por fari ĉi tion, vi bezonas registriĝi. Ĉu vi volas registriĝi nun?",
"Missing roomId.": "Mankas identigilo de la ĉambro.",
"%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
"other": "%(senderName)s aldonis %(addedAddresses)s kiel adresojn por la ĉambro.",
"one": "%(senderName)s aldonis %(addedAddresses)s kiel adreson por la ĉambro."
"%(senderName)s removed %(count)s %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
"other": "%(senderName)s forigis %(removedAddresses)s kiel adresojn por la ĉambro.",
"one": "%(senderName)s forigis %(removedAddresses)s kiel adreson por la ĉambro."
"%(senderName)s added %(addedAddresses)s and removed %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s aldonis %(addedAddresses)s kaj forigis %(removedAddresses)s kiel adresojn por la ĉambro.",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s agordis la ĉefan adreson por la ĉambro al %(address)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s forigis la ĉefan adreson de la ĉambro.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Bonvolu <a>kontakti administranton de la servo</a> por daŭre uzadi la servon.",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Fiksi nelegitajn ĉambrojn supre de la listo",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Fiksi ĉambrojn kun mencioj de mia nomo supre de la listo",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Labortablo sur %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot ne estas subtenata sur poŝkomputila reto. Ĉu instali la aplikaĵon?",
"Unknown device": "Nekonata aparato",
@ -1209,5 +1227,6 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Babilado por la programista skipo de Dendrite",
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Multaj ĉambroj jam ekzistas en Matrix; kaj sendependaj, kaj ligitaj kun jamaj retoj (Slock, IRC, Gitter, ktp.). Rigardu la ĉambrujon!",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s per %(browserName)s je %(osName)s",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elektojn por saluti aliajn servilojn de Matrix, per specifo de alia hejmservila URL.<br/>Tio permesas al vi uzi klienton Riot kun jama konto de Matrix en alia hejmservilo.<br/><br/>Vi ankaŭ povas agordi propran identigan servilon, sed vi ne povos inviti uzantojn per retpoŝtadreso, aŭ esti invitata per retpoŝtadreso mem."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elektojn por saluti aliajn servilojn de Matrix, per specifo de alia hejmservila URL.<br/>Tio permesas al vi uzi klienton Riot kun jama konto de Matrix en alia hejmservilo.<br/><br/>Vi ankaŭ povas agordi propran identigan servilon, sed vi ne povos inviti uzantojn per retpoŝtadreso, aŭ esti invitata per retpoŝtadreso mem.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Kunordigo por tradukantoj de Riot"

@ -1367,6 +1367,92 @@
"Incompatible local cache": "Katxe lokal bateraezina",
"Clear cache and resync": "Garbitu katxea eta sinkronizatu berriro",
"Add some now": "Gehitu batzuk orain",
"Joining room...": "Gelara elkartzen...",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Komunitate honen administratzailea zara. Ezin izango duzu berriro elkartu ez bazaitu beste administratzaile batek gonbidatzen.",
"Open Devtools": "Ireki garapen tresnak",
"Show developer tools": "Erakutsi garapen tresnak",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Finkatu irakurri gabeko gelak gelen zerrendaren goialdean",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Finkatu aipatu nauten gelak gelen zerrendaren goialdean",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Matrix kontu bat sortu nahi baduzu, <a>izena eman</a> dezakezu.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "Riot anonimoki gonbidatu gisa erabiltzen ari zara.",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Ezin da kargatu! Egiaztatu sare konexioa eta saiatu berriro.",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "Zerbitzarirako zifratze gakoen babes-kopia",
"Delete Backup": "Ezabatu babes-kopia",
"Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history": "Ezabatu zerbitzaritik gakoen babes-kopiak? Ezin izango duzu berreskuratze gakoa erabili zifratutako mezuen historia irakurteko",
"Delete backup": "Ezabatu babes-kopia",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Ezin izan da babes-kopiaren egoera kargatu",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "Gailu honek gakoak babes-kopia honetara igotzen ditu",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "Gailu honek <b>ez</b> ditu gakoak igotzen babes-kopia honetara",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "Babes-kopiak gailu honen <validity>baliozko</validity> sinadura du",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device>x</device>": "Babes-kopiak <verify>egiaztatutako</verify> <device>x</device> gailuaren <validity>baliozko</validity> sinadura du",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Babes-kopiak <verify>egiaztatu gabeko</verify> <device>gailu baten</device> <validity>baliozko</validity> sinadura du",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "Babes-kopiak <verify>egiaztatutako</verify> <device></device> gailuaren <validity>balio gabeko</validity> sinadura du",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "Babes-kopiak <verify>egiaztatu gabeko</verify> <device></device> gailuaren <validity>baliogabeko</validity> sinadura du",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "Babes-kopia ez dago zure gailu batek sinauta",
"Backup version: ": "Babes-kopiaren bertsioa: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algoritmoa: ",
"Restore backup": "Berreskuratu babes-kopia",
"No backup is present": "Ez dago babes-kopiarik",
"Start a new backup": "Hasi babes-kopia berria",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Berrikusi eta onartu hasiera-zerbitzariaren politika guztiak",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Zure txaten historiala ez galtzeko, zure gelako gakoak esportatu behar dituzu saioa amaitu aurretik. Riot-en bertsio berriagora bueltatu behar zara hau egiteko",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "Riot-en bertsio berriago bat erabili duzu %(host)s zerbitzarian. Bertsio hau berriro erabiltzeko muturretik muturrerako zifratzearekin, saioa amaitu eta berriro hasi beharko duzu. ",
"Incompatible Database": "Datu-base bateraezina",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Jarraitu zifratzerik gabe",
"Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "Ziurtatu zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratze pasa-esaldi batekin.",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "Saioa amaitzen baduzu edo gailu hau erabiltzeko aukera galtzen baduzu, hau beharko duzu.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Sartu pasa-esaldi bat...",
"Next": "Hurrengoa",
"If you don't want encrypted message history to be availble on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "Ez baduzu zifratutako mezuen historiala beste gailuetan eskuragarri egotea, <button>desaktibatu aukera</button>.",
"Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "Edo, ez baduzu berreskuratze pasa-esaldi bat sortu nahi, saltatu urrats hau eta <button>deskargatu berreskuratze gako bat</button>.",
"That matches!": "Bat dator!",
"That doesn't match.": "Ez dator bat.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Joan atzera eta berriro ezarri.",
"Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "Idatzi zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gogoratzen duzula berresteko. lagungarria bazaizu, gehitu ezazu zure pasahitz-kudeatzailera edo gorde toki seguru batean.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Errepikatu zure pasa-esaldia...",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Egin berreskuratze gako honen kopia eta gorde toki seguruan.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Aukeran, berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahazten baduzu, zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratzeko erabili dezakezu.",
"Your Recovery Key": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa",
"Copy to clipboard": "Kopiatu arbelera",
"Download": "Deskargatu",
"I've made a copy": "Kopia bat egin dut",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa <b>zure arbelera kopiatu da</b>, itsatsi hemen:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa zure <b>Deskargak</b> karpetan dago.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Inprimatu ezazu</b> eta gorde toki seguruan",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Gorde ezazu</b> USB giltza batean edo babes-kopien diskoan",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopiatu ezazu</b> zure hodeiko biltegi pertsonalean",
"Got it": "Ulertuta",
"Backup created": "Babes-kopia sortuta",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "Zure zifratze gakoak zure hasiera-zerbitzarian gordetzen ari dira.",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Mezuen berreskuratze segurua ezartzen ez bada, ezin izango duzu zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratu saioa amaitzen baduzu edo beste gailu bat erabiltzen baduzu.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Ezarri mezuen berreskuratze segurua",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Sortu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Berretsi berreskuratze pasa-esaldia",
"Recovery Key": "Berreskuratze gakoa",
"Keep it safe": "Gorde toki seguruan",
"Backing up...": "Babes-kopia egiten...",
"Create Key Backup": "Sortu gakoaren babes-kopia",
"Unable to create key backup": "Ezin izan da gakoaren babes-kopia sortu",
"Retry": "Berriro saiatu",
"Unable to load backup status": "Ezin izan da babes-kopiaren egoera kargatu",
"Unable to restore backup": "Ezin izan da babes-kopia berrezarri",
"No backup found!": "Ez da babes-kopiarik aurkitu!",
"Backup Restored": "Babes-kopia berrezarrita",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Ezin izan dira %(failedCount)s saio deszifratu!",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "%(sessionCount)s saio gako berrezarrita",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Sartu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta ezarri mezularitza segurua zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia sartuz.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahaztu baduzu <button1>berreskuratze gakoa erabili</button1> dezakezu edo <button2>berreskuratze aukera berriak ezarri</button2> ditzakezu",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Sartu berreskuratze gakoa",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Hau baliozko berreskuratze gako bat dirudi!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Ez da baliozko berreskuratze gako bat",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta ezarri mezularitza segurua zure berreskuratze gakoa sartuz.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahaztu baduzu <button>berreskuratze aukera berriak ezarri</button> ditzakezu",
"Key Backup": "Gakoen babes-kopia",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Hai saioa urrats batean",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Huts egin du hasiera-zerbitzarien bilaketak",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Baliogabeko hasiera-zerbitzarien bilaketaren erantzuna",
"Cannot find homeserver": "Ezin izan da hasiera-zerbitzaria aurkitu",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s bidez %(osName)s ostalarian",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop %(platformName)s plataforman",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riotek ez du euskarririk mugikorrentzako webean. Instalatu aplikazioa?",

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"Devices": "Appareils",
"Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room": "Les appareils ne pourront pas encore déchiffrer l'historique de messages d'avant leur arrivée sur le salon",
"Failed to join room": "Échec de linscription au salon",
"Failed to kick": "Échec de l'exclusion",
"Failed to kick": "Échec de l'expulsion",
"Failed to leave room": "Échec du départ du salon",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Échec du chargement de la position dans l'historique",
"Failed to mute user": "Échec de la mise en sourdine de l'utilisateur",
@ -159,9 +159,9 @@
"Join Room": "Rejoindre le salon",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s a rejoint le salon.",
"Joins room with given alias": "Rejoint le salon avec l'alias renseigné",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s a exclu %(targetName)s.",
"Kick": "Exclure",
"Kicks user with given id": "Exclut l'utilisateur à partir de son identifiant",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s a expulsé %(targetName)s.",
"Kick": "Expulser",
"Kicks user with given id": "Expulse l'utilisateur à partir de son identifiant",
"Labs": "Laboratoire",
"Leave room": "Quitter le salon",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s a quitté le salon.",
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
"Verified": "Vérifié",
"Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Souhaitez-vous <acceptText>accepter</acceptText> ou <declineText>refuser</declineText> cette invitation ?",
"You have been banned from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "Vous avez été banni(e) de %(roomName)s par %(userName)s.",
"You have been kicked from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "Vous avez été exclu de %(roomName)s par %(userName)s.",
"You have been kicked from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "%(userName)s vous a expulsé de %(roomName)s.",
"You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to this account.": "Vous souhaiteriez peut-être vous identifier avec un autre compte, ou ajouter cette e-mail à votre compte.",
"Your home server does not support device management.": "Votre serveur d'accueil ne prend pas en charge la gestion d'appareils.",
"(~%(count)s results)": {
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
"Define the power level of a user": "Définir le rang d'un utilisateur",
"Edit": "Modifier",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Activer la détection automatique de la langue pour la correction orthographique",
"Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Masquer les messages d'arrivée/départ (n'affecte pas les invitations/exclusions/bannissements)",
"Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Masquer les messages d'arrivée/départ (n'affecte pas les invitations/expulsions/bannissements)",
"Revoke widget access": "Révoquer les accès du widget",
"Sets the room topic": "Défini le sujet du salon",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "Pour commencer, choisissez un nom d'utilisateur !",
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@
"Guests can join": "Les invités peuvent rejoindre le salon",
"To invite users into the room, you must be a": "Pour inviter des utilisateurs dans le salon, vous devez être un(e)",
"To configure the room, you must be a": "Pour configurer le salon, vous devez être un(e)",
"To kick users, you must be a": "Pour exclure des utilisateurs, vous devez être un(e)",
"To kick users, you must be a": "Pour expulser des utilisateurs, vous devez être",
"To ban users, you must be a": "Pour bannir des utilisateurs, vous devez être un(e)",
"To remove other users' messages, you must be a": "Pour supprimer les messages d'autres utilisateurs, vous devez être un(e)",
"To send events of type <eventType/>, you must be a": "Pour envoyer des évènements du type <eventType/>, vous devez être un",
@ -743,14 +743,14 @@
"%(senderName)s sent a video": "%(senderName)s a envoyé une vidéo",
"%(senderName)s uploaded a file": "%(senderName)s a transféré un fichier",
"Disinvite this user?": "Désinviter l'utilisateur ?",
"Kick this user?": "Exclure cet utilisateur ?",
"Kick this user?": "Expulser cet utilisateur ?",
"Unban this user?": "Révoquer le bannissement de cet utilisateur ?",
"Ban this user?": "Bannir cet utilisateur ?",
"Drop here to favourite": "Déposer ici pour mettre en favori",
"Drop here to tag direct chat": "Déposer ici pour marquer comme conversation directe",
"Drop here to restore": "Déposer ici pour restaurer",
"Drop here to demote": "Déposer ici pour rétrograder",
"You have been kicked from this room by %(userName)s.": "Vous avez été exclu de ce salon par %(userName)s.",
"You have been kicked from this room by %(userName)s.": "%(userName)s vous a expulsé de ce salon.",
"You have been banned from this room by %(userName)s.": "Vous avez été banni de ce salon par %(userName)s.",
"You are trying to access a room.": "Vous essayez d'accéder à un salon.",
"Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "Seulement les membres (depuis la sélection de cette option)",
@ -848,12 +848,12 @@
"one": "a vu son bannissement révoqué"
"were kicked %(count)s times": {
"other": "ont été exclus %(count)s fois",
"one": "ont été exclus"
"other": "ont été expulsés %(count)s fois",
"one": "ont été expulsés"
"was kicked %(count)s times": {
"other": "a été exclu %(count)s fois",
"one": "a été exclu"
"other": "a été expulsé %(count)s fois",
"one": "a été expulsé"
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(severalUsers)s ont changé de nom %(count)s fois",
@ -1369,6 +1369,122 @@
"Please accept all of the policies": "Veuillez accepter toutes les politiques",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Veuillez lire et accepter les politiques de ce serveur d'accueil :",
"Add some now": "En ajouter maintenant",
"Joining room...": "Adhésion au salon…",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Vous êtes administrateur de cette communauté. Vous ne pourrez pas revenir sans une invitation d'un autre administrateur.",
"Open Devtools": "Ouvrir les outils développeur",
"Show developer tools": "Afficher les outils de développeur",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Épingler les salons non lus en haut de la liste des salons",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Épingler les salons où l'on me mentionne en haut de la liste des salons",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Si vous souhaitez créer un compte Matrix, vous pouvez <a>vous inscrire</a> maintenant.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "Vous utilisez Riot de façon anonyme en tant qu'invité.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Veuillez lire et accepter toutes les polices du serveur d'accueil",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Pour éviter de perdre l'historique de vos discussions, vous devez exporter vos clés avant de vous déconnecter. Vous devez revenir à une version plus récente de Riot pour pouvoir le faire",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "Vous avez utilisé une version plus récente de Riot sur %(host)s. Pour utiliser à nouveau cette version avec le chiffrement de bout à bout, vous devez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter. ",
"Incompatible Database": "Base de données incompatible",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Continuer avec le chiffrement désactivé",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Se connecter avec l'authentification unique",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Chargement impossible ! Vérifiez votre connexion au réseau et réessayez.",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "Sauvegarde des clés de chiffrement vers le serveur",
"Delete Backup": "Supprimer la sauvegarde",
"Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history": "Supprimer vos clés de chiffrement sauvegardées du serveur ? Vous ne pourrez plus utiliser votre clé de récupération pour lire l'historique de vos messages chiffrés",
"Delete backup": "Supprimer la sauvegarde",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Impossible de charger l'état de sauvegarde des clés",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "Cet appareil envoie des clés vers cette sauvegarde",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "Cet appareil <b>n'</b>envoie <b>pas</p> de clés vers cette sauvegarde",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "La sauvegarde a une signature <validity>valide</validity> pour cet appareil",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device>x</device>": "La sauvegarde a une signature <validity>valide</validity> de l'appareil <verify>vérifié</verify> <device>x</device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "La sauvegarde a une signature <validity>valide</validity> de l'appareil <verify>non vérifié</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "La sauvegarde a une signature <validity>non valide</validity> de l'appareil <verify>vérifié</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "La sauvegarde a une signature <validity>non valide</validity> de l'appareil <verify>non vérifié</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "La sauvegarde n'est signée par aucun de vos appareils",
"Backup version: ": "Version de la sauvegarde : ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algorithme : ",
"Restore backup": "Restaurer la sauvegarde",
"No backup is present": "Il n'y a aucune sauvegarde",
"Start a new backup": "Créer une nouvelle sauvegarde",
"Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "Sécurisez l'historique de vos messages chiffrés avec une phrase de récupération.",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "Vous en aurez besoin si vous vous déconnectez ou si vous n'avez plus accès à cet appareil.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Saisissez une phrase de passe…",
"Next": "Suivant",
"If you don't want encrypted message history to be availble on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "Si vous ne souhaitez pas que l'historique de vos messages chiffrés soit disponible sur d'autres appareils, <button>refusez</button>.",
"Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "Ou si vous ne voulez pas créer une phrase de récupération, sautez cette étape et <button>téléchargez une clé de récupération</button>.",
"That matches!": "Ça correspond !",
"That doesn't match.": "Ça ne correspond pas.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Retournez en arrière pour la redéfinir.",
"Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "Saisissez votre phrase de récupération pour confirmer que vous vous en souvenez. Si cela peut vous aider, ajoutez-la à votre gestionnaire de mots de passe ou rangez-la dans un endroit sûr.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Répétez votre phrase de passe…",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Faites une copie de cette clé de récupération et gardez-la en lieu sûr.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Par précaution, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour récupérer l'historique de vos messages chiffrés si vous oubliez votre phrase de récupération.",
"Your Recovery Key": "Votre clé de récupération",
"Copy to clipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"Download": "Télécharger",
"I've made a copy": "J'ai fait une copie",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Votre clé de récupération a été <b>copiée dans votre presse-papier</b>, collez-la dans :",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Votre clé de récupération est dans votre dossier de <b>téléchargements</b>.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Imprimez-la</b> et conservez-la dans un endroit sûr",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Sauvegardez-la</b> sur une clé USB ou un disque de sauvegarde",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Copiez-la</b> dans votre espace de stockage personnel en ligne",
"Got it": "Compris",
"Backup created": "Sauvegarde créée",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "Vos clés de chiffrement sont en train d'être sauvegardées sur votre serveur d'accueil.",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Si vous ne configurez pas la récupération de messages sécurisée, vous ne pourrez pas récupérer l'historique de vos messages chiffrés si vous vous déconnectez ou si vous utilisez un autre appareil.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Configurer la récupération de messages sécurisée",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Créer une phrase de récupération",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Confirmer la phrase de récupération",
"Recovery Key": "Clé de récupération",
"Keep it safe": "Conservez-la en lieu sûr",
"Backing up...": "Sauvegarde en cours…",
"Create Key Backup": "Créer la sauvegarde des clés",
"Unable to create key backup": "Impossible de créer la sauvegarde des clés",
"Retry": "Réessayer",
"Unable to load backup status": "Impossible de charger l'état de la sauvegarde",
"Unable to restore backup": "Impossible de restaurer la sauvegarde",
"No backup found!": "Aucune sauvegarde n'a été trouvée !",
"Backup Restored": "Sauvegarde restaurée",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Le déchiffrement de %(failedCount)s sessions a échoué !",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "%(sessionCount)s clés de session ont été restaurées",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Saisissez la phrase de récupération",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Accédez à l'historique sécurisé de vos messages et configurez la messagerie sécurisée en renseignant votre phrase de récupération.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Si vous avez oublié votre phrase de récupération vous pouvez <button1>utiliser votre clé de récupération</button1> ou <button2>configurer de nouvelles options de récupération</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Saisissez la clé de récupération",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Cela ressemble à une clé de récupération valide !",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Ce n'est pas une clé de récupération valide",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Accédez à l'historique sécurisé de vos messages et configurez la messagerie sécurisée en renseignant votre clé de récupération.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Si vous avez oublié votre clé de récupération vous pouvez <button>configurer de nouvelle options de récupération</button>",
"Key Backup": "Sauvegarde de clés",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Échec lors de la découverte du serveur d'accueil",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Réponse de découverte du serveur d'accueil non valide",
"Cannot find homeserver": "Le serveur d'accueil est introuvable",
"File is too big. Maximum file size is %(fileSize)s": "Le fichier est trop gros. La taille maximum est de %(fileSize)s",
"The following files cannot be uploaded:": "Les fichiers suivants n'ont pas pu être envoyés :",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Utilisez quelques mots, évitez les phrases courantes",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Il n'y a pas besoin de symboles, de chiffres ou de majuscules",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Évitez de répéter des mots et des caractères",
"Avoid sequences": "Évitez les séquences",
"Avoid recent years": "Évitez les années récentes",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Évitez les années qui ont un rapport avec vous",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Évitez les dates et les années qui ont un rapport avec vous",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Les majuscules n'aident pas vraiment",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Uniquement des majuscules, c'est presque aussi facile à deviner qu'uniquement des minuscules",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Les mots inversés ne sont pas beaucoup plus difficiles à deviner",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Les substitutions prévisibles comme « @ » à la place de « a » n'aident pas vraiment",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Ajoutez un ou deux mots. Les mots rares sont à privilégier.",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Les répétitions comme « aaa » sont faciles à deviner",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Les répétitions comme « abcabcabc » ne sont pas beaucoup plus difficiles à deviner que « abc »",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Les séquences comme abc ou 6543 sont faciles à deviner",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "Les années récentes sont faciles à deviner",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Les dates sont généralement faciles à deviner",
"This is a top-10 common password": "Cela fait partie des 10 mots de passe les plus répandus",
"This is a top-100 common password": "Cela fait partie des 100 mots de passe les plus répandus",
"This is a very common password": "C'est un mot de passe très répandu",
"This is similar to a commonly used password": "Cela ressemble à un mot de passe répandu",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Un mot seul est facile à deviner",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Les noms et prénoms seuls sont faciles à deviner",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Les noms et prénoms répandus sont faciles à deviner",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Utilisez un schéma plus long et avec plus de variations",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Super ! Cette phrase de passe a l'air assez forte.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "En cas de problème, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour récupérer l'historique de vos messages chiffrés.",
"Failed to load group members": "Échec du chargement des membres du groupe",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s dans %(browserName)s sous %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Version bureau de Riot sur %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nest pas disponible en version web mobile. Installer lapplication ?",

@ -1370,6 +1370,121 @@
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Kérlek nézd át és fogadd el a Matrix szerver felhasználói feltételeit:",
"Add some now": "Adj hozzá párat",
"Joining room...": "Belépés a szobába..",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Te vagy ennek a közösségnek az adminisztrátora. Egy másik adminisztrátortól kapott meghívó nélkül nem tudsz majd újra csatlakozni.",
"Open Devtools": "Fejlesztői eszközök megnyitása",
"Show developer tools": "Fejlesztői eszközök megjelenítése",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Nem olvasott üzeneteket tartalmazó szobák a szobalista elejére",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Megemlítéseket tartalmazó szobák a szobalista elejére",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Ha létre szeretnél hozni egy Matrix fiókot most <a>regisztrálhatsz</a>.",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "A Riotot ismeretlen vendégként használod.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Kérlek nézd át és fogadd el a Matrix szerver felhasználási feltételeit",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Hogy a régi üzenetekhez továbbra is hozzáférhess kijelentkezés előtt ki kell mentened a szobák titkosító kulcsait. Ehhez a Riot egy frissebb verzióját kell használnod",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "Előzőleg a Riot egy frissebb verzióját használtad itt: %(host)s. Ki-, és vissza kell jelentkezned, hogy megint ezt a verziót használhasd végponttól végpontig titkosításhoz. ",
"Incompatible Database": "Nem kompatibilis adatbázis",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Folytatás a titkosítás kikapcsolásával",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Bejelentkezés „egyszeri bejelentkezéssel”",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "A betöltés sikertelen! Ellenőrizd a hálózati kapcsolatot és próbáld újra.",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "Titkosítási kulcsok mentése a szerverre",
"Delete Backup": "Mentés törlése",
"Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history": "Törlöd az elmentett titkosítási kulcsokat a szerverről? Később nem tudod használni helyreállítási kulcsot a régi titkosított üzenetek elolvasásához",
"Delete backup": "Mentés törlése",
"Unable to load key backup status": "A mentett kulcsok állapotát nem lehet lekérdezni",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "Ez az eszköz kulcsokat tölt fel ebbe a mentésbe",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "Ez az eszköz <b>nem</b> tölt fel kulcsokat ebbe a mentésbe",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "A mentés <validity>érvényes</validity> aláírást tartalmaz az eszközről",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device>x</device>": "A mentés <validity>érvényes</validity> aláírást tartalmaz erről az <verify>ellenőrzött</verify> eszközről: <device>x</device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "A mentés <validity>érvényes</validity> aláírást tartalmaz erről az <verify>ellenőrizetlen</verify> eszközről: <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "A mentés <validity>érvénytelen</validity> aláírást tartalmaz erről az <verify>ellenőrzött</verify> eszközről: <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "A mentés <validity>érvénytelen</validity> aláírást tartalmaz erről az <verify>ellenőrizetlen</verify> eszközről: <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "A mentés nincs aláírva egyetlen eszközöd által sem",
"Backup version: ": "Mentés verzió: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algoritmus: ",
"Restore backup": "Mentés visszaállítása",
"No backup is present": "Mentés nem található",
"Start a new backup": "Új mentés indítása",
"Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "Helyezd biztonságba a titkosított üzenetek olvasásának a lehetőségét a Helyreállítási jelmondattal.",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "Szükséged lesz rá ha kijelentkezel vagy nem férsz többé hozzá az eszközödhöz.",
"Enter a passphrase...": "Add meg a jelmondatot...",
"Next": "Következő",
"If you don't want encrypted message history to be availble on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "Ha nincs szükséged a régi titkosított üzenetekre más eszközön, <button>utasítsd el</button>.",
"Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "Vagy, ha nem szeretnél Helyreállítási jelmondatot megadni, hagyd ki ezt a lépést és <button>töltsd le a helyreállítási kulcsot</button>.",
"That matches!": "Egyeznek!",
"That doesn't match.": "Nem egyeznek.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Lépj vissza és állítsd be újra.",
"Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "Add meg a Helyreállítási jelmondatot, hogy bizonyítsd, hogy emlékszel rá. Ha az segít írd be a jelszó menedzseredbe vagy tárold más biztonságos helyen.",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "Ismételd meg a jelmondatot...",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Készíts másolatot a Helyreállítási kulcsból és tárold biztonságos helyen.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Mint egy biztonsági háló, ha elfelejted a Helyreállítási jelmondatot felhasználhatod, hogy hozzáférj a régi titkosított üzeneteidhez.",
"Your Recovery Key": "A Helyreállítási kulcsod",
"Copy to clipboard": "Másolás a vágólapra",
"Download": "Letölt",
"I've made a copy": "Készítettem másolatot",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "A Helyreállítási kulcsod a <b>vágólapra lett másolva</b>, beillesztés ide:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "A Helyreállítási kulcs a <b>Letöltések</b> mappádban van.",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Nyomtad ki</b> és tárold biztonságos helyen",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Mentsd el</b> egy Pendrive-ra vagy a biztonsági mentésekhez",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Másold fel</b> a személyes felhődbe",
"Got it": "Értem",
"Backup created": "Mentés elkészült",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "A titkosítási kulcsaid a Matrix szervereden vannak elmentve.",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "A Biztonságos Üzenet Visszaállítás beállítása nélkül ha kijelentkezel vagy másik eszközt használsz, akkor nem tudod visszaállítani a régi titkosított üzeneteidet.",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Biztonságos Üzenet Visszaállítás beállítása",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Helyreállítási jelmondat megadása",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Helyreállítási jelmondat megerősítése",
"Recovery Key": "Helyreállítási kulcs",
"Keep it safe": "Tartsd biztonságban",
"Backing up...": "Mentés...",
"Create Key Backup": "Kulcs mentés készítése",
"Unable to create key backup": "Kulcs mentés sikertelen",
"Retry": "Újra",
"Unable to load backup status": "A mentés állapotát nem lehet lekérdezni",
"Unable to restore backup": "A mentést nem lehet visszaállítani",
"No backup found!": "Mentés nem található!",
"Backup Restored": "Mentés visszaállítva",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "%(failedCount)s kapcsolatot nem lehet visszafejteni!",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "%(sessionCount)s kapcsolati kulcsok visszaállítva",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Add meg a Helyreállítási jelmondatot",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "A helyreállítási jelmondattal hozzáférsz a régi titkosított üzeneteidhez és beállíthatod a biztonságos üzenetküldést.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Ha elfelejtetted a helyreállítási jelmondatodat használhatod a <button1>helyreállítási kulcsodat</button1> vagy <button2>új helyreállítási paramétereket állíthatsz be</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "Add meg a Helyreállítási kulcsot",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Ez érvényes helyreállítási kulcsnak tűnik!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Nem helyreállítási kulcs",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "A helyreállítási kulcs megadásával hozzáférhetsz a régi biztonságos üzeneteidhez és beállíthatod a biztonságos üzenetküldést.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Ha elfelejtetted a helyreállítási jelmondatot <button>beállíthatsz új helyreállítási paramétereket</button>",
"Key Backup": "Kulcs mentés",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "A Matrix szerver felderítése sikertelen",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "A Matrix szerver felderítésére kapott válasz érvénytelen",
"Cannot find homeserver": "Matrix szerver nem található",
"File is too big. Maximum file size is %(fileSize)s": "A fájl túl nagy. A maximális fájl méret: %(fileSize)s",
"The following files cannot be uploaded:": "Az alábbi fájlokat nem lehetett feltölteni:",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Néhány szót használj és kerüld el a szokásos szövegeket",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Nincs szükség szimbólumokra, számokra vagy nagy betűkre",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Használj hosszabb billentyűzet mintát több kanyarral",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Kerüld a szó-, vagy betűismétlést",
"Avoid sequences": "Kerüld a sorozatokat",
"Avoid recent years": "Kerüld a közeli éveket",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Kerüld azokat az éveket amik összefüggésbe hozhatók veled",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Kerüld a dátumokat és évszámokat amik összefüggésbe hozhatók veled",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "A nagybetűk nem igazán segítenek",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "A csupa nagybetűset majdnem olyan könnyű kitalálni mint a csupa kisbetűset",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "A megfordított betűrendet sem sokkal nehezebb kitalálni",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Megjósolható helyettesítések mint az „a” helyett a „@” nem sokat segítenek",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Adj hozzá még egy-két szót. A ritkán használt szavak jobbak.",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Ismétlések mint az „aaa” könnyen kitalálhatók",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Az „abcabcabc” sorozatot csak kicsivel nehezebb kitalálni mint az „abc”-t",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Az olyan mint az abc vagy 6543 sorokat könnyű kitalálni",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "A közelmúlt évszámait könnyű kitalálni",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Általában a dátumokat könnyű kitalálni",
"This is a top-10 common password": "Ez benne van a 10 legelterjedtebb jelszó listájában",
"This is a top-100 common password": "Ez benne van a 100 legelterjedtebb jelszó listájában",
"This is a very common password": "Ez egy nagyon gyakori jelszó",
"This is similar to a commonly used password": "Ez nagyon hasonlít egy gyakori jelszóhoz",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Egy szót magában könnyű kitalálni",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Neveket egymagukban könnyű kitalálni",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Elterjedt neveket könnyű kitalálni",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "Szuper! Ez a jelmondat elég erősnek látszik.",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "Használhatod egy biztonsági hálóként a titkosított üzenetek visszaállításához.",
"Failed to load group members": "A közösség tagságokat nem sikerült betölteni",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s alkalmazás %(browserName)s böngészőn %(osName)s rendszeren",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop itt: %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "A mobilböngésző nem támogatja a Riotot. Telepíted inkább az alkalmazást?",

@ -1365,6 +1365,13 @@
"Clear cache and resync": "Svuota cache e risincronizza",
"Please accept all of the policies": "Si prega di accettare tutte le condizioni",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Consulta ed accetta le condizioni di questo homeserver:",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Fissa le stanze non lette in cima all'elenco stanze",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Fissa le stanze dove sono menzionato in cima all'elenco stanze",
"Joining room...": "Ingresso nella stanza...",
"Add some now": "Aggiungine ora",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Sei un amministratore di questa comunità. Non potrai rientrare senza un invito da parte di un altro amministratore.",
"Open Devtools": "Apri Devtools",
"Show developer tools": "Mostra strumenti sviluppatore",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop su %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot non è supportato sul web mobile. Installare l'applicazione?",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo sconosciuto",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
"fileName": "it.json",
"label": "Italiano"
"ja": {
"fileName": "ja.json",
"label": "日本語"
"ko": {
"fileName": "ko.json",
"label": "한국어"

@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Nie możesz przeprowadzić rozmowy głosowej VoIP w tej przeglądarce.",
"You do not have permission to post to this room": "Nie jesteś uprawniony do pisania w tym pokoju",
"You have been banned from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "Zostałeś permanentnie usunięty z pokoju %(roomName)s przez %(userName)s.",
"You have been invited to join this room by %(inviterName)s": "Zostałeś zaproszony do dołączenia do tego pokoju przez %(inviterName)s",
"You have been invited to join this room by %(inviterName)s": "Zostałeś(-aś) zaproszony(-a) do dołączenia do tego pokoju przez %(inviterName)s",
"You have been kicked from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "Zostałeś usunięty z %(roomName)s przez %(userName)s.",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Wylogowałeś się ze wszystkich urządzeń i nie będziesz już otrzymywał powiadomień push. Aby ponownie aktywować powiadomienia zaloguj się ponownie na każdym urządzeniu",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "Masz domyślnie <a>wyłączone</a> podglądy linków.",
@ -555,8 +555,8 @@
"code": "kod",
"quote": "cytat",
"Create": "Utwórz",
"Online": "Dostępny",
"Offline": "Niedostępny",
"Online": "Dostępny(-a)",
"Offline": "Niedostępny(-a)",
"Add an Integration": "Dodaj integrację",
"Token incorrect": "Niepoprawny token",
"To link to a room it must have <a>an address</a>.": "Aby móc stworzyć link do pokoju musi on mieć swój <a>adres</a>.",
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Próbowano załadować konkretny punkt na osi czasu w tym pokoju, ale nie nie można go znaleźć.",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Wyeksportowany plik pozwoli każdej osobie będącej w stanie go odczytać na deszyfrację jakichkolwiek zaszyfrowanych wiadomości, które możesz zobaczyć, tak więc zalecane jest zachowanie ostrożności. Aby w tym pomóc, powinieneś/aś wpisać hasło poniżej; hasło to będzie użyte do zaszyfrowania wyeksportowanych danych. Późniejsze zaimportowanie tych danych będzie możliwe tylko po uprzednim podaniu owego hasła.",
" (unsupported)": " (niewspierany)",
"Idle": "Bezczynny",
"Idle": "Bezczynny(-a)",
"Check for update": "Sprawdź aktualizacje",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar to <img/>": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmienił(a) awatar pokoju na <img/>",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s usunął(-ęła) awatar pokoju.",
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
"Loading...": "Ładowanie...",
"Pinned Messages": "Przypięte Wiadomości",
"Online for %(duration)s": "Online przez %(duration)s",
"Idle for %(duration)s": "Nieaktywny przez %(duration)s",
"Idle for %(duration)s": "Bezczynny(-a) przez %(duration)s",
"Offline for %(duration)s": "Offline przez %(duration)s",
"Unknown for %(duration)s": "Nieznany przez %(duration)s",
"Unknown": "Nieznany",
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@
"Failed to get protocol list from Home Server": "Nie można pobrać listy protokołów z serwera domowego",
"You are not receiving desktop notifications": "Nie otrzymujesz powiadomień na pulpit",
"Friday": "Piątek",
"Update": "Uaktualnienie",
"Update": "Zaktualizuj",
"What's New": "Co nowego",
"Add an email address above to configure email notifications": "Dodaj adres e-mail powyżej, aby skonfigurować powiadomienia e-mailowe",
"Expand panel": "Rozwiń panel",
@ -1157,7 +1157,8 @@
"Flair will appear if enabled in room settings": "Wyróżnik pojawi się, jeśli został włączony w ustawieniach pokoju",
"Flair will not appear": "Wyróżnik nie wyświetli się",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times": {
"one": "%(severalUsers)sdołączył"
"one": "%(severalUsers)sdołączył",
"other": "%(severalUsers)s dołączyli(-ły) %(count)s razy"
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.": {
"one": "<resendText>Wyślij ponownie wiadomość</resendText> lub <cancelText>anuluj wiadomość</cancelText>."
@ -1211,6 +1212,66 @@
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "W zaszyfrowanych pokojach, takich jak ten, podgląd adresów URL jest domyślnie wyłączony, aby upewnić się, że serwer (w którym generowane są podglądy) nie może zbierać informacji o linkach widocznych w tym pokoju.",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "Gdy ktoś umieści URL w wiadomości, można wyświetlić podgląd adresu URL, aby podać więcej informacji o tym łączu, takich jak tytuł, opis i obraz ze strony internetowej.",
"This event could not be displayed": "Ten event nie może zostać wyświetlony",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "Ten pokój został zamieniony i nie jest już aktywny.",
"The conversation continues here.": "Konwersacja jest kontynuowana tutaj.",
"System Alerts": "Alerty systemowe",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "Nie masz obecnie włączonych żadnych pakietów naklejek",
"Stickerpack": "Pakiet naklejek",
"This room is a continuation of another conversation.": "Ten pokój jest kontynuacją innej rozmowy.",
"Click here to see older messages.": "Kliknij tutaj, aby zobaczyć starsze wiadomości.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Ten serwer osiągnął miesięczny limit aktywnych użytkowników, więc <b>niektórzy użytkownicy nie będą mogli się zalogować</b>.",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>.": "Ten serwer przekroczył jeden z limitów, więc <b>niektórzy użytkownicy nie będą mogli się zalogować</b>.",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(count)s times": {
"other": "%(oneUser)s dołączył(a) %(count)s razy",
"one": "%(oneUser)s dołączył(a)"
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times": {
"one": "%(severalUsers)s wyszli(-ły)"
"Internal room ID: ": "Wewnętrzny identyfikator pokoju ",
"were invited %(count)s times": {
"one": "zostali(-ły) zaproszeni(-one)"
"Show developer tools": "Pokaż narzędzia deweloperskie",
"An email address is required to register on this homeserver.": "Adres e-mail jest wymagany do rejestracji na tym serwerze domowym.",
"A phone number is required to register on this homeserver.": "Numer telefonu jest wymagany do rejestracji na tym serwerze domowym.",
"Updating Riot": "Aktualizowanie Riot",
"Submit Debug Logs": "Wyślij dzienniki błędów",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Proszę, <a>skontaktuj się z administratorem</a> aby korzystać dalej z funkcji.",
"Only room administrators will see this warning": "Tylko administratorzy pokojów widzą to ostrzeżenie",
"Open Devtools": "Otwórz narzędzia deweloperskie",
"Clear cache and resync": "Wyczyść pamięć podręczną i zsynchronizuj ponownie",
"Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot używa teraz 3-5x mniej pamięci, ładując informacje o innych użytkownikach tylko wtedy, gdy jest to konieczne. Poczekaj, aż ponownie zsynchronizujemy się z serwerem!",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Jeśli inna wersja Riot jest nadal otwarta w innej zakładce, proszę zamknij ją, ponieważ używanie Riot na tym samym komputerze z włączonym i wyłączonym jednocześnie leniwym ładowaniem będzie powodować problemy.",
"And %(count)s more...": {
"other": "I %(count)s więcej…"
"Delete Backup": "Usuń Kopię Zapasową",
"Delete backup": "Usuń Kopię Zapasową",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Nie można załadować! Sprawdź połączenie sieciowe i spróbuj ponownie.",
"Algorithm: ": "Algorytm: ",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Przypnij nieprzeczytanie pokoje na górę listy pokojów",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Użyj kilku słów, unikaj typowych zwrotów",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Unikaj powtarzających się słów i znaków",
"Avoid sequences": "Unikaj sekwencji",
"Avoid recent years": "Unikaj ostatnich lat",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Unikaj lat, które są z tobą związane z Tobą",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Unikaj dat i lat, które są z tobą związane z Tobą",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Dodaj kolejne słowo lub dwa. Niezwykłe słowa są lepsze.",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "Ostatnie lata są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Daty są często łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"This is a very common password": "To jest bardzo popularne hasło",
"Backup version: ": "Wersja kopii zapasowej: ",
"Restore backup": "Przywróć kopię zapasową",
"Room version number: ": "Numer wersji pokoju: ",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Odwrócone słowa nie są trudniejsze do odgadnięcia",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Przewidywalne podstawienia, takie jak \"@\" zamiast \"a\", nie pomagają zbytnio",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Powtórzenia takie jak \"aaa\" są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Powtórzenia takie jak \"abcabcabc\" są tylko trochę trudniejsze do odgadnięcia niż \"abc\"",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Sekwencje takie jak abc lub 6543 są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Samo słowo jest łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Imiona i nazwiska same w sobie są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Popularne imiona i nazwiska są łatwe do odgadnięcia",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s przez %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot nie jest obsługiwany przez przeglądarki mobilne. Zainstaluj aplikację?",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop na %(platformName)s",

@ -1338,6 +1338,33 @@
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Tvingar den aktuella utgående gruppsessionen i ett krypterat rum att överges",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "Det gick inte att ansluta till hemserver. Försöker igen ...",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods": "Det gick inte att hämta stödda registreringsmetoder",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s satte huvudadressen för detta rum till %(address)s.",
"%(senderName)s added %(count)s %(addedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
"other": "%(senderName)s lade till %(addedAddresses)s som adresser för detta rum.",
"one": "%(senderName)s lade till %(addedAddresses)s som adress för detta rum."
"%(senderName)s removed %(count)s %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": {
"other": "%(senderName)s tog bort %(removedAddresses)s som adresser för detta rum.",
"one": "%(senderName)s tog bort %(removedAddresses)s som adress för detta rum."
"%(senderName)s added %(addedAddresses)s and removed %(removedAddresses)s as addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s lade till %(addedAddresses)s och tog bort %(removedAddresses)s som adresser för detta rum.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s tog bort huvudadressen för detta rum.",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "Nåla fast olästa rum längst upp i rumslistan",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "Nåla fast rum jag nämns i längst upp i rumslistan",
"Joining room...": "Går med i rum...",
"Add some now": "Lägg till några nu",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Granska och acceptera policyn för denna hemserver:",
"Before submitting logs, you must <a>create a GitHub issue</a> to describe your problem.": "Innan du skickar in loggar måste du <a>skapa en GitHub-bugg</a> för att beskriva problemet.",
"What GitHub issue are these logs for?": "Vilken GitHub-bugg är dessa loggar för?",
"Updating Riot": "Uppdaterar Riot",
"Submit Debug Logs": "Skicka felsökningsloggar",
"An email address is required to register on this homeserver.": "En epostadress krävs för att registrera sig på denna hemserver.",
"A phone number is required to register on this homeserver.": "Ett telefonnummer krävs för att registrera sig på denna hemserver.",
"Open Devtools": "Öppna Devtools",
"Show developer tools": "Visa utvecklingsverktyg",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "Du använder för närvarande Riot anonymt som gäst.",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "Du är administratör för denna community. Du kommer inte kunna gå med igen utan en inbjudan från en annan administratör.",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "Om du vill skapa ett Matrix-konto kan du <a>registrera dig</a> nu.",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "Riot stöds inte på mobil-webb. Installera appen?",

@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s గది పేరు తొలగించబడింది.",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "చరిత్ర చదివేవారికి మార్పులు ఈ గదిలో భవిష్య సందేశాలకు మాత్రమే వర్తిస్తాయి",
"Changes your display nickname": "మీ ప్రదర్శన మారుపేరుని మారుస్తుంది",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "మీరు మీతో కాల్ చేయలేరు.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "మీకు మీరే కాల్ చేయలేరు.",
"You are already in a call.": "మీరు ఇప్పటికే కాల్లో ఉన్నారు.",
"You are trying to access %(roomName)s.": "మీరు %(roomName)s లను యాక్సెస్ చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నారు.",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "మీరు ఈ బ్రౌజర్లో VoIP కాల్లను ఉంచలేరు.",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "మీరు ఈ బ్రౌజర్లో కాల్లను చేయలేరు.",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "మీరు అన్ని పరికరాల నుండి లాగ్ అవుట్ అయ్యారు మరియు ఇకపై పుష్ ఉండదు.\nప్రకటనలను నోటిఫికేషన్లను పునఃప్రారంభించడానికి, ప్రతి పరికరంలో మళ్లీ సైన్ ఇన్ చేయండి",
"You have no visible notifications": "మీకు కనిపించే నోటిఫికేషన్లు లేవు",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "మీరు దీన్ని చేయడానికి వినియోగదారులను ఆహ్వానించగలరు.",
@ -278,9 +278,33 @@
"Collapse panel": "ప్యానెల్ కుదించు",
"Checking for an update...": "నవీకరణ కోసం చూస్తోంది...",
"Saturday": "శనివారం",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s ద్వర %(osName)s కి",
"This email address is already in use": "ఈ ఇమెయిల్ అడ్రస్ ఇప్పటికే వాడుకం లో ఉంది",
"This phone number is already in use": "ఈ ఫోన్ నంబర్ ఇప్పటికే వాడుకం లో ఉంది",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "ఇమెయిల్ అడ్రస్ ని నిరూపించలేక పోయాము. ఈమెయిల్ లో వచ్చిన లింక్ ని నొక్కారా",
"The platform you're on": "మీరు ఉన్న ప్లాట్ఫార్మ్",
"The version of Riot.im": "రయట్.ఐఎమ్ యొక్క వెర్సన్",
"Your homeserver's URL": "మీ హోమ్ సర్వర్ యొక్క URL",
"Your identity server's URL": "మీ ఐడెంటిటి సర్వర్ యొక్క URL",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "ఉ.దా. %(exampleValue)s 1",
"Every page you use in the app": "ఆప్ లో మీరు వాడే ప్రతి పేజి",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "ఉ.దా. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your User Agent": "మీ యీసర్ ఏజెంట్",
"Call Failed": "కాల్ విఫలమయింది",
"Review Devices": "పరికరాలని ఒక మారు చూసుకో",
"Call": "కాల్",
"Answer": "ఎత్తు",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "అటు వైపు ఎత్తలేకపోయారు",
"Unable to capture screen": "తెరని చూపలేకపోతున్నారు",
"Existing Call": "నజుస్తున్న కాల్",
"VoIP is unsupported": "కాల్ చేయుట ఈ పరికరం పోషించలేదు",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "ఇంటిగ్రేషన్ సర్వర్ లేనప్పుడు కాన్ఫరెన్స్ కాల్ మొదలుపెట్టలేరు",
"Call in Progress": "నడుస్తున్న కాల్",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s ద్వార %(osName)s కి",
"Riot Desktop on %(platformName)s": "రియట్ రంగస్థలం లో %(platformName)s",
"Welcome to Riot.im": "రిమోట్.ఇం కి స్వగతం",
"Search the room directory": "గది వివరాన్ని శోధించండి",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "రియోట్ బొట్తో మాటామంతి చేయండి"
"Chat with Riot Bot": "రియోట్ బొట్తో మాటామంతి చేయండి",
"Unknown device": "తెలుయని పరికరం",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "తెర ని పంచే కాల్ కి HTTPS అవసరం.",
"Riot is not supported on mobile web. Install the app?": "మొబైల్ బ్రౌజర్ లో రియట్ పనిచేయదు. ఆప్ ఇన్స్టాల్ చేయాలా?"

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"New password": "新密码",
"Add a topic": "添加主题",
"Admin": "管理员",
"Admin Tools": "管理工具",
"Admin Tools": "管理工具",
"VoIP": "IP 电话",
"Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "没有媒体存储权限,点此获取。",
"No Microphones detected": "未检测到麦克风",
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
"Unable to capture screen": "无法录制屏幕",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "无法启用通知",
"Unable to load device list": "无法加载设备列表",
"Undecryptable": "无法解密",
"Undecryptable": "无法解密",
"Unencrypted room": "未加密的聊天室",
"unencrypted": "未加密的",
"Unencrypted message": "未加密消息",
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
"Use with caution": "谨慎使用",
"User Interface": "用户界面",
"User name": "用户名",
"(no answer)": "(无响应",
"(no answer)": "(无回复",
"(warning: cannot be disabled again!)": "(警告:无法再被禁用!)",
"WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "警告:设备已验证,但密钥不匹配!",
"Who can access this room?": "谁有权访问此聊天室?",
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other devices.": "从其他设备上 <requestLink>重新请求密钥</requestLink>。",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "如果您是房间中最后一位有权限的用户,在您降低自己的权限等级后将无法撤回此修改,因为你将无法重新获得权限。",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "您将无法撤回此修改,因为您正在将此用户的滥权等级提升至与你相同。",
"No devices with registered encryption keys": "没有设备有已注册加密密钥",
"No devices with registered encryption keys": "没有已注册加密密钥的设备",
"Unmute": "取消静音",
"%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s滥权等级 %(powerLevelNumber)s",
"Hide Stickers": "隐藏贴图",
@ -856,15 +856,15 @@
"%(duration)sh": "%(duration)s 小时",
"%(duration)sd": "%(duration)s 天",
"Online for %(duration)s": "已上线 %(duration)s",
"Idle for %(duration)s": "已 idle %(duration)s",
"Idle for %(duration)s": "已闲置%(duration)s",
"Offline for %(duration)s": "已离线 %(duration)s",
"Unknown for %(duration)s": "在线状态未知 %(duration)s",
"Unknown for %(duration)s": "未知状态 %(duration)s",
"Seen by %(displayName)s (%(userName)s) at %(dateTime)s": "%(displayName)s (%(userName)s) 在 %(dateTime)s 看到这里",
"Remove avatar": "移除头像",
"Drop here to favourite": "拖动到这里以加入收藏",
"Drop here to tag direct chat": "拖动到这里以加入私聊",
"Drop here to restore": "拖动到这里以还原",
"Drop here to demote": "拖动到这里以加入低优先级",
"Drop here to demote": "拖动到这里以低优先级",
"Unable to ascertain that the address this invite was sent to matches one associated with your account.": "无法确定此邀请发送给的邮件地址是否与您帐户所关联的邮件地址相匹配。",
"You have been kicked from this room by %(userName)s.": "您已被 %(userName)s 从此聊天室中移除。",
"'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID": "“%(groupId)s” 不是有效的社区 ID",
@ -948,7 +948,7 @@
"To change the room's avatar, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的头像,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's name, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的名称,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's main address, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的主地址,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's history visibility, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的历史聊天记录可见性,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's history visibility, you must be a": "无法更改本聊天室历史记录的可见性,您必须为",
"To change the permissions in the room, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室中的权限情况,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "为这些社区显示 flair",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "此聊天室没有对任何社区显示 flair",
@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
"A call is currently being placed!": "已发起一次通话!",
"Permission Required": "需要权限",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "您没有在此聊天室发起通话会议的权限",
"Show empty room list headings": "为空的聊天室列表显示 heading",
"Show empty room list headings": "为空的聊天室列表显示标题",
"This event could not be displayed": "无法显示此事件",
"Share Link to User": "分享链接给其他用户",
"deleted": "删除线",

@ -1368,6 +1368,120 @@
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "請審閱並接受此家伺服器的政策:",
"Add some now": "現在就新增一些",
"Joining room...": "正在加入聊天室……",
"Pin unread rooms to the top of the room list": "釘選未讀的聊天示到聊天室清單頂端",
"Pin rooms I'm mentioned in to the top of the room list": "釘選我被提及的聊天室到聊天室清單頂端",
"If you would like to create a Matrix account you can <a>register</a> now.": "若您想要建立一個 Matrix 帳號,您現在可以<a>註冊</a>了。",
"You are currently using Riot anonymously as a guest.": "您目前是以訪客的身份匿名使用 Riot。",
"You are an administrator of this community. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite from another administrator.": "您是此社群的管理員。您將無法在沒有其他管理員的邀請下重新加入。",
"Open Devtools": "開啟開發者工具",
"Show developer tools": "顯示開發者工具",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "無法載入!請檢查您的網路連線狀態並再試一次。",
"Backup of encryption keys to server": "將加密金鑰備份到伺服器",
"Delete Backup": "刪除備份",
"Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history": "從伺服器刪除您已備份的加密金鑰?您將無法再使用您的復原金鑰來讀取加密的訊息歷史",
"Delete backup": "刪除備份",
"Unable to load key backup status": "無法載入金鑰備份狀態",
"This device is uploading keys to this backup": "此裝置正在上傳金鑰到此備份",
"This device is <b>not</b> uploading keys to this backup": "此裝置<b>並未</b>上傳金鑰到此備份",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this device": "備份有從此裝置而來的<validity>有效</validity>簽章",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device>x</device>": "備份有從<verify>已驗證的</verify> <device>x</device> 裝置而來的<validity>有效</validity>簽章",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "備份有從<verify>未驗證的</verify> <device></device> 裝置而來的<validity>有效</validity>簽章",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> device <device></device>": "備份有從<verify>已驗證的</verify> <device></device> 裝置而來的<validity>無效</validity>簽章",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> device <device></device>": "備份有從<verify>未驗證的</verify> <device></device> 裝置而來的<validity>無效</validity>簽章",
"Backup is not signed by any of your devices": "備份未被您的任何裝置簽署",
"Backup version: ": "備份版本: ",
"Algorithm: ": "演算法: ",
"Restore backup": "恢復備份",
"No backup is present": "沒有備份",
"Start a new backup": "開始新備份",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "請審閱並接受家伺服器的所有政策",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "為了避免遺失您的聊天歷史,您必須在登出前匯出您的聊天室金鑰。您必須回到較新的 Riot 才能執行此動作",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "您先前在 %(host)s 上使用較新的 Riot 版本。要再次與此版本一同使用端到端加密,您將需要登出並再次登入。 ",
"Incompatible Database": "不相容的資料庫",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "在停用加密的情況下繼續",
"Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "以復原密碼保證您的加密訊息歷史安全。",
"You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "如果您登出或是遺失對此裝置的存取權,您將會需要它。",
"Enter a passphrase...": "輸入密碼……",
"Next": "下一個",
"If you don't want encrypted message history to be availble on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "如果您不想要讓加密的訊息歷史在其他裝置上可用,<button>請選擇退出</button>。",
"Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "或是,如果您不想建立復原密碼,跳過此步驟並<button>下載復原金鑰</button>。",
"That matches!": "符合!",
"That doesn't match.": "不符合。",
"Go back to set it again.": "回去重新設定它。",
"Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "輸入您的復原密碼以確認您記得它。如果可以的話,把它加入到您的密碼管理員或是把它儲存在其他安全的地方。",
"Repeat your passphrase...": "重覆您的密碼……",
"Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "複製這把復原金鑰並把它放在安全的地方。",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "做為安全網,您可以在忘記您的復原密碼時使用它來復原您的加密訊息歷史。",
"Your Recovery Key": "您的復原金鑰",
"Copy to clipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"Download": "下載",
"I've made a copy": "我已經有副本了",
"Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "您的復原金鑰已<b>複製到您的剪貼簿</b>,將它貼上到:",
"Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "您的復原金鑰在您的<b>下載</b>資料夾。",
"<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>列印它</b>並存放在安全的地方",
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>將它儲存</b>到 USB 金鑰或備份磁碟上",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>將它複製</b> 到您的個人雲端儲存",
"Got it": "知道了",
"Backup created": "備份已建立",
"Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "您的加密金鑰已經備份到您的家伺服器了。",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "在沒有設定安全訊息復原的狀況下,您將無法在登出或使用其他裝置後復原您的已加密訊息歷史。",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "設定安全訊息復原",
"Create a Recovery Passphrase": "建立復原密碼",
"Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "確認復原密碼",
"Recovery Key": "復原金鑰",
"Keep it safe": "保持安全",
"Backing up...": "正在備份……",
"Create Key Backup": "建立金鑰備份",
"Unable to create key backup": "無法建立金鑰備份",
"Retry": "重試",
"Unable to load backup status": "無法載入備份狀態",
"Unable to restore backup": "無法復原備份",
"No backup found!": "找不到備份!",
"Backup Restored": "備份已復原",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "解密 %(failedCount)s 工作階段失敗!",
"Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "%(sessionCount)s 工作階段金鑰已復原",
"Enter Recovery Passphrase": "輸入復原密碼",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "存取您的安全訊息歷史並透過輸入您的復原密碼來設定安全訊息。",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "如果您忘記您的復原密碼,您可以<button1>使用您的復原金鑰</button1>或<button2>設定新的復原選項</button2>",
"Enter Recovery Key": "輸入復原金鑰",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "看起來是有效的復原金鑰!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "不是有效的復原金鑰",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "存取您的安全訊息歷史並趟過輸入您的復原金鑰來設定安全傳訊。",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "如果您忘記您的復原密碼,您可以<button>設定新的復原選項</button>",
"Key Backup": "金鑰備份",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "執行家伺服器探索失敗",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "無效的家伺服器探索回應",
"Cannot find homeserver": "找不到家伺服器",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "以單一登入來登入",
"File is too big. Maximum file size is %(fileSize)s": "檔案太大了。最大的檔案大小為 %(fileSize)s",
"The following files cannot be uploaded:": "下列檔案無法上傳:",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "使用數個字,但避免常用片語",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "不需要符號、數字或大寫字母",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "以更多變化使用較長的鍵盤模式",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "避免重覆的文字與字母",
"Avoid sequences": "避免序列",
"Avoid recent years": "避免最近的年份",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "避免關於您的年份",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "避免關於您的日期與年份",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "大寫並沒有太大的協助",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "全大寫通常比全小寫好猜",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "反向拼字不會比較難猜",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "如「@」而非「a」這樣的預期中的替換並沒有太多的協助",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "加入一個或兩個額外的單字。最好是不常用的。",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "如「aaa」這樣的重覆易於猜測",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "如「abcabcabc」這樣的重覆只比「abc」難猜一點",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "如 abc 或 6543 這樣的序列易於猜測",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "最近的年份易於猜測",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "日期通常比較好猜",
"This is a top-10 common password": "這是十大最常見的密碼",
"This is a top-100 common password": "這是百大最常見的密碼",
"This is a very common password": "這是非常常見的密碼",
"This is similar to a commonly used password": "這與常見使用的密碼很類似",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "單字本身很容易猜測",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "姓名與姓氏本身很容易猜測",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "常見的名字與姓氏易於猜測",
"Great! This passphrase looks strong enough.": "很好!這個密碼看起來夠強了。",
"As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history.": "做為安全網,您可以使用它來復原您已加密的訊息歷史。",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "在 %(osName)s 的 %(browserName)s 上的 %(appName)s",
"Unknown device": "未知裝置",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "你需要使用 HTTPS 來撥打螢幕分享的通話。",

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Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ $light-fg-color: #747474;
// button UI (white-on-green in light skin)
$accent-fg-color: $primary-bg-color;
$accent-color: #76CFA6;
$accent-color-50pct: #76CFA67F;
$selection-fg-color: $primary-fg-color;
@ -99,6 +100,8 @@ $voip-accept-color: #80f480;
$rte-bg-color: #353535;
$rte-code-bg-color: #000;
$room-warning-bg-color: #2d2d2d;
// ********************
$roomtile-name-color: rgba(186, 186, 186, 0.8);
@ -143,6 +146,9 @@ $lightbox-bg-color: #454545;
$lightbox-fg-color: #ffffff;
$lightbox-border-color: #ffffff;
$imagebody-giflabel: rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.7);
$imagebody-giflabel-border: rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.2);
// unused?
$progressbar-color: #000;
@ -165,6 +171,14 @@ $progressbar-color: #000;
outline: none;
@define-mixin mx_DialogButton_secondary {
// flip colours for the secondary ones
font-weight: 600;
border: 1px solid $accent-color ! important;
color: $accent-color;
background-color: $accent-fg-color;
// Nasty hacks to apply a filter to arbitrary monochrome artwork to make it
// better match the theme. Typically applied to dark grey 'off' buttons or
// light grey 'on' buttons.

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $focus-bg-color: #dddddd;
// button UI (white-on-green in light skin)
$accent-fg-color: #ffffff;
$accent-color: #76CFA6;
$accent-color-50pct: #76CFA67F;
$selection-fg-color: $primary-bg-color;
@ -148,9 +149,14 @@ $lightbox-bg-color: #454545;
$lightbox-fg-color: #ffffff;
$lightbox-border-color: #ffffff;
$imagebody-giflabel: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
$imagebody-giflabel-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
// unused?
$progressbar-color: #000;
$room-warning-bg-color: #fff8e3;
// ***** Mixins! *****
@define-mixin mx_DialogButton {
@ -183,3 +189,11 @@ $progressbar-color: #000;
font-size: 15px;
padding: 0px 1.5em 0px 1.5em;
@define-mixin mx_DialogButton_secondary {
// flip colours for the secondary ones
font-weight: 600;
border: 1px solid $accent-color ! important;
color: $accent-color;
background-color: $accent-fg-color;

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ $focus-bg-color: #dddddd;
// button UI (white-on-green in light skin)
$accent-fg-color: #ffffff;
$accent-color: #6CC1F6;
$accent-color-50pct: #6CC1F67F;
$accent-hover-color: #84cfff;
$selection-fg-color: $primary-bg-color;

@ -1 +1 @@
